export {};
const DEBUG = false;
const cMinLux = 1800;
const luxminFront = 60;
const luxminBehind = 80;
const luxminComputer = 20;
let front = false;
let behind = false;
let behindComputer = false;
const miredDiff = 180;
const dimValueOptions: dimValueOptionsType = {
begin: '21:00',
end: '23:00',
reset: '6:00',
sunset: 340
// default values here
// für hinteren Bereich
const cShutterPosForLight = 60;
let hyperion_on = getState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER').val;
const path = '0_userdata.0.scene'
const cCurrentLuxState = 'alias.0.zuhause.og.Abstellraum.Lux-Tasmota.lux';
const mySwitch = 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x001788010635d03f.';
const mySwitch2 = 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x0017880104f33a08.';
var mySwitchTimeout:any = null;
const axios = require('axios');
const dimmer:{[key: number]: {value: number, timeout: any}} = {};
let autoModeBright = existsState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.autoModeBright`) ? getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.autoModeBright`).val : false;
let autoModeOffTimeout = autoModeBright ? 15000 : 3000
// homematic 6 fach schalter
// Wandlampe Wohnzimmer
const cShutterPos = 'homepilot20.0.Actuator.2-27601565.Position'
let shutterPos = getState(cShutterPos).val;
on({id: cShutterPos, change: 'ne'}, (obj) => {
shutterPos = obj.state.val
on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.1.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) {
on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.3.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) {
flipState('sonoff.0.NOUS 03.POWER')
on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.6.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) {
if (!mySwitchTimeout) {
mySwitchTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
mySwitchTimeout = null;
}, 300);
on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.2.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) {
on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.4.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) {
flipState('sonoff.0.NOUS 05.POWER')
on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.5.PRESS_LONG_START', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) {
let lights = $('state(functions=beleuchtung)');
if (lights) {
lights.each(async (obj) => {
await sleep(100)
const obj2 = getObject(obj, 'rooms');
let rooms = obj2.enumIds
if (rooms === undefined) return;
rooms.forEach(async (room) => {
await sleep(20)
// workaround manche Geräte enthalten Räume die ich nicht entfernen kann.
var enumObj = getObject(room);
if (enumObj.common.members.findIndex((a) => { return obj.includes(a) }) == -1) return;
const roomName = enumObj.common.name as iobJS.StringOrTranslated;
let r = typeof roomName === 'string' ? roomName : roomName.de;
if (r != 'Wohnzimmer') setState(obj, false);
on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.5.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) {
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', -1);;
let essbereichSchalter = getState('shelly.0.SHSW-25#E8DB8480264D#1.Relay0.Input').val
on({ id: 'shelly.0.SHSW-25#E8DB8480264D#1.Relay0.Input', change: 'ne' }, function (obj) {
essbereichSchalter = obj.state.val;
let schreibtischbereichSchalter = getState('shelly.0.SHSW-25#E8DB8480264D#1.Relay1.Input').val
on({ id: 'shelly.0.SHSW-25#E8DB8480264D#1.Relay1.Input', change: 'ne' }, function (obj) {
schreibtischbereichSchalter = obj.state.val;
async function flipState(id) {
setStateAsync(id, !getState(id).val);
/* Lightsobjects at home
device, lightSubTyp (Typ) */
// 0= hue 1= shelly 2= alexa
type zoneIntersect = 'couch' | 'schreibtisch' | 'essbereich' | 'durchgang' | 'durchgang_schreibtisch' | 'durchgang_essbereich' | 'durchgang_couch';
type lightNameType = 'Couch' | 'Stehlampe' | 'Esstisch' | 'Computer-Wandlampe' | 'Vitrine' | 'Ambiente 1' | 'Ambiente 2' | 'Deckenstrahler'
| 'Schreibtisch' | 'Fensterbank' | 'Deckenpanel';
type lightObjectsType = {
id: string;
name: lightNameType;
day: boolean;
night: boolean;
timeout?: any;
} & lightSubType;
type LightZoneType = {}
//type sceneSettings = Record<lightNameType,{}>
type subCommandTyp = {
stateName: string;
mqttName?: string;
type lightSubType = ( {
mode: 0;
on: subCommandTyp;
bri: subCommandTyp;
color?: subCommandTyp;
colortemp?: subCommandTyp;
} | {
mode: 1;
} | {
mode: 2;
on: subCommandTyp;
} | {
mode: 3;
on: subCommandTyp
} | {
mode: 4;
on: subCommandTyp;
bri: subCommandTyp;
ps: subCommandTyp;
const lightSubMode: lightSubType[] = [{
mode: 0,
on:{stateName:".state", mqttName: 'state'},
bri:{stateName: ".brightness", mqttName:'brightness'},
color:{stateName:".color", mqttName:'color'},
colortemp:{stateName:".colortemp", mqttName:'color_temp'},
} , {
mode: 1,
} , {
mode: 2,
on:{stateName:".powerState", },
} , {
mode: 3,
} , {
mode: 4,
on:{stateName:".on", mqttName: 'on'},
bri:{stateName: ".bri", mqttName:'bri'},
ps:{stateName:".ps", mqttName:'ps'},
type lightControlType = Record<lightNameType, lightSubType>
const lightObj: lightObjectsType[] = [
{ id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x0017880102887f42', name: 'Couch', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 0 Couch
{ id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x00178801028fc5cd', name: 'Stehlampe', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 1 Standlicht
// { id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x0017880102922a60', mode: 0, name: 'Wohnzimmer', day: false, night: true }, // 1 Kugel
// { id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x0017880109bde7e3', mode: 0, name: 'Wohnzimmer', day: true, night: true }, // 2 Computer
{ id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.group_4', name: 'Esstisch', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 2 Esszimmer
{ id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0xb43522fffe55d341', name: 'Computer-Wandlampe', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 3 Computer Wandlampe
{ id: 'alexa2.0.Smart-Home-Devices.54a20611-b863-4a2d-80c5-9b7f3caa2339', name: 'Vitrine', mode: 2, day: false, night: true }, // 4 Vitrine
{ id: 'shelly.0.SHSW-1#E8DB84D7B242#1.Relay0', name: 'Deckenpanel', mode: 1, day: true, night: true }, // 10 Deckenlampe Wohnzimmer
{ id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x001788010bea2ef4', name: 'Ambiente 1', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 11 Ambiente 1
{ id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x001788010bea2ec7', name: 'Ambiente 2', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 12 Ambiente 2
{ id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.group_3', name: 'Deckenstrahler', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 12 Deckenstrahler
{ id: 'wled.0.0cb815b8af3c', name: 'Schreibtisch', mode: 4, day: true, night: true, timeout: null }, // 13 Schreibtisch
{ id: 'wled.0.2cbcbb4f014c', name: 'Fensterbank', mode: 4, day: true, night: true, timeout: null } // 13 Fensterbank
// Subobj [x][1]
var lightSubTyp = [['.state', '.brightness', '.sat', '.color', '.colortemp']];
lightSubTyp.push(['.on','.bri', '.ps'])
const arrayLightSubTypToText = [
['On', 'Helligkeit', 'Saturation', 'Farbe', 'Farbtemperatur'],
['On', 'Helligkeit', 'Voreinstellung',]
var Y = -1;
let lightScene:([boolean, number, number, string, number?] | [boolean] | [boolean, number,number])[][] = []; //0
lightScene.push([[false, 180, 140, '#151200', 450]]); //0
lightScene[++Y].push([false, 250, 140, '#151200', 450]); //1
//lightScene[Y].push([false,100,140,'#151200', 2200]]); //1
//lightScene[Y].push([false,200,140,'#151200', 2200]]); //2
lightScene[Y].push([false, 230, 0, '', 450]); //8
lightScene[Y].push([false, 20,0,'',450]); //3
lightScene[Y].push([false]); //4
lightScene[Y].push([false]); //5
lightScene[Y].push([false, 230, 140, '#001237', 450]); //6
lightScene[Y].push([false, 230, 140, '#001237', 450]); //7
lightScene[Y].push([true, 230, 0, '', 450]); //8
lightScene[Y].push([false,200, 1]); //Schreibtisch 9
lightScene[Y].push([true,10,1]); //Fensterbank
// +1
//Globale Variablen
var currentScene = getState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ').val;
var dimmerRef = null;
//setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', currentScene);
// Wir überprüfen Scene und Lights Array ob sie zusammenpassen und werfen hilfreiche Fehlermeldungen raus, wenn nicht
// Überprüfung der Array erledigt
function pruefeBeideArraysAufFehler() {
var myBreak = false;
var isError = false;
for (var i = 0; i < lightScene.length; i++) {
if (lightScene[i].length != lightObj.length) {
var myErrorMsg = 'Anzahl der LightScene ' + i + ' Einträge: ' + lightScene[i].length + ' entspricht nicht der Anzahl and LightObjects: ' + lightObj.length;
log(myErrorMsg, 'error');
var maxLength;
isError = true;
if (lightScene[i].length > lightObj.length) maxLength = lightScene[i].length;
else maxLength = lightObj.length;
for (var y = 0; y < maxLength; y++) {
myErrorMsg = '';
if (y < lightScene[i].length) {
myErrorMsg = 'LightScene: ' + i + ' existiert Werte: ' + lightScene[i][y];
log(myErrorMsg, 'info');
} else {
myErrorMsg = 'In LightScene: ' + i + ' existiert Datensatz ' + y + ' nicht!';
log(myErrorMsg, 'error');
myBreak = true;
if (y < lightObj.length) {
myErrorMsg = 'LightObjects: ' + y + ' existiert ObjID: ' + lightObj[y][0];
log(myErrorMsg, 'info');
} else {
myErrorMsg = 'LightObjects: ' + y + ' existiert nicht!';
log(myErrorMsg, 'error');
myBreak = true;
if (myBreak) break;
if (isError) {
myErrorMsg = 'Skript abgebrochen und pausiert. ';
// Überprüfung der Array erledigt
async function init() {
if (!await existsObjectAsync(path)) {
await createFolderAsync(path, 'Szenen');
if (!await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer`)) {
await createDeviceAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer`, 'Szenen');
if (!await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.autoModeBright`)) {
await createStateAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.autoModeBright`, false, false, {name:'Hohe Helligkeit', role: 'state', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: true});
on({ id: `${path}.wohnzimmer.autoModeBright`, change: 'ne' }, function (obj) {
autoModeBright = obj.state.val;
autoModeOffTimeout = autoModeBright ? 15000 : 2000
if (obj.id) setState(obj.id, obj.state.val, true);
for (const a in lightScene) {
if (!await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}`)) {
await createChannelAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}`, 'Szene');
await createStateAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.dimmer`, 80, false, {name:'Helligkeitseinstellung', role: 'level.dimmer', type: 'number', unit:'%', min:1, max: 100, step:1, read: true, write: true});
if (!await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.useDimmer`)) {
await createStateAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.useDimmer`, a != '0', false, {name:'Nutze Dimmer', role: 'switch', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: true});
dimmer[a] = {value: (getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.dimmer`)).val/100, timeout: null};
on({id: `${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.dimmer`, change:'any', ack: false}, (dp) => {
if (!dp || !dp.id) return;
const arr = dp.id.split('.');
const key = arr.pop();
if (key !== undefined) {
dimmer[key].value = dp.state.val / 100;
if (dimmer[key].value <= 0.01 || dimmer[key].value >= 1) {
for (const light of lightObj) {
if (light.mode === 0 && dimmer[key].timeout == null && getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[light.mode][0]).val) {
setState(light.id + '.effect', 'blink');
dimmer[key].timeout = setTimeout((light) => {
setState(light.id + '.effect', 'stop_effect');
dimmer[key].timeout = null;
}, 1000, light);
if (dp.oldState.val !== dp.state.val) reSetScene(true);
setState(dp.id, dp.state.val, true);
for (const b in lightScene[a]) {
if (!await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}`)) {
await createChannelAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}`, lightObj[b].name);
} else {
await extendObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}`, {common:{ name: lightObj[b].name, } });
for (let cIndex = 0; cIndex < lightScene[a][b].length; cIndex++) {
const c = arrayLightSubTypToText[lightObj[b].mode][cIndex]
let value: any = undefined;
if (await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${cIndex}`)) {
value = getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${cIndex}`).val;
if (!await existsStateAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`)) {
value = value === undefined ? lightScene[a][b][cIndex] : value
await createStateAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`, value, {name: c, role: 'value', type: typeof lightScene[a][b][cIndex], read: true, write: true});
setState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`, value, true)
} else {
if (typeof getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`).val == 'object'){
value = lightScene[a][b][cIndex];
if (value !== undefined) setState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`, value, true)
//if (c == 'Farbtemperatur') setState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`, 450, true)
const typ = typeof lightScene[a][b][cIndex];
switch (typ) {
case 'string':
case 'number':
case 'boolean':
await extendObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`, {common:{ name: c, } });
await sleep(2)
lightScene[a][b][cIndex] = (getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`)).val
on({id: new RegExp(`^${path}\\.wohnzimmer\\.${a}\\.${b}\..+`, 'g'), change:'any', ack: false}, (dp) => {
if (!dp || !dp.id) return;
const arr = dp.id.split('.');
const c = arr.pop()
if (c === undefined) return;
const lampe = parseInt(arr.pop() ?? '');
const scene = arr.pop();
const option = arrayLightSubTypToText[lightObj[lampe].mode].findIndex((a) => a === c);
if (scene === undefined || lampe === undefined || option === undefined) return;
lightScene[scene][lampe][option] = dp.state.val;
if (dp.oldState.val !== dp.state.val) {
if (currentScene != 0) reSetScene(true);
else resetAutoMode();
setState(dp.id, dp.state.val, true);
function getCommandString(a,b) {
return lightSubTyp[lightObj[a].mode][b]
schedule({ astro: "sunset" }, reSetScene);
schedule({ astro: "sunrise" }, reSetScene);
function autoScene(x) {
// setze scene zurück wenn der ON Status der Lampen nicht der Scene entspricht.
if (currentScene > x - 1 && currentScene < lightScene.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < lightScene[currentScene].length; i++) {
let astro = lightObj[i].day && isAstroDay() || !isAstroDay() && lightObj[i].night;
if (lightObj[i].state && (lightScene[currentScene][i][0] && astro) != lightObj[i].state![getCommandString(i,0)]) {
currentScene = x - 1;
// Scenen counter
if (currentScene >= 0 || currentScene >= lightScene.length || currentScene < x) {
currentScene = x;
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', currentScene);
on({ id: '0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', change: 'any', ack: false }, function (obj) {
switch (obj.state.val) {
case 'c':
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', 8);
case 'f':
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', 10);
case 'e':
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', 9);
case 's':
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', 11);
case 'o':
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', -1);
on({ id: '0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', change: 'any', ack: false }, setScene)
function reSetScene(force = false) {
if (DEBUG) log('current scene: ' + currentScene);
if (currentScene == -1 || currentScene >= lightScene.length) return;
for (var i = 0; i < lightScene[currentScene].length; i++) {
if (!force && lightObj[i].state && lightScene[currentScene][i][0] != (lightObj[i].state![getCommandString(i,0)] == (lightObj[i].day && isAstroDay() || !isAstroDay() && lightObj[i].night))) {
async function setScene(obj) {
if (obj !== undefined) {
currentScene = obj.state.val;
if (currentScene == lightScene.length) return;
if (currentScene == -1) { stopScene(); return; };
if (currentScene === 0) {resetAutoMode(); return;}
// Aktive Lampen auf Endwert setzen
for (var i = 0; i < lightScene[currentScene].length; i++) {
await sleep (25);
switchLight(lightScene[currentScene][i], lightObj[i].name)
if (DEBUG) log("setScene to: " + currentScene);
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', currentScene, true);
switch (currentScene) {
case 8:
setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 'c', true)
case 10:
setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 'f', true);
case 9:
setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 'e', true);
case 11:
setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 's', true);
case -1:
setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 'o', true);
setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', '', true);
let lastCommandTimeout: any = null
let lastCommand:any ={}
async function switchLight(cArray, lightName: string, overwriteOn: boolean|null = null, overwriteDim: number|null = null) {
const light = lightObj.find(a => a.name == lightName);
if (!light) return;
var cTyp = light.mode;
let astro = light.day && isAstroDay() || !isAstroDay() && light.night;
let lOn = (overwriteOn === null || overwriteOn === true ? astro && (cArray[0] || !!overwriteOn) : false);
let dimFix = currentScene != -1 ? (getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${currentScene}.useDimmer`).val ? dimmer[currentScene].value : 1) : 1;
let dim = (overwriteDim !== null ? overwriteDim/100 : 1) * dimFix
let carray4 = cArray[4]
lastCommandTimeout && clearTimeout(lastCommandTimeout);
lastCommandTimeout = setTimeout(() => {lastCommand = {}}, 30000)
if (lastCommand[lightName] && lastCommand[lightName].cArray === cArray && lastCommand[lightName].overwriteOn === overwriteOn
&& lastCommand[lightName].overwriteDim === overwriteDim && lastCommand[lightName].dim === dim && lastCommand[lightName].astro === astro ) {
} else {
lastCommand[lightName] = {cArray, overwriteOn, overwriteDim, dim, astro}
// Verweizweigung der Lampen nach Funktion;
const isOn = getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0]).val;
if (lOn === false && (isOn === false || light.timeout)) return;
//log (overwriteOn + ' ' + astro + ' ' + cArray[0] + ' ' + lOn + ' '+ (astro && (cArray[0] || !!overwriteOn)) + ' ' + isOn)
if (lOn) {
if (cTyp == 0) {
let msg:{state:string, brightness: number, transition: number, color?:string, color_temp?: number} = {state: lOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF', brightness:(Math.round((cArray[1]-1) * dim)+1), transition: 1 }
if (!cArray[4]) {
msg.color = cArray[3];
} else {
carray4 = dimValue(cArray[4]-miredDiff, cArray[4]);
msg.color_temp = carray4
if ((isOn && lOn)) {
if (dim < dimFix) msg.transition = 3;
else msg.transition = 3;
} else {
msg.transition = 1
if (isOn !== lOn || getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][1]).val !== (Math.round((cArray[1]-1) * dim)+1)
|| carray4 && getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][4]).val !== carray4 || !carray4 && getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][3]).val !== cArray[3]) {
sendTo('mqtt.0', 'sendMessage2Client', { topic: getTopic(light.id), message: JSON.stringify(msg) });
//log(getTopic(light.id) + ': ' + JSON.stringify(msg))
} else if (cTyp == 4) {
if (light.timeout) clearTimeout(light.timeout);
light.timeout = null;
let bri = Math.round((cArray[1]-1) * dim)+1
try {
if (bri != getState(`${light.id}.bri`).val || lOn != getState(`${light.id}.on`).val || cArray[2] != getState(`${light.id}.ps`).val ) {
setState(`${light.id}.action`, JSON.stringify({
"bri": bri,
"on": lOn,
'ps': cArray[2],
'transition': 1
} catch(error) {
console.warn(`wled ${light.id} nicht erreichbar! ` + error)
} else {
if (!isOn) setState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0], lOn);
} else {
if (cTyp == 0) {
let msg:{state:string, brightness: number, transition: number, color?:string, color_temp?: number} = {state: lOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF', brightness:(Math.round((cArray[1]-1) * dim)+1), transition: 2 }
msg.transition = 6;
if (isOn !== lOn) sendTo('mqtt.0', 'sendMessage2Client', { topic: getTopic(light.id), message: JSON.stringify(msg) });
} else if (cTyp === 4) {
const ip = getState(`${light.id}._info.ip`).val
try {
if (!getState(`${light.id}.on`).val) {
if (light.timeout) clearTimeout(light.timeout);
setState(`${light.id}.action`, JSON.stringify({
"bri": 1,
'ps': 5,
} catch(error) {
console.warn(`wled ${light.id} nicht erreichbar! ` + error)
if (light.timeout) clearTimeout(light.timeout);
light.timeout = setTimeout((id) => {
setState(`${id}.on`, false)
}, 60000*1, light.id)
} else {
if (getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0]).val) setStateDelayed(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0], false, 100)
//log(lightObj[i].id+lightSubTyp[cTyp][0] + ' state: ' + lOn)
function getTopic(id) {
const r = getTopic2(id);
return r.replace('group_3', 'Deckenstrahler').replace('group_4', 'Esstisch')
function getTopic2(id) {
let a = id.split('.')
return 'zigbee2mqtt/' + a[a.length - 1] + '/set'
async function stopScene() {
currentScene = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < lightObj.length; i++) {
await sleep(50)
await switchLight(lightScene[0][i], lightObj[i].name, false)
//var cTyp = lightObj[i].mode;
//if (getState(lightObj[i].id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0]).val) setState(lightObj[i].id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0], false);
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', currentScene, true)
setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 'o', true);
function setBriOfLightsTo(value) {
for (var i = 0; i < lightScene[currentScene].length; i++) {
var cArray = lightScene[currentScene][i];
if (cArray[0]) {
var cTyp = lightObj[i].mode;
if (cTyp == 0) {
setState(lightObj[i].id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][1], value);
} else {
on({ id: 'shelly.0.SHSW-1#E8DB84D7B242#1.Relay0.longpush', change: 'ne' }, function (obj) {
if (obj.state.val) {
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', -1);
on({ id: mySwitch + 'on_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) {
if (!mySwitchTimeout) {
mySwitchTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
mySwitchTimeout = null;
}, 300);
on({ id: mySwitch + 'off_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) {
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', -1)
on({ id: mySwitch + 'off_hold', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) {
if (currentScene != -1) setBriOfLightsTo(1);
on({ id: mySwitch + 'on_hold', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) {
if (!mySwitchTimeout) {
mySwitchTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
mySwitchTimeout = null;
}, 300);
on({ id: mySwitch2 + 'on_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) {
on({ id: mySwitch2 + 'off_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) {
on({ id: mySwitch2 + 'down_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) {
if (!getState("hyperion_ng.0.1.components.V4L").val) setState("hyperion_ng.0.1.components.V4L", true);
on({ id: mySwitch2 + 'up_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) {
if (getState("hyperion_ng.0.1.components.V4L").val) setState("hyperion_ng.0.1.components.V4L", false);
on({ id: '0_userdata.0.Dummys.AppleTV_Licht_einschalten', change: "any", ack: false }, function (obj) {
if (obj.state.val == true) {
else {
if (obj.id) setState(obj.id, obj.state.val, true);
let hyperionStartupCheck;
let appleTvPlaying = getState('homekit-controller.0.IP-68:80:C5:D1:2D:02.1.sensor-motion-52.motion-detected').val;
let hyperionWledIdOn = getState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER').val;
let subscriptWled: any = null;
on({ id: 'sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER', change: "ne" }, function (obj) {
if (subscriptWled) clearTimeout(subscriptWled);
if (!obj.state.val) {
hyperionWledIdOn = obj.state.val;
setState('hyperion-connector.0.107a543b-ddfc-5ac9-8f44-051ae0e6db4d.controls.system.suspend', true);
} else {
subscriptWled = setTimeout(() => {
hyperionWledIdOn = obj.state.val;
let appleTvOffTimeout = null;
on({id:'homekit-controller.0.IP-68:80:C5:D1:2D:02.1.television-8.active', change:'ne'}, (obj) => {
if (!hyperionWledIdOn) {
appleTvOffTimeout = null;
if (obj.state.val != 0) {
if (appleTvOffTimeout) {
appleTvOffTimeout = null;
if (appleTvOffTimeout) return;
appleTvOffTimeout = setTimeout(()=>{
setState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER', false);
appleTvOffTimeout = null;
}, 120000)
on({id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-68:80:C5:D1:2D:02.1.sensor-motion-52.motion-detected', change: 'ne'}, function(obj) {
appleTvPlaying = obj.state.val;
function SetLightsForAppleTV(isPlaying: boolean | null = null) {
if (isPlaying === null) isPlaying = appleTvPlaying;
if (isPlaying && hyperionWledIdOn) {
setState('hyperion-connector.0.107a543b-ddfc-5ac9-8f44-051ae0e6db4d.controls.system.resume', true);
if (!getState('hyperion-connector.0.107a543b-ddfc-5ac9-8f44-051ae0e6db4d.controls.componentstate.LEDDEVICE').val) setState('hyperion-connector.0.107a543b-ddfc-5ac9-8f44-051ae0e6db4d.controls.componentstate.LEDDEVICE', true);
hyperion_on = true;
} else {
setState('hyperion-connector.0.107a543b-ddfc-5ac9-8f44-051ae0e6db4d.controls.system.idle', true);
hyperion_on = false;
async function atv(on) {
if (on) {
if (!getState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 3.POWER').val) {
setState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 3.POWER', true)
await sleep(5000)
if (!getState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER').val) {
setState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER', true);
setState('0_userdata.0.Dummys.AppleTV_einschalten', true, false)
} else {
if (getState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER').val) setState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER', false);
setStateDelayed('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', currentScene, 800)
setState('0_userdata.0.Dummys.AppleTV_ausschalten', true)
on({ id: 'shelly.0.SHSW-1#E8DB84D7B242#1.Relay0.Input', change:'ne', val:true }, () => {
DeckenpanelShouldOn = !DeckenpanelShouldOn;
let bigLampShouldOn = getState('shelly.0.SHSW-1#E8DB84D7B242#1.Relay0.Switch').val
let DeckenpanelShouldOn = getLightObjectState('Deckenpanel')
if (DeckenpanelShouldOn) {
setLightObjectState('Deckenpanel', false)
DeckenpanelShouldOn = false;
let presence
const radarZone = {
lux: {
presence1: {
id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2688.occupancy-detected',
count: 0
presence2: {
id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-7D:4F:34:4A:51:D1.1.sensor-occupancy-2688.occupancy-detected',
count: 0
durch: {
id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2700.occupancy-detected',
id2: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-7D:4F:34:4A:51:D1.1.sensor-occupancy-2696.occupancy-detected',
count2: 0,
state: false
couch: {
id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2704.occupancy-detected',
state: false
computer: {
id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2692.occupancy-detected',
id2: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-7D:4F:34:4A:51:D1.1.sensor-occupancy-2692.occupancy-detected',
count: 0,
count2: 0,
state: false
ess: {
id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2696.occupancy-detected',
id2: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-7D:4F:34:4A:51:D1.1.sensor-occupancy-2700.occupancy-detected',
count: 0,
count2: 0,
state: false
durch_ess: {
id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2712.occupancy-detected',
count: 0,
state: false
durch_computer: {
id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2708.occupancy-detected',
count: 0,
state: false
front = getState(radarZone.lux.front).val < luxminFront;
behindComputer = getState(radarZone.lux.behindComputer).val < luxminBehind;
behind = getState(radarZone.lux.front).val < luxminBehind;
let oldPresense: boolean | undefined = undefined
function checkPresence() {
presence = !!radarZone.presence1.count || !!radarZone.presence2.count
if (currentScene !== 0 && currentScene !== -1) {
oldPresense = undefined;
if (oldPresense !== presence) {
if (presence) {
currentScene = 0;
setLights(undefined, true);
oldPresense = presence;
const dimmode = getState('0_userdata.0.NSPanel.2.ScreensaverInfo.Trigger_Dimmode').val;
if (presence ) {
if (!dimmode) setState('0_userdata.0.NSPanel.2.ScreensaverInfo.Trigger_Dimmode', true)
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', 0, true) ;
} else {
if (dimmode) setState('0_userdata.0.NSPanel.2.ScreensaverInfo.Trigger_Dimmode', false)
if (currentScene == 0) {
setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', -1)
radarZone.presence1.count = getState(radarZone.presence1.id).val;
radarZone.presence2.count = getState(radarZone.presence2.id).val;
on({id: radarZone.presence1.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('0 Anwesenheit ' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.presence1.count = obj.state.val
on({id: radarZone.presence2.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('0 Anwesenheit ' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.presence2.count = obj.state.val
on({id: radarZone.lux.front, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
front = obj.state.val < luxminFront;
behind = obj.state.val < luxminBehind;
on({id: radarZone.lux.behindComputer, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
behindComputer = obj.state.val < luxminComputer;
on({id: radarZone.computer.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('1 Schreibtisch ' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.computer.count = obj.state.val
if (currentScene != 0) return;
on({id: radarZone.computer.id2, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('1 Schreibtisch ' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.computer.count2 = obj.state.val
if (currentScene != 0) return;
on({id: radarZone.ess.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('2 Essbereich' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.ess.count = obj.state.val
if (currentScene != 0) return;
on({id: radarZone.ess.id2, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('2 Essbereich' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.ess.count2 = obj.state.val
if (currentScene != 0) return;
on({id: radarZone.durch.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('3 Durchgangsbereich' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.durch.count = obj.state.val
if (currentScene != 0) return;
on({id: radarZone.durch.id2, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('3 Durchgangsbereich' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.durch.count2 = obj.state.val
if (currentScene != 0) return;
on({id:radarZone.couch.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('4 Couch ' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.couch.count = obj.state.val
if (currentScene != 0) return;
on({id: radarZone.durch_computer.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('3 Durchgangsbereich' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.durch_computer.count = obj.state.val
if (currentScene != 0) return;
on({id: radarZone.durch_ess.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('3 Durchgangsbereich' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.durch_ess.count = obj.state.val
if (currentScene != 0) return;
on({id:radarZone.couch.id2, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){
//log('4 Couch ' + obj.state.val)
radarZone.couch.count2 = obj.state.val
if (currentScene != 0) return;
function resetAutoMode() {
if (currentScene != 0) return;
const obj: {state:{val:any}} = {state: {val:0}}
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.computer.id).val
radarZone.computer.count = obj.state.val
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.computer.id2).val
radarZone.computer.count2 = obj.state.val
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.ess.id).val
radarZone.ess.count = obj.state.val
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.ess.id2).val
radarZone.ess.count2 = obj.state.val
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.durch.id).val
radarZone.durch.count = obj.state.val
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.durch.id2).val
radarZone.durch.count2 = obj.state.val
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.couch.id).val
radarZone.couch.count = obj.state.val
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.durch_computer.id).val
radarZone.durch_computer.count = obj.state.val
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.durch_ess.id).val
radarZone.durch_ess.count = obj.state.val
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.couch.id2).val
radarZone.couch.count2 = obj.state.val
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.lux.front).val
front = obj.state.val < luxminFront;
behind = obj.state.val < luxminBehind;
obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.lux.behindComputer).val
behindComputer = obj.state.val < luxminComputer;
const lightZoneSettings:Record<lightNameType, {on: boolean, dim: number, timeout: any, hyperion?:boolean}> = {
Couch: {
on: false,
hyperion: true,
timeout: null,
Schreibtisch: {
on: false,
timeout: null,
Esstisch: {
on: false,
timeout: null,
Deckenstrahler: {
on: false,
timeout: null,
"Computer-Wandlampe": {
on: false,
timeout: null,
"Deckenpanel": {
on: false,
hyperion: true,
timeout: null,
"Ambiente 1": {
on: false,
timeout: null,
"Ambiente 2": {
on: false,
timeout: null,
Fensterbank: {
on: false,
timeout: null,
Stehlampe: {
on: false,
hyperion: true,
timeout: null,
"Vitrine": {
on: false,
timeout: null,
* getLightObject
* @param name: lightNameType
* @returns lightObject
function getLightObject(name: lightNameType): lightObjectsType {
const result = lightObj.find(a => a.name === name);
if (!result) {
throw new Error(`lightObject ${name} not found`)
return result;
function getLightObjectState(name: lightNameType): boolean {
return getState(getLightObject(name).id + lightSubTyp[getLightObject(name).mode][0]).val
function getLightObjectIndex(name: lightNameType) {
return lightObj.findIndex(a => a.name === name)
function setLightObjectState(name: lightNameType, on: boolean): void {
setState(getLightObject(name).id + lightSubTyp[getLightObject(name).mode][0], on)
let timeoutSetLights: any = null;
function setLights(force: boolean = false, go: boolean = false) {
try {
if (timeoutSetLights) {
timeoutSetLights = null;
if (!go) {
timeoutSetLights = setTimeout(() => {
setLights(force, true)
}, 100)
// reset variables
for (const key in lightZoneSettings) {
lightZoneSettings[key].on = false;
lightZoneSettings[key].dim = 0;
* 1. Couch
* 2. Schreibtisch
* 3. Esstisch
* 4. Deckenstrahler
* 5. Computer-Wandlampe
* 6. Deckenpanel
* 7. Ambiente 1
* 8. Ambiente 2
* 9. Fensterbank
* 10. Stehlampe
* 11. Vitrine
* lux is the indoor light sensor value
* toDark is true if the outdoor light sensor value is below the minimum lux value
const toDark = shutterPos > cShutterPosForLight || behind || !isAstroDay();
const toDarkComputer = shutterPos > cShutterPosForLight || behindComputer || !isAstroDay();
let on = radarZone.couch.count > 0 || radarZone.couch.count2 > 0;
let dim = radarZone.couch.count > 0 || radarZone.couch.count2 > 0 ? 100 : 5;
on = on && front;
lightZoneSettings.Couch.on = lightZoneSettings.Couch.on || on;
lightZoneSettings.Couch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Couch.dim ,dim);
lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on = lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on || on;
lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.dim, dim);
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on || on;
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim, dim);
on = radarZone.computer.count > 0 || radarZone.computer.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_computer.count > 0 ;
on = on && toDarkComputer || schreibtischbereichSchalter
dim = radarZone.computer.count > 0 || radarZone.computer.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_computer.count > 0 || schreibtischbereichSchalter? 100 : 15;
let dim2 = schreibtischbereichSchalter ? 100 : on ? 50 : 10;
lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].on = lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].on || on
lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].dim, dim2)
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on = lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on || on
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim, dim)
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on = lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on || on
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim, dim)
lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on = lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on || on
lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim, dim)
on = lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on || radarZone.ess.count > 0 || radarZone.ess.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_ess.count > 0;
on = on && toDark || essbereichSchalter
dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim, radarZone.ess.count > 0 || radarZone.ess.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_ess.count > 0 || essbereichSchalter ? 100 : 15);
lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on = on;
lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim = dim;
// Durchgang
on = radarZone.durch.count +radarZone.durch.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_ess.count > 0 || radarZone.durch_computer.count > 0 || (schreibtischbereichSchalter && DeckenpanelShouldOn);
on = on && toDark
dim = Math.max(radarZone.durch.count+radarZone.durch.count2 > 0 ? 85 : 0);
dim = Math.max(dim, radarZone.durch_ess.count > 0 || radarZone.durch_computer.count > 0 || (schreibtischbereichSchalter && DeckenpanelShouldOn) ? 70 : 0);
lightZoneSettings.Couch.on = lightZoneSettings.Couch.on || (on && front);
lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on = lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on || (on && front);
lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.on = lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.on || on;
lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim, dim);
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on || on;
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim, dim);
lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.on = lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.on || on;
lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.dim, dim);
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on = on || lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on;
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim, 3);
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on = on || lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on;
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim, 3);
lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on = on || lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on;
lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim, 3);
lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on = on || lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on;
lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim, 3);
// if Durchgang is true dont deactivate lights in Schreibtisch and Esstisch
on = radarZone.durch.count+radarZone.durch.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_ess.count > 0 || radarZone.durch_computer.count > 0
on = on && toDark
lightZoneSettings.Couch.on = (getLightObjectState("Couch") && on && front) || lightZoneSettings.Couch.on
lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on = (getLightObjectState("Stehlampe") && on && front) || lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on
lightZoneSettings["Computer-Wandlampe"].on = (getLightObjectState("Computer-Wandlampe") && on) || lightZoneSettings["Computer-Wandlampe"].on;
lightZoneSettings["Computer-Wandlampe"].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings["Computer-Wandlampe"].dim, 10);
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on = (getLightObjectState('Ambiente 1') && on) || lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on;
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim, 3);
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on = (getLightObjectState('Ambiente 2') && on) || lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on;
lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim, 3);
lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on = (getLightObjectState('Schreibtisch') && on) || lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on;
lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim, 3);
lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on = (getLightObjectState('Esstisch') && on) || lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on;
lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim, 3);
* Dont activate the light if day is detected
if (isAstroDay()) {
lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.on = getLightObjectState('Fensterbank') || schreibtischbereichSchalter && lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.on;
lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on = getLightObjectState('Schreibtisch') || schreibtischbereichSchalter && lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on;
// Deactive the big light if the value is false
if (!bigLampShouldOn) {
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = false;
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = 0;
//lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].on = false;
lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].dim = schreibtischbereichSchalter ? 100 : Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].dim, 10);
} else {
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = true;
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = 0;
lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].on = true;
lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].dim = 95;
// if hyperion is on deactivate the other lights
if (hyperion_on) {
lightZoneSettings.Couch.on = false;
lightZoneSettings.Couch.dim = 0;
lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on = false;
lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.dim = 0;
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = false;
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = 0;
lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim = Math.min(lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim, 25);
lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.dim = Math.min(lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.dim, 5);
// if button is pressed activate the deckenpanel
if (DeckenpanelShouldOn) {
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = true;
lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = 100;
// if any light is on activte the deckenspots
on = false;
for (const key in lightZoneSettings) {
on = on || lightZoneSettings[key].on;
lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.on = toDark && (on || lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.on);
lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim, 5);
// write the settings to the lights
for (const key in lightZoneSettings) {
if (lightZoneSettings[key].timeout) clearTimeout(lightZoneSettings[key].timeout);
if (lightZoneSettings[key].on) {
switchLight(lightScene[0][getLightObjectIndex(key as any)], key, lightZoneSettings[key].on, lightZoneSettings[key].dim == 100 ? undefined : lightZoneSettings[key].dim);
} else {
if (force || (hyperion_on && lightZoneSettings[key].hyperion)) {
switchLight(lightScene[0][getLightObjectIndex(key as any)], key, lightZoneSettings[key].on, lightZoneSettings[key].dim == 100 ? undefined : lightZoneSettings[key].dim)
} else {
lightZoneSettings[key].timeout = setTimeout((key) => {
switchLight(lightScene[0][getLightObjectIndex(key as any)], key, lightZoneSettings[key].on, lightZoneSettings[key].dim == 100 ? undefined : lightZoneSettings[key].dim)
}, autoModeOffTimeout, key)
} catch(error) {
log(error as string)
function dimValue(from: number, to: number): number {
return _dimValue({from, to});
type dimValueOptionsType = {
begin?: string;
end?: string;
reset?: string;
from?: number;
to?: number;
sunset?: boolean | number
function _dimValue(options: dimValueOptionsType = {}): number {
options = {...dimValueOptions, ...options}
if (!options.begin || !options.end || !options.reset || options.from === undefined || options.to === undefined ) {
log('missing value')
return options.from || 0;
const startArr = options.begin.split(':');
const endArr = options.end.split(':');
const resetArr = options.reset.split(':');
if (startArr.length <= 1 || endArr.length <= 1 || resetArr.length <= 1) {
log('dimValue: missing string in start, reset or end (xx:xx)')
return options.to
const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
let startTime = new Date().setHours(parseInt(startArr[0]), parseInt(startArr[1]), startArr[2] ? parseInt(startArr[2]) : 0 );
let endTime = new Date().setHours(parseInt(endArr[0]), parseInt(endArr[1]), endArr[2] ? parseInt(endArr[2]) : 0 );
let resetTime = new Date().setHours(parseInt(resetArr[0]), parseInt(resetArr[1]), resetArr[2] ? parseInt(resetArr[2]) : 0 );
if (endTime < startTime) {
if (startTime > currentTime && endTime > currentTime) {
// end is this day
startTime -=24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
if (startTime <= currentTime && endTime <= currentTime) {
// end is next day
endTime += 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
let from = options.from;
const to = options.to;
const sunset = options.sunset
from = sunset && typeof sunset === 'number' ? calculateDimSunset(from, sunset) : from;
if (currentTime <= startTime || currentTime >= endTime) {
// 20:00 > 6:00 && 20:00 < 21:00 (true) || 6:00 > 2:00 && 1:00 < 2:00 (true)
if (currentTime >= resetTime && currentTime < startTime || resetTime > startTime && currentTime < startTime ) {
return from;
return to;
const diff = to - from;
const result = Math.round(diff * (currentTime-startTime) / (endTime-startTime)) + from;
return result;
function calculateDimSunset(from: number, to: number | number): number {
const sunsetStartTime = getAstroDate('sunsetStart').getTime();
const sunsetEndTime = getAstroDate('dusk').getTime();
const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
if (currentTime > sunsetEndTime) return to;
else if (currentTime < sunsetStartTime) return from;
const diff = to - from;
const result = Math.round(diff * (currentTime-sunsetStartTime) / (sunsetEndTime-sunsetStartTime)) + from;
return result;