Zigbee Stick CC2531 einbinden
Okay, vielen Dank für die fixe Hilfe, ich werde den Stick erstmal reklamieren und dann schauen, wie es mit dem nächsten klappt.
Eine kleine Frage noch, wo kann ich denn einen CC2531 Stick kaufen, wo ich mir sicher sein kann, dass die aktuelle Firmware auch tatsächlich drauf ist?
LG -
Kann ich dir leider keinen Tipp geben, ich habe meinen Stick selber geflasht...Edit: Gelegentlich werden hier im Marktplatz Sticks angeboten.
aus welcher Gegend kommst Du? -
Schleswig-Holstein, wieso? -
ich kann euch die Sticks auch so flashen.....
im Briefumschlag rein fettisch
kann man einen bereits geflashten stick erneut flashen? also quasi überschreiben? -
@Terroox ja
Habe den Stick neu flashen lassen und es funktioniert nun!
vielen Dank an alle, die geholfen haben! -
@Terroox Super, dann bitte noch auf gelöst setzen.
Frohe Weihnachten. -
Gibts eine Möglichkeit den Stick auch direkt via USB zu flashen?
Hab mir auch einen besorgt, aber da dürfte auch nichts oben sein... -
@kingjohn nö..aber über nen arduino oder pi soweit mir bekannt
@arteck Schön, daß es bei Euch funktioniert. Ich habe den Raspi 4 und einen mit koenkk Software geflashten 2531 Usb Stick (extra den CC Debugger zugelegt). Er wird nicht erkannt. Nur als Texas Instruments ID 0451:16a8.
Aber kein "serial" vorhanden, kein "ttyUSB0".
An einem Raspi 3 wird er aber erkannt. Welche Fallstricke kann es noch geben?
Auf dem Raspi ist die debmat Software installiert (Homematik +IO Broker).EDIT: ich hätte schon eher posten sollen. Urplötzlich wird der Stick erkannt. Nach dem gefühlt 500. Adapter installieren, Reboot und neu anstecken...
Bleibt allerdings noch "gelb". Muß in den Adapter eine bestimmte ID eingetragen werden? -
@laser Und heute wird alles erkannt, die Instanz "grün" nachdem "TTYACM0" auch funktioniert.
Hallo zusammen,
ich muss diese alten Thread leider wiederbeleben.
Nachdem mein iobroker auf meine Raspberry 2 vor Monaten das zeitliche gesegnet hat ("iobroker unable to connect to database") habe ich das System nun von Grund auf neu aufgesetzt.Nun folgendes Problem: Der Zigbee-Adapter startet nicht!
Die Hardware in der verwendeten Konstellation lief in der Vergangenheit problemlos.
Ich vermute, ich übersehe irgndwo ein kleines Detail.Com-Port ist auch eingetragen:
"/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Texas_Instruments_TI_CC2531_USB_CDC___0X00124B001CD4EAD6-if00"Hat noch jemand eine Idee, was ich prüfen könnte?
2023-09-12 19:36:54.975 - info: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.discovery.0 started with pid 609 2023-09-12 19:36:59.345 - info: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.backitup.0 started with pid 622 2023-09-12 19:37:08.690 - info: admin.0 (582) starting. Version 6.8.0 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.admin, node: v18.17.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-09-12 19:37:09.028 - info: admin.0 (582) requesting all states 2023-09-12 19:37:09.034 - info: admin.0 (582) requesting all objects 2023-09-12 19:37:12.714 - info: discovery.0 (609) starting. Version 3.1.0 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.discovery, node: v18.17.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-09-12 19:37:13.267 - info: admin.0 (582) received all objects 2023-09-12 19:37:15.551 - info: admin.0 (582) Request actual repository... 2023-09-12 19:37:17.205 - info: admin.0 (582) Secure server listening on port 8081 2023-09-12 19:37:17.224 - info: admin.0 (582) https server listening on port 8081 2023-09-12 19:37:17.229 - info: admin.0 (582) Use link "" to configure. 2023-09-12 19:37:17.764 - info: host.raspberrypi Updating repository "stable" under "" 2023-09-12 19:37:20.699 - info: backitup.0 (622) starting. Version 2.6.23 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup, node: v18.17.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-09-12 19:37:21.421 - info: backitup.0 (622) [iobroker] backup will be activated at 02:40 every 1 day(s) 2023-09-12 19:37:23.407 - info: zigbee.0 (589) starting. Version 1.8.24 (non-npm: ioBroker/ioBroker.zigbee) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee, node: v18.17.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-09-12 19:37:24.281 - info: zigbee.0 (589) delete old Backup files. keep only last 10 2023-09-12 19:37:24.291 - info: zigbee.0 (589) Starting Zigbee npm ... 2023-09-12 19:37:29.225 - info: zigbee.0 (589) Installed Version: ioBroker/ioBroker.zigbee 2023-09-12 19:37:29.944 - error: host.raspberrypi Error by updating repository "stable" under "": Cannot download repository file from "": timeout of 10000ms exceeded 2023-09-12 19:37:33.667 - info: admin.0 (582) Repository received successfully. 2023-09-12 19:38:15.151 - error: zigbee.0 (589) Starting zigbee-herdsman problem : "Failed to connect to the adapter (Error: SRSP - SYS - ping after 6000ms)" 2023-09-12 19:38:15.155 - error: zigbee.0 (589) Failed to start Zigbee 2023-09-12 19:38:15.157 - error: zigbee.0 (589) Error herdsman start 2023-09-12 19:38:25.182 - info: zigbee.0 (589) Try to reconnect. 1 attempts left 2023-09-12 19:38:25.190 - info: zigbee.0 (589) Starting Zigbee npm ... 2023-09-12 19:38:25.254 - info: zigbee.0 (589) Installed Version: ioBroker/ioBroker.zigbee 2023-09-12 19:38:31.007 - error: zigbee.0 (589) Starting zigbee-herdsman problem : "Error while opening serialport 'Error: Error Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot lock port'" 2023-09-12 19:38:31.010 - error: zigbee.0 (589) Failed to start Zigbee 2023-09-12 19:38:31.012 - error: zigbee.0 (589) Error herdsman start
Vielen Dank vorab.
Schöne Grüße
Gustav -
@arteck Danke für dein Rückmeldung.
Meiner Ansicht nach das Gleiche.
Pfad ist aus dem Terminal kopiert.
Vielleicht übersehe ich auch etwas.pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/ total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep 12 20:17 usb-Texas_Instruments_TI_CC2531_USB_CDC__ _0X00124B001CD4EAD6-if00 -> ../../ttyACM0
Habe gerade noch das log-level des Zigbee-Adapters auf debug gedreht.
Folgender Output:2023-09-13 20:48:39.192 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2023-09-13 20:48:39.389 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2023-09-13 20:48:39.401 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Objects create System PubSub Client 2023-09-13 20:48:39.408 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Objects create User PubSub Client 2023-09-13 20:48:39.494 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2023-09-13 20:48:39.533 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Objects connected to redis: 2023-09-13 20:48:39.637 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2023-09-13 20:48:39.674 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) States create System PubSub Client 2023-09-13 20:48:39.679 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) States create User PubSub Client 2023-09-13 20:48:39.731 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) States connected to redis: 2023-09-13 20:48:39.869 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Plugin sentry Initialize Plugin (enabled=true) 2023-09-13 20:48:41.811 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) starting. Version 1.8.24 (non-npm: ioBroker/ioBroker.zigbee) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee, node: v18.17.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-09-13 20:48:41.931 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Using zigbee-herdsman with settings: {"network":{"panID":6754,"channelList":[11],"networkKey":[1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,0,2,4,6,8,10,12,13],"extenedPanID":[221,221,221,221,221,221,221,221]},"databasePath":"/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/zigbee_0/shepherd.db","backupPath":"/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/zigbee_0/nvbackup.json","serialPort":{"baudRate":115200,"rtscts":false,"path":"/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Texas_Instruments_TI_CC2531_USB_CDC___0X00124B001CD4EAD6-if00","adapter":"zstack"},"adapter":{"forceStartWithInconsistentAdapterConfiguration":false}} 2023-09-13 20:48:42.236 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) delete old Backup files. keep only last 10 2023-09-13 20:48:42.242 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) Starting Zigbee npm ... 2023-09-13 20:48:42.248 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Starting zigbee-herdsman... 2023-09-13 20:48:44.664 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Backup /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/zigbee_0/backup_2023_09_13-20_48_41.tar.gz success 2023-09-13 20:48:45.027 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) Installed Version: ioBroker/ioBroker.zigbee 2023-09-13 20:49:25.895 - error: zigbee.0 (1224) Starting zigbee-herdsman problem : "Failed to connect to the adapter (Error: SRSP - SYS - ping after 6000ms)" 2023-09-13 20:49:25.901 - error: zigbee.0 (1224) Failed to start Zigbee 2023-09-13 20:49:25.904 - error: zigbee.0 (1224) Error herdsman start 2023-09-13 20:49:34.268 - info: admin.0 (570) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2023-09-13 20:49:35.917 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) Try to reconnect. 1 attempts left 2023-09-13 20:49:35.921 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) Starting Zigbee npm ... 2023-09-13 20:49:35.926 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Starting zigbee-herdsman... 2023-09-13 20:49:36.021 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) Installed Version: ioBroker/ioBroker.zigbee 2023-09-13 20:49:36.597 - info: host.raspberrypi "system.adapter.zigbee.0" disabled 2023-09-13 20:49:36.599 - info: host.raspberrypi stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 (force=false, process=true) 2023-09-13 20:49:36.620 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2023-09-13 20:49:36.663 - info: host.raspberrypi stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 send kill signal 2023-09-13 20:49:36.627 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) cleaned everything up... 2023-09-13 20:49:36.641 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) Zigbee: disabling joining new devices. 2023-09-13 20:49:36.704 - warn: zigbee.0 (1224) Failed to stop zigbee during startup 2023-09-13 20:49:36.711 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) terminating 2023-09-13 20:49:36.717 - debug: zigbee.0 (1224) Plugin sentry destroyed 2023-09-13 20:49:36.719 - info: zigbee.0 (1224) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2023-09-13 20:49:37.666 - info: host.raspberrypi stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 killing pid 1224 2023-09-13 20:49:41.546 - info: host.raspberrypi "system.adapter.zigbee.0" enabled 2023-09-13 20:49:41.653 - info: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.zigbee.0 started with pid 1330 2023-09-13 20:49:55.430 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2023-09-13 20:49:55.581 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2023-09-13 20:49:55.590 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Objects create System PubSub Client 2023-09-13 20:49:55.595 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Objects create User PubSub Client 2023-09-13 20:49:55.664 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2023-09-13 20:49:55.691 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Objects connected to redis: 2023-09-13 20:49:55.766 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2023-09-13 20:49:55.795 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) States create System PubSub Client 2023-09-13 20:49:55.799 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) States create User PubSub Client 2023-09-13 20:49:55.839 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) States connected to redis: 2023-09-13 20:49:55.939 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Plugin sentry Initialize Plugin (enabled=true) 2023-09-13 20:49:57.560 - info: zigbee.0 (1330) starting. Version 1.8.24 (non-npm: ioBroker/ioBroker.zigbee) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee, node: v18.17.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-09-13 20:49:57.686 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Using zigbee-herdsman with settings: {"network":{"panID":6754,"channelList":[11],"networkKey":[1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,0,2,4,6,8,10,12,13],"extenedPanID":[221,221,221,221,221,221,221,221]},"databasePath":"/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/zigbee_0/shepherd.db","backupPath":"/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/zigbee_0/nvbackup.json","serialPort":{"baudRate":115200,"rtscts":false,"path":"/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Texas_Instruments_TI_CC2531_USB_CDC___0X00124B001CD4EAD6-if00","adapter":"zstack"},"adapter":{"forceStartWithInconsistentAdapterConfiguration":false}} 2023-09-13 20:49:57.964 - info: zigbee.0 (1330) delete old Backup files. keep only last 10 2023-09-13 20:49:57.971 - info: zigbee.0 (1330) Starting Zigbee npm ... 2023-09-13 20:49:57.977 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Starting zigbee-herdsman... 2023-09-13 20:50:00.413 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Backup /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/zigbee_0/backup_2023_09_13-20_49_57.tar.gz success 2023-09-13 20:50:00.768 - info: zigbee.0 (1330) Installed Version: ioBroker/ioBroker.zigbee 2023-09-13 20:50:16.916 - error: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.zigbee.0 terminated by request of the instance itself and will not be restarted, before user restarts it. 2023-09-13 20:50:16.918 - info: host.raspberrypi Do not restart adapter system.adapter.zigbee.0 because desired by instance 2023-09-13 20:50:57.774 - error: zigbee.0 (1330) Starting zigbee-herdsman problem : "Failed to connect to the adapter (Error: SRSP - SYS - ping after 6000ms)" 2023-09-13 20:50:57.780 - error: zigbee.0 (1330) Failed to start Zigbee 2023-09-13 20:50:57.783 - error: zigbee.0 (1330) Error herdsman start 2023-09-13 20:51:07.795 - info: zigbee.0 (1330) Try to reconnect. 1 attempts left 2023-09-13 20:51:07.798 - info: zigbee.0 (1330) Starting Zigbee npm ... 2023-09-13 20:51:07.802 - debug: zigbee.0 (1330) Starting zigbee-herdsman... 2023-09-13 20:51:07.897 - info: zigbee.0 (1330) Installed Version: ioBroker/ioBroker.zigbee 2023-09-13 20:51:13.531 - error: zigbee.0 (1330) Starting zigbee-herdsman problem : "Error while opening serialport 'Error: Error Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot lock port'" 2023-09-13 20:51:13.533 - error: zigbee.0 (1330) Failed to start Zigbee 2023-09-13 20:51:13.535 - error: zigbee.0 (1330) Error herdsman start
@17a4g2 keine ahung ..der cc2531 ist ja schon arg alt.. und der hatt einternes Problem mit dem speicher