Test Adapter shuttercontrol v2.0.x
@martybr dann kennst du ja die Funktion und weißt, dass der Wert true sein muss
Eigentlich ja, ich hatte es im Testsystem nichts gesetzt, ich hatte ja, wie ich weiter oben geschrieben, die Instant gelöscht und neu angelegt. Dabei sind die DPs nicht gesetzt worden.
Ich warte jetzt die nächsten Fahrten ab und gebe dir dann Rückmeldung. Ich war ja lange nicht mehr am Adapter dran, da ich den Helligkeitssensor nicht nutze. Teste aber nun fleissig die neuen Versionen im Latest.
ich warte dann die Freigabe für Stable ab.Gruß
Martin -
Muss auch noch mal was hier fragen. Ich habe im ShutterControl eingestellt, dass alle Rollos Abends auf Helligkeitssensor herunterfahren. Bis auf das Rollo "Eltern" "Bad" und "Kind2" fahren auch alle sauber runter. Kann mir jemand sagen, warum das bei den drei Rollos nicht der Fall ist ?
shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:55:00.003 debug Sun Elevation: -2.9° shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:55:00.003 debug Sun Azimut: 293° shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:55:00.003 debug calculate astrodata ... shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:54:25.839 debug Brightness State Down is: true shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:54:15.838 debug Brightness sensor value: 2.52 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:54:15.837 debug Lightsensor changed: hm-rpc.1.000D5BE9A46AD7.1.AVERAGE_ILLUMINATION Value: 4.32 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:52:20.570 debug Brightness State Down is: true shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:52:10.569 debug Brightness sensor value: 4.39 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:02.198 debug Shutter Rollade Bad was moved manually to: 13% - prevent trigger from driving back shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:02.197 debug save current height after State Check: 13% from Rollade Bad shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.196 debug Rollade Bad Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.195 debug Rollade Bad drived manually to 13. Old value = 8. New value = 13 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.152 debug #1 currentShutterStateTime: 60 seconds shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.152 debug #1 currentShutterState: activated shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.152 debug #1 oldHeight: 8 % shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.152 debug #1 currentHeight: 8 % shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.152 debug #1 triggerAction: Manu_Mode shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.152 debug #1 currentAction: Manu_Mode shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.152 debug #1 shutterState: 13 % shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.152 debug #1 shutterName: Rollade Bad shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.152 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Bad old value = 8 new value = 13 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:01.152 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:00.911 debug Brightness State Down is: true shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:00.004 debug Sun Elevation: -2.2° shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:00.004 debug Sun Azimut: 292° shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:50:00.004 debug calculate astrodata ... shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:50.910 debug Brightness sensor value: 6.65 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:50.909 debug Lightsensor changed: hm-rpc.1.000D5BE9A46AD7.1.AVERAGE_ILLUMINATION Value: 11.13 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:14.612 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer4 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:14.612 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer4 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:14.611 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:03.867 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 3 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:03.867 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer 3 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:03.866 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:02.187 debug Rollade Kind 1 Old value = 99. New value = 6. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:02.187 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Kind 1 old value = 99 new value = 6 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:02.186 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:49:01.152 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:59.459 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 2 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:59.459 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer 2 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:59.459 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:59.273 debug Rollade Kind 1 Old value = 99. New value = 6. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:59.273 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Kind 1 old value = 99 new value = 6 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:59.273 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:57.266 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 1 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:57.265 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer 1 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:57.265 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:55.452 debug Rollade Esszimmer Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:55.452 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Esszimmer old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:55.451 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.823 debug Rollade Kind 1 Old value = 99. New value = 6. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.823 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Kind 1 old value = 99 new value = 6 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.823 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.560 debug Rollade Kind 1 Old value = 99. New value = 6. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.560 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Kind 1 old value = 99 new value = 6 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.559 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.188 debug Rollade Kind 1 Old value = 99. New value = 6. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.188 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Kind 1 old value = 99 new value = 6 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.187 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.141 debug Rollade Küche 2 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.141 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Küche 2 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:40.140 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.607 debug Rollade Küche 1 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.607 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Küche 1 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.606 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.252 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer4 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.252 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer4 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.250 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.202 debug Rollade HWR Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.202 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade HWR old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.201 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.085 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer4 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.085 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer4 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:38.084 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:36.059 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 3 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:36.059 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer 3 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:36.058 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:36.037 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 3 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:36.037 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer 3 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:36.037 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.860 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 2 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.860 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer 2 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.860 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 2 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.860 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer 2 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.859 debug Rollade Gäste WC Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.859 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Gäste WC old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.859 debug Rollade Büro Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.859 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Büro old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.859 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 1 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.859 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer 1 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.859 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 1 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.858 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Wohnzimmer 1 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:34.052 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:33.989 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:32.272 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:32.026 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:31.897 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:31.738 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:27.040 debug Rollade Esszimmer Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:27.040 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Esszimmer old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:27.039 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:27.021 debug Rollade Esszimmer Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:27.021 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Esszimmer old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:27.020 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:25.000 debug Rollade HWR Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:25.000 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade HWR old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:24.999 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:24.974 debug Rollade HWR Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:24.974 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade HWR old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:24.973 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:22.942 debug Rollade Küche 2 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:22.942 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Küche 2 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:22.941 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:22.922 debug Rollade Küche 2 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:22.922 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Küche 2 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:22.922 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:21.058 debug Rollade Küche 1 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:21.057 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Küche 1 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:21.057 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:20.873 debug Rollade Küche 1 Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:20.873 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Küche 1 old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:20.872 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:18.842 debug Rollade Gäste WC Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:18.841 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Gäste WC old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:18.841 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:18.825 debug Rollade Gäste WC Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:18.825 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Gäste WC old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:18.825 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:17.066 debug Rollade Büro Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:17.066 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Büro old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:17.065 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:16.777 debug Rollade Büro Old value = 100. New value = 0. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:16.777 debug Shutter state changed: Rollade Büro old value = 100 new value = 0 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:16.776 debug #0 wait for shutter check end shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:14.610 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:03.867 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:48:02.186 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:59.458 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:59.272 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:57.264 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:55.450 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:46.279 debug check xmas for Rollade Kind 2 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:46.279 debug Rollade Kind 2 in summer time down false shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:46.279 debug we are in period shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:46.279 debug End Sat Sep 30 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:46.279 debug Start Wed Mar 01 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:46.279 debug check in time 01.03. 30.09. shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:44.235 debug check xmas for Rollade Bad shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:44.235 debug Rollade Bad in summer time down false shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:44.235 debug we are in period shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:44.235 debug End Sat Sep 30 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:44.235 debug Start Wed Mar 01 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:44.235 debug check in time 01.03. 30.09. shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:42.191 debug check xmas for Rollade Eltern shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:42.191 debug Rollade Eltern in summer time down false shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:42.191 debug we are in period shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:42.191 debug End Sat Sep 30 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:42.191 debug Start Wed Mar 01 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:42.190 debug check in time 01.03. 30.09. shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.822 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.559 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.190 debug save current height: 6% from Rollade Kind 1 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.190 debug last automatic Action for Rollade Kind 1: Down_Brightness shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.187 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.140 info Lightsensor #9 Set ID: Rollade Kind 1 value: 6% shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.140 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.134 debug check xmas for Rollade Kind 1 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.134 debug Rollade Kind 1 in summer time down false shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.134 debug we are in period shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.134 debug End Sat Sep 30 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.134 debug Start Wed Mar 01 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:40.134 debug check in time 01.03. 30.09. shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.606 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.250 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.201 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.133 debug save current height: 0% from Rollade Wohnzimmer4 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.133 debug last automatic Action for Rollade Wohnzimmer4: Down_Brightness shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.085 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.082 info Lightsensor #9 Set ID: Rollade Wohnzimmer4 value: 0% shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.040 debug check xmas for Rollade Wohnzimmer4 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.040 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer4 in summer time down false shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.039 debug we are in period shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.039 debug End Sat Sep 30 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.039 debug Start Wed Mar 01 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:38.039 debug check in time 01.03. 30.09. shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:36.058 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:36.039 debug save current height: 0% from Rollade Wohnzimmer 3 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:36.039 debug last automatic Action for Rollade Wohnzimmer 3: Down_Brightness shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:36.036 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:36.034 info Lightsensor #9 Set ID: Rollade Wohnzimmer 3 value: 0% shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:35.993 debug check xmas for Rollade Wohnzimmer 3 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:35.993 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 3 in summer time down false shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:35.992 debug we are in period shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:35.992 debug End Sat Sep 30 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:35.992 debug Start Wed Mar 01 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:35.992 debug check in time 01.03. 30.09. shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:34.052 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:33.991 debug save current height: 0% from Rollade Wohnzimmer 2 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:33.991 debug last automatic Action for Rollade Wohnzimmer 2: Down_Brightness shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:33.988 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:33.986 info Lightsensor #9 Set ID: Rollade Wohnzimmer 2 value: 0% shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:33.945 debug check xmas for Rollade Wohnzimmer 2 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:33.945 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 2 in summer time down false shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:33.945 debug we are in period shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:33.945 debug End Sat Sep 30 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:33.945 debug Start Wed Mar 01 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:33.945 debug check in time 01.03. 30.09. shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:32.272 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:32.025 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:31.944 debug save current height: 0% from Rollade Wohnzimmer 1 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:31.944 debug last automatic Action for Rollade Wohnzimmer 1: Down_Brightness shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:31.898 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:31.737 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:31.106 info Lightsensor #9 Set ID: Rollade Wohnzimmer 1 value: 0% shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:29.085 debug check xmas for Rollade Wohnzimmer 1 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:29.085 debug Rollade Wohnzimmer 1 in summer time down false shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:29.085 debug we are in period shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:29.085 debug End Sat Sep 30 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:29.085 debug Start Wed Mar 01 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:29.085 debug check in time 01.03. 30.09. shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:27.084 debug save current height: 0% from Rollade Esszimmer shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:27.084 debug last automatic Action for Rollade Esszimmer: Down_Brightness shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:27.039 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:27.020 debug #0 wait for shutter check started shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:27.019 info Lightsensor #8 Set ID: Rollade Esszimmer value: 0% shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:26.976 debug check xmas for Rollade Esszimmer shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:26.976 debug Rollade Esszimmer in summer time down false shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:26.976 debug we are in period shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:26.976 debug End Sat Sep 30 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:26.976 debug Start Wed Mar 01 2023 shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:26.975 debug check in time 01.03. 30.09. shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:26.732 debug Brightness State Down is: true shuttercontrol.0 2023-04-21 20:47:24.999 debug #0 wait for shutter check started
@michael-sauer said in Test Adapter shuttercontrol v1.4.x:
So wie es aussieht versucht der shuttercontrol Adapter das falsche Format in die Shelly Variable zu schreiben.
2021-11-16 16:37:00.077 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Esszimmer Shutter left value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:00.083 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Esszimmer.Shutter.left.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:00.107 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#40F52022AD50#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:00.119 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#40F52022AD50#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:00.296 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Esszimmer.Shutter.Esszimmer_Rollladen" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:02.073 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Esszimmer Shutter right value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:02.075 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Esszimmer.Shutter.right.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:02.085 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#C4A7A3#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:02.089 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#C4A7A3#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:02.284 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Esszimmer.Shutter.Esszimmer_Rollladen" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:04.074 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Küche Shutter right value: 59% 2021-11-16 16:37:04.077 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Küche.Shutter.right.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:04.087 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#C47EF7#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:04.091 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#C47EF7#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:04.287 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Küche.Shutter.Küche_Rolladen" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:06.073 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Küche Shutter left value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:06.075 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Küche.Shutter.left.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:06.085 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#C45BD6#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:06.089 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#C45BD6#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:08.074 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Wohnzimmer Shutter right value: 0% 2021-11-16 16:37:08.284 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Wohnzimmer.Shutter.Wohnzimmer_Rolladen" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:10.074 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Wohnzimmer Shutter left value: 80% 2021-11-16 16:37:10.080 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Wohnzimmer.Shutter.left.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:10.092 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#C4D14F#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:10.096 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#C4D14F#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:12.073 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Büro links value: 40% 2021-11-16 16:37:12.077 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Wohnzimmer.Shutter.Büro_left.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:12.085 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#40F5200469DA#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:12.089 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#40F5200469DA#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:14.074 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Büro mitte value: 40% 2021-11-16 16:37:14.078 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Wohnzimmer.Shutter.Büro_center.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:14.087 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#84CCA8A115DC#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:14.091 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#84CCA8A115DC#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:16.075 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Büro rechts value: 40% 2021-11-16 16:37:16.079 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Wohnzimmer.Shutter.Büro_right.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:16.087 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#40F52004A0D1#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:16.091 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#40F52004A0D1#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:18.015 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #26 Set ID: Schlafzimmer links value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:18.018 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#B939B4#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:18.023 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#B939B4#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:18.025 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Schlafzimmer.Shutter.left.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:20.014 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #26 Set ID: Schlafzimmer rechts value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:20.018 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CB7A#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:20.022 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#76CB7A#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:20.029 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Schlafzimmer.Shutter.right.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:22.026 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #26 Set ID: Spielzimmer value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:22.030 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#76C3C3#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:22.036 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#76C3C3#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:22.038 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Spielzimmer.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:24.025 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #26 Set ID: Kinderzimmer value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:24.028 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#E098068CEDDB#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:24.032 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#E098068CEDDB#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:24.038 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Kinderzimmer.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string"
Ich habe genau das gleiche Problem, allerdings nicht bei der xmas Einstellung, sondern nur bei dem Fenstern, wo ich den Frostschutz aktiviert habe... Gibt es dazu eine Lösung?
Wie kann ich den debug Mode aktivieren um die mehr Infos zu liefern?
Hier die Rückantwort:
Das Rollo ist gestern Abend und heute Morgen einwandfrei runter und hoch gelaufen. Es gab keine Probleme mit dem Modus "manu_mode".
SunProtect ist gestern auch sauber gefahren.
Also alles gut von meiner Seite. -
Bei mir läuft jetzt auch wieder alles wie es soll. Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung!
@simatec Ich speiel seit einiger Zeit mit der 1.4.28 und bisher funktioniert alles einwandfrei... außer das End of sunProtect konnte ich noch nicht triggern, aber andere bestätigen ja das es klappt. Ich hoffe es läuft bei mir auch
Vielen Dank für den Super Adapter! -
@erazor86 sagte in Test Adapter shuttercontrol v1.4.x:
Wie kann ich den debug Mode aktivieren um die mehr Infos zu liefern?
wie immer. im adapter debug aktivieren.
@weiserwolf Bitte deine Config als json posten und bitte dazu schreiben, welche Rollläden nicht aus dem Sonnenschutz fahren
@simatec hast du den Wunsch / Vorschlag von @eurofinder gelesen? Ich habe auch schon mal daran gedacht, wäre ein tolles Feature.
Vielen Dank und ein schönes Wochenende
@erazor86 said in Test Adapter shuttercontrol v1.4.x:
@michael-sauer said in Test Adapter shuttercontrol v1.4.x:
So wie es aussieht versucht der shuttercontrol Adapter das falsche Format in die Shelly Variable zu schreiben.
2021-11-16 16:37:00.077 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Esszimmer Shutter left value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:00.083 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Esszimmer.Shutter.left.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:00.107 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#40F52022AD50#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:00.119 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#40F52022AD50#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:00.296 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Esszimmer.Shutter.Esszimmer_Rollladen" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:02.073 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Esszimmer Shutter right value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:02.075 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Esszimmer.Shutter.right.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:02.085 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#C4A7A3#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:02.089 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#C4A7A3#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:02.284 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Esszimmer.Shutter.Esszimmer_Rollladen" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:04.074 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Küche Shutter right value: 59% 2021-11-16 16:37:04.077 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Küche.Shutter.right.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:04.087 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#C47EF7#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:04.091 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#C47EF7#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:04.287 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Küche.Shutter.Küche_Rolladen" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:06.073 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Küche Shutter left value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:06.075 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Küche.Shutter.left.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:06.085 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#C45BD6#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:06.089 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#C45BD6#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:08.074 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Wohnzimmer Shutter right value: 0% 2021-11-16 16:37:08.284 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Wohnzimmer.Shutter.Wohnzimmer_Rolladen" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:10.074 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Wohnzimmer Shutter left value: 80% 2021-11-16 16:37:10.080 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Wohnzimmer.Shutter.left.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:10.092 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#C4D14F#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:10.096 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#C4D14F#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:12.073 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Büro links value: 40% 2021-11-16 16:37:12.077 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Wohnzimmer.Shutter.Büro_left.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:12.085 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#40F5200469DA#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:12.089 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#40F5200469DA#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:14.074 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Büro mitte value: 40% 2021-11-16 16:37:14.078 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Wohnzimmer.Shutter.Büro_center.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:14.087 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#84CCA8A115DC#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:14.091 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#84CCA8A115DC#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:16.075 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #17 Set ID: Büro rechts value: 40% 2021-11-16 16:37:16.079 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Wohnzimmer.Shutter.Büro_right.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:16.087 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#40F52004A0D1#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:16.091 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#40F52004A0D1#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:18.015 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #26 Set ID: Schlafzimmer links value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:18.018 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#B939B4#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:18.023 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#B939B4#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:18.025 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Schlafzimmer.Shutter.left.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:20.014 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #26 Set ID: Schlafzimmer rechts value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:20.018 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CB7A#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:20.022 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#76CB7A#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:20.029 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Schlafzimmer.Shutter.right.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:22.026 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #26 Set ID: Spielzimmer value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:22.030 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#76C3C3#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:22.036 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#76C3C3#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:22.038 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Spielzimmer.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:24.025 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) #26 Set ID: Kinderzimmer value: 50% 2021-11-16 16:37:24.028 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25035) State value to set for "shelly.0.SHSW-25#E098068CEDDB#1.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2021-11-16 16:37:24.032 - error: shelly.0 (8611) Datatype for SHSW-25#E098068CEDDB#1.Shutter.Position differs from expected, ignore state change! Please write correct datatype (number) 2021-11-16 16:37:24.038 - info: linkeddevices.0 (3698) State value to set for "linkeddevices.0.Kinderzimmer.Shutter.Position" has to be type "number" but received type "string"
Ich habe genau das gleiche Problem, allerdings nicht bei der xmas Einstellung, sondern nur bei dem Fenstern, wo ich den Frostschutz aktiviert habe... Gibt es dazu eine Lösung?
Wie kann ich den debug Mode aktivieren um die mehr Infos zu liefern?
anbei mein protokoll-Auszug:
2023-04-22 23:40:52.601 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2023-04-22 23:40:52.649 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2023-04-22 23:40:52.652 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Objects create System PubSub Client 2023-04-22 23:40:52.653 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Objects create User PubSub Client 2023-04-22 23:40:52.702 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2023-04-22 23:40:52.710 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Objects connected to redis: 2023-04-22 23:40:52.767 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2023-04-22 23:40:52.784 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) States create System PubSub Client 2023-04-22 23:40:52.786 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) States create User PubSub Client 2023-04-22 23:40:52.815 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) States connected to redis: 2023-04-22 23:40:52.893 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Plugin sentry Initialize Plugin (enabled=true) 2023-04-22 23:40:52.910 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Plugin sentry Sentry Plugin disabled for this process because sending of statistic data is disabled for the system 2023-04-22 23:40:53.378 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) starting. Version 1.4.23 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.shuttercontrol, node: v16.19.0, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-04-22 23:40:53.433 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) shutter Config Check started 2023-04-22 23:40:53.435 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) shutter Config Check successfully completed 2023-04-22 23:40:53.443 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) trigger for outside temperature: alias.0.Shellys.Außentemperatur+Luftfeuchte.ACTUAL 2023-04-22 23:40:53.445 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rollade_Wohnzimmer_groß.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.445 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rollade_Wohnzimmer_klein.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.446 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rollade_Esszimmer.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.446 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Küche_klein.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.447 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Küche_groß.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.448 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Büro_Straße.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.449 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Büro_Einfahrt.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.449 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Gäste-Wc.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.450 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_HWR.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.451 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Werkstatt.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.451 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Badezimmer.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.452 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Schlafzimmer.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.452 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Ankleidezimmer.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.452 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Elias.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.453 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutter State: alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Kinderzimmer_2.SET 2023-04-22 23:40:53.507 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Wohnzimmer_groß: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:53.623 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Wohnzimmer_klein: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:53.724 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Esszimmer: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:53.826 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Küche_klein: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:53.928 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Küche_groß: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:54.029 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Büro_Straße: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:54.178 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Büro_Einfahrt: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:54.317 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Gäste-WC: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:54.452 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) HWR: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:54.554 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Werkstatt: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:54.655 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Badezimmer: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:54.756 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Schlafzimmer: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:54.857 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Ankleidezimmer: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:54.958 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Elias: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:55.059 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Kinderzimmer_2: save settings 2023-04-22 23:40:56.644 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Travel times of the shutters are calculated 2023-04-22 23:40:56.646 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) calculate astrodata ... 2023-04-22 23:40:56.646 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) goldenHourEnd today: 07:12 2023-04-22 23:40:56.648 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) goldenHour today: 19:54 2023-04-22 23:40:56.649 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) current day: 6 2023-04-22 23:40:56.649 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Sunrise today: 06:27 2023-04-22 23:40:56.650 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Sunset today: 20:38 2023-04-22 23:40:56.651 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Starting up shutters GoldenHour area: 07:12 2023-04-22 23:40:56.652 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutdown shutters GoldenHour area: 20:24 2023-04-22 23:40:56.652 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Starting up shutters Sunrise area: 06:27 2023-04-22 23:40:56.652 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutdown shutters Sunset area: 21:08 2023-04-22 23:40:56.707 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsLater : 06:27 07:30 2023-04-22 23:40:56.707 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsLater : 06:27 07:30 2023-04-22 23:40:56.708 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsEqual : 07:30 07:30 2023-04-22 23:40:56.709 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) yes, IsEqual : 07:30 07:30 2023-04-22 23:40:56.709 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Starting up shutters living area: 07:30 debug 12 2023-04-22 23:40:56.730 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsLater : 06:27 09:00 2023-04-22 23:40:56.731 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsLater : 06:27 08:30 2023-04-22 23:40:56.731 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsEqual : 08:30 09:00 2023-04-22 23:40:56.732 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsEqual : 06:27 09:00 2023-04-22 23:40:56.733 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsEarlier : 06:27 08:30 2023-04-22 23:40:56.733 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) yes, IsEarlier : 06:27 08:30 2023-04-22 23:40:56.734 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Starting up shutters sleep area: 08:30 debug 14 2023-04-22 23:40:56.753 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsLater : 06:27 10:00 2023-04-22 23:40:56.753 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsLater : 06:27 09:00 2023-04-22 23:40:56.754 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsEqual : 09:00 10:00 2023-04-22 23:40:56.754 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsEqual : 06:27 10:00 2023-04-22 23:40:56.754 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsEarlier : 06:27 09:00 2023-04-22 23:40:56.755 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) yes, IsEarlier : 06:27 09:00 2023-04-22 23:40:56.755 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Starting up shutters children area: 09:00 debug 14 2023-04-22 23:40:56.760 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsEarlier : 23:00 21:08 2023-04-22 23:40:56.760 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) check IsLater : 23:00 21:08 2023-04-22 23:40:56.760 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) yes, IsLater : 23:00 21:08 2023-04-22 23:40:56.761 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutdown shutters living area: 21:08 debug 4 2023-04-22 23:40:56.761 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) shutterDownLiving 2023-04-22 23:40:56.770 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutdown shutters children area: 19:15 debug 3 2023-04-22 23:40:56.780 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Shutdown shutters sleep area: 21:08 debug 4 2023-04-22 23:40:56.797 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) late down at 00:00 2023-04-22 23:40:56.799 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) complete down at 00:00 2023-04-22 23:41:43.353 - error: admin.0 (16939) Alias subscription error. Please check your alias definitions: sourceId=shelly.0.SHSW-25#B9416B#1.Shutter.Close, sourceObj={"type":"state","common":{"name":"Close","type":"boolean","role":"button","read":false,"write":true},"native":{},"_id":"shelly.0.SHSW-25#B9416B#1.Shutter.Close","acl":{"object":1636,"state":1636,"file":1636},"from":"system.adapter.shelly.0","user":"system.user.admin","ts":1676411742855} 2023-04-22 23:41:43.354 - error: admin.0 (16939) Alias subscription error. Please check your alias definitions: sourceId=shelly.0.SHSW-25#B9416B#1.Shutter.Open, sourceObj={"type":"state","common":{"name":"Open","type":"boolean","role":"button","read":false,"write":true},"native":{},"_id":"shelly.0.SHSW-25#B9416B#1.Shutter.Open","acl":{"object":1636,"state":1636,"file":1636},"from":"system.adapter.shelly.0","user":"system.user.admin","ts":1676411742855} 2023-04-22 23:41:43.354 - error: admin.0 (16939) Alias subscription error. Please check your alias definitions: sourceId=shelly.0.SHSW-25#B9416B#1.Shutter.Position, sourceObj={"type":"state","common":{"name":"Position","type":"number","role":"level.blind","read":true,"write":true,"unit":"%","min":0,"max":100},"native":{},"_id":"shelly.0.SHSW-25#B9416B#1.Shutter.Position","acl":{"object":1636,"state":1636,"file":1636},"from":"system.adapter.shelly.0","user":"system.user.admin","ts":1676411743113} 2023-04-22 23:41:43.757 - error: admin.0 (16939) Alias subscription error. Please check your alias definitions: sourceId=shelly.0.SHSW-25#B9416B#1.Shutter.Pause, sourceObj={"type":"state","common":{"name":"Pause","type":"boolean","role":"button","read":false,"write":true},"native":{},"_id":"shelly.0.SHSW-25#B9416B#1.Shutter.Pause","acl":{"object":1636,"state":1636,"file":1636},"from":"system.adapter.shelly.0","user":"system.user.admin","ts":1676411742855} 2023-04-22 23:41:43.759 - error: admin.0 (16939) Alias subscription error. Please check your alias definitions: sourceId=shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CED0#1.Shutter.state, sourceObj={"type":"state","common":{"name":"Roller state","type":"string","role":"state","read":true,"write":true,"states":{"close":"close","open":"open","stop":"stop"}},"native":{},"_id":"shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CED0#1.Shutter.state","acl":{"object":1636,"state":1636,"file":1636},"from":"system.adapter.shelly.0","user":"system.user.admin","ts":1676411763010} 2023-04-22 23:41:43.759 - error: admin.0 (16939) Alias subscription error. Please check your alias definitions: sourceId=shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CED0#1.Shutter.Close, sourceObj={"type":"state","common":{"name":"Close","type":"boolean","role":"button","read":false,"write":true},"native":{},"_id":"shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CED0#1.Shutter.Close","acl":{"object":1636,"state":1636,"file":1636},"from":"system.adapter.shelly.0","user":"system.user.admin","ts":1676411751182} 2023-04-22 23:41:43.760 - error: admin.0 (16939) Alias subscription error. Please check your alias definitions: sourceId=shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CED0#1.Shutter.Open, sourceObj={"type":"state","common":{"name":"Open","type":"boolean","role":"button","read":false,"write":true},"native":{},"_id":"shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CED0#1.Shutter.Open","acl":{"object":1636,"state":1636,"file":1636},"from":"system.adapter.shelly.0","user":"system.user.admin","ts":1676411751182} 2023-04-22 23:41:43.760 - error: admin.0 (16939) Alias subscription error. Please check your alias definitions: sourceId=shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CED0#1.Shutter.Position, sourceObj={"type":"state","common":{"name":"Position","type":"number","role":"level.blind","read":true,"write":true,"unit":"%","min":0,"max":100},"native":{},"_id":"shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CED0#1.Shutter.Position","acl":{"object":1636,"state":1636,"file":1636},"from":"system.adapter.shelly.0","user":"system.user.admin","ts":1676411751182} 2023-04-22 23:41:43.761 - error: admin.0 (16939) Alias subscription error. Please check your alias definitions: sourceId=shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CED0#1.Shutter.Pause, sourceObj={"type":"state","common":{"name":"Pause","type":"boolean","role":"button","read":false,"write":true},"native":{},"_id":"shelly.0.SHSW-25#76CED0#1.Shutter.Pause","acl":{"object":1636,"state":1636,"file":1636},"from":"system.adapter.shelly.0","user":"system.user.admin","ts":1676411751182} 2023-04-22 23:41:43.772 - error: admin.0 (16939) Alias subscription error. Please check your alias definitions: sourceId=shelly.0.SHSW-25#76C797#1.Shutter.Position, sourceObj={"type":"state","common":{"name":"Position","type":"number","role":"level.blind","read":true,"write":true,"unit":"%","min":0,"max":100},"native":{},"_id":"shelly.0.SHSW-25#76C797#1.Shutter.Position","acl":{"object":1636,"state":1636,"file":1636},"from":"system.adapter.shelly.0","user":"system.user.admin","ts":1676411754193} 2023-04-22 23:42:00.090 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Alarm Frost changed: false 2023-04-22 23:42:00.096 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) start shutterAlarm 2023-04-22 23:42:00.097 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-22 23:42:00.098 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) status alarm pending for alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Kinderzimmer_2.SET: false 2023-04-22 23:42:01.131 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) shutter alarm frost endet and no other alarm is pending Kinderzimmer 2 already at: 0% - setting current action: down 2023-04-22 23:42:18.432 - info: jarvis.0 (4801) Client with IP disconnected. 2023-04-22 23:42:41.705 - info: admin.0 (16939) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2023-04-22 23:43:07.275 - info: admin.0 (16939) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2023-04-22 23:44:00.151 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Alarm Frost changed: false 2023-04-22 23:44:00.151 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) start shutterAlarm 2023-04-22 23:44:00.152 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-22 23:44:00.152 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) status alarm pending for alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Kinderzimmer_2.SET: false 2023-04-22 23:44:01.224 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) shutter alarm frost endet and no other alarm is pending Kinderzimmer 2 already at: 0% - setting current action: down 2023-04-22 23:44:08.398 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) outsidetemperature changed: alias.0.Shellys.Außentemperatur+Luftfeuchte.ACTUAL Value: 10.4 2023-04-22 23:44:23.429 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) outsidetemperature changed: alias.0.Shellys.Außentemperatur+Luftfeuchte.ACTUAL Value: 10.5 2023-04-22 23:44:38.436 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) outsidetemperature changed: alias.0.Shellys.Außentemperatur+Luftfeuchte.ACTUAL Value: 10.4 2023-04-22 23:44:43.397 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) outsidetemperature changed: alias.0.Shellys.Außentemperatur+Luftfeuchte.ACTUAL Value: 10.5 2023-04-22 23:44:53.436 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) outsidetemperature changed: alias.0.Shellys.Außentemperatur+Luftfeuchte.ACTUAL Value: 10.4 2023-04-22 23:45:00.042 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) calculate astrodata ... 2023-04-22 23:45:00.044 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Sun Azimut: 331.3° 2023-04-22 23:45:00.045 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Sun Elevation: -23.1° 2023-04-22 23:46:00.130 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) Alarm Frost changed: false 2023-04-22 23:46:00.131 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) start shutterAlarm 2023-04-22 23:46:00.131 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-22 23:46:00.131 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) status alarm pending for alias.0.Shellys.Rolladen_Kinderzimmer_2.SET: false 2023-04-22 23:46:01.160 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (25598) shutter alarm frost endet and no other alarm is pending Kinderzimmer 2 already at: 0% - setting current action: down
Hallo, ich habe gestern auf die Version v1.4.23 aktualisiert. (von 1.4.18)
Jetzt fuhren heute meine Rolladen zwar in den Sonnenschutz ("Sunprotect #414") aber nicht mehr raus.
Ich lasse die über die "Außentemperatur/Lichtsensor und Himmelsrichtung" steuern, wobei ich für die Außentemperatur ein gefiltertetes Powersignal meiner PV-Anlage als Trigger nehme. Hat bisher auch gut funktioniert.Spätestens wenn die Himmelsrichtung nicht mehr passt, hätte hochgefahren werden müssen, aber das Event "Sunprotect #415" fehlt bei allen Rolläden. Bei 'autoState' stehen die im "Manu_Mode" habe ich dann gesehen, obwohl die nicht manuell verfahren wurden.
Habe sie dann wieder in der AutoMode gezwungen. Danach sind die Rolladen die dann aus dem Sonnenschutz fuhren sofort wieder im "Manu_Mode" gelandet. Gibt es evtl. ein Feedback vom Shellys, was ihn durcheinander bringt? Das war mit der alten Version definitiv nicht. -
@tottbeck nimm die 1.4.28
OK, danke ist nun installiert. Dann ist die 1.4.23 wohl doch nicht so stable.
Mal schauen was morgen passiert. -
@simatec wann kommt denn die 28er ins stable? Die "instabile" 23er ist aktuell dort zu finden.
@rtwl Die v1.4.28 kommt garnicht ins Stable... Und grundsätzlich kommen Versionen ins Stable, wenn die Beta Tests erfolgreich abgeschlossen sind
okay anders gefragt:
wann kommt eine neue Version anstelle der 23er ins stable welche nicht den Fehler aufweist, dass die Rollläden im manu_mode landen nach dem sie in den Sonnenschutz gefahren sind? -
... schließe mich deiner Frage an ... -
@rtwl sagte in Test Adapter shuttercontrol v1.4.x:
okay anders gefragt:
wann kommt eine neue Version anstelle der 23er ins stable welche nicht den Fehler aufweist, dass die Rollläden im manu_mode landen nach dem sie in den Sonnenschutz gefahren sind?Hatte ich doch in meinem letzten Post geschrieben.
Wenn die Beta Versionen soweit getestet sind, dass sie Fehlerfrei sind.
Wann das ist, kann man nicht in Tage oder Wochen definieren.Die aktuelle Beta 1.4.29 sieht recht gut aus.
Wenn ihr nicht warten wollt, installiert die Version aus der Beta Repo -
Ich habe immer wieder Probleme mit shuttercontrol das Rollladen nicht so fahren wie ich mir das vorstelle.-
Heute morgen z.B. hat Junior vor der upChildren-Zeit ein Fenster (KZ_2_F1) geöffnet, das Rollo ist dann hochgefahren. Er hat es nach der upChildren-Zeit geschlossen. Das Fenster wurde aber bei Durchlauf von Shuttercontrol während der upChildren-Zeit nicht neu gesetzt. Ich bin davon ausgegangen, dass das Fenster beim Durchlauf auf 100% und 'nicht getriggert' gesetzt wird. Das Rollo ist dann anschliessend wieder runter gefahren.
Ich habe im Kinderzimmer (z.B. KZ_1_F1) Dreh/Kippsensoren an den Fenster(griffen). Ich öffne das Fenster vor der downChildren-Zeit zum Lüften. Wenn ich nach der downChildren-Zeit das Fenster schliesse und sofort in den Kippmodus bringe hatte ich gehofft, das das Fenster dann sofort ich die Lüftungsstellung fährt. Das Fenster schliesst jedoch. Was habe ich falsch konfiguriert
2023-04-27 05:20:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) calculate astrodata ... 2023-04-27 05:20:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Azimut: 60.5° 2023-04-27 05:20:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Elevation: -5.2° 2023-04-27 05:25:00.006 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) calculate astrodata ... 2023-04-27 05:25:00.006 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Azimut: 61.5° 2023-04-27 05:25:00.006 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Elevation: -4.6° 2023-04-27 05:27:51.968 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) TriggerID changed: hm-rpc.0.0007DF29950C05.1.STATE Value: 2 2023-04-27 05:27:51.971 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 - shutter conversion is:false 2023-04-27 05:27:52.016 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 - shutter current state.val is:20 2023-04-27 05:27:52.016 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 - shutter trigger drive-up is:100 2023-04-27 05:27:52.016 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 - shutter trigger change is:upDown 2023-04-27 05:27:52.017 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #1 save trigger height: 20% for device KZ_2_F1 2023-04-27 05:27:52.017 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #1 save trigger action: none for device KZ_2_F1 2023-04-27 05:27:52.017 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #1 Set ID: KZ_2_F1 value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:27:52.018 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #1 current height: 100% for device KZ_2_F1 2023-04-27 05:27:52.018 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #1 current action: triggered for device KZ_2_F1 2023-04-27 05:27:52.018 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) triggered #1 Set ID: KZ_2_F1 value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:27:52.066 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:27:52.076 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:27:52.077 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: KZ_2_F1 old value = 20 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:27:52.077 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 Old value = 20. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:27:52.126 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 - window is still open -> driving now to :100 2023-04-27 05:30:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) calculate astrodata ... 2023-04-27 05:30:00.005 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Azimut: 62.5° 2023-04-27 05:30:00.005 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Elevation: -3.9° 2023-04-27 05:31:00.015 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:00.016 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.Kueche_F1: false 2023-04-27 05:31:00.016 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:00.017 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.OG_1_F1: false 2023-04-27 05:31:00.028 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Living up #13 Set ID: Kueche_F1_Rollo value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:00.038 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Children Up #21 Set ID: KZ_1_F1 value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:00.048 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:00.052 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:00.059 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:00.064 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:00.067 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: Kueche_F1_Rollo old value = 20 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:00.068 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Kueche_F1_Rollo Old value = 20. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:00.073 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: KZ_1_F1 old value = 20 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:00.075 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_1_F1 Old value = 20. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:00.080 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for Kueche_F1_Rollo: up_LivingTime 2023-04-27 05:31:00.081 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpLiving #2 Kueche_F1_Rollo old height: 20% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:00.081 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for KZ_1_F1: up_ChidrenTime 2023-04-27 05:31:00.081 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpChildren #1 KZ_1_F1 old height: 20% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:01.081 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:01.081 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.Kueche_F2: false 2023-04-27 05:31:01.082 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:01.082 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.OG_2_F1: false 2023-04-27 05:31:01.123 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Living up #13 Set ID: Kueche_F2_Rollo value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:01.125 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Children Up #21 Set ID: Buero_F1 value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:01.128 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:01.131 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:01.138 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:01.139 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: Kueche_F2_Rollo old value = 20 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:01.139 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Kueche_F2_Rollo Old value = 20. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:01.142 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:01.144 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: Buero_F1 old value = 0 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:01.145 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Buero_F1 Old value = 0. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:01.145 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for Kueche_F2_Rollo: up_LivingTime 2023-04-27 05:31:01.145 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpLiving #2 Kueche_F2_Rollo old height: 20% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:01.189 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for Buero_F1: up_ChidrenTime 2023-04-27 05:31:01.189 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpChildren #1 Buero_F1 old height: 0% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:02.145 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:02.145 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.WZ_F1: false 2023-04-27 05:31:02.188 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Living up #13 Set ID: WZ_F1_Rollo value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:02.192 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:02.194 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Children Up #21 Set ID: Buero_F2 value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:02.202 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:02.203 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: WZ_F1_Rollo old value = 20 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:02.203 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) WZ_F1_Rollo Old value = 20. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:02.205 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:02.210 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for WZ_F1_Rollo: up_LivingTime 2023-04-27 05:31:02.210 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpLiving #1 WZ_F1_Rollo old height: 20% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:02.215 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:02.216 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: Buero_F2 old value = 50 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:02.216 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Buero_F2 Old value = 50. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:02.259 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for Buero_F2: up_ChidrenTime 2023-04-27 05:31:02.259 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpChildren #1 Buero_F2 old height: 50% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:03.210 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:03.210 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.WZ_F2: false 2023-04-27 05:31:03.251 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Living up #13 Set ID: WZ_F2_Rollo value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:03.259 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:03.260 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.OG_3_F1: false 2023-04-27 05:31:03.262 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:03.272 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:03.273 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: WZ_F2_Rollo old value = 20 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:03.274 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) WZ_F2_Rollo Old value = 20. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:03.320 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for WZ_F2_Rollo: up_LivingTime 2023-04-27 05:31:03.320 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpLiving #2 WZ_F2_Rollo old height: 20% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:04.274 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:04.274 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.OG_3_F2: false 2023-04-27 05:31:04.319 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Children Up #21 Set ID: KZ_2_F2 value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:04.321 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:04.321 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.WZ_F3: false 2023-04-27 05:31:04.323 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:04.333 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:04.334 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Living up #13 Set ID: WZ_F3_Rollo value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:04.334 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: KZ_2_F2 old value = 20 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:04.334 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F2 Old value = 20. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:04.381 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:04.390 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for KZ_2_F2: up_ChidrenTime 2023-04-27 05:31:04.390 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpChildren #1 KZ_2_F2 old height: 20% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:04.393 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:04.394 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: WZ_F3_Rollo old value = 20 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:04.394 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) WZ_F3_Rollo Old value = 20. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:04.395 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for WZ_F3_Rollo: up_LivingTime 2023-04-27 05:31:04.396 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpLiving #2 WZ_F3_Rollo old height: 20% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:05.396 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:05.396 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.WZ_F4: false 2023-04-27 05:31:05.439 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Living up #13 Set ID: WZ_F4_Rollo value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:05.485 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:05.495 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:05.496 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: WZ_F4_Rollo old value = 0 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:05.496 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) WZ_F4_Rollo Old value = 0. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:05.611 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for WZ_F4_Rollo: up_LivingTime 2023-04-27 05:31:05.611 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpLiving #2 WZ_F4_Rollo old height: 0% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:06.611 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:06.611 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.WZ_F5: false 2023-04-27 05:31:06.825 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Living up #13 Set ID: WZ_F5_Rollo value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:07.011 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:07.021 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:07.022 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: WZ_F5_Rollo old value = 0 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:07.022 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) WZ_F5_Rollo Old value = 0. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:07.073 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for WZ_F5_Rollo: up_LivingTime 2023-04-27 05:31:07.073 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpLiving #2 WZ_F5_Rollo old height: 0% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:08.074 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:08.074 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.WZ_F6: false 2023-04-27 05:31:08.119 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Living up #13 Set ID: WZ_F6_Rollo value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:08.165 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:08.176 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:08.177 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: WZ_F6_Rollo old value = 0 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:08.177 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) WZ_F6_Rollo Old value = 0. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:08.227 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for WZ_F6_Rollo: up_LivingTime 2023-04-27 05:31:08.227 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpLiving #2 WZ_F6_Rollo old height: 0% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:09.227 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:09.227 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.Bad_EG_F1: false 2023-04-27 05:31:09.271 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Living up #13 Set ID: Bad_EG_F1_Rollo value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:09.317 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:09.327 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:09.328 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: Bad_EG_F1_Rollo old value = 0 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:09.328 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Bad_EG_F1_Rollo Old value = 0. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:09.374 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for Bad_EG_F1_Rollo: up_LivingTime 2023-04-27 05:31:09.375 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpLiving #2 Bad_EG_F1_Rollo old height: 0% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:10.375 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) 2023-04-27 05:31:10.375 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) status alarm pending for 0_userdata.0.Rollladen.HWR_F1: false 2023-04-27 05:31:10.419 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Living up #13 Set ID: HWR_F1_Rollo value: 100% 2023-04-27 05:31:10.430 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:31:10.440 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:31:10.440 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: HWR_F1_Rollo old value = 0 new value = 100 2023-04-27 05:31:10.441 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) HWR_F1_Rollo Old value = 0. New value = 100. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:31:10.486 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) last automatic Action for HWR_F1_Rollo: up_LivingTime 2023-04-27 05:31:10.486 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) shutterUpLiving #1 HWR_F1_Rollo old height: 0% new height: 100% 2023-04-27 05:35:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) calculate astrodata ... 2023-04-27 05:35:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Azimut: 63.5° 2023-04-27 05:35:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Elevation: -3.2° 2023-04-27 05:35:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) calculate astrodata ... 2023-04-27 05:35:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Azimut: 63.5° 2023-04-27 05:35:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Elevation: -3.2° 2023-04-27 05:35:24.446 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) TriggerID changed: hm-rpc.0.0007DF299508E8.1.STATE Value: 2 2023-04-27 05:35:24.446 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_1_F1 - shutter conversion is:false 2023-04-27 05:35:24.492 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_1_F1 - shutter current state.val is:100 2023-04-27 05:35:24.492 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_1_F1 - shutter trigger drive-up is:100 2023-04-27 05:35:24.492 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_1_F1 - shutter trigger change is:upDown 2023-04-27 05:35:24.492 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #2 save trigger action: up for device: KZ_1_F1 2023-04-27 05:35:24.492 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #2 save trigger height: 100% for device: KZ_1_F1 2023-04-27 05:39:59.693 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) outsidetemperature changed: 0_userdata.0.Wetter_Klima.var_weather_temperature_sun_gleitend Value: -5.8 2023-04-27 05:40:00.003 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) calculate astrodata ... 2023-04-27 05:40:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Azimut: 64.5° 2023-04-27 05:40:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Elevation: -2.5° 2023-04-27 05:45:00.003 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) calculate astrodata ... 2023-04-27 05:45:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Azimut: 65.5° 2023-04-27 05:45:00.004 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Sun Elevation: -1.8° 2023-04-27 05:47:51.537 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) TriggerID changed: hm-rpc.0.0007DF29950C05.1.STATE Value: 0 2023-04-27 05:47:51.538 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 - shutter conversion is:false 2023-04-27 05:47:51.580 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 - shutter current state.val is:100 2023-04-27 05:47:51.580 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 - shutter current Height is:100 2023-04-27 05:47:51.580 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 - shutter trigger Height is:20 2023-04-27 05:47:51.580 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 - shutter trigger Action is:none 2023-04-27 05:47:51.581 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 - shutter trigger Change is:upDown 2023-04-27 05:47:51.623 - info: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Window is still closed -> drive to last height: Set ID: KZ_2_F1 value: 20% 2023-04-27 05:47:51.670 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check started 2023-04-27 05:47:51.681 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) #0 wait for shutter check end 2023-04-27 05:47:51.681 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) Shutter state changed: KZ_2_F1 old value = 100 new value = 20 2023-04-27 05:47:51.681 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) KZ_2_F1 Old value = 100. New value = 20. automatic is active 2023-04-27 05:47:51.730 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) save back trigger action: none for device: KZ_2_F1 2023-04-27 05:50:00.005 - debug: shuttercontrol.0 (1088236) calculate astrodata ...
{ "_id": "system.adapter.shuttercontrol.0", "common": { "name": "shuttercontrol", "version": "1.4.29", "title": "shuttercontrol", "authors": [ "simatec <>" ], "keywords": [ "ioBroker", "Smart Home", "home automation", "Rollladen", "Jalousie", "Rollladensteuerung" ], "license": "MIT", "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", "main": "main.js", "icon": "shuttercontrol.png", "enabled": true, "extIcon": "", "readme": "", "loglevel": "debug", "mode": "daemon", "type": "climate-control", "compact": true, "materialize": true, "connectionType": "local", "dataSource": "push", "stopBeforeUpdate": true, "adminUI": { "config": "materialize" }, "plugins": { "sentry": { "dsn": "" } }, "installedFrom": "iobroker.shuttercontrol@1.4.29", "installedVersion": "1.4.29", "host": "iobroker" }, "native": { "livingAutomatic": "livingSunriseSunset", "W_shutterDownLiving": "22:00", "W_shutterUpLivingMin": "05:00", "W_shutterUpLivingMax": "06:00", "driveDelayUpLiving": "1", "WE_shutterDownLiving": "22:00", "WE_shutterUpLivingMin": "07:00", "WE_shutterUpLivingMax": "07:30", "sleepAutomatic": "sleepSunriseSunset", "W_shutterDownSleep": "21:30", "W_shutterUpSleepMin": "06:00", "W_shutterUpSleepMax": "07:00", "driveDelayUpSleep": "0", "WE_shutterDownSleep": "22:00", "WE_shutterUpSleepMin": "07:00", "WE_shutterUpSleepMax": "07:30", "childrenAutomatic": "childrenSunriseSunset", "W_shutterDownChildren": "19:30", "W_shutterUpChildrenMin": "05:30", "W_shutterUpChildrenMax": "06:00", "driveDelayUpChildren": "1", "WE_shutterDownChildren": "20:00", "WE_shutterUpChildrenMin": "08:00", "WE_shutterUpChildrenMax": "08:00", "latitude": "xx.xxxxxxxx", "longitude": "xx.xxxxxxxx", "sunProtEndElevation": "15", "astroDelayUp": "-20", "astroDelayDown": "23", "driveDelayUpAstro": "0", "SummerStart": "01.03.", "SummerEnd": "30.09.", "XMasStart": "01.12.", "XMasEnd": "06.01.", "publicHolidays": true, "publicHolInstance": "feiertage.0", "HolidayDP": "", "lightsensorDown": "400", "lightsensorUp": "500", 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