@dutchman und @crunchip
Hab den DP "POWER" verwendet. Trockner läuft gerade und es wird alles sauber in die jeweiligen DP im SA geschrieben.
Danke für die Hilfe!
@dutchman und @crunchip
Hab den DP "POWER" verwendet. Trockner läuft gerade und es wird alles sauber in die jeweiligen DP im SA geschrieben.
Danke für die Hilfe!
Ach sorry, wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil.
Und ja, Du hattest recht. Im BWM war ein Timer hinterlegt... Danke!
I know, aber die Garage ist relativ groß und selbst unter Tag kommt kaum Licht rein -> ist schlicht und ergreifend ein dunkels Loch
Der ist installiert und in einem weiteren Blockly verwurstelt. Habe ich aber nicht gepostet, da ich beim BMW nicht vor dem Logikproblem stand.
Das Skript im Ganzen sieht so aus:
Tür auf -> Licht an für 3 Minuten -> Licht aus (auch wenn Türen noch auf)
Falls BW Bewegung in Garage erfasst -> Licht an (unabhängig davon ob Türen auf oder zu)
Falls keine Bewegung mehr -> Licht aus
Schönes Wochenende
15678 2023-06-05 11:40:00.025 debug calculate astrodata ...
15678 2023-06-05 11:35:00.023 debug Sun Elevation: 55.7°
15678 2023-06-05 11:35:00.022 debug Sun Azimut: 131°
15678 2023-06-05 11:35:00.022 debug calculate astrodata ...
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:51.319 debug Sunprotect Rolladen_WZ4 old height: 100% new height: 70%
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:51.318 debug Temperature outside: 27.89 > 27 AND Light: 0 > 15
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:51.318 debug Sunprotect for Rolladen_WZ4 is active
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:51.317 debug last automatic Action for Rolladen_WZ4: down_Sunprotect
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:51.261 debug Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ4 old value = 100 new value = 70
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:51.245 debug #0 wait for shutter check end
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:51.234 debug #0 wait for shutter check started
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:51.216 info Sunprotect #418 Set ID: Rolladen_WZ4 value: 70%
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:51.215 debug Rolladen_WZ4: Check basis for sunprotect. Height:100 > HeightDownSun: 70 AND Height:100 == currentHeight:100 AND currentHeight:100 == heightUp:100
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:50.205 debug Sunprotect Rolladen_WZ3 old height: 100% new height: 30%
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:50.204 debug Temperature outside: 27.89 > 27 AND Light: 0 > 15
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:50.204 debug Sunprotect for Rolladen_WZ3 is active
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:50.203 debug last automatic Action for Rolladen_WZ3: down_Sunprotect
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:50.201 debug Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ3 old value = 100 new value = 30
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:50.191 debug #0 wait for shutter check end
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:50.180 debug #0 wait for shutter check started
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:50.167 info Sunprotect #418 Set ID: Rolladen_WZ3 value: 30%
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:50.166 debug Rolladen_WZ3: Check basis for sunprotect. Height:100 > HeightDownSun: 30 AND Height:100 == currentHeight:100 AND currentHeight:100 == heightUp:100
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:49.160 debug Sunprotect Rolladen_WZ1 old height: 100% new height: 30%
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:49.159 debug Temperature outside: 27.89 > 27 AND Light: 0 > 15
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:49.159 debug Sunprotect for Rolladen_WZ1 is active
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:49.158 debug last automatic Action for Rolladen_WZ1: down_Sunprotect
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:49.109 debug Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ1 old value = 100 new value = 30
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:49.097 debug #0 wait for shutter check end
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:49.086 debug #0 wait for shutter check started
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:49.067 info Sunprotect #418 Set ID: Rolladen_WZ1 value: 30%
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:49.065 debug Rolladen_WZ1: Check basis for sunprotect. Height:100 > HeightDownSun: 30 AND Height:100 == currentHeight:100 AND currentHeight:100 == heightUp:100
15678 2023-06-05 11:34:47.053 debug outsidetemperature changed: alias.0.Außenbereich.Terrasse_Hue_Temp Value: 27.89
15678 2023-06-05 11:30:00.014 debug Sun Elevation: 55.1°
15678 2023-06-05 11:30:00.014 debug Sun Azimut: 129.3°
Hat funktioniert!
Noch eine Frage:
Wenn ich nun, Außentemperatur & Innentemperatur & Helligkeit & Ausrichtung der Fenster in Betracht ziehen möchte, dann benötige ich diese Einstellungen hier, richtig.
Ich bin etwas verwirtt weil im Auswahlmenü die Art der Sonnenschutzsteuerung teilweise mit "/" bzw mit "&" verknüpft sind.
Ah okay, ich beobachte...
Sorry aber ich habe nix anderes, oder was sollte/müsste Deiner Meinung nach kommen?
26496 2023-06-05 09:40:00.008 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 09:35:00.024 debug Sun Elevation: 37.9°
26496 2023-06-05 09:35:00.023 debug Sun Azimut: 99.2°
26496 2023-06-05 09:35:00.022 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 09:30:00.013 debug Sun Elevation: 37.1°
26496 2023-06-05 09:30:00.013 debug Sun Azimut: 98.2°
26496 2023-06-05 09:30:00.012 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 09:25:00.019 debug Sun Elevation: 36.3°
26496 2023-06-05 09:25:00.018 debug Sun Azimut: 97.1°
26496 2023-06-05 09:25:00.017 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 09:20:00.020 debug Sun Elevation: 35.5°
26496 2023-06-05 09:20:00.019 debug Sun Azimut: 96.1°
26496 2023-06-05 09:20:00.018 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 09:15:00.014 debug Sun Elevation: 34.7°
26496 2023-06-05 09:15:00.013 debug Sun Azimut: 95.1°
26496 2023-06-05 09:15:00.013 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 09:11:31.782 debug outsidetemperature changed: alias.0.Außenbereich.Terrasse_Hue_Temp Value: 17.52
26496 2023-06-05 09:10:00.018 debug Sun Elevation: 33.9°
26496 2023-06-05 09:10:00.017 debug Sun Azimut: 94.1°
26496 2023-06-05 09:10:00.016 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 09:05:00.018 debug Sun Elevation: 33.1°
26496 2023-06-05 09:05:00.018 debug Sun Azimut: 93.2°
26496 2023-06-05 09:05:00.017 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 09:00:00.020 debug Sun Elevation: 32.2°
26496 2023-06-05 09:00:00.020 debug Sun Azimut: 92.2°
26496 2023-06-05 09:00:00.018 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 08:55:00.017 debug Sun Elevation: 31.4°
26496 2023-06-05 08:55:00.016 debug Sun Azimut: 91.2°
26496 2023-06-05 08:55:00.015 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 08:51:47.822 debug outsidetemperature changed: alias.0.Außenbereich.Terrasse_Hue_Temp Value: 16.5
26496 2023-06-05 08:50:00.018 debug Sun Elevation: 30.6°
26496 2023-06-05 08:50:00.018 debug Sun Azimut: 90.3°
26496 2023-06-05 08:50:00.017 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 08:45:00.017 debug Sun Elevation: 29.8°
26496 2023-06-05 08:45:00.016 debug Sun Azimut: 89.3°
26496 2023-06-05 08:45:00.015 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 08:40:00.015 debug Sun Elevation: 29°
26496 2023-06-05 08:40:00.014 debug Sun Azimut: 88.4°
26496 2023-06-05 08:40:00.013 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 08:35:00.018 debug Sun Elevation: 28.2°
26496 2023-06-05 08:35:00.017 debug Sun Azimut: 87.5°
26496 2023-06-05 08:35:00.016 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 08:30:00.015 debug Sun Elevation: 27.3°
26496 2023-06-05 08:30:00.014 debug Sun Azimut: 86.5°
26496 2023-06-05 08:30:00.012 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-05 08:27:08.281 debug outsidetemperature changed: alias.0.Außenbereich.Terrasse_Hue_Temp Value: 15.49
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.731 debug complete down at 22:20
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.720 debug late down at 22:30
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.718 debug Shutdown shutters sleep area: 22:00 debug 2
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.716 debug Shutdown shutters children area: 22:00 debug 2
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.711 debug shutterDownLiving
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.710 debug Shutdown shutters living area: 21:45 debug 7
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.710 debug yes, IsEarlier : 21:45 22:00
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.709 debug check IsEarlier : 21:45 22:00
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.708 debug check IsLater : 21:45 22:00
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.702 debug Starting up shutters children area: 10:00 debug 1
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.697 debug Starting up shutters sleep area: 10:00 debug 1
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.692 debug Starting up shutters living area: 08:00 debug 14
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.692 debug yes, IsEarlier : 05:55 08:00
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.691 debug check IsEarlier : 05:55 08:00
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.690 debug check IsEqual : 05:55 10:05
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.690 debug check IsEqual : 08:00 10:05
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.689 debug check IsLater : 05:55 08:00
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.688 debug check IsLater : 05:55 10:05
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.631 debug Shutdown shutters Sunset area: 21:45
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.631 debug Starting up shutters Sunrise area: 05:55
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.631 debug Shutdown shutters GoldenHour area: 20:56
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.630 debug Starting up shutters GoldenHour area: 06:44
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.629 debug Sunset today: 21:25
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.629 debug Sunrise today: 05:25
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.629 debug current day: 0
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.628 debug goldenHour today: 20:36
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.627 debug goldenHourEnd today: 06:14
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.627 debug calculate astrodata ...
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:39.625 debug Travel times of the shutters are calculated
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:36.758 debug Rolladen_WZ4: save settings
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:36.571 debug Rolladen_WZ3: save settings
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:36.445 debug Rolladen_WZ1: save settings
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:36.404 debug Shutter State: alias.0.shutter.WZ4
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:36.404 debug Shutter State: alias.0.shutter.WZ3
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:36.403 debug Shutter State: alias.0.shutter.WZ1
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:36.402 debug trigger for outside temperature: alias.0.Außenbereich.Terrasse_Hue_Temp
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:36.397 debug shutter Config Check successfully completed
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:36.396 debug shutter Config Check started
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:36.354 info starting. Version 1.4.29 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.shuttercontrol, node: v18.13.0, js-controller: 4.0.24
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:35.439 debug Plugin sentry Initialize Plugin (enabled=true)
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:35.259 debug States connected to redis:
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:35.210 debug States create User PubSub Client
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:35.207 debug States create System PubSub Client
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:35.157 debug Redis States: Use Redis connection:
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:35.112 debug Objects connected to redis:
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:35.101 debug Objects client initialize lua scripts
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:35.027 debug Objects create User PubSub Client
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:35.025 debug Objects create System PubSub Client
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:35.023 debug Objects client ready ... initialize now
26496 2023-06-04 21:36:34.966 debug Redis Objects: Use Redis connection:
Was anderes:
Die "Weihnachtseinstellung", welche bei mir aus bestimmten Gründen ganzjährig aktiv ist, pfuscht da im Hintergrund evtl. nicht rein?
Fällt mir gerade ein....
VG Tobias
Hallo zusammen,
ja ich weiss, gefühlt der 100. Thread zu dem Thema.
Daher fasse ich mich kurz: Da es hier einige Threads gibt, bei denen User mit der Sonnschutzfunktion kämpfen, dachte ich, ich beginne mal einfach und verwende nur die die Außentemp. als Trigger. Aber auch das funktioniert schon nicht, und ja Datenpunkt passt und Temp war heute definitiv über 27 Grad C.
Ansonsten fahren die Rolladen abends und morgens zuverlässig rauf und runter:
Manuelles aktivieren von SunProtect lässt die Rolläden in die gewünschte Position fahren:
VG Tobias
Danke für den Input. Habe alles upgedated (zumindest denke ich das).
Jetzt war paar Tage Ruhe bis heute das Phänomen wieder auftauchte.
Habt ihr nen Tip?
2023-01-26 10:30:00.099 - info: host.IoBroker instance system.adapter.ical.0 started with pid 13658
2023-01-26 10:30:02.783 - info: ical.0 (13658) starting. Version 1.13.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ical, node: v18.13.0, js-controller: 4.0.24
2023-01-26 10:30:04.165 - info: host.IoBroker instance system.adapter.ical.1 started with pid 13673
2023-01-26 10:30:05.602 - info: ical.0 (13658) processing URL: Kalender https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/24sioogoq1fauipad3498532e8%40group.calendar.google.com/private-6a101b1385fd2cb3201a86393654bd2d/basic.ics
2023-01-26 10:30:07.570 - info: ical.1 (13673) starting. Version 1.13.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ical, node: v18.13.0, js-controller: 4.0.24
2023-01-26 10:30:08.346 - info: ical.1 (13673) processing URL: Abfallkalender https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/b88dc566964848bac60afaa90ffd4cefa34d98fd43d8c393a4c5bb2b0fef7a74%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
2023-01-26 10:30:12.525 - info: ical.0 (13658) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason
2023-01-26 10:30:13.088 - info: host.IoBroker instance system.adapter.ical.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR)
2023-01-26 10:30:13.474 - info: ical.1 (13673) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason
2023-01-26 10:30:14.020 - info: host.IoBroker instance system.adapter.ical.1 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR)
2023-01-26 10:34:15.784 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Lightsensor changed: alias.0.Außenbereich.Terrasse_Hue_Helligkeit Value: 428
2023-01-26 10:35:00.011 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) calculate astrodata ...
2023-01-26 10:35:00.012 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Sun Azimut: 149.5°
2023-01-26 10:35:00.012 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Sun Elevation: 16.7°
2023-01-26 10:39:10.675 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Lightsensor changed: alias.0.Außenbereich.Terrasse_Hue_Helligkeit Value: 439
2023-01-26 10:40:00.005 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) calculate astrodata ...
2023-01-26 10:40:00.006 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Sun Azimut: 150.6°
2023-01-26 10:40:00.006 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Sun Elevation: 17.1°
2023-01-26 10:44:05.682 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Lightsensor changed: alias.0.Außenbereich.Terrasse_Hue_Helligkeit Value: 437
2023-01-26 10:44:11.707 - info: admin.0 (27291) Adapter rating updated
2023-01-26 10:44:43.892 - info: alexa2.0 (27423) Update cookie in adapter configuration ... restarting ...
2023-01-26 10:44:43.977 - info: host.IoBroker stopInstance system.adapter.alexa2.0 (force=false, process=true)
2023-01-26 10:44:43.983 - info: host.IoBroker stopInstance system.adapter.alexa2.0 send kill signal
2023-01-26 10:44:43.984 - info: alexa2.0 (27423) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF
2023-01-26 10:44:43.987 - info: alexa2.0 (27423) terminating
2023-01-26 10:44:43.988 - info: alexa2.0 (27423) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2023-01-26 10:44:44.644 - info: host.IoBroker instance system.adapter.alexa2.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)
2023-01-26 10:44:47.172 - info: host.IoBroker instance system.adapter.alexa2.0 started with pid 14019
2023-01-26 10:44:48.557 - info: admin.0 (27291) Request actual repository...
2023-01-26 10:44:49.700 - info: host.IoBroker Updating repository "stable" under "http://download.iobroker.net/sources-dist.json"
2023-01-26 10:44:50.623 - info: alexa2.0 (14019) starting. Version 3.23.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2, node: v18.13.0, js-controller: 4.0.24
2023-01-26 10:44:50.704 - info: alexa2.0 (14019) Starting Alexa2 adapter ... it can take several minutes to initialize all data. Please be patient! A done message is logged.
2023-01-26 10:44:50.707 - info: alexa2.0 (14019) Proxy IP not set, use first network interface ( instead
2023-01-26 10:44:56.352 - info: alexa2.0 (14019) Initialize all Device states ...
2023-01-26 10:44:58.964 - info: admin.0 (27291) Repository received successfully.
2023-01-26 10:45:00.005 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) calculate astrodata ...
2023-01-26 10:45:00.006 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Sun Azimut: 151.8°
2023-01-26 10:45:00.006 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Sun Elevation: 17.5°
2023-01-26 10:45:14.935 - info: javascript.0 (27333) script.js.common.Sicherheit.Warnung_Fenster_Offen: []
2023-01-26 10:45:15.034 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-26 10:45:15.039 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-26 10:45:15.043 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-26 10:45:15.045 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-26 10:45:15.050 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-26 10:45:15.053 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-26 10:45:15.112 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ1 old value = 100 new value = 0
2023-01-26 10:45:15.112 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 shutterName: Rolladen_WZ1
2023-01-26 10:45:15.113 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 shutterState: 0 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.113 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-26 10:45:15.113 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 triggerAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-26 10:45:15.113 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentHeight: 100 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.113 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 oldHeight: 100 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.113 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentShutterState: disabled
2023-01-26 10:45:15.114 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentShutterStateTime: 60 seconds
2023-01-26 10:45:15.118 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ3 old value = 100 new value = 0
2023-01-26 10:45:15.118 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 shutterName: Rolladen_WZ3
2023-01-26 10:45:15.118 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 shutterState: 0 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.118 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-26 10:45:15.118 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 triggerAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-26 10:45:15.119 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentHeight: 100 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.119 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 oldHeight: 100 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.119 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentShutterState: disabled
2023-01-26 10:45:15.119 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentShutterStateTime: 60 seconds
2023-01-26 10:45:15.121 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ4 old value = 100 new value = 0
2023-01-26 10:45:15.121 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 shutterName: Rolladen_WZ4
2023-01-26 10:45:15.121 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 shutterState: 0 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.121 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-26 10:45:15.121 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 triggerAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-26 10:45:15.122 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentHeight: 100 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.122 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 oldHeight: 100 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.122 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentShutterState: disabled
2023-01-26 10:45:15.122 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentShutterStateTime: 60 seconds
2023-01-26 10:45:15.176 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Rolladen_WZ1 Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close
2023-01-26 10:45:15.176 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Rolladen_WZ1 drived manually to 0. Old value = 100. New value = 0
2023-01-26 10:45:15.177 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Rolladen_WZ3 Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close
2023-01-26 10:45:15.177 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Rolladen_WZ3 drived manually to 0. Old value = 100. New value = 0
2023-01-26 10:45:15.180 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Rolladen_WZ4 Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close
2023-01-26 10:45:15.181 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Rolladen_WZ4 drived manually to 0. Old value = 100. New value = 0
2023-01-26 10:45:15.287 - info: javascript.0 (27333) script.js.common.Sicherheit.Warnung_Fenster_Offen: []
2023-01-26 10:45:15.748 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-26 10:45:15.758 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-26 10:45:15.762 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Rolladen_WZ1 Old value = 100. New value = 100. automatic is active
2023-01-26 10:45:15.853 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-26 10:45:15.863 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-26 10:45:15.898 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ1 old value = 100 new value = 0
2023-01-26 10:45:15.899 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 shutterName: Rolladen_WZ1
2023-01-26 10:45:15.899 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 shutterState: 0 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.899 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-26 10:45:15.899 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 triggerAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-26 10:45:15.899 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentHeight: 100 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.899 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 oldHeight: 100 %
2023-01-26 10:45:15.900 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentShutterState: disabled
2023-01-26 10:45:15.900 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #2 currentShutterStateTime: 60 seconds
2023-01-26 10:45:15.912 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Rolladen_WZ1 Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close
2023-01-26 10:45:15.913 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Rolladen_WZ1 drived manually to 0. Old value = 100. New value = 0
2023-01-26 10:45:16.112 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-26 10:45:16.123 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-26 10:45:16.126 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Rolladen_WZ1 Old value = 100. New value = 100. automatic is active
2023-01-26 10:45:16.182 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) save current height after State Check: 0% from Rolladen_WZ3
2023-01-26 10:45:16.182 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Shutter Rolladen_WZ3 was moved manually to: 0% - prevent trigger from driving back
2023-01-26 10:45:16.234 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) save current height after State Check: 0% from Rolladen_WZ4
2023-01-26 10:45:16.234 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) Shutter Rolladen_WZ4 was moved manually to: 0% - prevent trigger from driving back
2023-01-26 10:45:16.246 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-26 10:45:16.257 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-26 10:45:16.751 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-26 10:45:16.763 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (28246) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-26 10:45:41.288 - info: alexa2.0 (14019) Unknown Device, but enabling commands, Try it and report back if commands work.
2023-01-26 10:45:41.289 - info: alexa2.0 (14019) Report to developer as GitHub issue with details for device. Please grab full next line pot. from logfile on disk if cutted
2023-01-26 10:45:46.081 - info: info.0 (27647) Reading/updating systemdata.
2023-01-26 10:45:47.146 - info: info.0 (27647) cpu Temp res = {"main":40.407,"cores":[],"max":40.407,"socket":[],"chipset":null}
2023-01-26 10:45:58.606 - info: admin.0 (27291) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff:
2023-01-26 10:45:58.755 - info: admin.0 (27291) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff:
2023-01-26 10:45:58.788 - info: admin.0 (27291) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff:
2023-01-26 10:45:59.003 - info: admin.0 (27291) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff:
2023-01-26 10:46:01.222 - info: web.0 (27632) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff:
2023-01-26 10:46:03.391 - info: alexa2.0 (14019) No smart home devices to query
2023-01-26 10:46:06.318 - info: alexa2.0 (14019) Subscribing to states...
2023-01-26 10:46:06.324 - info: alexa2.0 (14019) Deleting the following states: ["Smart-Home-Devices.e81b55b4-143f-4367-ad7e-6677a5438068","Smart-Home-Devices.69357a1b-be0a-4d0d-bd8c-e1680470215e","Smart-Home-Devices.a30135c0-44e3-4f06-8444-9d81534e4dd7","Smart-Home-Devices.e81b55b4-143f-4367-ad7e-6677a5438068.#enabled","Smart-Home-Devices.e81b55b4-143f-4367-ad7e-6677a5438068.#delete","Smart-Home-Devices.e81b55b4-143f-4367-ad7e-6677a5438068.powerState","Smart-Home-Devices.e81b55b4-143f-4367-ad7e-6677a5438068.connectivity","Smart-Home-Devices.e81b55b4-143f-4367-ad7e-6677a5438068.connectivity-reason","Smart-Home-Devices.e81b55b4-143f-4367-ad7e-6677a5438068.#query","Smart-Home-Devices.69357a1b-be0a-4d0d-bd8c-e1680470215e.#enabled","Smart-Home-Devices.69357a1b-be0a-4d0d-bd8c-e1680470215e.#delete","Smart-Home-Devices.69357a1b-be0a-4d0d-bd8c-e1680470215e.powerState","Smart-Home-Devices.69357a1b-be0a-4d0d-bd8c-e1680470215e.connectivity","Smart-Home-Devices.69357a1b-be0a-4d0d-bd8c-e1680470215e.connectivity-reason","Smart-Home-Devices.69357a1b-be0a-4d0d-bd8c-e1680470215e.#query","Smart-Home-Devices.a30135c0-44e3-4f06-8444-9d81534e4dd7.#enabled","Smart-Home-Devices.a30135c0-44e3-4f06-8444-9d81534e4dd7.#delete","Smart-Home-Devices.a30135c0-44e3-4f06-8444-9d81534e4dd7.temperature","Smart-Home-Devices.a30135c0-44e3-4f06-8444-9d81534e4dd7.temperature-scale","Smart-Home-Devices.69357a1b-be0a-4d0d-bd8c-e1680470215e.#includeInAllQuery","Smart-Home-Devices.e81b55b4-143f-4367-ad7e-6677a5438068.#includeInAllQuery"]
Hallo zusammen,
ich bekomme es irgendwie nicht zusammen.
Es scheint so, dass ich unregelmäßig (1 bis 2 mal die Woche) mein Alexa Adapter neu startet und dabei das restliche System bzw. den Iobroker lahm legt.
Das äußert sich dadurch, dass die Lichter kurz aus und wieder an gehen (werden von Shelllys gesteuert), und die Rollläden (ebenfalls mittels Shellys gesteuert) hoch fahren. Ich verwende Alexa aber nur noch als "Sprachrohr" zum Iobroker oder um mir einen Status mitzuteilen.
Hier mal den Log. (Die Warnung bzw. Info könnt ihr ignorieren, da läuft gerade ein Versuch...)
2023-01-19 18:13:56.424 - info: alexa2.0 (26109) Update cookie in adapter configuration ... restarting ...
2023-01-19 18:13:56.513 - info: host.IoBroker stopInstance system.adapter.alexa2.0 (force=false, process=true)
2023-01-19 18:13:56.525 - info: alexa2.0 (26109) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF
2023-01-19 18:13:56.526 - info: host.IoBroker stopInstance system.adapter.alexa2.0 send kill signal
2023-01-19 18:13:56.528 - info: alexa2.0 (26109) terminating
2023-01-19 18:13:56.529 - info: alexa2.0 (26109) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2023-01-19 18:13:57.207 - info: host.IoBroker instance system.adapter.alexa2.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)
2023-01-19 18:13:59.721 - info: host.IoBroker instance system.adapter.alexa2.0 started with pid 29209
2023-01-19 18:14:02.072 - info: alexa2.0 (29209) starting. Version 3.23.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2, node: v14.20.0, js-controller: 4.0.24
2023-01-19 18:14:02.153 - info: alexa2.0 (29209) Starting Alexa2 adapter ... it can take several minutes to initialize all data. Please be patient! A done message is logged.
2023-01-19 18:14:02.156 - info: alexa2.0 (29209) Proxy IP not set, use first network interface ( instead
2023-01-19 18:14:07.982 - info: alexa2.0 (29209) Initialize all Device states ...
2023-01-19 18:14:13.331 - info: info.0 (21230) Reading/updating systemdata.
2023-01-19 18:14:13.602 - info: meross.0 (21022) Can not get Data for Device 1909125687191225186448e1e9038369: Error: Device has no data connection available
2023-01-19 18:14:13.602 - warn: meross.0 (21022) Can not get Data for Device 1909125687191225186448e1e9038369: undefined
2023-01-19 18:14:13.603 - info: meross.0 (21022) Can not get Data for Device 1909127140323125186448e1e9038373: Error: Device has no data connection available
2023-01-19 18:14:13.603 - warn: meross.0 (21022) Can not get Data for Device 1909127140323125186448e1e9038373: undefined
2023-01-19 18:14:14.379 - info: info.0 (21230) cpu Temp res = {"main":41.381,"cores":[],"max":41.381,"socket":[],"chipset":null}
2023-01-19 18:14:14.802 - info: meross.0 (21022) Can not get Data for Device 1909122516790825186448e1e9038bdc: Error: Device has no data connection available
2023-01-19 18:14:14.802 - warn: meross.0 (21022) Can not get Data for Device 1909122516790825186448e1e9038bdc: undefined
2023-01-19 18:14:27.250 - info: javascript.0 (20917) script.js.common.Sicherheit.Warnung_Fenster_Offen: []
2023-01-19 18:14:27.342 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-19 18:14:27.346 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-19 18:14:27.349 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-19 18:14:27.354 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-19 18:14:27.357 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-19 18:14:27.359 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-19 18:14:27.382 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ1 old value = 50 new value = 0
2023-01-19 18:14:27.382 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterName: Rolladen_WZ1
2023-01-19 18:14:27.382 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterState: 0 %
2023-01-19 18:14:27.382 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:27.383 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 triggerAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:27.383 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentHeight: 50 %
2023-01-19 18:14:27.383 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 oldHeight: 50 %
2023-01-19 18:14:27.383 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterState: disabled
2023-01-19 18:14:27.383 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterStateTime: 60 seconds
2023-01-19 18:14:27.385 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ3 old value = 50 new value = 0
2023-01-19 18:14:27.388 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterName: Rolladen_WZ3
2023-01-19 18:14:27.388 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterState: 0 %
2023-01-19 18:14:27.388 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:27.388 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 triggerAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:27.388 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentHeight: 50 %
2023-01-19 18:14:27.389 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 oldHeight: 50 %
2023-01-19 18:14:27.389 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterState: disabled
2023-01-19 18:14:27.389 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterStateTime: 60 seconds
2023-01-19 18:14:27.389 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ4 old value = 90 new value = 0
2023-01-19 18:14:27.389 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterName: Rolladen_WZ4
2023-01-19 18:14:27.395 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterState: 0 %
2023-01-19 18:14:27.395 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:27.395 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 triggerAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:27.395 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentHeight: 90 %
2023-01-19 18:14:27.396 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 oldHeight: 90 %
2023-01-19 18:14:27.396 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterState: disabled
2023-01-19 18:14:27.396 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterStateTime: 60 seconds
2023-01-19 18:14:27.431 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ1 Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close
2023-01-19 18:14:27.431 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ1 drived manually to 0. Old value = 50. New value = 0
2023-01-19 18:14:27.432 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ3 Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close
2023-01-19 18:14:27.432 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ3 drived manually to 0. Old value = 50. New value = 0
2023-01-19 18:14:27.436 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ4 Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close
2023-01-19 18:14:27.437 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ4 drived manually to 0. Old value = 90. New value = 0
2023-01-19 18:14:27.508 - info: javascript.0 (20917) script.js.common.Sicherheit.Warnung_Fenster_Offen: []
2023-01-19 18:14:28.042 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-19 18:14:28.053 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-19 18:14:28.056 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ1 old value = 50 new value = 100
2023-01-19 18:14:28.057 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterName: Rolladen_WZ1
2023-01-19 18:14:28.057 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterState: 100 %
2023-01-19 18:14:28.057 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:28.057 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 triggerAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:28.057 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentHeight: 50 %
2023-01-19 18:14:28.057 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 oldHeight: 50 %
2023-01-19 18:14:28.057 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterState: disabled
2023-01-19 18:14:28.057 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterStateTime: 60 seconds
2023-01-19 18:14:28.066 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ1 Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close
2023-01-19 18:14:28.067 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ1 drived manually to 100. Old value = 50. New value = 100
2023-01-19 18:14:28.444 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) save current height after State Check: 100% from Rolladen_WZ1
2023-01-19 18:14:28.444 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Shutter Rolladen_WZ1 was moved manually to: 100% - prevent trigger from driving back
2023-01-19 18:14:28.445 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) save current height after State Check: 0% from Rolladen_WZ3
2023-01-19 18:14:28.446 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Shutter Rolladen_WZ3 was moved manually to: 0% - prevent trigger from driving back
2023-01-19 18:14:28.454 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) save current height after State Check: 0% from Rolladen_WZ4
2023-01-19 18:14:28.455 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Shutter Rolladen_WZ4 was moved manually to: 0% - prevent trigger from driving back
2023-01-19 18:14:28.484 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-19 18:14:28.494 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-19 18:14:28.498 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ3 old value = 50 new value = 100
2023-01-19 18:14:28.499 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterName: Rolladen_WZ3
2023-01-19 18:14:28.499 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterState: 100 %
2023-01-19 18:14:28.499 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:28.499 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 triggerAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:28.500 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentHeight: 0 %
2023-01-19 18:14:28.500 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 oldHeight: 50 %
2023-01-19 18:14:28.500 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterState: disabled
2023-01-19 18:14:28.500 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterStateTime: 60 seconds
2023-01-19 18:14:28.536 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ3 Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close
2023-01-19 18:14:28.537 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ3 drived manually to 100. Old value = 50. New value = 100
2023-01-19 18:14:28.982 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check started
2023-01-19 18:14:28.992 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #0 wait for shutter check end
2023-01-19 18:14:28.995 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Shutter state changed: Rolladen_WZ4 old value = 90 new value = 100
2023-01-19 18:14:28.995 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterName: Rolladen_WZ4
2023-01-19 18:14:28.995 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 shutterState: 100 %
2023-01-19 18:14:28.996 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:28.996 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 triggerAction: Manu_Mode
2023-01-19 18:14:28.996 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentHeight: 0 %
2023-01-19 18:14:28.996 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 oldHeight: 90 %
2023-01-19 18:14:28.996 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterState: disabled
2023-01-19 18:14:28.996 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) #2 currentShutterStateTime: 60 seconds
2023-01-19 18:14:29.005 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ4 Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close
2023-01-19 18:14:29.005 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ4 drived manually to 100. Old value = 90. New value = 100
2023-01-19 18:14:29.549 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) save current height after State Check: 100% from Rolladen_WZ3
2023-01-19 18:14:29.549 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Shutter Rolladen_WZ3 was moved manually to: 100% - prevent trigger from driving back
2023-01-19 18:14:30.564 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Rolladen_WZ3 opened manually to 100. Old value = 50. New value = 100. Possibility to activate sunprotect enabled.
2023-01-19 18:14:53.247 - info: alexa2.0 (29209) Unknown Device, but enabling commands, Try it and report back if commands work.
2023-01-19 18:14:53.248 - info: alexa2.0 (29209) Report to developer as GitHub issue with details for device. Please grab full next line pot. from logfile on disk if cutted
2023-01-19 18:15:00.010 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) calculate astrodata ...
2023-01-19 18:15:00.011 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Sun Azimut: 252.4°
2023-01-19 18:15:00.011 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (21819) Sun Elevation: -11.8°
2023-01-19 18:15:00.125 - info: host.IoBroker instance system.adapter.sbfspot.0 started with pid 29685
2023-01-19 18:15:02.369 - info: sbfspot.0 (29685) starting. Version 4.1.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sbfspot, node: v14.20.0, js-controller: 4.0.24
2023-01-19 18:15:02.456 - info: sbfspot.0 (29685) nothing to do, because no daylight ...
2023-01-19 18:15:02.459 - info: sbfspot.0 (29685) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2023-01-19 18:15:03.014 - info: host.IoBroker instance system.adapter.sbfspot.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)
2023-01-19 18:15:13.680 - info: alexa2.0 (29209) No smart home devices to query
2023-01-19 18:15:16.411 - info: alexa2.0 (29209) Subscribing to states...
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe den Adapter und Funktion soweit im Griff. Allerdings verstehe ich folgendes nicht:
Die Rollläden schließen 30min nach Sonnuntergang (was sie auch tun!) und sollen morgens dann 30min nach dem Sonnenaufgang öffnen, allerdings nicht vor 10.00 Uhr (am Wochenende).
Heute morgen fuhren die Rollläden aber um kurz nach 8.00 Uhr hoch...
Verstehe ich nicht. Seht ihr einen Fehler?