[WLED] LED streifen (WS2812B,WS2811,SK6812,APA102) bedienen
so jetzt eine Menge weiterer Tests gemacht.
1.) Wenn ich den Objektbaum komplett löschen und anschließend bei Devices die IP des WLED wieder angebe, werden die Stripedaten eingelesen und alles ist OK, Ich kann die Segmente schalten und Dimmen.
Nun kommt aber das Problem.
Wenn ich die Stromversorgung für den Controller abstecke oder das WLAN mal kurz ausschalte, funktioniert die WEB Oberfläche des WLED weiterhin (IP Adresse ist die Selbe wie zuvor) aber der Adapter funktioniert nicht mehr schreibend! Auch wenn ich den Adapter neu starte ändert sich daran nichts mehr. Es hilft nur noch die Rückkehr zu Punkt 1Ich habe auch mal testweise eine 2te WLED Instanz angelegt, auch hier ist das Ergebnis gleich.
Auch wenn ich mal eine Stunde warte, hilft das nicht weiter,
Wenn ich den ON Parameter bei SEG setzt bleibt diese rot und kann scheinbar nicht übermittelt werden. -
@hartwigm sagte in [WLED] LED streifen (WS2812B,WS2811,SK6812,APA102) bedienen:
so jetzt eine Menge weiterer Tests gemacht.
1.) Wenn ich den Objektbaum komplett löschen und anschließend bei Devices die IP des WLED wieder angebe, werden die Stripedaten eingelesen und alles ist OK, Ich kann die Segmente schalten und Dimmen.
Nun kommt aber das Problem.
Wenn ich die Stromversorgung für den Controller abstecke oder das WLAN mal kurz ausschalte, funktioniert die WEB Oberfläche des WLED weiterhin (IP Adresse ist die Selbe wie zuvor) aber der Adapter funktioniert nicht mehr schreibend! Auch wenn ich den Adapter neu starte ändert sich daran nichts mehr. Es hilft nur noch die Rückkehr zu Punkt 1Ich habe auch mal testweise eine 2te WLED Instanz angelegt, auch hier ist das Ergebnis gleich.
Auch wenn ich mal eine Stunde warte, hilft das nicht weiter,
Wenn ich den ON Parameter bei SEG setzt bleibt diese rot und kann scheinbar nicht übermittelt werden.Daan wurde mich jetzt interessieren ws im log kommt wen diese Situation auftritt.
Ich bekomme öfter signalen das ein verlorenen ESP den weck nicht zurück findet außer das man ioBroker komplett neu startet und glaube genau das passiert auch. gerade bei dir.~ Dutch
Auch ein Neustart am iobroker hilft hier nicht.
Die IP .134 geht immer
Die 2te WLED hat die IP x.x.x.95 diese geht immer übers Webinterface taucht hier aber im Logfile um 12:01. mit Fehlermeldung auf -
und hier noch ein DEBUG Logfile beim Starten
Das WLED mit ist das Problem.Danke für deine Unterstützung
wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.106 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.mi with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.105 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.104 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.rev with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.103 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.101 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.sel with value : true wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.101 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.099 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.pal with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.098 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.096 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.ix with value : 128 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.096 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.094 debug Create_state called for : with value : 128 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.093 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.091 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.fx with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.091 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.089 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.2_HEX with value : #000000 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.088 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.2 with value : 0,0,0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.086 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.1_HEX with value : #000000 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.084 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.1 with value : 0,0,0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.083 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.0_HEX with value : #ffa000 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.080 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.0 with value : 255,160,0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.080 debug Naming : col with content : [255,160,0] wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.080 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.077 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.bri with value : 255 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.077 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.075 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.on with value : true wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.074 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.072 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.of with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.071 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.070 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.spc with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.069 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.067 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.grp with value : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.067 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.065 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.len with value : 77 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.064 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.058 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.stop with value : 77 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.058 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.056 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.start with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.055 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.052 debug Create_state called for : with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.052 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.052 debug Segment Array : [{"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false}] wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.051 debug Datatype : object wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.048 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.mainseg with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.047 debug Default state created : mainseg : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.047 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.045 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.lor with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.044 debug Default state created : lor : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.044 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.042 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.udpn.recv with value : true wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.041 debug Object states created for channel udpn with parameter : recv : true wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.039 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.udpn.send with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.039 debug Object states created for channel udpn with parameter : send : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.037 debug Datatype : object wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.036 debug Create_state called for : with value : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.035 debug Object states created for channel nl with parameter : rem : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.032 debug Create_state called for : with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.031 debug Object states created for channel nl with parameter : tbri : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.030 debug Create_state called for : with value : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.029 debug Object states created for channel nl with parameter : mode : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.027 debug Create_state called for : with value : 60 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.026 debug Object states created for channel nl with parameter : dur : 60 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.024 debug Create_state called for : with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.024 debug Object states created for channel nl with parameter : on : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.023 debug Datatype : object wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.020 debug Create_state called for : with value : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.020 debug Default state created : pl : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.020 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.015 debug Create_state called for : with value : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.015 debug Default state created : ps : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:01.014 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.972 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.transition with value : 7 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.971 debug Default state created : transition : 7 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.971 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.967 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.bri with value : 128 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.967 debug Default state created : bri : 128 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.966 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.963 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.on with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.963 debug Default state created : on : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.962 debug Datatype : boolean wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.960 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.ip with value : wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.959 debug State created : ip : "" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.957 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.mac with value : b4e62d6986bb wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.956 debug State created : mac : "b4e62d6986bb" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.954 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.product with value : FOSS wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.953 debug State created : product : "FOSS" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.951 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.brand with value : WLED wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.950 debug State created : brand : "WLED" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.948 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.opt with value : 127 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.947 debug State created : opt : 127 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.900 debug Devices array from bonjour scan : {"":{"ip":"","mac":"b4e62d693a50","connected":true,"initialized":true,"name":"WLED","wsConnected":true,"wsPingSupported":true,"wsPong":true},"":{"ip":"","mac":"b4e62d6983ab","connected":false,"initialized":false},"":{"ip":"","mac":"b4e62d6986bb","connected":true,"initialized":true,"name":"WLED-Post","wsConnected":true,"wsPingSupported":true,"wsPong":true}} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.896 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.uptime with value : 12060 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.895 debug State created : uptime : 12060 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.843 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.freeheap with value : 21240 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.841 debug State created : freeheap : 21240 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.838 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.lwip with value : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.837 debug State created : lwip : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.836 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.core with value : 2_7_4_7 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.835 debug State created : core : "2_7_4_7" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.834 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.arch with value : esp8266 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.833 debug State created : arch : "esp8266" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.832 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.ndc with value : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.831 debug State created : ndc : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.829 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.fs.pmt with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.829 debug State created : pmt : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.827 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.fs.t with value : 1024 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.827 debug State created : t : 1024 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.825 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.fs.u with value : 49 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.824 debug State created : u : 49 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.822 debug Create_state called for : with value : 11 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.821 debug State created : channel : 11 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.819 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.wifi.signal with value : 50 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.819 debug State created : signal : 50 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.817 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.wifi.rssi with value : -75 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.817 debug State created : rssi : -75 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.815 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.wifi.bssid with value : 4A:D9:E7:FA:E1:26 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.815 debug State created : bssid : "4A:D9:E7:FA:E1:26" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.813 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.palcount with value : 71 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.813 debug State created : palcount : 71 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.811 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.fxcount with value : 118 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.810 debug State created : fxcount : 118 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.763 debug Create_state called for : with value : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.763 debug State created : ws : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.759 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.lip with value : wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.759 debug State created : lip : "" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.757 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.lm with value : wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.757 debug State created : lm : "" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.753 debug Create_state called for : with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.748 debug State created : live : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.744 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.udpport with value : 21324 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.740 debug State created : udpport : 21324 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.713 debug Create_state called for : with value : WLED-Post wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.712 debug State created : name : "WLED-Post" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.711 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.str with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.711 debug State created : str : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.709 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.seglock with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.708 debug State created : seglock : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.707 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.maxseg with value : 16 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.707 debug State created : maxseg : 16 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.705 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.maxpwr with value : 600 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.704 debug State created : maxpwr : 600 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.703 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.fps with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.702 debug State created : fps : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.701 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.pwr with value : 177 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.700 debug State created : pwr : 177 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.699 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.wv with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.698 debug State created : wv : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.656 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.rgbw with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.655 debug State created : rgbw : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.654 debug Pong received by websocket wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.654 debug Websocket WLED message received for : pong wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.627 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.count with value : 77 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.627 debug State created : count : 77 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.625 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.vid with value : 2109220 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.625 debug State created : vid : 2109220 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.616 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.ver with value : 0.13.0-b3 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.615 debug State created : ver : "0.13.0-b3" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.613 debug Websocket WLED message received for : {"state":{"on":false,"bri":128,"transition":7,"ps":-1,"pl":-1,"nl":{"on":false,"dur":60,"mode":1,"tbri":0,"rem":-1},"udpn":{"send":false,"recv":true},"lor":0,"mainseg":0,"seg":[{"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false}]},"info":{"ver":"0.13.0-b3","vid":2109220,"leds":{"count":77,"rgbw":false,"wv":false,"pwr":177,"fps":0,"maxpwr":600,"maxseg":16,"seglock":false},"str":false,"name":"WLED-Post","udpport":21324,"live":false,"lm":"","lip":"","ws":1,"fxcount":118,"palcount":71,"wifi":{"bssid":"4A:D9:E7:FA:E1:26","rssi":-75,"signal":50,"channel":11},"fs":{"u":49,"t":1024,"pmt":0},"ndc":-1,"arch":"esp8266","core":"2_7_4_7","lwip":1,"freeheap":21240,"uptime":12060,"opt":127,"brand":"WLED","product":"FOSS","mac":"b4e62d6986bb","ip":""}} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.597 info WLED-Post connected wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.583 debug Devices array from bonjour scan : {"":{"ip":"","mac":"b4e62d693a50","connected":true,"initialized":true,"name":"WLED","wsConnected":true,"wsPingSupported":true,"wsPong":true},"":{"ip":"","mac":"b4e62d6983ab","connected":false,"initialized":false},"":{"ip":"","mac":"b4e62d6986bb","connected":true,"initialized":true,"name":"WLED-Post"}} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.569 info Bonjour service started, new devices will be detected automatically wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.499 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.mi | old undefined | new {"name":"Mirrors the segment (available since 0.10.2)","type":"boolean","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.499 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.mi with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.498 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.439 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.rev | old undefined | new {"name":"Flips the segment, causing animations to change direction","type":"boolean","role":"switch","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.439 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.rev with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.439 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.390 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.sel | old undefined | new {"name":"Selected segments will have their state (color/FX) updated ","type":"boolean","role":"switch","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.390 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.sel with value : true wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.389 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.332 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.pal | old undefined | new {"name":"ID of the color palette","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.331 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.pal with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.331 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.316 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.ix | old undefined | new {"name":"Effect intensity","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.316 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.ix with value : 128 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.315 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.308 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"Relative effect speed","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.307 debug Create_state called for : with value : 128 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.307 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.299 debug Create special drop down state with value {"b4e62d693a50":{"0":"Solid","1":"Blink","2":"Breathe","3":"Wipe","4":"Wipe Random","5":"Random Colors","6":"Sweep","7":"Dynamic","8":"Colorloop","9":"Rainbow","10":"Scan","11":"Scan Dual","12":"Fade","13":"Theater","14":"Theater Rainbow","15":"Running","16":"Saw","17":"Twinkle","18":"Dissolve","19":"Dissolve Rnd","20":"Sparkle","21":"Sparkle Dark","22":"Sparkle+","23":"Strobe","24":"Strobe Rainbow","25":"Strobe Mega","26":"Blink Rainbow","27":"Android","28":"Chase","29":"Chase Random","30":"Chase Rainbow","31":"Chase Flash","32":"Chase Flash Rnd","33":"Rainbow 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{"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.282 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.2_HEX | old undefined | new {"name":"Tertiary Color HEX","type":"mixed","role":"level.color.hex","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.282 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.2_HEX with value : #000000 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.271 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.2 | old undefined | new {"name":"Tertiary Color RGB","type":"mixed","role":"level.color.rgb","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.271 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.2 with value : 0,0,0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.253 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.1_HEX | old undefined | new {"name":"Secondary Color HEX (background)","type":"mixed","role":"level.color.hex","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.252 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.1_HEX with value : #000000 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.245 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.1 | old undefined | new {"name":"Secondary Color RGB (background)","type":"mixed","role":"level.color.rgb","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.244 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.1 with value : 0,0,0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.237 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.0_HEX | old undefined | new {"name":"Primary Color HEX","type":"mixed","role":"level.color.hex","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.237 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.0_HEX with value : #ffa000 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.228 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.0 | old undefined | new {"name":"Primary Color RGB","type":"mixed","role":"level.color.rgb","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.228 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.col.0 with value : 255,160,0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.228 debug Naming : col with content : [255,160,0] wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.227 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.218 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.bri | old undefined | new {"min":0,"max":255,"name":"Brightness of the light","type":"number","role":"value.brightness","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.218 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.bri with value : 255 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.218 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.210 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.on | old undefined | new {"name":"On / Off","type":"boolean","role":"switch","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.210 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.on with value : true wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.209 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.202 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.of | old undefined | new {"name":"Offset (how many LEDs to rotate the virtual start of the segments, available since 0.13.0)","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.202 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.of with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.201 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.194 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.spc | old undefined | new {"min":0,"max":255,"name":"Spacing (how many LEDs are turned off and skipped between each group)","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.194 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.spc with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.194 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.185 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.grp | old undefined | new {"name":"grp","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.185 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.grp with value : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.185 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.176 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.len | old undefined | new {"name":"Length of the segment (stop - start). stop has preference","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.175 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.len with value : 77 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.171 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.118 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.stop | old undefined | new {"name":"LED the segment stops at, not included in range","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.118 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.stop with value : 77 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.116 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.107 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.start | old undefined | new {"name":"LED the segment starts at.","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.106 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.seg.0.start with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.106 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.096 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"Zero-indexed ID of the segment","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.096 debug Create_state called for : with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.095 debug Object states created for channel seg with parameter : 0 : {"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.091 debug Segment Array : [{"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false}] wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.090 debug Datatype : object wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.081 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.mainseg | old undefined | new {"name":"Main Segment","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.081 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.mainseg with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.080 debug Default state created : mainseg : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.080 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.069 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.lor | old undefined | new {"name":"Live data override. 0 is off, 1 is override until live data ends, 2 is override until ESP reboot (available since 0.10.0)","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.069 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.lor with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.069 debug Default state created : lor : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.068 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.059 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.udpn.recv | old undefined | new {"name":"Receive broadcast packets","type":"boolean","role":"switch","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.059 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.udpn.recv with value : true wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.058 debug Object states created for channel udpn with parameter : recv : true wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.049 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.udpn.send | old undefined | new {"name":"Send WLED broadcast (UDP sync) packet on state change","type":"boolean","role":"switch","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.049 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.udpn.send with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.048 debug Object states created for channel udpn with parameter : send : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.046 debug Datatype : object wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.038 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"Remaining nightlight in seconds","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"s","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.038 debug Create_state called for : with value : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.037 debug Object states created for channel nl with parameter : rem : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.027 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"Target brightness of nightlight feature","type":"number","role":"value.brightness","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.027 debug Create_state called for : with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:59:00.026 debug Object states created for channel nl with parameter : tbri : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.947 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"Nightlight mode","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.947 debug Create_state called for : with value : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.946 debug Object states created for channel nl with parameter : mode : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.888 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"Duration of nightlight in minutes","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.887 debug Create_state called for : with value : 60 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.886 debug Object states created for channel nl with parameter : dur : 60 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.834 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"On / Off","type":"boolean","role":"switch","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.834 debug Create_state called for : with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.834 debug Object states created for channel nl with parameter : on : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.831 debug Datatype : object wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.740 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"ID of currently set playlist","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.740 debug Create_state called for : with value : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.731 debug Default state created : pl : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.731 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.647 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"ID of currently set preset","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.647 debug Create_state called for : with value : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.647 debug Default state created : ps : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.646 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.592 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.transition | old undefined | new {"name":"Duration of the crossfade between different colors/brightness levels.","type":"number","role":"value.transition","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.592 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.transition with value : 7 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.591 debug Default state created : transition : 7 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.591 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.528 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.bri | old undefined | new {"min":0,"max":255,"name":"Brightness of the light","type":"number","role":"value.brightness","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.527 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.bri with value : 128 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.527 debug Default state created : bri : 128 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.526 debug Datatype : number wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.517 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.on | old undefined | new {"name":"On / Off","type":"boolean","role":"switch","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.517 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.on with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.516 debug Default state created : on : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.516 debug Datatype : boolean wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.506 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.ip | old undefined | new {"name":"IP Address","type":"string","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.506 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.ip with value : wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.505 debug State created : ip : "" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.497 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.mac | old undefined | new {"name":"The hexadecimal hardware MAC address of the light, lowercase and without colons","type":"string","role":"info.mac","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.496 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.mac with value : b4e62d6986bb wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.496 debug State created : mac : "b4e62d6986bb" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.489 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.product | old undefined | new {"name":"The product name. Always DIY light for standard installations.","type":"mixed","role":"","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.489 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.product with value : FOSS wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.488 debug State created : product : "FOSS" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.481 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.brand | old undefined | new {"name":"The producer/vendor of the light. Always WLED for standard installations.","type":"mixed","role":" ","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.480 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.brand with value : WLED wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.480 debug State created : brand : "WLED" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.473 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.opt | old undefined | new {"name":"Used for debugging purposes only","type":"mixed","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.472 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.opt with value : 127 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.472 debug State created : opt : 127 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.461 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.uptime | old undefined | new {"name":"Time since the last boot/reset in seconds","type":"number","role":"info.status","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.460 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.uptime with value : 12057 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.460 debug State created : uptime : 12057 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.448 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.freeheap | old undefined | new {"name":"Bytes of heap memory (RAM) currently available. Problematic if <10k.","type":"number","role":"info.status","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.448 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.freeheap with value : 21280 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.447 debug State created : freeheap : 21280 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.438 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.lwip | old undefined | new {"name":"lwip","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.438 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.lwip with value : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.437 debug State created : lwip : 1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.418 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.core | old undefined | new {"name":"Version of the underlying (Arduino core) SDK","type":"mixed","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.418 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.core with value : 2_7_4_7 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.417 debug State created : core : "2_7_4_7" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.405 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.arch | old undefined | new {"name":"Name of the platform.","type":"mixed","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.405 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.arch with value : esp8266 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.405 debug State created : arch : "esp8266" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.396 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.ndc | old undefined | new {"name":"Number of other WLED devices discovered on the network. -1 if Node discovery disabled. (since 0.12.0)","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.395 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.ndc with value : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.395 debug State created : ndc : -1 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.386 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.fs.pmt | old undefined | new {"name":"presetsModifiedTime","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.385 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.fs.pmt with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.385 debug State created : pmt : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.375 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.fs.t | old undefined | new {"name":"fsBytesTotal in kB","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"kB","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.375 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.fs.t with value : 1024 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.374 debug State created : t : 1024 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.364 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.fs.u | old undefined | new {"name":"fsBytesUsed in kB","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"kB","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.363 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.fs.u with value : 49 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.362 debug State created : u : 49 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.314 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"The current WiFi channel","type":"number","role":"info.address","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.314 debug Create_state called for : with value : 11 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.313 debug State created : channel : 11 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.305 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.wifi.signal | old undefined | new {"name":"Relative signal quality of the current connection","type":"number","role":"info.status","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.304 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.wifi.signal with value : 50 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.304 debug State created : signal : 50 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.296 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.wifi.rssi | old undefined | new {"name":"rssi","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.295 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.wifi.rssi with value : -75 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.295 debug State created : rssi : -75 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.289 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.wifi.bssid | old undefined | new {"name":"The BSSID of the currently connected network","type":"mixed","role":"info.address","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.289 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.wifi.bssid with value : 4A:D9:E7:FA:E1:26 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.288 debug State created : bssid : "4A:D9:E7:FA:E1:26" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.282 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.palcount | old undefined | new {"name":"Number of palettes configured","type":"mixed","role":"","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.281 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.palcount with value : 71 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.281 debug State created : palcount : 71 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.274 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.fxcount | old undefined | new {"name":"Number of effects included","type":"mixed","role":"","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.273 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.fxcount with value : 118 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.273 debug State created : fxcount : 118 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.264 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"Number of currently connected WebSockets clients. -1 indicates that WS is unsupported in this build.","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.264 debug Create_state called for : with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.264 debug State created : ws : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.259 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.lip | old undefined | new {"name":"Realtime data source IP address","type":"string","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.259 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.lip with value : wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.258 debug State created : lip : "" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.208 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.lm | old undefined | new {"name":"Info about the realtime data source","type":"string","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.208 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.lm with value : wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.207 debug State created : lm : "" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.159 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"If true, the software is currently receiving realtime data via UDP or E1.31","type":"boolean","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.159 debug Create_state called for : with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.158 debug State created : live : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.111 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.udpport | old undefined | new {"name":"The UDP port for realtime packets and WLED broadcast","type":"number","role":"info.port","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.111 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.udpport with value : 21324 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.106 debug State created : udpport : 21324 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.051 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"Friendly name of the light. Intended for display in lists and titles","type":"mixed","role":"","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.051 debug Create_state called for : with value : WLED-Post wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:59.050 debug State created : name : "WLED-Post" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.999 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.str | old undefined | new {"name":"str","type":"boolean","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.999 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.str with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.998 debug State created : str : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.947 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.seglock | old undefined | new {"name":"seglock","type":"boolean","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.947 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.seglock with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.946 debug State created : seglock : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.895 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.maxseg | old undefined | new {"name":"Maximum number of segments supported by this version","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.895 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.maxseg with value : 16 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.894 debug State created : maxseg : 16 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.843 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.maxpwr | old undefined | new {"name":"Maximum power budget in milliamps for the ABL. 0 if ABL is disabled","type":"number","role":"value.power","read":true,"unit":"mA","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.843 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.maxpwr with value : 600 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.842 debug State created : maxpwr : 600 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.791 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.fps | old undefined | new {"name":"Frames per Second","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.791 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.fps with value : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.790 debug State created : fps : 0 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.739 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.pwr | old undefined | new {"name":"Current LED power usage in milliamps as determined by the ABL. 0 if ABL is disabled","type":"number","role":"value.power","read":true,"unit":"mA","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.739 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.pwr with value : 177 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.739 debug State created : pwr : 177 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.684 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.wv | old undefined | new {"name":"wv","type":"boolean","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.684 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.wv with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.684 debug State created : wv : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.674 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.rgbw | old undefined | new {"name":"true if LEDs are 4-channel (RGBW)","type":"boolean","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.674 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.rgbw with value : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.673 debug State created : rgbw : false wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.664 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.count | old undefined | new {"name":"Total LED count","type":"number","role":"value","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.664 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.leds.count with value : 77 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.663 debug State created : count : 77 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.607 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.vid | old undefined | new {"name":"Build ID (YYMMDDB, B = daily build index","type":"number","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.607 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.vid with value : 2109220 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.606 debug State created : vid : 2109220 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.551 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info.ver | old undefined | new {"name":"Version name","type":"string","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.550 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info.ver with value : 0.13.0-b3 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.550 debug State created : ver : "0.13.0-b3" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.547 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.time with value : null wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.527 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.time | old undefined | new {"name":"Set module time to unix timestamp.","type":"mixed","role":"","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.526 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.time with value : null wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.467 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.udpn.nn | old undefined | new {"name":"Dont send a broadcast packet (applies to just the current API call)","type":"mixed","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.467 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.udpn.nn with value : wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.415 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb.psave | old undefined | new {"name":"Save current light config to specified preset slot","type":"mixed","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.415 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb.psave with value : wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.362 debug An attribute has changed : | old undefined | new {"name":"Similar to transition, but applies to just the current API call.","type":"mixed","role":"state","read":true,"unit":"","write":true} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.362 debug Create_state called for : with value : wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.361 debug Expire time set for state : online with time in seconds : 120 wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.237 debug An attribute has changed : b4e62d6986bb._info._online | old undefined | new {"name":"Device connection state","type":"boolean","role":"indicator.connected","read":true,"unit":"","write":false} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:58.236 debug Create_state called for : b4e62d6986bb._info._online with value : true wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:57.854 info Initialising : " WLED-Post" on IP : wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:57.853 debug Info Data received from WLED device {"state":{"on":false,"bri":128,"transition":7,"ps":-1,"pl":-1,"nl":{"on":false,"dur":60,"mode":1,"tbri":0,"rem":-1},"udpn":{"send":false,"recv":true},"lor":0,"mainseg":0,"seg":[{"id":0,"start":0,"stop":77,"len":77,"grp":1,"spc":0,"of":0,"on":true,"bri":255,"col":[[255,160,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"fx":0,"sx":128,"ix":128,"pal":0,"sel":true,"rev":false,"mi":false}]},"info":{"ver":"0.13.0-b3","vid":2109220,"leds":{"count":77,"rgbw":false,"wv":false,"pwr":177,"fps":0,"maxpwr":600,"maxseg":16,"seglock":false},"str":false,"name":"WLED-Post","udpport":21324,"live":false,"lm":"","lip":"","ws":0,"fxcount":118,"palcount":71,"wifi":{"bssid":"4A:D9:E7:FA:E1:26","rssi":-75,"signal":50,"channel":11},"fs":{"u":49,"t":1024,"pmt":0},"ndc":-1,"arch":"esp8266","core":"2_7_4_7","lwip":1,"freeheap":21280,"uptime":12057,"opt":127,"brand":"WLED","product":"FOSS","mac":"b4e62d6986bb","ip":""},"effects":["Solid","Blink","Breathe","Wipe","Wipe Random","Random Colors","Sweep","Dynamic","Colorloop","Rainbow","Scan","Scan Dual","Fade","Theater","Theater Rainbow","Running","Saw","Twinkle","Dissolve","Dissolve Rnd","Sparkle","Sparkle Dark","Sparkle+","Strobe","Strobe Rainbow","Strobe Mega","Blink Rainbow","Android","Chase","Chase Random","Chase Rainbow","Chase Flash","Chase Flash Rnd","Rainbow Runner","Colorful","Traffic Light","Sweep Random","Running 2","Aurora","Stream","Scanner","Lighthouse","Fireworks","Rain","Tetrix","Fire Flicker","Gradient","Loading","Police","Police All","Two Dots","Two Areas","Running Dual","Halloween","Tri Chase","Tri Wipe","Tri Fade","Lightning","ICU","Multi Comet","Scanner Dual","Stream 2","Oscillate","Pride 2015","Juggle","Palette","Fire 2012","Colorwaves","Bpm","Fill Noise","Noise 1","Noise 2","Noise 3","Noise 4","Colortwinkles","Lake","Meteor","Meteor Smooth","Railway","Ripple","Twinklefox","Twinklecat","Halloween Eyes","Solid Pattern","Solid Pattern Tri","Spots","Spots Fade","Glitter","Candle","Fireworks 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Reaf","Fairy Reaf","Semi Blue","Pink Candy","Red Reaf","Aqua Flash","Yelblu Hot","Lite Light","Red Flash","Blink Red","Red Shift","Red Tide","Candy2"]} wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:57.852 debug "API response data : [object Object]" wled.0 2021-11-11 13:58:57.854 info Initialising : " WLED-Post" on IP :
@hartwigm sagte in [WLED] LED streifen (WS2812B,WS2811,SK6812,APA102) bedienen:
Auch ein Neustart am iobroker hilft hier nicht.
Die IP .134 geht immer
Die 2te WLED hat die IP x.x.x.95 diese geht immer übers Webinterface taucht hier aber im Logfile um 12:01. mit Fehlermeldung aufWelche led Firmware Version hat du drauf?
WLED version 0.13.0-b3
ich habe nun die Version 0.13.0-B4 installiert und einen factory default gemacht.Warum auch immer, aber nun geht es, auch nach reset an der Stromversorgung.
Danke für die Hilfe
@hartwigm sagte in [WLED] LED streifen (WS2812B,WS2811,SK6812,APA102) bedienen:
ich habe nun die Version 0.13.0-B4 installiert und einen factory default gemacht.Warum auch immer, aber nun geht es, auch nach reset an der Stromversorgung.
Danke für die Hilfe
Ah Check, das war meine Vermutung.
Mir ist von aircookie (wled Entwickler) bekannt das es in der Firmware Probleme gab aber konnte es nicht hieran relativieren -
Hallo zusammen,
ich verzweifele, weil ich bei meiner Garagenfahrt den Fehler nicht finde.
Ich nutze als Schaltpunkte 2 Xiaomi Fensterkontakte.
Ist das Tor unten ist der untere Kontakt zu/(False) und der obere Kontakt offen/(True)
Die Steuerung des WLED habe ich diesmal nicht mit Presets gemacht sondern ich steuere die Effekte direkt im Script an.
Beim Rauffahren passt alles. Nur beim Runterfahren beginnt er mit dem roten Laufband. Aber nach kurzer Zeit springt er in das weiße Laufband gefolgt von den Spots. Wenn das Tor dann unten ist, geht das WLED aus.
Ich verstehe null, warum er unterwegs springt. Die Kontakte geben unterwegs auch keine Zwischenstand ab (true/false). Zudem verstehe ich nicht warum er in der Routine direkt zum weiß springt. Wenn doch was wäre, müsste er doch auch das grün noch anzeigen...
Ich packe Euch mal das Blockly rein. Ggf. findet einer von Euch das Problem.
Hallo, @vocaris,
Du könntest in Dein Script nach jedem Schritt ein Debug output reintun.
Dann kannst Du zumindest im Log sehen, was in Deinem Script wann passiert. Ich würde insbesondere die beiden Fensterkontakte mit Ihren Änderungen überwachen.
Wenn Du die beiden Kontakte benutzt, um einen eigenen Datenpunkt zu füllen mit z.B. Tor_auf, Tor_zu und Tor_fährt, und Du dann diese Zustandsänderungen mitprotokollierst, kannst Du zumindest erst mal die Kontakte ausschließen.
Das Steuerungsscript triggerst Du dann auf Deinen Datenpunkt.
Ich mache das so:
Vielleicht findest Du da etwas. Viel Erfolg.
@opossum Danke. Mit dem Debug einsetzen kenne ich mich leider nicht aus. Als was man da tun muss, welchen Wert man nimmt etc.
Klar mit einem Datenpunkt kann man es auch machen. Wäre halt noch ein Schritt und ein Scripte mehr.
Abe selbst wenn sich beim Runterfahren die Kontakte (warum auch immer) ändern würden. Warum springt er dann nicht wenn zuerst zu dem grün. Wieso direkt zu dem weiß.. -
Hallo vocaris
Ich habe am Toor 2 Initiatoren also vergleichbar mit dir.
Hier mein Blockly da ist Tag und Nacht wie auch Uhrzeiten berücksichtigt und auch eine Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.
Ich mache es mit Preset.<xml xmlns=""> <variables> <variable type="cron" id="schedule1">schedule1</variable> <variable id="g;sVV^-s@hbkRnou(]]U">Weckzaehler</variable> <variable type="timeout" id="timeout">timeout</variable> </variables> <block type="on_ext" id="j@JF6W3$sYu)i6.~fU{P" x="87" y="-587"> <mutation xmlns="" items="2"></mutation> <field name="CONDITION">ne</field> <field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field> <value name="OID0"> <shadow type="field_oid" id="|4t9:t3.OH1szD[hPRqr"> <field name="oid">alias.0.EG-Garage.Tor.any_001</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="OID1"> <shadow type="field_oid" id="@`X8.6(c=E7uR^Cq?er:"> <field name="oid">alias.0.EG-Garage.Tor.any_002</field> </shadow> </value> <statement name="STATEMENT"> <block type="controls_if" id="(FViH]c1OVm~2sa*e:VC"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_compare" id="W3$!+Sv?tMMFHBOf)fit"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="5_f0UuLehNnL1L(a8I?e"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Datapoint.Zeiten_Daten.Nacht</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="M]j4h{ejpI9fy4Jjvh7-"> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="debug" id="~B)XT}Wgp[nE2j/xbyZ^"> <field name="Severity">log</field> <value name="TEXT"> <shadow type="text" id="hSJlSSNz|2yw}#tJu9da"> <field name="TEXT">Trigger</field> </shadow> </value> <next> <block type="comment" id="YH,moq}v`B;kLCo%pxu("> <field name="COMMENT">Tor fährt</field> <next> <block type="controls_if" id="MYvPjNGt5F%n9H8h?jH)"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_operation" id="J00aSf509fM0!5EeE^I)"> <field name="OP">AND</field> <value name="A"> <block type="logic_compare" id="L)G,oa=u+-j~1oB45c^Q"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="Tb3b{4t;qA47Ic;y(e.]"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">alias.0.EG-Garage.Tor.any_001</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="_q-;wNKvrWW)PnSVbHNM"> <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_compare" id=",~:lcf-j+35~y0V@nTj#"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="BPGhN_y%f(/Q7`aI[#Rt"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">alias.0.EG-Garage.Tor.any_002</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="y6I|Tf`YNVR.g{FC;#3Q"> <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="debug" id="sIc4k~9~(v6^!(,]G*lw"> <field name="Severity">log</field> <value name="TEXT"> <shadow type="text" id="QKASmtXO3#COwA|}l92_"> <field name="TEXT">Tor Fährt</field> </shadow> </value> <next> <block type="control" id=";:sfJi!Ux#:C7c?;-T%k"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="9IYs`!fY)sCXcI|(d2w["> <field name="NUM">3</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="+0Cokw=mCJBd$x*1O?Ge"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="true"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">TRUE</field> <field name="DELAY_MS">1</field> <field name="UNIT">sec</field> <field name="CLEAR_RUNNING">TRUE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="pr[e.mE_2o|,=ZK}13O+"> <field name="NUM">1</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="oV,[vYC:`Gk6jz7)DA7y"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="true"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">TRUE</field> <field name="DELAY_MS">2</field> <field name="UNIT">sec</field> <field name="CLEAR_RUNNING">TRUE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="{!2bDer1LQ`K5c.Ee#QP"> <field name="NUM">1</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="timeouts_cleartimeout" id="6C1kNwYo-+=-_]|AC%~J"> <field name="NAME">timeout</field> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </statement> <next> <block type="comment" id="YH=nv/6p|Qgincsx6~,Y"> <field name="COMMENT">Tor zu</field> <next> <block type="controls_if" id="^E!!jGc5LDX|QDQPQx%v"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_operation" id="TyGHz0^P$]e#tw=kB@cK"> <field name="OP">AND</field> <value name="A"> <block type="logic_compare" id="hk~to@Q*fi`ZRb+FY@KD"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="~*YPuGCs_(yK;t,CMg($"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">alias.0.EG-Garage.Tor.any_001</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="tj_Gg{xq;CEz896x^`}p"> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_compare" id="!OACNt9q_5^KsTn#.%W3"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="p[kh(Kf{{wx$B4V5A)_`"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">alias.0.EG-Garage.Tor.any_002</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="oT|xw9KB[pd2V`.*fss2"> <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="debug" id="RjXx!uy.%$[PsZ;n6:YJ"> <field name="Severity">log</field> <value name="TEXT"> <shadow type="text" id="`xIu=mCUK}Iu%DKGB2fp"> <field name="TEXT">Tor zu</field> </shadow> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="5khT545Yt$~wG99C!V*_"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="W+T.h98rXuCZLY7-roCY"> <field name="NUM">2</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="FZ~3|jI^O~arI%z=/x)e"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="true"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">TRUE</field> <field name="DELAY_MS">4</field> <field name="UNIT">sec</field> <field name="CLEAR_RUNNING">TRUE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="jsb6AH^DI:_{;?#KM.p}"> <field name="NUM">4</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="vrAZ6SQeYc{Pd+(}G9_("> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="true"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">TRUE</field> <field name="DELAY_MS">4</field> <field name="UNIT">sec</field> <field name="CLEAR_RUNNING">TRUE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="PyyIDwYWb/~(BQT}Jmsz"> <field name="NUM">5</field> </block> </value> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </statement> <next> <block type="comment" id="L/m*X=+%!SknD0oGum^_"> <field name="COMMENT">Tor auf</field> <next> <block type="controls_if" id="*R.nmW{f{yF0[3m(vHzJ"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_operation" id="^H#fbTv$_U%7f:^KrB:N"> <field name="OP">AND</field> <value name="A"> <block type="logic_compare" id="nn7__06acxQ]P_0r(KSi"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="yy+2%jbY=*~bkB,t/Wnc"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">alias.0.EG-Garage.Tor.any_001</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="`}2n^O;`dB]v{q0G5F}U"> <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_compare" id="YVU_uG]hAR|coP4(py*6"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="e`#SIZY(Qjb!H+r#Ky_#"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">alias.0.EG-Garage.Tor.any_002</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="m}Z4d(`5?ws{nkUp~=g="> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="debug" id="{uFB4IHvC]94gk~6ed_x"> <field name="Severity">log</field> <value name="TEXT"> <shadow type="text" id="(J9H;4ijs0L#X|dN?u7F"> <field name="TEXT">Tor auf</field> </shadow> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="cNny6[!,oQg@d6L5Dt_8"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id=":[s`#z.!Tm0bZS7{nY~r"> <field name="NUM">2</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="4ot=j)v8?SFlWUI]kcH,"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="true"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">TRUE</field> <field name="DELAY_MS">4</field> <field name="UNIT">sec</field> <field name="CLEAR_RUNNING">TRUE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="^[$^/w{.|@~,@!}7:hBP"> <field name="NUM">4</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="{*]-)^T6Uwnlu-.78O{2"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="true"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">TRUE</field> <field name="DELAY_MS">4</field> <field name="UNIT">sec</field> <field name="CLEAR_RUNNING">TRUE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="nMFh8+9XM(^jADxS+Tp+"> <field name="NUM">5</field> </block> </value> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </statement> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </statement> <next> <block type="comment" id="m*Lk|FZWhz?0hvYz}yP;"> <field name="COMMENT">Aus Garagenefektlicht</field> <next> <block type="controls_if" id="s*~pl9^Ss_xyPRmG:0*B"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_operation" id="DzF6?;1x6x$7RQpBuZ1."> <field name="OP">OR</field> <value name="A"> <block type="logic_compare" id="T/a=rkv0.T,{FqaU1nN@"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="?(Sf|5qS9ZQRM@ktmCh("> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">alias.0.EG-Garage.Tor.any_001</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="V]]Ibrc-pkfa!@bb:I{?"> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_compare" id="j1Cd[`jL5@lICEyx9x$z"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="G(eVjk$0)=}(ZR(R~ji@"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">alias.0.EG-Garage.Tor.any_002</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="Cg*Oh4ETf5cyK/UxYx%k"> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="timeouts_settimeout" id=":RfDnHVq/hjw?4hr7*cO"> <field name="NAME">timeout</field> <field name="DELAY">30</field> <field name="UNIT">sec</field> <statement name="STATEMENT"> <block type="control" id="laC^cp@~YPwY`{7r[.tl"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="|U`iNDBL|W_,*hEmm]9p"> <field name="NUM">0</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="L?4};[T.NNs`0sV#%SO#"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">wled.0.308398b61ff4.on</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="NcG1:g@sljb#=p~Ks?A)"> <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field> </block> </value> </block> </next> </block> </statement> </block> </statement> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </statement> </block> <block type="comment" id="vW,)A+0!tKvlZ^R:chW-" x="87" y="837"> <field name="COMMENT">Weihnachtsbeleuchtung</field> <next> <block type="schedule_create" id="(AU9]u:-EQwK3/8~4c=t"> <field name="NAME">schedule1</field> <value name="SCHEDULE"> <shadow type="field_cron" id="l5Xsg|r+5f!0ytc]@D2^"> <field name="CRON">* * * * *</field> </shadow> </value> <statement name="STATEMENT"> <block type="controls_if" id="wi~E3/A$h:=eZ%q6TwY@"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_compare" id="C|MVfG$~44KL,RWNK}Si"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="(dr9)[T-p(aNq9D3Ow~R"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Datapoint.Zeiten_Daten.Weihnachtszeit</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="-D{%I/d%6|;(Z[$|aygb"> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="controls_if" id="u~C54!6M.m$M]{Dfzmcn"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_compare" id="T[;-^LVozVgUJ/t=0v`q"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="YF$0,CQm%tGbrHnEeU/]"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Datapoint.Zeiten_Daten.Nacht</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="wj?)-;xVy:Z|l=,J2~_u"> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="controls_if" id="so6skg--a-VSbC@s4W!!"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_operation" id="z=pQD4XK#s5U0N]b]{le"> <field name="OP">OR</field> <value name="A"> <block type="time_compare_ex" id="nC,X85;Uk0yh~fN6gO14"> <mutation xmlns="" end_time="true" actual_time="true"></mutation> <field name="USE_ACTUAL_TIME">TRUE</field> <field name="OPTION">between</field> <value name="START_TIME"> <shadow type="text" id="neWYOnhJ:nP[@/^BD{LW"> <field name="TEXT">16:00</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="END_TIME"> <shadow type="text" id="lC4Y;Bq.pFkCT3}R3{FB"> <field name="TEXT">23:00</field> </shadow> </value> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="time_compare_ex" id="y|Lx=kN3!Q:qKi)~yT=K"> <mutation xmlns="" end_time="true" actual_time="true"></mutation> <field name="USE_ACTUAL_TIME">TRUE</field> <field name="OPTION">between</field> <value name="START_TIME"> <shadow type="text" id="qcf{-c7)}g.)4dK|w)iK"> <field name="TEXT">05:00</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="END_TIME"> <shadow type="text" id="Bz#,K[-lY*.HG4q876/D"> <field name="TEXT">09:00</field> </shadow> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="controls_if" id="|-kM9)Nvt+SO@^CTn/}v"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_compare" id="5L~(|$Hw?L8:v(zWfpAl"> <field name="OP">LTE</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="~3=[fxlXUacGI=I/Vw]|"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID"></field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="math_number" id="CmS_$7=Xaov#Xu^Bzy-6"> <field name="NUM">0</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="control" id="~PvGez9yXvD_~afk,9Ph"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="aZ`N)rTm[~8nnY~*ke6m"> <field name="NUM">6</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="p$r*d]+`W|dy_(JnK@Ji"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">wled.0.308398b61ff4.on</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="jCK.^d4y[5ED?$,anFEp"> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </next> </block> </statement> </block> </statement> </block> </statement> </block> </statement> <next> <block type="controls_if" id="+a;@10ENB1,VyB7H29d+"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_compare" id="^#h,+6]cq5qw4*x/)fN2"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="?o(t~r`#4IZznQUuFNY~"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Datapoint.Zeiten_Daten.Weihnachtszeit</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="vEq=hu:}z6yXyuuji%Fl"> <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="controls_if" id="XK^fGm%Nlt[5l6}trEfI"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_compare" id="6,/=W7`3NKj.M.7H8x2J"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="X8[vsS9A1J%p5dzH%u7%"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID"></field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="math_number" id="?8.RH_s?nV:w_nC9#g]T"> <field name="NUM">6</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="control" id="?S/5?ncNUdN^5yM(Hc%P"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="XPe*sp.IuZqNN_{}=~W,"> <field name="NUM">0</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="iU.|;:WDSS2Qa6%5D*73"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">wled.0.308398b61ff4.on</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="v,+l}HDsG:gk3_pkSE}{"> <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field> </block> </value> </block> </next> </block> </statement> <next> <block type="controls_if" id="FLnQ91-cY23x3)T-`}If"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_operation" id="w8[a~nmuy}x#qv`Kg%#^"> <field name="OP">AND</field> <value name="A"> <block type="time_compare_ex" id="dKH$V;Wi2K9^2:8[w$n|"> <mutation xmlns="" end_time="true" actual_time="true"></mutation> <field name="USE_ACTUAL_TIME">TRUE</field> <field name="OPTION">not between</field> <value name="START_TIME"> <shadow type="text" id="b#Z3Hs2m64Z/HUK3^i-1"> <field name="TEXT">16:00</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="END_TIME"> <shadow type="text" id="3jybM8D/2ejE24d;Y%+h"> <field name="TEXT">23:00</field> </shadow> </value> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="time_compare_ex" id="RC:q#BEAk(p^Orv%]LgB"> <mutation xmlns="" end_time="true" actual_time="true"></mutation> <field name="USE_ACTUAL_TIME">TRUE</field> <field name="OPTION">not between</field> <value name="START_TIME"> <shadow type="text" id="eUclCT,0)kfT0C3g!XM5"> <field name="TEXT">05:00</field> </shadow> </value> <value name="END_TIME"> <shadow type="text" id="SE8JamRZfS;-d,LLd;NA"> <field name="TEXT">09:00</field> </shadow> </value> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="control" id="0Arqyuy7!2)BGL@V.i[("> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="wmq!Hlx.q]-F)-0{HK*{"> <field name="NUM">0</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="_JR4u?lt{I[1tX,*xgcD"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">wled.0.308398b61ff4.on</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="0C5p|%*#S*hhr!n6IR~?"> <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field> </block> </value> </block> </next> </block> </statement> </block> </next> </block> </statement> </block> </next> </block> </statement> </block> </next> </block> <block type="schedule" id=")^~0aUCL~?%{8j=^[!a;" x="87" y="1612"> <field name="SCHEDULE">0 23 * * *</field> <statement name="STATEMENT"> <block type="controls_if" id="2/o$bPbOe:-[B*d]x{4Q"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_compare" id="s#GfY*+.yDKSO3e;S))k"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="Or9Ar%KWDBdn0,oJ6!C{"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Datapoint.Zeiten_Daten.Weihnachtszeit</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="X]*gF5n9s!LaY_dzPvhZ"> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="control" id="|K|9+K]e;{JQ)IxM*:O*"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID"></field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="1;(!EpBNMB9Bqg:PUVg4"> <field name="NUM">0</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="y69(6q2$#OkOBDCB2qQU"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">wled.0.308398b61ff4.on</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="{c5Fbx7,aZ}_T?VS#:4C"> <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field> </block> </value> </block> </next> </block> </statement> </block> </statement> </block> <block type="comment" id="*cw_3j||]9mGbfD3])tT" x="87" y="1862"> <field name="COMMENT">Damit der ESP8266 nicht einschläft</field> <next> <block type="schedule" id="|Ph7A#zOLZvBy):UY@}w"> <field name="SCHEDULE">* * * * *</field> <statement name="STATEMENT"> <block type="controls_if" id="E]~}tb]~aQ`O~^^JDRe5"> <mutation else="1"></mutation> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_compare" id="ql{m^REgb2=.OWM:Tww,"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="8J3^mLMx+/6d6~11-`/N"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Datapoint.Zeiten_Daten.Nacht</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="zteB?n91!{U@$W,Ci_@A"> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="controls_if" id="ONci|vC/jQ`(6F0Qh${6"> <mutation else="1"></mutation> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_compare" id="*~Ck,z$aij44)L:CFbu!"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="variables_get" id="^fbyp(]`E0-xdmvA,nC:"> <field name="VAR" id="g;sVV^-s@hbkRnou(]]U">Weckzaehler</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="math_number" id="cBwmu6xnI|J=?6:o`rC+"> <field name="NUM">30</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="controls_if" id="g5clz!n{.;,bP`{]BofC"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_compare" id="`.[gG0wUlQ7il;p4~jtY"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id="^4c%r4J~bxU:6Ri-$RL,"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Datapoint.Zeiten_Daten.Weihnachtszeit</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="HA8_Z41yn#Mx/(6_Tmct"> <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="controls_if" id="qH?L96#AKmPaP[mzQhgp"> <value name="IF0"> <block type="logic_compare" id="nc,=NCVYrOb3[mLWL#n~"> <field name="OP">EQ</field> <value name="A"> <block type="get_value" id=")#VTDXbMXP|Y8WD/)?oK"> <field name="ATTR">val</field> <field name="OID">alias.0.EG-Garage.Tor.any_001</field> </block> </value> <value name="B"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="vz*-HO:y!FPyqOs*U^|T"> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </value> <statement name="DO0"> <block type="comment" id="8@ZG=U,xWEVO+Gr;]p[9"> <field name="COMMENT">Instanz neu starten</field> <next> <block type="control" id="S/`IYH$VBvq5bQrBD*Ms"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="false"></mutation> <field name="OID">system.adapter.wled.0.alive</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="-G0NyL4itst|ei7aFPc_"> <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field> </block> </value> <next> <block type="control" id="GwpI;gVcNm*IS[%jdTBA"> <mutation xmlns="" delay_input="true"></mutation> <field name="OID">system.adapter.wled.0.alive</field> <field name="WITH_DELAY">TRUE</field> <field name="DELAY_MS">2</field> <field name="UNIT">sec</field> <field name="CLEAR_RUNNING">FALSE</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="logic_boolean" id="I}vt5PWr2e2H`9j82/qg"> <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field> </block> </value> </block> </next> </block> </next> </block> </statement> </block> </statement> <next> <block type="variables_set" id="Bkxe;/*PyiQu,DY9ziSE"> <field name="VAR" id="g;sVV^-s@hbkRnou(]]U">Weckzaehler</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id="Rndu2Xfr(iksj2#4W?4:"> <field name="NUM">0</field> </block> </value> </block> </next> </block> </statement> <statement name="ELSE"> <block type="math_change" id="KMdBac4/XUK!!hzeTRN`"> <field name="VAR" id="g;sVV^-s@hbkRnou(]]U">Weckzaehler</field> <value name="DELTA"> <shadow type="math_number" id="FP#ZQ.T|3YIo;#JwUNx8"> <field name="NUM">1</field> </shadow> </value> </block> </statement> </block> </statement> <statement name="ELSE"> <block type="variables_set" id="tvo/R@5)_bVdLnw:aQGK"> <field name="VAR" id="g;sVV^-s@hbkRnou(]]U">Weckzaehler</field> <value name="VALUE"> <block type="math_number" id=":c@ysD%oODVxHTYOo7tE"> <field name="NUM">30</field> </block> </value> </block> </statement> </block> </statement> </block> </next> </block> </xml>
Am Ende ist noch das Aufwecken des ESP8266 drin da ich nicht rausgefunden habe warum der einschläft, mache ich einen Restart von WLED und das Problem ist umgangen.
Grüße aus dem Sauerland
Hallo, @vocaris,
nimm mal den "Pause"-Befehl aus Deinem Script raus. Hatte ich vorher auch so, lief nicht.
Zitat von @Asgothian aus diesem Post:Zitat Anfang:
Timeout: Es wird Ein Block an Aktionen im Timeout angegeben der in x ms ausgeführt wird, aber die "normale" Bearbeitung des Skriptes geht weiter.
Pause: Es wird x ms gewartet bis es weiter geht.
Der Haupt unterschied besteht in der Art der Abarbeitung.
Der Einsatz von "Pause" führt zu einer synchronen Abarbeitung der im Skript stehenden Befehle in genau der angegebenen Reihenfolge. Pause kann beim Thema "Skript erneut auslösen" zu Problemen führen.
Der Einsatz von Timeout führt zu einer asynchronen Abarbeitung so das das eigentliche Skript beendet wird und nur die im Timeout angegebenen Befehle werden in einem eigenen Ablauf im Hintergrund ausgelöst.
Insgesamt sollte wann immer möglich mit einem Timeout gearbeitet werden da die "Pause" die zu dem Skript gehörenden Ressourcen weiter belegt bleiben. Je länger die Zeit ist die gewartet wird desto wichtiger ist der Einsatz von Timeout an Stelle von Pause.
Ich persönlich würde Pause nur einsetzen wenn sichergestellt ist das das Skript während der Pause nicht ein zweites mal aktiviert werden kann. Das wäre zu Beginn von Skripten oder innerhalb eines Zeitplans. Immer dann wenn ein Skript über einen "event" (Trigger, nicht Zeitplan) ausgelöst wird würde ich mit einem Timeout arbeiten.Zitat Ende
Vielleicht hilft es Dir ja. -
@berges01. Moin
Danke. Ich schau mir das mal an. -
@opossum Hei.
Also in der Tat läuft es dann. Aber dadurch, dass ich keine Pause drin habe, macht er natürlich im Bereich "Garage offen" nicht die Schritte Grünes Licht, dann weißes Lauflicht und am Ende die Spots. Da fliegt er ja in Millisekunden drüber und endet bei den Sport. Wie bekomme ich denn nun diese sequantiellen "ToDos" rein? -
Hallo, @vocaris,
Du könntest die einzelnen Schritte mit Verzögerungen starten, so geht es zumindest bei mir.
Allerdings lasse ich während der Torbewegung nur zwei Lauflichter in Rot anzeigen. Hier mal das ganze Script. Ich benutze, wie schon geschrieben, ein weiteres Script, dass die Sensoren auswertet und einen Datenpunkt setzt.
Hei,habe ich auch schon versucht. Aber Er scheitert wieder beim runterfahren.
Dort startet das rote Lauflicht und auf halber Fahrt geht er dann einfach über in den Bereich als wäre die Garage schon zu... Ich raffe das einfach nicht.
Ggf. kann mir ein mal ein Script geben, dass die Stellungen der Fensterkontakte logt. Damit ich in einer Liste sehen kann, ob ggf. beim runterfahren ein Wert geändert wird. Das Log kann bestimmt eine Liste der Timestamps ausgeben. Ich bin einfach zu blöd für Blockly... -
Also mein Blockly sieht fast so aus wie das von @opossum .
Kann es sein, das dein Fensterkontakt beim runter fahren an dem Magneten vorbei fährt der für offen oder geschlossen angebracht ist ?
Magnetkontakte sind da ab und an sehr empfindlich. Weiterhin sind die mit Reedkontakten erschütterungsempfindlich. Lock mal die Schalter mit.
Unsere Blocklies laufen zumindest bei mir ohne Probleme.
Gruss -
Hallo, @berges01,
das Problem mit den Magnetkontakten hatte ich auch. Habe dann auf optische Fensterkontakte von Homematic umgestellt, dann lief es. Bei den Magneten hatte ich die Effekte von @vocaris.
Du kannst Dein Script erweitern, in dem Du Debug output-Blöcke einbaust. Immer dann, wenn Du den Zustand der Kontakte abfragst, würde ich solch einen Block einbauen. Dann siehst Du im Protokoll, wann welcher Zustand vorhanden ist. Einfach den Debug output an die Stellen setzen, wo Du eine Protokollausgabe möchtest. Dann noch einen Text reinschreiben und mal schauen, was beim Tor dann passiert mit den Kontakten. Nur so wirst Du herausfinden, wo der Fehler liegt.
Ich würde auch mal die on/off-Befehle aus dem Script nehmen. Ich habe das nur am Anfang drin, wenn das Tor von geschlossen auf fahren geht. -
@opossum Danke aber habe leider null Plan davon.
Weiß ja gar nicht, wo ich das debug reinsetzen soll und was er dann ausgeben soll.
Ich verstehe einfach nicht, warum er beim runterfahren den "Driss" macht.
Rauf klappt ja auch.
Die Installation ist so, dass die beiden Fensterkontakte (Sendeeinheit) Fix an ihren Punkten kleben. Einer oben und einer unten. Auf dem Torschiene beweget sich nur das kl. Magnet.
Da er ja beim runterfahren mitten in dem Ablauf für "Rotes Licht" in die Prozedur "Garage offen" springt, muss er ja auf dem Fahrweg bei oberen Schalter nochmals "schließen".
Ergo muss bei ihm etwas magnetisches vorbeikommen. In dem Fall müsste aber der Timestamp sich bei dem Gerät ändern.
Wenn ich während der Fahrt das ioB Objekt beobachte, sehe ich keine Änderung...