Neue App Version (10)
- Verbessertes Logging
- WebSockets Update (Nummer 100 oder so
Nach wie vor bekomme ich es nicht hin, dass der Background mode sauber getriggert wird.
Das steuert IOS selbstständig, das kann man so leider auch nicht simulieren richtig.
Ich habe noch mal ein paar Dinge geändert, so stabil habe ich das bisher noch nicht hinbekommen,...
Was immer sein sollte:
- alle 30 sec. Ping, wenn die App im Vordergrund ist
- Alle 15 Minuten "Check all Websockets" wenn die App im Hintergrund ist
Ich bekomme theoretisch immer um XX:00:00 eine notification (die ist solange ich zuhause war (22:40 - 09:58 auch immer pünktlich gekommen).
Danach saß ich auf dem Fahrrad bis 10:02 > Einkaufen (kein Internet) > 10:04 Fahrrad bis 10:25 > 10:27 WLAN
Wenn ich mir meine Logs jetzt anschaue sieht das schon mal deutlich besser aus als vorher.
Was aber nicht immer nicht so läuft wie es soll:
- Ping läuft bis 09:19 durch, 09:19 bin ich aufgestanden und hatte das iPhone aus der Ladestation genommen.
- Nach 09:19 kein Ping mehr
- Es fehlen alle Logs die was mit Background Mode zu tun haben (beim booten der App Registering background tasks > Background tasks registered funktioniert), nicht aber die 15 minütigen Scheduling app refresh und Scheduling processing task.
[06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Application did finish launching
[06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Permission granted: true
[06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Notification settings: <UNNotificationSettings: 0x3010306c0; authorizationStatus: Authorized, notificationCenterSetting: Enabled, soundSetting: Enabled, badgeSetting: Enabled, lockScreenSetting: Enabled, carPlaySetting: NotSupported, announcementSetting: Disabled, criticalAlertSetting: NotSupported, timeSensitiveSetting: NotSupported, alertSetting: Enabled, scheduledDeliverySetting: Disabled, directMessagesSetting: NotSupported, showsPreviewsSetting: WhenAuthenticated, alertStyle: Banner, groupingSetting: Default providesAppNotificationSettings: No>
[06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Registering background tasks
[06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Background tasks registered
[06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[06.08.24, 22:40:50 CEST] Attempted to reconnect while already connected or connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:40:51 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:40:51 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Connection": "Upgrade", "Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "0vIv/QLxUiyS45uPCaZbUb9KKlI="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:40:51 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:40:52 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:40:52 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:40:52 CEST] Device Token: ba1992fba2e9436ccaded9458d678ce88270603e67191f1bc3738f752cf231f8
[06.08.24, 22:40:53 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:40:53 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:40:53 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:40:53 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:40:53 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:41:04 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:41:05 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:41:07 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:41:11 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:41:11 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:41:11 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:41:12 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:41:12 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:41:13 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:41:13 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:41:16 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:41:16 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:41:16 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:41:16 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:41:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:41:20 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:41:20 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:41:20 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:41:21 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence]
[06.08.24, 22:41:21 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:41:21 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:41:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:42:01 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:42:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:42:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:43:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:43:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:44:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:44:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:44:53 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:44:54 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:44:54 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:44:54 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:44:54 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:44:55 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:45:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:45:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:45:56 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:45:57 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence]
[06.08.24, 22:45:57 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:45:57 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:45:57 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:45:58 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence]
[06.08.24, 22:45:58 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:46:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:46:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:47:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:47:29 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:31 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence]
[06.08.24, 22:47:31 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:31 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:32 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:33 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:33 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:33 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:35 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:35 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:41 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:43 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:43 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:43 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:44 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:45 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:45 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:46 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:46 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:47:51 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:53 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:53 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:54 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:54 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:54 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:55 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:57 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:57 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:57 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:58 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:58 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:59 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:47:59 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:47:59 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:48:00 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:48:00 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:48:00 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:48:00 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:48:01 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:48:01 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:48:02 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:48:02 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:48:03 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:48:03 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:48:04 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:48:04 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:48:05 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:48:05 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:48:05 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:48:06 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:48:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:48:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:49:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:49:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:50:05 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:50:07 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:50:07 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:50:07 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:50:07 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:50:08 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:50:08 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:50:09 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:50:09 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:50:09 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:50:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:50:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:51:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:51:29 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:51:30 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:51:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:52:13 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:52:15 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:52:15 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:52:15 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:52:15 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:52:15 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:52:16 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 22:52:16 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 22:52:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:52:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:53:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:53:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:54:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:54:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:55:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:55:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:56:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:56:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:57:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:57:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:58:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:58:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:59:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 22:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 06.08.2024 - 23:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 23";
[06.08.24, 23:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 06.08.2024 - 23:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 23";
[06.08.24, 23:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:00:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:01:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:01:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:02:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:02:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:03:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:03:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:04:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:04:43 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:45 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:45 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:45 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:04:46 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:46 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:04:47 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:47 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:04:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:48 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:04:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:49 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:04:49 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:04:49 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:04:50 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:04:50 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:51 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:52 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:04:53 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:55 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:57 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:57 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:04:57 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:58 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:58 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:04:59 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence]
[06.08.24, 23:04:59 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:05:00 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:05:00 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:05:00 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:05:01 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:05:01 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:05:01 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:05:02 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:05:02 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:05:02 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:05:07 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:05:08 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[06.08.24, 23:05:09 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:05:09 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:05:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:05:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:06:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:06:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:07:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:07:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:08:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:08:20 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:08:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:09:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:09:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:10:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:10:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:11:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:11:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:12:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:12:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:13:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[06.08.24, 23:13:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[06.08.24, 23:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 00:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 00:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 0";
[07.08.24, 00:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 00:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 0";
[07.08.24, 00:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 00:00:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 00:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 01:00:00 CEST] check Event ["payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 01:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 1";
}, "action": notification]
[07.08.24, 01:00:00 CEST] notification ["payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 01:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 1";
}, "action": notification]
[07.08.24, 01:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 01:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:00:00 CEST] check Event ["payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 02:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 2";
}, "action": notification]
[07.08.24, 02:00:00 CEST] notification ["payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 02:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 2";
}, "action": notification]
[07.08.24, 02:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:00:26 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 02:00:26 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 02:00:27 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 02:00:27 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 02:00:28 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 02:00:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 02:35:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:00 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:09 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:09 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:09 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:10 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Connection": "Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "GgJ9zG7wNBnc4akNnfedHjx0RkA="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:10 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:10 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:10 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:11 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:11 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:36:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:37:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:37:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:38:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:38:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:39:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:39:22 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 02:39:22 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:39:22 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 02:39:22 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:39:23 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 02:39:23 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 02:39:23 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:39:23 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 02:39:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 02:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 03:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 03:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 3";
[07.08.24, 03:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 03:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 3";
[07.08.24, 03:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 03:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 04:00:00 CEST] check Event ["payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 04:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 4";
}, "action": notification]
[07.08.24, 04:00:00 CEST] notification ["payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 04:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 4";
}, "action": notification]
[07.08.24, 04:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 04:59:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 05:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 05:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 5";
[07.08.24, 05:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 05:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 5";
[07.08.24, 05:00:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 05:00:21 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 05:12:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 05:12:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 05:59:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 06:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 06:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 6";
[07.08.24, 06:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 06:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 6";
[07.08.24, 06:00:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 06:59:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 07:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 07:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 7";
[07.08.24, 07:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 07:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 7";
[07.08.24, 07:00:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 07:59:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 08:00:00 CEST] check Event ["payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 08:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 8";
}, "action": notification]
[07.08.24, 08:00:00 CEST] notification ["payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 08:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 8";
}, "action": notification]
[07.08.24, 08:00:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 08:59:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:00:00 CEST] check Event ["payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 09:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 9";
}, "action": notification]
[07.08.24, 09:00:00 CEST] notification ["payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 09:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 9";
}, "action": notification]
[07.08.24, 09:00:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge
[07.08.24, 09:16:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:16:28 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:16:28 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:16:28 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 09:16:29 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:16:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:17:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:17:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:18:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:18:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:19:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:19:35 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:19:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence]
[07.08.24, 09:31:27 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:31:27 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:31:27 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:31:27 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:31:29 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence]
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence]
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:35:38 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:35:38 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 09:36:31 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Reconnect suggested, connection lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Websocket viability changed, connection lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:31 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:58:31 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:58:31 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:31 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:31 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:36 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Connection": "Upgrade", "Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "hKRAuWjI3mK4uxCFRuHMia3eDeA="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:36 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:36 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:36 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:38 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:38 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 09:58:40 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:58:40 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:39 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:59:39 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:59:39 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:39 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:39 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:42 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:59:42 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:59:42 CEST] Attempted to reconnect while already connected or connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Attempted to reconnect while already connected or connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Connection": "Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "87a52907IIfpASZB0eMQFl/5FVk="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:45 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 09:59:45 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 09:59:45 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:45 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:48 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 09:59:48 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "4c1jtiF45JIo+ZLUAVFGpL9FIO0=", "Connection": "Upgrade"] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:04:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:04:39 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:04:39 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:04:40 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 10:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 10";
[07.08.24, 10:04:40 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": {
aps = {
alert = {
body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 10:00";
subtitle = Ooooo;
title = "Cron Stunde: 10";
[07.08.24, 10:04:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:41 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:04:41 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:04:41 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:41 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:44 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:04:44 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:04:44 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:44 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:47 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:04:47 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:04:47 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:47 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:48 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:04:48 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "d6N4ehZOhIewwAF3sZcaPT8rFZw=", "Connection": "Upgrade"] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:11:48 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:11:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:46 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:16:46 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:16:46 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:46 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:46 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:47 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Connection": "Upgrade", "Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "QgYsvm3zExGcrPbw76MGSWn7ygo="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:47 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:47 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:47 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:51 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:16:54 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:16:55 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:16:55 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:56 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:56 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:21:56 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Attempted to reconnect while already connected or connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:25:00 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:25:00 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:25:00 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called
[07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied
[07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Attempted to reconnect while already connected or connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Reconnect suggested, connection lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Websocket viability changed, connection lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 57): Socket is not connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Connection": "Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "z/MdcTywf+rSbmS7pq359buSNB8="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Connection": "Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "pGXFlA4YRIrXvtsrrs3xDI5/wt0="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:53 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:53 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:28:53 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:31:02 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:31:02 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:31:31 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:31:31 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:31:31 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:31:31 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:31:32 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:31:32 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:31:32 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:31:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:32:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:32:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:33:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:33:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:34:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:34:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:35:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:35:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:36:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:36:35 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:36:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence]
[07.08.24, 10:36:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:36:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:36:37 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:36:37 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:36:38 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:36:38 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:36:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:36:40 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:36:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
[07.08.24, 10:36:41 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set]
[07.08.24, 10:36:41 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:36:41 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1]
[07.08.24, 10:37:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC