E3DC Hauskraftwerk steuern
eigentlich logisch, wenn die Daten erst um 4:00 Uhr abgerufen werden, können diese natürlich um 2:00 Uhr für den 7 Tag noch nicht zur Verfügung stehen.
Werde ich korrigieren. -
Neue E3DC-Control Version 0.4.2 hochgeladen.
Fehler in der Prognoseberechnung und Fehler, dass Timer bei Script ende nicht beendet werden, korrigiert.Es wurde nur Zeile 476
Prognose_kWh_Tag[i] = 0;
eingefügt und am Ende vom Script die Zeile:und am Ende vom Script die Zeile:
//Bei Scriptende alle Timer löschen onStop(function () { clearSchedule(Timer0); clearSchedule(Timer1); clearSchedule(Timer2); }, 100);
Falls jemand nicht das ganze Script kopieren will.
@arnod Danke für den super Support
@arnod Alles klar, Dankeschön
Habe mal eine Frage in die Runde
Ich würde gerne die Zeiten Regelbeginn und Regelende die Eba in seinem Programm berechnet automatisieren, sodass hier nichts eingestellt werden muss.
Eberhard verwendet ja die Parameter "winterminimum" und "sommermaximum" die jeder für sich einstellen kann, um Regelbeginn und Regelende zu berechnen.Da es in iobroker die Astro Funktionen gibt, könnte man das ganze auch ohne manuelle Eingabe automatisch berechnen lassen.
Ich habe mir das jetzt so vorgestellt:
Ich merke mir im Script die Uhrzeit, wann die erste PV-Leistung registriert wird.
Mit der Astro Funktion "solarNoon" bekomme ich die Uhrzeit wann die Sonne am höchsten steht.
Jetzt würde ich folgende Berechnung verwenden:
Zeit "solarNoon" = 12:00 Uhr
Startzeit PV-Leistung = 8:00 Uhr
Faktor Regelzeitraum = 3 (könnte auch eine Variable sein um noch korrigieren zu können)
12 Uhr – 8 Uhr = 4 h / 3 = 1,33 h
12:00 Uhr - 1,33 h = 10:40 Uhr Regelbeginn
12:00 Uhr + 1,33 h = 13:20 Uhr RegelendeHabe jetzt bei mir mal zwei Diagramme verwendet, mit der PV Kurve am längsten Tag im Sommer und dem kürzesten Tag im Winter.
Bei meiner Anlage mit 15 kWp würde die Berechnung passen.
Meine Frage ist nun wie sieht es bei kleineren Anlagen oder größeren Anlagen aus, würde da die Berechnung auch noch stimmen?
Oder bin ich da komplett falsch unterwegs? -
Bei mir ist es eine 9,3 kwp Anlage.
Winter ist ein sehr kurzer Regelzeitraum - 3/4h +/- solarnoon. Da möchte ich aber soviel laden wie möglich (wegen LWP)Problem sehe ic aktuell im Sommer wo nach dem Regelende die Batterie dennoch teilweise auf 100% aufgeladen wird obwohl weniger eingestellt ist.
Das wäre schön wenn das umgangen werden könnte und die eingegebene Obergrenze nicht überschritten wird.Beispiel letztes Jahr 21.06
Hallo Arnod
12 uhr passt abr nur bei südausrichtung
habe west richtung und höhepunkt ist gegen 15 Uhr Anlage 9,5 kWPGruß Stephan
PS : Bei Batterieladen und entladen bekomme ich nur 5 KW angezeigt
oowohl 6,5 Kw verbaut sind .ist bei euch die Abweichung auch so groß ? -
@tbsjah sagte in E3DC Hauskraftwerk steuern:
Winter ist ein sehr kurzer Regelzeitraum - 3/4h +/- solarnoon. Da möchte ich aber soviel laden wie möglich (wegen LWP)
Das wird ja automatisch so sein, dass alles geladen wird, da der Regelzeitraum sehr kurz ist und dadurch auch die Zeit wo die Batterie geladen werden kann.
Das bedeutet automatisch eine hohe Ladeleistung, um die Batterie in so kurzer Zeit auf 100% zu bekommen.Problem sehe ic aktuell im Sommer wo nach dem Regelende die Batterie dennoch teilweise auf 100% aufgeladen wird obwohl weniger eingestellt ist.
Das wäre schön wenn das umgangen werden könnte und die eingegebene Obergrenze nicht überschritten wird.Eigentlich kann das nur passieren, wenn sehr viel Überschuss geladen werden muss, sodass die eingestellte SOC Grenze überschritten wird.
Warum willst du aber in so einem Fall nicht bis 100 % laden? Die Alternative wäre, die Leistung zu verlieren oder die Batterie vorher ins Netz zu entladen. -
@arnod ich habe kein Einspeiselimit
Mit geht es eigentlich nur um die Lebensdauer der Batterie.
Im Sommer passiert es es äußerst selten dass die Batterie vollständig entladen wird und ich einen vollen Speicher benötigt hätte.Daher reichen dann die jeweiligen 80 bzw 90%
@stephan61 verbaut sind bei mir 13kwh, wirklich nutzbar nur 11.4
Das ist ein guter Einwand, da funktioniert die Berechnung nicht mehr.
Denke ich werde es erstmal so wie Eba umsetzen, danach kann man ja schrittweise optimieren.
Er hat sich da wirklich viele Gedanken gemacht.PS : Bei Batterieladen und entladen bekomme ich nur 5 KW angezeigt
oowohl 6,5 Kw verbaut sind .ist bei euch die Abweichung auch so groß ?Wo bekommst du 5 kW angezeigt? Im e3dc-rscp Adapter?
E3DC reserviert einen Teil vom Batteriespeicher, damit die Batterie nie ganz entladen wird.
In der Anleitung wird eine Entladetiefe von 90% angegeben, somit fehlen hier schon mal 10%
Das Gleiche soll auch beim Laden der Batterie der Fall sein, hier wird die Batterie nie ganz voll geladen.
Wenn E3DC da auch 10% reserviert, sind es bereits 20%, was ja auch zu euren Angaben passen würde. -
@arnod habe jetzt endlich mal wieder Zeit gefunden hier weiter zu machen.
Fehler lag bei den Pfaden für den Modbus Register. Diese waren leider nicht richtig eingeben. Jetzt läuft zumindes an dieser Stelle alles korrekt.Nächstes Problem
07:43:24.604 warn javascript.0 (25044) script.js.common.E3DC.E3DC_Control: -==== Fehler beim Schreiben der e3dc.config.txt Error = Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/iobroker/E3DC-Control/e3dc.config.txt' ====-
Ist wohl ein Rechteproblem von IoBroker. Läuft auf einem Proxmox kann es daran liegen?
TIP ... Suche innerhalb des Thread´s
Wenn du nicht weißt wie es geht dann:
Dann kommen auch viele Lösungen dazu
der User "iobroker" muss Schreibrechte auf das Verzeichnis haben sonst geht es natürlich nicht.
Prüfe als Erstes den Pfad "/home/iobroker/E3DC-Control/" ob dieser bei dir so stimmt und anschließend die Rechte vom User "iobroker" auf das Verzeichnis "/E3DC-Control" oder mit "sudo chown -R iobroker /home/iobroker/E3DC-Control" Besitzer des Verzeichnisses iobroker zuweisen und danach mit "sudo chmod -R 744 /home/iobroker/E3DC-Control" volle Zugriffsrechte dem Eigentümer iobroker zuweisen. -
@glasfaser danke für den Hinweis. Innerhalb der Themensuche habe ich nicht gefunden.
@arnod Es war bei mir tatsächlich so, dass diese Verzeichnisse nicht existierten bzw. nicht angelegt wurden.
Mit mkdir habe ich die Verzeichnisse jetzt manuell angelegt und die Rechte vergeben. Jetzt läuft das Skript ohne Fehlermeldungen. Danke für Deine Hilfe. Mache mich jetzt an die Visu -
@ArnoD so jetzt hab ich mich auch mal an Solcast gewagt aber irgendwas scheint noch nicht zu passen im Script aber was...? Kannst du das vielleicht aus den Logs sehen, ich leider nicht?
Das hier sind die Meldungen nach einem Neustart des Scriptsjavascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.098 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.098 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.098 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.098 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.098 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.098 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.097 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Peakshave" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.091 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.091 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.091 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.091 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.091 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.091 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.090 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.WBminLade" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.043 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.043 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.043 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.043 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.043 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.043 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.043 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.WBmode" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.022 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.022 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.022 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.022 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.022 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.022 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.021 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HToff" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.015 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.015 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.015 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.015 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.015 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.015 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:23.014 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HTon" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.968 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.968 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.968 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.968 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.968 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.968 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.967 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HTsockel" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.961 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.961 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.961 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.961 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.961 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.961 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.961 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HTmin" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.954 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.954 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.954 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.954 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.953 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.953 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.953 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Unload" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.947 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.947 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.947 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.947 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.947 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.947 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.946 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Speichergroesse" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.901 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.900 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.900 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.900 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.900 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.900 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.900 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Sommerladeende" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.890 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.890 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.890 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.890 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.890 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.890 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.889 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Sommermaximum" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.881 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.881 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.881 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.881 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.881 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.880 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.880 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Winterminimum" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.875 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.875 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.875 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.875 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.875 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.875 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.874 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Ladeende2" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.829 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.828 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.828 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.828 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.828 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.828 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.827 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Ladeende" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.814 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.814 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.813 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.813 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.813 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.813 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.812 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Ladeschwelle" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.806 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.806 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.806 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.806 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.806 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.806 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.805 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Wrleistung" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.796 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.796 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.796 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.796 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.795 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.795 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.795 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.MaximumLadeleistung" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.747 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.747 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.747 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.747 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.747 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.747 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.746 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.MinimumLadeleistung" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.739 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.739 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.738 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.738 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.738 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.738 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.738 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.ObererLadekorridor" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.731 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.731 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.731 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.731 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.731 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.731 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.730 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.UntererLadekorridor" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.679 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:403:13) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.679 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.679 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.679 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.678 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.678 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-03 07:59:22.677 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Einspeiselimit" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions.
Es ist immer schwierig, aus der Ferne einen Fehler zu analysieren, wenn man nicht weiß, was alles geändert wurde.
Verwendest du das original Script oder wurde was angepasst ??Du kannst mal versuchen, alle States 0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control zu löschen und vom Script neu anlegen zu lassen.
Dann ist es immer gut beim ersten Start die ganzen Parameter E3DC-Control, in die config.txt vom Script schreiben zu lassen und das zu überprüfen, ob es funktioniert. -
@arnod Sorry für die späte Antwort ich hatt das neue Script mit alten Daten gefüllt was kein Problem sein sollte wenn die Userdatenstruktur nicht verändert ist.
Egal, hab jetzt dein neues Script jetzt wirklich händisch Zeile für Zeile mit meine Userdaten gefüllt aber von den Meldungen hat sich nicht viel verändert.
Bis auf die Warnungen läuft das Script und es werden Daten von Solcast abgerufen aber ob das so stimmt?Ist schon etwas zu gerade die Berechnungslinie für meine Geschmack oder?
javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.953 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: -==== E3DC Config Datei eingelesen! ====- javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.952 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: LE = 14:23 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.952 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: RE = 13:6 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.952 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: RB = 7:50 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.869 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Peakshave" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.867 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.867 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.866 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.866 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.866 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.866 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.865 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Peakshave" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.857 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.WBminLade" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.853 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.853 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.853 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.853 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.853 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.852 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.852 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.WBminLade" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.807 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.WBmode" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.801 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.800 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.800 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.799 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.799 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.799 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.798 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.WBmode" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.742 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HToff" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.739 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.738 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.738 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.738 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.738 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.738 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.737 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HToff" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.732 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HTon" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.728 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.728 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.728 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.728 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.728 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.728 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.727 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HTon" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.680 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HTsockel" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.677 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.676 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.676 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.676 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.676 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.676 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.675 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HTsockel" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.670 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HTmin" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.667 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.667 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.667 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.666 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.666 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.666 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.665 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.HTmin" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.661 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Unload" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.658 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.657 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.657 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.657 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.657 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.657 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.656 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Unload" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.653 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Speichergroesse" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.650 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.650 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.650 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.650 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.650 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.649 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.649 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Speichergroesse" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.646 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Sommerladeende" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.644 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.643 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.643 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.643 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.643 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.643 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.642 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Sommerladeende" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.599 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Sommermaximum" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.596 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.596 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.596 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.595 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.595 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.595 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.595 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Sommermaximum" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.592 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Winterminimum" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.584 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.584 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.583 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.583 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.583 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.583 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.582 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Winterminimum" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.534 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Ladeende2" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.532 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.532 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.531 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.531 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.531 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.531 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.530 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Ladeende2" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.521 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Ladeende" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.514 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.514 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.514 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.513 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.513 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.513 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.511 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Ladeende" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.464 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Ladeschwelle" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.460 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.460 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.460 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.460 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.459 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.459 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.458 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Ladeschwelle" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.452 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Wrleistung" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.449 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.449 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.449 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.448 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.448 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.448 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.447 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Wrleistung" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.445 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.MaximumLadeleistung" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.442 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.442 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.442 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.442 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.441 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.438 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.437 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.MaximumLadeleistung" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.433 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.MinimumLadeleistung" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.425 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.425 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.424 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.424 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.424 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.423 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.422 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.MinimumLadeleistung" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.376 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.ObererLadekorridor" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.369 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.368 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.368 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.368 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.368 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.367 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.367 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.ObererLadekorridor" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.352 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.UntererLadekorridor" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.336 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.336 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.336 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.336 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.336 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.335 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.335 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.UntererLadekorridor" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.279 info State value to set for "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Einspeiselimit" has to be type "string" but received type "number" javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.274 warn at Einstellung (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:381:13) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.274 warn at e3dcConfigRead (script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu:806:23) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.273 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:79:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.273 warn at new Promise (<anonymous>) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.273 warn at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/tools.js:80:16 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.272 warn at setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.javascript/lib/sandbox.js:1532:20) javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.269 warn You are assigning a number to the state "0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Einspeiselimit" which expects a string. Please fix your code to use a string or change the state type to number. This warning might become an error in future versions. javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.264 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: -==== E3DC Config Datei gespeichert! ====- javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.256 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Einstellung 1 aktiv javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.256 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Berechneter Unload SoC ist = -18 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.255 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Bewölkungsgrad 15 Uhr Proplanta 87.5 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.255 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Bewölkungsgrad 12 Uhr Proplanta 87.5 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.209 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Ueberschuss in Prozent = 100 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.209 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Ueberschuss in kWh 39.36895290738829 = (Prognose kWh 51.116645215080595 - Berechneter Eigenverbrauch 9.807692307692307) - FreieKapBatterie_kWh 1.94 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.209 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: AktSpeicherSoC in % = 82 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.209 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Eigenverbrauch Tag = 15 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.209 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: BatterieProzent(wert)=39.36895290738829 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.159 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: LE = 14:23 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.159 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: RE = 13:6 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.159 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: RB = 7:50 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.088 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Prognose_kWh_heute für Berechnung = 51.116645215080595 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.037 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Bereits produzierte PV-Leistung = 18.88335478491941 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.037 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Prognose_kWh nach Abzug Korrekturfaktor = 70 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.036 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Prognose Proplanta in kWh = 76.66175999999999 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.036 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Prognose Solcast 90 Perzentil in kWh = 93.41 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.034 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Prognose Solcast in kWh = 73.83 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:46.007 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Näste Aktualisierung Wetterdaten =15:20 Uhr javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:45.934 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: Rueckmeldung InterrogateProplanta XHR.Status= 200 javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:45.534 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: ******************* Es wird die Globalstrahlung von Proplanta abgerufen ******************* javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:45.391 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: registered 13 subscriptions and 5 schedules javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:45.371 info script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu: -==== Jetzt sind alle States abgearbeitet ====- javascript.0 2022-06-06 10:30:45.105 info Start javascript script.js.E3DC_Contr_Solcast_neu
Die Userdaten im Script sind nicht das Problem. Die Fehlermeldung sagt eher aus, dass der Datentyp von den States nicht stimmt.
Du kannst ja mal prüfen unter Objekte0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter
ob der Typ richtig eingestellt ist.
0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.Peakshave müsste z.B. vom Typ "number" sein
0_userdata.0.E3DC-Control.Parameter.WBminLade müsste auch vom Typ "number" sein usw.Nach der Fehlermeldung sind diese bei dir als "string" angelegt worden.
Deswegen mein Vorschlag, diese zu löschen und vom Script neu anlegen zu lassen.