@apollon77 das binFlag2 könnte was mit den Relais Ausgängen zu tun haben oder?
Oben bei skinni ist es 0, wenn bei Ausgänge "false" und 10 wenn RedoxSwitch "true"
Auf dem Display sind noch 2 Pfeile (wobei eigentlich 4) die blinken, wenn die Ausgänge geschaltet sind, es gibt für beide Werte jeweils einen pfeil nach oben und nach unten.
@skinni also bei mir funktioniert die npm Installation, wenn ich es im User Verzeichnis nochmal drüber bügele
@uncleb ist drunter Kommentiert, diese
@apollon77 Hast ja recht, war auch eher mit nem Augenzwinkern gemeint
sorry für den Offtopic
sorry mein Fehler, bin aus dem Verzeichnis raus, dann hats geklappt.
Reconnect geht aber immer noch nicht:
ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +3ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.7,"redox":-151,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +2s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.7,"redox":-151,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.7,"redox":-151,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +2s ph803w:device received pong +3ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device Ping response overdue, reconnect +8s
Ab da kommt nix mehr
@skinni ok dann schaue ich heute abend nochmal
@coyote also ja die beiden Relais hab ich ja in binFlag2 gefunden. Da holt er die True/false auch her. Frage ist jetzt ob noch andere Dinge vom Display (Annahme vor allem in binFlag1) eine Korrelation haben. Mal mindestens drei der Bits haben sich bisher generell mal geändert.
@apollon77 wo find ich denn binFlag1/2 in Wireshark?
"binFlags2":"11" wenn PH an und ORP an
"binFlags2":"10" wenn PH aus und ORP an
"binFlags2":"0" wenn PH aus und ORP aus
"binFlags2":"1" wenn PH an und ORP aus -
@skinni genau. Da kommen ja die Boolean Werte schon her ;-)))
@coyote das sind dort zahlen und die Library stellt es als binärstring dar das man es einfacher anschauen kann weil ich denke das es Bits sind.
Vergiss wireshark, mach neuen Test mit der Library
sonst seh ich keine Werte die sich ändern, abgesehen von PH und redox
@skinni Im Wireshark und zb auch bei deinem einen Post hat sich was geändert ... schau mal am anfang ... binFlag1. Die Werte die wir schon gesehen haben stehen auf meiner GitHub seite ... aber die Bedeutung ist noch unklar.
@apollon77 Hatte mir das nicht so genau angeschaut, bin noch am arbeiten. Das erste Paket hat immer die 11 im binFlag1, danach ist es immer 100 und ändert sich auch nie.
Es ändern sich bei mir nur die Schaltzustände im binFlag2 und die Werte für PH/Redox. -
@skinni Kannst Du bitte nochmal updaten und nochmal checken? So ein Debig log wäre perfekt dazu
root@debian:/home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/example# DEBUG=ph803w* node data.js ph803w:device Connected to TCP +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 7: 0000000303000006 +3ms ph803w:device Passcode received: IIXODDIHLL +14ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 7: IIXODDIHLL +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 9: 000000030f000008000a4949 584f444449484c4c +2ms ph803w:device login success +7ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 9: true +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 145: 000000030400009002 +1m s ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.49,"re dox":-31,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +44ms Data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.49,"redox":-31,"phSwitch":false, "redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Resolve for message type 145: [object Object] +3ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +9ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.49,"redox":-29,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +40ms Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.49,"redox":-29,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.49,"redox":-29,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +3ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.5,"redox":-28,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +2s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.5,"redox":-28,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.5,"redox":-28,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +2s ph803w:device received pong +11ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +3ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.49,"redox":-25,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +15ms Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.49,"redox":-25,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.49,"redox":-25,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +1ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +3ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device Ping response overdue, reconnect +8s ph803w:device Destroy socket +0ms ph803w:device Connected to TCP +17s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s (node:29697) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Already connected to device at /home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/lib/device.js:53:24 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at PH803WDevice.connect (/home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/lib/device.js:50:16) at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/lib/device.js:91:34) at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17) at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7) (node:29697) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 1) (node:29697) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. root@debian:/home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/example#
@coyote sagte in PH-Messung:
Please try again
(update auf GitHub) ...
Also, das hier kommt wenn ich das Gerät etwas länger aus lasse, keine Ahnung 30s oder so
root@debian:/home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/example# DEBUG=ph803w* node data.js ph803w:device Connected to TCP +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 7: 0000000303000006 +3ms ph803w:device Passcode received: IIXODDIHLL +10ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 7: IIXODDIHLL +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 9: 000000030f000008000a4949584f444449484c4c +1ms ph803w:device login success +13ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 9: true +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 145: 000000030400009002 +1ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.33,"redox":-113,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +45ms Data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.33,"redox":-113,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Resolve for message type 145: [object Object] +2ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +12ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.33,"redox":-112,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +1s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.33,"redox":-112,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.33,"redox":-112,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +3s ph803w:device received pong +3ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.33,"redox":-111,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +2s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.33,"redox":-111,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.33,"redox":-111,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +2s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device Ping response overdue, reconnect +8s ph803w:device Destroy socket +1ms ph803w:device Socket error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH +29s Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH (node:32240) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/lib/device.js:78:28) at Socket.emit (events.js:314:20) at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:92:8) at emitErrorAndCloseNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:60:3) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:84:21) (node:32240) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 1) (node:32240) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. root@debian:/home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/example#
Stecke ich es aus und nach paar Sek. wieder ein, siehts so aus
root@debian:/home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/example# DEBUG=ph803w* node data.js ph803w:device Connected to TCP +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 7: 0000000303000006 +4ms ph803w:device Passcode received: IIXODDIHLL +5ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 7: IIXODDIHLL +1ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 9: 000000030f000008000a4949584f444449484c4c +0ms ph803w:device login success +16ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 9: true +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 145: 000000030400009002 +1ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.38,"redox":-87,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +53ms Data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.38,"redox":-87,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Resolve for message type 145: [object Object] +1ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +4ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.35,"redox":-84,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +849ms Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.35,"redox":-84,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.35,"redox":-84,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +1ms ph803w:device Send ping +3s ph803w:device received pong +3ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.35,"redox":-83,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +3s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.35,"redox":-83,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.35,"redox":-83,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +7ms ph803w:device Send ping +1s ph803w:device received pong +3ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device Ping response overdue, reconnect +8s ph803w:device Destroy socket +0ms ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s
Mehr tut sich da leider nicht mehr
@coyote alles klar. Checke
nach dem Filmmorgen .. :-)) aber hilfreiches log. Danke.