Test Adapter ioBroker.sainlogic v0.6.X GitHub/Latest
Wenn ich auf dem ioBsudo -u iobroker wget /home/iobroker/
ausführe (meine 3 Skripte liegen in diesem Verzeichnis) bekomme ich
/home/iobroker/: Schema fehlt.
@qqolli sagte in Test Adapter ioBroker.sainlogic v0.6.X GitHub/Latest:
Wenn ich auf dem ioB
BITTE hier weitermachen!
@fogg hi,
ich nutze die V0.7.2
Meine Wetterstation besteht aus einem Froggit Set DP1500 & WH3000SE.
Soweit funktioniert auch alles, habe aber 2 Fragen.-
Ist es möglich den Batteriestatus vom WH3000SE auszulesen.
In der App wird ja was angezeigt.
(Meine Batterien halten 2-3 Wochen... bin schon mit Froggit im Kontakt,
hat hier jemand ähnliche Erfahrung?) -
Im Adapter bleiben die max- und minvalues leer.
Ist das normal bei dem Set?
sainlogic.0 2021-09-22 13:57:25.739 error Connection error on Error: connect EISCONN - Local (
Die aktuellen Wetterdarten kommen jedoch rein und werden angezeigt Min. Max werte sind nicht da
Hoffe es kann mir jemand helfen
Hallo zusammen,
ich beschäftige mich gerade mit dem Thema Wetterstation ws3500 von Sainlogic.
Habe die aktuelle Version 0.72 für den ioBroker zum Laufen gebracht und empfange auch Daten via NetCat (wenn es jemand interessiert was ich gemacht habe einfach anschreiben).
Aber bei meiner Android - WS-View - Version werden nur Daten geschickt wenn im Server-Teil (Letzte Setupseite) alle Datenfelder (also auch Login und Passwort) eingetragen sind. Wenn die Felder leer sind wird offensichtlich nichts geschickt und ich empfange mit Netcat nichts. Sobald alle Felder ausgefüllt sind empfange ich alle Daten (inklusive ID und Password).
OK damit kann man leben, nur leider der ioBroker nicht, weil er mit den Daten wohl nichts anfangen kann und meldet (ID und Password ausgegraut):
Listener received illegal request: /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?ID=xxxxxx&PASSWORD=yyyyyyy&indoortempf=73.9&tempf=62.6&dewptf=55.2&windchillf=62.6&indoorhumidity=55&humidity=77&windspeedmph=0.7&windgustmph=1.1&winddir=125&absbaromin=29.740&baromin=29.935&rainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.000&weeklyrainin=0.031&monthlyrainin=0.031&solarradiation=205.98&UV=2&dateutc=2021-09-25%2007:45:28&softwaretype=EasyWeatherV1.5.9&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=5
Alle Daten sind vorhanden aber er weigert sich
Hat jemand eine Idee?
Danke und Grüße Dominik
@dominik124 So ganz verstehe ich nicht was du da warum mit netcat machst.
Ich glaube es könnte im Netz die ein oder andere Stelle geben, an der leider falsche Informationen gepostet werden, mangels Änderungen oder Sonstigem.Also zurzeit (26.09.2021) funktioniert alles mit der WS3500 (mit manueller Installation über putty) auch wenn ID und Passwort eingetragen sind
ABER: Es darf gerade nicht das gleiche im Pfad einegetragen werden wie in der WS-View-App. In der WS-View-App steht ein "?" am Ende des Pfads und genau dieses darf im ioBroker nicht mehr stehen. Ferner habe ich den Refresh auf 100 gestellt.
Wer was zu den Hintergründen sagen kann kann das wirklich gerne tun, würde mich interessieren.
Grüße Dominik124
ich habe mit NeCat nur getestet ob Daten ankommen.
Sonst gibt es keinen weiteren Sinn. Im ioBroker stehen die Daten ja auch drin
Grüße Dominik
@fogg Hallo ich wollte gerade den Adapter über den Iobroker installieren lassen. Bekomme aber diese Meldung:
$ iobroker add sainlogic --host raspberrypi NPM version: 6.14.15npm install iobroker.sainlogic@0.7.2 --loglevel error --prefix "/opt/iobroker" (System call) npm ERR! code ETARGET npm ERR! notarget No matching version found for iobroker.sainlogic@0.7.2.npm ERR! notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requestingnpm ERR! notarget a package version that doesn't exist. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:npm ERR! /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2021-09-30T12_47_48_287Z-debug.log host.raspberrypi Cannot install iobroker.sainlogic@0.7.2: 1 ERROR: Process exited with code 25
Wenn ich es über die Katze installiere funktioniert es, aber unter Instanzen es er nicht zu finden.
@fa-bio Wenn 'über die Katze' / github installiert wird muss die Instanz immer manuell hinzugefügt werden.
@thomas-braun danke wie geht das?
@thomas-braun Hab es gefunden läuft jetzt.
@fogg ich habe eine Frage an dich.
Wenn meine Wetterstation zum Beispiel gestern eine Windstärke von 0,4 km/h gemessen hat und bis heute der Wert sich nicht verändertet hat, steht aber im Datenpunkt des Adapters der Wert vom letzten Wind also 0.4 km/h. Ist das so gewollt?.
Ich fände es besser, das wenn sich ein Wert nicht verändert hat wie zum Beispiel der Wind, das man dann den Wert Null ausgibt.
Auf der Basisstation steht aber dann Windgeschwindigkeit 0 und in meinem kleinen PC Tool auch. Ist eine Froggit wh4000se. Die Daten werden alle 10 Minuten abgeholt.Herzliche grüße
Fabio -
@fa-bio said in Test Adapter ioBroker.sainlogic v0.6.X GitHub/Latest:
@fogg ich habe eine Frage an dich.
Wenn meine Wetterstation zum Beispiel gestern eine Windstärke von 0,4 km/h gemessen hat und bis heute der Wert sich nicht verändertet hat, steht aber im Datenpunkt des Adapters der Wert vom letzten Wind also 0.4 km/h. Ist das so gewollt?.
Ich fände es besser, das wenn sich ein Wert nicht verändert hat wie zum Beispiel der Wind, das man dann den Wert Null ausgibt.
Auf der Basisstation steht aber dann Windgeschwindigkeit 0 und in meinem kleinen PC Tool auch. Ist eine Froggit wh4000se. Die Daten werden alle 10 Minuten abgeholt.Herzliche grüße
FabioHm.. da verhällt sich deine Station leider anders wie meine. Meine schickt bei Windstille die Geschwindigkeit 0. Dann kann ich das im ioB auch entsprechend anpassen. Ich vermute Deine schickt einfach den Datenpunkt gar nicht mit.
Stelle den Adapter doch mal auf debug und schicke mir die Ausgaben. Dann kann ich das kontrollieren.
Wäre die Frage was der Adapter machen sollte mit Datenpunkte die nicht kommen... aktuell werden die einfach ignoriert. -
@fogg okay mache ich. Evtl. könnte der Adapter dann Datenpunkte auf Null setzten wäre die Idee. Interessant aber das er auf dem Display und der Windows Software Null anzeigt.
2021-10-11 14:12:01.815 - info: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.sainlogic.0 started with pid 30283 2021-10-11 14:12:03.107 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2021-10-11 14:12:03.147 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2021-10-11 14:12:03.151 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Objects create System PubSub Client 2021-10-11 14:12:03.153 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Objects create User PubSub Client 2021-10-11 14:12:03.154 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2021-10-11 14:12:03.186 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Objects connected to redis: 2021-10-11 14:12:03.196 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) objectDB connected 2021-10-11 14:12:03.199 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2021-10-11 14:12:03.210 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) States create System PubSub Client 2021-10-11 14:12:03.211 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) States create User PubSub Client 2021-10-11 14:12:03.223 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) States connected to redis: 2021-10-11 14:12:03.224 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) statesDB connected 2021-10-11 14:12:03.517 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) starting. Version 0.7.3 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sainlogic, node: v12.22.6, js-controller: 3.3.18 2021-10-11 14:12:03.574 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Starting Scheduler 2021-10-11 14:12:03.575 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler call ws_getfirmware activated 2021-10-11 14:12:03.576 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler call ws_getcurrent activated 2021-10-11 14:12:03.577 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler call ws_getmax activated 2021-10-11 14:12:03.578 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler call ws_getmin activated 2021-10-11 14:12:03.578 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler call ws_getmaxdaily activated 2021-10-11 14:12:03.579 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler call ws_getmindaily activated 2021-10-11 14:12:03.580 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Weatherstation IP: 2021-10-11 14:12:03.581 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Weatherstation port: 45000 2021-10-11 14:12:03.581 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler Interval: 600 2021-10-11 14:22:03.583 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler pulling for new data 2021-10-11 14:22:03.588 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,80,3,83 2021-10-11 14:22:03.594 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff501511456173795765617468657256312e352e39 2021-10-11 14:22:03.598 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 80 subcommand 69 2021-10-11 14:22:03.600 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"softwaretype":"EasyWeatherV1.5.9"} 2021-10-11 14:22:03.601 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 14:22:03.603 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for info.softwaretype to EasyWeatherV1.5.9 2021-10-11 14:22:03.604 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,4,4,25 2021-10-11 14:22:03.616 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b0050040100e402009a03005b04009a05009a063207420827e90927e90a00080b00070c000a0e0000000010000000021100000002120000003d130000003d140000003d150002f7d81601441701886b 2021-10-11 14:22:03.617 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 4 2021-10-11 14:22:03.619 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"indoortemp":228,"outdoortemp":154,"dewpointtemp":91,"windchilltemp":154,"heatindex":154,"indoorhumidity":50,"outdoorhumidity":66,"pressureabs":10217,"pressurerel":10217,"winddir":8,"windspeed":7,"windgustspeed":10,"rain":0,"dailyrain":2,"weeklyrain":2,"monthlyrain":61,"yearlyrain":61,"raintotal":61,"solarradiation":194520,"UVraw":324,"uvi":1} 2021-10-11 14:22:03.619 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 14:22:03.631 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.UVraw to 324 2021-10-11 14:22:03.631 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.dailyrain to 0.2 2021-10-11 14:22:03.633 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dailyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.633 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.dewpointtemp to 9.1 2021-10-11 14:22:03.634 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.634 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.indoorhumidity to 50 2021-10-11 14:22:03.635 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.indoortemp to 22.8 2021-10-11 14:22:03.635 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.635 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.monthlyrain to 6.1 2021-10-11 14:22:03.636 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for monthlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.636 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.outdoorhumidity to 66 2021-10-11 14:22:03.637 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.outdoortemp to 15.4 2021-10-11 14:22:03.637 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.637 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.pressureabs to 1021.7 2021-10-11 14:22:03.638 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.638 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.pressurerel to 1021.7 2021-10-11 14:22:03.639 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.639 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.solarradiation to 19452 2021-10-11 14:22:03.640 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for solarradiation unit is set: lx, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.640 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.uvi to 1 2021-10-11 14:22:03.641 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.weeklyrain to 0.2 2021-10-11 14:22:03.641 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for weeklyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.642 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.windchilltemp to 15.4 2021-10-11 14:22:03.642 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.643 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.winddir to 8 2021-10-11 14:22:03.644 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.windgustspeed to 3.6 2021-10-11 14:22:03.644 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windgustspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.645 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.windspeed to 2.5 2021-10-11 14:22:03.645 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.645 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.yearlyrain to 6.1 2021-10-11 14:22:03.646 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for yearlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.646 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,5,5,27 2021-10-11 14:22:03.657 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b00450501011a0200ec0300a30500ec0641076308281d09281d0b00290c005c0e0000005a1000000021110000003b120000003d130000003d15000d1b8216ffff17060254 2021-10-11 14:22:03.658 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 5 2021-10-11 14:22:03.660 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"indoortemp":282,"outdoortemp":236,"dewpointtemp":163,"heatindex":236,"indoorhumidity":65,"outdoorhumidity":99,"pressureabs":10269,"pressurerel":10269,"windspeed":41,"windgustspeed":92,"rain":90,"dailyrain":33,"weeklyrain":59,"monthlyrain":61,"yearlyrain":61,"solarradiation":859010,"UVraw":65535,"uvi":6} 2021-10-11 14:22:03.660 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 14:22:03.666 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.UVraw to 65535 2021-10-11 14:22:03.667 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.dailyrain to 3.3 2021-10-11 14:22:03.668 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dailyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.668 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.dewpointtemp to 16.3 2021-10-11 14:22:03.669 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.670 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.indoorhumidity to 65 2021-10-11 14:22:03.670 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.indoortemp to 28.2 2021-10-11 14:22:03.671 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.671 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.monthlyrain to 6.1 2021-10-11 14:22:03.672 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for monthlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.672 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.outdoorhumidity to 99 2021-10-11 14:22:03.673 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.outdoortemp to 23.6 2021-10-11 14:22:03.674 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.674 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.pressureabs to 1026.9 2021-10-11 14:22:03.675 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.675 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.pressurerel to 1026.9 2021-10-11 14:22:03.676 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.676 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.rain to 9 2021-10-11 14:22:03.677 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for rain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.677 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.solarradiation to 85901 2021-10-11 14:22:03.678 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for solarradiation unit is set: lx, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.678 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.uvi to 6 2021-10-11 14:22:03.679 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.weeklyrain to 5.9 2021-10-11 14:22:03.679 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for weeklyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.680 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.windgustspeed to 33.1 2021-10-11 14:22:03.680 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windgustspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.681 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.windspeed to 14.8 2021-10-11 14:22:03.681 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.681 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.yearlyrain to 6.1 2021-10-11 14:22:03.682 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for yearlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.682 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,6,6,29 2021-10-11 14:22:03.693 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b001c060100c40200150300130400150625072a0826cd0926cd64ef 2021-10-11 14:22:03.694 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 6 2021-10-11 14:22:03.695 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"indoortemp":196,"outdoortemp":21,"dewpointtemp":19,"windchilltemp":21,"indoorhumidity":37,"outdoorhumidity":42,"pressureabs":9933,"pressurerel":9933} 2021-10-11 14:22:03.696 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 14:22:03.697 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.dewpointtemp to 1.9 2021-10-11 14:22:03.698 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.698 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.indoorhumidity to 37 2021-10-11 14:22:03.698 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.indoortemp to 19.6 2021-10-11 14:22:03.699 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.699 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.outdoorhumidity to 42 2021-10-11 14:22:03.700 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.outdoortemp to 2.1 2021-10-11 14:22:03.700 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.700 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.pressureabs to 993.3 2021-10-11 14:22:03.701 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.701 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.pressurerel to 993.3 2021-10-11 14:22:03.701 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.702 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.windchilltemp to 2.1 2021-10-11 14:22:03.702 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.702 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,7,7,31 2021-10-11 14:22:03.728 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b004d074100e40e1342009a0e124300760b0545009a0e1246360712476301054827f20a0a4927f20a0a4b000b0c0f4c00140c104e0000000c0823550005faa00c2b5600010c2a57030c2afb4e 2021-10-11 14:22:03.729 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 7 2021-10-11 14:22:03.731 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"indoortemp":228,"indoortemptime":3603,"outdoortemp":154,"outdoortemptime":3602,"dewpointtemp":118,"dewpointtemptime":2821,"windchilltemp":154,"windchilltemptime":3602,"indoorhumidity":54,"indoorhumiditytime":1810,"outdoorhumidity":99,"outdoorhumiditytime":261,"pressureabs":10226,"pressureabstime":2570,"pressurerel":10226,"pressurereltime":2570,"windspeed":11,"windspeedtime":3087,"windgustspeed":20,"windgustspeedtime":3088,"dailyrain":12,"dailyraintime":2083,"solarradiation":391840,"solarradiationtime":3115,"UVraw":1,"UVrawtime":3114,"uvi":3,"uvitime":3114} 2021-10-11 14:22:03.732 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 14:22:03.734 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.UVraw to 1 2021-10-11 14:22:03.735 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.dailyrain to 1.2 2021-10-11 14:22:03.735 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dailyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.736 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.dewpointtemp to 11.8 2021-10-11 14:22:03.736 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.737 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.indoorhumidity to 54 2021-10-11 14:22:03.738 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.indoortemp to 22.8 2021-10-11 14:22:03.739 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.739 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.outdoorhumidity to 99 2021-10-11 14:22:03.740 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.outdoortemp to 15.4 2021-10-11 14:22:03.741 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.741 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.pressureabs to 1022.6 2021-10-11 14:22:03.742 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.743 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.pressurerel to 1022.6 2021-10-11 14:22:03.744 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.745 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.solarradiation to 39184 2021-10-11 14:22:03.745 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for solarradiation unit is set: lx, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.746 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.uvi to 3 2021-10-11 14:22:03.746 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windchilltemp to 15.4 2021-10-11 14:22:03.747 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.748 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windgustspeed to 7.2 2021-10-11 14:22:03.748 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windgustspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.749 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windspeed to 4 2021-10-11 14:22:03.750 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.750 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,8,8,33 2021-10-11 14:22:03.786 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b002c084100ce0424420035012843003301284400350128462f000c47410e114827de06254927de062539a9 2021-10-11 14:22:03.786 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 8 2021-10-11 14:22:03.788 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"indoortemp":206,"indoortemptime":1060,"outdoortemp":53,"outdoortemptime":296,"dewpointtemp":51,"dewpointtemptime":296,"windchilltemp":53,"windchilltemptime":296,"indoorhumidity":47,"indoorhumidityime":12,"outdoorhumidity":65,"outdoorhumiditytime":3601,"pressureabs":10206,"pressureabstime":1573,"pressurerl":10206,"pressurereltime":1573} 2021-10-11 14:22:03.789 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 14:22:03.790 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.dewpointtemp to 5.1 2021-10-11 14:22:03.791 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.791 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.indoorhumidity to 47 2021-10-11 14:22:03.792 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.indoortemp to 20.6 2021-10-11 14:22:03.792 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.793 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.outdoorhumidity to 65 2021-10-11 14:22:03.794 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.outdoortemp to 5.3 2021-10-11 14:22:03.794 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.795 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.pressureabs to 1020.6 2021-10-11 14:22:03.795 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.796 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.windchilltemp to 5.3 2021-10-11 14:22:03.796 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 14:22:03.803 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Connection closed
@fa-bio said in Test Adapter ioBroker.sainlogic v0.6.X GitHub/Latest:
2021-10-11 14:22:03.695 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"indoortemp":196,"outdoortemp":21,"dewpointtemp":19,"windchilltemp":21,"indoorhumidity":37,"outdoorhumidity":42,"pressureabs":9933,"pressurerel":9933}
Hier ist tatsächlich ein Eintrag wo weniger Werte kommen als bei allen anderen. Da fehlen einige Werte... wenn ich die alle auf '0' setze weiss ich nicht ob das richtig ist.
Ich muss mir aber wohl noch einen anderen Fehler anschauen... das subcommand was er angibt wird ständig hoch gezählt. das sollte nicht so sein. Ist aber nicht Dein Problem
@fogg alles gut mach dir bitte keinen Stress.
2021-10-11 16:02:03.588 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler pulling for new data 2021-10-11 16:02:03.668 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,80,3,83 2021-10-11 16:02:03.673 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff501511456173795765617468657256312e352e39 2021-10-11 16:02:03.674 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 80 subcommand 69 2021-10-11 16:02:03.674 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"softwaretype":"EasyWeatherV1.5.9"} 2021-10-11 16:02:03.675 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 16:02:03.675 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for info.softwaretype to EasyWeatherV1.5.9 2021-10-11 16:02:03.675 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,4,4,25 2021-10-11 16:02:03.687 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b0050040100e1020093030059040093050093063307440827e40927e40a00110b00000c00000e0000000010000000021100000002120000003d130000003d140000003d150001d19616005e17000e77 2021-10-11 16:02:03.687 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 4 2021-10-11 16:02:03.688 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"indoortemp":225,"outdoortemp":147,"dewpointtemp":89,"windchilltemp":147,"heatindex":147,"indoorhumidity":51,"outdoorhumidity":68,"pressureabs":10212,"pressurerel":10212,"winddir":17,"windspeed":0,"windgustspeed":0,"rain":0,"dailyrain":2,"weeklyrain":2,"monthlyrain":61,"yearlyrain":61,"raintotal":61,"solarradiation":119190,"UVraw":94,"uvi":0} 2021-10-11 16:02:03.688 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 16:02:03.689 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.UVraw to 94 2021-10-11 16:02:03.690 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.dailyrain to 0.2 2021-10-11 16:02:03.690 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dailyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.690 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.dewpointtemp to 8.9 2021-10-11 16:02:03.691 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.691 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.indoorhumidity to 51 2021-10-11 16:02:03.691 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.indoortemp to 22.5 2021-10-11 16:02:03.691 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.692 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.monthlyrain to 6.1 2021-10-11 16:02:03.692 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for monthlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.692 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.outdoorhumidity to 68 2021-10-11 16:02:03.692 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.outdoortemp to 14.7 2021-10-11 16:02:03.693 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.693 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.pressureabs to 1021.2 2021-10-11 16:02:03.693 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.694 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.pressurerel to 1021.2 2021-10-11 16:02:03.695 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.695 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.solarradiation to 11919 2021-10-11 16:02:03.695 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for solarradiation unit is set: lx, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.696 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.weeklyrain to 0.2 2021-10-11 16:02:03.696 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for weeklyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.696 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.windchilltemp to 14.7 2021-10-11 16:02:03.696 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.697 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.winddir to 17 2021-10-11 16:02:03.697 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.current.yearlyrain to 6.1 2021-10-11 16:02:03.697 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for yearlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.698 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,5,5,27 2021-10-11 16:02:03.709 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b00450501011a0200ec0300a30500ec0641076308281d09281d0b00290c005c0e0000005a1000000021110000003b120000003d130000003d15000d1b8216ffff17060254 2021-10-11 16:02:03.709 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 5 2021-10-11 16:02:03.709 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"indoortemp":282,"outdoortemp":236,"dewpointtemp":163,"heatindex":236,"indoorhumidity":65,"outdoorhumidity":99,"pressureabs":10269,"pressurerel":10269,"windspeed":41,"windgustspeed":92,"rain":90,"dailyrain":33,"weeklyrain":59,"monthlyrain":61,"yearlyrain":61,"solarradiation":859010,"UVraw":65535,"uvi":6} 2021-10-11 16:02:03.710 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 16:02:03.712 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.UVraw to 65535 2021-10-11 16:02:03.712 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.dailyrain to 3.3 2021-10-11 16:02:03.712 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dailyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.712 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.dewpointtemp to 16.3 2021-10-11 16:02:03.713 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.713 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.indoorhumidity to 65 2021-10-11 16:02:03.713 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.indoortemp to 28.2 2021-10-11 16:02:03.713 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.714 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.monthlyrain to 6.1 2021-10-11 16:02:03.714 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for monthlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.714 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.outdoorhumidity to 99 2021-10-11 16:02:03.715 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.outdoortemp to 23.6 2021-10-11 16:02:03.715 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.716 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.pressureabs to 1026.9 2021-10-11 16:02:03.716 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.716 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.pressurerel to 1026.9 2021-10-11 16:02:03.717 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.717 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.rain to 9 2021-10-11 16:02:03.718 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for rain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.718 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.solarradiation to 85901 2021-10-11 16:02:03.719 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for solarradiation unit is set: lx, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.719 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.uvi to 6 2021-10-11 16:02:03.719 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.weeklyrain to 5.9 2021-10-11 16:02:03.720 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for weeklyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.720 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.windgustspeed to 33.1 2021-10-11 16:02:03.721 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windgustspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.721 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.windspeed to 14.8 2021-10-11 16:02:03.722 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.722 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.yearlyrain to 6.1 2021-10-11 16:02:03.722 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for yearlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.722 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,6,6,29 2021-10-11 16:02:03.731 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b001c060100c40200150300130400150625072a0826cd0926cd64ef 2021-10-11 16:02:03.732 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 6 2021-10-11 16:02:03.733 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"indoortemp":196,"outdoortemp":21,"dewpointtemp":19,"windchilltemp":21,"indoorhumidity":37,"outdoorhumidity":42,"pressureabs":9933,"pressurerel":9933} 2021-10-11 16:02:03.733 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 16:02:03.734 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.dewpointtemp to 1.9 2021-10-11 16:02:03.735 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.735 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.indoorhumidity to 37 2021-10-11 16:02:03.735 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.indoortemp to 19.6 2021-10-11 16:02:03.736 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.736 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.outdoorhumidity to 42 2021-10-11 16:02:03.737 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.outdoortemp to 2.1 2021-10-11 16:02:03.737 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.738 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.pressureabs to 993.3 2021-10-11 16:02:03.738 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.739 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.pressurerel to 993.3 2021-10-11 16:02:03.739 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.739 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.windchilltemp to 2.1 2021-10-11 16:02:03.740 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.740 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,7,7,31 2021-10-11 16:02:03.769 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b004d074100e40e1342009a0e124300760b0545009a0e1246360712476301054827f20a0a4927f20a0a4b00110e2c4c001a0e2c4e0000000c0823550005faa00c2b5600010c2a57030c2a44e0 2021-10-11 16:02:03.770 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 7 2021-10-11 16:02:03.770 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"indoortemp":228,"indoortemptime":3603,"outdoortemp":154,"outdoortemptime":3602,"dewpointtemp":118,"dewpointtemptime":2821,"windchilltemp":154,"windchilltemptime":3602,"indoorhumidity":54,"indoorhumiditytime":1810,"outdoorhumidity":99,"outdoorhumiditytime":261,"pressureabs":10226,"pressureabstime":2570,"pressurerel":10226,"pressurereltime":2570,"windspeed":17,"windspeedtime":3628,"windgustspeed":26,"windgustspeedtime":3628,"dailyrain":12,"dailyraintime":2083,"solarradiation":391840,"solarradiationtime":3115,"UVraw":1,"UVrawtime":3114,"uvi":3,"uvitime":3114} 2021-10-11 16:02:03.771 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 16:02:03.772 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.UVraw to 1 2021-10-11 16:02:03.773 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.dailyrain to 1.2 2021-10-11 16:02:03.773 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dailyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.773 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.dewpointtemp to 11.8 2021-10-11 16:02:03.773 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.774 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.indoorhumidity to 54 2021-10-11 16:02:03.774 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.indoortemp to 22.8 2021-10-11 16:02:03.774 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.774 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.outdoorhumidity to 99 2021-10-11 16:02:03.775 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.outdoortemp to 15.4 2021-10-11 16:02:03.775 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.775 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.pressureabs to 1022.6 2021-10-11 16:02:03.775 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.776 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.pressurerel to 1022.6 2021-10-11 16:02:03.776 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.776 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.solarradiation to 39184 2021-10-11 16:02:03.776 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for solarradiation unit is set: lx, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.776 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.uvi to 3 2021-10-11 16:02:03.777 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windchilltemp to 15.4 2021-10-11 16:02:03.777 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.777 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windgustspeed to 9.4 2021-10-11 16:02:03.778 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windgustspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.778 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windspeed to 6.1 2021-10-11 16:02:03.779 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.779 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,8,8,33 2021-10-11 16:02:03.787 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b002c084100ce0424420035012843003301284400350128462f000c47400e2c4827de06254927de062553dd 2021-10-11 16:02:03.788 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 8 2021-10-11 16:02:03.788 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Data object: {"indoortemp":206,"indoortemptime":1060,"outdoortemp":53,"outdoortemptime":296,"dewpointtemp":51,"dewpointtemptime":296,"windchilltemp":53,"windchilltemptime":296,"indoorhumidity":47,"indoorhumidityime":12,"outdoorhumidity":64,"outdoorhumiditytime":3628,"pressureabs":10206,"pressureabstime":1573,"pressurerl":10206,"pressurereltime":1573} 2021-10-11 16:02:03.789 - info: sainlogic.0 (30283) Scheduler updating IOBroker states 2021-10-11 16:02:03.790 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.dewpointtemp to 5.1 2021-10-11 16:02:03.790 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.791 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.indoorhumidity to 47 2021-10-11 16:02:03.791 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.indoortemp to 20.6 2021-10-11 16:02:03.792 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.792 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.outdoorhumidity to 64 2021-10-11 16:02:03.792 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.outdoortemp to 5.3 2021-10-11 16:02:03.793 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.793 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.pressureabs to 1020.6 2021-10-11 16:02:03.794 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.794 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.windchilltemp to 5.3 2021-10-11 16:02:03.795 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null 2021-10-11 16:02:03.799 - debug: sainlogic.0 (30283) FW Scheduler Connection closed
@fa-bio ich habe das mit Blockly (siehe Post 125) gelöst
@neo110 Danke dir eine gute Lösung.