Alexa2 Adapter 3.13/3.14/3.15/3.16/3.17 (Beta)
@undone naja die ersten Zwei Teile sind korrekt.
- 1657736017172 muss der Ziel Timestamp in ms sein
- label auch korrekt
- die Sound ID ist nicht so easy. Schau mal in das json des "sound " Objekte ... da sind alle gelistet mit ID-> Name ... die ID muss es dort sein
- was die [] sollen weiss ich nicht
... aaahh naja das sollte ind er DOku heissen das es optional ist ... also weglassen wenn nicht genutzt!
Was genau geht denn bei Alarmen nicht ... mal anbgesehen das Sentry noch einen Crash gemeldet hat (kann das sein bei dir??) Gibt nachher noch ne 3.17.1
@apollon77 sagte in Alexa2 Adapter 3.13/3.14/3.15/3.16/3.17 (Beta):
Gibt nachher noch ne 3.17.1
Ich habe noch Skripte die als Wert für alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.*.Commands.announcement z.B. "30;Text" setzen.
Die 30 wird auch am Echo RIng als Lautstärkeänderung angezeigt und der "mööp" Sound kommt in der Lautstärke des Wertes vor dem Semikolon. Dennoch wird der Text nach dem Semikolon immer in der Lautstärke aus alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.*.Player.volume wiedergegeben und der Wert aus announcement vor dem Semikolon wird ignoriert obwohl er Millisekunden vorher ja noch am LED Ring als umgesetzt signalisiert wurde. Bei alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.*.Commands.speak funktionier es noch mit "30;Text", egal was in alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.*.Player.volume steht.Ist das so gewollt und ich muss in meinen Skripten zukünftig erst Player.volume setzen und dafür im String von announcement den Volumewert inkl. Semikolon weglassen oder sollte es eigentlich auch so wie früher, und wie es in speak ja noch ist, funktionieren?
Schön war es schon Volume+Text in einem Wert zu übergeben als zwei Objekte schreiben zu müssen.PS: Erst dachte ich alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.*.Preferences.notificationVolume wird irgendwie da mit reingezogen. Hat bei speak, annoucement und ssml aber anscheinend keine Bedeutung.
@diginix naja dieses Thema war noch offen ... kann es sein das das nur bestimmte gerätetypen betrifft? Die Kommandoreihenfolge wird bei Announcement genau so gesendet wie bei speak ... Letzter Stand war das es ne Amazon geschichte ist.
An sich wird eine "Kommandosequenz" gesendet ... Volume setzen, text/Announcement machen, Volume runtersetzen. Scheinbar passiert jetzt aber das amazon das "volume zurücksetzen" schon ausführt nachdem jur der dong von Announcement durch ist oder sowas.
Wäre cool wenn ich das nachstellen könnte, dann kann ich mal experimentieren
Wie ists bei anderen? Sind es nur bestimmte Gerätetypen wo das so ist oder ist es immer?
@diginix sagte in Alexa2 Adapter 3.13/3.14/3.15/3.16/3.17 (Beta):
PS: Erst dachte ich alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.*.Preferences.notificationVolume wird irgendwie da mit reingezogen. Hat bei speak, annoucement und ssml aber anscheinend keine Bedeutung.
Notifications -> Timer, Alarm, Reminder
Beim UWZ-NINA-Wetter-Skript hat sich auch was getan:
@apollon77 Ich habe nur Echo Dot Gen 2+3 und da ist es bei allen dasselbe Verhalten.
Kann nat. sein dass es mit 3.12.x auch schon so war und mir nur gerade mit 3.17.0 aufgefallen ist. -
@diginix sagte in Alexa2 Adapter 3.13/3.14/3.15/3.16/3.17 (Beta):
Kann nat. sein dass es mit 3.12.x auch schon so war und mir nur gerade mit 3.17.0 aufgefallen ist.
Ja, es gab Berichte dazu
@apollon77 Hm, schön wäre es nat. wenn announcement sich wie speak auch mit Vol. Wert im String nutzen ließe. Aber wenn Amazon das vereitelt und du das nicht im Code workarounden kannst/willst, dann muss ich mal überlegen ob ich bei announcements selbst jedes mal paar Millisekunden vorher player.volume auf den Sollwert setze und danach wieder auf den alten. Macht es in den Skripten halt deutlich aufwändiger.
@diginix Ich denke man findet wege es zu umgehen ... Muss mal schauen iob eins meiner Geräte sowas hat. Machst bitte neues GitHub issue?
@apollon77 sagte in Alexa2 Adapter 3.13/3.14/3.15/3.16/3.17 (Beta):
Wie ists bei anderen? Sind es nur bestimmte Gerätetypen wo das so ist oder ist es immer?
Scheint Geräteabhängig zu sein.
Im Skritp werden vier Echos angesprochen, aber nur zwei werden angemeckert:2022-07-11 22:22:38.686 - error: alexa2.0 (1054) Datatype for Echo-Devices.G09147040177093E.Player.volume differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2022-07-11 22:22:38.706 - error: alexa2.0 (1054) Datatype for Echo-Devices.G090LV037337008G.Player.volume differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number)
G09147040177093E ist ein Echo Dot mit Uhr und G090LV037337008G ein Echo 1. Generation.
@thomas-braun @Diginix magst mal GitHub version versuchen? Konnte es bei mir nachstellen und arbeite jetzt drum rum ... Er errechnet anhand der textlänge wie lang grob die Ausgabe dauert und setzt es danach zurück ... Ist ggf am Ende nicht so "perfekt" wie "speak" und die anderen wo es Amazon selbst über die Sequenz regelt.
Wenn das bei Euch geht dann kommts morgen in die 3.17.1
@thomas-braun Diese Meldung heisst das du nen falschen Datentyp setzt ... finde den Fehler in deinem Skript.
@thomas-braun os: keine Ahnung was das Skriptes tut
@apollon77 sagte in Alexa2 Adapter 3.13/3.14/3.15/3.16/3.17 (Beta):
Diese Meldung heisst das du nen falschen Datentyp setzt ... finde den Fehler in deinem Skript.
Ist nicht mein Skript und ich verstehe den Code nicht. Hab eben schon reingeschaut, aber da hätte ich auch das Telefonbuch von Singapur lesen können.
Ich glaube da schaut besser @ticaki rein.
Last login: Tue Jul 12 00:13:56 2022 from Wi-Fi is currently blocked by rfkill. Use raspi-config to set the country before use. echad@chet:~ $ cd /opt/iobroker/ echad@chet:/opt/iobroker $ npm ls iobroker.inst@3.0.0 /opt/iobroker ├── iobroker.admin@6.1.11 ├── iobroker.alexa2@3.17.0 (git+ssh:// ├── iobroker.alias-manager@1.2.6 ├── iobroker.backitup@2.4.10 ├── iobroker.ble@0.13.0 ├── iobroker.echarts@1.0.12 ├── iobroker.followthesun@0.3.9 ├── iobroker.govee@0.0.5 (git+ssh:// ├── iobroker.history@2.1.7 ├── iobroker.ical@1.13.1 ├── ├── iobroker.iot@1.11.8 ├── iobroker.javascript@5.8.5 ├── iobroker.js-controller@4.0.23 ├── iobroker.midea@0.1.0 (git+ssh:// ├── iobroker.mihome-vacuum@3.6.0 ├── iobroker.mihome@1.4.0 ├── iobroker.miio@0.0.13 ├── iobroker.nina@0.0.25 ├── iobroker.nuki-extended@2.6.5 ├── iobroker.parcel@0.0.18 ├── iobroker.pi-hole@1.3.4 ├── iobroker.rpi2@1.3.2 ├── iobroker.sainlogic@0.9.0 ├── (git+ssh:// ├── iobroker.simple-api@2.7.0 ├── iobroker.socketio@6.1.8 ├── iobroker.switchbot-hub@0.1.2 (git+ssh:// ├── iobroker.tado@0.3.15 ├── iobroker.tankerkoenig@2.1.1 ├── ├── iobroker.tradfri@3.1.3 ├── iobroker.trashschedule@2.0.3 ├── iobroker.web@5.2.4 ├── iobroker.whatsapp-cmb@0.2.2 ├── └── iobroker.zigbee@1.7.5 echad@chet:/opt/iobroker $ iobroker logs --watch | uniq 2022-07-12 00:00:28.043 - info: followthesun.0 (1321) Cronjob 'Sun parameter calculation' starts 2022-07-12 00:37:58.903 - info: host.chet iobroker url Apollon77/ioBroker.alexa2 --host chet --debug 2022-07-12 00:38:00.624 - info: host.chet iobroker install Apollon77/ioBroker.alexa2 2022-07-12 00:38:01.768 - info: host.chet iobroker NPM version: 8.12.1 2022-07-12 00:38:01.771 - info: host.chet iobroker Installing Apollon77/ioBroker.alexa2... (System call) 2022-07-12 00:38:15.506 - info: host.chet iobroker 2022-07-12 00:38:15.507 - info: host.chet iobroker removed 193 packages, and changed 1 package in 13s 2022-07-12 00:38:15.511 - info: host.chet iobroker 71 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 2022-07-12 00:38:15.585 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [27] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/alexa.png alexa.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.053 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [20] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_dot3.png icons/echo_dot3.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.094 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [19] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_dot4.png icons/echo_dot4.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.104 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [18] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_flex.png icons/echo_flex.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.144 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [17] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_plus2.png icons/echo_plus2.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.153 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [16] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_show.png icons/echo_show.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.164 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [15] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_show2.png icons/echo_show2.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.173 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [14] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_show5.png icons/echo_show5.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.183 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [13] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_studio.png icons/echo_studio.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.194 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [12] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_sub.png icons/echo_sub.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.203 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [11] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/firetab.png icons/firetab.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.215 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [10] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/firetv.png icons/firetv.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.224 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [9] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/microphone.png icons/microphone.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.234 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [8] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/multiroom.png icons/multiroom.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.244 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [7] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/raspi.png icons/raspi.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.252 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [6] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/reverb.png icons/reverb.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.261 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [5] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/sonos.png icons/sonos.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.270 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [4] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/spot.png icons/spot.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.278 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [3] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/index_m.html index_m.html text/html 2022-07-12 00:38:16.288 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [2] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/info.png info.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.300 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [1] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/warning.png warning.png image/png 2022-07-12 00:38:16.309 - info: host.chet iobroker upload [0] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/words.js words.js application/javascript 2022-07-12 00:38:16.380 - info: host.chet iobroker Update "system.adapter.alexa2.0" 2022-07-12 00:38:16.407 - info: host.chet stopInstance system.adapter.alexa2.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-07-12 00:38:16.429 - info: host.chet stopInstance system.adapter.alexa2.0 send kill signal 2022-07-12 00:38:16.420 - info: alexa2.0 (1054) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2022-07-12 00:38:16.438 - info: alexa2.0 (1054) terminating 2022-07-12 00:38:16.440 - info: alexa2.0 (1054) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2022-07-12 00:38:17.040 - info: host.chet instance system.adapter.alexa2.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2022-07-12 00:38:17.445 - info: host.chet iobroker exit 0 2022-07-12 00:38:19.544 - info: host.chet instance system.adapter.alexa2.0 started with pid 14643 2022-07-12 00:38:21.572 - info: alexa2.0 (14643) starting. Version 3.17.0 (non-npm: Apollon77/ioBroker.alexa2) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2, node: v18.5.0, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-07-12 00:38:25.299 - info: alexa2.0 (14643) Update cookie in adapter configuration ... restarting ... 2022-07-12 00:38:25.379 - info: host.chet stopInstance system.adapter.alexa2.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-07-12 00:38:25.386 - info: alexa2.0 (14643) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2022-07-12 00:38:25.388 - info: host.chet stopInstance system.adapter.alexa2.0 send kill signal 2022-07-12 00:38:25.388 - info: alexa2.0 (14643) terminating 2022-07-12 00:38:25.390 - info: alexa2.0 (14643) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2022-07-12 00:38:26.010 - info: host.chet instance system.adapter.alexa2.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2022-07-12 00:38:28.483 - info: host.chet instance system.adapter.alexa2.0 started with pid 14658 2022-07-12 00:38:30.527 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) starting. Version 3.17.0 (non-npm: Apollon77/ioBroker.alexa2) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2, node: v18.5.0, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-07-12 00:38:35.528 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) Alexa-Push-Connection (macDms = true) established. Disable Polling 2022-07-12 00:38:44.402 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.G090LV037337008G.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:38:44.403 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:38:50.684 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:38:50.685 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:38:55.026 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:38:55.027 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:39:01.070 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.G2A0QU06821202QL.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:39:01.071 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:39:04.899 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.G09147040177093E.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:39:04.900 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:39:08.982 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:39:08.983 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:39:13.454 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:39:13.455 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:39:17.041 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.bbc8e28527cf45b99ee0ccb4465f339c.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:39:17.041 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:39:20.880 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.898ff02ad4174874a207ed263a05b19e.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:39:20.881 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:39:26.459 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.92a6773ff65a438f890ac2ddef6fec7b.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:39:26.460 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:39:29.773 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.d1c0f043170547f7ba1899f4c447973b.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:39:29.774 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:39:33.193 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.26f88e9b3e0143dba9d819f6c2ead54f.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:39:33.194 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:39:33.982 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:39:33.996 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:39:34.014 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:39:35.233 - info: javascript.0 (978) Start javascript script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen 2022-07-12 00:39:35.287 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Skripts gestartet: ID:1888.3040974698572 2022-07-12 00:39:35.288 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: var regionName: Eintrag 1 ist teilweise oder ganz leer, wird entfernt 2022-07-12 00:39:35.298 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Warte 15 Sekunden das bei einem eventuellen Restart alles beendet wurde! 2022-07-12 00:39:35.298 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: registered 0 subscriptions, 0 schedules and 0 file subscriptions 2022-07-12 00:39:38.210 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) Object Echo-Devices.ed10874a00e948da8f07f4d8bfd2b9b2.Player.volume is invalid: obj.common.min is only allowed on obj.common.type "number" or "mixed", received "object" 2022-07-12 00:39:38.211 - warn: alexa2.0 (14658) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2022-07-12 00:39:50.302 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Starte Initialisierung! - Bitte warten. Das dauert beim ersten Start etwas länger. - Das Skript in dieser Phase nicht Neustarten, wenn doch bitte Javascript Instanz ebenfalls neustarten 2022-07-12 00:39:50.303 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Datenpunkte werden überprüft 2022-07-12 00:39:52.096 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Abonniere Konfigurationsdatenpunkte 2022-07-12 00:39:52.108 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Setzte Modus, Inialisiere Datenbank, starte Datenabruf(asynchron) 2022-07-12 00:39:52.109 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: InitDatabase() - first run: false 2022-07-12 00:39:52.110 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Standalone NINA Datenabruf aktiviert 2022-07-12 00:39:52.125 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Initialisierung abgeschlossen 2022-07-12 00:39:52.096 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Abonniere Konfigurationsdatenpunkte 2022-07-12 00:39:52.108 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Setzte Modus, Inialisiere Datenbank, starte Datenabruf(asynchron) 2022-07-12 00:39:52.109 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: InitDatabase() - first run: false 2022-07-12 00:39:52.110 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Standalone NINA Datenabruf aktiviert 2022-07-12 00:39:52.125 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Initialisierung abgeschlossen 2022-07-12 00:39:54.381 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Bundesland: Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Land Berlin, Land Hessen, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Land Brandenburg, Freistaat Bayern, Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Land Rheinland-Pfalz, Freistaat Sachsen, Land Schleswig-Holstein, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Freistaat Thüringen, Land Niedersachsen, Land Saarland, Land Sachsen-Anhalt, Land Baden-Württemberg gefunden für Warnzelle: Köln obj.identifier: DE-NW-BN-SE030-20220407-30-001 2022-07-12 00:39:54.444 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Bundesland: Land Nordrhein-Westfalen gefunden für Warnzelle: Köln obj.identifier: DE-NW-D-SE020-20220630-20-000 2022-07-12 00:39:54.801 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Add Nina warning to database. headline: Coronavirus: Informationen des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit 2022-07-12 00:39:54.804 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: NINA Warnung gefunden oder entfernt.RID: 1888.3040974698572 2022-07-12 00:39:54.945 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Add Nina warning to database. headline: Coronavirus: Informationen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen 2022-07-12 00:39:54.946 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: NINA Warnung gefunden oder entfernt.RID: 1888.3040974698572 2022-07-12 00:39:54.381 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Bundesland: Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Land Berlin, Land Hessen, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Land Brandenburg, Freistaat Bayern, Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Land Rheinland-Pfalz, Freistaat Sachsen, Land Schleswig-Holstein, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Freistaat Thüringen, Land Niedersachsen, Land Saarland, Land Sachsen-Anhalt, Land Baden-Württemberg gefunden für Warnzelle: Köln obj.identifier: DE-NW-BN-SE030-20220407-30-001 2022-07-12 00:39:54.444 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Bundesland: Land Nordrhein-Westfalen gefunden für Warnzelle: Köln obj.identifier: DE-NW-D-SE020-20220630-20-000 2022-07-12 00:39:54.801 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Add Nina warning to database. headline: Coronavirus: Informationen des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit 2022-07-12 00:39:54.804 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: NINA Warnung gefunden oder entfernt.RID: 1888.3040974698572 2022-07-12 00:39:54.945 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: Add Nina warning to database. headline: Coronavirus: Informationen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen 2022-07-12 00:39:54.946 - info: javascript.0 (978) script.js.common.dwd_uwz_nina_warnungen: info: NINA Warnung gefunden oder entfernt.RID: 1888.3040974698572 2022-07-12 00:40:04.520 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:08.825 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) Subscribing to states... 2022-07-12 00:40:09.857 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G090LV037337008G.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:12.376 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:13.944 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:16.678 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G09147040177093E.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:17.596 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:18.752 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:21.355 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.bbc8e28527cf45b99ee0ccb4465f339c.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:23.998 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.898ff02ad4174874a207ed263a05b19e.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:25.319 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.92a6773ff65a438f890ac2ddef6fec7b.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:27.120 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.d1c0f043170547f7ba1899f4c447973b.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:28.517 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.26f88e9b3e0143dba9d819f6c2ead54f.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:40:30.328 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.ed10874a00e948da8f07f4d8bfd2b9b2.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:41:51.714 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:41:51.733 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:41:52.144 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:41:52.449 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:41:51.714 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:41:51.733 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:41:52.144 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:41:52.449 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:41:54.057 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G09147040177093E.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:41:55.083 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G090LV037337008G.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:41:58.067 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:03.183 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:03.264 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:03.276 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:03.292 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:03.183 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:03.264 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:03.276 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:03.292 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:04.522 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G09147040177093E.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.393 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.424 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.426 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.429 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.485 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.511 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.661 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.670 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.672 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.393 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.424 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.426 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.429 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.485 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.511 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.661 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.670 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:08.672 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.010 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.013 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.150 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.160 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.175 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.688 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.708 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.791 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.010 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.013 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.150 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.160 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.175 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.688 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.708 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:11.791 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.434 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.469 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.694 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.733 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.735 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.809 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.811 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.829 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.434 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.469 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.694 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.733 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.735 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.809 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.811 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:12.829 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:14.582 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:14.604 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:14.582 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:14.604 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:19.438 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:19.451 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:19.438 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:19.451 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:24.450 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:24.461 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:24.450 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:24.461 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:27.853 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:28.237 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:27.853 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:28.237 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.154 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.187 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.231 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.234 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.251 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.254 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.154 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.187 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.231 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.234 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.251 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:33.254 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:34.324 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:34.340 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:34.324 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:34.340 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:39.301 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:39.342 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:39.301 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:39.342 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:44.261 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:44.268 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:44.261 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:44.268 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.631 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.632 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.635 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.652 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.724 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.726 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.631 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.632 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0QU0574340BU1.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.635 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.652 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070274014F.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.724 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:53.726 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G2A0XL070286046Q.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:54.882 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:54.890 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:54.882 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number" 2022-07-12 00:42:54.890 - info: alexa2.0 (14658) State value to set for "alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.G0911B0592250842.Player.volume" has to be stringified but received type "number"
@thomas-braun ääähhm ja … checke ich. Danke
EDIT: Retry ... Sollte neuestes GitHub gefixt sein
@apollon77 sagte in Alexa2 Adapter 3.13/3.14/3.15/3.16/3.17 (Beta):
EDIT: Retry ... Sollte neuestes GitHub gefixt sein
ist wieder leise im Log. Auch das UWZ-Nina-Skript triggert nichts nennenswertes mehr.
Kann wegen mir raus ins Beta-Gehege. -
Dann ist die 3.17.1 auf dem Weg:
- (Apollon77) Work around timing issues with speak-volume when using announcement
- (Apollon77) Correctly initialize volume/mute on startup also when player data are not available
- (Apollon77) Do not overwrite speak-volume (and some other fields) with null on adapter start
- (Apollon77) Fix crash cases reported by Sentry
was ist denn mit dem Adapter los? Mit dem Update auf V3.17.x entwickelt einer meiner WLED-Streifen, Treppenbeleuchtung, ein Eigenleben. Er schaltet sich von selbst ein, und zwar in der Konfig, so wie er nach einem Stromverlust starten würde, also Orange und 50%. Wenn der Streifen dann in der Nacht angeht, ist das nicht so toll. Das hatte ich schon mal mit der V3.13, mit der V3.14 bis zur V3.16 war dann alles wieder gut. Leider hinterlässt diese Aktion keinen Logeintrag.
Ich bin jetzt erstmal wieder zurück auf die V3.16. Komisch ist, dass es von 3 WLED-Steifen nur einen betrifft, es laufen aber alle mit der gleichen Version.
@palm_maniac Bitte die 3.17.1 oder .2 nehmen und dann muss es ja was im Log geben wenn es der Adapter ist ... oder? Ohne Debug log keine Idee ...