Test Adapter Fronius 2.0.x
@negalein Was interessiert dich denn?
Ich nutze WAC_minus und plus, die anderen habe ich nicht.
Ich speichere sie via Trigger mit einem Regex in eigene Datenpunkte und verwalte die. In Kombination mit dem Ertrag der PV Anlage kannst Du wunderbar sehen wie effektiv du bist.
Minus ist Einspeisung
Plus ist Bezug.Die Differenz aus PV und Bezug/Einspeisung ist dann dein Hausverbrauch.
Die Leistung ist Vorzeichenbehaftet und kann immer verwendet werden.
Der Ertrag des Fremdwechselrichters muss dann selber eingebracht werden um dann damit deine Verbraucher zu errechnen. Das geht dann leider nur in seinem Takt.Ich habe zusätzlich zur Fronius Anlage noch n haufen Mikrowechselrichter, die werden aber vom Fronius Smartmeter nicht explizit als PV Energie erkannt sondern werden mit dem Bezug der Verbraucher verrechnet. Beim Einspeisen aber berücksichtigt.
Der Ganze Kram bezüglich Überschussladen usw. klärt Fronius systemintern. Soll heißen, dass deine Wallbox nur weiß was an Überschuss da ist wenn sie selber Istwerte liefern kann. Sonst ist sie für dein Smartmeter nur ein weiterer Verbraucher.
Entweder musst Du dir selber da was programmieren wenn Du n Fremdgerät mit OCPP hast (ist aber simpel, mache das auch für meinen Pool) oder im Falle der Fronius Wallbox macht sie das alleine. -
Ich habe den Adapter jetzt Installiert. Aber irgendwie erkennt er nicht die IP Adresse vom Wechselrichter. Es ist ein Fronius Symo Gen24 6.0 Plus. Aber im Browser komme ich mit der IP direkt auf das Dashboard vom WR. habe ich übersehen das ich nicht was einrichten muss auser die IP Adresse?
fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:11.339 error Please configure the Fronius adapter fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:11.339 error Please configure the Fronius adapter fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:11.339 error Please configure the Fronius adapter fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:11.339 error Please configure the Fronius adapter fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:11.278 info starting. Version 2.0.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fronius, node: v18.16.0, js-controller: 5.0.12 fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:11.278 info starting. Version 2.0.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fronius, node: v18.16.0, js-controller: 5.0.12 fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:11.278 info starting. Version 2.0.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fronius, node: v18.16.0, js-controller: 5.0.12 fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:11.278 info starting. Version 2.0.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fronius, node: v18.16.0, js-controller: 5.0.12 fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:06.232 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:06.232 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:06.232 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:06.232 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:06.225 info terminating fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:06.225 info terminating fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:06.225 info terminating fronius.0 2023-11-26 14:49:06.225 info terminating
@legro Danke für den Hinweis.
Werde ich mir zuhause nochmal anschauen. Vermute aber gerade stark das ich dies vergessen habe. -
@legro ja das hat gefehlt. Jetzt funktioniert es
Nutzer die 2. Weihnachtstage zum erweitern meines PV-Projekts. Leider habe ich dabei für folgendes keine Lösung gefunden:
Suche die Datenpunkte für den EnergyForecast z.B. für heute erwarteter Ertrag oder verbleibender erwarteter Ertrag für den restlichen Tag. In der Flow-App werden diese Daten ja angezeigt. In den Objekten werden unter Energyforecast verschiedenen Datenpunkte angezeigt. Leider beinhaltet aber keine diese Information.
Hat jemand einen Tipp, wie man an diese Forecast-Daten rankommt?
Vielen Dank und einen schönen 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag. -
Bei mir läuft der Adapter aktuell nicht. Kann jemand helfen. Ich dachte Pro ist keine Voraussetzung.
fronius-solarweb.0 2023-12-27 10:46:49.336 info {"responseError":3503,"responseMessage":"Not a Pro PV system."} fronius-solarweb.0 2023-12-27 10:46:49.335 info Disable Pro Endpoints
Die Meldung besagt nur, dass die PRO Funktionen ohne PRO nicht angelegt / ausgelesen werden. Das its KEIN Fehler - sihe auch Severity info.Ansonsten:
Bitte bei allen Fehlermeldungen immer die betroffenen Versionen angeben:
O/SUnd ein haöbwegs klare Fehlermeldung "läuft nicht" ist nicht viel besser wie "gibt ein problem" und dazu ein vollständiges Log das otimaler Weise die / eine Fehlermelung zeigt.
[OT] Edit: - Sorry habe Post flasch Platziert! Betrifft einen anderen Adapter. Kein Fehler in diesem Adapter, der läuft bei mir weiterhin problemlos.
Es scheint ein neues Problem zu geben: Ihr auch solche Fehlermeldungen im log? Log bitte Downloaden weil das aktuelle log in der logansicht abgeschnitten wird
2024-01-07 13:40:25.695 - [31merror[39m: fronius-solarweb.0 (7800) 2024-01-07 13:40:25.695 - [31merror[39m: fronius-solarweb.0 (7800) AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2024-01-07 13:40:25.696 - [31merror[39m: fronius-solarweb.0 (7800) "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\r\n\"\">\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>Fronius International GmbH</title>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\r\n<style type=\"text/css\">\r\n body {\r\n background-image: url('
Und dann seitenweise Hexwerte im log.
@klassisch fronius und fronius- solar ist ein unterschied...
@da_woody Vielen Dank, da habe ich nicht gut genug gesucht sorry.
Werde den richtigen Thread suchen.
Nutzt Du auch den solar web Adapter und hast Du das gleiche Phänomen? -
@klassisch isch nur fronius. der solar hat mich genervt...
Ich hatte den Adapter einige Monate gut am Laufen, jetzt wollte ich ein Update auf 2.1.0 machen und bekomme die Meldung 'Invalid version of "admin". Installed "6.12.0", required ">=6.13.16"' - obwohl ich admin 6.13.16 installiert habe.
Auch ein Downgrade zu 2.0 ändert an der Meldung nichts.
Hat jemand eine Idee, woran das liegen kann ?
Danke für jeden Hinweis...$ iobroker add fronius auto --host kallicube --debug Installing iobroker.fronius@2.1.0... (System call) added 1 package in 3m296 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details host.kallicube install adapter fronius upload [6] fronius.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fronius/admin/fronius.png fronius.png image/png upload [5] fronius.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fronius/admin/img/cancel.png img/cancel.png image/png upload [3] fronius.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fronius/admin/img/ok.png img/ok.png image/png upload [0] fronius.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fronius/admin/words.js words.js application/javascript host.kallicube Invalid version of "admin". Installed "6.12.0", required ">=6.13.16" ERROR: Process exited with code 32
Hast du ein Multihost system? Wenn ja - admin überall auf 6.13.16 ?Ansonsten versuch bitte mal ein 'iob upload'.
Aus irgendeinem Grund hat admin im zwieten Fall nicht mitbekommen dass admin aktualisiert wurde. -
@mcm1957 Danke für die schnelle Antwort!
Ja, es ist ein Multihost.
Wie kann ich auf dem Slave die Admin-Version feststellen bzw. updaten ?
'iob upload all' habe ich gemacht... -
@piforscher said in Test Adapter Fronius 2.0.x:
@mcm1957 Danke für die schnelle Antwort!
Ja, es ist ein Multihost.
Wie kann ich auf dem Slave die Admin-Version feststellen bzw. updaten ?
'iob upload all' habe ich gemacht...@Thomas-Braun
Bezüglich admin / slave kannst du sicher mehr sagen. Ich hab grad mal 'nen einsamen pi4 -
@mcm1957 sagte in Test Adapter Fronius 2.0.x:
Bezüglich admin / slave kannst du sicher mehr sagen. Ich hab grad mal 'nen einsamen pi4
Ich bin auch kein Sklavenhalter...
Bitte mal auf jedem host die Ausgabe von
cd /opt/iobroker && npm ls
@thomas-braun said in Test Adapter Fronius 2.0.x:
cd /opt/iobroker && npm ls
Tja, das sieht nicht so gut aus...
Master:cd /opt/iobroker && npm ls [sudo] password for xx: npm ERR! code ELSPROBLEMS npm ERR! extraneous: @types/caseless@0.12.5 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@types/caseless npm ERR! extraneous: @types/request@2.48.12 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@types/request npm ERR! extraneous: @types/tough-cookie@4.0.5 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@types/tough-cookie npm ERR! extraneous: coffeescript@2.7.0 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/coffeescript npm ERR! invalid: iobroker.awattar@1.0.6 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.awattar npm ERR! invalid: iobroker.slideshow@0.1.4 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.slideshow npm ERR! invalid: iobroker.tuya@3.15.0 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.tuya npm ERR! extraneous: jsonata@2.0.5 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/jsonata npm ERR! extraneous: node-inspect@2.0.0 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/node-inspect npm ERR! extraneous: picocolors@1.0.0 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/picocolors npm ERR! extraneous: suncalc2@1.8.1 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/suncalc2 npm ERR! extraneous: typescript@5.3.3 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/typescript npm ERR! extraneous: virtual-tsc@0.6.2 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/virtual-tsc npm ERR! extraneous: wake_on_lan@1.0.0 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/wake_on_lan iobroker.inst@2.0.3 /opt/iobroker ├── @types/caseless@0.12.5 extraneous ├── @types/request@2.48.12 extraneous ├── @types/tough-cookie@4.0.5 extraneous ├── coffeescript@2.7.0 extraneous ├── colors@1.4.0 ├── fs-extra@7.0.1 ├── iobroker.admin@6.13.16 ├── iobroker.alias-manager@1.2.6 ├── iobroker.awattar@1.0.6 invalid: "github:sirjojo69/ioBroker.awattar" from the root project ├── iobroker.backitup@2.11.0 ├── iobroker.cleveron@0.1.0 ├── iobroker.daswetter@3.1.13 ├── iobroker.discovery@4.2.0 ├── iobroker.energiefluss@3.6.0 ├── iobroker.flot@1.12.0 ├── iobroker.followthesun@0.5.0 ├── iobroker.fritzbox@0.5.0 ├── iobroker.fronius@2.1.0 ├── iobroker.fullybrowser@3.0.12 ├── iobroker.g-homa@0.5.3 ├── iobroker.heatingcontrol@2.12.5 ├── ├── ├── iobroker.ical@1.15.0 ├── iobroker.icons-mfd-png@1.2.1 ├── iobroker.icons-open-icon-library-png@0.1.2 ├── iobroker.icons-ultimate-png@1.0.1 ├── ├── iobroker.javascript@7.8.0 ├── iobroker.js-controller@5.0.19 ├── iobroker.linux-control@1.1.5 ├── iobroker.meteoalarm@3.0.2 ├── iobroker.node-red@5.1.0 ├── ├── iobroker.pvforecast@2.9.1 ├── iobroker.rpi2@1.3.2 ├── iobroker.sayit@3.0.5 ├── iobroker.shelly@6.9.0 ├── iobroker.simple-api@2.8.0 ├── iobroker.slideshow@0.1.4 invalid: "github:gaudes/ioBroker.slideshow#main" from the root project ├── iobroker.smartmeter@3.3.4 ├── iobroker.socketio@6.6.0 ├── iobroker.sql@2.2.0 ├── iobroker.statistics@2.4.0 ├── iobroker.telegram@3.1.0 ├── ├── iobroker.trashschedule@3.2.0 ├── iobroker.tuya@3.15.0 invalid: "github:Apollon77/ioBroker.tuya" from the root project ├── iobroker.upnp@1.0.21 ├── iobroker.viessmannapi@2.4.0 ├── iobroker.vis-2-widgets-energy@0.3.9 ├── iobroker.vis-bars@0.1.4 ├── iobroker.vis-canvas-gauges@1.0.1 ├── iobroker.vis-fancyswitch@1.1.0 ├── iobroker.vis-history@1.0.0 ├── iobroker.vis-hqwidgets@1.4.0 ├── iobroker.vis-jqui-mfd@1.0.12 ├── iobroker.vis-justgage@2.1.0 ├── iobroker.vis-material-webfont@0.0.3 ├── iobroker.vis-materialdesign@0.5.9 ├── iobroker.vis-metro@1.2.0 ├── iobroker.vis-plumb@1.0.2 ├── iobroker.vis-rgraph@0.0.2 ├── iobroker.vis-timeandweather@1.2.2 ├── iobroker.vis-weather@2.5.6 ├── iobroker.vis@1.5.4 ├── iobroker.weatherunderground@3.6.0 ├── iobroker.web@6.2.3 ├── iobroker.wifilight@1.1.4 ├── ├── iobroker.yr@5.3.0 ├── iobroker@2.0.3 ├── jsonata@2.0.5 extraneous ├── node-inspect@2.0.0 extraneous ├── picocolors@1.0.0 extraneous ├── semver@5.7.2 ├── suncalc2@1.8.1 extraneous ├── typescript@5.3.3 extraneous ├── virtual-tsc@0.6.2 extraneous ├── wake_on_lan@1.0.0 extraneous └── yargs@7.1.2 npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2024-06-21T16_38_27_354Z-debug-0.log
$ cd /opt/iobroker && npm ls iobroker.inst@3.0.0 /opt/iobroker ├── iobroker.admin@6.13.16 ├── iobroker.awattar@1.0.6 (git+ssh:// ├── iobroker.backitup@2.10.11 ├── iobroker.discovery@4.2.0 ├── iobroker.followthesun@0.5.0 ├── iobroker.fronius@2.1.0 ├── iobroker.javascript@7.1.4 ├── iobroker.js-controller@5.0.19 ├── iobroker.pvforecast@2.9.1 ├── iobroker.sayit@3.0.5 ├── iobroker.slideshow@0.1.4 (git+ssh:// ├── iobroker.trashschedule@2.2.0 ├── iobroker.vis@1.4.16 └── iobroker.web@6.2.3
@piforscher sagte in Test Adapter Fronius 2.0.x:
Da ist generell der Wurm drin...
Langfassung von
iob diag
(zunächst vom primären Host)
Skript v.2024-05-22 *** BASE SYSTEM *** Static hostname: kallicube Icon name: computer-desktop Chassis: desktop Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-186-generic Architecture: x86-64 model name : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3160 @ 1.60GHz Docker : false Virtualization : none Kernel : x86_64 Userland : 64 bit Systemuptime and Load: 18:54:50 up 5:35, 2 users, load average: 0.89, 1.09, 1.12 CPU threads: 4 *** Time and Time Zones *** Local time: Fri 2024-06-21 18:54:50 CEST Universal time: Fri 2024-06-21 16:54:50 UTC RTC time: Fri 2024-06-21 16:54:50 Time zone: Europe/Berlin (CEST, +0200) System clock synchronized: yes NTP service: active RTC in local TZ: no *** Users and Groups *** User that called 'iob diag': kalle HOME=/home/kalle GROUPS=kalle adm cdrom sudo audio dip plugdev lxd iobroker User that is running 'js-controller': iobroker HOME=/home/iobroker GROUPS=iobroker tty dialout audio video plugdev *** Display-Server-Setup *** Display-Server: false Desktop: Terminal: tty Boot Target: *** MEMORY *** total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 3.8G 2.7G 757M 0.0K 305M 820M Swap: 3.8G 1.4G 2.4G Total: 7.6G 4.1G 3.2G Active iob-Instances: 18 3773 M total memory 2711 M used memory 2013 M active memory 708 M inactive memory 757 M free memory 46 M buffer memory 258 M swap cache 3798 M total swap 1373 M used swap 2425 M free swap *** top - Table Of Processes *** top - 18:54:51 up 5:35, 2 users, load average: 0.89, 1.09, 1.12 Tasks: 182 total, 1 running, 181 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 10.7 us, 4.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 85.3 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 3774.0 total, 756.9 free, 2711.7 used, 305.4 buff/cache MiB Swap: 3799.0 total, 2426.0 free, 1373.0 used. 820.4 avail Mem *** FAILED SERVICES *** UNIT LOAD ACTIVE SUB DESCRIPTION * influxdb.service loaded failed failed InfluxDB is an open-source, distributed, time series database * snap.docker.dockerd.service loaded failed failed Service for snap application docker.dockerd LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded. ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB. SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type. 2 loaded units listed. *** FILESYSTEM *** Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev devtmpfs 1.8G 0 1.8G 0% /dev tmpfs tmpfs 378M 1.4M 377M 1% /run /dev/sdb2 ext4 29G 23G 4.3G 85% / tmpfs tmpfs 1.9G 0 1.9G 0% /dev/shm tmpfs tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock tmpfs tmpfs 1.9G 0 1.9G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/sdb1 vfat 511M 6.1M 505M 2% /boot/efi /dev/loop0 squashfs 106M 106M 0 100% /snap/core/16574 /dev/loop2 squashfs 56M 56M 0 100% /snap/core18/2812 /dev/loop3 squashfs 64M 64M 0 100% /snap/core20/2264 /dev/loop5 squashfs 56M 56M 0 100% /snap/core18/2823 /dev/loop4 squashfs 75M 75M 0 100% /snap/core22/1122 /dev/loop1 squashfs 104M 104M 0 100% /snap/core/16928 /dev/loop6 squashfs 64M 64M 0 100% /snap/core20/2318 /dev/loop7 squashfs 75M 75M 0 100% /snap/core22/1380 /dev/loop8 squashfs 129M 129M 0 100% /snap/docker/2904 /dev/loop9 squashfs 37M 37M 0 100% /snap/heroku/4092 /dev/loop10 squashfs 131M 131M 0 100% /snap/docker/2915 /dev/loop11 squashfs 39M 39M 0 100% /snap/postgresql10/47 /dev/loop12 squashfs 37M 37M 0 100% /snap/heroku/4087 /dev/loop13 squashfs 92M 92M 0 100% /snap/lxd/24061 nfs4 2.7T 1.6T 1.2T 58% /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/vis/img/bilder_nas tmpfs tmpfs 378M 0 378M 0% /run/user/1000 Messages concerning ext4 filesystem in dmesg: [Fri Jun 21 13:19:42 2024] EXT4-fs (sdb2): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) [Fri Jun 21 13:19:43 2024] EXT4-fs (sdb2): re-mounted. Opts: (null) Show mounted filesystems: TARGET SOURCE FSTYPE OPTIONS / /dev/sdb2 ext4 rw,relatime |-/sys sysfs sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | |-/sys/kernel/security securityfs securityfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | |-/sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs tmpfs ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755 | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/unified cgroup2 cgroup2 rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,xattr,name=systemd | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpu,cpuacct | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuset | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/pids cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,pids | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,blkio | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/devices cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,hugetlb | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,perf_event | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls,net_prio | | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/memory cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,memory | | `-/sys/fs/cgroup/rdma cgroup cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,rdma | |-/sys/fs/pstore pstore pstore rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | |-/sys/firmware/efi/efivars efivarfs efivarfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | |-/sys/fs/bpf none bpf rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700 | |-/sys/kernel/debug debugfs debugfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | |-/sys/kernel/tracing tracefs tracefs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | |-/sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl fusectl rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | `-/sys/kernel/config configfs configfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime |-/proc proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | `-/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc systemd-1 autofs rw,relatime,fd=28,pgrp=1,timeout=0,minproto=5,maxproto=5,direct,pipe_ino=17334 | `-/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc binfmt_misc binfmt_misc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime |-/dev udev devtmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=1885544k,nr_inodes=471386,mode=755 | |-/dev/pts devpts devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000 | |-/dev/shm tmpfs tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev | |-/dev/hugepages hugetlbfs hugetlbfs rw,relatime,pagesize=2M | `-/dev/mqueue mqueue mqueue rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime |-/run tmpfs tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=386456k,mode=755 | |-/run/lock tmpfs tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=5120k | |-/run/rpc_pipefs sunrpc rpc_pipefs rw,relatime | |-/run/snapd/ns tmpfs[/snapd/ns] tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=386456k,mode=755 | | |-/run/snapd/ns/lxd.mnt nsfs[mnt:[4026532450]] nsfs rw | | `-/run/snapd/ns/docker.mnt nsfs[mnt:[4026532449]] nsfs rw | `-/run/user/1000 tmpfs tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=386452k,mode=700,uid=1000,gid=1000 |-/boot/efi /dev/sdb1 vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro |-/snap/core/16574 /dev/loop0 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/core18/2812 /dev/loop2 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/core20/2264 /dev/loop3 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/core18/2823 /dev/loop5 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/core22/1122 /dev/loop4 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/core/16928 /dev/loop1 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/core20/2318 /dev/loop6 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/core22/1380 /dev/loop7 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/docker/2904 /dev/loop8 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/heroku/4092 /dev/loop9 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/docker/2915 /dev/loop10 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/postgresql10/47 /dev/loop11 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/heroku/4087 /dev/loop12 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/snap/lxd/24061 /dev/loop13 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime |-/var/lib/lxcfs lxcfs fuse.lxcfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other `-/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/vis/img/bilder_nas nfs4 rw,relatime,vers=4.0,rsize=131072,wsize=131072,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=,local_lock=none,addr= Files in neuralgic directories: /var: 3.8G /var/ 1.9G /var/lib 1.8G /var/log/journal/715d8eb78de6413b8a3b89c9cd36af8d 1.8G /var/log/journal 1.8G /var/log Archived and active journals take up 1.7G in the file system. /opt/iobroker/backups: 144M /opt/iobroker/backups/ /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data: 1.4G /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/ 701M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/backup-objects 537M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files 187M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/vis 146M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/vis/img The five largest files in iobroker-data are: 75M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/backup-objects/2024-06-21_02-30_states.jsonl.gz 70M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/states.jsonl 44M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/objects.jsonl 44M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/backup-objects/2024-06-19_18-30_states.jsonl.gz 35M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/devices.admin/static/js/ USB-Devices by-id: USB-Sticks - Avoid direct links to /dev/tty* in your adapter setups, please always prefer the links 'by-id': No Devices found 'by-id' *** NodeJS-Installation *** /usr/bin/nodejs v18.20.2 /usr/bin/node v18.20.2 /usr/bin/npm 10.5.0 /usr/bin/npx 10.5.0 /usr/bin/corepack 0.25.2 nodejs: Installed: 18.20.2-1nodesource1 Candidate: 18.20.3-1nodesource1 Version table: 18.20.3-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages *** 18.20.2-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 18.20.1-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.20.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.19.1-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.19.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.18.2-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.18.1-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.18.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.17.1-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.17.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.16.1-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.16.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.15.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.14.2-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.14.1-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.14.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.13.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.12.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.11.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.10.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.9.1-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.9.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.8.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.7.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.6.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.5.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.4.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.3.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.2.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.1.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.0.0-1nodesource1 600 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 10.19.0~dfsg-3ubuntu1.6 500 500 focal-updates/universe amd64 Packages 500 focal-security/universe amd64 Packages 10.19.0~dfsg-3ubuntu1 500 500 focal/universe amd64 Packages Temp directories causing npm8 problem: 0 No problems detected Errors in npm tree: *** ioBroker-Installation *** ioBroker Status iobroker is running on this host. Objects type: jsonl States type: jsonl Core adapters versions js-controller: 5.0.19 admin: 6.13.16 javascript: 7.8.0 nodejs modules from github: 1 | `-- xmlbuilder@0.4.2 invalid: "" from node_modules/homematic-xmlrpc Adapter State + system.adapter.admin.0 : admin : kallicube - enabled, port: 8081, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.admin.1 : admin : Pi2 - disabled, port: 8081, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.alias-manager.0 : alias-manager : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.awattar.0 : awattar : kallicube - enabled + system.adapter.backitup.0 : backitup : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.backitup.2 : backitup : iobroker-pi - disabled system.adapter.cleveron.0 : cleveron : kallicube - disabled system.adapter.daswetter.0 : daswetter : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.discovery.0 : discovery : kallicube - disabled system.adapter.energiefluss.0 : energiefluss : Pi3 - disabled system.adapter.flot.0 : flot : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.followthesun.1 : followthesun : kallicube - disabled system.adapter.fritzbox.0 : fritzbox : Pi3 - disabled system.adapter.fullybrowser.0 : fullybrowser : Pi3 - disabled + system.adapter.g-homa.0 : g-homa : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 : heatingcontrol : kallicube - disabled + : hm-rega : kallicube - enabled + : hm-rpc : kallicube - enabled, port: 0 system.adapter.ical.0 : ical : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.ical.1 : ical : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.icons-mfd-png.0 : icons-mfd-png : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.icons-open-icon-library-png.0: icons-open-icon-library-png: kallicube - enabled system.adapter.icons-ultimate-png.0 : icons-ultimate-png : kallicube - enabled : info : kallicube - disabled + system.adapter.javascript.0 : javascript : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.javascript.1 : javascript : iobroker-pi - disabled system.adapter.linux-control.0 : linux-control : Pi2 - disabled system.adapter.meteoalarm.0 : meteoalarm : kallicube - disabled system.adapter.node-red.0 : node-red : kallicube - disabled, port: 1880, bind: : ping : Pi3 - disabled + system.adapter.pvforecast.0 : pvforecast : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.rpi2.1 : rpi2 : Pi3 - disabled + system.adapter.sayit.0 : sayit : kallicube - enabled + system.adapter.shelly.0 : shelly : kallicube - enabled, port: 1883, bind: system.adapter.slideshow.0 : slideshow : iobroker-pi - disabled + system.adapter.slideshow.1 : slideshow : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.smartmeter.0 : smartmeter : kallicube - disabled + system.adapter.sql.0 : sql : kallicube - enabled, port: 3307 + system.adapter.statistics.0 : statistics : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.telegram.0 : telegram : kallicube - disabled, port: 8443, bind: : tr-064 : Pi2 - disabled + system.adapter.trashschedule.0 : trashschedule : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.upnp.0 : upnp : Pi2 - disabled + system.adapter.viessmannapi.0 : viessmannapi : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-2-widgets-energy.0 : vis-2-widgets-energy : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-bars.0 : vis-bars : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-canvas-gauges.0 : vis-canvas-gauges : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-fancyswitch.0 : vis-fancyswitch : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-history.0 : vis-history : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-hqwidgets.0 : vis-hqwidgets : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-jqui-mfd.0 : vis-jqui-mfd : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-justgage.0 : vis-justgage : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-material-webfont.0 : vis-material-webfont : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-materialdesign.0 : vis-materialdesign : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-metro.0 : vis-metro : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-plumb.0 : vis-plumb : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-rgraph.0 : vis-rgraph : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-timeandweather.0 : vis-timeandweather : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis-weather.0 : vis-weather : kallicube - enabled system.adapter.vis.0 : vis : kallicube - enabled + system.adapter.web.0 : web : kallicube - enabled, port: 8082, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.web.1 : web : iobroker-pi - disabled, port: 8082, bind:, run as: admin + system.adapter.wifilight.0 : wifilight : Pi2 - disabled + : ws : kallicube - enabled, port: 8084, bind:, run as: admin : ws : Pi2 - disabled, port: 8084, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.yr.0 : yr : kallicube - enabled + instance is alive Enabled adapters with bindings + system.adapter.admin.0 : admin : kallicube - enabled, port: 8081, bind:, run as: admin + : hm-rpc : kallicube - enabled, port: 0 + system.adapter.shelly.0 : shelly : kallicube - enabled, port: 1883, bind: + system.adapter.sql.0 : sql : kallicube - enabled, port: 3307 + system.adapter.web.0 : web : kallicube - enabled, port: 8082, bind:, run as: admin + : ws : kallicube - enabled, port: 8084, bind:, run as: admin ioBroker-Repositories stable : beta : Active repo(s): stable Installed ioBroker-Instances Used repository: stable Adapter "admin" : 6.13.16 , installed 6.13.16 Adapter "alias-manager": 1.2.6 , installed 1.2.6 Adapter "awattar" : 1.0.6 , installed 1.0.6 Adapter "backitup" : 2.11.0 , installed 2.11.0 Adapter "cleveron" : 0.1.0 , installed 0.1.0 Adapter "daswetter" : 3.1.15 , installed 3.1.13 [Updatable] Adapter "discovery" : 4.5.0 , installed 4.2.0 [Updatable] Adapter "energiefluss" : 3.6.0 , installed 3.6.0 Adapter "flot" : 1.12.0 , installed 1.12.0 Adapter "followthesun" : 0.5.0 , installed 0.5.0 Adapter "fritzbox" : 0.6.0 , installed 0.5.0 [Updatable] Adapter "fronius" : 2.1.0 , installed 2.1.0 Adapter "fullybrowser" : 3.0.12 , installed 3.0.12 Adapter "g-homa" : 0.5.3 , installed 0.5.3 Adapter "heatingcontrol": 2.12.8 , installed 2.12.5 [Updatable] Adapter "hm-rega" : 4.0.0 , installed 4.0.0 Adapter "hm-rpc" : 1.17.0 , installed 1.16.0 [Updatable] Adapter "ical" : 1.15.0 , installed 1.15.0 Adapter "icons-mfd-png": 1.2.1 , installed 1.2.1 Adapter "icons-open-icon-library-png": 0.1.2, installed 0.1.2 Adapter "icons-ultimate-png": 1.0.1, installed 1.0.1 Adapter "javascript" : 8.3.1 , installed 7.8.0 [Updatable] Controller "js-controller": 5.0.19 , installed 5.0.19 Adapter "linux-control": 1.1.5 , installed 1.1.5 Adapter "meteoalarm" : 3.0.2 , installed 3.0.2 Adapter "node-red" : 5.2.1 , installed 5.1.0 [Updatable] Adapter "ping" : 1.6.2 , installed 1.6.2 Adapter "pvforecast" : 2.9.1 , installed 2.9.1 Adapter "rpi2" : 1.3.2 , installed 1.3.2 Adapter "sayit" : 3.0.5 , installed 3.0.5 Adapter "shelly" : 7.0.0 , installed 6.9.0 [Updatable] Adapter "simple-api" : 2.8.0 , installed 2.8.0 Adapter "smartmeter" : 3.4.0 , installed 3.3.4 [Updatable] Adapter "socketio" : 6.7.0 , installed 6.6.0 [Updatable] Adapter "sql" : 2.2.0 , installed 2.2.0 Adapter "statistics" : 2.4.0 , installed 2.4.0 Adapter "telegram" : 3.3.2 , installed 3.1.0 [Updatable] Adapter "tr-064" : 4.3.0 , installed 4.2.18 [Updatable] Adapter "trashschedule": 3.3.0 , installed 3.2.0 [Updatable] Adapter "tuya" : 3.15.0 , installed 3.15.0 Adapter "upnp" : 1.0.21 , installed 1.0.21 Adapter "viessmannapi" : 2.3.0 , installed 2.4.0 Adapter "vis" : 1.5.6 , installed 1.5.4 [Updatable] Adapter "vis-2-widgets-energy": 0.3.11, installed 0.3.9 [Updatable] Adapter "vis-bars" : 0.1.4 , installed 0.1.4 Adapter "vis-canvas-gauges": 1.0.1, installed 1.0.1 Adapter "vis-fancyswitch": 1.1.0 , installed 1.1.0 Adapter "vis-history" : 1.0.0 , installed 1.0.0 Adapter "vis-hqwidgets": 1.5.1 , installed 1.4.0 [Updatable] Adapter "vis-jqui-mfd" : 1.1.1 , installed 1.0.12 [Updatable] Adapter "vis-justgage" : 2.1.7 , installed 2.1.0 [Updatable] Adapter "vis-materialdesign": 0.5.9, installed 0.5.9 Adapter "vis-metro" : 1.2.0 , installed 1.2.0 Adapter "vis-plumb" : 1.0.2 , installed 1.0.2 Adapter "vis-rgraph" : 0.0.2 , installed 0.0.2 Adapter "vis-timeandweather": 1.2.2, installed 1.2.2 Adapter "vis-weather" : 2.5.9 , installed 2.5.6 [Updatable] Adapter "weatherunderground": 3.7.0, installed 3.6.0 [Updatable] Adapter "web" : 6.2.5 , installed 6.2.3 [Updatable] Adapter "wifilight" : 1.2.2 , installed 1.1.4 [Updatable] Adapter "ws" : 2.6.1 , installed 2.6.1 Adapter "yr" : 5.3.0 , installed 5.3.0 Objects and States Please stand by - This may take a while Objects: 34466 States: 29732 *** OS-Repositories and Updates *** Hit:1 nodistro InRelease Hit:2 focal InRelease Hit:3 focal-updates InRelease Hit:4 focal-backports InRelease Hit:5 focal-security InRelease Reading package lists... Pending Updates: 10 *** Listening Ports *** Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State User Inode PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 34866 908/sshd: /usr/sbin tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1001 237164 11197/io.shelly.0 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1001 236884 11011/iobroker.js-c tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1001 236877 11011/iobroker.js-c tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 17773 1/init tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1001 237807 11151/ tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1001 236225 11090/io.admin.0 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 35032 - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 101 29576 797/systemd-resolve tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 0 34868 908/sshd: /usr/sbin tcp6 0 0 :::46017 :::* LISTEN 0 35033 - tcp6 0 0 :::111 :::* LISTEN 0 12015 1/init tcp6 0 0 :::50000 :::* LISTEN 1001 238839 11257/io.g-homa.0 tcp6 0 0 :::8082 :::* LISTEN 1001 237152 11204/io.web.0 tcp6 0 0 :::8084 :::* LISTEN 1001 238857 11322/ udp 0 0* 111 30073 813/avahi-daemon: r udp 0 0* 111 30071 813/avahi-daemon: r udp 0 0* 101 29575 797/systemd-resolve udp 0 0* 100 28197 794/systemd-network udp 0 0* 0 12012 1/init udp6 0 0 fe80::4ecc:6aff:fe4:546 :::* 100 29582 794/systemd-network udp6 0 0 :::5353 :::* 111 30072 813/avahi-daemon: r udp6 0 0 :::57129 :::* 111 30074 813/avahi-daemon: r udp6 0 0 :::111 :::* 0 17776 1/init *** Log File - Last 25 Lines *** 2024-06-21 18:41:56.706 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2024-06-21 18:41:56.712 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-06-21 18:42:57.433 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2024-06-21 18:42:57.439 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-06-21 18:43:56.653 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2024-06-21 18:43:56.660 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-06-21 18:44:56.846 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2024-06-21 18:44:56.853 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-06-21 18:45:56.787 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2024-06-21 18:45:56.793 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-06-21 18:46:56.852 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2024-06-21 18:46:56.858 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-06-21 18:47:48.389 - debug: host.kallicube Incoming Host message addNotification 2024-06-21 18:47:50.535 - debug: host.kallicube Incoming Host message getNotifications 2024-06-21 18:47:50.569 - debug: host.kallicube Incoming Host message getNotifications 2024-06-21 18:47:56.699 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2024-06-21 18:47:56.706 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-06-21 18:48:56.790 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2024-06-21 18:48:56.799 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-06-21 18:49:56.669 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2024-06-21 18:49:56.675 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-06-21 18:50:56.845 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2024-06-21 18:50:56.852 - info: viessmannapi.0 (11353) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-06-21 18:55:03.024 - info: host.kallicube instance system.adapter.yr.0 started with pid 12367 2024-06-21 18:55:44.250 - info: host.kallicube instance system.adapter.yr.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)