Test Adapter fb-checkpresence v1.1.x
Hallo, bitte hier nachlesen: -
ich habe noch ein Update hochgeladen. Die Filterung habe ich noch optimiert.
@afuerhoff Ich habe gesehen, dass du auch den Admin 5.x testest. Wahrscheinlich weißt du es bereits, aber Ergebnis bei "react UI" und dunklem Thema (weißer Adler auf weißem Grund...) :
Hallo hat jemand einen Tipp für mich was das im Log bedeutet?
fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-21 13:11:02.377 error (7269) getAllFbObjectsNew {} fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-21 13:11:02.341 error (7269) getDeviceList: "Can not read hostlist path" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-21 13:11:02.341 error (7269) soapAction X_AVM-DE_GetHostListPath status=null errNo=0
@sborg sagte in Test Adapter fb-checkpresence v1.1.x:
@afuerhoff Ich habe gesehen, dass du auch den Admin 5.x testest. Wahrscheinlich weißt du es bereits, aber Ergebnis bei "react UI" und dunklem Thema (weißer Adler auf weißem Grund...) :
Ist bekannt und ein Issue habe ich im Admin erstellt.
@tg70 sagte in Test Adapter fb-checkpresence v1.1.x:
Hallo hat jemand einen Tipp für mich was das im Log bedeutet?
fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-21 13:11:02.377 error (7269) getAllFbObjectsNew {} fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-21 13:11:02.341 error (7269) getDeviceList: "Can not read hostlist path" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-21 13:11:02.341 error (7269) soapAction X_AVM-DE_GetHostListPath status=null errNo=0
Er konnte dann die Daten von der Fritzbox nicht abrufen. Kommt das ständig?
FB 6591 Cable OS 7.13 bereitgestellt vom Vodafone Provider
Benutzer eingerichtet und Zugriff für Heimanwendungen aktiviert.Bekomme keine Verbindung hin. Ich weiß nicht ob vom Provider her die FB beschnitten ist.
EDIT: Ein Neustart der FB hat geholfen. Warum auch immer.b-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.521 warn (22435) createMemberObjects: "no family members defined! Objects are not created!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.520 info (22435) createGlobalObjects finished successfully fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.423 info (22435) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.422 info (22435) terminating fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.421 info (22435) cleaned everything up ... fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.419 info (22435) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.138 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.138 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.137 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.137 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.136 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.136 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.135 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.135 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.134 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.134 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.133 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.133 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.132 warn (22435) chkService: "can not get services!" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.129 error (22435) Can not get services! Adapter stops fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:25:05.128 error (22435) getServices: {"message":"timeout of 10000ms exceeded","name":"Error","stack":"Error: timeout of 10000ms exceeded\n at createError (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fb-checkpresence/node_ fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:24:55.068 info (22435) start fb-checkpresence: ip-address: "" - interval devices: 1 Min. - interval members: 60 s fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-23 07:24:55.035 info (22435) starting. Version 1.1.0 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fb-checkpresence, node: v12.22.1, js-controller: 3.2.16
@afuerhoff sagte in Test Adapter fb-checkpresence v1.1.x:
@tg70 sagte in Test Adapter fb-checkpresence v1.1.x:
Hallo hat jemand einen Tipp für mich was das im Log bedeutet?
fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-21 13:11:02.377 error (7269) getAllFbObjectsNew {} fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-21 13:11:02.341 error (7269) getDeviceList: "Can not read hostlist path" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-21 13:11:02.341 error (7269) soapAction X_AVM-DE_GetHostListPath status=null errNo=0
Er konnte dann die Daten von der Fritzbox nicht abrufen. Kommt das ständig?
Ich habe den Adapter nochmal neu installiert ... jetzt funktioniert das ohne Probleme.. DANKE
@cino sagte in Test Adapter fb-checkpresence v1.1.x:
FB 6591 Cable OS 7.13 bereitgestellt vom Vodafone Provider
Benutzer eingerichtet und Zugriff für Heimanwendungen aktiviert.
Bekomme keine Verbindung hin. Ich weiß nicht ob vom Provider her die FB beschnitten ist.
EDIT: Ein Neustart der FB hat geholfen. Warum auch immer.Hallo,
die Fritzbox blockiert ziemlich schnell das tr064 Interface wenn falsche Logindaten verwendet wurden. Da hilft dann nur ein Neustart.
Schön das es funktioniert. -
Hi, in einem anderen Thread hier im Forum kam die Frage VPN Fritzbox auf, ob man nicht feststellen kann, ob jemand mit VPN verbunden ist, die Fritzbox legt dafür ja ein Device an, wenn die Verbindung steht, sollte das true sein.
Ist es aber nicht.. kannst du da mal schauen? -
Mach ich.
Kann eigentlich nur an den Ersetzungen der Sonderzeichen im Namen liegen. Ich kann das nur schlecht testen, da ich vpn nicht nutze.EDIT: Kannst Du mal prüfen, wenn dieses Device als Famiienmitglied angelegt ist und die Abfrage auf IP oder Hostname steht, ob es dann funktioniert.
EDIT2: Ich hab noch ein Update eingespielt mit einer Log Ausgabe. Kannst Du mal schauen, ob zu dem obigen device eine Info im Log kommt.
@afuerhoff Moin, ich bin der mit dem Ursprungsthread. Erstmal Dank auch an @ilovegym. Habe fb-checkpresence noch mal neu aufgespielt, den entsprechenden Eintrag aus der Familie gelöscht und dann wieder neu hinzugefügt. Und jetzt funktioniert es, auch habe ich einen Eintrag im log
Vielen Dank nochmal an Euch!!! -
@massenbach sagte in Test Adapter fb-checkpresence v1.1.x:
@afuerhoff Moin, ich bin der mit dem Ursprungsthread. Erstmal Dank auch an @ilovegym. Habe fb-checkpresence noch mal neu aufgespielt, den entsprechenden Eintrag aus der Familie gelöscht und dann wieder neu hinzugefügt. Und jetzt funktioniert es, auch habe ich einen Eintrag im log
Vielen Dank nochmal an Euch!!!Hallo, geändert hatte ich aber noch nichts relevantes in der 1.1.3. Hattest Du vorher noch die 1.1.0 drauf und jetzt die Version 1.1.3 von Github?
@afuerhoff war auch schon vorher die 1.1.3, vielleicht war es ja das entfernen und wieder hinzufügen des Familienmitglieds?
Das kann sein. Es haben sich ja die Einstellungen geändert. Wenn dort noch ein Eintrag vorhanden ist der undefined ist könnte das zu Problemen führen. -
Hallo, habt ihr noch Probleme beobachtet.
Habt ihr mal de Filterfunktion getestet? Da hatte ich ja noch etwas geändert. -
@afuerhoff habs mal testweise aktiviert. Falls Fehler auftreten, melde ich mich.
Hallo, nach Update auf js-controller V 3.3.1 kommt das im Sekundentakt:
fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:26.380 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sarah.absent.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:26.379 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sarah.present.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:26.364 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sarah.present.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:26.364 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sarah.absent.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:10.292 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Ilse.absent.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:10.291 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Ilse.present.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:10.273 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Ilse.absent.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:10.273 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Ilse.present.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:09.730 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sigi.absent.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:09.729 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sigi.present.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:09.715 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sigi.absent.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:09.714 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sigi.present.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:09.141 warn (3168) State value to set for "" has wrong type "object" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:54.023 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sarah.absent.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:54.023 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sarah.present.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:54.008 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sarah.present.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:54.007 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sarah.absent.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:37.339 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Ilse.absent.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:37.339 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Ilse.present.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:37.320 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Ilse.absent.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:37.320 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Ilse.present.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:36.608 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sigi.absent.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:36.608 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sigi.present.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:36.596 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sigi.absent.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:36.596 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sigi.present.since" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.903 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.fritz-box.LAN:2.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.903 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.fritz-box.LAN:2.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.903 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.fritz-box.LAN:4.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.902 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.fritz-box.LAN:3.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.902 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.fritz-box.LAN:3.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.900 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.fritz-box.LAN:3.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.899 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.Yamaha.LAN.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.898 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.TL-SG108E.LAN.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.897 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.Philips-Hue-Bridge.LAN.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.897 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.Medion-PC.LAN.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.896 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.LG-TV-Wohnzimmer.LAN.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:25.895 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.CCU3.LAN.rx_rcpi" has wrong type "undefined" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.096 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.pi.guest" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.096 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.pi.speed" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.096 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.iobroker.guest" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.096 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.iobroker.speed" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.095 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.iPhonevonSarah.guest" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.095 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.iPhonevonSarah.speed" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.094 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.fritz-box.guest" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.094 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.fritz-box.speed" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.094 warn (3168) State value to set for "" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.093 warn (3168) State value to set for "" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.093 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.admin.guest" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.093 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.admin.speed" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.093 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.Yamaha.guest" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.093 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.Yamaha.speed" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.092 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.TL-SG108E.guest" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.092 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.TL-SG108E.speed" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.092 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.Steckdosenleiste-Bad.guest" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.092 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.Steckdosenleiste-Bad.speed" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.092 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.Steckdose-Spiegel.guest" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.092 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.Steckdose-Spiegel.speed" has wrong type "string" but has to be "number" fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:17:23.092 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.fb-devices.Steckdose-Cam.guest" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean"
Plattform: Windows
RAM: 16 GB
Node.js: 12.22.1
NPM: 6.14.12
JS Controller: 3.3.1
Admin: 5.0.11
Web: 3.4.0 3.1.4
Script Engine: 5.1.3
IOT: 1.8.16
VIS: 1.3.9
HM-Rega: 3.0.21
HM-RPC: 1.14.37
Jarvis: 2.2.0
Backitup: 2.1.4
Cloud: 4.0.10
ICal: 1.9.3
iQontrol: 1.8.0
fb-checkpresence: 1.1.3 -
@sigi234 sagte in Test Adapter fb-checkpresence v1.1.x:
Hallo, nach Update auf js-controller V 3.3.1 kommt das im Sekundentakt:
fb-checkpresence.0 2021-04-30 00:18:26.380 warn (3168) State value to set for "fb-checkpresence.0.familyMembers.Home.Sarah.absent.sum_day" has wrong type "number" but has to be "string"Schaue ich mir an.
@sigi234 sagte in Test Adapter fb-checkpresence v1.1.x:
Hallo, nach Update auf js-controller V 3.3.1 kommt das im Sekundentakt:
der letzte Eintrag in deiner Liste ist dieser:
fb-devices.Steckdose-Cam.guest" has wrong type "string" but has to be "boolean"Bei mir im Adapter wird das Objekt aber als boolean deklariert.
['fb-devices.' + hostName + '.guest', 'state', hostName + '.guest', 'boolean', 'indicator', false, true, false, 'Guest state of the device']Das betrifft auch andere Einträge.
Issue im js-controller?