ERROR: Process exited with code 25
@marcdo70 das ist kein Terminal
Das sollte auch nur zeigen, das nach dem Befehl die adapter trotzdem nicht instaliert werden. -
@marcdo70 text nie als Screenshot sind ohne dauerndes aufzoomen und verschieben am Handy nicht zu entziffern.
immer als Text in code-tags posten!in der Konsole sieht man außerdem mehr.
aber das hier kennst du bestimmt. ist ja oben angepinnt -
ok, muss ich mir durchlesen -
@marcdo70 bizte keine schwarze Briefmarke!
Das ist KonsolenTEXT, den bitte auch als TEXT in CodeTAGS eingebettet posten.
Sorry, wenn ich wüsste wie das geht. werd es nachlesen
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ iob update Connection is closed. Uncaught Rejection: Error: Objects DB is not allowed to start in the current Mul tihost environment at Redis.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/db-objects-redis/ lib/objects/objectsInRedisClient.js:632:23) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) Unable to subscribe to evicted Keyspace events from Redis Server: Connection is closed. Unable to subscribe to meta namespace "meta." changes: Connection is closed. pi@raspberrypi:~ $ iobroker upgrade javascript@6.0.3 --debug Connection is closed. Uncaught Rejection: Error: States DB is not allowed to start in the current Multihost environment at Redis.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/db-states-redis/lib/states/statesInRedisClient.js:579:23) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ^C pi@raspberrypi:~ $
@marcdo70 sagte in ERROR: Process exited with code 25:
not allowed to start in the current Mul tihost environmen
von Mul tihost war bisher nicht die Rede
zieh das putty Fenster mal breiter
login as: pi pi@'s password: Linux raspberrypi 5.10.103-v7l+ #1529 SMP Tue Mar 8 12:24:00 GMT 2022 armv7l The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Last login: Thu Oct 27 15:11:45 2022 from pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pi@raspberrypi:~ $ iob update Connection is closed. Uncaught Rejection: Error: Objects DB is not allowed to start in the current Mul tihost environment at Redis.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/db-objects-redis/ lib/objects/objectsInRedisClient.js:632:23) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) Unable to subscribe to evicted Keyspace events from Redis Server: Connection is closed. Unable to subscribe to meta namespace "meta." changes: Connection is closed. pi@raspberrypi:~ $ iobroker upgrade javascript@6.0.3 --debug Connection is closed. Uncaught Rejection: Error: States DB is not allowed to start in the current Multihost environment at Redis.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/db-states-redis/lib/states/statesInRedisClient.js:579:23) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ^C pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ^C pi@raspberrypi:~ $
SO? Alles neu für mich gerade
login as: pi pi@'s password: Linux raspberrypi 5.10.103-v7l+ #1529 SMP Tue Mar 8 12:24:00 GMT 2022 armv7l The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Last login: Thu Oct 27 15:22:19 2022 from pi@raspberrypi:~ $ iob update Used repository: Stable (default) Adapter "admin" : 6.2.23 , installed 6.2.22 [Updatable] Adapter "alexa2" : 3.19.10 , installed 3.19.9 [Updatable] Adapter "backitup" : 2.4.12 , installed 2.4.12 Adapter "daswetter" : 3.1.3 , installed 3.1.3 Adapter "denon" : 1.13.4 , installed 1.13.4 Adapter "discovery" : 3.0.5 , installed 3.0.5 Adapter "dwd" : 2.8.3 , installed 2.8.3 Adapter "harmony" : 1.2.2 , installed 1.2.2 Adapter "hm-rega" : 3.0.40 , installed 3.0.40 Adapter "hm-rpc" : 1.15.12 , installed 1.15.12 Adapter "info" : 1.9.19 , installed 1.9.19 Adapter "iot" : 1.11.9 , installed 1.11.9 Adapter "javascript" : 6.0.3 , installed 6.0.0 [Updatable] Controller "js-controller": 4.0.23 , installed 4.0.23 Adapter "node-red" : 4.0.0 , installed 4.0.0 Adapter "pollenflug" : 1.0.6 , installed 1.0.6 Adapter "rpi2" : 1.3.2 , installed 1.3.2 Adapter "simple-api" : 2.7.0 , installed 2.7.0 Adapter "socketio" : 4.2.0 , installed 4.2.0 Adapter "sonoff" : 2.5.1 , installed 2.5.1 Adapter "telegram" : 1.14.1 , installed 1.14.1 Adapter "text2command" : 2.2.2 , installed 2.2.2 Adapter "vis" : 1.4.15 , installed 1.4.15 Adapter "web" : 4.3.0 , installed 4.3.0 Adapter "wled" : 0.6.7 , installed 0.6.7 Adapter "ws" : 1.3.0 , installed 1.3.0 pi@raspberrypi:~ $ iobroker upgrade javascript@6.0.3 --debug This upgrade of "javascript" will introduce the following changes: ========================================================================== -> 6.0.3: Downgrade Typescript to prevent errors with global typescript scripts -> 6.0.2: Downgrade Typescript to prevent errors with global typescript scripts -> 6.0.1: Fixed the wizard schedule Done small fixes on GUI ========================================================================== Would you like to upgrade javascript from @6.0.0 to @6.0.3 now? [(y)es, (n)o]: y Update javascript from @6.0.0 to @6.0.3 NPM version: 8.19.2 Installing iobroker.javascript@6.0.3... (System call) npm ERR! code ENOTDIR npm ERR! syscall rename npm ERR! path /opt/iobroker/node_modules/argparse npm ERR! dest /opt/iobroker/node_modules/.argparse-S5zfMSQi npm ERR! errno -20 npm ERR! ENOTDIR: not a directory, rename '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/argparse' -> '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/.argparse-S5zfMSQi' npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2022-10-27T15_11_54_736Z-debug-0.log host.raspberrypi Cannot install iobroker.javascript@6.0.3: 236 pi@raspberrypi:~ $
Ich komm nicht dahinter warum ich immer code25 Abruch bekomme und den ALexa2 und den Script Adapter nicht updaten kann, so funktioniert leider meine Spachausgabe auf meiner Alexa nicht mehr. Was kann ich tun? -
@homoran Hab ich doch schon versucht, aber da tut sich nichts. Hab diese Zeile in mein Putty gehauen, aber Fehler bleibt