Fully Kiosk Browser
@arteck Ändert leider nix.
Vor dem Update alle Objekte des Adapters gelöscht:
Update erfolgreich:
Objekte nach dem Start:
Log des Starts:
fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:42.271 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:42.270 info terminating fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:42.268 info cleaned everything up... fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:42.265 info Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.534 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.lastAppStart" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.527 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.currentPage" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.519 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.foregroundApp" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.509 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.deviceManufacturer" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.497 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.deviceModel" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.488 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.androidSdk" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.481 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.appVersionName" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.472 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.appVersionCode" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.466 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.locationLongitude" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.460 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.locationLatitude" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.451 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.deviceID" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.445 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.currentTabIndex" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.437 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.startUrl" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.430 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.kioskMode" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.424 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.maintenanceMode" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.419 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.isInForcedSleep" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.411 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.kioskLocked" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.405 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.isInScreensaver" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.400 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.isLicensed" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.393 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.isRooted" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.385 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.isInDaydream" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.376 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.topFragmentTag" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.368 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.isMenuOpen" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.346 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.displayWidthPixels" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.337 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.displayHeightPixels" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.324 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.scopedStorage" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.312 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.timestamp" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.302 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.appTotalMemory" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.291 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.appFreeMemory" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.281 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.appUsedMemory" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.272 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.ramTotalMemory" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.264 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.ramFreeMemory" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.255 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.ramUsedMemory" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.248 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.internalStorageTotalSpace" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.240 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.internalStorageFreeSpace" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.233 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.isDeviceOwner" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.227 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.isDeviceAdmin" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.216 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.motionDetectorStatus" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.208 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.webviewUA" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.199 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.androidVersion" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.189 warn State "" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.182 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.serial" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.175 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.locale" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.169 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.keyguardLocked" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.164 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.plugged" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.156 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.batteryTemperature" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.147 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.screenOn" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.142 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.screenLocked" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.135 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.screenBrightness" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.128 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.screenOrientation" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.122 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.isMobileDataEnabled" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.113 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.wifiSignalLevel" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.105 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.hostname6" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.097 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.hostname4" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.089 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.ip6" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.080 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.ip4" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.073 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.Mac" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.064 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.BSSID" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.056 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.SSID" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.049 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.isPlugged" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.041 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.batteryLevel" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.032 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.locationProvide" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.024 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.altitude" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:19.017 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.packageName" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:18.975 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_244.Info.deviceName" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:18.884 warn State "fullybrowser.0.192_168_0_160.isFullyAlive" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:18.839 debug get Information fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:17.822 info Start with IP : fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:17.820 debug create state fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:17.818 info timeout is 2000 fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:17.755 info starting. Version 2.1.2 (non-npm: arteck/ioBroker.fullybrowser) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fullybrowser, node: v14.19.1, js-controller: 4.0.21 fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:17.010 debug States connected to redis: fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:16.949 debug States create User PubSub Client fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:16.946 debug States create System PubSub Client fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:16.905 debug Redis States: Use Redis connection: fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:16.842 debug Objects connected to redis: fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:16.832 debug Objects client initialize lua scripts fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:16.734 debug Objects create User PubSub Client fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:16.732 debug Objects create System PubSub Client fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:16.729 debug Objects client ready ... initialize now fullybrowser.0 2022-04-04 11:46:16.658 debug Redis Objects: Use Redis connection:
@merlin123 das gibts doch nicht.. hast du ein Multihost im einsatz ??
ich kann den Fehler nicht lokalisieren.. -
@arteck nö.... einen ganz einfachen popligen Beelink 3 mit Debian....
Versteh ich das Log richtig: Er legt die Sachen nicht an, beschwert sich danach aber, dass die nicht da sind?
Brauchst Du irgendwelche Details vom System? Musst mir nur sagen was (und ggf. wie ich an die Daten komme, wenn das was spezielles ist)
Bei meinem alten Tablet ging das ja problemlos. Muss also irgendwie mit dem neuen Samsung A8 zu tun haben -
@merlin123 zeigmal die adapter Einstellung ..da ist zwar nicht viel was man falsch machen kann ..aber
@arteck Bitteschön
gibmal bitte im browser
ein bei ... xxxx das psw eingeben
sollte sowas kommen
rechts die werte.. die brauch ich aber nicht.. schau nur ob das was ich gepostet habe kommt
Ich war länger nicht an meinem Tablet und habe nun festgestellt, dass die Farbtöne nun plötzlich invertiert erscheinen, also Buttons, die vorher schwarz waren, sind nun auf einmal weiß, etc.
Sagt das jemandem was?
@arteck sagte in Fully Kiosk Browser:
Da kommt das:
{"status":"Error","statustext":"Please login"}Wenn ich das Passwort auf der Seite eingebe
werde ich eingeloggt. Das Passwort stimmt also.
Wenn ich danach nochmal deinen Befehl eingebe kommt das:{"deviceName":"Tab A8 von Oliver","packageName":"de.ozerov.fully","altitude":150.618,"locationProvide":"gps","batteryLevel":50,"isPlugged":false,"SSID":"\"Wizards-Tower2\"","BSSID":"cc:ce:1e:b1:1f:da","Mac":"XXXXXX","ip4":"","ip6":"FE80::E8D5:50FF:XXXXXX","hostname4":"","hostname6":"fe80::e8d5:50ff:fef1:3237%wlan0","wifiSignalLevel":7,"isMobileDataEnabled":false,"screenOrientation":90,"screenBrightness":22,"screenLocked":true,"screenOn":false,"batteryTemperature":21,"plugged":false,"keyguardLocked":true,"locale":"de_DE","serial":"unknown","build":"RP1A.200720.012.X200XXU1AVC1","androidVersion":"11","webviewUA":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SM-X200 Build/RP1A.200720.012; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/99.0.4844.88 Safari/537.36","motionDetectorStatus":0,"isDeviceAdmin":true,"isDeviceOwner":false,"internalStorageFreeSpace":16651935744,"internalStorageTotalSpace":23361204224,"ramUsedMemory":1932701696,"ramFreeMemory":664088576,"ramTotalMemory":2596790272,"appUsedMemory":10217408,"appFreeMemory":191109184,"appTotalMemory":201326592,"timestamp":1649140258137,"scopedStorage":true,"displayHeightPixels":1200,"displayWidthPixels":1920,"isMenuOpen":false,"topFragmentTag":"","isInDaydream":false,"isRooted":false,"isLicensed":true,"isInScreensaver":false,"kioskLocked":false,"isInForcedSleep":false,"maintenanceMode":false,"kioskMode":false,"startUrl":"","currentTabIndex":0,"deviceID":"a3f3f4e4-cbb722b7","locationLatitude":49.XXXX,"locationLongitude":8.XXXXX,"appVersionCode":1057,"appVersionName":"1.47.2-play","androidSdk":30,"deviceModel":"SM-X200","deviceManufacturer":"samsung","foregroundApp":"de.ozerov.fully","currentPage":"","lastAppStart":"04.04.22 18:14:11"} (ein paar Sachen hab ich unkenntlich gemacht)
@joergh sagte in Fully Kiosk Browser:
Ich war länger nicht an meinem Tablet und habe nun festgestellt, dass die Farbtöne nun plötzlich invertiert erscheinen, also Buttons, die vorher schwarz waren, sind nun auf einmal weiß, etc.
Sagt das jemandem was?
Schau mal da:
Farbumkehr aktivieren
Öffnen Sie auf Ihrem Gerät die Einstellungen .
Tippen Sie auf Bedienungshilfen.
Tippen Sie unter "Display" auf Farbumkehr.
Schalten Sie Farbumkehr aktivieren ein.
Optional: Aktivieren Sie die Verknüpfung für "Farbumkehr". -
@merlin123 nochmal
das muss gehen
hie rmüssen Daten geliefert werden.. egal ob es nach deinem Login geht ...dieser Link muss daten liefern..
hast du Sonderzeichen im Password ? ist es extrem Lang ?? irgendwas stimmt da nicht..setzt das pSW mal auf Test12345..und rufe den link von oben auf
@arteck sagte in Fully Kiosk Browser:
Jup... Da ist das Problem... ich hab ein "+" und ein "-" drin. Also nix exotisches. Ohne das liefert er das Ergebnis.
Jetzt sind auch alle Objekte da.Das ist ja ein Mist.... Ich mein, da muss ich nicht wirklich ein sicheres Passwort nutzen, aber grundsätzlich ist das schon doof....
Auf jeden Fall danke für die Hilfe (auch wenn wir uns am Anfang in der Kommunikation etwas schwer getan haben
Dann kann ich jetzt wieder auf Deinen Adapter zurück gehenDen mag ich eh lieber
@merlin123 war ne schwere Geburt... also doch Sonderzeichen im psw
@arteck sagte in Fully Kiosk Browser:
also doch Sonderzeichen im psw
ich glaube nicht, dass
unter "Sonderzeichen" im engeren Sinne fallen -
@arteck sagte in Fully Kiosk Browser:
@merlin123 war ne schwere Geburt... also doch Sonderzeichen im psw
Aber wo liegt das Problem? Ist das in Deinem Adapter oder im Browser ein Problem? Das sind ja noch harmlose Zeichen, die eigentlich kein Problem sein sollten...
@merlin123 @Homoran das problem ist dass man diese Zeichen nicht in der URL mit übertragen kann..
das ist sohttp://
das geht nicht genausowenig wieöstäöü
@arteck sagte in Fully Kiosk Browser:
das ist so
das ist was anderes, aber ich fürchte dann sollte man die Beschreibung/Info ändern. Aber selbst bei Beschränkung auf "alphanumerische Zeichen" bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob das die Vorzeichen ausschließt.
@homoran wir reden hier über ein PSW für den fullyBrowser und nicht über fort knox..
also ich bitte dich..
@arteck sagte in Fully Kiosk Browser:
wir reden hier über ein PSW für den fullyBrowser und nicht über fort knox..
das ist mir bewusst.
Ich rede noch nicht einmal darüber sondern nur über die korrekte Formulierung der "Einschränkung", damit es nicht zu solchen Problemen kommt wenn es z.B. heisst man dürfe keine Sonderzeichen verwenden -
@homoran ok aufgenommen
@merlin123 Danke, der Tipp hat weitergeholfen!
Es gibt tatsächlich im Tablet einen "Dark mode" der sich aus unerklärlichen Gründen aktiviert hatte.