@crunchip @CKO
ja, so ist es (wohl). Habe diese Korrektur bei mir bereits vorgenommen, daher hier gerne zum C&P.
Und wirklich, funktioniert prima als Skript! Aber ein Adapter wäre auch etwas schönes
Off topic: Seit iOS15 ist die Busch Jäger App nicht mal mehr aufrufbar am Telefon
/* Change history:
- added ack: true to setstates() command when states are updated by the radio
- comment of line var RadioIpaddress as no longer used due to multi radio support
- found bug: if IP address not correct, the jscript adapter crashes; has to be fixed. How?
- added function onClose to relese the socket binding when script ist stopped / restarted
otherwise restart throws an error due to binding to port not possible as still blocked
v1.0 script copy of ioBroker forum from user intruder7
var pfad = 'Geraete.BuschJaeger.RadioINet.';
var pfad2 = 'javascript.0.' + pfad
// vollständiger id Pfad wird: pfad2 + radio.pfad
var UDPListenPort = 4242; //nicht ändern
var UDPPort = 4244; //nicht ändern
// var RadioIPadress = '' // IP Adresse des Radios
var HOST = ''; //nicht ändern
var logging = false;
/* ToDo:
- wenn IP nicht korrekt, stürzt der komplette jscript Adapter ab!
Grund: Das sende-Kommando kann nicht gebaut werden: radio.path ist undefined für die IP
- Prüfen, ob sendcmd und sendcmdToIP vereinheitlicht werden kann
sendcmd: sendet an alle Radios
sendcmdToIP: sendet nur an ein bestimmtes Radio
const radios = [
IP: '',
pfad: 'Bad'
IP: '',
pfad: 'Keller'
} */
// ab hier nichts mehr ändern
var dgram = require('dgram');
var socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
var server = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
//var server2 = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
const getRadioForIP= (IP)=>{
return radios.find(radio=>radio.IP == IP )
const createAllStates = ()=>{
const createRadioState = (radio)=>{
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "Command", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Last command', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "WLAN_STRENGTH", '', { type: 'string', name: 'WLAN strength', write: false, unit: 'dBm' });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Name of radio', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "ID", '', { type: 'string', name: 'UDP ID', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "IPADDR", '', { type: 'string', name: 'IP adress', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "IPMASK", '', { type: 'string', name: 'IP Mask', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "IPMODE", '', { type: 'string', name: 'IP Mode', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "GATEWAY", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Gateway', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "SSID", '', { type: 'string', name: 'SSID', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "MAC_ADRESS", '', { type: 'string', name: 'MAC adress', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "COUNTRY", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Country', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "SERIAL_NR", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Serial Nr', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "SW-VERSION", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Software version', write: false });
createState(pfad+ radio.pfad +"."+ "WLAN-FW", '', { type: 'string', name: 'WLAN Firmware', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "POWER", '', { type: 'string', name: 'Current state of radio', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "ENERGY_MODE", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "VOLUME", '', { type: 'number', name: 'VOLUME', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "PLAYING_MODE", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "PLAYING", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATION_ID_PLAYING", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATION_URL_PLAYING", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATION_PLAYING", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "TUNEIN_ID", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "TUNEIN_SNR", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_1_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_1_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_2_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_2_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_3_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_3_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_4_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_4_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_5_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_5_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_6_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_6_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_7_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_7_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_8_NAME", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad +radio.pfad+ "." + "STATIONS.STATION_8_URL", '', { type: 'string', name: '', write: false });
createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_INC", false, { type: 'boolean', name: '', read: false, write: true, role: 'button' });
createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_DEC", false, { type: 'boolean', name: '', read: false, write: true, role: 'button' });
createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_MUTE", false, { type: 'boolean', name: '', read: false, write: true, role: 'switch' });
createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.RADIO_ON", false, { type: 'boolean', name: '', read: false, write: true, role: 'switch' });
createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.PLAY_STATION", 1, { type: 'number', name: 'PLAYING STATION 1-8', read: false, write: true });
createState(pfad + radio.pfad +"." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", 1, { type: 'number', name: 'SET VOLUME 0-31', read: false, write: true });
server.on('error', (err) => {
log(`server error:\n${err.stack}`);
server.on('listening', function () {
var address = server.address();
log('UDP Server listening on ' + address.address + ":" + address.port);
/* server2.on('listening', function () {
var address = server2.address();
log('UDP Server 2 listening on ' + address.address + ":" + address.port);
server2.bind(PORT2, HOST); */
// Antworten vom Radio auf Abfragen
server.on('message', function (message, remote) {
if (logging) log('(148) Meldung vom RADIO: ' + message);
const radio = getRadioForIP(remote.address);
var command = findstr("COMMAND:", message);
if (command == "GET") {
if (message.indexOf("INFO_BLOCK") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "WLAN_STRENGTH", findstr("WLAN STRENGTH:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "NAME", findstr("NAME:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "IPADDR", findstr("IPADDR:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "IPMASK", findstr("IPMASK:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "IPMODE", findstr("IPMODE:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "GATEWAY", findstr("GATEWAY:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "SSID", findstr("SSID:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "MAC_ADRESS", findstr("MAC:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COUNTRY", findstr("COUNTRY:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "SERIAL_NR", findstr("SERNO:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "SW-VERSION", findstr("SW-VERSION:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "WLAN-FW", findstr("WLAN-FW:", message),true);
} else if (message.indexOf("VOLUME") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "VOLUME", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)),true);
if (parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)) >= 0 && parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)) <= 31 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true);
} else if (message.indexOf("POWER_STATUS") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "POWER", findstr("POWER:", message),true);
if (findstr("POWER:", message) == "ON") {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.RADIO_ON", true, true)
} else if (findstr("POWER:", message) == "OFF") {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.RADIO_ON", false, true)
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ENERGY_MODE", findstr("ENERGY_MODE:", message),true);
} else if (message.indexOf("TUNEIN_PARTNER_ID") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "TUNEIN_ID", findstr("PARTNERID:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "TUNEIN_SNR", findstr("SERNO:", message),true);
} else if (message.indexOf("ALL_STATION_INFO") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_1_NAME", findstr("1\r\nNAME:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_1_URL", findstr(findstr("1\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_2_NAME", findstr("2\r\nNAME:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_2_URL", findstr(findstr("2\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_3_NAME", findstr("3\r\nNAME:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_3_URL", findstr(findstr("3\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_4_NAME", findstr("4\r\nNAME:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_4_URL", findstr(findstr("4\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_5_NAME", findstr("5\r\nNAME:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_5_URL", findstr(findstr("5\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_6_NAME", findstr("6\r\nNAME:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_6_URL", findstr(findstr("6\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_7_NAME", findstr("7\r\nNAME:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_7_URL", findstr(findstr("7\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_8_NAME", findstr("8\r\nNAME:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATIONS.STATION_8_URL", findstr(findstr("8\r\nNAME:", message) + '\r\nURL:', message),true);
} else if (message.indexOf("PLAYING_MODE") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "ID", findstr("ID:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "PLAYING_MODE", findstr("MODE:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "PLAYING", findstr("PLAYING:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATION_ID_PLAYING", findstr("N\r\nID:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATION_URL_PLAYING", findstr("URL:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATION_PLAYING", findstr("NAME:", message),true);
} else if (command == "NOTIFICATION") {
var event = findstr("EVENT:", message);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "Command", findstr("COMMAND:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "IPADDR", findstr("IP:", message),true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "NAME", findstr("NAME:", message),true);
if (logging) log("Event = '" + event + "'");
if (event == 'POWER_OFF' || event == 'POWER_ON') {
if (event == "VOLUME_CHANGED") {
if (event == 'STATION_CHANGED') {
} else if (command == "SET") {
if (message.indexOf("VOLUME_ABSOLUTE") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "VOLUME", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true)
if (message.indexOf("VOLUME_DEC") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "VOLUME", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true)
if (message.indexOf("VOLUME_INC") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "VOLUME", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", parseInt(findstr("VOLUME_SET:", message)), true)
if (message.indexOf("VOLUME_UNMUTE") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_MUTE", false, true)
if (message.indexOf("VOLUME_MUTE") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.VOLUME_MUTE", true, true)
if (message.indexOf("RADIO_OFF") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.RADIO_ON", false, true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "POWER", "OFF",true);
if (message.indexOf("RADIO_ON") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.RADIO_ON", true, true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "POWER", "ON",true);
} else if (command == "PLAY") {
if (message.indexOf("STATION") >= 0 && message.indexOf("RESPONSE:ACK") >= 0) {
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "COMMAND.PLAY_STATION", parseInt(findstr("STATION:", message)), true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATION_ID_PLAYING", parseInt(findstr("STATION:", message)), true);
setState(pfad + radio.pfad + "." + "STATION_PLAYING", findstr("PLAYING:", message), true);
} else {
if (logging) log('unexpected message: ' + message);
// starten der Abfragen nach Empfang von Broadcasts
/* var timer = null;
server2.on('message', function (message, remote) {
if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);
if (logging) log('Broadcast vom Radio: ' + message);
if (logging) log(JSON.stringify(message));
//var obj = JSON.parse('{'+message+'}');
timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
}); */
function findstr(name, str) {
var suchstring = String(name);
var teststring = String(str);
var pos = (teststring.indexOf(suchstring) + suchstring.length);
var zaehler = (pos) + 1;
//log("String: " + suchstring + "befindet sich an " + pos + " Stelle")
do {
var Zeichen = String(teststring).charCodeAt(zaehler);
//log ("Zeichen: " + Zeichen + " Zähler: " + (zaehler - pos));
zaehler = zaehler + 1;
} while (Zeichen != 13 && zaehler - pos <= 100);
//log("Start: " + pos + "Ende: " + zaehler);
var ergebnis = String(str).substring(pos, zaehler - 1);
if (teststring.indexOf(suchstring) == -1) {
ergebnis = ""
//log("Objekt: " + name + " Wert: '" + ergebnis + "'");
return ergebnis
function sendcmd(cmd) {
socket.send(cmd, 0, cmd.length, UDPPort, radio.IP, function (err, result) {
if (err) log('Fehler Senden ' + cmd, 'error');
else {
if (logging) log('(477) Kommando gesendet: ' + cmd);
function sendcmdToIp(cmd,IP) {
socket.send(cmd, 0, cmd.length, UDPPort, IP, function (err, result) {
if (err) log('Fehler Senden ' + cmd, 'error');
else {
if (logging) log('(495) Kommando gesendet: ' + cmd);
//einmalige Ausführung beim Starten des Skriptes
var timer1 = null;
var timer2 = null;
var timer3 = null;
var timer4 = null;
schedule('*/1 * * * *', function () { // jede Minute die wichtigsten Infos aktualisieren
if (timer1) clearTimeout(timer1);
timer1 = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
if (timer2) clearTimeout(timer2);
timer2 = setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
if (timer3) clearTimeout(timer3);
timer3 = setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
if (timer4) clearTimeout(timer4);
timer4 = setTimeout(function () {
}, 4000);
schedule('*/30 * * * *', function () { // alle 30 Minuten die Stationsliste aktualisieren
const initOnForAllRadios =()=>{
on({ id: pfad2 + radio.pfad + ".COMMAND.VOLUME_INC", val: true }, function (obj) {
on({ id: pfad2 + radio.pfad + ".COMMAND.VOLUME_DEC", val: true }, function (obj) {
on({ id: pfad2 + radio.pfad + ".COMMAND.VOLUME_MUTE", change: "ne" }, function (obj) {
if (obj.state.val === true) {
if (obj.state.val === false) {
on({ id: pfad2 +radio.pfad+ ".COMMAND.RADIO_ON", change: "ne", ack: false }, function (obj) {
if (obj.state.val === true)
if (obj.state.val === false)
on({ id: pfad2 +radio.pfad+ ".COMMAND.PLAY_STATION", change: "ne", ack: false }, function (obj) {
if (obj.state.val <= 8 && obj.state.val > 0) {
sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:PLAY\r\nSTATION:' + obj.state.val + '\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP);}});
on({ id: pfad2+radio.pfad + ".COMMAND.VOLUME_SET", change: "ne", ack: false }, function (obj) {
if (obj.state.val <= 31 && obj.state.val >= 0) {
sendcmdToIp('COMMAND:SET\r\nVOLUME_ABSOLUTE:' + obj.state.val + '\r\nID:ioBroker\r\n\r\n',radio.IP);}});
onStop(() => {