Error 25 bei Adapterupdates nach Node.JS 16.15.1 Update
@thomas-braun sagte in Error 25 bei Adapterupdates nach Node.JS 16.15.1 Update:
rename '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.icons-open-icon-library-png' -> '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/.iobroker.icons-open-icon-li brary-png-dWPxt8qG'
rename '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.icons-open-icon-library-png' -> '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/.iobroker.icons-open-icon-li brary-png-dWPxt8qG' Unknown regexp modifier "/b" at (user-supplied code), at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/r" at (user-supplied code), at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/k" at (user-supplied code), at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/e" at (user-supplied code), at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/r" at (user-supplied code), at end of line
Ich hatte wie hier ja schon beschrieben wurde in /opt/iobroker die Datei 'package-lock.json' auch schon umbenannt und gespeíchert. Dann den Updateprozess neu angestossen. Dort erschien der gleiche Fehler wieder. In der Vorgehensweise etwas falsch gewesen ?
VG Mathias
Erst rename installiert. War nicht installiert. Dann das Kommando aufgerufen.
Verzeichnis umbenennen:
sudo -u iobroker mv /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.icons-open-icon-library-png /opt/iobroker/node_modules/.iobroker.icons-open-icon-library-png-dWPxt8qG
@thomas-braun sagte in Error 25 bei Adapterupdates nach Node.JS 16.15.1 Update:
sudo -u iobroker mv /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.icons-open-icon-library-png /opt/iobroker/node_modules/.iobroker.icons-open-icon-li brary-png-dWPxt8qG
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/iobroker $ sudo -u iobroker mv /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.icons-open-icon-library-png /opt/iobroker/node_modules/.iobroker.icons-open-icon-li brary-png-dWPxt8qG mv: das angegebene Ziel 'brary-png-dWPxt8qG' ist kein Verzeichnis
@nhbischo Leerzeichen entfernen, ist ein typo
@nhbischo sagte in Error 25 bei Adapterupdates nach Node.JS 16.15.1 Update:
Erst rename installiert. War nicht installiert. Dann das Kommando aufgerufen.
rename wird nicht installiert.
Sorry. Ich hatte rename über SSH aufgerufen und dort wurde gemeldet Rename ist nicht installiert
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/iobroker $ rename -bash: rename: Kommando nicht gefunden.
Daher hatte ich es installiert. Im Anschluss funktionierte der Aufruf.
Dateien und Verzeichnissse werden mit
von der Quelle zum Ziel verschoben. -
Nun scheint der Adapter installiert worden zu sein. Ich hatte den Tip thomas-braun mit der Umbennung ausgeführt. Dann mit der alten existierenden package-lick.json die Installation versucht.
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/iobroker $ iobroker upgrade smartgarden --debug This upgrade of "smartgarden" will introduce the following changes: ========================================================================== -> 2.0.0: support for new login procedure to Gardena webservice; admin5 is necessary ========================================================================== BE CAREFUL: THIS IS A MAJOR UPGRADE, WHICH WILL MOST LIKELY INTRODUCE BREAKING CHANGES! Would you like to upgrade smartgarden from @1.0.6 to @2.0.0 now? [(y)es, (n)o]: y Update smartgarden from @1.0.6 to @2.0.0 NPM version: 8.11.0 Installing iobroker.smartgarden@2.0.0... (System call) npm WARN old lockfile npm WARN old lockfile The package-lock.json file was created with an old version of npm, npm WARN old lockfile so supplemental metadata must be fetched from the registry. npm WARN old lockfile npm WARN old lockfile This is a one-time fix-up, please be patient... npm WARN old lockfile npm WARN tarball tarball data for iobroker.icons-open-icon-library-png@ (sha512-qGFFRFfv/uSaVT+z3v01bwdZYjfIES0YwaHNOgy+OO28NMa8/8fh2rkBKGHNeHfFPBTo3juTeH+p6ngZ6s//7w==) seems to be corrupted. Trying again. npm WARN tarball tarball data for iobroker.icons-open-icon-library-png@ (sha512-qGFFRFfv/uSaVT+z3v01bwdZYjfIES0YwaHNOgy+OO28NMa8/8fh2rkBKGHNeHfFPBTo3juTeH+p6ngZ6s//7w==) seems to be corrupted. Trying again. npm WARN old lockfile Error: sha512-qGFFRFfv/uSaVT+z3v01bwdZYjfIES0YwaHNOgy+OO28NMa8/8fh2rkBKGHNeHfFPBTo3juTeH+p6ngZ6s//7w== integrity checksum failed when using sha512: wanted sha512-qGFFRFfv/uSaVT+z3v01bwdZYjfIES0YwaHNOgy+OO28NMa8/8fh2rkBKGHNeHfFPBTo3juTeH+p6ngZ6s//7w== but got sha512-ZH4lj95sM6IpZEL2H1HR0hXTo6GMqbUBPbQyylgdRd6TDEdU+fgohUVGW4gPI0UnrAzqM/kx5+mozLqCVh2DCg==. (64751136 bytes) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.[_onEnd] (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/ssri/lib/index.js:118:19) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.emit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/ssri/lib/index.js:88:19) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.[maybeEmitEnd] (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass/index.js:370:12) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.emit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass/index.js:434:29) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.emit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/ssri/lib/index.js:90:18) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.[resume] (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass/index.js:265:12) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.resume (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass/index.js:269:24) npm WARN old lockfile at CachingMinipassPipeline.emit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass-pipeline/index.js:105:19) npm WARN old lockfile at CachingMinipassPipeline.emit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/make-fetch-happen/lib/pipeline.js:37:18) npm WARN old lockfile at CachingMinipassPipeline.[resume] (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass/index.js:259:10) npm WARN old lockfile Could not fetch metadata for iobroker.icons-open-icon-library-png@ Error: sha512-qGFFRFfv/uSaVT+z3v01bwdZYjfIES0YwaHNOgy+OO28NMa8/8fh2rkBKGHNeHfFPBTo3juTeH+p6ngZ6s//7w== integrity checksum failed when using sha512: wanted sha512-qGFFRFfv/uSaVT+z3v01bwdZYjfIES0YwaHNOgy+OO28NMa8/8fh2rkBKGHNeHfFPBTo3juTeH+p6ngZ6s//7w== but got sha512-ZH4lj95sM6IpZEL2H1HR0hXTo6GMqbUBPbQyylgdRd6TDEdU+fgohUVGW4gPI0UnrAzqM/kx5+mozLqCVh2DCg==. (64751136 bytes) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.[_onEnd] (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/ssri/lib/index.js:118:19) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.emit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/ssri/lib/index.js:88:19) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.[maybeEmitEnd] (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass/index.js:370:12) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.emit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass/index.js:434:29) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.emit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/ssri/lib/index.js:90:18) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.[resume] (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass/index.js:265:12) npm WARN old lockfile at IntegrityStream.resume (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass/index.js:269:24) npm WARN old lockfile at CachingMinipassPipeline.emit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass-pipeline/index.js:105:19) npm WARN old lockfile at CachingMinipassPipeline.emit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/make-fetch-happen/lib/pipeline.js:37:18) npm WARN old lockfile at CachingMinipassPipeline.[resume] (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass/index.js:259:10) { npm WARN old lockfile code: 'EINTEGRITY', npm WARN old lockfile found: Integrity { sha512: [ [Hash] ] }, npm WARN old lockfile expected: [ npm WARN old lockfile Hash { npm WARN old lockfile source: 'sha512-qGFFRFfv/uSaVT+z3v01bwdZYjfIES0YwaHNOgy+OO28NMa8/8fh2rkBKGHNeHfFPBTo3juTeH+p6ngZ6s//7w==', npm WARN old lockfile digest: 'qGFFRFfv/uSaVT+z3v01bwdZYjfIES0YwaHNOgy+OO28NMa8/8fh2rkBKGHNeHfFPBTo3juTeH+p6ngZ6s//7w==', npm WARN old lockfile algorithm: 'sha512', npm WARN old lockfile options: [] npm WARN old lockfile } npm WARN old lockfile ], npm WARN old lockfile algorithm: 'sha512', npm WARN old lockfile sri: Integrity { sha512: [ [Hash] ] } npm WARN old lockfile } npm ERR! code ENOTEMPTY npm ERR! syscall rename npm ERR! path /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/node_modules/acorn-walk npm ERR! dest /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/node_modules/.acorn-walk-xHkEOJL1 npm ERR! errno -39 npm ERR! ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rename '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/node_modules/acorn-walk' -> '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/node_modules/.acorn-walk-xHkEOJL1' npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2022-06-26T16_56_31_988Z-debug-0.log host.raspberrypi Cannot install iobroker.smartgarden@2.0.0: 217
Da es nicht funktionierte hatte ich die Datei package-lock.json dann umbenannt. Dann den Updateprozess noch einmal angestossen und nun ist der Adapter installiert
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/iobroker $ iobroker upgrade smartgarden --debug This upgrade of "smartgarden" will introduce the following changes: ========================================================================== -> 2.0.0: support for new login procedure to Gardena webservice; admin5 is necessary ========================================================================== BE CAREFUL: THIS IS A MAJOR UPGRADE, WHICH WILL MOST LIKELY INTRODUCE BREAKING CHANGES! Would you like to upgrade smartgarden from @1.0.6 to @2.0.0 now? [(y)es, (n)o]: y Update smartgarden from @1.0.6 to @2.0.0 NPM version: 8.11.0 Installing iobroker.smartgarden@2.0.0... (System call) npm WARN skipping integrity check for git dependency ssh:// npm WARN skipping integrity check for git dependency ssh:// added 9 packages, removed 174 packages, and changed 14 packages in 4m 104 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details Update "system.adapter.smartgarden.0" upload [4] smartgarden.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden/admin/admin.d.ts admin.d.ts video/mp2t upload [3] smartgarden.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden/admin/index_m.html index_m.html text/html upload [2] smartgarden.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden/admin/jsonConfig.json jsonConfig.json application/json upload [1] smartgarden.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden/admin/smartgarden.png smartgarden.png image/png upload [0] smartgarden.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden/admin/tsconfig.json tsconfig.json application/json
Danke. Das werde ich mir nun mit Sicherheit merken. Und die Installation eines zweiten Updates eines Adapters hat nun auch funktionert. Ganz herzlichen Dank
VG Mathias
Auch hier an dieser Stelle ein grosses Danke. Nun scheint es ja erst einmal wieder zu funktionieren.
VG Mathias
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/iobroker $ iobroker update -i Used repository: Stable (default) Adapter "accuweather" : 1.2.1 , installed 1.2.4 Adapter "admin" : 5.3.8 , installed 5.4.9 Adapter "alexa2" : 3.11.2 , installed 3.12.0 Adapter "backitup" : 2.4.9 , installed 2.4.9 Adapter "birthdays" : 2.0.0 , installed 2.1.0 Adapter "ble" : 0.12.0 , installed 0.13.0 Adapter "cloud" : 4.1.1 , installed 4.1.1 Adapter "daswetter" : 3.1.2 , installed 3.1.3 Adapter "devices" : 1.0.12 , installed 1.0.12 Adapter "discovery" : 3.0.3 , installed 3.0.5 Adapter "dwd" : 2.8.3 , installed 2.8.3 Adapter "fahrplan" : 1.2.0 , installed 1.2.0 Adapter "fb-checkpresence": 1.1.14, installed 1.1.17 Adapter "feiertage" : 1.1.0 , installed 1.1.0 Adapter "flot" : 1.11.0 , installed 1.11.0 Adapter "fritzbox" : 0.2.1 , installed 0.5.0 Adapter "habpanel" : 0.5.0 , installed 0.5.0 Adapter "history" : 1.11.1 , installed 2.1.4 Adapter "hm-rega" : 3.0.40 , installed 3.0.40 Adapter "hm-rpc" : 1.15.12 , installed 1.15.12 Adapter "ical" : 1.12.1 , installed 1.13.0 Adapter "icons-addictive-flavour-png": 0.1.0, installed 0.1.0 Adapter "icons-fatcow-hosting": 0.1.0, installed 0.1.0 Adapter "icons-icons8" : 0.0.1 , installed 0.0.1 Adapter "icons-material-svg": 0.1.0, installed 0.1.0 Adapter "icons-mfd-png": 1.1.0 , installed 1.1.0 Adapter "icons-mfd-svg": 1.1.0 , installed 1.1.0 Adapter "icons-open-icon-library-png": 0.1.2, installed 0.1.3 Adapter "info" : 1.9.19 , installed 1.9.19 Adapter "iot" : 1.11.4 , installed 1.11.7 Adapter "iqontrol" : 2.0.0 , installed 2.0.1 Adapter "javascript" : 5.7.0 , installed 5.7.0 Controller "js-controller": 4.0.23 , installed 4.0.23 Adapter "lovelace" : 2.2.0 , installed 2.0.6 [Updatable] Adapter "luftdaten" : 2.2.4 , installed 2.2.4 Adapter "meteoalarm" : 2.1.3 , installed 2.1.5 Adapter "mihome" : 1.4.0 , installed 1.4.0 Adapter "mihome-vacuum": 3.4.2 , installed 3.4.2 Adapter "milight" : 0.3.6 , installed 0.3.6 Adapter "mqtt" : 3.0.6 , installed 4.0.6 Adapter "musiccast" : 0.1.5 , installed 0.2.2 Adapter "nina" : 0.0.25 , installed 0.0.25 Adapter "openweathermap": 0.2.4 , installed 0.2.5 Adapter "parser" : 1.1.7 , installed 1.1.7 Adapter "ping" : 1.5.3 , installed 1.5.3 Adapter "plex" : 0.9.1 , installed 0.9.1 Adapter "pollenflug" : 1.0.6 , installed 1.0.6 Adapter "radar2" : 2.0.3 , installed 2.0.3 Adapter "rpi2" : 1.3.2 , installed 1.3.2 Adapter "samsung" : 0.5.8 , installed 0.5.11 Adapter "sayit" : 1.12.3 , installed 1.12.6 Adapter "scenes" : 2.3.9 , installed 2.3.9 Adapter "shelly" : 5.3.2 , installed 5.3.2 Adapter "simple-api" : 2.7.0 , installed 2.7.0 Adapter "smartcontrol" : 1.2.1 , installed 1.2.1 Adapter "smartgarden" : 2.0.0 , installed 2.0.0 Adapter "snmp" : 1.0.0 , installed 1.0.0 Adapter "socketio" : 4.2.0 , installed 6.1.7 Adapter "sonoff" : 2.5.1 , installed 2.5.1 Adapter "sonos" : 2.1.7 , installed 2.2.2 Adapter "synology" : 2.1.7 , installed 2.1.8 Adapter "tankerkoenig" : 2.1.1 , installed 2.1.1 Adapter "tr-064" : 4.2.16 , installed 4.2.16 Adapter "trashschedule": 2.0.2 , installed 2.0.3 Adapter "tuya" : 3.6.15 , installed 3.6.15 Adapter "tvprogram" : 1.1.2 , installed 1.1.2 Adapter "tvspielfilm" : 2.0.4 , installed 2.0.4 Adapter "upnp" : 1.0.21 , installed 1.0.21 Adapter "uv-protect" : 0.3.4 , installed 0.3.5 Adapter "vis" : 1.4.15 , installed 1.4.15 Adapter "vis-bars" : 0.1.4 , installed 0.1.4 Adapter "vis-canvas-gauges": 0.1.5, installed 0.1.5 Adapter "vis-colorpicker": 1.2.0 , installed 1.2.0 Adapter "vis-fancyswitch": 1.1.0 , installed 1.1.0 Adapter "vis-history" : 1.0.0 , installed 1.0.0 Adapter "vis-hqwidgets": 1.2.0 , installed 1.2.0 Adapter "vis-jqui-mfd" : 1.0.12 , installed 1.0.12 Adapter "vis-map" : 1.0.4 , installed 1.0.4 Adapter "vis-material-advanced": 1.7.2, installed 1.7.2 Adapter "vis-metro" : 1.2.0 , installed 1.2.0 Adapter "vis-players" : 0.1.6 , installed 0.1.6 Adapter "vis-timeandweather": 1.1.7, installed 1.1.7 Adapter "weatherunderground": 3.4.2, installed 3.4.2 Adapter "web" : 4.3.0 , installed 5.2.3 Adapter "withings" : 0.0.7 , installed 0.0.7 Adapter "ws" : 1.3.0 , installed 2.1.2 Adapter "yamaha" : 0.5.2 , installed 0.5.3 Adapter "zigbee" : 1.7.5 , installed 1.6.18 [Updatable]
Ich war vorher schon auf beta unterwegs. Daher die unterschiedlichen Versionen. Bin nun wieder auf stable gegangen
VG Mathias
Dann zieh die beiden Adapter noch auf den aktuellen stable Stand.
@nhbischo sagte in Error 25 bei Adapterupdates nach Node.JS 16.15.1 Update:
Da es nicht funktionierte
steht ja auch drin
@nhbischo sagte in Error 25 bei Adapterupdates nach Node.JS 16.15.1 Update:
npm WARN old lockfile The package-lock.json file was created with an old version of npm,
Hallo ,
habe auch das Error 25 Problem.
Nach iob upgrade email --debug
kamen diese LogsThis upgrade of "email" will introduce the following changes: ========================================================================== -> 1.1.3: Make sure the STARTTLS configuration field is displayed -> 1.1.2: Fix settings -> 1.1.1: Allow to use connections to port 25 unencrypted -> 1.1.0: Adjust default settings for and 1und1 and add ionos Add "Always use STARTTLS" option for custom SMTP settings ========================================================================== Would you like to upgrade email from @1.0.10 to @1.1.3 now? [(y)es, (n)o]: y Update email from @1.0.10 to @1.1.3 NPM version: 8.11.0 Installing (System call) npm WARN old lockfile npm WARN old lockfile The package-lock.json file was created with an old version of npm, npm WARN old lockfile so supplemental metadata must be fetched from the registry. npm WARN old lockfile npm WARN old lockfile This is a one-time fix-up, please be patient... npm WARN old lockfile npm ERR! code ENOTEMPTY npm ERR! syscall rename npm ERR! path /opt/iobroker/node_modules/define-properties npm ERR! dest /opt/iobroker/node_modules/.define-properties-gzFzeOn0 npm ERR! errno -39 npm ERR! ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rename '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/define-properties' -> '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/.define-properties-gzFzeOn0' npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2022-06-28T04_51_01_894Z-debug-0.log host.IOBroker-Sted1 Cannot install 217
mv /opt/iobroker/node_modules/define-properties /opt/iobroker/node_modules/.define-properties-gzFzeOn0
und Nach iob upgrade email --debug
dann diese logsThis upgrade of "email" will introduce the following changes: ========================================================================== -> 1.1.3: Make sure the STARTTLS configuration field is displayed -> 1.1.2: Fix settings -> 1.1.1: Allow to use connections to port 25 unencrypted -> 1.1.0: Adjust default settings for and 1und1 and add ionos Add "Always use STARTTLS" option for custom SMTP settings ========================================================================== Would you like to upgrade email from @1.0.10 to @1.1.3 now? [(y)es, (n)o]: y Update email from @1.0.10 to @1.1.3 NPM version: 8.11.0 Installing (System call) npm WARN old lockfile npm WARN old lockfile The package-lock.json file was created with an old version of npm, npm WARN old lockfile so supplemental metadata must be fetched from the registry. npm WARN old lockfile npm WARN old lockfile This is a one-time fix-up, please be patient... npm WARN old lockfile npm ERR! code ENOTEMPTY npm ERR! syscall rename npm ERR! path /opt/iobroker/node_modules/follow-redirects npm ERR! dest /opt/iobroker/node_modules/.follow-redirects-vRGWWNjd npm ERR! errno -39 npm ERR! ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rename '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/follow-redirects' -> '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/.follow-redirects-vRGWWNjd' npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2022-06-28T04_53_25_440Z-debug-0.log host.IOBroker-Sted1 Cannot install 217
mv /opt/iobroker/node_modules/follow-redirects /opt/iobroker/node_modules/.follow-redirects-vRGWWNjd
und wieder
iob upgrade email --debug
mit folgendem lognode:internal/modules/cjs/loader:936 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'follow-redirects' Require stack: - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/defaults.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/core/transformData.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/core/dispatchRequest.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/core/Axios.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/axios.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/index.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/build/lib/package-managers/npm/index.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/build/lib/pak.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/build/index.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/js-controller-common/lib/common/tools.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/js-controller-common/index.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/lib/setup.js - /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/iobroker.js at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:933:15) at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:778:27) at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19) at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18) at Object.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:9:18) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1105:14) at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1159:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32) at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12) at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19) { code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', requireStack: [ '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/defaults.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/core/transformData.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/core/dispatchRequest.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/core/Axios.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/lib/axios.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/node_modules/axios/index.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/build/lib/package-managers/npm/index.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/build/lib/pak.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@alcalzone/pak/build/index.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/js-controller-common/lib/common/tools.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/js-controller-common/index.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/lib/setup.js', '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/iobroker.js'
Die Instanzen der Adapter laufen, nach Neustart bleiben die im Stop.
Was lief da denn falsch.
Gruss paul