Test Adapter Awtrix-Light (Awtrix 3)
@umichel sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Mit ein paar Tricks konnte ich sie wieder flashen.
geheime Tricks ?
@umichel sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
So bald ich MQTT konfiguriere hängt die Uhr im Check-Loop.
dann machst Du was falsch...
auf der "Uhr" unter MQTT folgendes eintragen:
IP des iob
Port welchen Du im Adapter eingestellt hast
Username und Passwort - auch wie im Adapter
Prefix: awtrixim Adapter nur halt die IP, den Port, Username und Passwort festlegen...
sonst:nix ändern
Aber im Prinzip ist das jetzt OT weil das mit dem Adapter NIX zu tun hat !
@umichel sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
So ich habe den MQTT Broker/Client Adapter installiert.
Dann in der awtrix die Daten eingetragen.Könnten wir hier beim Adapter-Thema bleiben? Hier ist ziemlich viel Offtopic im Thread ...
Ich habe gerade Version 0.0.11 freigegeben. Damit kann man jetzt auch Graphen zeichnen aus History-Daten. Also beispielsweise
. Bitte fleißig testen. -
@haus-automatisierung Wo kann ich denn die Anzahl der Dezimalstellen einstellen?
Die sekunden in denen nichts gesendet wird habe ich gefunden, aber die dezimalstellen nicht -
Kann man für die Graphen min und max automatisch erkennen und entsprechend umsetzen?
Bei mir wird zurzeit quasi eine Linie dargestellt.
Oder min, max bzw. Zeitbereich, der abgebildet werden soll, einstellbar machen?
Wie ist es zurzeit eingestellt? -
Wenn sich ein dp zu schnell / oft aktualisiert (schneller als eingestellt).Nimmt der Adapter dann nach der eingestellten Zeit den aktuellen Wert des DP und sendet den, oder erst nach einer Aktualisierung die nach der eingestellten Zeit erfolgt?
OK, die Anbindung über MQTT läuft jetzt.
Keine Ahnung wo das Problem der Firmware lag.Aber zum Adpater:
Soweit schon echt geil.
Wenn ich das richtig sehe laufen die default Apps immer, man kann benutzerdefinierte Apps anlegen und per Script auch direkt was auf die Uhr schicken?
Wäre es auch möglich die Default Apps auch zu listen und per Option zu deaktivieren?
Ich würde die default Apps nur ungerne löschen.
Und hat man irgendwie Einfluss auf dei Reihenfolge der Apps? -
@umichel Objektliste aktualisieren. Dann werden sie angezeigt.
@mcu OK, danke.
Die Reihenfolge kann man aber nicht bestimmen, oder ?
Den Bug mit der appDisplayTime habe ich auch.
Nach ein paar Sekunden werden immer diverse Nullen hinzugefügt. -
@umichel Über den Adapter kann man die Reihenfolge noch nicht ändern. Für die Standard-Apps sowieso nicht, da es die Firmware schon nicht vorsieht. Bei den customApps kann man die
nur mit einem eigenen Script setzen. (wird vielleicht noch im Adapter kommen?)
Die eigenen Apps mit dem Script werden aber nicht vom Adapter eingelesen. Somit fehlt dort der Objekt-Vorteil. -
Meine Uhr ist auch angekommen, geflasht und den Adapter in ioBroker installiert.
Spannend, wie sich das alles entwickeln wird!
Vielen Dank an den Programmierer!!!Super Arbeit!
@ben1983 sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
@haus-automatisierung Wo kann ich denn die Anzahl der Dezimalstellen einstellen?
Aktuell gar nicht. Das Problem ist: Wenn ich alles konfigurierbar mache was es gibt, dann hat man pro Tabellenzeile 20 Spalten und auch sonst noch zig Optionen. Da sieht am Ende niemand mehr durch.
@haus-automatisierung ja schon klar.
Nur ich möchte bspw. Die Temp mit einer nachkommastelle nicht mit 3 und die Leistung der PV gerne ohne. Sonst wird es auf der Uhr echt unübersichtlich. -
@haus-automatisierung said in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
@ben1983 sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
@haus-automatisierung Wo kann ich denn die Anzahl der Dezimalstellen einstellen?
Aktuell gar nicht. Das Problem ist: Wenn ich alles konfigurierbar mache was es gibt, dann hat man pro Tabellenzeile 20 Spalten und auch sonst noch zig Optionen. Da sieht am Ende niemand mehr durch.
Da hast du bestimmt Recht und du leistet hier einen super Arbeit.
Für den einen sind Diagramme wichtig für den anderen Anzeigen mit einen zwei oder drei Nachkommastellen. Es allen richitg zu machen ist sicherlich nicht möglich. Ich denke aber das gerade die Anzahl der Dezimalstellen eine super Sache wäre da das bestimmt sehr viele nutzen werden. Ich muss im Moment auch einige Daten vorher "begradigen" bevor ich sie mir anzeigen lassen kann.
Gute Morgen,
ich habe folgende Errors im Log:
awtrix-light.0 2023-06-08 08:39:56.949 error [refreshCustomApp] Unable to refresh custom app bezug: AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-08 08:39:55.857 error [refreshCustomApp] Unable to refresh custom app verbrauch: AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-08 08:39:12.522 error [refreshCustomApp] Unable to refresh custom app verbrauch: AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-08 08:39:12.492 error [refreshCustomApp] Unable to refresh custom app verbrauch: AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-08 08:36:35.296 error [refreshCustomApp] Unable to refresh custom app erzeugung: AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-08 08:36:35.294 error [refreshCustomApp] Unable to refresh custom app bezug: AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded
Also bei mir zeigt er nichts an. Ich habe es erst einmal mit der Temperatur versucht.
Dass funktioniert dahingehen, dass er nur einen Strich anzeigte.
Dann habe ich einfach einmal die Netzleistung ausgewählt.
(Beides in der influxdb, aber er zeichnet keinen Graph).Log:
awtrix-light.0 2023-06-08 08:39:19.037 debug [onMessage] received message: {"error":"Invalid call. No options for getHistory provided"} awtrix-light.0 2023-06-08 08:39:19.036 error [onMessage] Received incomplete message via "sendTo"
Ich schicke aber ja gar nichts per sendTo()
Ach ja, eimneustart sind immer wieder die standard apps an, aber das ist ja ein fall für ein issue der firmware
@ben1983 sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Ich schicke aber ja gar nichts per sendTo()
Naja das macht ja logischerweise der Adapter intern Brauche ein Debug-Log um zu sehen was genau da passiert.
@haus-automatisierung das ist der Debug log.
Genau diese beide meldungen kommen ca. 100mal hintereinander -
@ben1983 die Option scheint in der 0.0.11 jetzt drin zu sein, gemäss release notes. Habe aber noch nicht rausgefunden wo man dies einstellen kann.
: Format number values and limit number of decimals
@marlan99 die dezimalstellen sind fix auf 3 gesetzt.
@haus-automatisierung Jetzt kommt der Fehler nicht mehr,
aber es wird trotzdem kein Graph angezeigt.Debug - Log:
2023-06-08 09:19:00.899 - info: host.buanet-iobroker "system.adapter.awtrix-light.0" enabled 2023-06-08 09:19:00.966 - info: host.buanet-iobroker instance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 started with pid 13553 2023-06-08 09:19:01.578 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2023-06-08 09:19:01.624 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2023-06-08 09:19:01.666 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Objects create System PubSub Client 2023-06-08 09:19:01.669 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Objects create User PubSub Client 2023-06-08 09:19:01.702 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2023-06-08 09:19:01.708 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Objects connected to redis: 2023-06-08 09:19:01.747 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2023-06-08 09:19:01.819 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) States create System PubSub Client 2023-06-08 09:19:01.820 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) States create User PubSub Client 2023-06-08 09:19:01.878 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) States connected to redis: 2023-06-08 09:19:02.511 - info: awtrix-light.0 (13553) starting. Version 0.0.11 (non-npm: klein0r/ioBroker.awtrix-light) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.awtrix-light, node: v18.16.0, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-06-08 09:19:02.531 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) API is offline 2023-06-08 09:19:02.532 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) refreshing device state 2023-06-08 09:19:02.532 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) re-creating refresh state timeout 2023-06-08 09:19:02.533 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "GET" request to "/api/stats" without data 2023-06-08 09:19:02.618 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/stats" with content: {"bat":81,"bat_raw":629,"lux":"17","ldr_raw":664,"ram":137340,"bri":120,"temp":"26","hum":"27","uptime":"3179","wifi_signal":-59,"up_available":false,"messages":0,"version":"0.67","indicator1":false,"indicator2":false,"indicator3":false} 2023-06-08 09:19:02.619 - warn: awtrix-light.0 (13553) You should update your Awtrix Light - supported version of this adapter is 0.68 (or later). Your current version is 0.67 2023-06-08 09:19:02.675 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "GET" request to "/api/settings" without data 2023-06-08 09:19:02.705 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/settings" with content: {"FPS":23,"ABRI":true,"BRI":120,"ATRANS":true,"TCOL":65535,"TSPEED":400,"ATIME":7000,"TFORMAT":"%H:%M:%S","DFORMAT":"%d.%m.%y","SOM":true,"CEL":true,"BLOCKN":false,"MAT":0,"SOUND":true,"GAMMA":0,"UPPERCASE":true,"CCORRECTION":"","CTEMP":"","WD":true,"WDCA":7327,"WDCI":27501,"TIME_COL":0,"DATE_COL":0,"HUM_COL":0,"TEMP_COL":0,"BAT_COL":0} 2023-06-08 09:19:02.766 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "gridpower" with objId 0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz - subscribed to changes 2023-06-08 09:19:02.771 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "externaltemperature" with objId 0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur - subscribed to changes 2023-06-08 09:19:02.774 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "pvpower" with objId 0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv - subscribed to changes 2023-06-08 09:19:02.777 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "storagesoc" with objId 0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.SOC - subscribed to changes 2023-06-08 09:19:02.780 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "storagepower" with objId 0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungSpeicher - subscribed to changes 2023-06-08 09:19:02.781 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "gridpower" with icon "49243" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:19:02.781 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with data: {"text":"546 W","icon":"49243","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:19:02.924 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:02.925 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "externaltemperature" with icon "38231" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:19:02.925 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" from 25.3 to 25,3 (1 decimals) 2023-06-08 09:19:02.925 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with data: {"text":"25,3 °C","icon":"38231","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:19:02.961 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:02.961 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "pvpower" with icon "15124" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:19:02.962 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with data: {"text":"403 W","icon":"15124","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:19:03.022 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:03.022 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "storagesoc" with icon "49520" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:19:03.022 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=storagesoc" with data: {"text":"11 %","icon":"49520","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:19:03.049 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=storagesoc" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:03.050 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "storagepower" with icon "49520" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:19:03.050 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with data: {"text":"2 W","icon":"49520","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:19:03.085 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:03.086 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [initHistoryApps] getting history data for app "netz" of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" from influxdb.0 2023-06-08 09:19:04.176 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 543 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:06.177 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 543 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:06.213 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 402 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:06.216 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungSpeicher" to 3 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:06.218 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 25.5 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:08.045 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2591 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:08.135 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 25.4 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:10.131 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2592 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:12.068 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2589 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:12.097 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 402 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:12.101 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 25.1 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:14.129 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2589 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:14.164 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 404 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:14.169 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 25 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:16.171 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2589 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:16.198 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 24.8 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:18.129 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2590 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:18.192 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 402 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:18.197 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 24.7 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:20.166 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2585 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:20.174 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 404 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:20.176 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungSpeicher" to 3 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:22.173 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2585 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:22.180 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 24.6 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:24.069 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2586 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:24.119 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 402 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:26.177 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2580 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:26.201 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 404 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:26.205 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 24.6 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:28.069 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2580 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:28.153 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 404 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:30.074 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2577 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:30.104 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 24.8 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:32.126 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2570 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:32.134 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 404 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:32.136 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 24.8 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:33.094 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=netz" without data 2023-06-08 09:19:33.214 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=netz" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:33.214 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) re-creating history apps timeout (60 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:33.215 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "GET" request to "/api/apps" without data 2023-06-08 09:19:33.217 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Updating indicator with index 1 2023-06-08 09:19:33.233 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/indicator1" without data 2023-06-08 09:19:33.247 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/apps" with content: [{"name":"time"},{"name":"date"},{"name":"gridpower","icon":"49243.gif"},{"name":"externaltemperature","icon":"38231.jpg"},{"name":"pvpower","icon":"15124.gif"},{"name":"storagesoc","icon":"49520.jpg"},{"name":"storagepower","icon":"49520.jpg"}] 2023-06-08 09:19:33.248 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] existing apps on awtrix light: ["time","date","gridpower","externaltemperature","pvpower","storagesoc","storagepower"] 2023-06-08 09:19:33.268 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/indicator1" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:33.269 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Updating indicator with index 2 2023-06-08 09:19:33.270 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.time 2023-06-08 09:19:33.324 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/indicator2" without data 2023-06-08 09:19:33.333 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.eyes 2023-06-08 09:19:33.344 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): 2023-06-08 09:19:33.346 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/indicator2" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:33.346 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Updating indicator with index 3 2023-06-08 09:19:33.404 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/indicator3" without data 2023-06-08 09:19:33.406 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.temp 2023-06-08 09:19:33.428 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/indicator3" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:33.429 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Updating moodlight 2023-06-08 09:19:33.431 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.hum 2023-06-08 09:19:33.483 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/moodlight" without data 2023-06-08 09:19:33.496 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.bat 2023-06-08 09:19:33.506 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.gridpower 2023-06-08 09:19:33.510 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/moodlight" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:33.526 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.externaltemperature 2023-06-08 09:19:33.535 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.pvpower 2023-06-08 09:19:33.545 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.storagesoc 2023-06-08 09:19:33.554 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.storagepower 2023-06-08 09:19:33.563 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.netz 2023-06-08 09:19:34.093 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "gridpower" with icon "49243" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:19:34.093 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with data: {"text":"2571 W","icon":"49243","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:19:34.136 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:34.162 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "pvpower" with icon "15124" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:19:34.162 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with data: {"text":"404 W","icon":"15124","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:19:34.184 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:36.104 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2572 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:36.142 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 403 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:36.147 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "externaltemperature" with icon "38231" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:19:36.147 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" from 24.9 to 24,9 (1 decimals) 2023-06-08 09:19:36.148 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with data: {"text":"24,9 °C","icon":"38231","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:19:36.284 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:19:38.117 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2568 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:40.117 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2561 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:40.148 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 25 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:42.181 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2569 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:42.224 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 430 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:44.180 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2566 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:44.278 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 409 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:44.284 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 25.1 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:46.182 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2614 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:46.244 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 402 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:48.110 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2564 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:48.112 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 400 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:48.115 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 25.1 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:50.098 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2560 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:50.171 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 400 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:52.096 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2561 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:52.121 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 400 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:54.137 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2555 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:54.159 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 398 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:54.163 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 25 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:56.108 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2574 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:56.113 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 403 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:58.058 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2599 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:19:58.115 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 380 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:00.125 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2602 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:00.132 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:00.134 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 25.1 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:02.187 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2591 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:02.189 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 396 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:02.191 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 25 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:02.532 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) refreshing device state 2023-06-08 09:20:02.533 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) re-creating refresh state timeout 2023-06-08 09:20:02.533 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "GET" request to "/api/stats" without data 2023-06-08 09:20:02.585 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/stats" with content: {"bat":82,"bat_raw":632,"lux":"17","ldr_raw":663,"ram":137384,"bri":120,"temp":"26","hum":"27","uptime":"3239","wifi_signal":-58,"up_available":false,"messages":0,"version":"0.67","indicator1":false,"indicator2":false,"indicator3":false} 2023-06-08 09:20:02.634 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "GET" request to "/api/settings" without data 2023-06-08 09:20:02.659 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/settings" with content: {"FPS":23,"ABRI":true,"BRI":120,"ATRANS":true,"TCOL":65535,"TSPEED":400,"ATIME":7000,"TFORMAT":"%H:%M:%S","DFORMAT":"%d.%m.%y","SOM":true,"CEL":true,"BLOCKN":false,"MAT":0,"SOUND":true,"GAMMA":0,"UPPERCASE":true,"CCORRECTION":"","CTEMP":"","WD":true,"WDCA":7327,"WDCI":27501,"TIME_COL":0,"DATE_COL":0,"HUM_COL":0,"TEMP_COL":0,"BAT_COL":0} 2023-06-08 09:20:04.048 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2589 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:04.127 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "storagepower" with icon "49520" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:20:04.127 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with data: {"text":"3 W","icon":"49520","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:20:04.229 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:20:06.067 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "gridpower" with icon "49243" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:20:06.067 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with data: {"text":"2588 W","icon":"49243","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:20:06.107 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "pvpower" with icon "15124" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:20:06.107 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with data: {"text":"403 W","icon":"15124","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:20:06.110 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungSpeicher" to 2 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:06.173 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:20:06.193 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:20:08.096 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2541 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:08.158 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungSpeicher" to 2 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:08.159 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "externaltemperature" with icon "38231" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 09:20:08.159 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" from 24.7 to 24,7 (1 decimals) 2023-06-08 09:20:08.159 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with data: {"text":"24,7 °C","icon":"38231","duration":5} 2023-06-08 09:20:08.214 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 09:20:10.063 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2566 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:10.130 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 404 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:10.131 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungSpeicher" to 2 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:12.108 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2562 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:12.113 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungSpeicher" to 2 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:14.064 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2546 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:14.114 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 393 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:16.112 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2537 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:16.147 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 24.5 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:18.063 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2534 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:20.169 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2531 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:20.172 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 404 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:22.088 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2528 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:22.144 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 404 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:22.147 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 24.4 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:24.073 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2532 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:24.136 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 405 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:24.137 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungSpeicher" to 2 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:24.138 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 24.5 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:26.063 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungNetz" to 2533 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:26.117 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungPv" to 399 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:26.130 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.wirkleistungSpeicher" to 2 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:26.182 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "0_userdata.0.Produktiv.awtrix.Außentemperatur" to 24.6 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 09:20:27.553 - info: host.buanet-iobroker "system.adapter.awtrix-light.0" disabled 2023-06-08 09:20:27.554 - info: host.buanet-iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 (force=false, process=true) 2023-06-08 09:20:27.555 - info: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Adapter is disabled => stop 2023-06-08 09:20:27.556 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) API is offline 2023-06-08 09:20:27.556 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) clearing refresh state timeout 2023-06-08 09:20:27.556 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (13553) clearing history apps timeout 2023-06-08 09:20:27.603 - info: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2023-06-08 09:20:27.631 - info: host.buanet-iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 send kill signal 2023-06-08 09:20:27.649 - info: awtrix-light.0 (13553) terminating 2023-06-08 09:20:27.649 - info: awtrix-light.0 (13553) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2023-06-08 09:20:28.195 - info: host.buanet-iobroker instance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR)
Es steht öffter "without data" dort und bspw.
sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=netz" without data
ist das korrekt? also sollte es nicht: