@mse1971 sagte in Alexa View:
Fals ja, bin ich leider überfordert, wie ich jetzt das ganze so hinbekomme wie Du
machen wir am besten im passendem Thread weiter.
und Readme auf Github
und dieses Script wird noch benötigt.
* JavaScript Adapter Script for Log-Parser-Adapter: https://github.com/Mic-M/ioBroker.logparser
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Purpose: Get the history of all spoken Alexa commands into the log
* Required: Alexa adapter - https://github.com/Apollon77/ioBroker.alexa2
* Source: https://github.com/Mic-M/ioBroker.logparser
* Autor: Mic-M (Github) | Mic (ioBroker)
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Change Log:
* 1.0.0 Mic-M * Adoption to Log Parser Adapter
* 0.1.0 Mic-M * Initial release (for Log Script - https://github.com/Mic-M/iobroker.logfile-script).
* Script Settings
// **Capitalize First Letters**
// The spoken command to Alexa is being returned in lowercase, like "turn on kitchen light".
// With this option set to true, the output will be "Turn On Kitchen Light" (so capitalized first letter of each word)
const g_capFirstLetters = true;
* End of Script Settings. Please do not change anything below here.
function main() {
// All Alexa adapter instances, so alexa2.0.History.json, alexa2.1.History.json, alexa2.2.History.json, etc.
on({id: /^alexa2\.\d\.History\.json$/, change:'any'}, function(obj) {
// obj.state.val: JSON string of oject.
// Like: {"name":"Alexa Flur","serialNumber":"xxxxxxxxxx","summary":"Wohnlicht an","creationTime":1582843794820, ... }
let objHistory = JSON.parse(obj.state.val);
// ignore alexa keywords or empty value.
if(! (['', 'alexa','echo','amazon','computer'].includes(objHistory['summary']) )) {
// ignore "sprich mir nach"
if (!(objHistory['summary'].includes('sprich mir nach '))) {
log('[Alexa-Log-Script] ##{"message":"' + formatAlexaSummary(objHistory['summary']) + '", "from":"' + objHistory['name'] + '"}##');
* Formats the Alexa summary text accordingly.
* @param {string} summaryText The summary text
* @return {string} the formatted summary
function formatAlexaSummary(summaryText) {
if (g_capFirstLetters) summaryText = summaryText.replace(/(^|\s)\S/g, l => l.toUpperCase()); // Capitalize if set. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2332811/
return summaryText;