Update System iobroker failed
thanks for your answer,
To be sure what I've to do... (to avoid problem... I'm newbee)
I've juste to replace the package.json file in the actual directory /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/node-red by the old one my old sdcard?
and after that run npm install, correct?
stupid question, to have access to the file on my old SDcard, is it possible to place the SDcard on my windows desktop pc and save it? or I've to place the old SDcard in the raspberry Pi to pick up file with filezilla?
@tiger sagte in Update System iobroker failed:
is it possible to place the SDcard on my windows desktop pc and save it
I'm pretty sure windows won't see it
@tiger sagte in Update System iobroker failed:
same for VIS, not possible to connect to vis from browser
show the settings for vis and web. You use the socketio?
@tiger sagte in Update System iobroker failed:
thanks for your answer,
To be sure what I've to do... (to avoid problem... I'm newbee)
I've juste to replace the package.json file in the actual directory /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/node-red by the old one my old sdcard?
and after that run npm install, correct?
stupid question, to have access to the file on my old SDcard, is it possible to place the SDcard on my windows desktop pc and save it? or I've to place the old SDcard in the raspberry Pi to pick up file with filezilla?
correct. I doubt that you can directly access the files on your SD card , because you have no drivers in windows. for the ext4 file system. In your case - I would boot with the old SD card and copy the whole directory /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/node-red to your USB stick. When you boot with the new card - you should have access to all files wherever you mounted your USB stick. You should even be able to replace the complete new directory in the /opt/iobroker-dat with the old one. Rename the exiting one and replace it with the new one. If you want to know what the files in your /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/node-red data mean you can have a look to my extensive description here:
Sorry, didn't see your post before doing it...So I took the package.json and replace in the node-red and made npm install in the directory
Error with alexa node, seems that the node used before doesn't exist now
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/node-red $ npm install npm ERR! code ENOVERSIONS npm ERR! No versions available for node-red-node-alexa npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2022-08-16T14_59_56_194Z-debug-0.log
log file 2022-08-16T14_59_56_194Z-debug-0.log
Do you want that I tryed with copy af all the directory? there is a lot of files... more than 60.000
@tiger sagte in Update System iobroker failed:
So this node is no longer supported. As said you can rename the existing directory and copy the whole directory to the original place - but I do not recommend this. So better is to look for an replacement.
If you want to try if the old one is running copying the old directory in total - you should first rename the exiting one before you copy the old one. But better is to remove the alexa node. If this is the only error then you should have all except the alexa node.
to test if the old one will run. you can do
cd /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data mv node-red
and then copy the old directory into the iobroker-data directory. But I am not sure if this old alexa node will work at all.
I'm Trying to understand
1 I've to test with your command
cd /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data mv node-red
once made, (depending of the result)
- change the name of the directory to have backup I supposed
- Copy all the directory from the old SD Card (lots of files... more than 60.000....) to the new SD Card at same place
and after?
don't remember if socketio is used but it was installed.
Web.0 is not configured, And I didn't reached to change the Ip adress.Configuration of VIS, nothing, lincence key is show and when checking licence it's OK
Configuration of Web.0
No ip Adress, supposed is the reason
@tiger sagte in Update System iobroker failed:
I'm Trying to understand
1 I've to test with your command
cd /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data mv node-red
once made, (depending of the result)
- change the name of the directory to have backup I supposed
- Copy all the directory from the old SD Card (lots of files... more than 60.000....) to the new SD Card at same place
and after?
after you copied the old directory under /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data make sure that the rights are adapted.
go to the /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data directory and execute:
cd /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data sudo chown -R iobroker:iobroker node-red
this will ensure that user iobroker has access to all files and you can try to start the adapter. If this will not work - you have to use again the backup ( and delete the reference of the old alexa node in the package.json file. However I guess all other nodes should have been installed.
I have to go off now and can only support you on my mobile. But this is very limited. But these are standard procedures all others should be familiar with.
@mickym said in Update System iobroker failed:
make sure that the rights are adapted.
What do you mean by that?
@tiger If you copy with user pi - all files are owned by this user. As iobroker runs under user iobroker you need to change the owner of the files and directories.
ok I've same user name as before -
@tiger So but I am not sure if the old node will work at all with the new node version. You should better think about a replacement.
So... if I'm understanding well...
I've to let like that without copy the directory...
install the new node of Alexa...
and made a new programmation?as i wanted to have an installation up to date... if it's your recommandation... i'll do like that...
No problem Now that I'd understood Filezilla
I'm going to have all working, and after we'll see to the update.
After Node-red.. that if I understand well I've to reprogram... for alexa
I've to check VIS
RFXCOM it seems that I've to pair everything as I've the devices but seems not connected
Zigbee, probably same, I've to pair everything -
@tiger sagte in Update System iobroker failed:
don't remember if socketio is used but it was installed.
Not currently, you can switch and test it or use pure web sockets
@tiger sagte in Update System iobroker failed:
So... if I'm understanding well...
I've to let like that without copy the directory...
install the new node of Alexa...
and made a new programmation?as i wanted to have an installation up to date... if it's your recommandation... i'll do like that...
Yes my recommendation is to do not copy the old stuff. Edit your package.json and delete the line in the dependencies section which refers to the old- alexa node. Run npm install hopefully without errors. Activate in the node red adapter configuration that you use the pallet manager and install a different node. Then you need to rework all alexa flows
@tiger sagte in Update System iobroker failed:
Zigbee, probably same, I've to pair everything
i don't use zigbee and therefore I'm very sorry if there is a pitfall too.
But @Thomas-Braun may know wether there will be a solution. -
@mickym said in Update System iobroker failed:
ok I'll do it...
but, how do you edit the package.json? -
No it seems everything is working well...
Zigbee and Rfxcom... good news...