Ich war mal so mutig und habe die 4.0.3 auf mein Produktivsystem losgelassen (ein Hoch auf proxmox und die Möglichkeit von snapshots). Dabei sind folgende Meldungen noch hochgekommen:
The following notifications happened during sync:
- Ignoring Directory "gartenbewaesserung.admin" because officially not created as meta object. Please remove directory!
- Ignoring Directory "robonect.admin" because officially not created as meta object. Please remove directory!
Beide Adapter sind zzt. nicht in Benutzung. Können die Ordner tatsächlich gefahrlos gelöscht werden?
Ferner folgende Warnungen im Log:
2022-02-05 11:15:36.840 warn This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
2022-02-05 11:15:36.839 warn Object shuttercontrol.0.info.Azimut is invalid: Default value has to be type "number" but received type "string"
2022-02-05 11:15:36.832 warn This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
2022-02-05 11:15:36.830 warn Object shuttercontrol.0.info.Elevation is invalid: Default value has to be type "number" but received type "string"
2022-02-05 11:15:00.871 warn This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
2022-02-05 11:15:00.870 warn Object mqtt.0.info.connection is invalid: Default value has to be type "string" but received type "boolean"
Issue beim Adapter erstellen?
Gruß Marco