Test Adapter Daikin-Cloud 0.4.0
Danke für das Blocky. Habe es gleich mal getestet aber es legt bei mir unter 0_userdata keine Datenbank an wie bei dir auf dem ersten Screenshot.
Habe meine UUID eingetragen bei dem Blocky unter Oneta_UUID (die lange Zeichenkette beim Cloud-Adapter ohne daikin-cloud.0. davor.
Wenn ich das Blocky startet kommt keine Fehlermeldung aber auch kein Eintrag bei 0_Userdata.
Muss ich da noch mehr anpassen auf meine Wärmepumpe? Bei den Javascript-Einträgen (die vier Lila Zeilen ganz oben) habe ich nichts geändert.
Edit: Jetzt sind die Zeilen da, dauerte bei mir 20min.
Danke mal schauen was da so kommt ;). Und es kommen Daten wie bei deinem Screenshot :D. Vielen Dank für das Blocky das langt mir, Kühlen tue ich eh mit der Wärmepumpe nicht dafür habe ich die Klimaaanlage (auch von Daikin
Hallo zusammen,
habe mal ein wenig Zeit gefunden, um das Skript auf alle Device-Typen und Adapterinstanzen anzupassen.
TypeScript anlegen. Inhalt reinwerfen. Sollte nichts angepasst werden müssen. Skript starten...
Die Daten für jedes Daikin-Device in der Onnecta-App (Klima, Wärmepumpe, heating, cooling, Total, etc.) werden unter 0_userdata.0.daikin-cloud.... angelegt.
@apollon77 - evtl. kann man das in den Adapter schreddern...
/* TypeScript (TS) @Armilar * * This Script will read the consumption Data from Daikin-Cloud adapter and transform the raw data into individual data points similar to how it's shown in the Daikin Onecta App. * It will also sum up the historic consumption from the current and previous year and update the total consumption meter going forward. * * The data is created in the following path analogous to the daikin cloud data * 0_userdata.0.daikin-cloud.0... * * Createtd: 14.11.2024 */ // Log-Mode const logMode: any = 'info'; // 'info' or 'debug' // Path in 0_userdata const mainPath: string = '0_userdata.0.'; // Onnecta hours (if d-raw) const hourly: Array<string> = ["00:00 - 02:00", "02:00 - 04:00", "04:00 - 06:00", "06:00 - 08:00", "08:00 - 10:00", "10:00 - 12:00", "12:00 - 14:00", "14:00 - 16:00", "16:00 - 18:00", "18:00 - 20:00", "20:00 - 22:00", "22:00 - 24:00"]; // Onnecta weekdays (if w-raw) const daily: Array<string> = ["01_Monday", "02_Tuesday", "03_Wednesday", "04_Thursday", "05_Friday", "06_Saturday", "07_Sunday"]; // Onnecta months (if m-raw) const monthly: Array<string> = ["01_Januray", "02_February", "03_March", "04_April", "05_May", "06_June", "07_July", "08_August", "09_September", "10_October", "11_November", "12_December"]; let devices: string[] = getDeviceNames("daikin-cloud."); function setOrCreateState(id: string, value: any, forceCreation: boolean = true, common: Partial<iobJS.StateCommon> = {}, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void { if (!existsState(id)) { createState(id, value, forceCreation, common, callback); } else { setState(id, value, true); } } // Get Daikin Device Names function getDeviceNames(vAdapterInstance: string): string[] { let devices = []; $(vAdapterInstance + '*raw').each(function (id) { if (devices.indexOf(id) == -1) { devices.push(id); } }); return devices; } async function writeConsumtionData(path: string, rawType: string, rawData: number[]): Promise<void> { log(rawType + ' - ' + rawData, logMode); let total: number = 0; switch (rawType) { case "d-raw": for (let j = 0; j < 12; j++) { let dpName = "Yesterday." + hourly[j]; setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: hourly[j], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'}); log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode); total = total + rawData[j]; } setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.Yesterday', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'Yesterday', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'}); total = 0; for (let j = 12; j < 24; j++) { let dpName = "Today." + hourly[j-12]; setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: hourly[j-12], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'}); log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode); total = total + rawData[j]; } setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.Today', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'Today', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'}); break; case "w-raw": for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) { let dpName = "LastWeek." + daily[j]; setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: daily[j], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'}); log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode); total = total + rawData[j]; } setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.LastWeek', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'LastWeek', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'}); total = 0; for (let j = 7; j < 14; j++) { let dpName = "ThisWeek." + daily[j-7]; setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: daily[j-7], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'}); log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode); total = total + rawData[j]; } setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.ThisWeek', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'ThisWeek', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'}); break; case "m-raw": for (let j = 0; j < 12; j++) { let dpName = "LastYear." + monthly[j]; setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: monthly[j], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'}); log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode); total = total + rawData[j]; } setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.LastYear', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'LastYear', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'}); total = 0; for (let j = 12; j < 24; j++) { let dpName = "ThisYear." + monthly[j-12]; setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: monthly[j-12], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'}); log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode); total = total + rawData[j]; } setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.ThisYear', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'ThisYear', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'}); break; } } async function readConsumtionData(): Promise<void> { for (let i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { //get d-raw; w-raw; m-raw let dev: any = devices[i].split('.'); let state = getState(devices[i]).val; state = state.slice(1,-1); state = state.replaceAll('null', '0'); await writeConsumtionData(devices[i].slice(0,-5), dev[dev.length -1], Array.from(state.split(','), Number)); } } readConsumtionData(); on({ id: [].concat(Array.prototype.slice.apply($('daikin-cloud.*.lastUpdateReceived'))), change: 'any' }, async (obj) => { await readConsumtionData(); });
@armilar sagte in Test Adapter Daikin-Cloud 0.4.0:
/* TypeScript (TS) @Armilar
*- This Script will read the consumption Data from Daikin-Cloud adapter and transform the raw data into individual data points similar to how it's shown in the Daikin Onecta App.
- It will also sum up the historic consumption from the current and previous year and update the total consumption meter going forward.
- The data is created in the following path analogous to the daikin cloud data
- 0_userdata.0.daikin-cloud.0...
- Createtd: 14.11.2024
// Log-Mode
const logMode: any = 'info'; // 'info' or 'debug'
// Path in 0_userdata
const mainPath: string = '0_userdata.0.';
// Onnecta hours (if d-raw)
const hourly: Array<string> = ["00:00 - 02:00", "02:00 - 04:00", "04:00 - 06:00", "06:00 - 08:00", "08:00 - 10:00", "10:00 - 12:00", "12:00 - 14:00", "14:00 - 16:00", "16:00 - 18:00", "18:00 - 20:00", "20:00 - 22:00", "22:00 - 24:00"];
// Onnecta weekdays (if w-raw)
const daily: Array<string> = ["01_Monday", "02_Tuesday", "03_Wednesday", "04_Thursday", "05_Friday", "06_Saturday", "07_Sunday"];
// Onnecta months (if m-raw)
const monthly: Array<string> = ["01_Januray", "02_February", "03_March", "04_April", "05_May", "06_June", "07_July", "08_August", "09_September", "10_October", "11_November", "12_December"];let devices: string[] = getDeviceNames("daikin-cloud.");
function setOrCreateState(id: string, value: any, forceCreation: boolean = true, common: Partial<iobJS.StateCommon> = {}, callback?: iobJS.SetStateCallback): void {
if (!existsState(id)) {
createState(id, value, forceCreation, common, callback);
} else {
setState(id, value, true);
}// Get Daikin Device Names
function getDeviceNames(vAdapterInstance: string): string[] {
let devices = [];
$(vAdapterInstance + '*raw').each(function (id) {
if (devices.indexOf(id) == -1) {
return devices;
}async function writeConsumtionData(path: string, rawType: string, rawData: number[]): Promise<void> {
log(rawType + ' - ' + rawData, logMode);
let total: number = 0;
switch (rawType) {
case "d-raw":
for (let j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
let dpName = "Yesterday." + hourly[j];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: hourly[j], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'});
log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode);
total = total + rawData[j];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.Yesterday', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'Yesterday', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'});
total = 0;
for (let j = 12; j < 24; j++) {
let dpName = "Today." + hourly[j-12];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: hourly[j-12], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'});
log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode);
total = total + rawData[j];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.Today', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'Today', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'});
case "w-raw":
for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
let dpName = "LastWeek." + daily[j];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: daily[j], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'});
log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode);
total = total + rawData[j];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.LastWeek', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'LastWeek', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'});
total = 0;
for (let j = 7; j < 14; j++) {
let dpName = "ThisWeek." + daily[j-7];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: daily[j-7], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'});
log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode);
total = total + rawData[j];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.ThisWeek', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'ThisWeek', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'});
case "m-raw":
for (let j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
let dpName = "LastYear." + monthly[j];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: monthly[j], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'});
log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode);
total = total + rawData[j];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.LastYear', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'LastYear', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'});
total = 0;
for (let j = 12; j < 24; j++) {
let dpName = "ThisYear." + monthly[j-12];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + dpName, rawData[j], true, {type: 'number', name: monthly[j-12], role: 'value.power', unit: 'kWh'});
log(mainPath + path + dpName + ': ' + rawData[j], logMode);
total = total + rawData[j];
setOrCreateState(mainPath + path + 'Total.ThisYear', total, true, {type: 'number', name: 'ThisYear', role: 'value.power',unit: 'kWh'});
}async function readConsumtionData(): Promise<void> {
for (let i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
//get d-raw; w-raw; m-raw
let dev: any = devices[i].split('.');
let state = getState(devices[i]).val;
state = state.slice(1,-1);
state = state.replaceAll('null', '0');
await writeConsumtionData(devices[i].slice(0,-5), dev[dev.length -1], Array.from(state.split(','), Number));
readConsumtionData();on({ id: [].concat(Array.prototype.slice.apply($('daikin-cloud.*.lastUpdateReceived'))), change: 'any' }, async (obj) => {
await readConsumtionData();
});Super da ist ja auch meine Klimaanlage von Daikin drinnen
Läuft 1a. Danke für das überarbeite Script. Merci
@armilar Welchen Teil des Skriptes muss ich denn kopieren und einfügen? Irgendwie haut das bei mir nicht hin. Das Blockly funzt.
Vielen Dank1 -
Problem gelöst!!! Ich bin auch ein kleines dummerchen. Habe die ganze Zeit versucht unter Javaskript das Ding ans laufen zu bringen. Kann ja auch nicht klappen denn es steht doch deutlich geschrieben "TypeScript (TS)" anlegen. Das richtige Skript angelegt und alles reingeschmissen. Siehe da, es funzt.
Vielen Dank an @kredar -
@apollon77 Die Verbindung zur Cloud hat nun einige Zeit gut funktioniert.
Heute Morgen hatte ich einen "Error on update (1): expected 200 OK, got: 500 Internal Server Error" Fehler.
Danach ging gar nichts mehr.
Die Daikin Status Seite meldet keinen Fehler.
Also habe ich die App gelöscht und neu angelegt.
Ohne Erfolg.
Nach dem Zugriff bestätigen bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung "Error on OAuth process: OPError: invalid_grant (invalid authorization code)"Hat noch wer aktuell Probleme damit?
Jetzt meldet auch die Daikin Status Seite meldet Fehler!
Geht jetzt wieder!
Die Cloud ist halt einfach nicht sehr stabil! -
War bei mir ebenso, auch der App Zugriff war gestört.
War bei Daikin auch bekannt, und hatten dran gearbeitet.Mit der neuen Authentifizierung über den Adapter funktioniert nun es auch wieder im IOBroker.