octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:24.614 debug (14149) system.adapter.admin.0: logging true
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:22.291 debug (14149) API is offline
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:22.291 debug (14149) (version) received error - API is now offline: {"message":"timeout of 2000ms exceeded","name":"Error","stack":"Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded\n at createError (/opt/iobroker/node_module
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:22.289 info (14149) error ECONNABORTED from /api/version: timeout of 2000ms exceeded
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:20.288 debug (14149) refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout (printing): id 82 - seconds: 10
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:20.287 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/version" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:20.287 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:20.287 debug (14149) refreshState: started from "timeout (printing)"
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:12.888 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/job with content: {"job":{"averagePrintTime":8170.761188558,"estimatedPrintTime":8168.974748087396,"filament":{"tool0":{"length":10424.098388664424,"volume":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:12.887 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/printer with content: {"state":{"error":"","flags":{"cancelling":false,"closedOrError":false,"error":false,"finishing":false,"operational":true,"paused":false,
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:12.880 debug (14149) updatePrinterStatus from: "Printing" -> printerOperational: true, printerPrinting: true
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:12.879 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/connection with content: {"current":{"baudrate":250000,"port":"/dev/ttyUSB0","printerProfile":"_default","state":"Printing"},"options":{"baudratePreference":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:11.413 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/job" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:11.413 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:11.412 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/printer" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:11.412 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:11.411 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/connection" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:11.411 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:11.410 debug (14149) connected to OctoPrint API - online! - status: 200
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:11.410 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/version with content: {"api":"0.1","server":"1.7.3","text":"OctoPrint 1.7.3"}
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:10.286 debug (14149) refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout (printing): id 81 - seconds: 10
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:10.286 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/version" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:10.285 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:10.285 debug (14149) refreshState: started from "timeout (printing)"
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:01.852 debug (14149) updatePrinterStatus from: "Printing" -> printerOperational: true, printerPrinting: true
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:01.852 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/connection with content: {"current":{"baudrate":250000,"port":"/dev/ttyUSB0","printerProfile":"_default","state":"Printing"},"options":{"baudratePreference":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:01.721 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/job with content: {"job":{"averagePrintTime":8170.761188558,"estimatedPrintTime":8168.974748087396,"filament":{"tool0":{"length":10424.098388664424,"volume":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:01.705 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/printer with content: {"state":{"error":"","flags":{"cancelling":false,"closedOrError":false,"error":false,"finishing":false,"operational":true,"paused":false,
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.437 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/job" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.437 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.436 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/printer" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.436 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.435 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/connection" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.435 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.435 debug (14149) connected to OctoPrint API - online! - status: 200
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.434 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/version with content: {"api":"0.1","server":"1.7.3","text":"OctoPrint 1.7.3"}
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.285 debug (14149) refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout (printing): id 80 - seconds: 10
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.284 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/version" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.284 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:57:00.284 debug (14149) refreshState: started from "timeout (API not connected)"
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:53.589 debug (14149) updatePrinterStatus from: "Printing" -> printerOperational: true, printerPrinting: true
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:53.588 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/connection with content: {"current":{"baudrate":250000,"port":"/dev/ttyUSB0","printerProfile":"_default","state":"Printing"},"options":{"baudratePreference":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:53.502 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/job with content: {"job":{"averagePrintTime":8170.761188558,"estimatedPrintTime":8168.974748087396,"filament":{"tool0":{"length":10424.098388664424,"volume":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:53.453 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/printer with content: {"state":{"error":"","flags":{"cancelling":false,"closedOrError":false,"error":false,"finishing":false,"operational":true,"paused":false,
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:52.200 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/job" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:52.200 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:52.199 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/printer" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:52.199 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:52.198 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/connection" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:52.197 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:52.196 debug (14149) connected to OctoPrint API - online! - status: 200
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:52.196 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/version with content: {"api":"0.1","server":"1.7.3","text":"OctoPrint 1.7.3"}
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:50.284 debug (14149) refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout (API not connected): id 79 - seconds: 10
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:50.283 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/version" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:50.283 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:50.282 debug (14149) refreshState: started from "timeout (API not connected)"
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:42.284 debug (14149) API is offline
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:42.284 debug (14149) (version) received error - API is now offline: {"message":"timeout of 2000ms exceeded","name":"Error","stack":"Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded\n at createError (/opt/iobroker/node_module
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:42.282 debug (14149) timeout of 2000ms exceeded
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:40.281 debug (14149) refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout (API not connected): id 78 - seconds: 10
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:40.281 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/version" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:40.280 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:40.280 debug (14149) refreshState: started from "timeout (API not connected)"
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:32.282 debug (14149) API is offline
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:32.282 debug (14149) (version) received error - API is now offline: {"message":"timeout of 2000ms exceeded","name":"Error","stack":"Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded\n at createError (/opt/iobroker/node_module
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:32.281 debug (14149) timeout of 2000ms exceeded
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:30.279 debug (14149) refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout (API not connected): id 77 - seconds: 10
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:30.278 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/version" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:30.278 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:30.278 debug (14149) refreshState: started from "timeout (printing)"
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:22.281 debug (14149) API is offline
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:22.281 debug (14149) (version) received error - API is now offline: {"message":"timeout of 2000ms exceeded","name":"Error","stack":"Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded\n at createError (/opt/iobroker/node_module
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:22.279 info (14149) error ECONNABORTED from /api/version: timeout of 2000ms exceeded
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:20.278 debug (14149) refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout (printing): id 76 - seconds: 10
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:20.277 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/version" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:20.277 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:20.276 debug (14149) refreshState: started from "timeout (printing)"
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:13.112 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/job with content: {"job":{"averagePrintTime":8170.761188558,"estimatedPrintTime":8168.974748087396,"filament":{"tool0":{"length":10424.098388664424,"volume":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:13.103 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/printer with content: {"state":{"error":"","flags":{"cancelling":false,"closedOrError":false,"error":false,"finishing":false,"operational":true,"paused":false,
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:13.098 debug (14149) updatePrinterStatus from: "Printing" -> printerOperational: true, printerPrinting: true
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:13.098 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/connection with content: {"current":{"baudrate":250000,"port":"/dev/ttyUSB0","printerProfile":"_default","state":"Printing"},"options":{"baudratePreference":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:11.482 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/job" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:11.482 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:11.481 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/printer" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:11.481 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:11.480 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/connection" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:11.480 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:11.479 debug (14149) connected to OctoPrint API - online! - status: 200
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:11.479 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/version with content: {"api":"0.1","server":"1.7.3","text":"OctoPrint 1.7.3"}
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:10.276 debug (14149) refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout (printing): id 75 - seconds: 10
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:10.275 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/version" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:10.275 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:10.274 debug (14149) refreshState: started from "timeout (API not connected)"
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:01.345 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/job with content: {"job":{"averagePrintTime":8170.761188558,"estimatedPrintTime":8168.974748087396,"filament":{"tool0":{"length":10424.098388664424,"volume":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:01.311 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/printer with content: {"state":{"error":"","flags":{"cancelling":false,"closedOrError":false,"error":false,"finishing":false,"operational":true,"paused":false,
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:01.298 debug (14149) updatePrinterStatus from: "Printing" -> printerOperational: true, printerPrinting: true
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:01.297 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/connection with content: {"current":{"baudrate":250000,"port":"/dev/ttyUSB0","printerProfile":"_default","state":"Printing"},"options":{"baudratePreference":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.662 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/job" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.662 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.661 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/printer" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.661 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.660 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/connection" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.660 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.659 debug (14149) connected to OctoPrint API - online! - status: 200
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.659 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/version with content: {"api":"0.1","server":"1.7.3","text":"OctoPrint 1.7.3"}
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.274 debug (14149) refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout (API not connected): id 74 - seconds: 10
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.273 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/version" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.272 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:56:00.272 debug (14149) refreshState: started from "timeout (API not connected)"
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:52.275 debug (14149) API is offline
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:52.274 debug (14149) (version) received error - API is now offline: {"message":"timeout of 2000ms exceeded","name":"Error","stack":"Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded\n at createError (/opt/iobroker/node_module
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:52.273 debug (14149) timeout of 2000ms exceeded
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:50.272 debug (14149) refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout (API not connected): id 73 - seconds: 10
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:50.271 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/version" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:50.271 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:50.270 debug (14149) refreshState: started from "timeout (printing)"
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:42.273 debug (14149) API is offline
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:42.272 debug (14149) (version) received error - API is now offline: {"message":"timeout of 2000ms exceeded","name":"Error","stack":"Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded\n at createError (/opt/iobroker/node_module
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:42.271 info (14149) error ECONNABORTED from /api/version: timeout of 2000ms exceeded
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:40.269 debug (14149) refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout (printing): id 72 - seconds: 10
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:40.268 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/version" without data
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:40.268 debug (14149) Starting service request
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:40.268 debug (14149) refreshState: started from "timeout (API not connected)"
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:32.638 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/job with content: {"job":{"averagePrintTime":8170.761188558,"estimatedPrintTime":8168.974748087396,"filament":{"tool0":{"length":10424.098388664424,"volume":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:32.628 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/printer with content: {"state":{"error":"","flags":{"cancelling":false,"closedOrError":false,"error":false,"finishing":false,"operational":true,"paused":false,
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:32.610 debug (14149) updatePrinterStatus from: "Printing" -> printerOperational: true, printerPrinting: true
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:32.610 debug (14149) received 200 response from /api/connection with content: {"current":{"baudrate":250000,"port":"/dev/ttyUSB0","printerProfile":"_default","state":"Printing"},"options":{"baudratePreference":25
octoprint.0 2022-01-30 14:55:30.810 debug (14149) sending "get" request to "/api/job" without data