Test Adapter mihome-vacuum v2.0.x
@ilovegym sorry ich meinte die Adapterversion 2.0.7, mit dieser wurde die Instanz grün aber ich konnte trotzdem keine Befehle senden. Aktuell habe ich die 2.0.10 drauf und da bleibt die Instanz gelb
@dirkhe sorry für die doofe Frage aber wie mache ich das?
Adapter auf debug stellen (unter instances Expertenlodus und dann die logStufe) dann das log hier posten. GGf. kanst du das log auch noch mihome-vacuum filtern) Wurde auch schon zigfach im forum gepostet
@Meistertr Hi, das habe ich auch im log gelesen, das komische ist ja, dass die Datenpunkte map64 und mapURL nicht beschrieben wurden. Daher wurde mir in der VIS und per Telegram-Msg auch keine neue Karte angezeigt.
Keine Ahnung, wo er das abgespeichert hat...@Diginix du hattest doch auch mit der 2.1.0 keine Karte, oder?
Dass die Karte erst kommt, wenn der Sauger läuft und man am besten noch in der App ne Verbindung weiss ich, ich hatte ja Tage später immer noch keine Karte, obwohl die Sauger gelaufen sind. Da hab ich es ja auch erst gemerkt..
@dirkhe Okay danke. Ich habe jetzt nochmal die 2.0.7 installiert
2020-07-14 20:55:48.821 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (1811) Disconnect 2020-07-14 20:55:48.833 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (1811) Connected 2020-07-14 20:56:13.244 - info: host.raspberrypi "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0" enabled 2020-07-14 20:56:13.270 - info: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 started with pid 2533 2020-07-14 20:56:13.276 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (1811) Got terminate signal. Checking desired PID: 0 vs own PID 1811 2020-07-14 20:56:13.283 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (1811) terminating 2020-07-14 20:56:13.285 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (1811) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2020-07-14 20:56:13.291 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (1811) Got terminate signal. Checking desired PID: 2533 vs own PID 1811 2020-07-14 20:56:13.817 - error: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 terminated by request of the instance itself and will not be restarted, before user restarts it. 2020-07-14 20:56:13.818 - info: host.raspberrypi Do not restart adapter system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 because desired by instance 2020-07-14 20:56:18.963 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) Object is invalid: obj.common.type has an invalid value (switch) but has to be one of number, string, boolean, array, object, mixed, file, json 2020-07-14 20:56:18.967 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-07-14 20:56:19.478 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) starting. Version 2.0.7 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum, node: v10.21.0, js-controller: 3.1.6 2020-07-14 20:56:19.540 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) Expert mode disabled, states deleted 2020-07-14 20:56:19.544 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) Cloud control disabled 2020-07-14 20:56:19.893 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) Disconnect 2020-07-14 20:56:20.006 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) Connected 2020-07-14 20:56:20.440 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) set nächster Timer: Nicht verfügbar 2020-07-14 20:56:35.038 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) no answer received after after 3 times -> pause from request parameters, try again in one hour 2020-07-14 20:56:59.595 - info: sonoff.0 (681) Client [Schlafzimmer] connection closed: closed 2020-07-14 20:56:59.860 - info: sonoff.0 (681) Client [Schlafzimmer] connected with secret 1594753019858_4793 2020-07-14 20:56:59.901 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) Disconnect 2020-07-14 20:56:59.916 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) Connected 2020-07-14 20:57:18.155 - info: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 started with pid 2549 2020-07-14 20:57:18.161 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) Got terminate signal. Checking desired PID: 0 vs own PID 2533 2020-07-14 20:57:18.165 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) terminating 2020-07-14 20:57:18.168 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2020-07-14 20:57:18.174 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2533) Got terminate signal. Checking desired PID: 2549 vs own PID 2533 2020-07-14 20:57:18.708 - error: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 terminated by request of the instance itself and will not be restarted, before user restarts it. 2020-07-14 20:57:18.709 - info: host.raspberrypi Do not restart adapter system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 because desired by instance 2020-07-14 20:57:21.756 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) Object is invalid: obj.common.type has an invalid value (switch) but has to be one of number, string, boolean, array, object, mixed, file, json 2020-07-14 20:57:21.767 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-07-14 20:57:22.583 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) starting. Version 2.0.7 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum, node: v10.21.0, js-controller: 3.1.6 2020-07-14 20:57:22.640 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) Expert mode disabled, states deleted 2020-07-14 20:57:22.644 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) Cloud control disabled 2020-07-14 20:57:22.675 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) Disconnect 2020-07-14 20:57:22.770 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) Connected 2020-07-14 20:57:22.773 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) Time difference between Mihome Vacuum and ioBroker: 1 sec 2020-07-14 20:57:25.406 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) set nächster Timer: Nicht verfügbar 2020-07-14 20:57:37.795 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) no answer received after after 3 times -> pause from request parameters, try again in one hour 2020-07-14 20:58:02.682 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) Disconnect 2020-07-14 20:58:02.690 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) Connected 2020-07-14 20:58:12.507 - info: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 started with pid 2566 2020-07-14 20:58:12.517 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) Got terminate signal. Checking desired PID: 0 vs own PID 2549 2020-07-14 20:58:12.524 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) terminating 2020-07-14 20:58:12.532 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2020-07-14 20:58:12.546 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2549) Got terminate signal. Checking desired PID: 2566 vs own PID 2549 2020-07-14 20:58:13.080 - error: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 terminated by request of the instance itself and will not be restarted, before user restarts it. 2020-07-14 20:58:13.081 - info: host.raspberrypi Do not restart adapter system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 because desired by instance 2020-07-14 20:58:14.188 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2020-07-14 20:58:14.852 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2020-07-14 20:58:14.861 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Objects create System PubSub Client 2020-07-14 20:58:14.863 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Objects create User PubSub Client 2020-07-14 20:58:14.865 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2020-07-14 20:58:14.889 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Objects connected to redis: 2020-07-14 20:58:14.906 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) objectDB connected 2020-07-14 20:58:14.911 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2020-07-14 20:58:14.924 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) States create User PubSub Client 2020-07-14 20:58:14.928 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) States create System PubSub Client 2020-07-14 20:58:14.945 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) States connected to redis: 2020-07-14 20:58:14.946 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) statesDB connected 2020-07-14 20:58:15.686 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Object is invalid: obj.common.type has an invalid value (switch) but has to be one of number, string, boolean, array, object, mixed, file, json 2020-07-14 20:58:15.687 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-07-14 20:58:16.357 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) starting. Version 2.0.7 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum, node: v10.21.0, js-controller: 3.1.6 2020-07-14 20:58:16.449 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Expert mode disabled, states deleted 2020-07-14 20:58:16.453 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Cloud control disabled 2020-07-14 20:58:16.484 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Disconnect 2020-07-14 20:58:16.498 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) server started on 2020-07-14 20:58:16.570 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Connected 2020-07-14 20:58:16.573 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Time difference between Mihome Vacuum and ioBroker: 1 sec 2020-07-14 20:58:16.582 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) requesting params every: 60 Sec 2020-07-14 20:58:17.023 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) set nächster Timer: Nicht verfügbar 2020-07-14 20:58:31.589 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_status(id:1) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:58:31.601 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:58:31.602 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer received after after 3 times -> pause from request parameters, try again in one hour 2020-07-14 20:58:31.792 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_consumable(id:3) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:58:31.993 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_clean_summary(id:4) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:58:32.195 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_sound_volume(id:5) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:58:34.492 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_carpet_mode(id:6) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:58:34.496 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_room_mapping(id:7) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:58:51.498 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_status(id:8) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:58:56.492 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Disconnect 2020-07-14 20:58:56.508 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Connected 2020-07-14 20:58:56.515 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) requesting params every: 60 Sec 2020-07-14 20:59:00.577 - info: sonoff.0 (681) Client [Schlafzimmer] connection closed: closed 2020-07-14 20:59:01.041 - info: sonoff.0 (681) Client [Schlafzimmer] connected with secret 1594753141040_7777 2020-07-14 20:59:11.522 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_status(id:9) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:59:11.533 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_consumable(id:10) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:59:11.730 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_clean_summary(id:11) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:59:11.929 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_sound_volume(id:12) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:59:16.488 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) requesting params every: 60 Sec 2020-07-14 20:59:31.499 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_consumable(id:13) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:59:31.504 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_status(id:14) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:59:31.699 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_clean_summary(id:15) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:59:31.901 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_sound_volume(id:16) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:59:36.499 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Disconnect 2020-07-14 20:59:36.514 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Connected 2020-07-14 20:59:36.521 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) requesting params every: 60 Sec 2020-07-14 20:59:51.529 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_status(id:17) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:59:51.536 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_consumable(id:18) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:59:51.734 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_clean_summary(id:19) received, giving up 2020-07-14 20:59:51.935 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_sound_volume(id:20) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:00:11.515 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_status(id:21) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:00:16.488 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) requesting params every: 60 Sec 2020-07-14 21:00:16.508 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Disconnect 2020-07-14 21:00:16.517 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Connected 2020-07-14 21:00:16.520 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) requesting params every: 60 Sec 2020-07-14 21:00:31.497 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_consumable(id:22) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:00:31.526 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_status(id:23) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:00:31.531 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_consumable(id:24) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:00:31.696 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_clean_summary(id:25) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:00:31.729 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_clean_summary(id:26) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:00:31.899 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_sound_volume(id:27) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:00:31.935 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_sound_volume(id:28) received, giving up
@vikk88 Bitte deinstalliere den nochmal und installiere den 2.0.10 und schicke uns das log
@vikk88 ,
ist die IP Adresse des Saugers im Adapter richtig eingestellt?
@dirkhe ,
ok. Wenn denn noch Probleme mit der aktuellsten Adapter Version gibt, werde ich erst mal abwarten.
Das debug log werde ich mal schicken sobald der Staubsauger das nächste mal läuft.Danke für die Rückmeldung.
@K_o_bold ja die passt. Konnte die auch mit dem Adapter abrufen
@dirkhe hier nochmal mit der 2.0.10
2020-07-14 21:25:11.754 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_status(id:282) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:11.757 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_consumable(id:283) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:11.958 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_clean_summary(id:284) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:12.167 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_sound_volume(id:285) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:16.492 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) requesting params every: 60 Sec 2020-07-14 21:25:31.508 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_consumable(id:286) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:31.705 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_clean_summary(id:287) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:31.745 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_status(id:288) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:31.902 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_sound_volume(id:289) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:36.740 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Disconnect 2020-07-14 21:25:36.754 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Connected 2020-07-14 21:25:36.759 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) requesting params every: 60 Sec 2020-07-14 21:25:51.765 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_status(id:290) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:51.770 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_consumable(id:291) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:51.971 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_clean_summary(id:292) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:52.169 - debug: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) no answer for get_sound_volume(id:293) received, giving up 2020-07-14 21:25:56.498 - info: host.raspberrypi "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0" enabled 2020-07-14 21:25:56.531 - info: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 started with pid 3309 2020-07-14 21:25:56.543 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Got terminate signal. Checking desired PID: 0 vs own PID 2566 2020-07-14 21:25:56.550 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) terminating 2020-07-14 21:25:56.553 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2020-07-14 21:25:56.558 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (2566) Got terminate signal. Checking desired PID: 3309 vs own PID 2566 2020-07-14 21:25:57.088 - error: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 terminated by request of the instance itself and will not be restarted, before user restarts it. 2020-07-14 21:25:57.089 - info: host.raspberrypi Do not restart adapter system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 because desired by instance 2020-07-14 21:26:02.900 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (3309) starting. Version 2.0.10 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum, node: v10.21.0, js-controller: 3.1.6 2020-07-14 21:26:03.011 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (3309) Expert mode disabled, states deleted 2020-07-14 21:26:03.015 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (3309) Cloud control disabled 2020-07-14 21:26:03.166 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (3309) connecting, this can take up to 10 minutes ... 2020-07-14 21:26:03.610 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (3309) set nächster Timer: Nicht verfügbar 2020-07-14 21:26:13.689 - info: sonoff.0 (681) Client [Geräte] connection closed: closed 2020-07-14 21:26:13.709 - info: sonoff.0 (681) Client [Geräte] connected with secret 1594754773705_6545 2020-07-14 21:26:23.045 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (3309) connecting, this can take up to 10 minutes ...
@ilovegym sagte in Test Adapter mihome-vacuum v2.0.x:
@Diginix du hattest doch auch mit der 2.1.0 keine Karte, oder?
Dass die Karte erst kommt, wenn der Sauger läuft und man am besten noch in der App ne Verbindung weiss ich, ich hatte ja Tage später immer noch keine Karte, obwohl die Sauger gelaufen sind. Da hab ich es ja auch erst gemerkt..
Korrekt, hatte mit 2.1.0 "connected" und auch den Sauger über den Adapter gestartet aber selbst nach 2 Minuten kein Kartenupdate. Rollback auf 2.0.10 und sofort die Karte. Wirklich lange hab ich nicht getestet.
In meinem Log (level info) kam nur:
mihome-vacuum.0 2020-07-11 14:40:15.219 warn (2578714) Could not receive Mappointer, giving up mihome-vacuum.0 2020-07-11 14:40:15.137 warn (2578714) Could not receive Mappointer, giving up mihome-vacuum.0 2020-07-11 14:40:09.180 warn (2578714) Could not receive Mappointer, giving up
@vikk88 da scheint der Adapter irgendwie nicht richtig installiert zu sein. Der wird schon vorzeitig beendet. Gab es bei der Installation irgendwelche Probleme?
@dirkhe anfangs ging es nicht weil ich canvas nicht installiert hatte. Nachdem ich die Befehle, welche in der Readme des Adapters stehen, eingegeben habe konnte ich ihn ganz normal installieren
@ilovegym bitte nochmal von git teste. Ich habe glaub ich den Fehler im Megaupdate von Bluefox gefunden. Die Karte wurde erstellt aber nicht weitergegeben wenn sie über die cloud kommt. Hierzu muss mann auch sagen dass das update zwingen nötig war, da der compact mode schon seit einem Jahr auf umsetzung wartet...
@Meistertr sagte in Test Adapter mihome-vacuum v2.0.x:
@ilovegym bitte nochmal von git teste. Ich habe glaub ich den Fehler im Megaupdate von Bluefox gefunden. Die Karte wurde erstellt aber nicht weitergegeben wenn sie über die cloud kommt. Hierzu muss mann auch sagen dass das update zwingen nötig war, da der compact mode schon seit einem Jahr auf umsetzung wartet...
Super, vielen vielen Dank! Das war's! Mit dieser Version laufen die Karten ohne Probleme, getestet mit S5 Firmware und der alten Steuerbefehle, Goto, Werte ( Saugleistung, etc) werden aktualisiert.
Und ja, ich kenn den Compactmodus, brauche ihn zwar nicht, aber die idee ist klasse! Und bin daher auch froh, dass die Adapter weiter aktuell entwickelt werden. War ja nur blöd dass ich selbst kein Backup hatte weil viel zu spät gemerkt..
Ich bleib auf der 2.1.0 jetzt und kann sie mit gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen
Vielen Dank für den Sondereinsatz! -
@Meistertr Auch bei meinem 1S kommt mit der neuen 2.1 nun wieder die Karte.
Danke für euer Engagement @Meistertr @dirkhe @Bluefox ! -
gut dann schieb ich sie wieder ins latest
Erstmal danke für die ganze tolle Hilfe und für die Entwicklung dieses tollen Adapters. Ich habe meinen Fehler jetzt gefunden. Es war auch ganz Simpel aber manchmal kommt man da nicht drauf. Ich habe mir mit dem Adapter den Token und die Ip des Saugers geholt. Die Ip war richtig aber der Token nicht, dieser war auch viel kürzer als mein alter. Der Staubsauger hat mit der neuen Firmware auch eine andere Ip bekommen deshalb dachte ich das der Token sich auch geändert hat und weil die Instanz ja auch grün wurde habe ich nicht daran gedacht mal den anderen Token einzutragen.
FYI: 2.1.1 läuft bei mir problemlos in den ersten kurzen Tests
@Bluefox @Meistertr @dirkhe
Version 2.1.1 läuft hier auch, hat sich nach dem Update und Upload nicht neu gestartet, die 4 Instanzen standen auf rot und ich musste sie stoppen und neu starten, dann gings... siehe log:2020-07-16 08:51:44.503 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upgrade mihome-vacuum 2020-07-16 08:51:46.214 - info: host.iobroker iobroker Update mihome-vacuum from @2.1.0 to @2.1.1 2020-07-16 08:51:46.578 - info: host.iobroker iobroker npm install iobroker.mihome-vacuum@2.1.1 --loglevel error --prefix "/opt/iobroker" (System call) 2020-07-16 08:52:37.832 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [11] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/words.js words.js application/javascript 2020-07-16 08:52:37.975 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [10] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/valetudo_logo_small.svg valetudo_logo_small.svg image/svg+xml 2020-07-16 08:52:38.030 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [9] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/valetudo_conf.png valetudo_conf.png image/png 2020-07-16 08:52:38.092 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [8] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/tank.png tank.png image/png 2020-07-16 08:52:38.152 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [7] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/spaceship.png spaceship.png image/png 2020-07-16 08:52:38.206 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [6] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/root/ root/ text/markdown 2020-07-16 08:52:38.254 - info: host.iobroker iobroker Update "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.3" 2020-07-16 08:52:38.259 - info: host.iobroker iobroker Update "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.2" 2020-07-16 08:52:38.272 - info: host.iobroker iobroker Update "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.1" 2020-07-16 08:52:38.276 - info: host.iobroker iobroker Update "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0" 2020-07-16 08:52:38.310 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.3 (force=false, process=true) 2020-07-16 08:52:38.312 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [5] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/robot1.png robot1.png image/png 2020-07-16 08:52:38.328 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.3 send kill signal 2020-07-16 08:52:38.330 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (24467) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2020-07-16 08:52:38.333 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (24467) terminating 2020-07-16 08:52:38.334 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (24467) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2020-07-16 08:52:38.342 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.2 (force=false, process=true) 2020-07-16 08:52:38.345 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.1 (force=false, process=true) 2020-07-16 08:52:38.347 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 (force=false, process=true) 2020-07-16 08:52:38.351 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (24473) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2020-07-16 08:52:38.354 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (24473) terminating 2020-07-16 08:52:38.355 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (24473) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2020-07-16 08:52:38.349 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.2 send kill signal 2020-07-16 08:52:38.365 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.1 send kill signal 2020-07-16 08:52:38.366 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 send kill signal 2020-07-16 08:52:38.367 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (24482) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2020-07-16 08:52:38.371 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (24480) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2020-07-16 08:52:38.375 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (24482) terminating 2020-07-16 08:52:38.376 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (24482) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2020-07-16 08:52:38.375 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (24480) terminating 2020-07-16 08:52:38.377 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (24480) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2020-07-16 08:52:38.389 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [4] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/robot.png robot.png image/png 2020-07-16 08:52:38.444 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [3] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/mihome-vacuum.png mihome-vacuum.png image/png 2020-07-16 08:52:38.499 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [2] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/index_m.html index_m.html text/html 2020-07-16 08:52:38.553 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [1] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/index.html index.html text/html 2020-07-16 08:52:38.607 - info: host.iobroker iobroker upload [0] mihome-vacuum.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum/admin/S5.png S5.png image/png 2020-07-16 08:52:38.661 - info: host.iobroker iobroker Adapter "mihome-vacuum" updated 2020-07-16 08:52:41.334 - warn: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.3 still running with pid 24467 2020-07-16 08:52:41.365 - warn: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.2 still running with pid 24473 2020-07-16 08:52:41.366 - warn: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.1 still running with pid 24480 2020-07-16 08:52:41.367 - warn: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 still running with pid 24482 2020-07-16 08:52:41.437 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.3 terminated by request of the instance itself and will not be restarted, before user restarts it. 2020-07-16 08:52:41.438 - info: host.iobroker Do not restart adapter system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.3 because desired by instance 2020-07-16 08:52:41.443 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.2 terminated by request of the instance itself and will not be restarted, before user restarts it. 2020-07-16 08:52:41.444 - info: host.iobroker Do not restart adapter system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.2 because desired by instance 2020-07-16 08:52:41.445 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 terminated by request of the instance itself and will not be restarted, before user restarts it. 2020-07-16 08:52:41.445 - info: host.iobroker Do not restart adapter system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 because desired by instance 2020-07-16 08:52:41.455 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.1 terminated by request of the instance itself and will not be restarted, before user restarts it. 2020-07-16 08:52:41.456 - info: host.iobroker Do not restart adapter system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.1 because desired by instance 2020-07-16 08:56:48.862 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0" disabled 2020-07-16 08:56:48.906 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.1" disabled 2020-07-16 08:57:01.893 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.2" disabled 2020-07-16 08:57:01.952 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.3" disabled 2020-07-16 08:57:06.904 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0" enabled 2020-07-16 08:57:06.975 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.0 started with pid 22812 2020-07-16 08:57:08.206 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (22812) starting. Version 2.1.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum, node: v12.18.2, js-controller: 3.1.6 2020-07-16 08:57:08.816 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (22812) Expert mode enabled, states created 2020-07-16 08:57:08.817 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (22812) Cloud control disabled 2020-07-16 08:57:08.859 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (22812) change states from State control.fan_power 2020-07-16 08:57:08.860 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (22812) extend state mop for State control.fan_power 2020-07-16 08:57:08.871 - warn: mihome-vacuum.0 (22812) Time difference between Mihome Vacuum and ioBroker: 12 sec 2020-07-16 08:57:08.871 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (22812) connecting, this can take up to 10 minutes ... 2020-07-16 08:57:08.951 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (22812) Connected 2020-07-16 08:57:09.918 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (22812) set nächster Timer: Nicht verfügbar 2020-07-16 08:57:09.969 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (22812) create state for carpet_mode 2020-07-16 08:57:10.300 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.1" enabled 2020-07-16 08:57:10.317 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.1 started with pid 22827 2020-07-16 08:57:11.218 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) starting. Version 2.1.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum, node: v12.18.2, js-controller: 3.1.6 2020-07-16 08:57:11.267 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) Expert mode enabled, states created 2020-07-16 08:57:11.268 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) Cloud control disabled 2020-07-16 08:57:11.292 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) change states from State control.fan_power 2020-07-16 08:57:11.292 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) extend state mop for State control.fan_power 2020-07-16 08:57:11.293 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) New generation or new fw(3.5.7,002008) detected, create new states goto and zoneclean 2020-07-16 08:57:11.309 - warn: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) Time difference between Mihome Vacuum and ioBroker: 11 sec 2020-07-16 08:57:11.310 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) connecting, this can take up to 10 minutes ... 2020-07-16 08:57:11.387 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) Connected 2020-07-16 08:57:11.460 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.2" enabled 2020-07-16 08:57:11.487 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.2 started with pid 22842 2020-07-16 08:57:12.243 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.3" enabled 2020-07-16 08:57:12.284 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.mihome-vacuum.3 started with pid 22853 2020-07-16 08:57:12.418 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) set nächster Timer: Nicht verfügbar 2020-07-16 08:57:12.420 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) create state for carpet_mode 2020-07-16 08:57:12.479 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) starting. Version 2.1.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum, node: v12.18.2, js-controller: 3.1.6 2020-07-16 08:57:12.545 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) Expert mode enabled, states created 2020-07-16 08:57:12.546 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) Cloud control disabled 2020-07-16 08:57:12.576 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) change states from State control.fan_power 2020-07-16 08:57:12.576 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) extend state mop for State control.fan_power 2020-07-16 08:57:12.577 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) New generation or new fw(3.5.7,002008) detected, create new states goto and zoneclean 2020-07-16 08:57:12.641 - warn: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) Time difference between Mihome Vacuum and ioBroker: 12 sec 2020-07-16 08:57:12.642 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) connecting, this can take up to 10 minutes ... 2020-07-16 08:57:12.657 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) Connected 2020-07-16 08:57:13.382 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) starting. Version 2.1.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.mihome-vacuum, node: v12.18.2, js-controller: 3.1.6 2020-07-16 08:57:13.503 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) Expert mode enabled, states created 2020-07-16 08:57:13.504 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) Cloud control disabled 2020-07-16 08:57:13.538 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) change states from State control.fan_power 2020-07-16 08:57:13.538 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) extend state mop for State control.fan_power 2020-07-16 08:57:13.539 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) New generation or new fw(3.5.7,002008) detected, create new states goto and zoneclean 2020-07-16 08:57:13.548 - warn: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) Time difference between Mihome Vacuum and ioBroker: 11 sec 2020-07-16 08:57:13.549 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) connecting, this can take up to 10 minutes ... 2020-07-16 08:57:13.587 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) Connected 2020-07-16 08:57:13.664 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) create state for carpet_mode 2020-07-16 08:57:13.889 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) set nächster Timer: Nicht verfügbar 2020-07-16 08:57:14.597 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) create state for carpet_mode 2020-07-16 08:57:14.742 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) set nächster Timer: Nicht verfügbar 2020-07-16 08:57:31.336 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) create states for water box 2020-07-16 08:57:31.338 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) create states for water box filter 2020-07-16 08:57:32.562 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) create states for water box 2020-07-16 08:57:32.563 - info: mihome-vacuum.2 (22842) create states for water box filter 2020-07-16 08:57:33.522 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) create states for water box 2020-07-16 08:57:33.523 - info: mihome-vacuum.3 (22853) create states for water box filter 2020-07-16 08:57:54.167 - info: mihome-vacuum.1 (22827) trigger cleaning all 2020-07-16 09:00:00.381 - info: mihome-vacuum.0 (22812) trigger cleaning all
Die Karte wird aktualisiert, sonst keine Anomalien festgestellt. ( hab das log auch nur auf info stehen)