Das bekomme ich in Firefox.
[2021-11-04T21:18:16.107Z] ws connection error: CLOSE_GOING_AWAY instrument.ts:129:35
Object { rules: [], isOpen: false, isEdit: false, isCopy: false, selectedRule: null, unsavedRules: {}, ready: false, isLeftBarOpen: false }
[2021-11-04T21:18:16.113Z] Start reconnect 0 instrument.ts:129:35
[2021-11-04T21:18:16.114Z] Try to connect instrument.ts:129:35
iobroker.text2command@2.1.1 using theme "colored" index.js:17:8
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Nice to see you here! :) Join our dev community here https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker or here https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters instrument.ts:129:35
Help us to create open source project with reactJS! instrument.ts:129:35
See you :) instrument.ts:129:35
[2021-11-04T21:18:16.514Z] Try to connect instrument.ts:129:35
Object { rules: (11) […], sayitInstance: "", language: "de", processorId: "", processorTimeout: 1000, writeEveryAnswer: false }
Object { rules: [], isOpen: false, isEdit: false, isCopy: false, selectedRule: null, unsavedRules: {}, ready: false, isLeftBarOpen: false }
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: s is undefined
s Layout.js:376
getDataFromConfig Layout.js:370
promise callback*a/n.getDataFromConfig Layout.js:366
value Layout.js:66
React 2
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React 4
unstable_runWithPriority scheduler.production.min.js:18
React 6
value App.js:53
promise callback*value App.js:51
onReady GenericApp.js:166
React 3
unstable_runWithPriority scheduler.production.min.js:18
React 4
unstable_runWithPriority scheduler.production.min.js:18
React 6
onReady GenericApp.js:166
promise callback*onReady/< GenericApp.js:160
promise callback*onReady GenericApp.js:134
value Connection.js:369
promise callback*value/< Connection.js:332
value Connection.js:302
value Connection.js:313
value Connection.js:264
value Connection.js:168
findAnswer socket.io.js:255
onmessage socket.io.js:163
connect socket.io.js:143
value Connection.js:141
e Connection.js:80
_ GenericApp.js:117
s Babel
n App.js:24
React 13
e index.js:20
382 index.js:43
a tab.html:1
r tab.html:1
t tab.html:1
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bei Chrome Opera Edge das gleiche problem.
Bei Issues gibt's mehreren gleiche probleme und leider ohne Lösung