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zig gleiche Einträge in JS-Protokollanzeige
@hub01 Kann sein, dass ein Ausschnitt reicht. Muss es allerdings nicht. Evtl. gibt es noch mehr im Skript zu optimieren, was bei der Gelegenheit gleich passieren könnte.
Umlaute vermeide ich. Zumindest im Namen des Skripts ist einer enthalten.
Ansonsten reichen die Meldungen allein nicht.
ist es länger als das:
export {}; const DEBUG = false; const cMinLux = 1800; const luxminFront = 60; const luxminBehind = 80; const luxminComputer = 20; let front = false; let behind = false; let behindComputer = false; const miredDiff = 180; const dimValueOptions: dimValueOptionsType = { begin: '21:00', end: '23:00', reset: '6:00', sunset: 340 // default values here } // für hinteren Bereich const cShutterPosForLight = 60; let hyperion_on = getState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER').val; const path = '0_userdata.0.scene' const cCurrentLuxState = 'alias.0.zuhause.og.Abstellraum.Lux-Tasmota.lux'; const mySwitch = 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x001788010635d03f.'; const mySwitch2 = 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x0017880104f33a08.'; var mySwitchTimeout:any = null; const axios = require('axios'); //Objekte; const dimmer:{[key: number]: {value: number, timeout: any}} = {}; let autoModeBright = existsState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.autoModeBright`) ? getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.autoModeBright`).val : false; let autoModeOffTimeout = autoModeBright ? 15000 : 3000 // homematic 6 fach schalter // Wandlampe Wohnzimmer const cShutterPos = 'homepilot20.0.Actuator.2-27601565.Position' let shutterPos = getState(cShutterPos).val; on({id: cShutterPos, change: 'ne'}, (obj) => { shutterPos = obj.state.val }) on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.1.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { flipState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.autoModeBright`); }) on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.3.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { flipState('sonoff.0.NOUS 03.POWER') }) on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.6.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { if (!mySwitchTimeout) { mySwitchTimeout = setTimeout(function () { autoScene(0); mySwitchTimeout = null; }, 300); } }) on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.2.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { flipState('shelly.0.SHSW-1#E8DB84D7B242#1.Relay1.Switch') }) on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.4.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { flipState('sonoff.0.NOUS 05.POWER') }) on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.5.PRESS_LONG_START', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let lights = $('state(functions=beleuchtung)'); if (lights) { lights.each(async (obj) => { await sleep(100) const obj2 = getObject(obj, 'rooms'); let rooms = obj2.enumIds if (rooms === undefined) return; rooms.forEach(async (room) => { await sleep(20) // workaround manche Geräte enthalten Räume die ich nicht entfernen kann. var enumObj = getObject(room); if (enumObj.common.members.findIndex((a) => { return obj.includes(a) }) == -1) return; const roomName = enumObj.common.name as iobJS.StringOrTranslated; let r = typeof roomName === 'string' ? roomName : roomName.de; if (r != 'Wohnzimmer') setState(obj, false); }); }); } }) on({ id: 'hm-rpc.1.000B5D89B01C44.5.PRESS_SHORT', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', -1);; }) let essbereichSchalter = getState('shelly.0.SHSW-25#E8DB8480264D#1.Relay0.Input').val on({ id: 'shelly.0.SHSW-25#E8DB8480264D#1.Relay0.Input', change: 'ne' }, function (obj) { essbereichSchalter = obj.state.val; setLights(); }) let schreibtischbereichSchalter = getState('shelly.0.SHSW-25#E8DB8480264D#1.Relay1.Input').val on({ id: 'shelly.0.SHSW-25#E8DB8480264D#1.Relay1.Input', change: 'ne' }, function (obj) { schreibtischbereichSchalter = obj.state.val; setLights(); }) async function flipState(id) { setStateAsync(id, !getState(id).val); } /* Lightsobjects at home device, lightSubTyp (Typ) */ // 0= hue 1= shelly 2= alexa //STARTGLOBAL type zoneIntersect = 'couch' | 'schreibtisch' | 'essbereich' | 'durchgang' | 'durchgang_schreibtisch' | 'durchgang_essbereich' | 'durchgang_couch'; type lightNameType = 'Couch' | 'Stehlampe' | 'Esstisch' | 'Computer-Wandlampe' | 'Vitrine' | 'Ambiente 1' | 'Ambiente 2' | 'Deckenstrahler' | 'Schreibtisch' | 'Fensterbank' | 'Deckenpanel'; type lightObjectsType = { id: string; name: lightNameType; day: boolean; night: boolean; timeout?: any; } & lightSubType; type LightZoneType = {} //type sceneSettings = Record<lightNameType,{}> type subCommandTyp = { stateName: string; mqttName?: string; } type lightSubType = ( { mode: 0; state?: { on: subCommandTyp; bri: subCommandTyp; color?: subCommandTyp; colortemp?: subCommandTyp; } } | { mode: 1; state?: { on:subCommandTyp; } } | { mode: 2; state?: { on: subCommandTyp; } } | { mode: 3; state?: { on: subCommandTyp } } | { mode: 4; state?: { on: subCommandTyp; bri: subCommandTyp; ps: subCommandTyp; } } ) const lightSubMode: lightSubType[] = [{ mode: 0, state: { on:{stateName:".state", mqttName: 'state'}, bri:{stateName: ".brightness", mqttName:'brightness'}, color:{stateName:".color", mqttName:'color'}, colortemp:{stateName:".colortemp", mqttName:'color_temp'}, } } , { mode: 1, state: { on:{stateName:".Switch",}, } } , { mode: 2, state: { on:{stateName:".powerState", }, } } , { mode: 3, state: { on:{stateName:".STATE",}, } } , { mode: 4, state: { on:{stateName:".on", mqttName: 'on'}, bri:{stateName: ".bri", mqttName:'bri'}, ps:{stateName:".ps", mqttName:'ps'}, } }] type lightControlType = Record<lightNameType, lightSubType> const lightObj: lightObjectsType[] = [ { id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x0017880102887f42', name: 'Couch', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 0 Couch { id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x00178801028fc5cd', name: 'Stehlampe', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 1 Standlicht // { id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x0017880102922a60', mode: 0, name: 'Wohnzimmer', day: false, night: true }, // 1 Kugel // { id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x0017880109bde7e3', mode: 0, name: 'Wohnzimmer', day: true, night: true }, // 2 Computer { id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.group_4', name: 'Esstisch', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 2 Esszimmer { id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0xb43522fffe55d341', name: 'Computer-Wandlampe', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 3 Computer Wandlampe { id: 'alexa2.0.Smart-Home-Devices.54a20611-b863-4a2d-80c5-9b7f3caa2339', name: 'Vitrine', mode: 2, day: false, night: true }, // 4 Vitrine { id: 'shelly.0.SHSW-1#E8DB84D7B242#1.Relay0', name: 'Deckenpanel', mode: 1, day: true, night: true }, // 10 Deckenlampe Wohnzimmer { id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x001788010bea2ef4', name: 'Ambiente 1', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 11 Ambiente 1 { id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.0x001788010bea2ec7', name: 'Ambiente 2', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 12 Ambiente 2 { id: 'zigbee2mqtt.0.group_3', name: 'Deckenstrahler', mode: 0, day: true, night: true }, // 12 Deckenstrahler { id: 'wled.0.0cb815b8af3c', name: 'Schreibtisch', mode: 4, day: true, night: true, timeout: null }, // 13 Schreibtisch { id: 'wled.0.2cbcbb4f014c', name: 'Fensterbank', mode: 4, day: true, night: true, timeout: null } // 13 Fensterbank ]; // Subobj [x][1] var lightSubTyp = [['.state', '.brightness', '.sat', '.color', '.colortemp']]; lightSubTyp.push(['.Switch']); lightSubTyp.push(['.powerState']); lightSubTyp.push(['.STATE']); lightSubTyp.push(['.on','.bri', '.ps']) const arrayLightSubTypToText = [ ['On', 'Helligkeit', 'Saturation', 'Farbe', 'Farbtemperatur'], ['On'], ['On'], ['On'], ['On', 'Helligkeit', 'Voreinstellung',] ] var Y = -1; let lightScene:([boolean, number, number, string, number?] | [boolean] | [boolean, number,number])[][] = []; //0 //0 lightScene.push([[false, 180, 140, '#151200', 450]]); //0 lightScene[++Y].push([false, 250, 140, '#151200', 450]); //1 //lightScene[Y].push([false,100,140,'#151200', 2200]]); //1 //lightScene[Y].push([false,200,140,'#151200', 2200]]); //2 lightScene[Y].push([false, 230, 0, '', 450]); //8 lightScene[Y].push([false, 20,0,'',450]); //3 lightScene[Y].push([false]); //4 lightScene[Y].push([false]); //5 lightScene[Y].push([false, 230, 140, '#001237', 450]); //6 lightScene[Y].push([false, 230, 140, '#001237', 450]); //7 lightScene[Y].push([true, 230, 0, '', 450]); //8 lightScene[Y].push([false,200, 1]); //Schreibtisch 9 lightScene[Y].push([true,10,1]); //Fensterbank // +1 //Globale Variablen var currentScene = getState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ').val; var dimmerRef = null; //setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', currentScene); // Wir überprüfen Scene und Lights Array ob sie zusammenpassen und werfen hilfreiche Fehlermeldungen raus, wenn nicht pruefeBeideArraysAufFehler(); // Überprüfung der Array erledigt function pruefeBeideArraysAufFehler() { var myBreak = false; var isError = false; for (var i = 0; i < lightScene.length; i++) { if (lightScene[i].length != lightObj.length) { var myErrorMsg = 'Anzahl der LightScene ' + i + ' Einträge: ' + lightScene[i].length + ' entspricht nicht der Anzahl and LightObjects: ' + lightObj.length; log(myErrorMsg, 'error'); var maxLength; isError = true; if (lightScene[i].length > lightObj.length) maxLength = lightScene[i].length; else maxLength = lightObj.length; for (var y = 0; y < maxLength; y++) { myErrorMsg = ''; if (y < lightScene[i].length) { myErrorMsg = 'LightScene: ' + i + ' existiert Werte: ' + lightScene[i][y]; log(myErrorMsg, 'info'); } else { myErrorMsg = 'In LightScene: ' + i + ' existiert Datensatz ' + y + ' nicht!'; log(myErrorMsg, 'error'); myBreak = true; break; } if (y < lightObj.length) { myErrorMsg = 'LightObjects: ' + y + ' existiert ObjID: ' + lightObj[y][0]; log(myErrorMsg, 'info'); } else { myErrorMsg = 'LightObjects: ' + y + ' existiert nicht!'; log(myErrorMsg, 'error'); myBreak = true; break; }; } if (myBreak) break; } } if (isError) { myErrorMsg = 'Skript abgebrochen und pausiert. '; //@ts-ignore stopScript(); } } // Überprüfung der Array erledigt init(); async function init() { if (!await existsObjectAsync(path)) { await createFolderAsync(path, 'Szenen'); } if (!await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer`)) { await createDeviceAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer`, 'Szenen'); } if (!await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.autoModeBright`)) { await createStateAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.autoModeBright`, false, false, {name:'Hohe Helligkeit', role: 'state', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: true}); } on({ id: `${path}.wohnzimmer.autoModeBright`, change: 'ne' }, function (obj) { autoModeBright = obj.state.val; autoModeOffTimeout = autoModeBright ? 15000 : 2000 resetAutoMode(); if (obj.id) setState(obj.id, obj.state.val, true); }) for (const a in lightScene) { if (!await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}`)) { await createChannelAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}`, 'Szene'); await createStateAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.dimmer`, 80, false, {name:'Helligkeitseinstellung', role: 'level.dimmer', type: 'number', unit:'%', min:1, max: 100, step:1, read: true, write: true}); } if (!await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.useDimmer`)) { await createStateAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.useDimmer`, a != '0', false, {name:'Nutze Dimmer', role: 'switch', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: true}); } dimmer[a] = {value: (getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.dimmer`)).val/100, timeout: null}; on({id: `${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.dimmer`, change:'any', ack: false}, (dp) => { if (!dp || !dp.id) return; const arr = dp.id.split('.'); arr.pop() const key = arr.pop(); if (key !== undefined) { dimmer[key].value = dp.state.val / 100; if (dimmer[key].value <= 0.01 || dimmer[key].value >= 1) { for (const light of lightObj) { if (light.mode === 0 && dimmer[key].timeout == null && getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[light.mode][0]).val) { setState(light.id + '.effect', 'blink'); dimmer[key].timeout = setTimeout((light) => { setState(light.id + '.effect', 'stop_effect'); dimmer[key].timeout = null; }, 1000, light); } } } } if (dp.oldState.val !== dp.state.val) reSetScene(true); setState(dp.id, dp.state.val, true); }) for (const b in lightScene[a]) { if (!await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}`)) { await createChannelAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}`, lightObj[b].name); } else { await extendObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}`, {common:{ name: lightObj[b].name, } }); } for (let cIndex = 0; cIndex < lightScene[a][b].length; cIndex++) { const c = arrayLightSubTypToText[lightObj[b].mode][cIndex] let value: any = undefined; if (await existsObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${cIndex}`)) { value = getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${cIndex}`).val; deleteState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${cIndex}`); } if (!await existsStateAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`)) { value = value === undefined ? lightScene[a][b][cIndex] : value await createStateAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`, value, {name: c, role: 'value', type: typeof lightScene[a][b][cIndex], read: true, write: true}); setState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`, value, true) } else { if (typeof getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`).val == 'object'){ value = lightScene[a][b][cIndex]; } if (value !== undefined) setState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`, value, true) //if (c == 'Farbtemperatur') setState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`, 450, true) const typ = typeof lightScene[a][b][cIndex]; switch (typ) { case 'string': case 'number': case 'boolean': await extendObjectAsync(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`, {common:{ name: c, } }); } } await sleep(2) lightScene[a][b][cIndex] = (getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${a}.${b}.${c}`)).val } on({id: new RegExp(`^${path}\\.wohnzimmer\\.${a}\\.${b}\..+`, 'g'), change:'any', ack: false}, (dp) => { if (!dp || !dp.id) return; const arr = dp.id.split('.'); const c = arr.pop() if (c === undefined) return; const lampe = parseInt(arr.pop() ?? ''); const scene = arr.pop(); const option = arrayLightSubTypToText[lightObj[lampe].mode].findIndex((a) => a === c); if (scene === undefined || lampe === undefined || option === undefined) return; lightScene[scene][lampe][option] = dp.state.val; if (dp.oldState.val !== dp.state.val) { if (currentScene != 0) reSetScene(true); else resetAutoMode(); } setState(dp.id, dp.state.val, true); }) } } } function getCommandString(a,b) { return lightSubTyp[lightObj[a].mode][b] } schedule({ astro: "sunset" }, reSetScene); schedule({ astro: "sunrise" }, reSetScene); function autoScene(x) { // setze scene zurück wenn der ON Status der Lampen nicht der Scene entspricht. if (currentScene > x - 1 && currentScene < lightScene.length) { for (var i = 0; i < lightScene[currentScene].length; i++) { let astro = lightObj[i].day && isAstroDay() || !isAstroDay() && lightObj[i].night; if (lightObj[i].state && (lightScene[currentScene][i][0] && astro) != lightObj[i].state![getCommandString(i,0)]) { currentScene = x - 1; break; } } } // Scenen counter currentScene++; if (currentScene >= 0 || currentScene >= lightScene.length || currentScene < x) { currentScene = x; } setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', currentScene); } on({ id: '0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', change: 'any', ack: false }, function (obj) { switch (obj.state.val) { case 'c': setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', 8); break; case 'f': setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', 10); break; case 'e': setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', 9); break; case 's': setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', 11); break; case 'o': setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', -1); break; } }) on({ id: '0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', change: 'any', ack: false }, setScene) function reSetScene(force = false) { if (DEBUG) log('current scene: ' + currentScene); if (currentScene == -1 || currentScene >= lightScene.length) return; for (var i = 0; i < lightScene[currentScene].length; i++) { if (!force && lightObj[i].state && lightScene[currentScene][i][0] != (lightObj[i].state![getCommandString(i,0)] == (lightObj[i].day && isAstroDay() || !isAstroDay() && lightObj[i].night))) { return; } } setScene(undefined) } async function setScene(obj) { if (obj !== undefined) { currentScene = obj.state.val; } if (currentScene == lightScene.length) return; if (currentScene == -1) { stopScene(); return; }; if (currentScene === 0) {resetAutoMode(); return;} // Aktive Lampen auf Endwert setzen for (var i = 0; i < lightScene[currentScene].length; i++) { await sleep (25); switchLight(lightScene[currentScene][i], lightObj[i].name) } if (DEBUG) log("setScene to: " + currentScene); setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', currentScene, true); switch (currentScene) { case 8: setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 'c', true) break; case 10: setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 'f', true); break; case 9: setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 'e', true); break; case 11: setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 's', true); break; case -1: setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 'o', true); break; default: setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', '', true); } }; let lastCommandTimeout: any = null let lastCommand:any ={} async function switchLight(cArray, lightName: string, overwriteOn: boolean|null = null, overwriteDim: number|null = null) { const light = lightObj.find(a => a.name == lightName); if (!light) return; var cTyp = light.mode; let astro = light.day && isAstroDay() || !isAstroDay() && light.night; let lOn = (overwriteOn === null || overwriteOn === true ? astro && (cArray[0] || !!overwriteOn) : false); let dimFix = currentScene != -1 ? (getState(`${path}.wohnzimmer.${currentScene}.useDimmer`).val ? dimmer[currentScene].value : 1) : 1; let dim = (overwriteDim !== null ? overwriteDim/100 : 1) * dimFix let carray4 = cArray[4] lastCommandTimeout && clearTimeout(lastCommandTimeout); lastCommandTimeout = setTimeout(() => {lastCommand = {}}, 30000) if (lastCommand[lightName] && lastCommand[lightName].cArray === cArray && lastCommand[lightName].overwriteOn === overwriteOn && lastCommand[lightName].overwriteDim === overwriteDim && lastCommand[lightName].dim === dim && lastCommand[lightName].astro === astro ) { return; } else { lastCommand[lightName] = {cArray, overwriteOn, overwriteDim, dim, astro} } // Verweizweigung der Lampen nach Funktion; const isOn = getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0]).val; if (lOn === false && (isOn === false || light.timeout)) return; //log (overwriteOn + ' ' + astro + ' ' + cArray[0] + ' ' + lOn + ' '+ (astro && (cArray[0] || !!overwriteOn)) + ' ' + isOn) if (lOn) { if (cTyp == 0) { let msg:{state:string, brightness: number, transition: number, color?:string, color_temp?: number} = {state: lOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF', brightness:(Math.round((cArray[1]-1) * dim)+1), transition: 1 } if (!cArray[4]) { msg.color = cArray[3]; } else { carray4 = dimValue(cArray[4]-miredDiff, cArray[4]); msg.color_temp = carray4 } if ((isOn && lOn)) { if (dim < dimFix) msg.transition = 3; else msg.transition = 3; } else { msg.transition = 1 } if (isOn !== lOn || getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][1]).val !== (Math.round((cArray[1]-1) * dim)+1) || carray4 && getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][4]).val !== carray4 || !carray4 && getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][3]).val !== cArray[3]) { sendTo('mqtt.0', 'sendMessage2Client', { topic: getTopic(light.id), message: JSON.stringify(msg) }); } //log(getTopic(light.id) + ': ' + JSON.stringify(msg)) //log(cArray[3]) } else if (cTyp == 4) { if (light.timeout) clearTimeout(light.timeout); light.timeout = null; let bri = Math.round((cArray[1]-1) * dim)+1 try { if (bri != getState(`${light.id}.bri`).val || lOn != getState(`${light.id}.on`).val || cArray[2] != getState(`${light.id}.ps`).val ) { setState(`${light.id}.action`, JSON.stringify({ "bri": bri, "on": lOn, 'ps': cArray[2], 'transition': 1 })) } } catch(error) { console.warn(`wled ${light.id} nicht erreichbar! ` + error) } } else { if (!isOn) setState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0], lOn); } } else { if (cTyp == 0) { let msg:{state:string, brightness: number, transition: number, color?:string, color_temp?: number} = {state: lOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF', brightness:(Math.round((cArray[1]-1) * dim)+1), transition: 2 } msg.transition = 6; if (isOn !== lOn) sendTo('mqtt.0', 'sendMessage2Client', { topic: getTopic(light.id), message: JSON.stringify(msg) }); } else if (cTyp === 4) { const ip = getState(`${light.id}._info.ip`).val try { if (!getState(`${light.id}.on`).val) { if (light.timeout) clearTimeout(light.timeout); return; } setState(`${light.id}.action`, JSON.stringify({ "bri": 1, 'ps': 5, }) ) } catch(error) { console.warn(`wled ${light.id} nicht erreichbar! ` + error) } if (light.timeout) clearTimeout(light.timeout); light.timeout = setTimeout((id) => { setState(`${id}.on`, false) }, 60000*1, light.id) } else { if (getState(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0]).val) setStateDelayed(light.id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0], false, 100) } } //log(lightObj[i].id+lightSubTyp[cTyp][0] + ' state: ' + lOn) } function getTopic(id) { const r = getTopic2(id); return r.replace('group_3', 'Deckenstrahler').replace('group_4', 'Esstisch') } function getTopic2(id) { let a = id.split('.') return 'zigbee2mqtt/' + a[a.length - 1] + '/set' } async function stopScene() { currentScene = -1; for (var i = 0; i < lightObj.length; i++) { await sleep(50) await switchLight(lightScene[0][i], lightObj[i].name, false) //var cTyp = lightObj[i].mode; //if (getState(lightObj[i].id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0]).val) setState(lightObj[i].id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][0], false); } setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', currentScene, true) setState('0_userdata.0.szene_wohnzimmer', 'o', true); } function setBriOfLightsTo(value) { for (var i = 0; i < lightScene[currentScene].length; i++) { var cArray = lightScene[currentScene][i]; if (cArray[0]) { var cTyp = lightObj[i].mode; if (cTyp == 0) { setState(lightObj[i].id + lightSubTyp[cTyp][1], value); } else { } } } } on({ id: 'shelly.0.SHSW-1#E8DB84D7B242#1.Relay0.longpush', change: 'ne' }, function (obj) { if (obj.state.val) { setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', -1); } }) on({ id: mySwitch + 'on_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) { if (!mySwitchTimeout) { mySwitchTimeout = setTimeout(function () { autoScene(0); mySwitchTimeout = null; }, 300); } }); on({ id: mySwitch + 'off_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) { setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', -1) }); on({ id: mySwitch + 'off_hold', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) { if (currentScene != -1) setBriOfLightsTo(1); }); on({ id: mySwitch + 'on_hold', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) { if (!mySwitchTimeout) { mySwitchTimeout = setTimeout(function () { autoScene(7); mySwitchTimeout = null; }, 300); } }); on({ id: mySwitch2 + 'on_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) { atv(true) }); on({ id: mySwitch2 + 'off_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) { atv(false) }); on({ id: mySwitch2 + 'down_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) { if (!getState("hyperion_ng.0.1.components.V4L").val) setState("hyperion_ng.0.1.components.V4L", true); }); on({ id: mySwitch2 + 'up_press', change: 'ne', val: true }, function (obj) { if (getState("hyperion_ng.0.1.components.V4L").val) setState("hyperion_ng.0.1.components.V4L", false); }); on({ id: '0_userdata.0.Dummys.AppleTV_Licht_einschalten', change: "any", ack: false }, function (obj) { if (obj.state.val == true) { atv(true) } else { atv(false) } if (obj.id) setState(obj.id, obj.state.val, true); }) let hyperionStartupCheck; let appleTvPlaying = getState('homekit-controller.0.IP-68:80:C5:D1:2D:02.1.sensor-motion-52.motion-detected').val; let hyperionWledIdOn = getState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER').val; let subscriptWled: any = null; on({ id: 'sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER', change: "ne" }, function (obj) { if (subscriptWled) clearTimeout(subscriptWled); if (!obj.state.val) { hyperionWledIdOn = obj.state.val; setState('hyperion-connector.0.107a543b-ddfc-5ac9-8f44-051ae0e6db4d.controls.system.suspend', true); SetLightsForAppleTV(); } else { subscriptWled = setTimeout(() => { hyperionWledIdOn = obj.state.val; SetLightsForAppleTV(); },500) } }) let appleTvOffTimeout = null; on({id:'homekit-controller.0.IP-68:80:C5:D1:2D:02.1.television-8.active', change:'ne'}, (obj) => { if (!hyperionWledIdOn) { appleTvOffTimeout = null; return; } if (obj.state.val != 0) { if (appleTvOffTimeout) { clearTimeout(appleTvOffTimeout) appleTvOffTimeout = null; } return; } if (appleTvOffTimeout) return; appleTvOffTimeout = setTimeout(()=>{ setState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER', false); appleTvOffTimeout = null; }, 120000) }) on({id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-68:80:C5:D1:2D:02.1.sensor-motion-52.motion-detected', change: 'ne'}, function(obj) { appleTvPlaying = obj.state.val; SetLightsForAppleTV(obj.state.val) }) function SetLightsForAppleTV(isPlaying: boolean | null = null) { if (isPlaying === null) isPlaying = appleTvPlaying; if (isPlaying && hyperionWledIdOn) { setState('hyperion-connector.0.107a543b-ddfc-5ac9-8f44-051ae0e6db4d.controls.system.resume', true); if (!getState('hyperion-connector.0.107a543b-ddfc-5ac9-8f44-051ae0e6db4d.controls.componentstate.LEDDEVICE').val) setState('hyperion-connector.0.107a543b-ddfc-5ac9-8f44-051ae0e6db4d.controls.componentstate.LEDDEVICE', true); hyperion_on = true; setLights(); } else { setState('hyperion-connector.0.107a543b-ddfc-5ac9-8f44-051ae0e6db4d.controls.system.idle', true); hyperion_on = false; setLights(); } } async function atv(on) { if (on) { if (!getState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 3.POWER').val) { setState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 3.POWER', true) await sleep(5000) } if (!getState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER').val) { setState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER', true); } setState('0_userdata.0.Dummys.AppleTV_einschalten', true, false) } else { if (getState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER').val) setState('sonoff.0.Gosund Steckdose 8.POWER', false); setStateDelayed('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', currentScene, 800) setState('0_userdata.0.Dummys.AppleTV_ausschalten', true) } } on({ id: 'shelly.0.SHSW-1#E8DB84D7B242#1.Relay0.Input', change:'ne', val:true }, () => { DeckenpanelShouldOn = !DeckenpanelShouldOn; setLights(true); }) let bigLampShouldOn = getState('shelly.0.SHSW-1#E8DB84D7B242#1.Relay0.Switch').val let DeckenpanelShouldOn = getLightObjectState('Deckenpanel') if (DeckenpanelShouldOn) { setLightObjectState('Deckenpanel', false) DeckenpanelShouldOn = false; } let presence const radarZone = { lux: { front:'homekit-controller.0.IP-7D:4F:34:4A:51:D1.1.sensor-light-2672.light-level-current', behindComputer:'sonoff.0.lux1_tasmota_638B51.BH1750_Illuminance', }, presence1: { id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2688.occupancy-detected', count: 0 }, presence2: { id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-7D:4F:34:4A:51:D1.1.sensor-occupancy-2688.occupancy-detected', count: 0 }, durch: { id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2700.occupancy-detected', id2: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-7D:4F:34:4A:51:D1.1.sensor-occupancy-2696.occupancy-detected', count:0, count2: 0, state: false }, couch: { id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2704.occupancy-detected', id2:'homekit-controller.0.IP-7D:4F:34:4A:51:D1.1.sensor-occupancy-2704.occupancy-detected', count:0, count2:0, state: false }, computer: { id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2692.occupancy-detected', id2: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-7D:4F:34:4A:51:D1.1.sensor-occupancy-2692.occupancy-detected', count: 0, count2: 0, state: false }, ess: { id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2696.occupancy-detected', id2: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-7D:4F:34:4A:51:D1.1.sensor-occupancy-2700.occupancy-detected', count: 0, count2: 0, state: false }, durch_ess: { id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2712.occupancy-detected', count: 0, state: false }, durch_computer: { id: 'homekit-controller.0.IP-C6:61:82:37:C4:1F.1.sensor-occupancy-2708.occupancy-detected', count: 0, state: false } } front = getState(radarZone.lux.front).val < luxminFront; behindComputer = getState(radarZone.lux.behindComputer).val < luxminBehind; behind = getState(radarZone.lux.front).val < luxminBehind; let oldPresense: boolean | undefined = undefined function checkPresence() { presence = !!radarZone.presence1.count || !!radarZone.presence2.count if (currentScene !== 0 && currentScene !== -1) { oldPresense = undefined; return; } if (oldPresense !== presence) { if (presence) { currentScene = 0; //schreibtischLampe(true); //esstischLampe(true); //durchgang(true); setLights(undefined, true); } } oldPresense = presence; const dimmode = getState('0_userdata.0.NSPanel.2.ScreensaverInfo.Trigger_Dimmode').val; if (presence ) { if (!dimmode) setState('0_userdata.0.NSPanel.2.ScreensaverInfo.Trigger_Dimmode', true) setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', 0, true) ; } else { if (dimmode) setState('0_userdata.0.NSPanel.2.ScreensaverInfo.Trigger_Dimmode', false) if (currentScene == 0) { setState('0_userdata.0.currentSceneWZ', -1) } } } radarZone.presence1.count = getState(radarZone.presence1.id).val; radarZone.presence2.count = getState(radarZone.presence2.id).val; on({id: radarZone.presence1.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('0 Anwesenheit ' + obj.state.val) radarZone.presence1.count = obj.state.val checkPresence(); }); on({id: radarZone.presence2.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('0 Anwesenheit ' + obj.state.val) radarZone.presence2.count = obj.state.val checkPresence(); }); on({id: radarZone.lux.front, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ front = obj.state.val < luxminFront; behind = obj.state.val < luxminBehind; }); on({id: radarZone.lux.behindComputer, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ behindComputer = obj.state.val < luxminComputer; }); on({id: radarZone.computer.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('1 Schreibtisch ' + obj.state.val) radarZone.computer.count = obj.state.val if (currentScene != 0) return; setLights() //schreibtischLampe() }); on({id: radarZone.computer.id2, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('1 Schreibtisch ' + obj.state.val) radarZone.computer.count2 = obj.state.val if (currentScene != 0) return; setLights() //schreibtischLampe() }); on({id: radarZone.ess.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('2 Essbereich' + obj.state.val) radarZone.ess.count = obj.state.val if (currentScene != 0) return; setLights() //esstischLampe() //durchgang() }); on({id: radarZone.ess.id2, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('2 Essbereich' + obj.state.val) radarZone.ess.count2 = obj.state.val if (currentScene != 0) return; setLights() //esstischLampe() //durchgang() }); on({id: radarZone.durch.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('3 Durchgangsbereich' + obj.state.val) radarZone.durch.count = obj.state.val if (currentScene != 0) return; setLights() //schreibtischLampe() //esstischLampe() //couchLampe() //durchgang() }); on({id: radarZone.durch.id2, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('3 Durchgangsbereich' + obj.state.val) radarZone.durch.count2 = obj.state.val if (currentScene != 0) return; setLights() //schreibtischLampe() //esstischLampe() //couchLampe() //durchgang() }); on({id:radarZone.couch.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('4 Couch ' + obj.state.val) radarZone.couch.count = obj.state.val if (currentScene != 0) return; setLights() //couchLampe() }); on({id: radarZone.durch_computer.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('3 Durchgangsbereich' + obj.state.val) radarZone.durch_computer.count = obj.state.val if (currentScene != 0) return; setLights() //schreibtischLampe() //durchgang() }); on({id: radarZone.durch_ess.id, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('3 Durchgangsbereich' + obj.state.val) radarZone.durch_ess.count = obj.state.val if (currentScene != 0) return; setLights() //esstischLampe() //durchgang() }); on({id:radarZone.couch.id2, change: 'ne'}, function(obj){ //log('4 Couch ' + obj.state.val) radarZone.couch.count2 = obj.state.val if (currentScene != 0) return; setLights() //couchLampe() }); resetAutoMode() function resetAutoMode() { if (currentScene != 0) return; const obj: {state:{val:any}} = {state: {val:0}} obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.computer.id).val radarZone.computer.count = obj.state.val obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.computer.id2).val radarZone.computer.count2 = obj.state.val obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.ess.id).val radarZone.ess.count = obj.state.val obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.ess.id2).val radarZone.ess.count2 = obj.state.val obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.durch.id).val radarZone.durch.count = obj.state.val obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.durch.id2).val radarZone.durch.count2 = obj.state.val obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.couch.id).val radarZone.couch.count = obj.state.val obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.durch_computer.id).val radarZone.durch_computer.count = obj.state.val obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.durch_ess.id).val radarZone.durch_ess.count = obj.state.val obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.couch.id2).val radarZone.couch.count2 = obj.state.val obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.lux.front).val front = obj.state.val < luxminFront; behind = obj.state.val < luxminBehind; obj.state.val = getState(radarZone.lux.behindComputer).val behindComputer = obj.state.val < luxminComputer; setLights(); } const lightZoneSettings:Record<lightNameType, {on: boolean, dim: number, timeout: any, hyperion?:boolean}> = { Couch: { on: false, hyperion: true, dim:0, timeout: null, }, Schreibtisch: { on: false, dim:0, timeout: null, }, Esstisch: { on: false, dim:0, timeout: null, }, Deckenstrahler: { on: false, dim:0, timeout: null, }, "Computer-Wandlampe": { on: false, dim:0, timeout: null, }, "Deckenpanel": { on: false, hyperion: true, dim:0, timeout: null, }, "Ambiente 1": { on: false, dim:0, timeout: null, }, "Ambiente 2": { on: false, dim:0, timeout: null, }, Fensterbank: { on: false, dim:0, timeout: null, }, Stehlampe: { on: false, hyperion: true, dim:0, timeout: null, }, "Vitrine": { on: false, dim:0, timeout: null, }, } /* * getLightObject * @param name: lightNameType * @returns lightObject */ function getLightObject(name: lightNameType): lightObjectsType { const result = lightObj.find(a => a.name === name); if (!result) { throw new Error(`lightObject ${name} not found`) } return result; } function getLightObjectState(name: lightNameType): boolean { return getState(getLightObject(name).id + lightSubTyp[getLightObject(name).mode][0]).val } function getLightObjectIndex(name: lightNameType) { return lightObj.findIndex(a => a.name === name) } function setLightObjectState(name: lightNameType, on: boolean): void { setState(getLightObject(name).id + lightSubTyp[getLightObject(name).mode][0], on) } let timeoutSetLights: any = null; function setLights(force: boolean = false, go: boolean = false) { try { //debounce if (timeoutSetLights) { clearTimeout(timeoutSetLights) timeoutSetLights = null; } if (!go) { timeoutSetLights = setTimeout(() => { setLights(force, true) }, 100) return; } // reset variables for (const key in lightZoneSettings) { lightZoneSettings[key].on = false; lightZoneSettings[key].dim = 0; } /* * 1. Couch * 2. Schreibtisch * 3. Esstisch * 4. Deckenstrahler * 5. Computer-Wandlampe * 6. Deckenpanel * 7. Ambiente 1 * 8. Ambiente 2 * 9. Fensterbank * 10. Stehlampe * 11. Vitrine * * lux is the indoor light sensor value * toDark is true if the outdoor light sensor value is below the minimum lux value */ const toDark = shutterPos > cShutterPosForLight || behind || !isAstroDay(); const toDarkComputer = shutterPos > cShutterPosForLight || behindComputer || !isAstroDay(); //Couch let on = radarZone.couch.count > 0 || radarZone.couch.count2 > 0; let dim = radarZone.couch.count > 0 || radarZone.couch.count2 > 0 ? 100 : 5; on = on && front; lightZoneSettings.Couch.on = lightZoneSettings.Couch.on || on; lightZoneSettings.Couch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Couch.dim ,dim); lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on = lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on || on; lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.dim, dim); lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on || on; lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim, dim); //Computer on = radarZone.computer.count > 0 || radarZone.computer.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_computer.count > 0 ; on = on && toDarkComputer || schreibtischbereichSchalter dim = radarZone.computer.count > 0 || radarZone.computer.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_computer.count > 0 || schreibtischbereichSchalter? 100 : 15; let dim2 = schreibtischbereichSchalter ? 100 : on ? 50 : 10; lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].on = lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].on || on lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].dim, dim2) lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on = lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on || on lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim, dim) lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on = lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on || on lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim, dim) lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on = lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on || on lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim, dim) //Esstisch on = lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on || radarZone.ess.count > 0 || radarZone.ess.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_ess.count > 0; on = on && toDark || essbereichSchalter dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim, radarZone.ess.count > 0 || radarZone.ess.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_ess.count > 0 || essbereichSchalter ? 100 : 15); lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on = on; lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim = dim; // Durchgang on = radarZone.durch.count +radarZone.durch.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_ess.count > 0 || radarZone.durch_computer.count > 0 || (schreibtischbereichSchalter && DeckenpanelShouldOn); on = on && toDark dim = Math.max(radarZone.durch.count+radarZone.durch.count2 > 0 ? 85 : 0); dim = Math.max(dim, radarZone.durch_ess.count > 0 || radarZone.durch_computer.count > 0 || (schreibtischbereichSchalter && DeckenpanelShouldOn) ? 70 : 0); lightZoneSettings.Couch.on = lightZoneSettings.Couch.on || (on && front); lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on = lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on || (on && front); lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.on = lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.on || on; lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim, dim); lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on || on; lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim, dim); lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.on = lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.on || on; lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.dim, dim); lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on = on || lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on; lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim, 3); lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on = on || lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on; lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim, 3); lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on = on || lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on; lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim, 3); lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on = on || lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on; lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim, 3); // if Durchgang is true dont deactivate lights in Schreibtisch and Esstisch on = radarZone.durch.count+radarZone.durch.count2 > 0 || radarZone.durch_ess.count > 0 || radarZone.durch_computer.count > 0 on = on && toDark lightZoneSettings.Couch.on = (getLightObjectState("Couch") && on && front) || lightZoneSettings.Couch.on lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on = (getLightObjectState("Stehlampe") && on && front) || lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on lightZoneSettings["Computer-Wandlampe"].on = (getLightObjectState("Computer-Wandlampe") && on) || lightZoneSettings["Computer-Wandlampe"].on; lightZoneSettings["Computer-Wandlampe"].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings["Computer-Wandlampe"].dim, 10); lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on = (getLightObjectState('Ambiente 1') && on) || lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].on; lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 1'].dim, 3); lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on = (getLightObjectState('Ambiente 2') && on) || lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].on; lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Ambiente 2'].dim, 3); lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on = (getLightObjectState('Schreibtisch') && on) || lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on; lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.dim, 3); lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on = (getLightObjectState('Esstisch') && on) || lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.on; lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Esstisch.dim, 3); /* * Dont activate the light if day is detected */ if (isAstroDay()) { lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.on = getLightObjectState('Fensterbank') || schreibtischbereichSchalter && lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.on; lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on = getLightObjectState('Schreibtisch') || schreibtischbereichSchalter && lightZoneSettings.Schreibtisch.on; } // Deactive the big light if the value is false if (!bigLampShouldOn) { lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = false; lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = 0; //lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].on = false; lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].dim = schreibtischbereichSchalter ? 100 : Math.max(lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].dim, 10); } else { lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = true; lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = 0; lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].on = true; lightZoneSettings['Computer-Wandlampe'].dim = 95; } // if hyperion is on deactivate the other lights if (hyperion_on) { lightZoneSettings.Couch.on = false; lightZoneSettings.Couch.dim = 0; lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.on = false; lightZoneSettings.Stehlampe.dim = 0; lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = false; lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = 0; lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim = Math.min(lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim, 25); lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.dim = Math.min(lightZoneSettings.Fensterbank.dim, 5); } // if button is pressed activate the deckenpanel if (DeckenpanelShouldOn) { lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.on = true; lightZoneSettings.Deckenpanel.dim = 100; } // if any light is on activte the deckenspots on = false; for (const key in lightZoneSettings) { on = on || lightZoneSettings[key].on; } lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.on = toDark && (on || lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.on); lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim = Math.max(lightZoneSettings.Deckenstrahler.dim, 5); // write the settings to the lights for (const key in lightZoneSettings) { if (lightZoneSettings[key].timeout) clearTimeout(lightZoneSettings[key].timeout); if (lightZoneSettings[key].on) { switchLight(lightScene[0][getLightObjectIndex(key as any)], key, lightZoneSettings[key].on, lightZoneSettings[key].dim == 100 ? undefined : lightZoneSettings[key].dim); } else { if (force || (hyperion_on && lightZoneSettings[key].hyperion)) { switchLight(lightScene[0][getLightObjectIndex(key as any)], key, lightZoneSettings[key].on, lightZoneSettings[key].dim == 100 ? undefined : lightZoneSettings[key].dim) } else { lightZoneSettings[key].timeout = setTimeout((key) => { switchLight(lightScene[0][getLightObjectIndex(key as any)], key, lightZoneSettings[key].on, lightZoneSettings[key].dim == 100 ? undefined : lightZoneSettings[key].dim) }, autoModeOffTimeout, key) } } } } catch(error) { log(error as string) } } function dimValue(from: number, to: number): number { return _dimValue({from, to}); } type dimValueOptionsType = { begin?: string; end?: string; reset?: string; from?: number; to?: number; sunset?: boolean | number } function _dimValue(options: dimValueOptionsType = {}): number { options = {...dimValueOptions, ...options} if (!options.begin || !options.end || !options.reset || options.from === undefined || options.to === undefined ) { log('missing value') return options.from || 0; } const startArr = options.begin.split(':'); const endArr = options.end.split(':'); const resetArr = options.reset.split(':'); if (startArr.length <= 1 || endArr.length <= 1 || resetArr.length <= 1) { log('dimValue: missing string in start, reset or end (xx:xx)') return options.to } const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); let startTime = new Date().setHours(parseInt(startArr[0]), parseInt(startArr[1]), startArr[2] ? parseInt(startArr[2]) : 0 ); let endTime = new Date().setHours(parseInt(endArr[0]), parseInt(endArr[1]), endArr[2] ? parseInt(endArr[2]) : 0 ); let resetTime = new Date().setHours(parseInt(resetArr[0]), parseInt(resetArr[1]), resetArr[2] ? parseInt(resetArr[2]) : 0 ); if (endTime < startTime) { if (startTime > currentTime && endTime > currentTime) { // end is this day startTime -=24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } if (startTime <= currentTime && endTime <= currentTime) { // end is next day endTime += 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } } let from = options.from; const to = options.to; const sunset = options.sunset from = sunset && typeof sunset === 'number' ? calculateDimSunset(from, sunset) : from; if (currentTime <= startTime || currentTime >= endTime) { // 20:00 > 6:00 && 20:00 < 21:00 (true) || 6:00 > 2:00 && 1:00 < 2:00 (true) if (currentTime >= resetTime && currentTime < startTime || resetTime > startTime && currentTime < startTime ) { return from; } return to; } const diff = to - from; const result = Math.round(diff * (currentTime-startTime) / (endTime-startTime)) + from; return result; } function calculateDimSunset(from: number, to: number | number): number { const sunsetStartTime = getAstroDate('sunsetStart').getTime(); const sunsetEndTime = getAstroDate('dusk').getTime(); const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); if (currentTime > sunsetEndTime) return to; else if (currentTime < sunsetStartTime) return from; const diff = to - from; const result = Math.round(diff * (currentTime-sunsetStartTime) / (sunsetEndTime-sunsetStartTime)) + from; return result; }
Man kann hier auch richtig lange sachen posten, außer es ist ein blockly dann es am besten als JS rauskopieren.
Möchte eigentlich nicht, dass mein ganzes Script analysiert wird.
Das wird immer eine endlose Diskussion bei mir.
Hatte ich z.B. beim Thema „zyklische Routinen“Hier mal der Teil, in dem die Meldungen erzeugt werden:
Aber wie gesagt, im Logfiles taucht ja alles richtig auf.// ====================================== // Wallbox-Ansteuerung // ( TEST 2, noch nicht fertig ) // // zukünftige Funktionen: // - erst Abfahren, dann Ausschalten // - beim Laden Auto abgesteckt? // ====================================== const zykWB = 2*1000; // Wallbox-Ansteuerung (> 1Sek) setInterval(async function() { // Status von WB holen // ------------------- bZusRM = getState(preWB +".carConnected").val=="Charging"; // Auto lädt var bAcsRM= getState(preWB +".AccessState").val=="Open"; // Zugriff frei var bPh1 = getState(preWB +".amps1").val>0; // 1. Phase an var bPh2 = getState(preWB +".amps2").val>0; // 2. Phase an b3PhRM = bPh1 && bPh2; // 3-phasiges Laden iLStromRM = getState(preWB +".amp").val; // Ladestrom //console.info("RM Zus Strom Phasen: " +bZusRM +" " +iLStromRM +" " +b3PhRM); // Wallbox ansteuern // ----------------- if(iLZus==cZusAnlauf) { // ==== Anlauf? ==== if(!bAcsRM) { // Authent. Ein? setState(preWB +".set_state", "acs;0"); // j: Authent. Ausschalten if(iPhasen==1) // Phasen-Vorwahl setState(preWB +".set_state", "psm;1"); // - 1phasig vorwählen else setState(preWB +".set_state", "psm;2"); // - 3phasig vorwählen console.info("Anlauf: Authent. Aus, Phasenvorwahl"); } else if(!bZusRM) { // Wallbox Aus? setState(preWB +".set_state", "frc;0"); // j: Wallbox Einschalten console.info("WB einschalten"); } } if(iLZus==cZusAus) { // ==== Ausschalten? ==== if(bZusRM) { // Wallbox Ein? setState(preWB +".set_state", "frc;1"); // j: Wallbox Ausschalten console.info("WB ausschalten"); } else if(bAcsRM) { // Authent. Aus? setState(preWB +".set_state", "acs;1"); // j: Authent. Ein console.info("Authent. Ein"); } } if((iLZus==cZusPause) && bZusRM ) { // ==== Pause, WB Ein? ==== setState(preWB +".set_state", "frc;1"); // j: Wallbox Ausschalten console.info("Pause einschalten"); } if((iLZus!=cZusAus) && (iLStrom!=iLStromRM)) { // ==== Ladestrom ändern? ==== setState(preWB +".set_power", iLStrom); // j: Ladestrom zur WB console.info("Ladestrom SW/IW= " +iLStrom +"/" +iLStromRM); } if((iPhasen==1) && b3PhRM) { // ==== 3->1 Phasen? ==== setState(preWB +".set_state", "psm;1"); // auf 1phasig umschalten console.info("auf 1-phasig umschalten"); console.info("-> Ladestrom SW/IW= " +iLStrom +"/" +iLStromRM); } if((iPhasen==3) && !b3PhRM) { // ==== 1->3 Phasen? ==== setState(preWB +".set_state", "psm;2"); // auf 3phasig umschalten console.info("auf 3-phasig umschalten"); console.info("-> Ladestrom SW/IW= " +iLStrom +"/" +iLStromRM); } }, zykWB);
@hub01 sagte in zig gleiche Einträge in JS-Protokollanzeige:
console.info("-> Ladestrom SW/IW= " +iLStrom +"/" +iLStromRM);
wie oft kommt das denn im Skript vor?
@hub01 das stimmt nicht!
alleine in den Ausschnitt sind 3
und wie oft werden die aufgerufen?
nimm nicht setIntervall, sonder setTimeout und am Ende des Skripts wieder ein erneutes setTimeout auslösen für den nächsten Zyklus.
Das sorgt dafür, das beim beenden des Skripts der Code maximal nur noch 1 mal ausgeführt wird.mit setInterval registrierst du bei jedem Skriptstart das erneut, ohne das der vorherige Interval vergessen wird. der müsste eigentlich mit clearTimeout gelöscht werden. Das Interval handle wird beimn Aufruf von setInterval zurückgegeben.
Ohne das, kannst diese vergessenen Intervalle nur stoppen indem du den javascript adapter neu startest.Wahrscheinlich hast du das Skript mehrfach aufgerufen und da laufen mehrere Abläufe parallel.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/setInterval -
AFAIK kümmert sich die Javascript Instanz um das beenden von setInterval() und schedule().
@homoran sagte in zig gleiche Einträge in JS-Protokollanzeige:
@hub01 das stimmt nicht!
alleine in den Ausschnitt sind 3
und wie oft werden die aufgerufen?
alle 2 Sekunden
Gut wegen dem ursprünglichen Problem. Issue aufmachen wenns stört. Kann es aber weder bestätigen noch verneinen, da ich dort keine logs gucke die älter sind. Das wird im Admin oder im Download geguckt. -
ja, hab gerade ausprobiert.
dann ist das relativ neu.
das war früher nicht so.
da gab es immer wieder fälle, das sich das aufmultipliziert hat