Dies ist eine Sammlung von JavaScript-Funktionen, die hilfreich zur Erstellung von Skripten im JavaScript-Adapter sind. Ich pflege diese Scripts kontinuierlich und ergänze entsprechend.
Bitte beachtet: ioBroker bringt schon einige tolle Funktionen mit, siehe: ioBroker JavaScript-Funktionen
Weitere hilfreiche Ressourcen:
- Aufruf: Welche guten JavaScripts setzt ihr ein? Sammlung einiger Scripts
- javascript.info: Gutes JavaScript-Tutorial
- regex101: Zum einfachen Erstellen und Testen von Regular Expressions
1. Strings
* Will just keep lower case letters, numbers, and replaces the rest with a single "-"
* Use Case: to prepare a sting for a file name.
* @param {string} strInput Input String
* @return {string} the sanitized string
function sanitizeStr(strInput) {
let strT = strInput.toLowerCase();
let strResult = strT.replace(/([^a-z0-9]+)/gi, '-');
return strResult;
* Clean a given string for using in ioBroker as part of a atate
* Will just keep letters, incl. Umlauts, numbers, "-" and "_" and "."
* @param {string} strInput Input String
* @return {string} the processed string
function cleanStringForState(strInput) {
let strResult = strInput.replace(/([^a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜß0-9\-\._]+)/gi, '');
return strResult;
* Checks if the string provided contains either every or some terms.
* Requires function isLikeEmpty().
* Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36283767/javascript-select-the-string-if-it-matches-multiple-words-in-array
* @param {string} strInput - The string on which we run this search
* @param {array} arrayTerms - The terms we are searching, e.g. ["hue", "error", "raspberry"]
* @param {string} type - 'every': all terms must match to be true,
* 'some': at least one term (or more) must match
* 'blacklist': different here: function will always
* return FALSE, but if one of the arrayTerms contains
* minimum 3 chars and is found in provided string,
* we return TRUE (= blacklisted item found).
* @return {boolean} true, if it contains ALL words, false if not all words (or none)
* Also, will return true if arrayTerms is not array or an empty array
function strMatchesTerms(strInput, arrayTerms, type) {
if(type === 'blacklist') {
if (Array.isArray(arrayTerms)) {
let arrayTermsNew = [];
for (let lpTerm of arrayTerms) {
if (lpTerm.length >= 3) {
if(isLikeEmpty(arrayTermsNew) === false) {
let bResultBL = arrayTermsNew.some(function(word) {
return strInput.indexOf(word) > -1;
return bResultBL;
} else {
return false; // return false if no items to be blacklisted
} else {
return false; // we return false if the arrayTerms given is not an array. Want to make sure if we really should blacklist...
} else {
if (Array.isArray(arrayTerms)) {
if(type === 'every') {
let bResultEvery = arrayTerms.every(function(word) {
return strInput.indexOf(word) > -1;
return bResultEvery;
} else if(type === 'some') {
let bResultSome = arrayTerms.some(function(word) {
return strInput.indexOf(word) > -1;
return bResultSome;
} else {
return true; // we return true if the arrayTerms given is not an array
* Encrypts or decrypts a string.
* @source https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/127454/a-small-custom-encryption-decryption-script
* @param {string} strInput The input string to be encrypted or decrypted
* @param {boolean} bEncrypt if true, it will be encrypted, otherwise decrypted
* @return {string} Encrypted or decrypted string.
function cryptStr(strInput, bEncrypt) {
var text = strInput;
var crypted = '';
for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var ASCII = text[i].charCodeAt(0);
var n = null;
if(i % 2 === 0) {
n = bEncrypt === true ? ASCII + 4 : ASCII - 4;
else if(i % 2 == 1) {
n = bEncrypt === true ? ASCII + 7 : ASCII - 7;
var s = String.fromCharCode(n);
crypted += s;
return crypted;
2. Strings/Arrays gemischt
und /]
durch /\[
und /\[
ersetzen, wird durch das Forum nicht korrekt dargestellt.
* Checks if Array or String is not undefined, null or empty.
* 08-Sep-2019: added check for [ and ] to also catch arrays with empty strings.
* @param inputVar - Input Array or String, Number, etc.
* @return true if it is undefined/null/empty, false if it contains value(s)
* Array or String containing just whitespaces or >'< or >"< or >[< or >]< is considered empty
function isLikeEmpty(inputVar) {
if (typeof inputVar !== 'undefined' && inputVar !== null) {
let strTemp = JSON.stringify(inputVar);
strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\s+/g, ''); // remove all whitespaces
strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\"+/g, ""); // remove all >"<
strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\'+/g, ""); // remove all >'<
strTemp = strTemp.replace(/[+/g, ""); // remove all >[<
strTemp = strTemp.replace(/]+/g, ""); // remove all >]<
if (strTemp !== '') {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return true;
3. Arrays
* Removing Array element(s) by input value.
* @param {array} arr the input array
* @param {string} valRemove the value to be removed
* @param {boolean} [exact=true] OPTIONAL: default is true. if true, it must fully match. if false, it matches also if valRemove is part of element string
* @return {array} the array without the element(s)
function arrayRemoveElementsByValue(arr, valRemove, exact) {
if (exact === undefined) exact = true;
for ( let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if (exact) {
if ( arr[i] === valRemove) {
arr.splice(i, 1);
i--; // required, see https://love2dev.com/blog/javascript-remove-from-array/
} else {
if (arr[i].indexOf(valRemove) != -1) {
arr.splice(i, 1);
i--; // see above
return arr;
* Clean Array: Removes all falsy values: undefined, null, 0, false, NaN and "" (empty string)
* Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/281264/remove-empty-elements-from-an-array-in-javascript
* @param {array} inputArray Array to process
* @return {array} Cleaned array
function cleanArray(inputArray) {
var newArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
if (inputArray[i]) {
return newArray;
* Remove Duplicates from Array
* Source - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23237704/nodejs-how-to-remove-duplicates-from-array
* @param {array} inputArray Array to process
* @return {array} Array without duplicates.
function arrayRemoveDublicates(inputArray) {
let uniqueArray;
uniqueArray = inputArray.filter(function(elem, pos) {
return inputArray.indexOf(elem) == pos;
return uniqueArray;
* Returns the next or previous element of an array for a given element.
* Use case is to easily switch through an array of elements...
* If it is the last element of the array, it will return the first one, if bNext is true.
* If it is the first element of the array, it will return the last one, if bNext is false.
* If not found, it will ALWAYS return the first element.
* @param {array} inputArray Array
* @param {string} strElement for this String we want to get the next/previous array element
* @param {boolean} bNext next element if true, previous element if false
* @return {string} The next or previous element from the array
function arrayGetNextOrPreviousValue(inputArray, strElement, bNext) {
let iLength = inputArray.length; // Number of elements in the Array
let iPosition = inputArray.indexOf(strElement) + 1; // Current position. We add 1 since first element is in position 0
let iPositionNext = iPosition + 1;
let iPositionPrevious = iPosition - 1;
if (bNext) {
// if not found, it will return the first element...
if (iPositionNext > iLength) iPositionNext = 1;
return inputArray[iPositionNext - 1];
} else {
if (iPosition === 0) { // will be zero if not found
return inputArray[0]; // return the first element, if not found
} else {
if (iPositionPrevious < 1) iPositionPrevious = iLength;
return inputArray[iPositionPrevious - 1];
* Sort array case-insensitive
* @param {object} arrayInput Array to be sorted
* @return {object} case-insensitive sorted array
function arraySortCaseInsensitive(arrayInput) {
let arrayResult = [...arrayInput]; // We use array spreads '...' to copy array. If not, array is changed by reference and not value.
arrayResult.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase());
return arrayResult;
indexOf() ist eine bereits vorhandene Funktion in JavaScript. Sie gibt den Index des Elements
zurück (0, 1, 2, 3, usw.), oder -1, falls das Element nicht im Array ist.
let arrayFruits = ['Apfel', 'Birne', 'Pfirsich'];
let fruit = 'Banane';
// indexOf() return the index of an element in the array, or -1 if it's not in the array.
if (arrayFruits.indexOf(fruit) > -1) {
log(fruit + ' ist im Array enthalten.');
} else {
log(fruit + ' ist im Array NICHT enthalten.');
4. Zahlen
* Prüft ob Variableninhalt eine Zahl ist.
* isNumber ('123'); // true
* isNumber ('123abc'); // false
* isNumber (5); // true
* isNumber ('q345'); // false
* isNumber(null); // false
* isNumber(undefined); // false
* isNumber(false); // false
* isNumber(' '); // false
* @source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1303646/check-whether-variable-is-number-or-string-in-javascript
* @param {any} n Variable, die zu prüfen ist auf Zahl
* @return {boolean} true falls Zahl, false falls nicht.
function isNumber(n) {
return /^-?[\d.]+(?:e-?\d+)?$/.test(n);
* Fügt Vornullen zu einer Zahl hinzu, macht also z.B. aus 7 eine "007".
* Akzeptiert sowohl Datentyp number und string als Eingabe.
* zeroPad(5, 4); // wird "0005"
* zeroPad('5', 6); // wird "000005"
* zeroPad(1234, 2); // wird "1234" :)
* @param {string|number} num Zahl, die Vornull(en) bekommen soll
* @param {number} places Anzahl Stellen.
* @return {string} Zahl mit Vornullen wie gewünscht.
function zeroPad(num, places) {
let zero = places - num.toString().length + 1;
return Array(+(zero > 0 && zero)).join("0") + num;
5. Datum/Zeit
Dies ist eine eher wenig bekannte ioBroker-interne Funktion, siehe Dokumentation. Daher führe ich sie hier auf.
Man kann damit einfach Zeiten vergleichen. Im folgenden Beispiel wird geprüft, ob die aktuelle Uhrzeit innerhalb des Bereichs ist.
let result = compareTime('20:00', '22:30', 'between');
log('Liegt die aktuelle Uhrzeit zwischen 20:00 und 22:30?: ' + result);
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Converts a given date into a string by replacing "YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss" in given format.
* Optional: will replace like DD-MM-YYYY with "Today"/"Yesterday" if within # (hash).
* So, '#DD.MM.YY#, hh:mm:ss' will become 'Today, 08:25:13'.
* Use optional parameters [todayString] and [yesterdayString] accordingly to replace
* with your terms you want to use for "Today" and "Yesterday".
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Version: 1.1
* Author: Mic
* Source: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/24179/
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @param {object|number} inputDate The date to convert. Accepts both a date object (like: "new Date()")
* or a timestamp number like 1582826332588 (so like what "Date.now()" returns)
* @param {string} format String of which "YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss" will be replaced accordingls.
* Examples: 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss', 'DD.MM.YY, hh:mm:ss', 'DD.MM.YY um hh:mm:ss Uhr'
* @param {string} [todayString] Optional. String for "Today". Default is "Heute".
* @param {string} [yesterdayString] Optional. String for "Yesterday". Default is "Gestern".
* @return {string} The format containing the date values for YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss
function dateToString(inputDate, format, todayString='Heute', yesterdayString='Yesterday') {
let strResult = format;
// Convert inputDate to date. This is to accept timestamps, which will be converted to a date object as well
let dateGiven = new Date(inputDate);
// Replace today's date and yesterday's date
let hashkMatch = strResult.match(/#(.*)#/);
if (hashkMatch != null) {
let todayYesterdayTxt = todayYesterday(dateGiven);
if(todayYesterdayTxt != '') {
// We have either today or yesterday, so set according txt
strResult = strResult.replace('#'+hashkMatch[1]+'#', todayYesterdayTxt);
} else {
// Neither today nor yesterday, so remove all ##
strResult = strResult.replace(/#/g, '');
// Replace YYYY, YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss accordingly with actual date/times
strResult = strResult.replace(/Y{4}/g, zeroPad(dateGiven.getFullYear(), 4));
strResult = strResult.replace(/Y{2}/g, zeroPad(dateGiven.getFullYear(), 2));
strResult = strResult.replace(/M{2}/g, zeroPad((dateGiven.getMonth() + 1), 2));
strResult = strResult.replace(/D{2}/g, zeroPad(dateGiven.getDate(), 2));
strResult = strResult.replace(/h{2}/g, zeroPad(dateGiven.getHours(), 2));
strResult = strResult.replace(/m{2}/g, zeroPad(dateGiven.getMinutes(), 2));
strResult = strResult.replace(/s{2}/g, zeroPad(dateGiven.getSeconds(), 2));
return strResult;
* Add leading numbers - see https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/24179/
function zeroPad(num, places) {
let zero = places - num.toString().length + 1;
return Array(+(zero > 0 && zero)).join('0') + num;
* @param {object} dateGiven Date object
* @return 'Heute', if today, 'Gestern' if yesterday, empty string if neither today nor yesterday
function todayYesterday(dateGiven) {
const today = new Date();
const yesterday = new Date();
yesterday.setDate(today.getDate() - 1)
if (dateGiven.toLocaleDateString() == today.toLocaleDateString()) {
return todayString;
} else if (dateGiven.toLocaleDateString() == yesterday.toLocaleDateString()) {
return yesterdayString;
} else {
return '';
* Returns the current date in ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD".
* Requires function zeroPad().
* @return {string} Date in ISO format
function getCurrentIsoDate() {
let currDate = new Date();
return currDate.getFullYear() + '-' + zeroPad((currDate.getMonth() + 1), 2) + '-' + zeroPad(currDate.getDate(), 2);
* Converts a "date" datatype into ISO date. E.g. March 23, 2016 will become "2016-03-23"
* Requires function zeroPad().
* @param {object} inputDate Date created with "new Date()". If you want the current date, use "new Date()"
* @return {string} Date in ISO format
function dateToIsoDate(inputDate) {
return inputDate.getFullYear() + '-' + zeroPad((inputDate.getMonth() + 1), 2) + '-' + zeroPad(inputDate.getDate(), 2);
* Converts a given date datatype into European date/time. E.g. '9:03pm and 17 seconds' -> '21:03:17'
* Requires function zeroPad().
* @param {object} inputDate Date created with "new Date()". If you want the current date, use "new Date()"
* @return {string} Date in European date/time as String
function dateToEuroString(inputDate) {
return zeroPad(inputDate.getHours(), 2) + ':' + zeroPad(inputDate.getMinutes(), 2) + ':' + zeroPad(inputDate.getSeconds(), 2);
* Abfrage, ob ein Datum innerhalb eines Bereichs ist.
* Angeregt von: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/2289/
* Zum Aufruf ist das ISO-Datumsformat JJJJ-MM-TT erforderlich, z.B. 2019-12-24.
* Gepostet unter: https://forum.iobroker.net/post/256400
* @param {string} strDateToCheck Das zu prüfende Datum. Falls aktuelles Datum geprüft werden soll: 'now' eingeben.
* @param {string} strDateFirst Datum: Zeitraum erster Tag.
* @param {string} strDateLast Datum: Zeitraum letzter Tag.
function isDateInRange(strDateToCheck, strDateFirst, strDateLast) {
// Prepare the date we want to check. Either current date, or provided date in variable strDateToCheck
let dtToCheck;
if (strDateToCheck == 'now') {
dtToCheck = new Date();
} else {
dtToCheck = new Date(strDateToCheck);
dtToCheck.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // Same basis for hours, minutes etc. as for all dates
let dtFirst = new Date(strDateFirst);
dtFirst.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
let dtLast = new Date(strDateLast);
dtLast.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
let isInRange = false;
if ( (dtLast >= dtFirst) && (dtToCheck >= dtFirst) && (dtToCheck <= dtLast) ) {
isInRange = true;
return isInRange;
* Add certain number of minutes to a given date/time.
* @param {object} dateInp Date created with "new Date()". If you want the current date, use "new Date()"
* @param {number} minutesInp Number of minutes to be added to the given date.
* @return {object} New date with the minutes added
function dateAddMinutes(dateInp, minutesInp) {
return new Date(dateInp.getTime() + (minutesInp * 60000));
* Add certain number of days to a given date/time.
* @param {object} dateInp Date created with "new Date()". If you want the current date, use "new Date()"
* @param {number} numberOfDays Number of days to be added to the given date.
* @return {object} New date with the days added
function addDays(dateInp, numberOfDays) {
return new Date(dateInp.getTime() + (numberOfDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
6. Filesystem
* Check if a file in the file system exists. It works synchronously.
* See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4482686/
* Version: Mic - 0.1 (27 Jan 2020)
* @param {string} filePath Full file path incl. file name, like '/etc/passwd' or '/tmp/textfile.txt'
function fileExistsSync(filePath) {
const fs = require('fs');
if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
7. Regular Expressions - RegExp
* Escapes a string for use in RegEx as (part of) pattern
* Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3446170/escape-string-for-use-in-javascript-regex
* @param {string} inputStr The input string to be escaped
* @return {string} The escaped string
function escapeRegExp(inputStr) {
return inputStr.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[]\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string
8. XML
* Simple XML parser. Quelle: https://gist.github.com/petersirka/9e79b1d43cf6e579fc62
* Wandelt ein XML in ein Array um, damit viel einfacher handhabbar.
* @param {string} xml
* @return {object}
function xmlParse(xml) {
let beg = -1;
let end = 0;
let tmp = 0;
let current = [];
let obj = {};
let from = -1;
while (true) {
beg = xml.indexOf('<', beg + 1);
if (beg === -1)
end = xml.indexOf('>', beg + 1);
if (end === -1)
let el = xml.substring(beg, end + 1);
let c = el[1];
if (c === '?' || c === '/') {
let o = current.pop();
if (from === -1 || o !== el.substring(2, el.length - 1))
let path = current.join('.') + '.' + o;
let value = xml.substring(from, beg);
if (typeof(obj[path]) === 'undefined')
obj[path] = value;
else if (obj[path] instanceof Array)
obj[path] = [obj[path], value];
from = -1;
tmp = el.indexOf(' ');
let hasAttributes = true;
if (tmp === -1) {
tmp = el.length - 1;
hasAttributes = false;
from = beg + el.length;
let isSingle = el[el.length - 2] === '/';
let name = el.substring(1, tmp);
if (!isSingle)
if (!hasAttributes)
let match = el.match(/\w+\=\".*?\"/g);
if (match === null)
let attr = {};
let length = match.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
let index = match[i].indexOf('"');
attr[match[i].substring(0, index - 1)] = match[i].substring(index + 1, match[i].length - 1);
obj[current.join('.') + (isSingle ? '.' + name : '') + '[]'] = attr;
return obj;
9. Astro
* Check if a certain time is matching Astro name(s).
* Example use case: when turning on a light, you can use different colors depending on the
* current Astro time like 'sunrise', 'goldenHour'.
* Version 1.0
* @param {string|array} astroNames A single name like 'sunset' as string, or an array of names,
* like ['goldenHour', 'sunsetStart', 'sunset', 'dusk']
* @param {object} [dateTime] Optional: A date object (new Date()). If omitted, we use current time.
* @return {boolean} true if matching, false if not.
function isTimeInAstro(astroNames, dateTime=undefined) {
if (!Array.isArray(astroNames)) astroNames = [astroNames]; // Put into array if it is a single string.
const LOG_DEBUG = false;
if ((dateTime != undefined) && !_isValidDate(dateTime)) { log('Provided parameter for dateTime is not a valid date.', 'error'); return; };
let G_timeString = (dateTime == undefined) ? _dateToEuroStringTime(new Date()) : _dateToEuroStringTime(dateTime);
if(LOG_DEBUG) log('[DEBUG] Time: ' + G_timeString);
let strCurrAstroName = _getAstroName(G_timeString);
if(LOG_DEBUG) log('[DEBUG] Current Astro: ' + strCurrAstroName);
for (let lpVal of astroNames) {
if (strCurrAstroName === lpVal) {
return true;
return false; // Kein Treffer, also geben wir false zurück.
//////////////////////////////// End. Functions are following below. ////////////////////////////////
* Get Astro name for given time. Returns like 'sunrise', 'goldenHour' etc.
* Example (September):
* 01:10 -> nadir; 05:05 -> nightEnd; 05:44 -> nauticalDawn; 06:21 -> dawn; 06:53 -> sunrise; 06:56 -> sunriseEnd; 07:34 -> goldenHourEnd;
* 13:10 -> solarNoon; 18:46 -> goldenHour; 19:23 -> sunsetStart; 19:27 -> sunset; 19:58 -> dusk; 20:35 -> nauticalDusk; 21:14 -> night
* @param {string} strTime Zeit in 'HH:MM' oder 'HH:MM:SS', z.B. '19:23', '08:45:12'.
* @return {string} Astro name like 'sunrise', 'goldenHour' etc.
function _getAstroName(strTime) {
strTime = strTime.substring(0, 5); // remove seconds
let arrAstroArrays = _getAstroArrays();
for (let i = 0; i <= arrAstroArrays[0].length; i++) {
if (strTime < arrAstroArrays[0][i]) {
if (i === 0) {
// Hit on first element of array, so we return last element of array
return arrAstroArrays[1][arrAstroArrays[1].length - 1];
} else {
// We return the element -1
return arrAstroArrays[1][i-1];
// We did not find anything, so it is the last element of the array
return arrAstroArrays[1][arrAstroArrays[0].length - 1];
* Gibt ein Array aus 2 Arrays zurück
* 1. Sortierte Liste der Uhrzeiten der Astrozeiten, z.B. ["01:20","05:13","05:53","06:31",....]
* 2. Sortierte Liste der Astronamen, typischerweise: ["nadir","nightEnd","nauticalDawn","dawn", ...]
function _getAstroArrays() {
let currDate = new Date();
let suncalc = require('suncalc');
if(_getSystemConfig('latitude') == '' || _getSystemConfig('longitude') == '') log('Latitude and/or Longitude is blank in ioBroker admin settings.', 'warn');
let times = suncalc.getTimes(currDate, _getSystemConfig('latitude'), _getSystemConfig('longitude'));
// Get all current Astro Times in arrays
let astroTimes = [];
let astroBoth = [];
for (let t in times) {
let Hour = times[t].getHours();
let Minute = times[t].getMinutes();
if ( Hour < 10 ) { Hour = "0" + Hour; }
if ( Minute < 10 ) { Minute = "0" + Minute; }
let TimeString = Hour + ':' + Minute;
astroBoth.push(TimeString + "#" + t);
// We bring the names in same sort order as the times
// Supposed to result in: ["nadir","nightEnd","nauticalDawn","dawn","sunrise","sunriseEnd","goldenHourEnd","solarNoon","goldenHour","sunsetStart","sunset","dusk","nauticalDusk","night"]
let astroNames = [];
for (let lpVal of astroBoth) {
return [ astroTimes, astroNames ];
* Returns a value as configured in Administration Settings of ioBroker
* @param {string} what Options like: city, country, longitude, latitude, language, tempUnit,
* currency, dateFormat, isFloatComma, licenseConfirmed,
* defaultHistory, activeRepo, diag
* To see all options, use: log('All options: ' + JSON.stringify(getObject('system.config').common));
* @return {string} The option. Will be an empty string if value is not set.
function _getSystemConfig(what) {
let config = getObject('system.config').common;
if (config[what] == undefined) {
log('Setting [' + what + '] not found in ioBroker admin settings.', 'warn');
return '';
return config[what];
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/643782/
function _isValidDate(date) {
return date && Object.prototype.toString.call(date) === "[object Date]" && !isNaN(date);
* Converts a given date datatype into European date/time. E.g. '9:03pm and 17 seconds' -> '21:03:17'
* @param {object} inputDate Date created with "new Date()". If you want the current date, use "new Date()"
* @return {string} Time in European format like '21:03:17'
function _dateToEuroStringTime(inputDate) {
return _zeroPad(inputDate.getHours(), 2) + ':' + _zeroPad(inputDate.getMinutes(), 2) + ':' + _zeroPad(inputDate.getSeconds(), 2);
// Fügt Vornullen zu einer Zahl hinzu, macht also z.B. aus 7 eine "007".
function _zeroPad(num, places) {
let zero = places - num.toString().length + 1;
return Array(+(zero > 0 && zero)).join("0") + num;
10. ioBroker
Mit diesem Script bzw. dieser Funktion können States (Datenpunkte) unter
oder unter javascript.x
angelegt werden.Dabei können mehrere States gleichzeitig angelegt werden. Sobald alle erfolgreich angelegt wurden, kann danach (per
) ein beliebiger Code ausgeführt werden, also beispielsweise die Haupt-Funktion des Scripts.
Function, mit Beschreibung in Deutsch): https://github.com/Mic-M/iobroker.createUserStates
Support: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/26839/
* Returns a value as configured in Administration Settings of ioBroker
* @param {string} what Options like: city, country, longitude, latitude, language, tempUnit,
* currency, dateFormat, isFloatComma, licenseConfirmed,
* defaultHistory, activeRepo, diag
* To see all options, use: log('All options: ' + JSON.stringify(getObject('system.config').common));
* @return {string} The option. Will be an empty string if value is not set.
function getSystemConfig(what) {
let config = getObject('system.config').common;
if (config[what] == undefined) {
log('Setting [' + what + '] not found in ioBroker admin settings.', 'warn');
return '';
return config[what];
Hinweis (07.01.2019): Bislang gab es hier eine Function
, diese ist nun hinfällig, weil es mit existsState()
nun (mind. ab JS-Adapter-Version 4.3.4, gg. früher schon) eine neue ioBroker-Funktion gibt, um zu prüfen, ob ein State (Datenpunkt) existiert. Beispiel:
const STATE_ID = '0_userdata.0.LivingRoom.Lights.Sideboard.Brightness'
if( existsState(STATE_ID) ) {
log('Datenpunkt existiert');
} else {
log('Datenpunkt ist nicht vorhanden');
* Vor wie vielen Sekunden wurde ein State aktualisiert?
* Per Default wird der Timestamp genommen. Durch Setzen von what auf 'lc' wird die letzte Änderung genommen.
* @param {string} stateId Id zum State, z.B. 'fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_10.isFullyAlive'
* @param {string} [what='ts'] Optional. 'ts' für timestamp (= Default), lc für lastchanged.
* @return {number} Vergangene Anzahl an Sekunden, als der State zuletzt aktualisiert wurde
function stateLastUpdated(stateId, what) {
if (what === undefined) what = 'ts';
if(what !== 'ts' && what !== 'lc') what = 'ts';
let dtNow = new Date();
let tsNow = dtNow.getTime();
let dtCheck = new Date(getState(stateId)[what]);
let tsCheck = dtCheck.getTime();
return Math.round((tsNow - tsCheck) / 1000); // Zeitdifferenz in Sekunden
* Adapter einschalten/neu starten oder ausschalten
* Quelle: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/24179/vorlage-hilfreiche-javascript-funktionen/
* WICHTIG: In JavaScript-Adapter-Instanz Haken bei "setObject erlauben" aktivieren.
* Version: 0.3 Mic
* @param {string} adapterInstancePath Pfad zur Adapter-Instanz, z.B. "spotify-premium.0"
* @param {boolean} flag true für Einschalten oder Neustart (falls bereits eingeschaltet), false für Ausschalten
* @param {object} [callback] Optional: a callback function.
function adapterOnOff(adapterInstancePath, flag, callback){
const PATH = 'system.adapter.' + adapterInstancePath;
let obj = getObject(PATH);
obj.common['enabled'] = flag; // Adapter einschalten/neu starten oder ausschalten
setObject(PATH, obj, function(){
if (typeof callback === 'function') { // execute if a function was provided to parameter callback
return callback();
* Is a certain adapter up and running?
* @param {string} adapterState Main state of adapter, e.g. 'hm-rpc.0'
* @param {number} [minUptime=0] Optional: minimum number of minutes the adapter is running.
* Default = 0 minutes, so the uptime will not be checked by default.
* If you provide a certain number of minutes, the function will return false if
* if adapter is running less time than this number of minutes.
* @return {boolean} true if adapter is actively running yes, false if not.
function isAdapterAlive(adapterState, minUptime) {
if(minUptime === undefined) minUptime = 0;
let isAlive = false;
if ( (getState('system.adapter.' + adapterState + '.alive').val) && (getState('system.adapter.' + adapterState + '.connected').val) ) {
if( (getState('system.adapter.' + adapterState + '.uptime').val / 60) > minUptime ) {
isAlive = true;
return isAlive;
* Change VIS View
* @param {string} toView Projekt + '/' + Viewname (aus Datenpunkt vis.0.control.data übernehmen)
* @param {string} [instance='FFFFFFFF'] Optional: Instanz. Default ist 'FFFFFFFF', sollte das nicht gehen, dann Wert vom Vis, Menü Tools, Feld "Instanz ID" nehmen
function changeVisView(toView, instance){
if (instance === undefined) instance = 'FFFFFFFF';
let visCmd = '{"instance": "' + instance + '", "command": "changeView", "data": "' + toView + '"}';
setState('vis.0.control.command', visCmd);
11. Weiteres für das Schreiben von Scripten
* Retrieve values from a CONFIG variable, example:
* const CONF = [{car: 'bmw', color: 'black', hp: '250'}, {car: 'audi', color: 'blue', hp: '190'}]
* To get the color of the Audi, use: getConfigValuePerKey(CONF, 'car', 'audi', 'color')
* To find out which car has 190 hp, use: getConfigValuePerKey(CONF, 'hp', '190', 'car')
* @param {object} config The configuration variable/constant
* @param {string} key1 Key to look for.
* @param {string} key1Value The value the key should have
* @param {string} key2 The key which value we return
* @returns {any} Returns the element's value, or number -1 of nothing found.
function getConfigValuePerKey(config, key1, key1Value, key2) {
for (let lpConfDevice of config) {
if ( lpConfDevice[key1] === key1Value ) {
if (lpConfDevice[key2] === undefined) {
return -1;
} else {
return lpConfDevice[key2];
return -1;