const SkriptVersion = "0.2.23"; //vom 30.06.2021 / Link zu Git: / Forum:
const mihome = require('node-mihome');
// Logindaten für Xiaomi Cloud:
const username = 'XXXXXXX';
const password = 'XXXXXXX';
const options = { country: 'de' }; // 'ru', 'us', 'tw', 'sg', 'cn', 'de' (Default: 'cn');
const refresh = 13000; // Alle 13sek neue Daten
const praefix0 = "javascript.0.MiHomeAll"; //Root für Skriptdatenpunkte
const logging = false; //Logging aktivieren/deaktivieren
//Ab hier nix mehr ändern!
- Xiaomi Cloudlogin
- Alle dort gelisteten Geräte und deren Basicdaten abrufen
- Für alle abgerufenen Geräte Basic Channel/Datenpunkte anlegen
- Prüfen welche supporteten Geräte in der Auflistung vorhanden sind und die entsprechenden spezifischen Datenpunkte erstellen
- Basic Channels mit Daten füllen / einlesen
- devicearray erstellen via node-mihome und die Gerätespezifischen Werte einlesen
// ######### TESTBEREICH ################
//const axios = require('axios');
//let miotDefinition= getMiotData('');
async function getMiotData(url) {
if (logging) log("Reaching MiotUrlConstructor");
try {
const response = await axios.get(url, { timeout: 10000 });
log("resp:" + JSON.stringify(;
for (let z in Object.keys( {
log("Keys=" + Object.keys([z]))
} catch (error) {
function MiotUrlConstructor(miotdevice) {
if (logging) log("Reaching MiotUrlConstructor");
let BaseUrl = "" + miotdevice;
return BaseUrl;
// ################ ENDE TESTBEREICH ####################
const DeviceData = [];
let AllDevicesRaw = [];
let device = [];
const States = [];
let DpCount = 0;
log("Starting AllMyMi V." + SkriptVersion);
const DefineDevice = [];
// ***************************** Device Definitions *************************
// ***************************** Airpurifiers ********************************
DefineDevice[0] = { // Tested and working
info: {},
model: "zhimi.airpurifier.mb3",//
description: "Purifier 3H",
setter: {
"air-purifier.on": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"air-purifier.mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val) },
"motor-speed.favorite-fan-level": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFavLevel(val) },
"": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"alarm.alarm": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val) },
"indicator-light.brightness": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLcdBrightness(val) },
"physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) }
[{ name: "air-purifier.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "air-purifier.fault", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 5, states: { 0: "No faults", 1: "m1_run", 2: "m1_stuck", 3: "no_sensor", 4: "error_hum", 5: "error_temp", 6: "timer_error1", 7: "timer_error2" } },
{ name: "air-purifier.mode", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 3, states: { 0: "auto", 1: "sleep", 2: "favorite", 3: "fanset" } },
{ name: "", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 3 },
{ name: "alarm.alarm", type: "boolean", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "indicator-light.brightness", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 2 },
{ name: "indicator-light.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "environment.temperature", type: "number", role: "value.temperature", read: true, write: false, min: -40, max: 125, unit: "°C" },
{ name: "motor-speed.motor-speed", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 3000, unit: "rpm" },
{ name: "motor-speed.motor-set-speed", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 3000, unit: "rpm" },
{ name: "motor-speed.favorite-fan-level", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 14 },
{ name: "use-time.use-time", type: "number", read: true, write: false },
{ name: "environment.relative-humidity", type: "number", role: "value.humidity", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "environment.pm2_5-density", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 600, unit: "μg/m³" },
{ name: "filter.filter-life-level", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "filter.filter-used-time", type: "number", read: true, write: false, unit: "h" },
{ name: "physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true }]
DefineDevice[20] = { // tested and ok
info: {},
model: "zhimi.airpurifier.mc1",//
description: "Purifier 2S",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val) },
"favorite_level": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFavoriteLevel(val) },
"led": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLed(val) },
"buzzer": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val) },
"child_lock": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "mode", type: "string", role: "state", read: true, write: true, states: { "auto": "auto", "silent": "silent", "favorite": "favorite" } },
{ name: "favorite_level", type: "number", role: "state", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 10 },
{ name: "temp_dec", type: "number", role: "value.temperature", read: true, write: false, min: -40.0, max: 525.0, unit: "°C" },
{ name: "humidity", type: "number", role: "value.humidity", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "aqi", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 600, unit: "μg/m³" },
{ name: "led", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "buzzer", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "filter1_life", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "f1_hour", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, unit: "h" },
{ name: "f1_hour_used", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, unit: "h" },
{ name: "child_lock", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true }]
DefineDevice[22] = {
info: {},
model: "zhimi.airpurifier.m1",//
description: "Purifier 2",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val) },
"favorite_level": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFavoriteLevel(val) },
"led": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLed(val) },
"buzzer": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val) },
"child_lock": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "mode", type: "string", role: "state", read: true, write: true, states: { "auto": "auto", "silent": "silent", "favorite": "favorite" } },
{ name: "favorite_level", type: "number", role: "state", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 10 },
{ name: "temp_dec", type: "number", role: "value.temperature", read: true, write: false, min: -40.0, max: 525.0, unit: "°C" },
{ name: "humidity", type: "number", role: "value.humidity", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "aqi", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 600, unit: "μg/m³" },
{ name: "led", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "buzzer", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "filter1_life", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "f1_hour", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, unit: "h" },
{ name: "f1_hour_used", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, unit: "h" },
{ name: "child_lock", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true }]
DefineDevice[8] = { // Tested and working
info: {},
model: "zhimi.airpurifier.mc2",//
description: "Purifier 2H",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val) },
"favorite_level": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFavoriteLevel(val) },
"led": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLed(val) },
"led_b": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLedB(val) },
"buzzer": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val) },
"child_lock": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "mode", type: "string", role: "state", read: true, write: true, states: { "auto": "auto", "silent": "silent", "favorite": "favorite" } },
{ name: "favorite_level", type: "number", role: "state", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 16 },
{ name: "temp_dec", type: "number", role: "value.temperature", read: true, write: false, min: -40.0, max: 525.0, unit: "°C" },
{ name: "humidity", type: "number", role: "value.humidity", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "aqi", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 600, unit: "μg/m³" },
{ name: "average_aqi", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 600, unit: "μg/m³" },
{ name: "led", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "led_b", type: "number", role: "state", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 2, states: { 0: "bright", 1: "dim", 2: "off" } },
{ name: "buzzer", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "filter1_life", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "f1_hour", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, unit: "h" },
{ name: "f1_hour_used", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, unit: "h" },
{ name: "motor1_speed", type: "number", role: "value", read: true, write: false, unit: "rpm" },
{ name: "child_lock", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true }]
DefineDevice[13] = { // Tested and working
info: {},
model: "zhimi.airpurifier.vb2",//
description: "Mi Air Purifier Pro H",
setter: {
"air-purifier.on": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"air-purifier.mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val) },
"motor-speed.favorite-level": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFavLevel(val) },
"": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"alarm.volume": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val) },
"indicator-light.brightness": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLcdBrightness(val) },
"physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) }
[{ name: "air-purifier.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "air-purifier.fault", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 5, states: { 0: "No faults", 1: "m1_run", 2: "m1_stuck", 3: "no_sensor", 4: "error_hum", 5: "error_temp", 6: "timer_error1", 7: "timer_error2" } },
{ name: "air-purifier.mode", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 3, states: { 0: "auto", 1: "sleep", 2: "favorite", 3: "fanset" } },
{ name: "", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 3 },
{ name: "alarm.volume", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 100 },
{ name: "indicator-light.brightness", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 2 },
{ name: "indicator-light.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "environment.temperature", type: "number", role: "value.temperature", read: true, write: false, min: -40, max: 125, unit: "°C" },
{ name: "motor-speed.motor1-speed", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 3000, unit: "rpm" },
{ name: "motor-speed.motor1-set-speed", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 3000, unit: "rpm" },
{ name: "motor-speed.favorite-level", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 14 },
{ name: "use-time.use-time", type: "number", read: true, write: false },
{ name: "environment.relative-humidity", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "environment.pm2_5-density", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 600, unit: "μg/m³" },
{ name: "filter.filter-life-level", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "filter.filter-used-time", type: "number", read: true, write: false, unit: "h" },
{ name: "physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true }]
DefineDevice[14] = { // Tested and working
info: {},
model: "zhimi.airpurifier.v7",//
description: "Mi Air Purifier",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"led": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setDisplay(val) },
"child_lock": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "mode", type: "string", read: true, write: true, states: { "auto": "auto", "silent": "silent", "favorite": "favorite" } },
{ name: "favorite_level", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 16 },
{ name: "temp_dec", type: "number", role: "value.temperature", read: true, write: false },
{ name: "humidity", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "aqi", type: "number", read: true, write: false, unit: "μg/m³" },
{ name: "average_aqi", type: "number", read: true, write: false, unit: "μg/m³" },
{ name: "led", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "bright", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "volume", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "filter1_life", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "f1_hour", type: "number", read: true, write: false },
{ name: "f1_hour_used", type: "number", read: true, write: false },
{ name: "motor1_speed", type: "number", read: true, write: false, unit: "rpm" },
{ name: "motor2_speed", type: "number", read: true, write: false, unit: "rpm" },
{ name: "child_lock", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true }]
DefineDevice[15] = { // Tested and working
info: {},
model: "zhimi.airpurifier.mb4",//
description: "Purifier 3C",
setter: {
"air-purifier.on": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"air-purifier.mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val) },
"custom-service.favorite-speed": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFavSpeed(val) },
"alarm.alarm": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val) },
"screen.brightness": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLcdBrightness(val) },
"physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) }
[{ name: "air-purifier.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "air-purifier.fault", type: "string", read: true, write: false },
{ name: "air-purifier.mode", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 3, states: { 0: "auto", 1: "sleep", 2: "favorite", 3: "fanset" } },
{ name: "alarm.alarm", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "screen.brightness", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 8 },
{ name: "environment.pm2_5-density", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 600, unit: "μg/m³" },
{ name: "", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 65535, unit: "rpm" },
{ name: "custom-service.favorite-speed", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 300, max: 2300, unit: "rpm" },
{ name: "filter.filter-life-level", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "filter.filter-used-time", type: "number", read: true, write: false, unit: "h" },
{ name: "physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true }]
DefineDevice[18] = { // Untested
info: {},
model: "zhimi.airpurifier.ma4",//
description: "Air Purifier",
setter: {
"air-purifier.on": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"air-purifier.mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val) },
"": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"alarm.alarm": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val) },
"indicator-light.brightness": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLcdBrightness(val) },
"physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) }
[{ name: "air-purifier.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "air-purifier.fault", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 5, states: { 0: "No faults", 1: "m1_run", 2: "m1_stuck", 3: "no_sensor", 4: "error_hum", 5: "error_temp", 6: "timer_error1", 7: "timer_error2" } },
{ name: "air-purifier.mode", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 3, states: { 0: "auto", 1: "sleep", 2: "favorite", 3: "none" } },
{ name: "", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 3 },
{ name: "alarm.alarm", type: "boolean", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "indicator-light.brightness", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 2 },
{ name: "indicator-light.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "environment.temperature", type: "number", role: "value.temperature", read: true, write: false, min: -40, max: 125, unit: "°C" },
{ name: "environment.relative-humidity", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "environment.pm2_5-density", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 600, unit: "μg/m³" },
{ name: "filter.filter-life-level", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "filter.filter-used-time", type: "number", read: true, write: false, unit: "h" },
{ name: "physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true }]
// ***************************** Fans *********************************
DefineDevice[1] = { // untested
info: {},
model: "",//
description: "Leshow Fan",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"blow": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"yaw": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanSwing(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setSleepMode(val) },
"sound": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"timer": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setTimer(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "blow", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "yaw", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "mode", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "sound", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "timer", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 540, unit: "m" }]
DefineDevice[9] = { // Tested and working
info: {},
model: "",//
description: "Mi Fan 2S",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"angle": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setSwingAngle(val) },
"angle_enable": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setSwing(val) },
"natural_level": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setSleepMode((val == 1) ? true : false) },
"buzzer": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"child_lock": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"led_b": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLcdBrightness(val) },
"speed_level": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"poweroff_time": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setTimer(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "angle", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 120 },
{ name: "angle_enable", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "natural_level", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 1, states: { 0: "Straight Wind", 1: "Natural Wind" } },
{ name: "buzzer", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "child_lock", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "led_b", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "speed_level", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "poweroff_time", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 540, unit: "m" }]
DefineDevice[17] = { // Tested and working
info: {},
model: "",//
description: "Mi Smart Standing Fan Pro",
setter: {
"fan.on": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"fan.mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val) },
"": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"fan.horizontal-swing": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setHorizontalSwing(val) },
"fan.horizontal-angle": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setHorizontalAngle(val) },
"indicator-light.on": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setIndicatorLight(val) },
"alarm.alarm": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setAlarm(val) },
"motor-controller.motor-control": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMotorController(val) },
"physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) },
"": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setOffDelayTime(val) }
[{ name: "fan.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "fan.mode", type: "number", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 1, states: { 0: "Straight Wind", 1: "Natural Wind" } },
{ name: "", type: "number", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 4, states: { 1: "Slow", 2: "Middle", 3: "High", 4: "Turbo" } },
{ name: "fan.horizontal-swing", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "fan.horizontal-angle", type: "number", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: 30, max: 140, unit: "°", states: { 30: "30°", 60: "60°", 90: "90°", 120: "120°", 140: "140°" } },
{ name: "fan.status", type: "number", role: "indicator", read: true, write: false, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "indicator-light.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "alarm.alarm", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "motor-controller.motor-control", type: "number", role: "switch", read: false, write: true, min: 0, max: 2, states: { 0: "None", 1: "Left", 2: "Right" } },
{ name: "physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "", type: "number", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 480, unit: "m" }
DefineDevice[19] = { // untested
info: {},
model: "",//
description: "Mi Smart Standing Fan 1C",
setter: {
"fan.on": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"fan.mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val) },
"": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"fan.horizontal-swing": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setHorizontalSwing(val) },
"fan.brightness": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBrightness(val) },
"fan.alarm": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setAlarm(val) },
"physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) },
"": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setOffDelayTime(val) }
[{ name: "fan.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "fan.mode", type: "number", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 1, states: { 0: "Straight Wind", 1: "Sleep" } },
{ name: "", type: "number", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 3, states: { 1: "Slow", 2: "Middle", 3: "High" } },
{ name: "fan.horizontal-swing", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "fan.status", type: "number", role: "indicator", read: true, write: false, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "fan.brightness", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "fan.alarm", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "", type: "number", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 480, unit: "m" }
DefineDevice[23] = { // Tested and working
info: {},
model: "",//
description: "Mi Smart Standing Fan 2",
setter: {
"fan.on": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"fan.mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val) },
"": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"fan.horizontal-swing": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setHorizontalSwing(val) },
"fan.horizontal-angle": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setHorizontalAngle(val) },
"alarm.alarm": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setAlarm(val) },
"motor-controller.motor-control": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMotorController(val) },
"physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) },
"": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setOffDelayTime(val) }
[{ name: "fan.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "fan.mode", type: "number", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 1, states: { 0: "Straight Wind", 1: "Natural Wind" } },
{ name: "", type: "number", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 4, states: { 1: "Slow", 2: "Middle", 3: "High", 4: "Turbo" } },
{ name: "fan.horizontal-swing", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "fan.horizontal-angle", type: "number", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: 30, max: 140, unit: "°", states: { 30: "30°", 60: "60°", 90: "90°", 120: "120°", 140: "140°" } },
{ name: "fan.status", type: "number", role: "indicator", read: true, write: false, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "alarm.alarm", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "motor-controller.motor-control", type: "number", role: "switch", read: false, write: true, min: 0, max: 2, states: { 0: "None", 1: "Left", 2: "Right" } },
{ name: "physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "", type: "number", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 480, unit: "m" }
// ***************************** Lights *********************************
DefineDevice[2] = { // Tested and ok except setting color
info: {},
model: "yeelink.light.strip2",//
description: "Yeelight Lightstrip Plus",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"bright": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBrightness(val) },
"hue": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setColorHSV(val) },
"color_mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setColorMode(val) },
"ct": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setCt(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "bright", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "hue", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 16777215 },
{ name: "sat", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 100 },
{ name: "color_mode", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 2 },
{ name: "ct", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1700, max: 6500 }]
DefineDevice[5] = { // Tested and working
info: {},
model: "yeelink.light.ct2",//
description: "Yeelight LED Bulb (Tunable)",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"bright": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBrightness(val) },
"ct": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setColorTemperature(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "bright", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "ct", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1700, max: 6500 }]
DefineDevice[6] = { // Tested and working except color setting
info: {},
model: "yeelink.light.color2",//
description: "Yeelight LED Bulb (Color)",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"bright": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBrightness(val) },
"rgb": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setColorRgb(val) },
"color_mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setColorMode(val) },
"ct": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setCt(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "bright", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "rgb", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 16777215 },
{ name: "color_mode", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 2 },
{ name: "ct", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1700, max: 6500 }]
DefineDevice[10] = { // untested
info: {},
model: "yeelink.light.ceiling3",//
description: "Yeelight LED Ceiling Light",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"bright": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBrightness(val) },
"nl_br": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBrightness(val) },
"night_mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setSleepMode(val) },
"ct": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setCt(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "bright", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "nl_br", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "night_mode", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "ct", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1700, max: 6500 }]
DefineDevice[11] = { // untested
info: {},
model: "yeelink.light.ceiling1",//
description: "Yeelight Crystal Pedestal Light",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"bright": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBrightness(val) },
"nl_br": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBrightness(val) },
"night_mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setSleepMode(val) },
"ct": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setCt(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "bright", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "nl_br", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "night_mode", type: "boolean", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "ct", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1700, max: 6500 }]
DefineDevice[21] = { // untested
info: {},
model: "yeelink.light.ceiling10",//
description: "Yeelight Meteorite Pedestal Light",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"main_power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMainPower(val) },
"bg_power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBgPower(val) },
"bg_bright": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBgBrightness(val) },
"active_bright": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setActiveBrightness(val) },
"color_mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setColorMode(val) },
"ct": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setColorTemperature(val) },
"bg_ct": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBgColorTemperature(val) },
"bg_rgb": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBgColorRgb(val) },
"bg_hue": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBgColorHSV([val, 100]) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "main_power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "bg_power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "bg_bright", type: "number", role: 'level.dimmer', read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "active_bright", type: "number", role: 'level.dimmer', read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "color_mode", type: "boolean", role: 'switch.mode.color', read: true, write: true },
{ name: "moon_mode", type: "boolean", role: 'switch.mode.moon', read: true, write: true },
{ name: "bg_ct", type: "number", role: 'level.color.temperature', read: true, write: true, min: 2600, max: 6500, unit: "K" },
{ name: "ct", type: "number", role: 'level.color.temperature', read: true, write: true, min: 2600, max: 6500, unit: "K" },
{ name: "bg_rgb", type: "string", role: 'level.color.rgb', read: true, write: true },
{ name: "bg_hue", type: "number", role: 'level.color.hue', read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 359 },
{ name: "bg_sat", type: "number", role: 'level.color.saturation', read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100 }]
DefineDevice[16] = { // untested
info: {},
model: "yeelink.light.lamp4",//
description: "Mi LED Desk Lamp 1S",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"bright": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBrightness(val) },
"ct": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setColorTemperature(val) }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "bright", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1, max: 100 },
{ name: "ct", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 1700, max: 6500 }]
// ***************************** Humidifier *********************************
DefineDevice[3] = { // Tested and working
info: {},
model: "zhimi.humidifier.cb1",//
description: "Smartmi Evaporative Humidifier",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"buzzer": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"limit_hum": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setTargetHumidity(val) },
"led": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLedBrightness(val) },
"child_lock": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) },
"dry": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val ? 'dry' : 'humidify') }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "depth", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "limit_hum", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%", states: { 30: "30%", 40: "40%", 50: "50%", 60: "60%", 70: "70%", 80: "80%" } },
{ name: "led", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 2, states: { 0: "bright", 1: "dim", 2: "off" } },
{ name: "buzzer", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "temperature", type: "number", role: "value.temperature", read: true, write: false, min: -40, max: 125, unit: "°C" },
{ name: "humidity", type: "number", role: "value.humidity", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "child_lock", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "dry", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "mode", type: "string", read: true, write: true, states: { "auto": "auto", "silent": "silent", "medium": "medium", "high": "high" } }]
DefineDevice[4] = { // untested
info: {},
model: "deerma.humidifier.jsq",//
description: "Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier",
setter: {
"humidifier.on": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"alarm.alarm": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val) },
"physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val) }
[{ name: "humidifier.on", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 3, states: { 0: "auto", 1: "level1", 2: "level2", 3: "level3" } },
{ name: "humidifier.water-level", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 127 },
{ name: "alarm.alarm", type: "boolean", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "environment.temperature", type: "number", role: "value.temperature", read: true, write: false, min: -40, max: 125, unit: "°C" },
{ name: "environment.relative-humidity", type: "number", role: "value.humidity", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "physical-controls-locked.physical-controls-locked", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true }]
DefineDevice[12] = { // untested
info: {},
model: "zhimi.humidifier.ca4",//
description: "Smartmi Evaporative Humidifier",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"buzzer": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBuzzer(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"mode": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setFanLevel(val) },
"limit_hum": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setTargetHumidity(val) },
"led": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLedBrightness(val) },
"child_lock": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setChildLock(val ? 'on' : 'off') },
"dry": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setMode(val ? 'dry' : 'humidify') }
[{ name: "power", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "depth", type: "number", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "limit_hum", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%", states: { 30: "30%", 40: "40%", 50: "50%", 60: "60%", 70: "70%", 80: "80%" } },
{ name: "led", type: "number", read: true, write: true, min: 0, max: 2, states: { 0: "bright", 1: "dim", 2: "off" } },
{ name: "buzzer", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "temperature", type: "number", role: "value.temperature", read: true, write: false, min: -40, max: 125, unit: "°C" },
{ name: "humidity", type: "number", role: "value.humidity", read: true, write: false, min: 0, max: 100, unit: "%" },
{ name: "child_lock", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "dry", type: "boolean", role: "switch", read: true, write: true, min: false, max: true },
{ name: "mode", type: "string", read: true, write: true, states: { "auto": "auto", "silent": "silent", "medium": "medium", "high": "high" } }]
// ***************************** Divers *********************************
DefineDevice[7] = { // In arbeit - unvollständig
info: {},
model: "lumi.gateway.v3",//
description: "Xiaomi RGB Gateway",
setter: {
"power": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setPower(val) },
"doorbell_push": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setBrightness(val) },
"toggle_light": async function (obj, val) { await device[obj].setLightPower(val) },
[{ name: 'illumination', role: 'value.lux', write: false, read: true, type: 'number', unit: 'lux' },
{ name: 'rgb', role: 'level.color.rgb', write: true, read: true, type: 'string' },
{ name: 'nightlight_rgb', role: 'level.color.rgb', write: true, read: true, type: 'string' },
{ name: "mute", type: "boolean", read: true, write: true },
{ name: 'toggle_light', role: 'switch', write: true, read: true, type: 'boolean' },
{ name: 'light.dimmer', role: 'level.dimmer', write: true, read: true, type: 'number', unit: '%', min: 0, max: 100 },
{ name: 'gateway_volume', role: 'level.volume', write: true, read: true, type: 'number', unit: '%', min: 0, max: 100 },
{ name: 'doorbell_volume', role: 'level.volume', write: true, read: true, type: 'number', unit: '%', min: 0, max: 100 },
{ name: 'alarming_volume', role: 'level.volume', write: true, read: true, type: 'number', unit: '%', min: 0, max: 100 },
{ name: "doorbell_push", type: "boolean", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "arming", type: "boolean", read: true, write: true },
{ name: "arming_time", type: "number", read: true, write: true },
{ name: 'music_ID', role: 'state', write: true, read: false, type: 'number', desc: '10000 - stop, 10005 - custom ringtone' },
{ name: 'proto_version', role: 'info', write: false, read: true, type: 'string' },
{ name: 'join_permission', role: 'state', write: true, read: true, type: 'string' },
{ name: 'remove_device', role: 'state', write: true, read: true, type: 'string' }, // Removing a subdevice (device sid)
{ name: 'connected', role: 'indicator.reachable', write: false, read: true, type: 'boolean', desc: 'Will be set to false if no packets received in 20 seconds' }]
gateway: {type: 'gateway', fullName: 'Xiaomi RGB Gateway', ClassName: Gateway, states: {
+ illumination: {name: 'Illumination', role: 'value.lux', write: false, read: true, type: 'number', unit: 'lux'},
+ rgb: {name: 'RGB', role: 'level.color.rgb', write: true, read: true, type: 'string'},
on: {name: 'Light', role: 'switch', write: true, read: true, type: 'boolean'},
dimmer: {name: 'Light', role: 'level.dimmer', write: true, read: true, type: 'number', unit: '%', min: 0, max: 100},
volume: {name: 'Volume', role: 'level.volume', write: true, read: true, type: 'number', unit: '%', min: 0, max: 100},
mid: {name: 'Music ID', role: 'state', write: true, read: false, type: 'number', desc: '10000 - stop, 10005 - custom ringtone'},
proto_version: {name: 'Proto Version', role: 'info', write: false, read: true, type: 'string'},
join_permission:{name: 'Add device', role: 'state', write: true, read: true, type: 'string'}, // Permission to add subdevices (yes / no)
remove_device: {name: 'Remove device', role: 'state', write: true, read: true, type: 'string'}, // Removing a subdevice (device sid)
connected: {name: 'Is gateway connected', role: 'indicator.reachable', write: false, read: true, type: 'boolean', desc: 'Will be set to false if no packets received in 20 seconds'}
for (let x in DefineDevice) { //An alle Devicedefinitionen die generischen Datenpunkte anhängen
DefineDevice[x].info = [
{ id: "localip", initial: "", forceCreation: false, common: { read: true, write: true, name: "Ip Adress", type: "string", role: "value", def: "" } },
{ id: "token", initial: "", forceCreation: false, common: { read: true, write: true, name: "Token", type: "string", role: "value", def: "" } },
{ id: "did", initial: "", forceCreation: false, common: { read: true, write: true, name: "Device Id", type: "string", role: "value", def: "" } },
{ id: "model", initial: "", forceCreation: false, common: { read: true, write: true, name: "Model", type: "string", role: "value", def: "" } },
{ id: "rssi", initial: 0, forceCreation: false, common: { read: true, write: false, name: "rssi", type: "number", role: "value.rssi", def: 0 } },
{ id: "name", initial: "", forceCreation: false, common: { read: true, write: true, name: "Name", type: "string", role: "value", def: "" } },
{ id: "isOnline", initial: false, forceCreation: false, common: { read: true, write: true, name: "Is online", type: "boolean", role: "value", def: false } }]
function PrepareDeviceDps(did, model) {
if (logging) log("Reaching PrepareDeviceDps, did=" + did + " model=" + model);
for (let x in DefineDevice) { //Alle definierten Model durchgehen
if (DefineDevice[x].model == model) { //bei Model match
for (let y in DefineDevice[x].common) { //Alle common propertys des models durchgehen und Var zusammensetzen
States[DpCount] = { id: praefix0 + "." + did + "." + DefineDevice[x].common[y].name, common: DefineDevice[x].common[y] }; //
function PrepareGenericDps(did) { //GenericDps
// if (logging) log("Reaching PrepareGenericDps(did)");
for (let y in DefineDevice[0].info) { //Alle info propertys des models durchgehen und Var zusammensetzen
// log("DefineDevice[0].info[y]=" + JSON.stringify(DefineDevice[0].info[y]
States[DpCount] = { id: praefix0 + "." + did + ".info." + DefineDevice[0].info[y].id, common: DefineDevice[0].info[y].common }; //
function CreateStates() {
if (logging) log("Reaching CreateStates()");
//Alle States anlegen, Main aufrufen wenn fertig
let numStates = States.length;
States.forEach(function (state) {
createState(, state.initial, state.forceCreation, state.common, function () {
if (numStates === 0) {
if (logging) log(States.length + " States created, now setting up channels!");
setObject(praefix0, { type: 'channel', common: { name: "" }, native: {} }); //Root zum Channel machen
for (let x = 0; x < AllDevicesRaw.length; x++) {
setObject(praefix0 + "." + AllDevicesRaw[x].did, { type: 'device', common: { name: AllDevicesRaw[x].name }, native: {} }); //DeviceChannels machen
// if (logging) log("AllDevicesRaw[x]=" +JSON.stringify (AllDevicesRaw[x]))
async function main() {
if (logging) log("Reaching main");
await WriteGenericDpValues();
await CreateDevices();
function WriteGenericDpValues() { //Alle vorhandenen generischen Werte einlesen und in Dps schreiben
if (logging) log("Reaching WriteGenericDpValues()");
for (let x in AllDevicesRaw) { //Alle vorhandenen Xiaomi Devices durchgehen
for (let y in DefineDevice[0].info) { //Nimm ersten Eintrag aus DefineDevices da die Generics bei allen gleich sind
setState(praefix0 + "." + AllDevicesRaw[x].did + ".info." + DefineDevice[0].info[y].id, AllDevicesRaw[x][DefineDevice[0].info[y].id], true);
// log("DefineDevice[" + 0 + "].info[" + y + "]=" + JSON.stringify(DefineDevice[0].info[y]));
// log("" + praefix0 + "." + AllDevicesRaw[x].did + ".Info." + DefineDevice[0].info[y].id)
// log(AllDevicesRaw[x][DefineDevice[0].info[y].id])
return true;
//Step 1 - Einloggen in die Cloud und abrufen aller Gerätedaten, dann vorbereiten der allgemeinen und devicespezifischen Datenpunkte mit anschließendem anlegen derselben
async function Init() { //Cloudlogin und auslesen der gesamten Clouddaten
if (logging) log("Reaching init");
mihome.miioProtocol.init();// local miIO
try {// cloud MIoT Login
await mihome.miCloudProtocol.login(username, password); //Versuch einzuloggen
catch {
log("You are already logged in, login canceled"); //Wenn schon eingeloggt
log("Retrieving your in " + + " registered MiHome Devices");
AllDevicesRaw = await mihome.miCloudProtocol.getDevices(null, options); //Gibt alle vorhandenen Devices zurück und weist die Werte einem lokalen Array zu
log("Found " + AllDevicesRaw.length + " MiHome Devices, those are:");
for (let x = 0; x < AllDevicesRaw.length; x++) { //Alle beim User vorhandenen Xiaomi Devices durchgehen
await PrepareGenericDps(AllDevicesRaw[x].did); //und allgemeine generische Infos Dps vorbereiten
log("Now searching for supported Devices...");
let NoDeviceMatch = true;
for (let x = 0; x < AllDevicesRaw.length; x++) { //Jetzt erneut alle beim User vorhandenen Xiaomi Devices durchgehen
for (let y = 0; y < DefineDevice.length; y++) { //und abgleichen mit von Skript und node-mihome unterstützten Geräten
if (AllDevicesRaw[x].model == DefineDevice[y].model) { //Bei match Devicespezifische DPs vorbereiten
log("Device " + AllDevicesRaw[x].name + " is supported, creating DataPoints");
await PrepareDeviceDps(AllDevicesRaw[x].did, AllDevicesRaw[x].model);
NoDeviceMatch = false;
if (NoDeviceMatch) {
log("No supported Devices found!", "warn");
//Step 2 - Deviceobjekte anlegen, Trigger erzeugen und Datenpunktrefresh initieren
async function CreateDevices() {
if (logging) log("Reaching CreateDevices ");
let z = 0;
for (let x in AllDevicesRaw) { //Alle beim User gefundenen Geräte durchlaufen
for (let y in DefineDevice) { //Alle vom Skript unterstützten und definierten Devices durchlaufen
if (AllDevicesRaw[x].model == DefineDevice[y].model) { //Wenn die beiden matchen
log("Now creating device for " + AllDevicesRaw[x].model + " / " + AllDevicesRaw[x].did + " / " + AllDevicesRaw[x].localip + " / " + AllDevicesRaw[x].token + " / " + refresh);
device[z] = mihome.device({
id: AllDevicesRaw[x].did, // required, device id
model: AllDevicesRaw[x].model, // required, device model "zhimi.airpurifier.mb3"
address: AllDevicesRaw[x].localip, // miio-device option, local ip address
token: AllDevicesRaw[x].token, // miio-device option, device token 4ff8a96292d0451c5148142a0a851e4f
refresh: refresh // miio-device option, device properties refresh interval in ms
device[z].model = AllDevicesRaw[x].model;
device[z].setter = DefineDevice[y].setter;
device[z].definition = DefineDevice[y];
device[z].firstrun = true;
log("Created device " + JSON.stringify(device[z]) + " now fetching data");
await device[z].init(); // connect to device and poll for properties
log("Init Device# " + z + " - device=" + JSON.stringify(device[z].model));
for (let i in device) { //Datenabruf zyklisch entsprechend refresh
log("Setting trigger #" + i + " for " + device[i].model);
device[i].on('properties', (data) => {
if (typeof data != "undefined" && data != {}) {
if (JSON.stringify(device[i].data) !== JSON.stringify(data)) {//Prüfen ob Datenänderung pro device
//if (logging) log(data)
if (typeof device[i].data == "undefined") {
device[i].data = data;
RefreshDps(i, data);
} else {
log("Data was empty (undefined), aborting refresh", "warn");
onStop(function () { //Bei Scriptende alle Devices löschen
for (let x in device) {
}, 10);
function RefreshDps(DeviceIndex, NewData) {
// if (logging) log("Reaching RefreshDps at " + device[DeviceIndex].definition.description);
for (let x in device[DeviceIndex].data) { //Alle properties des Devices durchgehen
for (let i in NewData) {//Alle properties des Datenblocks durchgehen
if ((NewData[i] !== device[DeviceIndex].data[x] || device[DeviceIndex].firstrun == true) && i === x) { //Überprüfen ob Datenänderung im property bei propertymatch, firstrun immer refreshen
if (logging) log("New Data at " + device[DeviceIndex].model + " " + i + " oldvalue=" + device[DeviceIndex].data[x] + " newvalue=" + NewData[i] + " path=" + praefix0 + "." + device[DeviceIndex].id + "." + CorrectChannelId(x));
device[DeviceIndex].data[x] = NewData[i]; //Geänderten Wert ins Objekt schreiben
for (let y in device[DeviceIndex].definition.common) { //Alle Definitionsproperties durchgehen um ChannelId zu suchen
if (device[DeviceIndex].definition.common[y].name == CorrectChannelId(x) && device[DeviceIndex].definition.common[y].read == true) { //Wenn match und read=true
if (typeof device[DeviceIndex].data[x] == 'undefined' || typeof device[DeviceIndex].id == 'undefined') { //Wenn kein Pfad oder keine Daten
log("Empty packet for " + device[DeviceIndex].definition.common[y].name + ", skipping refresh", 'warn');
//return false;
} else {
//Prüfung auf bestimmte keys
switch (device[DeviceIndex].definition.common[y].name) {
case 'temp_dec': //Umwandlung von 10tel Grad auf Grad beim Dp schreiben. data muß unverändert bleiben da im Trigger mit origdaten abgeglichen wird
setState(praefix0 + "." + device[DeviceIndex].id + "." + CorrectChannelId(x), parseInt(device[DeviceIndex].data[x]) / 10, true);
default: //Wenn kein Treffer jetzt Prüfung auf bestimmte Daten
switch (device[DeviceIndex].data[x]) {
case 'on':
setState(praefix0 + "." + device[DeviceIndex].id + "." + CorrectChannelId(x), true, true);
case 'off':
setState(praefix0 + "." + device[DeviceIndex].id + "." + CorrectChannelId(x), false, true);
setState(praefix0 + "." + device[DeviceIndex].id + "." + CorrectChannelId(x), device[DeviceIndex].data[x], true);
if (logging) log("Refreshing " + praefix0 + "." + device[DeviceIndex].id + "." + CorrectChannelId(x) + " / value=" + device[DeviceIndex].data[x] + " / read=" + device[DeviceIndex].definition.common[y].read + " write=" + device[DeviceIndex].definition.common[y].write);
device[DeviceIndex].firstrun = false;
//if (logging) log(DeviceData[DeviceIndex])
return true;
async function SetDevice(i, key, keyvalue) {
if (logging) log("Reaching SetDevice - i=" + i + " key=" + key + " keyvalue=" + keyvalue);
if (device[i].definition.common[key].name == 'rgb') { //Block wandelt Farb Hewwerte in Dezimalwert um
keyvalue = ConvertHexToDezi(keyvalue);
keyvalue = String(keyvalue);
if (device[i].definition.common[key].name == 'hue') { //Block kombiniert bei Änderungen von hue oder sat jweils die beiden Werte zu Array für übergabe an Funktion
keyvalue = [keyvalue, device[i].data['sat']];
} else if (device[i].definition.common[key].name == 'sat') {
keyvalue = [device[i].data['hue'], keyvalue];
for (let x in device[i].definition.common) {
if (device[i].definition.common[x].name == 'hue') {
key = x;
log("Keyvalue=" + keyvalue + " key=" + key)
if (logging) log("Reaching SetDevice i=" + i);
// log("Setting Device " + device[i].model + " to value " + keyvalue + " at " + device[i].definition.common[key].name)
// log("Setting Device " + device[i].model + " to value " + keyvalue + " at " + device[i].setter[device[i].definition.common[key].name])
log(device[i].setter[device[i].definition.common[key].name](i, keyvalue)); //Diese Zeile nicht entfernen, Funktionsaufruf!!!
function CreateDpTrigger() {
if (logging) log("Reaching CreateDpTrigger");
for (let i in device) {
if (logging) log("Setting DataPointTrigger #" + i + " for " + device[i].model);
for (let x in device[i].definition.common) { //Alle properties der Devicedefinition durchgehen
if (device[i].definition.common[x].write) {
// log(praefix0 + "." + device[i].id + "." + device[i].definition.common[x].name)
on({ id: praefix0 + "." + device[i].id + "." + device[i].definition.common[x].name, change: "ne", ack: false }, function (dp) { //Bei Statusänderung
if (logging) log("Triggered i=" + i + " x=" + x + " ack=" + dp.state.ack);
SetDevice(i, x, CheckDataTypeAndConvert(dp.state.val, device[i].definition.common[x].type));
if (logging) log("Setting Datapoint Trigger for " + praefix0 + "." + device[i].id + "." + device[i].definition.common[x].name + " / read=" + device[i].definition.common[x].read + " write=" + device[i].definition.common[x].write);
} else {
if (logging) log("No Datapoint Trigger set for " + device[i].definition.common[x].name + " because its readonly.");
//***************** U T I L S *********************** */
function CheckDataTypeAndConvert(value, HasToBe) {
if (typeof value == "string" && HasToBe == "number") {
if (parseFloat(value) == parseInt(value)) { //Umgewandelter String ist Int
return parseInt(value);
} else {
return parseFloat(value);
} else {
return value;
function CorrectChannelId(cid) { //Erzeugt eine iobroker taugliche channelid. Punkte werden zu unterstrichen gewandelt, Doppelpunkte zu Punkten
let temp = cid;
if (typeof temp == "object") {
temp = JSON.stringify(cid);
cid = temp.replace(".", '_'); //Erstmal alle potentiellen Punkte im channelnamen entfernen
temp = cid.replace(/:/g, "."); //Jetzt alle Doppelpunkte durch Punkte ersetzen
return temp;
function ConvertDeziToHex(DeziValue) {
DeziValue = toInt(DeziValue)
//log(typeof DeziValue)
if (typeof DeziValue == "number") {
return "#" + DeziValue.toString(16)
function ConvertHexToDezi(HexValue) {
if (typeof HexValue == "string") {
if (HexValue.indexOf('#') != -1) {
HexValue = HexValue.substr(1).toLowerCase()
} else {
HexValue = HexValue.toLowerCase()
var i, j, digits = [0], carry;
for (i = 0; i < HexValue.length; i += 1) {
carry = parseInt(HexValue.charAt(i), 16);
for (j = 0; j < digits.length; j += 1) {
digits[j] = digits[j] * 16 + carry;
carry = digits[j] / 10 | 0;
digits[j] %= 10;
while (carry > 0) {
digits.push(carry % 10);
carry = carry / 10 | 0;
return digits.reverse().join('');
Converts an RGB color value to HSL. Conversion formula
adapted from
Assumes r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255] and
returns h, s, and l in the set [0, 1].
@param {number} r The red color value
@param {number} g The green color value
@param {number} b The blue color value
@return {Array} The HSL representation
function rgbToHsl(hex) {
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
var r = parseInt(result[1], 16);
var g = parseInt(result[2], 16);
var b = parseInt(result[3], 16);
r /= 255, g /= 255, b /= 255;
var max = Math.max(r, g, b),
min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
if (max == min) {
h = s = 0; // achromatic
} else {
var d = max - min;
s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
switch (max) {
case r:
h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
case g:
h = (b - r) / d + 2;
case b:
h = (r - g) / d + 4;
h /= 6;
return [Math.round(h * 360), Math.round(s * 100)];