Test Adapter shuttercontrol v2.0.x
@simatec sagte in Test Adapter shuttercontrol v1.4.x:
Bitte teste mal die Version 1.4.9
du meinst 1.4.8? Die 1.4.9 bekomm ich nicht.
Dein Problem sollte damit behoben sein
Danke, funktioniert!
@negalein 1.4.9 wird gerade gepusht
Ab sofort steht die Version 1.4.9 auf Github in in kürze auch im latest zum testen zur Verfügung.
1.4.9 (2021-12-29)
- (simatec) error handling for trigger added
- (simatec) Bugfix Trigger delay
- (simatec) Dependencies updated
- (simatec) Dev-Dependencies updated
@negalein jup das Testing vorm pushen braucht immer ein paar Minuten
Ich habe das Update auf beiden System (Prod. und Test) eingespielt. Ich habe mit Closeall alle Rollos in einen definierten Zustand (down) gebracht. Nun lasse ich den Tag über das System laufen und warte dann auch die Weihnachtseinstellung heute Abend ab. Eine Rückmeldung gebe ich die danach.Vielen Dank und dir einen guten Tag.
Hallo ihr fleißigen Entwickler, ich habe das Szenario mit dem Frost Problem erneut nachstellen können.
Nochmal zur Verdeutlichung, ich habe den Frostalarm auf Höhe 15 eingestellt, der bei jedem Fenster greifen soll, wenn ein Datenpunkt, welcher über ein Script gesetzt wird, angesteuert wird.
Problem ist, wenn dieser nicht auf true steht, also kein Frost mehr ist und es tagsüber ist, dann fahren die Rollos komplett auf, auch wenn ein Rollo mal manuell verfahren wurde.Weiß nicht ob in dem Log da was ersichtlich wird.
shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:21:44.374 debug shutter alarm frost endet and no other alarm is pending HWR already at: 98% - setting current action: up shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:21:44.358 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.HWR.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:21:44.357 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:21:34.356 debug shutter alarm frost endet and no other alarm is pending Buero old height: 74% new height: 98% shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:21:34.270 debug Buero Old value = 74. New value = 98. automatic is active shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:21:34.270 debug Shutter state changed: Buero old value = 74 new value = 98 shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:21:34.247 info Alarm frost ended Set ID: Buero value: 98% shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:21:34.236 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Büro.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:21:34.236 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:21:34.236 debug start shutterAlarm shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:21:34.236 debug Alarm Frost changed: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:41.452 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Esszimmer.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:41.451 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:31.441 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Balkontür.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:31.441 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:25.314 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Wohnzimmer.Rollo_Fenster.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:25.314 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:21.429 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Fenster.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:21.428 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:15.110 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Sauna.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:15.110 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:12.090 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.HWR.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:12.089 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:11.344 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.WC.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:11.344 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:05.104 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Schlafzimmer.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:05.104 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:02.073 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Büro.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:02.072 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:01.320 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.HWR.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:01.320 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:00.030 debug Sun Elevation: 12.1° shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:00.029 debug Sun Azimut: 154.5° shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:20:00.028 debug calculate astrodata ... shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:55.085 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kind_Ost.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:55.085 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:54.786 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Wohnzimmer.Rollo_Fenster.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:54.785 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:51.303 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Büro.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:51.303 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:49.302 debug insidetemperature changed: alias.0.Büro.Temperatur.ACTUAL Value: 19.84 shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:45.071 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kind_West.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:45.070 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:44.777 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Sauna.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:44.777 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:35.055 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Bad.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:35.055 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:34.695 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Schlafzimmer.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:34.695 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:24.966 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Esszimmer.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:24.965 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:24.672 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kind_Ost.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:24.672 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:14.955 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Balkontür.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:14.954 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:14.655 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kind_West.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:14.654 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:04.946 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Fenster.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:04.945 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:04.643 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Bad.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:19:04.642 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:54.926 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.WC.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:54.926 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:54.633 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Esszimmer.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:54.632 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:44.909 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.HWR.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:44.909 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:44.622 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Balkontür.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:44.621 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:34.898 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Büro.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:34.898 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:34.613 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Fenster.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:34.613 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:32.898 debug insidetemperature changed: alias.0.Kind_West.Temperatur.ACTUAL Value: 20.7 shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:24.597 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.WC.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:24.596 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:14.582 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.HWR.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:14.581 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:04.537 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Büro.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:04.536 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:18:02.535 debug insidetemperature changed: alias.0.Schlafzimmer.Temperatur.ACTUAL Value: 20.3 shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:52.489 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Wohnzimmer.Rollo_Fenster.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:52.488 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:49.232 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Wohnzimmer.Rollo_Fenster.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:49.231 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:42.477 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Sauna.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:42.477 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:39.224 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Sauna.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:39.224 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:32.458 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Schlafzimmer.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:32.457 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:29.213 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Schlafzimmer.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:29.213 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:22.437 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kind_Ost.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:22.436 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:19.194 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kind_Ost.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:19.194 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:12.409 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kind_West.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:12.408 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:09.187 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kind_West.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:09.187 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:02.387 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Bad.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:16:02.387 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:59.096 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Bad.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:59.095 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:52.374 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Esszimmer.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:52.373 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:49.090 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Esszimmer.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:49.090 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:42.364 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Balkontür.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:42.363 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:39.072 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Balkontür.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:39.071 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:32.352 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Fenster.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:32.351 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:29.065 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Fenster.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:29.064 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:22.336 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.WC.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:22.336 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:18.972 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.WC.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:18.971 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:12.330 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.HWR.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:12.330 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:08.965 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.HWR.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:08.965 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:02.100 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Büro.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:02.099 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:00.041 debug Sun Elevation: 11.7° shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:00.041 debug Sun Azimut: 153.4° shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:15:00.040 debug calculate astrodata ... shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:14:58.937 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Büro.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:14:58.937 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:14:56.935 debug outsidetemperature changed: alias.0.Aussenbereich.Temperatur_Haustür.ACTUAL Value: 5.09 shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:14:56.425 debug Shutter Terrasse was moved manually to: 88% while window was open - prevent trigger from driving back shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:14:56.424 debug save current height after State Check: 88% from Terrasse shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:13:56.415 debug Terrasse Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:13:56.415 debug Terrasse drived manually to 88. Old value = 98. New value = 88 shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:13:16.280 debug Shutter Buero was moved manually to: 74% while window was open - prevent trigger from driving back shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:13:16.280 debug save current height after State Check: 74% from Buero shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:56.409 debug Shutter state changed: Terrasse old value = 98 new value = 88 shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:52.039 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Wohnzimmer.Rollo_Fenster.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:52.038 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:42.013 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Sauna.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:42.013 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:31.993 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Schlafzimmer.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:31.992 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:21.973 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kind_Ost.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:21.973 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:16.770 debug Buero Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:16.769 debug Buero drived manually to 74. Old value = 98. New value = 74 shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:16.274 debug Buero Updated trigger action to Manu_Mode to prevent moving after window close shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:16.274 debug Buero drived manually to 74.5. Old value = 98. New value = 74.5 shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:11.957 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kind_West.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:11.957 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:01.941 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Bad.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:12:01.941 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:11:51.933 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Esszimmer.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:11:51.933 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:11:41.923 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Balkontür.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:11:41.923 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:11:31.913 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.Kueche.Rollo_Fenster.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:11:31.912 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:11:21.897 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.WC.Rollo.SET: false shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:11:21.896 debug start pendingAlarm to check if an alarm is currently pending (exept frost) shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:11:16.759 debug Shutter state changed: Buero old value = 98 new value = 74 shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:11:16.267 debug Shutter state changed: Buero old value = 98 new value = 74.5 shuttercontrol.0 2021-12-29 10:11:11.881 debug status alarm pending for alias.0.HWR.Rollo.SET: false
Verständlich was ich damit sagen möchte?
Hallo Nightfly, kommt dein Frostalarm - Signal ständig mit jeder Temperaturänderung. Dies könnte die Ursache sein, da mit jedem erneuten false - Signal die Rolläden wieder hoch fahren. Ich habe dies bei mir über ein kleines Skript abgefangen.
MfG Dirk Peter -
@nightfly1983 Zeig mal bitte deinen Script für den Frostalarm
@dirk-peter Das könnte das Problem sein, habe es direkt mal abgeändert und mal sehen, ob es jetzt passt.
// Temp Balkon on({id: "alias.0.Aussenbereich.Temperatur_Balkon.ACTUAL"/*ACTUAL*/, change: "ne"}, async function (obj) { var value = obj.state.val; var oldValue = obj.oldState.val; // Temp Balkon if (getState("alias.0.Aussenbereich.Temperatur_Balkon.ACTUAL").val < 5) { if (getState("javascript.0.Datenpunkte.Frost").val != true) { setState("javascript.0.Datenpunkte.Frost"/*Frost*/, true); } } else { if (getState("javascript.0.Datenpunkte.Frost").val != false) { setState("javascript.0.Datenpunkte.Frost"/*Frost*/, false); } } });
Versuche es mal hiermit ... ist etwas sauberer
// Temp Balkon on({ id: 'alias.0.Aussenbereich.Temperatur_Balkon.ACTUAL'/*ACTUAL*/, change: 'ne' }, async function (obj) { const stateFrost = await getStateAsync('javascript.0.Datenpunkte.Frost'); // Temp Balkon if (obj.state.val < 5 && stateFrost.val === false) { await setStateAsync('javascript.0.Datenpunkte.Frost'/*Frost*/, true, true); console.log('Frostalarm für Shuttercontrol ist aktiv'); } else if (obj.state.val >= 5 && stateFrost.val === true) { await setStateAsync('javascript.0.Datenpunkte.Frost'/*Frost*/, false, true); console.log('Frostalarm für Shuttercontrol ist nicht aktiv'); } });
Sorry, der Adapter hatte die Automatik abgeschaltet. Ich habe die Rollos daher manuell heruntergefahren. Ich gebe dir Morgen die Rückmeldung. -
Hallo, alles i.O.
Danke, Dirk Peter -
@dirk-peter 18% bei einigen Rollläden ist auch korrekt?
Ja, zwecks Lüften beim Schlafen.
Dirk Peter -
@dirk-peter sehr gut … dann beobachte mal bitte, ob auch in der Früh und beim manuellen Fahrten alles passt
@simatec Danke dir, teste ich sofort.
Dir und allen Anderen einen guten und defektfreien Rollostart ins neue Jahr.
Hallo simatec, alles i.O..shuttercontrol.0 29268 2021-12-30 07:30:30.224 info Children Up #22 Set ID: HmIPW-DRBL4 DG-KZ-2-2 value: 100% shuttercontrol.0 29268 2021-12-30 07:30:20.201 info Children Up #22 Set ID: HmIPW-DRBL4 DG-KZ-2-1 value: 100% shuttercontrol.0 29268 2021-12-30 07:30:10.181 info Children Up #22 Set ID: HmIPW-DRBL4 DG-KZ-1-2 value: 100% shuttercontrol.0 29268 2021-12-30 07:30:00.155 info Children Up #22 Set ID: HmIPW-DRBL4 DG-KZ-1-1 value: 100% shuttercontrol.0 29268 2021-12-30 07:00:20.029 info Sleep up #22 Set ID: HmIPW-DRBL4 DG-SZ value: 100% shuttercontrol.0 29268 2021-12-30 07:00:10.145 info Living up #13 Set ID: HmIPW-DRBL4 DG-Bad value: 100% shuttercontrol.0 29268 2021-12-30 07:00:00.095 info Living up #13 Set ID: HmIPW-DRBL4 EG-GZ value: 100%
Danke für deine Arbeit und dir ein gesundes neues Jahr!
MfG Dirk Peter -
Bei mir ist auch alles sauber hochgefahren. Ich warte nun den Abend ab und kann dir dann berichten, ob der Weihnachtsmodus funktioniert.
Dir alles Gute und einen Riesen Dank für den Adapter. -
ich möchte für meine VIS folgende Zeiten anzeigen:
Wohnbereich hochfahren
Wohnbereich runterfahrenDie Einstellungen im Astro sind wie folgt:
Die downTimeLiving passt auch, nur die upTimeLiving steht auf 5:00 und nicht auf 7:59
Habe ich da einen Denkfehler drin?