Test Adapter mihome-vacuum 3.8.x
@thomas-braun habe ich jetzt im code gemacht, zeige immer nur die ersten 10 Zeichen + XXXX. Kann ja mal hilfreich sein, wenn man mehrere hat...
@dirkhe gute frage. das passwort war immer drinnen.
warum da ein anderes drinnen stand? wenn ich jetzt auf "get device" klicke, kein fehler...
und wie durch zauberei:
warum das plötzlich orange ist... die chinesen wollens so...
von einem noch zuviel unwissenden...
mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 16:30:45.132 debug Xiaomi Cloud: Login successful mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 16:30:45.122 debug Login step3: [{"key":"userId","value":"6363339872","domain":"","path":"/","hostOnly":false,"creation":"2022-11-01T15:30:45.103Z","lastAccessed":"2022-11-01T15:30:45.122Z"},{"key":"cUserId","value":"Wk6OEyZydMH9GynK--l9q0BrBCg","domain":"","path":"/","hostOnly":false,"creation":"2022-11-01T15:30:45.105Z","lastAccessed":"2022-11-01T15:30:45.122Z"},{"key":"serviceToken","value":"XiC7u4iJjhpMFpCfWbATGVSWq2VCxgx6lTg3aJLc12gog6z5dut+qQyGrQDJstxzaxRh6U0Ul/w2xxQgMNSdK+UM7XulN8BKsHTOlPL+UVvoJkVaEV8b6QA/C0+j6rZM4qjUR6jnN31P4XUTtkxn4g6lbqk7aX8wrsrQQVOQrAg=","domain":"","path":"/","hostOnly":false,"creation":"2022-11-01T15:30:45.110Z","lastAccessed":"2022-11-01T15:30:45.122Z"}] mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 16:30:44.969 debug Login step2: &&&START&&&{"qs":"%3Fsid%3Dxiaomiio%26_json%3Dtrue","ssecurity":"PY7PSsYXvAHRTL6+ltOSxQ==","code":0,"passToken":"V1:DXmurwq2/R1BHTELu6obCZs94kheKAWp0c+OapjBK4xlLT16Y4m5coFz1Qf3fGspZ2baTWVTL3M4eZSAcGxxbndFW5SwEmbtuxOSkaXx3uYYVhMWqm924q+/DQ5O6Ll6jz1HDph5bQoVrBAWPIarFTLtmfBcjZo0IU1I9wE7ZcTti4qVIYKsXWY4uyr1mtyOlZS1N1GwSE1jNrVpDaxPz64+wP6NndqRuwEwPrlgaJ1UB1rAjMBi4yk1sD3hFkaXGhe7niiy+AklXO8cTNUJ8n6fZxp1s5GTk26yQs5HNL8=","description":"成功","securityStatus":0,"nonce":838939435468006400,"userId":6363339872,"cUserId":"Wk6OEyZydMH9GynK--l9q0BrBCg","result":"ok","psecurity":"TXVEVY9mrvKtcLJO0TazhA==","captchaUrl":null,"location":"","pwd":1,"child":0,"desc":"成功"} mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 16:30:44.812 debug Login step1: &&&START&&&{"serviceParam":"{\"checkSafePhone\":false,\"checkSafeAddress\":false,\"lsrp_score\":0.0}","qs":"%3Fsid%3Dxiaomiio%26_json%3Dtrue","code":70016,"description":"登录验证失败","securityStatus":0,"_sign":"0psXfr43eNI0IX6q9Suk3qWbRqU=","sid":"xiaomiio","result":"error","captchaUrl":null,"callback":"","location":"","pwd":0,"child":0,"desc":"登录验证失败"} mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 16:29:04.116 debug Xiaomi Cloud: Login successful mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 16:29:04.115 debug Login step3: [{"key":"userId","value":"6363339872","domain":"","path":"/","hostOnly":false,"creation":"2022-11-01T15:29:04.101Z","lastAccessed":"2022-11-01T15:29:04.110Z"},{"key":"cUserId","value":"Wk6OEyZydMH9GynK--l9q0BrBCg","domain":"","path":"/","hostOnly":false,"creation":"2022-11-01T15:29:04.104Z","lastAccessed":"2022-11-01T15:29:04.110Z"},{"key":"serviceToken","value":"qhYz9Uf/JsqBHA/+by4wDbA+mT7kqHvreYzAdra4Q4MOv1U/dbHZJJBL+yCwR3nyeC30+wPntHp1iumNCbVZ+hIYlnITHDu7iuvC0Eqwgx4S7odx/jlW2LKjv0cu3w/pCNreN3TnUm52LYoeiob2PcVjKFUmVdFLbquyp1zBSG0=","domain":"","path":"/","hostOnly":false,"creation":"2022-11-01T15:29:04.106Z","lastAccessed":"2022-11-01T15:29:04.110Z"}] mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 16:29:03.877 debug Login step2: &&&START&&&{"qs":"%3Fsid%3Dxiaomiio%26_json%3Dtrue","ssecurity":"qdLvClhT4fWnEVsKvzHaxA==","code":0,"passToken":"V1:DXmurwq2/R1BHTELu6obCSX7/Af4P+j1I3J4sGkAtOtQ3+0+OevoRwV4yAXR6ZcIEFCisumlgeob+GaX28PzGbk7uQkk4nTkCgaocsycQpEw580xSRYvjLMhiz5QQsbcO6lXOwNDEqgIlpdlLgTu2WPlYy31Ynj5TBpYrl9h3ikk5Wyn9BgmyoL7lU5MEKnCaz2KSklJJ1cQWo6Sh/1+oYdEuV/iF6rQ1f609EeXzMdYdUPzDXD10OEWyU9WiYdcJeukV8r63U+yWAneEPlzgyQtjrrmn0CTnfocJ8xbNBo=","description":"成功","securityStatus":0,"nonce":1584612509642027008,"userId":6363339872,"cUserId":"Wk6OEyZydMH9GynK--l9q0BrBCg","result":"ok","psecurity":"3AYWGOeDrpIaxzOEToalow==","captchaUrl":null,"location":"","pwd":1,"child":0,"desc":"成功"} mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 16:29:03.674 debug Login step1: &&&START&&&{"serviceParam":"{\"checkSafePhone\":false,\"checkSafeAddress\":false,\"lsrp_score\":0.0}","qs":"%3Fsid%3Dxiaomiio%26_json%3Dtrue","code":70016,"description":"登录验证失败","securityStatus":0,"_sign":"0psXfr43eNI0IX6q9Suk3qWbRqU=","sid":"xiaomiio","result":"error","captchaUrl":null,"callback":"","location":"","pwd":0,"child":0,"desc":"登录验证失败"}
@da_woody Das mit den Farben kommt vom meisterTR, glaube ich, da waren Änderungen an den Farben. Er hat ja jetzt auch Teppich mit drin und so.
Aber gut, wenn es jetzt geht -
Der Adapter knüppelt mir immer noch das Log voll:
2022-11-01 17:47:58.990 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 17:47:58.991 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 17:47:58.992 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 17:47:59.292 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 17:47:59.593 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 17:47:59.894 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 17:48:00.195 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 17:48:00.496 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 17:48:06.457 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) select standard vacuum protocol.... 2022-11-01 17:48:07.035 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) settest next timer: not available 2022-11-01 17:48:25.438 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 17:48:25.977 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 17:49:55.616 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 17:53:26.494 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 17:59:27.661 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 17:59:57.783 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:01:28.323 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:01:29.942 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:29.943 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:29.944 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:30.245 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:30.546 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:30.848 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:31.149 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:31.450 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:35.751 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:35.752 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:35.753 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:36.054 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:36.355 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:36.656 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:36.957 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:37.258 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:01:38.921 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) select standard vacuum protocol.... 2022-11-01 18:01:39.504 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) settest next timer: not available 2022-11-01 18:05:28.351 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:06:59.359 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:12:29.868 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:14:00.691 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:15:00.136 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:17:00.663 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:18:00.767 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:18:01.383 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:19:01.675 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:19:31.099 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:19:37.859 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:19:37.860 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:19:38.162 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:19:38.463 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:19:38.764 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:19:39.065 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:19:39.366 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:19:42.231 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) select standard vacuum protocol.... 2022-11-01 18:19:42.765 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) settest next timer: not available 2022-11-01 18:22:02.079 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:23:09.419 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:28:02.848 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:29:32.945 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:31:03.405 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:34:50.197 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:34:52.198 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:34:54.201 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:34:56.202 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:34:56.495 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:56.496 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:56.498 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:56.499 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:56.503 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:56.800 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:56.805 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:57.101 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:57.107 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:57.403 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:57.410 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:57.705 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:57.712 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:58.007 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:58.496 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:34:58.500 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:34:58.501 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:34:58.505 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:34:59.995 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:59.997 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:59.998 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:34:59.999 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:00.300 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:00.601 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:00.903 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:01.204 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:01.505 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:01.627 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:01.628 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:01.932 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:02.233 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:02.534 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:02.836 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:03.137 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:35:03.933 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:35:04.234 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:35:04.535 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:35:05.071 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) select standard vacuum protocol.... 2022-11-01 18:35:05.663 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) settest next timer: not available 2022-11-01 18:36:04.507 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:36:34.471 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:40:05.252 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:40:05.490 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:43:35.747 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:45:36.253 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:45:36.442 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:47:36.693 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:48:36.528 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:48:37.071 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:49:36.547 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:49:37.679 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:38.204 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:38.205 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:38.206 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:38.207 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:38.508 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:38.809 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:38.955 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:38.956 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:39.110 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:39.257 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:39.411 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:39.558 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:39.712 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:39.859 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:40.160 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:40.462 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:40.730 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:40.731 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:40.929 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:40.930 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:40.931 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:41.032 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:41.232 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:41.333 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:41.534 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:41.634 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:41.835 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:41.935 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:42.136 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:42.236 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:42.438 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:42.630 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:42.631 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:42.632 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:42.934 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:43.235 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:43.537 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:43.838 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:44.140 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 18:49:47.746 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) select standard vacuum protocol.... 2022-11-01 18:49:48.290 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) settest next timer: not available 2022-11-01 18:51:37.023 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 18:58:32.389 - error: parcel.0 (89450) AxiosError: Request failed with status code 429 2022-11-01 18:58:32.392 - error: parcel.0 (89450) {"response":{"errors":[{"code":"10429","message":"Too Many Requests"}]}} 2022-11-01 18:58:38.895 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 19:00:09.042 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 19:01:39.428 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 19:02:11.299 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 19:02:11.301 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 19:02:11.302 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 19:02:11.303 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 19:02:11.604 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 19:02:11.907 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 19:02:12.208 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 19:02:12.509 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 19:02:12.811 - error: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) sendMessage throws error ==>not connected 2022-11-01 19:02:20.063 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) select standard vacuum protocol.... 2022-11-01 19:02:20.646 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) settest next timer: not available 2022-11-01 19:03:39.625 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 19:05:39.350 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 19:05:39.455 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 19:07:09.672 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 19:07:10.500 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 19:09:40.520 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 19:09:40.743 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 19:12:11.016 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (234862) your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes 2022-11-01 19:13:48.898 - info: parcel.0 (89450) ups receive 401 error. Refresh Token in 60 seconds
Dabei ist da eigentlich alles ausgeschaltet. Map deaktiviert, die anderen Dinge alle auf 0.
bei mir hat es um 19:05 angefangenmihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 19:05:17.200 error sendMessage throws error ==>MESSAGE TIMEOUT mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 19:05:15.199 error sendMessage throws error ==>MESSAGE TIMEOUT mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 19:05:13.197 error sendMessage throws error ==>MESSAGE TIMEOUT mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-01 19:05:11.193 error sendMessage throws error ==>MESSAGE TIMEOUT
@ilovegym sagte in Test für mihome-vacuum:
Wenn er im Tiefschlaf ist, kannst du ihn nicht wecken und der Adapter bekommt keine Antwort, daher wird dieser Rot.
Das ist so nicht korrekt. Wenn er im Tiefschlaf ist nimmt er jeden Befehl vom Adapter sofort an ( von die app sieht es anders aus ) und war mit der v. 3.4.2 noch nie rot.
zum Punkt 1 lässt sich darüber streiten gehört aber nicht hier rein
@vumer wäre die frage, wie lange er das macht.
ich vermute, diese woche kann ich nicht mehr viel machen, aber ich überlege mir noch was, wie ich das eindämmen kann. Ich glaube, ich werde so machen, dass ich einmalig eine warnung ins log schreibe, den adapter auf gelb setzte und sobald die verbindung wieder funktioniert, wieder auf grün und das spiel beginnt wieder von vorn -
@dirkhe sagte in Test für mihome-vacuum:
wäre die frage, wie lange er das macht.
Hab dem Adapter neu gestartet, dem Roboter ner Runde laufen lassen, jetzt erst mal Ruhe.
Wenn ich was testen soll gib Bescheid -
@vumer Ich habe das Problem auch
sendMessage throws error ==>not connected
Bei mir ist er aber gerade aktiv am Reinigen.
Edit: Scheint so als ob nun ruhe ist:
switch into : cd /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum then sudo npm install canvas -
@chrisxy sagte in Test für mihome-vacuum:
sudo npm install canvas
Nein, nicht mit root/sudo da hantieren.
Lass den Fixer laufen.
Heute ist noch das dazugekommenmihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-02 10:03:08.847 error sendMessage throws error ==>MIIO MESSAGE CANT PARSE ANSWER: error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt
Während der Reinigung
mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-02 10:36:19.670 warn your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-02 10:36:19.525 warn your device is connected, but didn't answer yet - sometime connection is broken and can take up to 10 Minutes mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-02 10:36:17.552 error sendMessage throws error ==>MIIO MESSAGE CANT PARSE ANSWER: {"id":4115,"result":[{"msg_ver":2,"msg_seq":7406,"state":18,"battery":84,"clean_time":673,"clean_area":8735000,"error_code":0,"map_present":1,"in_cleaning":3,"in_returning":0,"in_fresh_state":0,"lab_status":3,"water_box_status":1,"fan_power":103,"dnd_enabled":0,"map_status":3,"is_locating":0,"lock_status":0,"water_box_mode":201,"distance_off":60,"water_box_carriage_status":0,"mop_forbidden_enable"�n�ۅ�����h7V�6� <X�5��0�� �����!0R>���_collection_status":0,"auto_dust_collection":1,"debug_mode":0,"switch_map_mode":0,"dock_error_status":0,"charge_status":1}],"exe_time":11} mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-02 10:36:17.552 error sendMessage throws error ==>MIIO MESSAGE CANT PARSE ANSWER: {"id":4115,"result":[{"msg_ver":2,"msg_seq":7406,"state":18,"battery":84,"clean_time":673,"clean_area":8735000,"error_code":0,"map_present":1,"in_cleaning":3,"in_returning":0,"in_fresh_state":0,"lab_status":3,"water_box_status":1,"fan_power":103,"dnd_enabled":0,"map_status":3,"is_locating":0,"lock_status":0,"water_box_mode":201,"distance_off":60,"water_box_carriage_status":0,"mop_forbidden_enable"�n�ۅ�����h7V�6� <X�5��0�� �����!0R>���_collection_status":0,"auto_dust_collection":1,"debug_mode":0,"switch_map_mode":0,"dock_error_status":0,"charge_status":1}],"exe_time":11} mihome-vacuum.0 2022-11-02 10:36:17.549 error sendMessage throws error ==>MIIO MESSAGE CANT PARSE ANSWER: {"id":4115,"result":[{"msg_ver":2,"msg_seq":7406,"state":18,"battery":84,"clean_time":673,"clean_area":8735000,"error_code":0,"map_present":1,"in_cleaning":3,"in_returning":0,"in_fresh_state":0,"lab_status":3,"water_box_status":1,"fan_power":103,"dnd_enabled":0,"map_status":3,"is_locating":0,"lock_status":0,"water_box_mode":201,"distance_off":60,"water_box_carriage_status":0,"mop_forbidden_enable"�n�ۅ�����h7V�6� <X�5��0�� �����!0R>���_collection_status":0,"auto_dust_collection":1,"debug_mode":0,"switch_map_mode":0,"dock_error_status":0,"charge_status":1}],"exe_time":11}
@vumer Ja, ich denke, ich werde die alle auf warning setzten. Ich meine dass da Müll zurückkommt, sieht man ja...
ich habe mal eine Frage:
wie kann ich eine laufende zB Raum-Reinigung abbrechen - und zwar so, dass ich anschließend eine neue starten kann?
Derzeit nutze ich dafür den Datenpunkt "pause" - das problem ist jedoch, dass er dann sozusagen noch in der Reinigung "hängt" und ich keine neue starten kann.
In der App kommt dann der Hinweis, dass ich zuerst die laufende Reinigung beenden muss > wie mache ich das über den Adapter?Danke
Hab jetzt leider auch nach dem neusten Update die Log voll mit folgenden Meldungen..
@djmarc75 Sorry werde daraus nicht schlau, hatte das ja schon gelesen. Was willst du mir damit sagen ?
Ich habe mal die 3.8.4 veröffentlicht, da sollte das Log ruhiger sein....
@dirkhe sagte in Test für mihome-vacuum:
Ich habe mal die 3.8.4 veröffentlicht, da sollte das Log ruhiger sein....
Hallo, ja vielen Dank, ist es. Bis jetzt keine Fehler / Warnings im Log, meine vier S5 fahren nachher mal ne Runde, die Grundfunktionen hab ich getestet, gehen..
@dirkhe fast schon verdächtig ruhig...