Adapter: iobroker.backitup (stable Release)
Ab sofort ist die Version 0.4.1 im github und ab heute Nacht im latest verfügbar.
0.4.1 (07.12.2018)
__(simatec) Added boolean for backup Success
(simatec) Added Selection menu SMB type (CIFS)
(simatec) Added Checkbox for mount as root (sudo)__
In der Version wurden einige User Wünsche erfüllt.
Pro Backup gibt es in der Objekten einen neuen Datenpunkt, der das erfolgreiche erstellen als true ausgibt.
Des Weiteren hat man nun im CIFS die Möglichkeit die SMB Version zu wählen und im NFS und CIFS kann man die Option "sudo" aktivieren.
Der sudo mount ist für alle User interessant, die iob nicht als root laufen haben. `
0.4.1 startet bei mir immer neu.
Wird gefixt. Lösche mal bis dahin die Datei .mount im Ordner iobroker.backitup.
Danach sollte es laufen.
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
ich lese hier von npm version 6.x
Auf meinem Raspi (Jessi) läuft nmp 3.10
Ist das aktuell? Mit npm update wird keine neuere Version installiert.
npm v6 ist m8mentan aktuell, kommt z.b. mit nodejs v8
Da stellt sich mir die Frage, welche nodejs Version du hast.
@[url=⟨=de#Installation_Nodejs:~~Doku"]~~Als letzte Überprüfung bitte noch die Version von npm mittels npm -v überprüfen.
Ergibt dies eine Version < 6, bitte noch mit sudo npm install -g npm@6 ein npm-Update durchführen `
nodejs v 6.15.1
Installation von npm 6.4.1 hat funktioniert.
OT: wie mache ich ein update unter Windows?
Node.js v8.11.3 (Es gibt eine neuere Version: v8.14.0)
Ab sofort ist die Version 0.4.1 im github und ab heute Nacht im latest verfügbar.
0.4.1 (07.12.2018)
__(simatec) Added boolean for backup Success
(simatec) Added Selection menu SMB type (CIFS)
(simatec) Added Checkbox for mount as root (sudo)__
In der Version wurden einige User Wünsche erfüllt.
Pro Backup gibt es in der Objekten einen neuen Datenpunkt, der das erfolgreiche erstellen als true ausgibt.
Des Weiteren hat man nun im CIFS die Möglichkeit die SMB Version zu wählen und im NFS und CIFS kann man die Option "sudo" aktivieren.
Der sudo mount ist für alle User interessant, die iob nicht als root laufen haben. `
0.4.1 startet bei mir immer neu.
Wird gefixt. Lösche mal bis dahin die Datei .mount im Ordner iobroker.backitup.
Danach sollte es laufen.
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk `
Die Datei habe ich nicht.
Die Version 0.4.2 ist ab sofort im Github und ab heute Nacht im latest.
0.4.2 (10.12.2018)
__(simatec) Fix mount / umount
(simatec) Fix Readme__
` > Dann schalte bitte den sudo mount aus.
Der ist nur für User, die ohne sudo nicht mounten können. `
Ohne "sudo mount" kommt folgender Fehler:
mount: only root can use "--options" option
Und zur Info. Bei mir läuft das Dropbox-Backup mit minimal und total problemlos! `
Dr. Google hat einiges ausgeworfen …
Das liegt daran, dass dein sudo beim ersten Aufruf ein PW will.
Schau mal hier und befolge der Anleitung ...
Die Version 0.4.2 ist ab sofort im Github und ab heute Nacht im latest.
0.4.2 (10.12.2018)
__(simatec) Fix mount / umount
(simatec) Fix Readme__ `
Läuft. Danke.
ich habe auch die neuste version inst.
testweise habe ich ein fullbackup erstellt.
gibt es einen unterschied zwischen scheduled und manuell angestoßenen fullbackups?
mir ist nämlich aufgefallen, dass das von mir heute manuell angestoßene backup ca. 20MB größer ist, als die beiden automatisch erstellten von vor ein paar tagen.
und gravierende änderungen habe ich in den letzten tagen nicht wirklich vorgenommen.
vor allem nicht in der größenordnung
ich habe heute den aktuellen Adapter installiert und auch manuell ein komplett Backup gestartet. Meines ist nur von 192 auf 195MB hoch. Im Verlauf der Wochen wurden es immer mal einige MB mehr, aber es werden ja auch regelmäßig Adapter aktualisiert, die einen größeren Funktionsumfang haben.
Also bei meiner Installation würde ich das für normal halten.
Bei einem Total Backup wird immer der komplette iob Ordner in ein Archiv gepackt.
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Wieviele Backups liegen aktuell Lokal bei dir ab und was hast du in der Config eingestellt, wieviele erhalten bleiben sollen?
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk `
So, der Vollständigkeit halber: Backitup läuft (jetzt) so wie erwartet! Vielen Dank für den Adapter und die Unterstützung!
Wie verhält sich das Backup , wenn nun das IOBroker System sich ändert?
IOT, Pro, Free Cloud….kann man in 6 Monaten noch ein altes Backup einspielen , das dann noch funktioniert?
Klar geht das.
Die Frage ist, ob das Sinn macht.
Ich selber ändere Woche für Woche neue Dinge und ein halbes Jahr altes backup wäre für mich der horror [emoji51]
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Die Frage zielte vornehmlich auf die neuen Änderungen, die gerade eingeführt werden.
Hat das Auswirkungen auf den Adapter?
Auf die Backups, die ich z.B. Heute mache ohne die neuen Skills IOT, Pro etc. und dann zurückspielen möchte, es dann aber die Freecloud und andere Einstellungen nicht mehr gibt.
Hallo Zusammen,
habe den Adapter mal installiert aber leider funktioniert er nicht und finde keine Lösung. Es wird zwar auf dem PRI ein Backup erzeugt, aber dies wird nicht auf die NAS per CIFS oder FTP oder sonst wie kopiert.
Gestartet... [DEBUG] [mount] start with {"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"****"} [ERROR] [mount] - [undefined /bin/sh: 1: ***Password***,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777: not found Usage: mount [-lhV] mount -a [options] mount [options] [--source] <source> | [--target] <directory> mount [options] <source> <directory> mount <operation> <mountpoint> [<target>] Mount a filesystem. Options: -a, --all mount all filesystems mentioned in fstab -c, --no-canonicalize don't canonicalize paths -f, --fake dry run; skip the mount(2) syscall -F, --fork fork off for each device (use with -a) -T, --fstab <path> alternative file to /etc/fstab -i, --internal-only don't call the mount. <type>helpers -l, --show-labels show also filesystem labels -n, --no-mtab don't write to /etc/mtab -o, --options comma-separated list of mount options -O, --test-opts limit the set of filesystems (use with -a) -r, --read-only mount the filesystem read-only (same as -o ro) -t, --types limit the set of filesystem types --source <src> explicitly specifies source (path, label, uuid) --target <target> explicitly specifies mountpoint -v, --verbose say what is being done -w, --rw, --read-write mount the filesystem read-write (default) -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit Source: -L, --label <label> synonym for LABEL= <label>-U, --uuid <uuid> synonym for UUID= <uuid>LABEL= <label>specifies device by filesystem label UUID= <uuid>specifies device by filesystem UUID PARTLABEL= <label>specifies device by partition label PARTUUID= <uuid>specifies device by partition UUID <device> specifies device by path <directory> mountpoint for bind mounts (see --bind/rbind) <file> regular file for loopdev setup Operations: -B, --bind mount a subtree somewhere else (same as -o bind) -M, --move move a subtree to some other place -R, --rbind mount a subtree and all submounts somewhere else --make-shared mark a subtree as shared --make-slave mark a subtree as slave --make-private mark a subtree as private --make-unbindable mark a subtree as unbindable --make-rshared recursively mark a whole subtree as shared --make-rslave recursively mark a whole subtree as slave --make-rprivate recursively mark a whole subtree as private --make-runbindable recursively mark a whole subtree as unbindable For more details see mount(8). [ERROR] [mount] - [IGNORED] Error: Command failed: mount -t cifs -o user=hm-iob,password=****password****,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 // /opt/iobroker/backups /bin/sh: 1: ****password***,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777: not found Usage: mount [-lhV] mount -a [options] mount [options] [--source] <source> | [--target] <directory> mount [options] <source> <directory> mount <operation> <mountpoint> [<target>] Mount a filesystem. Options: -a, --all mount all filesystems mentioned in fstab -c, --no-canonicalize don't canonicalize paths -f, --fake dry run; skip the mount(2) syscall -F, --fork fork off for each device (use with -a) -T, --fstab <path> alternative file to /etc/fstab -i, --internal-only don't call the mount. <type>helpers -l, --show-labels show also filesystem labels -n, --no-mtab don't write to /etc/mtab -o, --options comma-separated list of mount options -O, --test-opts limit the set of filesystems (use with -a) -r, --read-only mount the filesystem read-only (same as -o ro) -t, --types limit the set of filesystem types --source <src> explicitly specifies source (path, label, uuid) --target <target> explicitly specifies mountpoint -v, --verbose say what is being done -w, --rw, --read-write mount the filesystem read-write (default) -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit Source: -L, --label <label> synonym for LABEL= <label>-U, --uuid <uuid> synonym for UUID= <uuid>LABEL= <label>specifies device by filesystem label UUID= <uuid>specifies device by filesystem UUID PARTLABEL= <label>specifies device by partition label PARTUUID= <uuid>specifies device by partition UUID <device> specifies device by path <directory> mountpoint for bind mounts (see --bind/rbind) <file> regular file for loopdev setup Operations: -B, --bind mount a subtree somewhere else (same as -o bind) -M, --move move a subtree to some other place -R, --rbind mount a subtree and all submounts somewhere else --make-shared mark a subtree as shared --make-slave mark a subtree as slave --make-private mark a subtree as private --make-unbindable mark a subtree as unbindable --make-rshared recursively mark a whole subtree as shared --make-rslave recursively mark a whole subtree as slave --make-rprivate recursively mark a whole subtree as private --make-runbindable recursively mark a whole subtree as unbindable For more details see mount(8). [DEBUG] [minimal] start with {"type":"creator","time":"02:00","debugging":false,"everyXDays":"1","deleteBackupAfter":0,"mysqlEnabled":false,"redisEnabled":false,"cifs":{"enabled":true,"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"//","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"****","context":{"fileNames":[],"errors":{},"done":[],"types":[]},"adapter":null},"dir":"/opt/iobroker","redis":{"enabled":false,"type":"creator","ftp":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","host":"","deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total","user":"","pass":"","port":"21"},"cifs":{"enabled":true,"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"***Passwort***"},"dropbox":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":false,"accessToken":"","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"path":"/var/lib/redis"},"history":{"enabled":true,"type":"message","entriesNumber":"25","systemLang":"de"},"email":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","NoticeType":"longEmailNotice","emailReceiver":"","emailSender":"","systemLang":"de"},"pushover":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","SilentNotice":false,"NoticeType":"longPushoverNotice","systemLang":"de"},"backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups"} [DEBUG] [minimal] - Backup created: /opt/iobroker/backups/minimal_2018_12_11-21_28_51_backupiobroker.tar.gz [DEBUG] [minimal] - done [DEBUG] [cifs] start with {"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"//","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"****","backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups","deleteBackupAfter":0} [DEBUG] [cifs] - done [DEBUG] [clean] start with {"deleteBackupAfter":0} [DEBUG] [clean] - done [DEBUG] [history] start with {"type":"creator","time":"02:00","debugging":false,"everyXDays":"1","deleteBackupAfter":0,"mysqlEnabled":false,"redisEnabled":false,"cifs":{"enabled":true,"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"//","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"****","context":{"fileNames":["/opt/iobroker/backups/minimal_2018_12_11-21_28_51_backupiobroker.tar.gz"],"errors":{},"done":["minimal"],"types":["minimal"]},"adapter":null},"dir":"/opt/iobroker","redis":{"enabled":false,"type":"creator","ftp":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","host":"","deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total","user":"","pass":"","port":"21"},"cifs":{"enabled":true,"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"***Passwort***"},"dropbox":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":false,"accessToken":"","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"path":"/var/lib/redis"},"history":{"enabled":true,"type":"message","entriesNumber":"25","systemLang":"de","time":"11\. Dezember 2018 um 21:28 Uhr"},"email":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","NoticeType":"longEmailNotice","emailReceiver":"","emailSender":"","systemLang":"de"},"pushover":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","SilentNotice":false,"NoticeType":"longPushoverNotice","systemLang":"de"},"backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups"} [DEBUG] [history] - done [DEBUG] [umount] start with {"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"//","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"****","backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups"}</file></directory></device></uuid></label></uuid></label></uuid></uuid></label></label></target></src></type></path></target></mountpoint></operation></directory></directory></file></directory></device></uuid></label></uuid></label></uuid></uuid></label></label></target></src></type></path></target></mountpoint></operation></directory></directory>
Ich habe den Hostnamen versucht. Die IP und auch beim Pfad habe ich alles Groß, alles klein und so wie es ist versucht. Ich habe vom Mac aus mit Forklifter und dem Finder den Pfad per smb überprüft. auf dem Mac geht der Pfad. Nur halt vom RPI aus nicht.
Wer hat eine Idee was ich noch machen kann?
nebenbei….. angeboten wird Version 0.3.8 und installiert wird 0.4.2
13307_version.png -
Hallo Zusammen,
habe den Adapter mal installiert aber leider funktioniert er nicht und finde keine Lösung. Es wird zwar auf dem PRI ein Backup erzeugt, aber dies wird nicht auf die NAS per CIFS oder FTP oder sonst wie kopiert.
Gestartet... [DEBUG] [mount] start with {"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"****"} [ERROR] [mount] - [undefined /bin/sh: 1: ***Password***,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777: not found Usage: mount [-lhV] mount -a [options] mount [options] [--source] <source> | [--target] <directory> mount [options] <source> <directory> mount <operation> <mountpoint> [<target>] Mount a filesystem. Options: -a, --all mount all filesystems mentioned in fstab -c, --no-canonicalize don't canonicalize paths -f, --fake dry run; skip the mount(2) syscall -F, --fork fork off for each device (use with -a) -T, --fstab <path> alternative file to /etc/fstab -i, --internal-only don't call the mount. <type>helpers -l, --show-labels show also filesystem labels -n, --no-mtab don't write to /etc/mtab -o, --options comma-separated list of mount options -O, --test-opts limit the set of filesystems (use with -a) -r, --read-only mount the filesystem read-only (same as -o ro) -t, --types limit the set of filesystem types --source <src> explicitly specifies source (path, label, uuid) --target <target> explicitly specifies mountpoint -v, --verbose say what is being done -w, --rw, --read-write mount the filesystem read-write (default) -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit Source: -L, --label <label> synonym for LABEL= <label>-U, --uuid <uuid> synonym for UUID= <uuid>LABEL= <label>specifies device by filesystem label UUID= <uuid>specifies device by filesystem UUID PARTLABEL= <label>specifies device by partition label PARTUUID= <uuid>specifies device by partition UUID <device> specifies device by path <directory> mountpoint for bind mounts (see --bind/rbind) <file> regular file for loopdev setup Operations: -B, --bind mount a subtree somewhere else (same as -o bind) -M, --move move a subtree to some other place -R, --rbind mount a subtree and all submounts somewhere else --make-shared mark a subtree as shared --make-slave mark a subtree as slave --make-private mark a subtree as private --make-unbindable mark a subtree as unbindable --make-rshared recursively mark a whole subtree as shared --make-rslave recursively mark a whole subtree as slave --make-rprivate recursively mark a whole subtree as private --make-runbindable recursively mark a whole subtree as unbindable For more details see mount(8). [ERROR] [mount] - [IGNORED] Error: Command failed: mount -t cifs -o user=hm-iob,password=****password****,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 // /opt/iobroker/backups /bin/sh: 1: ****password***,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777: not found Usage: mount [-lhV] mount -a [options] mount [options] [--source] <source> | [--target] <directory> mount [options] <source> <directory> mount <operation> <mountpoint> [<target>] Mount a filesystem. Options: -a, --all mount all filesystems mentioned in fstab -c, --no-canonicalize don't canonicalize paths -f, --fake dry run; skip the mount(2) syscall -F, --fork fork off for each device (use with -a) -T, --fstab <path> alternative file to /etc/fstab -i, --internal-only don't call the mount. <type>helpers -l, --show-labels show also filesystem labels -n, --no-mtab don't write to /etc/mtab -o, --options comma-separated list of mount options -O, --test-opts limit the set of filesystems (use with -a) -r, --read-only mount the filesystem read-only (same as -o ro) -t, --types limit the set of filesystem types --source <src> explicitly specifies source (path, label, uuid) --target <target> explicitly specifies mountpoint -v, --verbose say what is being done -w, --rw, --read-write mount the filesystem read-write (default) -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit Source: -L, --label <label> synonym for LABEL= <label>-U, --uuid <uuid> synonym for UUID= <uuid>LABEL= <label>specifies device by filesystem label UUID= <uuid>specifies device by filesystem UUID PARTLABEL= <label>specifies device by partition label PARTUUID= <uuid>specifies device by partition UUID <device> specifies device by path <directory> mountpoint for bind mounts (see --bind/rbind) <file> regular file for loopdev setup Operations: -B, --bind mount a subtree somewhere else (same as -o bind) -M, --move move a subtree to some other place -R, --rbind mount a subtree and all submounts somewhere else --make-shared mark a subtree as shared --make-slave mark a subtree as slave --make-private mark a subtree as private --make-unbindable mark a subtree as unbindable --make-rshared recursively mark a whole subtree as shared --make-rslave recursively mark a whole subtree as slave --make-rprivate recursively mark a whole subtree as private --make-runbindable recursively mark a whole subtree as unbindable For more details see mount(8). [DEBUG] [minimal] start with {"type":"creator","time":"02:00","debugging":false,"everyXDays":"1","deleteBackupAfter":0,"mysqlEnabled":false,"redisEnabled":false,"cifs":{"enabled":true,"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"//","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"****","context":{"fileNames":[],"errors":{},"done":[],"types":[]},"adapter":null},"dir":"/opt/iobroker","redis":{"enabled":false,"type":"creator","ftp":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","host":"","deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total","user":"","pass":"","port":"21"},"cifs":{"enabled":true,"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"***Passwort***"},"dropbox":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":false,"accessToken":"","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"path":"/var/lib/redis"},"history":{"enabled":true,"type":"message","entriesNumber":"25","systemLang":"de"},"email":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","NoticeType":"longEmailNotice","emailReceiver":"","emailSender":"","systemLang":"de"},"pushover":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","SilentNotice":false,"NoticeType":"longPushoverNotice","systemLang":"de"},"backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups"} [DEBUG] [minimal] - Backup created: /opt/iobroker/backups/minimal_2018_12_11-21_28_51_backupiobroker.tar.gz [DEBUG] [minimal] - done [DEBUG] [cifs] start with {"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"//","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"****","backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups","deleteBackupAfter":0} [DEBUG] [cifs] - done [DEBUG] [clean] start with {"deleteBackupAfter":0} [DEBUG] [clean] - done [DEBUG] [history] start with {"type":"creator","time":"02:00","debugging":false,"everyXDays":"1","deleteBackupAfter":0,"mysqlEnabled":false,"redisEnabled":false,"cifs":{"enabled":true,"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"//","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"****","context":{"fileNames":["/opt/iobroker/backups/minimal_2018_12_11-21_28_51_backupiobroker.tar.gz"],"errors":{},"done":["minimal"],"types":["minimal"]},"adapter":null},"dir":"/opt/iobroker","redis":{"enabled":false,"type":"creator","ftp":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","host":"","deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total","user":"","pass":"","port":"21"},"cifs":{"enabled":true,"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":false,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"TMBackup/IOB","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"hm-iob","pass":"***Passwort***"},"dropbox":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":false,"accessToken":"","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"path":"/var/lib/redis"},"history":{"enabled":true,"type":"message","entriesNumber":"25","systemLang":"de","time":"11\. 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Ich habe den Hostnamen versucht. Die IP und auch beim Pfad habe ich alles Groß, alles klein und so wie es ist versucht. Ich habe vom Mac aus mit Forklifter und dem Finder den Pfad per smb überprüft. auf dem Mac geht der Pfad. Nur halt vom RPI aus nicht.
Wer hat eine Idee was ich noch machen kann?
nebenbei….. angeboten wird Version 0.3.8 und installiert wird 0.4.2
Rainer `
Wenn du 0.3.8 angezeigt bekommst, ist dein System auf Stable gestellt und du hast den Adapter über github installiert.
Laut log hast du die cifs-utils nicht installiert.
Bitte schaue in die doku … da ist alles erklärt.
Als erstes musst du sudo apt-get install cifs-utils ausführen.
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Die Frage zielte vornehmlich auf die neuen Änderungen, die gerade eingeführt werden.
Hat das Auswirkungen auf den Adapter?
Auf die Backups, die ich z.B. Heute mache ohne die neuen Skills IOT, Pro etc. und dann zurückspielen möchte, es dann aber die Freecloud und andere Einstellungen nicht mehr gibt. `
Ich glaube nicht, dass es die free cloud in einem halben Jahr nicht mehr geben wird.
Auch andere Adapter wird es in einem halben Jahr noch geben.
Wenn du jetzt die free cloud nutzt und in einem halben Jahr dann iot, dann wird natürlich mit so einem alten backup auch der Stand von heute wiederhergestellt.
Mache doch einfach jeden Tag oder alle 3 Tage ein Backup und gut.
Ich behalte meine nicht länger als 10 Tage auf dem Server.
Die total backups mache ich alle 3 Tage und behalte maximal die letzten 5 Stück.
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk