[Vorlage] Busch Jäger Radio iNet 8216 U
@Eaterhnk na wenn es geht, dann nichts mehr da hab ich wahrscheinlich richtig geraten
ich nutze auch seit neustem das Script mit meinem iNet Radio und es funktioniert hervorragend. Ich erhalte seit der Nutzung allerding im ioBroker Log immer Warnings mit "has been written without ack-flag"
Kann man das noch irgendwie fix, um das Log nicht voll zu müllen? Ich weis alternativ kann man das Log Level erhöhen auf Critical, aber dann gilt das m.M. für alle JS-Skripte und das will ich eigentlich nicht.
javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:04.056 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.STATION_PLAYING" has been written without ack-flag with value "90.4 | MDR JUMP (Adult Contemporary)" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:04.055 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.STATION_URL_PLAYING" has been written without ack-flag with value ",aac,ogg&partnerId=TrOI9LnX&serial=7947330E" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:04.055 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.STATION_ID_PLAYING" has been written without ack-flag with value "" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:04.054 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.PLAYING" has been written without ack-flag with value "TUNEIN" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:04.052 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.PLAYING_MODE" has been written without ack-flag with value "" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:04.051 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.ID" has been written without ack-flag with value "ioBroker" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:04.049 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.Command" has been written without ack-flag with value "GET" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.044 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.WLAN-FW" has been written without ack-flag with value "Drv 1.3.5 FW 1.3.25" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.044 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.SW-VERSION" has been written without ack-flag with value "03.12" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.044 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.SERIAL_NR" has been written without ack-flag with value "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.042 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.COUNTRY" has been written without ack-flag with value "Deutschland" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.040 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.MAC_ADRESS" has been written without ack-flag with value "00:00:00:00:00:00" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.039 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.SSID" has been written without ack-flag with value "XXXX" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.039 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.GATEWAY" has been written without ack-flag with value "192.168.x.x" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.038 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.IPMODE" has been written without ack-flag with value "ON" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.038 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.IPMASK" has been written without ack-flag with value "255.255.255.x" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.038 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.IPADDR" has been written without ack-flag with value "192.168.x.x" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.037 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.ID" has been written without ack-flag with value "ioBroker" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.037 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.NAME" has been written without ack-flag with value "RADIO-BAD-OG" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.036 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.WLAN_STRENGTH" has been written without ack-flag with value "-64" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:03.035 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.Command" has been written without ack-flag with value "GET" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:02.039 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.VOLUME" has been written without ack-flag with value "16" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:02.037 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.ID" has been written without ack-flag with value "ioBroker" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:02.036 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.Command" has been written without ack-flag with value "GET" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:01.040 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.ENERGY_MODE" has been written without ack-flag with value "PREMIUM" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:01.039 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.POWER" has been written without ack-flag with value "ON" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:01.038 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.ID" has been written without ack-flag with value "ioBroker" javascript.0 2022-01-03 10:04:01.038 warn Read-only state "javascript.0.Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.Bad OG.Command" has been written without ack-flag with value "GET
@cko ich kann zwar überhaupt kein Javascript, aber ich denke, es müsste, da sämtliche angelegten Datenpunkte nicht beschreibbar (write : false)
entsprechend bei Schluss der Zeile folgendes anhängen, falls nicht schon vorhanden, true)
ja, so ist es (wohl). Habe diese Korrektur bei mir bereits vorgenommen, daher hier gerne zum C&P.
Und wirklich, funktioniert prima als Skript! Aber ein Adapter wäre auch etwas schönes
Off topic: Seit iOS15 ist die Busch Jäger App nicht mal mehr aufrufbar am Telefon
/* Change history: v1.2 - added ack: true to setstates() command when states are updated by the radio v1.1 - comment of line var RadioIpaddress as no longer used due to multi radio support - found bug: if IP address not correct, the jscript adapter crashes; has to be fixed. How? - added function onClose to relese the socket binding when script ist stopped / restarted otherwise restart throws an error due to binding to port not possible as still blocked v1.0 script copy of ioBroker forum from user intruder7 */ var pfad = 'Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.'; var pfad2 = 'javascript.0.' + pfad // vollständiger id Pfad wird: pfad2 + radio.pfad var UDPListenPort = 4242; //nicht ändern var UDPPort = 4244; //nicht ändern // var RadioIPadress = '' // IP Adresse des Radios var HOST = ''; //nicht ändern var logging = false; /* ToDo: - wenn IP nicht korrekt, stürzt der komplette jscript Adapter ab! Grund: Das sende-Kommando kann nicht gebaut werden: radio.path ist undefined für die IP - Prüfen, ob sendcmd und sendcmdToIP vereinheitlicht werden kann sendcmd: sendet an alle Radios sendcmdToIP: sendet nur an ein bestimmtes Radio */ const radios = [ { IP: '', pfad: 'Bad' }/*, { IP: '', pfad: 'Keller' } */ ]; // ab hier nichts mehr ändern var dgram = require('dgram'); var socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); var server = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); //var server2 = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); const getRadioForIP= (IP)=>{ return radios.find(radio=>radio.IP == IP ) } const createAllStates = ()=>{ radios.forEach((radio)=>{createRadioState(radio);}); }; const createRadioState = (radio)=>{ createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "Command", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Last command', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "WLAN_STRENGTH", '', { type: 'string', name: 'WLAN strength', write: false, unit: 'dBm' }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Name of radio', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "ID", '', { type: 'string', name: 'UDP ID', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "IPADDR", '', { type: 'string', name: 'IP adress', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "IPMASK", '', { type: 'string', name: 'IP Mask', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "IPMODE", '', { type: 'string', name: 'IP Mode', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "GATEWAY", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Gateway', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "SSID", '', { type: 'string', name: 'SSID', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "MAC_ADRESS", '', { type: 'string', name: 'MAC adress', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "COUNTRY", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Country', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "SERIAL_NR", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Serial Nr', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "SW-VERSION", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Software version', write: false }); createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "WLAN-FW", '', { type: 'string', name: 'WLAN Firmware', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "POWER", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Current state of radio', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "ENERGY_MODE", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "VOLUME", '', { type: 'number', name: 'VOLUME', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "PLAYING_MODE", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "PLAYING", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATION_ID_PLAYING", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATION_URL_PLAYING", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATION_PLAYING", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "TUNEIN_ID", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "TUNEIN_SNR", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_1_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_1_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_2_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_2_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_3_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_3_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_4_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_4_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_5_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_5_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_6_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_6_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_7_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_7_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_8_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_8_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false }); createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_INC", false, { type: 'boolean', name: '', read: false, write: true, role: 'button' }); createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_DEC", false, { type: 'boolean', name: '', read: false, write: true, role: 'button' }); createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_MUTE", false, { type: 'boolean', name: '', read: false, write: true, role: 'switch' }); createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.RADIO_ON", false, { type: 'boolean', name: '', read: false, write: true, role: 'switch' }); createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.PLAY_STATION", 1, { type: 'number', name: 'PLAYING STATION 1-8', read: false, write: true }); createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", 1, { type: 'number', name: 'SET VOLUME 0-31', read: false, write: true }); }; createAllStates(); server.on('error', (err) => { log(`server error:\n${err.stack}`); server.close(); }); server.on('listening', function () { var address = server.address(); log('UDP Server listening on ' + address.address + ":" + address.port); }); try{ server.bind(UDPListenPort); } catch(error){console.log(error);} /* server2.on('listening', function () { server2.setBroadcast(true); server2.setMulticastLoopback(true); var address = server2.address(); log('UDP Server 2 listening on ' + address.address + ":" + address.port); }); server2.bind(PORT2, HOST); */ // Antworten vom Radio auf Abfragen server.on('message', function (message, remote) { if (logging) log('(148) Meldung vom RADIO: ' + message); const radio = getRadioForIP(remote.address); var command = findstr("COMMAND:", message); if (command == "GET") { if (message.indexOf("INFO_BLOCK") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "WLAN_STRENGTH", findstr("WLAN STRENGTH:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "NAME", findstr("NAME:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "IPADDR", findstr("IPADDR:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "IPMASK", findstr("IPMASK:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "IPMODE", findstr("IPMODE:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "GATEWAY", findstr("GATEWAY:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "SSID", findstr("SSID:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "MAC_ADRESS", findstr("MAC:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COUNTRY", findstr("COUNTRY:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "SERIAL_NR", findstr("SERNO:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "SW-VERSION", findstr("SW-VERSION:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "WLAN-FW", findstr("WLAN-FW:", message),true); } else if (message.indexOf("VOLUME") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "VOLUME", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)),true); if (parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)) >= 0 && parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)) <= 31 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true); } } else if (message.indexOf("POWER_STATUS") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "POWER", findstr("POWER:", message),true); if (findstr("POWER:", message) == "ON") { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.RADIO_ON", true, true) } else if (findstr("POWER:", message) == "OFF") { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.RADIO_ON", false, true) }; setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ENERGY_MODE", findstr("ENERGY_MODE:", message),true); } else if (message.indexOf("TUNEIN_PARTNER_ID") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "TUNEIN_ID", findstr("PARTNERID:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "TUNEIN_SNR", findstr("SERNO:", message),true); } else if (message.indexOf("ALL_STATION_INFO") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_1_NAME", findstr("1\r\nNAME:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_1_URL", findstr(findstr("1\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_2_NAME", findstr("2\r\nNAME:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_2_URL", findstr(findstr("2\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_3_NAME", findstr("3\r\nNAME:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_3_URL", findstr(findstr("3\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_4_NAME", findstr("4\r\nNAME:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_4_URL", findstr(findstr("4\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_5_NAME", findstr("5\r\nNAME:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_5_URL", findstr(findstr("5\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_6_NAME", findstr("6\r\nNAME:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_6_URL", findstr(findstr("6\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_7_NAME", findstr("7\r\nNAME:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_7_URL", findstr(findstr("7\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_8_NAME", findstr("8\r\nNAME:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_8_URL", findstr(findstr("8\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true); } else if (message.indexOf("PLAYING_MODE") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "PLAYING_MODE", findstr("MODE:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "PLAYING", findstr("PLAYING:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATION_ID_PLAYING", findstr("N\r\nID:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATION_URL_PLAYING", findstr("URL:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATION_PLAYING", findstr("NAME:", message),true); }; } else if (command == "NOTIFICATION") { var event = findstr("EVENT:", message); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "IPADDR", findstr("IP:", message),true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "NAME", findstr("NAME:", message),true); if (logging) log("Event = '" + event + "'"); if (event == 'POWER_OFF' || event == 'POWER_ON') { sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nPOWER_STATUS\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); }; if (event == "VOLUME_CHANGED") { sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nVOLUME\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); }; if (event == 'STATION_CHANGED') { }; } else if (command == "SET") { if (message.indexOf("VOLUME_ABSOLUTE") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "VOLUME", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true) } if (message.indexOf("VOLUME_DEC") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "VOLUME", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true) } if (message.indexOf("VOLUME_INC") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "VOLUME", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true) } if (message.indexOf("VOLUME_UNMUTE") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_MUTE", false, true) } if (message.indexOf("VOLUME_MUTE") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_MUTE", true, true) } if (message.indexOf("RADIO_OFF") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.RADIO_ON", false, true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "POWER", "OFF",true); } if (message.indexOf("RADIO_ON") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.RADIO_ON", true, true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "POWER", "ON",true); } } else if (command == "PLAY") { if (message.indexOf("STATION") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) { setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.PLAY_STATION", parseInt(findstr("STATION:", message)), true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATION_ID_PLAYING", parseInt(findstr("STATION:", message)), true); setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATION_PLAYING", findstr("PLAYING:", message), true); } } else { if (logging) log('unexpected message: ' + message); } }); // starten der Abfragen nach Empfang von Broadcasts /* var timer = null; server2.on('message', function (message, remote) { if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); if (logging) log('Broadcast vom Radio: ' + message); if (logging) log(JSON.stringify(message)); //var obj = JSON.parse('{'+message+'}'); sendcmd(buf2); timer = setTimeout(function () { sendcmd(buf3); }, 1000); }); */ function findstr(name, str) { var suchstring = String(name); var teststring = String(str); var pos = (teststring.indexOf(suchstring) + suchstring.length); var zaehler = (pos) + 1; //log("String: " + suchstring + "befindet sich an " + pos + " Stelle") do { var Zeichen = String(teststring).charCodeAt(zaehler); //log ("Zeichen: " + Zeichen + " Zähler: " + (zaehler - pos)); zaehler = zaehler + 1; } while (Zeichen != 13 && zaehler - pos <= 100); //log("Start: " + pos + "Ende: " + zaehler); var ergebnis = String(str).substring(pos, zaehler - 1); if (teststring.indexOf(suchstring) == -1) { ergebnis = "" }; //log("Objekt: " + name + " Wert: '" + ergebnis + "'"); return ergebnis } function sendcmd(cmd) { radios.forEach(radio=>{ socket.send(cmd, 0, cmd.length, UDPPort, radio.IP, function (err, result) { if (err) log('Fehler Senden ' + cmd, 'error'); else { if (logging) log('(477) Kommando gesendet: ' + cmd); } });}) } function sendcmdToIp(cmd,IP) { socket.send(cmd, 0, cmd.length, UDPPort, IP, function (err, result) { if (err) log('Fehler Senden ' + cmd, 'error'); else { if (logging) log('(495) Kommando gesendet: ' + cmd); } }); } //einmalige Ausführung beim Starten des Skriptes sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nPOWER_STATUS\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nVOLUME\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nINFO_BLOCK\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nPLAYING_MODE\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nALL_STATION_INFO\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); var timer1 = null; var timer2 = null; var timer3 = null; var timer4 = null; schedule('*/1 * * * *', function () { // jede Minute die wichtigsten Infos aktualisieren if (timer1) clearTimeout(timer1); timer1 = setTimeout(function () { sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nPOWER_STATUS\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); }, 1000); if (timer2) clearTimeout(timer2); timer2 = setTimeout(function () { sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nVOLUME\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); }, 2000); if (timer3) clearTimeout(timer3); timer3 = setTimeout(function () { sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nINFO_BLOCK\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); }, 3000); if (timer4) clearTimeout(timer4); timer4 = setTimeout(function () { sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nPLAYING_MODE\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); }, 4000); }); schedule('*/30 * * * *', function () { // alle 30 Minuten die Stationsliste aktualisieren sendcmd('COMMAND:GET\r\nALL_STATION_INFO\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n'); }); const initOnForAllRadios =()=>{ radios.forEach(radio=> { on({ id: pfad2 + radio.pfad + ".COMMAND.VOLUME_INC", val: true }, function (obj) { sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:SET\r\nVOLUME_INC\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP); sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:GET\r\nVOLUME\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP); }); on({ id: pfad2 + radio.pfad + ".COMMAND.VOLUME_DEC", val: true }, function (obj) { sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:SET\r\nVOLUME_DEC\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP); sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:GET\r\nVOLUME\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP);}); on({ id: pfad2 + radio.pfad + ".COMMAND.VOLUME_MUTE", change: "ne" }, function (obj) { if (obj.state.val === true) { sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:SET\r\nVOLUME_MUTE\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP);} if (obj.state.val === false) { sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:SET\r\nVOLUME_UNMUTE\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP); } sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:GET\r\nVOLUME\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP); }); on({ id: pfad2 +radio.pfad+ ".COMMAND.RADIO_ON", change: "ne", ack: false }, function (obj) { if (obj.state.val === true) sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:SET\r\nRADIO_ON\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP); if (obj.state.val === false) sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:SET\r\nRADIO_OFF\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP); sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:GET\r\nPOWER_STATUS\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP);}); on({ id: pfad2 +radio.pfad+ ".COMMAND.PLAY_STATION", change: "ne", ack: false }, function (obj) { if (obj.state.val <= 8 && obj.state.val > 0) { sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:PLAY\r\nSTATION:' + obj.state.val + '\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP);}}); on({ id: pfad2+radio.pfad + ".COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", change: "ne", ack: false }, function (obj) { if (obj.state.val <= 31 && obj.state.val >= 0) { sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:SET\r\nVOLUME_ABSOLUTE:' + obj.state.val + '\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP);}}); }); }; initOnForAllRadios(); onStop(() => { socket.close(); server.close(); });
Habe das Script für meine 3 Radios implementiert - was soll ich sagen: ein Traum!
Nur eine Sache bekomme ich nicht hin, ich habe alle Radios auch mit AUX-In belegt und streame so zentral Musik auf die Räume, bekomme aber die Umstellung/COMMAND Punkt für PLAYING nicht hin. Hatte verstanden, dass dieser entweder auf STATION oder AUX_IDCOCK stehen muss.
Irgendjemand eine Idee wie man das im Script anpassen muss? -
@maigold kann ich leider nicht weiterhelfen
In Zwischenzeit ist auch ein adapter dafür erschienen, hast du den mal getestet? -
@e-s wirklich?
Gar nicht mitbekommen -
Kann nichts dazu finden - hast Du einen Link o.ä.? -
Ah, danke!
Interessant, hätte ich nie gefundenSieht auf den ersten Blick noch rudimentär aus aber werde ich bei Gelegenheit mal testen.
Mit dem Skript läuft es ganz gut. Lediglich der Erfolg, die Lautstärke automatisch anzupassen, wenn das Radio (z.B. spät Abends) eingeschaltet wird, ist vom Zeitpunkt des Befehls abhängig, ob es klappt.
Naja, gut zu wissen. -
Habe den Adapter mal ausprobiert und der funktioniert mal gar nicht.
Außer der IP und eine PIN kann man nichts konfigurieren bzw. falsch machen. Eine PIN braucht der 8216 U nicht, aber egal, ob leer gelassen oder eine Random-PIN eingegeben, der Adapter stürzt ab.
Wenn jemand hier andere Erfahrungen macht, bitte man Ping! -
Habe ich mich vielleicht geirrt und das busch Jäger Radio passt doch nicht zum Adapter. Ich hatte damals diesen thread und ein ein paar andere abonniert weil die alle zum selben thema waren.
Kannst du dein Radio mit der undok app bedienen? -
Kannst Du hier weiterhelfen?