@djmarc75 Habs gefunden! Danke dir!
Latest posts made by Paan83
RE: SourceAnalytix ohne Instanz nach Installation [gelöst]
RE: SourceAnalytix ohne Instanz nach Installation [gelöst]
@djmarc75 sorry für meine Unwissenheit, aber wo mache ich das?
SourceAnalytix ohne Instanz nach Installation [gelöst]
ich habe den SourceAnalytix Adapter über die Katze installiert. Die Installation läuft ohne Probleme durch, hier das Log dazu:2023-02-24 17:01:37.723 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker removed 872 packages, and changed 1433 packages in 4m154 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 2023-02-24 17:01:37.961 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [25] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/admin.d.ts admin.d.ts video/mp2t 2023-02-24 17:01:38.040 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [20] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/i18n/es/translations.json i18n/es/translations.json application/json 2023-02-24 17:01:38.046 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [19] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/i18n/fr/translations.json i18n/fr/translations.json application/json 2023-02-24 17:01:38.052 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [18] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/i18n/it/translations.json i18n/it/translations.json application/json 2023-02-24 17:01:38.059 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [17] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/i18n/nl/translations.json i18n/nl/translations.json application/json 2023-02-24 17:01:38.066 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [16] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/i18n/pl/translations.json i18n/pl/translations.json application/json 2023-02-24 17:01:38.072 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [15] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/i18n/pt/translations.json i18n/pt/translations.json application/json 2023-02-24 17:01:38.078 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [14] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/i18n/ru/translations.json i18n/ru/translations.json application/json 2023-02-24 17:01:38.082 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [13] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/i18n/zh-cn/translations.json i18n/zh-cn/translations.json application/json 2023-02-24 17:01:38.089 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [12] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/index_m.html index_m.html text/html 2023-02-24 17:01:38.095 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [11] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/jsonCustom.json jsonCustom.json application/json 2023-02-24 17:01:38.099 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [10] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/readmeDocu/cumulativeReading-Reset.png readmeDocu/cumulativeReading-Reset.png image/png 2023-02-24 17:01:38.104 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [9] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/readmeDocu/mainSettings.png readmeDocu/mainSettings.png image/png 2023-02-24 17:01:38.112 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [8] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/readmeDocu/priceSettings.png readmeDocu/priceSettings.png image/png 2023-02-24 17:01:38.121 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [7] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/readmeDocu/settingKey.png readmeDocu/settingKey.png image/png 2023-02-24 17:01:38.125 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [6] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/readmeDocu/stateSettings.png readmeDocu/stateSettings.png image/png 2023-02-24 17:01:38.130 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [5] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/readmeDocu/stateStartValues.png readmeDocu/stateStartValues.png image/png 2023-02-24 17:01:38.137 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [4] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/settings_details.png settings_details.png image/png 2023-02-24 17:01:38.144 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [3] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/settings_open.png settings_open.png image/png 2023-02-24 17:01:38.149 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [2] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/sourceanalytix.png sourceanalytix.png image/png 2023-02-24 17:01:38.154 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [1] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/style.css style.css text/css 2023-02-24 17:01:38.158 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker upload [0] sourceanalytix.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/admin/words.js words.js application/javascript 2023-02-24 17:01:39.228 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu iobroker exit 0
In den Adaptern wird mir angezeigt, dass der SourceAnalytix Adapter installiert ist, aber es gibt einfach keine Instanz! Ich habe keine Ahnung warum. Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen bitte?
Hier der Stand meines Systems:
Admin : 6.3.5
Danke euch
Probleme mit Sourceanalytixs Adapter
mein Sorce Analytixs Adapter macht mir Probleme. Ich habe einen Wasserzähler mit Reedkontakt eingebaut. Dieser wird mit einem Wemos D1 mit Tasmota ausgelsen über den Counter. Jeden Liter zählt er eins hoch.
Jetzt habe ich den Datenpunkt zum Sourceanalytixs Adapter mit dem Schraubenschlüssel hinzugefügt:
Wenn ich das abspeichere, gibt er mir folgenden Fehler aus:2020-10-10 16:34:47.956 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.10 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:47.956 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.011 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.11 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.012 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.056 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.12 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.056 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.104 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.13 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.104 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.156 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.14 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.156 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.204 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.15 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.205 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.252 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.16 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.252 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.301 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.17 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.301 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.348 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.18 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.349 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.396 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.19 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.396 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.448 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.20 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.449 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.498 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.21 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.498 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.546 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.22 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.546 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.592 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.23 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.593 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.640 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.24 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.640 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.689 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.25 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.689 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.739 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.26 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.739 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.792 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.27 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.793 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.840 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.28 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.840 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.848 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.29 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.848 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.852 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.30 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.852 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.855 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.31 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.855 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.858 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.32 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.858 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.861 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.33 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.861 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.865 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.34 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.865 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.868 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.35 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.868 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.871 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.36 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.871 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.874 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.37 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.874 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.877 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.38 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.877 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.880 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.39 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.880 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.889 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.40 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.889 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.896 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.41 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.896 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.900 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.42 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.900 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.903 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.43 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.903 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.907 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.44 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.907 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.910 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.45 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.910 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.913 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.46 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.913 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.916 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.47 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.916 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.919 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.48 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.919 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.922 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.49 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.922 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.927 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.50 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.927 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.933 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.51 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.933 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.938 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.52 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.938 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:48.942 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.53 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:48.942 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.027 - error: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) [calculationHandler sonoff.0.Regenwassertank.COUNTER_C1] error: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined, stack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined at Sourceanalytix.calculationHandler (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/main.js:784:26) at Sourceanalytix.initialize (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/main.js:271:16) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) at async Sourceanalytix.onObjectChange (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/main.js:368:7) 2020-10-10 16:34:49.108 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.10 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.108 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.111 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.11 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.111 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.113 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.12 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.114 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.116 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.13 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.116 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.120 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.14 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.120 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.125 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.15 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.126 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.135 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.16 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.135 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.140 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.17 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.141 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.159 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.18 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.160 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.166 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.19 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.166 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.176 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.20 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.177 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.181 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.21 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.181 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.185 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.22 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.185 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.188 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.23 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.188 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.191 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.24 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.191 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.194 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.25 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.194 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.197 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.26 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.197 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.200 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.27 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.200 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.203 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.28 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.203 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.208 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.29 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.208 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.212 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.30 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.212 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.215 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.31 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.215 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.218 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.32 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.218 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.223 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.33 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.223 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.227 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.34 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.228 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.231 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.35 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.231 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.236 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.36 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.236 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.240 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.37 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.240 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.248 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.38 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.249 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.252 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.39 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.252 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.255 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.40 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.255 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.258 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.41 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.258 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.261 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.42 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.261 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.265 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.43 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.266 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.280 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.44 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.280 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.293 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.45 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.293 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.297 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.46 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.297 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.300 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.47 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.300 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.303 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.48 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.303 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.306 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.49 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.306 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.309 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.50 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.309 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.311 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.51 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.312 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.314 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.52 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.314 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.317 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) Object sonoff__0__Regenwassertank__COUNTER_C1.2020.consumed.weeks.53 is invalid: obj.common.name has an invalid type! Expected "string" or "object", received "number" 2020-10-10 16:34:49.317 - warn: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. 2020-10-10 16:34:49.413 - error: sourceanalytix.0 (17225) [calculationHandler sonoff.0.Regenwassertank.COUNTER_C1] error: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined, stack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined at Sourceanalytix.calculationHandler (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/main.js:784:26) at Sourceanalytix.initialize (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/main.js:271:16) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) at async Sourceanalytix.onObjectChange (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sourceanalytix/main.js:385:7)
Ich habe keine Ahnung wo sein Problem liegt. Mit dem Stromzähler habe ich keine Probleme.
Kann mir jemand einen Tipp geben was ich falsch mache?Danke euch
P.S. Der Wemos heisst noch Regenwassertank, weil er auch noch den Stand des Regenwassers ausliest
RE: Xiaomi Bewegungsmelder richtig einbinden
Aktuelle Zeit zwischen 21:00 und 6:00 funktionniert nicht. Er kann nicht über den Tagwechsel hinaus schauen. Du musst es so machen: Aktuelle Zeit "nicht zwischen" 6:00 und 21:00. Hoffe du verstehst was ich meine.Mit dem Block: Steuere Presence 5, ist das der Datenpunkt vom Bewegungsmelder?
RE: Xiaomi Bewegungsmelder richtig einbinden
Hey, was möchtest du denn eigentlich machen?
Ich arbeite mit dem Datenpunkt presence. Wenn er also eine Bewegung erkennt, dann wechselt dieser zu true. Damit wirst du dann in deinem Blockly Skript arbeiten. Unter duration stellst du ein wie lange er ein true ausgeben soll. Wenn du hier zB 1s eingibst, dann spuckt er dir nach einer Bewegung für 1s ein true aus. Aber Achtung! Nachdem er eine Bewegung erkannt hat, dauert es ungefähr eine Minute bis er wieder eine neue Bewegung erkennen kann. Hierzu gibt es aber einen Trick wie man das umgehen kann. Schau dir hierzu mal folgendes Youtubevideo an: Xiaomi Motion Hack - häufiger Events vom SensorBG
Christophe -
RE: Test Adapter Midea Dimstal Klimaanlagen v0.0.x
danke für die schnelle Antwort. Sowas hab ich mir schon gedacht, weil mir wurde der Wifi-Stick nachgesendet, weil da noch was an der Software nachgebessert wurde.
Hoffentlich bessert da mal jemand nach. Ich würde ja gerne helfen, aber leider habe ich keine Ahnung was ich da machen muss -
RE: Test Adapter Midea Dimstal Klimaanlagen v0.0.x
ich habe mir eine Midea Klimasplitanlage gegönnt. Alles installiert und läuft. Ansteuerung über die App klappt ebenfalls, nur der Midea Adapter will nicht so richtig. Ich habe mich in den Einstellungen mit den selben Daten wie in der App angemeldet, das ist doch okay oder?
Ich bekomme alle Datenpunkte rein:
Alles sieht soweit gut aus. Wenn ich die Anlage über die Fernbedienung oder App steuere, werden die geänderten Zustände in den Objekten ebenfalls angepasst. Also die Verbindung scheint ja da zu sein. Nur bedienen funktionniert nicht.
Hier das Log wenn ich versuchen was zu steuern:undefined2020-07-17 12:20:31.153 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu stopInstance system.adapter.midea.0 (force=false, process=true) 2020-07-17 12:20:31.154 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu stopInstance system.adapter.midea.0 send kill signal 2020-07-17 12:20:31.155 - info: midea.0 (7684) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2020-07-17 12:20:31.156 - info: midea.0 (7684) cleaned everything up... 2020-07-17 12:20:31.156 - info: midea.0 (7684) terminating 2020-07-17 12:20:31.157 - info: midea.0 (7684) Terminated (START_IMMEDIATELY_AFTER_STOP): Without reason 2020-07-17 12:20:31.667 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu instance system.adapter.midea.0 terminated with code 156 (156) 2020-07-17 12:20:33.669 - info: host.iobrokerubuntu instance system.adapter.midea.0 started with pid 9025 2020-07-17 12:20:34.320 - debug: midea.0 (9025) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2020-07-17 12:20:34.357 - debug: midea.0 (9025) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2020-07-17 12:20:34.358 - debug: midea.0 (9025) Objects create System PubSub Client 2020-07-17 12:20:34.359 - debug: midea.0 (9025) Objects create User PubSub Client 2020-07-17 12:20:34.359 - debug: midea.0 (9025) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2020-07-17 12:20:34.366 - debug: midea.0 (9025) Objects connected to redis: 2020-07-17 12:20:34.368 - debug: midea.0 (9025) objectDB connected 2020-07-17 12:20:34.369 - debug: midea.0 (9025) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2020-07-17 12:20:34.373 - debug: midea.0 (9025) States create User PubSub Client 2020-07-17 12:20:34.374 - debug: midea.0 (9025) States create System PubSub Client 2020-07-17 12:20:34.382 - debug: midea.0 (9025) States connected to redis: 2020-07-17 12:20:34.382 - debug: midea.0 (9025) statesDB connected 2020-07-17 12:20:34.779 - info: midea.0 (9025) starting. Version 0.0.6 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.midea, node: v12.18.1 2020-07-17 12:20:35.639 - debug: midea.0 (9025) {"msg":"OK","result":{"loginId":"1169c476-82f0-415e-b765-412a72e01c36"},"errorCode":"0"} 2020-07-17 12:20:36.611 - debug: midea.0 (9025) {"msg":"OK","result":{"originPrivateVersion":"","nickname":"mindench@pt.lu","sessionId":"e4d22a1435cf4f088f83a85722a23d9e20200717102035734","accessToken":"e08f88af8a832724e910e60029179bcfd0a56da5a07373989bf6c3af1b7ca893","userId":"2981064","versionCode":"","leftCount":""},"errorCode":"0"} 2020-07-17 12:20:36.612 - info: midea.0 (9025) Login successful 2020-07-17 12:20:37.100 - debug: midea.0 (9025) {"msg":"OK","result":{"list":[{"registerTime":"Tue Jul 14 14:33:18 UTC 2020","onlineStatus":"1","type":"0xAC","homegroupId":"","userId":"2981064","tsn":"","mac":"","des":"","activeStatus":"1","homegroupCreateUserId":"","wifiVersion":"","name":"Master bedroom","modelNumber":"8","homegroupNumber":"","id":"197912093276","sn":"ea445cb609c114c7b2f1ea198870a351fbd4c0c0d94ccff595b1136472bf466fe1c8a4e2a08d0d2f82311a9c55d7af8a","userType":"1"}]},"errorCode":"0"} 2020-07-17 12:20:37.464 - debug: midea.0 (9025) {"msg":"OK","result":{"reply":"9f3a007669feb77e1ded61564eb58e33af80a467a1650d223bb0f7f0ff2b635bde633f0c951fb3aa62257375b54b69573b1e473f13dc4af92dc5cd176baeb542de633f0c951fb3aa62257375b54b69575b451e59208d15266e248545b4e587efeb373d4c7895a4d4a10ad1ca012c0509eaf5334eda7ce6956ca3f102eea729bc00742017e07f87f7bd6a295a2b2285ab13855d24638fb3d5d872539e8b5f0bf808589ca00eab4a66f5858ab24a9b5378c7a65689b21e4afa03bfebcc0165e5e1f79bcd0d89ec8b555ef64fd71473e5a932ddfd8071b6867bc104a142da4155f2"},"errorCode":"0"} 2020-07-17 12:20:37.464 - debug: midea.0 (9025) send successful 2020-07-17 12:20:37.469 - debug: midea.0 (9025) Update successful 2020-07-17 12:20:37.739 - debug: javascript.0 (1235) system.adapter.admin.0: logging false 2020-07-17 12:20:37.752 - debug: midea.0 (9025) system.adapter.admin.0: logging false 2020-07-17 12:20:42.705 - debug: midea.0 (9025) Command: {"data":[170,30,172,0,0,0,0,0,3,2,64,67,85,40,127,127,0,48,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,135]} 2020-07-17 12:20:42.705 - debug: midea.0 (9025) Command + Header: [90,90,1,16,90,0,32,0,1,0,0,0,189,179,57,14,12,5,20,20,29,129,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,170,30,172,0,0,0,0,0,3,2,64,67,85,40,127,127,0,48,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,135,124,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] 2020-07-17 12:20:48.883 - debug: javascript.0 (1235) system.adapter.admin.0: logging true 2020-07-17 12:20:48.889 - debug: midea.0 (9025) system.adapter.admin.0: logging true 2020-07-17 12:20:52.863 - debug: midea.0 (9025) {"msg":"ASYN-Antwort existiert nicht","errorCode":"3176"} 2020-07-17 12:20:52.864 - info: midea.0 (9025) Command was not accepted by device. Command wrong or device not reachable 19791209327 ASYN-Antwort existiert nicht
Was ich versucht habe ist alles mal neu zu starten. Anlage vom Strom weg, Adapter neu gestartet und Struktur neu anlegen lassen.
Ich weiss nicht was ich noch tun soll. Hat jemand eine Idee woran es liegen könnte?Danke euch
RE: [Gelöst] Modbus Einstellungen
Genau so ist es. Mit Poll delay auf 60000ms aktualisiert er die Werte alle 60s.@Chris87 sagte in [Gelöst] Modbus Einstellungen:
@Paan83 said in Modbus Einstellungen:
Das ist das kleinste Problem, das mache ich mit einem Skript.
einfach hier 0.1 eintragen und alles ist richtig!!Gerne wieder
Super Tipp! Mal wieder ein Skript gespart
RE: [Gelöst] Modbus Einstellungen
@Chris87 sagte in Modbus Einstellungen:
Aber dennoch würde es nichts tun, das bisschen Netzwerk verkehr tut doch nix.
Ja da hast du allerdings recht. Ich lasse es so.
@Chris87 sagte in Modbus Einstellungen:
Fast, den Faktor noch mit 0.1
Das ist das kleinste Problem, das mache ich mit einem Skript.
Ich bin echt froh dass wir das jetzt hinbekommen haben, vielen Dank nochmal für deine Hilfe und auch ein Dankeschön an @Alexi