Ich nutze die App EgiGeoZone Geofence und befülle über den iotAdapter einen Datenpunkt mit true/false. Unkompliziert und zuverlässig.
Best posts made by Quarkmax
RE: Einfache Meldung "Bin zu Hause" (Geofence)?
RE: Test Adapter ice Road
Bei mir auch, ich habe mir ein Blockly gebastelt, was die selbst angelegten Datenpunkte in 0_userdata befüllt.
API-Key und Koordinaten müssen angepasst werden. Am besten auch die Abfragezeit, damit der Server nicht zu gleichen Zeit beballert wird.
<xml xmlns="https://developers.google.com/blockly/xml"> <variables> <variable id="NEeY,S|j#!{h2-:;?RQl">forecastId</variable> <variable id="Z2j7X{T[0GQB[8PbWQgo">forecastText</variable> <variable id="c_2sg9u`Cc.3_w48SFX6">forecastCity</variable> <variable id="o)lntt?nBir`R*=-$N3B">result</variable> <variable id="4DVI-pjORp/8JYATV]sW">requestDate</variable> <variable id="0heT0dTyt^[^avXEGOEB">forecastDate</variable> <variable id="t@TFo%W?p`*sXa#G1^/(">callsLeft</variable> <variable id="waMWUDuPfz/k^Z=FowGc">message</variable> <variable id="llxyObNcVgCzK0wTpa:?">success</variable> <variable id="^xitj]gL}lf%0y{+-/@e">code</variable> </variables> <block type="schedule" id="?pgFvQ6{}?J$t+XJwpnU" x="13" y="13"> <field name="SCHEDULE">5 */1 * * *</field> <statement name="STATEMENT"> <block type="request" id="eJt(6JEBe03V}i!Ks+MV"> <mutation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" with_statement="true"></mutation> <field name="WITH_STATEMENT">TRUE</field> <field name="LOG"></field> <value name="URL"> <shadow type="text" id="b?S2mgHyO(]T{62xyff^"> <field name="TEXT">https://api.eiswarnung.de?key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&lat=xx.1638&lng=xx.9269</field> </shadow> </value> <statement name="STATEMENT"> <block type="variables_set" id="4N:z*tB#Nh*X683Q+Np."> <field name="VAR" id="NEeY,S|j#!{h2-:;?RQl">forecastId</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="get_attr" id="?P)*Q.9AQ(*XhGdRHWrH"> <value name="PATH"> <shadow type="text" id="HbD-V!Cr3[d/Jbe{S2Ha"> <field name="TEXT">result.forecastId</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="OBJECT"> <block type="convert_json2object" id=".aOXq2FQ,;;Nh~8$m=}5"> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="]t3-]U9MUdt%L=tp$wg("> <field name="VAR" id="o)lntt?nBir`R*=-$N3B">result</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <next> <block type="variables_set" id="|ZKQPhuY?s}#uU17J/`!"> <field name="VAR" id="Z2j7X{T[0GQB[8PbWQgo">forecastText</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="get_attr" id="o/b,m9F{~*C|uq=b(0+/"> <value name="PATH"> <shadow type="text" id=";pHSdqD6}H;R+ClyLdXl"> <field name="TEXT">result.forecastText</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="OBJECT"> <block type="convert_json2object" id="Gc*GX*pqGTc?r#2VK`^3"> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="x~5EI%VYF)E5)c@5v-N{"> <field name="VAR" id="o)lntt?nBir`R*=-$N3B">result</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <next> <block type="variables_set" id="%Q[-g{smzzObTX/FV%=+"> <field name="VAR" id="c_2sg9u`Cc.3_w48SFX6">forecastCity</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="get_attr" id="W6~ibSv_g]Z;RP:rH}q)"> <value name="PATH"> <shadow type="text" id="i{!oSBpCDSs;_|MXn|NY"> <field name="TEXT">result.forecastCity</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="OBJECT"> <block type="convert_json2object" id="zc]_w,ZaJ;FM-Y[:Ii@L"> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="YSwPI31dN3g{D1EsMD,F"> <field name="VAR" id="o)lntt?nBir`R*=-$N3B">result</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <next> <block type="variables_set" id="tsct@$F!SKjfIWY8qT3j"> <field name="VAR" id="4DVI-pjORp/8JYATV]sW">requestDate</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="get_attr" id="P%iotEGsXwDk2}89bV)@"> <value name="PATH"> <shadow type="text" id="Cg(Y?E;A$0]fWb)Vi_Cy"> <field name="TEXT">result.requestDate</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="OBJECT"> <block type="convert_json2object" id="OD@+h?J(nAU*Z:?T/@_O"> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="z9c=AjIITp#E(x.~O.x-"> <field name="VAR" id="o)lntt?nBir`R*=-$N3B">result</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <next> <block type="variables_set" id=",R/]lz([@LV[Ih,zz#xo"> <field name="VAR" id="0heT0dTyt^[^avXEGOEB">forecastDate</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="get_attr" id="GZYCk@+e/,.s-@hh;?/4"> <value name="PATH"> <shadow type="text" id="@{Z7M;@Qr5imtdKv(sw{"> <field name="TEXT">result.forecastDate</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="OBJECT"> <block type="convert_json2object" id="%9S;*mW[*Ik[Gq;o!EQZ"> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="FfsK`kSC1EGCm{=nA%;X"> <field name="VAR" id="o)lntt?nBir`R*=-$N3B">result</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <next> <block type="variables_set" id=";9~WSD,PMY}t3-x#Naky"> <field name="VAR" id="t@TFo%W?p`*sXa#G1^/(">callsLeft</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="get_attr" id="R^XL*Lx[AW#b9(F!*`.Z"> <value name="PATH"> <shadow type="text" id="/;M(:yoLEV9vqkVHn.6t"> <field name="TEXT">callsLeft</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="OBJECT"> <block type="convert_json2object" id="O7J$lxhk{buLK.YOX6Pd"> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="0Jio2?[%~sr`#sQN+`FB"> <field name="VAR" id="o)lntt?nBir`R*=-$N3B">result</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <next> <block type="variables_set" id="EY/JW/qz=V`9x4c^`$eu"> <field name="VAR" id="waMWUDuPfz/k^Z=FowGc">message</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="get_attr" id="hWp.!GHU]C{5G3E5i;%E"> <value name="PATH"> <shadow type="text" id="[e^82O/UKY2,x|qkPq1^"> <field name="TEXT">message</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="OBJECT"> <block type="convert_json2object" id="o.~.(LFBDlc=RS,=1QxF"> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="laC9L)yM+7+u@d5=W240"> <field name="VAR" id="o)lntt?nBir`R*=-$N3B">result</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <next> <block type="variables_set" id="j*a#ib/$jl:,`K2=!PXN"> <field name="VAR" id="llxyObNcVgCzK0wTpa:?">success</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="get_attr" id="}F(1Y`akgT_76%L;xI5@"> <value name="PATH"> <shadow type="text" id="oXK;ajoGF]Wmwhp:{eCf"> <field name="TEXT">success</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="OBJECT"> <block type="convert_json2object" id=")M8f$^Jl5KF!?N[0II^9"> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="6[j{z%[S}k-Dm]V$y^)|"> <field name="VAR" id="o)lntt?nBir`R*=-$N3B">result</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <next> <block type="variables_set" id="Mi9Qi0xAQSl(qJi4lkNT"> <field name="VAR" id="^xitj]gL}lf%0y{+-/@e">code</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="get_attr" id="{vHY31HBh^A[L9zK,}9q"> <value name="PATH"> <shadow type="text" id="Bl$93J|Hp/Eu;V)HsrL%"> <field name="TEXT">code</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="OBJECT"> <block type="convert_json2object" id="{By9!eG8F1SQ9O_|Vet~"> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="^,F#rquyFkOr/sE,+h0*"> <field name="VAR" id="o)lntt?nBir`R*=-$N3B">result</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <next> <block type="update" id="t{kiDMxP!W3rbS/ZE3eP"> <mutation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Wetter.IceRoad.forecastId</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="JUVyXQRDaEX,zLitsW6v"> <field name="VAR" id="NEeY,S|j#!{h2-:;?RQl">forecastId</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="update" id="Hm4z}q#m[%+l0*gNAv(T"> <mutation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Wetter.IceRoad.forecastText</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="NQ5(sC7C;Jqr[l{cf24N"> <field name="VAR" id="Z2j7X{T[0GQB[8PbWQgo">forecastText</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="update" id="eD+k:UxojF5C@tj#~?m0"> <mutation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Wetter.IceRoad.forecastCity</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="POqW1tT)rJCsp;2$KA;l"> <field name="VAR" id="c_2sg9u`Cc.3_w48SFX6">forecastCity</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="update" id="icmYH**?.{`@dOqlm9Y?"> <mutation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Wetter.IceRoad.requestDate</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="9TH.zhvUTv4-lz6mAsrs"> <field name="VAR" id="4DVI-pjORp/8JYATV]sW">requestDate</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="update" id="W71^w+[+c44]+^lJ?W;F"> <mutation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Wetter.IceRoad.forecastDate</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="8Gu%`.tHI4`JF[uS!{2("> <field name="VAR" id="0heT0dTyt^[^avXEGOEB">forecastDate</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="update" id="v:jGMM|`osx1~{*#$Tzx"> <mutation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Wetter.IceRoad.callsLeft</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="/2*apnCxH{VVjl2oEza~"> <field name="VAR" id="t@TFo%W?p`*sXa#G1^/(">callsLeft</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="update" id="bjSrq~8i*7BF*jf-jej!"> <mutation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Wetter.IceRoad.message</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="5Q|Q;|prCU:m|j8xyC^K"> <field name="VAR" id="waMWUDuPfz/k^Z=FowGc">message</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="update" id="h6S^`1)UOpWlCV@e@O[b"> <mutation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Wetter.IceRoad.success</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="eUC^qKOCkiGSr`4aHS`Z"> <field name="VAR" id="llxyObNcVgCzK0wTpa:?">success</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="update" id="6Gnxp?yKrplO%XbHx,Tb"> <mutation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Wetter.IceRoad.code</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="variables_get" id="a+SE0?Q.K|oR$a4XLU=?"> <field name="VAR" id="^xitj]gL}lf%0y{+-/@e">code</field> </block> </value> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </statement> </block> </statement> </block> </xml>
RE: Vis von Pittini für HeatingControl Unbekannter Widget-Typ
Vermutlich. Ich bin noch mit VIS-1 unterwegs. Du kannst aber in der Vorlage das Widget (die Clock) entfernen, dann "fehlt" das unbekannte Widget nicht mehr. -
RE: Nachrichten über Pushover verschicken
Naja, eine weitere Instanz hinzufügen würde ausreichen. Also ja. -
RE: Test Adapter ice Road
ja, der kann mehr
forecastId - int- Vorhersage: 0 = kein Eis, 1 = Eis, 2 = evtl. Eis -
RE: Vis von Pittini für HeatingControl Unbekannter Widget-Typ
Adapter "vis-timeandweather" installieren -
RE: iob diag - Skript
Perfektpi@ioBroker:~$ systemd-detect-virt lxc pi@ioBroker:~$
RE: Formatierung Pushover
@liv-in-sky sagte in Formatierung Pushover:
mit blockly habe ich es auch nicht geschafft
sendTo("pushover.0", "send", { message: messageIn, title: titleIn, sound: soundIn, priority: priorityIn, device: deviceIn, html: 1 }); /* sendTo("pushover", { message: 'Test text', // mandatory - your text message title: 'SweetHome', // optional - your message's title, otherwise your app's name is used sound: 'magic', // optional - the name of one of the sounds supported by device clients to override the user's default sound choice // pushover, bike, bugle, cashregister, classical, cosmic, falling, // gamelan, incoming, intermission, magic, mechanical, pianobar, siren, // spacealarm, tugboat, alien, climb, persistent, echo, updown, none priority: -1, // optional // -1 to always send as a quiet notification, // 1 to display as high-priority and bypass the user's quiet hours, or // 2 to also require confirmation from the user token: 'API/KEY token' // optional // add other than configurated token to the call url, // optional - a supplementary URL to show with your message url_title, // optional - a title for your supplementary URL, otherwise just the URL is shown device, // optional - your user's device name to send the message directly to that device, rather than all of the user's devices timestamp // optional - a Unix timestamp of your message's date and time to display to the user, rather than the time your message is received by our API html // optional - 1 to enable parsing of HTML formating for bold, italic, underlined and font color monospace // optional - 1 to display the message in monospace font // either html or monospace is allowed }); */
RE: Neuer Robonect HX Adapter
mit 1.1.0 werden die angefragten Werte vollumfänglich angezeigt. Dankeschön
Latest posts made by Quarkmax
RE: Vis von Pittini für HeatingControl Unbekannter Widget-Typ
Vermutlich. Ich bin noch mit VIS-1 unterwegs. Du kannst aber in der Vorlage das Widget (die Clock) entfernen, dann "fehlt" das unbekannte Widget nicht mehr. -
RE: Vis von Pittini für HeatingControl Unbekannter Widget-Typ
Adapter "vis-timeandweather" installieren -
RE: [Vorlage] Servicemeldungen Volume2
zum Batteriescript als Ergänzung
2x AAA: , 'HmIP-STV', 'HmIP-WKP' 2x AA: , 'ELV-SH-SW1-BAT' 3x AA: , 'HmIP-ASIR-2'
RE: Test Adapter Log Parser 2.1.x Latest
Hallo @arteck
kurzer Zwischenstand,
tsToDateString1 bricht irgendwann ab, tsToDateString2 übernimmt dann und läuft sauber durch.2024-10-21 19:07:26.848 - info: logparser.0 (95086) tsToDateString1 #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:07:26.848 - info: logparser.0 (95086) todayStr Heute yesterdayStr Gestern 2024-10-21 19:07:26.848 - info: logparser.0 (95086) format #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:07:26.848 - info: logparser.0 (95086) todayYesterdayTxt Heute 2024-10-21 19:07:26.848 - info: logparser.0 (95086) strResult Heute hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:07:26.849 - info: logparser.0 (95086) strResult2 Heute 16:25 2024-10-21 19:07:26.893 - info: logparser.0 (95086) tsToDateString1 #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:07:26.894 - info: logparser.0 (95086) todayStr Heute yesterdayStr Gestern 2024-10-21 19:07:26.894 - info: logparser.0 (95086) format #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:07:26.894 - info: logparser.0 (95086) todayYesterdayTxt Heute 2024-10-21 19:07:26.894 - info: logparser.0 (95086) strResult Heute hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:07:26.894 - info: logparser.0 (95086) strResult2 Heute 16:25 2024-10-21 19:08:06.397 - warn: apcups.0 (95460) UPS '3Q2009X16095' is available again 2024-10-21 19:08:06.406 - info: logparser.0 (95086) tsToDateString2 #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:08:06.407 - info: logparser.0 (95086) todayStr Heute yesterdayStr Gestern 2024-10-21 19:08:06.407 - info: logparser.0 (95086) format #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:08:06.407 - info: logparser.0 (95086) todayYesterdayTxt Heute 2024-10-21 19:08:06.407 - info: logparser.0 (95086) strResult Heute hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:08:06.408 - info: logparser.0 (95086) strResult2 Heute 19:08 2024-10-21 19:08:06.409 - info: logparser.0 (95086) tsToDateString2 #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:08:06.409 - info: logparser.0 (95086) todayStr Heute yesterdayStr Gestern 2024-10-21 19:08:06.409 - info: logparser.0 (95086) format #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:08:06.409 - info: logparser.0 (95086) todayYesterdayTxt Heute 2024-10-21 19:08:06.410 - info: logparser.0 (95086) strResult Heute hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:08:06.410 - info: logparser.0 (95086) strResult2 Heute 19:08 2024-10-21 19:15:52.554 - info: logparser.0 (95086) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2024-10-21 19:15:52.555 - info: logparser.0 (95086) cleaned everything up... 2024-10-21 19:15:52.555 - info: logparser.0 (95086) terminating 2024-10-21 19:15:52.555 - info: logparser.0 (95086) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2024-10-21 19:15:53.057 - info: logparser.0 (95086) terminating 2024-10-21 19:15:57.560 - info: logparser.0 (99680) starting. Version 2.2.2 (non-npm: iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.logparser#logOutput) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.logparser, node: v20.18.0, js-controller: 7.0.1 2024-10-21 19:15:57.726 - info: logparser.0 (99680) tsToDateString1 #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:15:57.727 - info: logparser.0 (99680) todayStr Heute yesterdayStr Gestern 2024-10-21 19:15:57.727 - info: logparser.0 (99680) format #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:15:57.753 - info: logparser.0 (99680) todayYesterdayTxt Heute 2024-10-21 19:15:57.754 - info: logparser.0 (99680) strResult Heute hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:15:57.754 - info: logparser.0 (99680) strResult2 Heute 18:46 2024-10-21 19:15:57.754 - info: logparser.0 (99680) tsToDateString1 #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:15:57.755 - info: logparser.0 (99680) todayStr Heute yesterdayStr Gestern 2024-10-21 19:15:57.755 - info: logparser.0 (99680) format #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:15:57.756 - info: logparser.0 (99680) todayYesterdayTxt Heute 2024-10-21 19:15:57.756 - info: logparser.0 (99680) strResult Heute hh:mm 2024-10-21 19:15:57.756 - info: logparser.0 (99680) strResult2 Heute 17:46 2024-10-21 19:15:57.757 - info: logparser.0 (99680) tsToDateString1 #DD.MM.# hh:mm - #DD.MM.# hh:mm
Hatte vorher einen Proxmox reboot. Vor dem Proxmox reboot lief die "2" anstandslos mit Gestern/Heute und Uhrzeit durch. Nach dem Start von ioBroker wieder 1 dann 2 (siehe Log) und Neustart Logparser wieder 1.
Ich lass es weiterlaufen, falls du mehr benötigst. -
RE: Test Adapter Log Parser 2.1.x Latest
hier das Log
2024-10-19 16:46:05.065 - info: javascript.0 (294) script.js.common.TagesschauPicture: letzte Aktualisierung: 16:00 Uhr 2024-10-19 16:46:05.067 - info: logparser.0 (885922) todayStr Heute yesterdayStr Gestern 2024-10-19 16:46:05.068 - info: logparser.0 (885922) strResult #DD.MM.# hh:mm 2024-10-19 16:46:05.068 - info: logparser.0 (885922) todayYesterdayTxt Heute 2024-10-19 16:46:05.068 - info: logparser.0 (885922) strResult Heute hh:mm 2024-10-19 16:46:05.068 - info: logparser.0 (885922) strResult2 Heute 16:46 2024-10-19 17:46:05.087 - info: javascript.0 (294) script.js.common.TagesschauPicture: letzte Aktualisierung: 16:00 Uhr 2024-10-19 17:46:05.089 - info: logparser.0 (885922) todayStr Heute yesterdayStr Gestern 2024-10-19 17:46:05.089 - info: logparser.0 (885922) strResult DD.MM.YYYY 2024-10-19 17:46:05.089 - info: logparser.0 (885922) strResult2 19.10.2024 2024-10-19 18:00:00.236 - info: javascript.0 (294) script.js.common.HomeMatic.CCU_Version: Installierte Firmware der CCU (HM-RASPBERRYMATIC) ist aktuell. 2024-10-19 18:46:05.063 - info: javascript.0 (294) script.js.common.TagesschauPicture: letzte Aktualisierung: 18:20 Uhr 2024-10-19 18:46:05.065 - info: logparser.0 (885922) todayStr Heute yesterdayStr Gestern 2024-10-19 18:46:05.066 - info: logparser.0 (885922) strResult DD.MM.YYYY 2024-10-19 18:46:05.066 - info: logparser.0 (885922) strResult2 19.10.2024
RE: Test Adapter Log Parser 2.1.x Latest
@kanumouse sagte in Test Adapter Log Parser 2.1.x Latest:
Hat denn Niemand eine Lösung für das Problem?
Keine Lösung aber Abhilfe, ich starte die Instanz per Cron aller vier Stunden neu
RE: TibberLink Adapter
es gab heute ein Issue auf status.tibber.com was behoben wurde. Lag nicht am Adapter, denn den Fehler hatte ich auch und die Kontrolle auf der Statuspage erklärte das Problem.
RE: Formatierung Pushover
@liv-in-sky sagte in Formatierung Pushover:
mit blockly habe ich es auch nicht geschafft
sendTo("pushover.0", "send", { message: messageIn, title: titleIn, sound: soundIn, priority: priorityIn, device: deviceIn, html: 1 }); /* sendTo("pushover", { message: 'Test text', // mandatory - your text message title: 'SweetHome', // optional - your message's title, otherwise your app's name is used sound: 'magic', // optional - the name of one of the sounds supported by device clients to override the user's default sound choice // pushover, bike, bugle, cashregister, classical, cosmic, falling, // gamelan, incoming, intermission, magic, mechanical, pianobar, siren, // spacealarm, tugboat, alien, climb, persistent, echo, updown, none priority: -1, // optional // -1 to always send as a quiet notification, // 1 to display as high-priority and bypass the user's quiet hours, or // 2 to also require confirmation from the user token: 'API/KEY token' // optional // add other than configurated token to the call url, // optional - a supplementary URL to show with your message url_title, // optional - a title for your supplementary URL, otherwise just the URL is shown device, // optional - your user's device name to send the message directly to that device, rather than all of the user's devices timestamp // optional - a Unix timestamp of your message's date and time to display to the user, rather than the time your message is received by our API html // optional - 1 to enable parsing of HTML formating for bold, italic, underlined and font color monospace // optional - 1 to display the message in monospace font // either html or monospace is allowed }); */