Test Adapter enigma2 v1.2.x
Diesen Fehlercode kenne ich. Du musst den Adapter auf debug stellen. Der Fehler sagt aus, das er ein Attribut nicht findet. Diesen Fehler kann man schnell abfangen. Die Frage ist halt, ob man von der Software was verändert hat oder ob nur diese Version den Fehler verursacht.
@lucky_esa Ich hab auf debug gestellt und jetzt?
Du musst den kompletten Log posten und nicht nur die Fehlermeldungen.
host.raspberrypi 2022-09-03 21:21:42.920 info Restart adapter system.adapter.enigma2.0 because enabled host.raspberrypi 2022-09-03 21:21:42.919 error instance system.adapter.enigma2.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:42.776 debug get movies from directory: /media/hdd/movie/ enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.843 warn Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.842 info terminating enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.523 debug evaluating response for command 'DEVICEINFO': {"e2deviceinfo":{"e2oeversion":["OE-Alliance 5.0"],"e2enigmaversion":["2022-09-01"],"e2distroversion":["openatv"],"e2imageversion":["7.0.20220903"],"e2driverdate":["20201218"],"e2webifversion":["OWIF 1.5.2"],"e2fpversion":["0"],"e2devicename":["UHD TRIO 4K"],"e2frontends":[{"e2frontend":[{"e2name":["Tuner A"],"e2model":["Si2166D (DVB-S2X)"]},{"e2name":["Tuner B"],"e2model":["ATBM7821 DVB-T2/C (DVB-T2)"]}]}],"e2network":[{"e2interface":[{"e2name":["eth0"],"e2mac":["d0:27:29:0f:87:39"],"e2dhcp":["False"],"e2ip":[""],"e2gateway":[""],"e2netmask":[""]}]}],"e2hdds":[{"e2hdd":[{"e2model":["Generic(STORAGE DEVICE)"],"e2capacity":["59.6 GB"],"e2free":["-1 MB"],"e2mount":[""]},{"e2model":["ST925032(0AS)"],"e2capacity":["232.9 GB"],"e2free":["181.2 GB"],"e2mount":["/media/hdd"]}]}]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.515 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.514 debug creating request for command 'NONE' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/getallservices') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.513 debug updating movie list enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.513 debug evaluating response for command 'GETMOVIELIST': {"e2locations":{"e2location":["/media/hdd/movie/"]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.511 debug evaluating response for command 'TIMERLIST': {"e2timerlist":"\n"} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.508 debug evaluating response for command 'ISRECORD': {"e2timerlist":"\n"} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.506 error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'e2eventlist') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.506 error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'e2eventlist') at evaluateCommandResponse (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.enigma2/main.js:521:40) at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.enigma2/main.js:407:8 at Parser.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/xml2js/lib/parser.js:304:18) at Parser.emit (node:events:513:28) at SAXParser.onclosetag (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/xml2js/lib/parser.js:262:26) at emit (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:624:35) at emitNode (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:629:5) at closeTag (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:889:7) at SAXParser.write (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:1436:13) at Parser.exports.Parser.Parser.parseString (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/xml2js/lib/parser.js:323:31) enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.505 error unhandled promise rejection: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'e2eventlist') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.504 error Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.502 debug evaluating response for command 'GETCURRENT': {"html":{"head":[{"title":["Processing Failed"]}],"body":[{"b":["Processing Failed"]}]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.499 debug Box Muted:true enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.499 debug Box Volume:50 enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.498 debug evaluating response for command 'GETVOLUME': {"e2volume":{"e2result":["True"],"e2resulttext":["Status"],"e2current":["50"],"e2ismuted":["True"]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.487 debug Box Sender: enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.486 debug evaluating response for command 'GETINFO': {"e2abouts":{"e2about":[{"e2oeversion":["OE-Alliance 5.0"],"e2enigmaversion":["2022-09-01"],"e2distroversion":["openatv"],"e2imageversion":["7.0.20220903"],"e2driverdate":["20201218"],"e2webifversion":["OWIF 1.5.2"],"e2fpversion":["0"],"e2model":["UHD TRIO 4K"],"e2lanmac":["d0:27:29:0f:87:39"],"e2landhcp":["False"],"e2lanip":[""],"e2lanmask":[""],"e2langw":[""],"e2hddinfo":[{"model":["Generic(STORAGE DEVICE)"],"capacity":["59.6 GB"],"free":["-1 MB"],"mount":[""]}],"e2tunerinfo":[{"e2nim":[{"name":["Tuner A"],"type":["Si2166D (DVB-S2X)"],"live":[""],"rec":[""]},{"name":["Tuner B"],"type":["ATBM7821 DVB-T2/C (DVB-T2)"],"live":[""],"rec":[""]}]}],"e2servicename":[""],"e2servicenamespace":[""],"e2serviceaspect":["0"],"e2serviceprovider":[""],"e2videowidth":["0"],"e2videoheight":["0"],"e2servicevideosize":["0x0"],"e2apid":["0"],"e2vpid":["0"],"e2pcrpid":["0"],"e2pmtpid":["0"],"e2txtpid":["N/A"],"e2tsid":["0"],"e2onid":["0"],"e2sid":["0"]}]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.478 debug message answer: Keine rechtzeitige Antwort enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.477 debug evaluating response for command 'MESSAGEANSWER': {"e2simplexmlresult":{"e2state":["False"],"e2statetext":["Keine rechtzeitige Antwort"]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.471 debug Box Standby: true enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.470 debug evaluating response for command 'GETSTANDBY': {"e2powerstate":{"e2instandby":["\ntrue\t"]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.340 debug evaluating response for command 'TIMERLIST': {"e2timerlist":"\n"} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.338 debug evaluating response for command 'ISRECORD': {"e2timerlist":"\n"} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.335 error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'e2eventlist') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.335 error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'e2eventlist') at evaluateCommandResponse (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.enigma2/main.js:521:40) at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.enigma2/main.js:407:8 at Parser.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/xml2js/lib/parser.js:304:18) at Parser.emit (node:events:513:28) at SAXParser.onclosetag (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/xml2js/lib/parser.js:262:26) at emit (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:624:35) at emitNode (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:629:5) at closeTag (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:889:7) at SAXParser.write (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:1436:13) at Parser.exports.Parser.Parser.parseString (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/xml2js/lib/parser.js:323:31) enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.333 error unhandled promise rejection: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'e2eventlist') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.333 error Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.330 debug evaluating response for command 'GETCURRENT': {"html":{"head":[{"title":["Processing Failed"]}],"body":[{"b":["Processing Failed"]}]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.327 debug Box Muted:true enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.326 debug Box Volume:50 enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.326 debug evaluating response for command 'GETVOLUME': {"e2volume":{"e2result":["True"],"e2resulttext":["Status"],"e2current":["50"],"e2ismuted":["True"]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.323 debug Box Sender: enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.323 debug evaluating response for command 'GETINFO': {"e2abouts":{"e2about":[{"e2oeversion":["OE-Alliance 5.0"],"e2enigmaversion":["2022-09-01"],"e2distroversion":["openatv"],"e2imageversion":["7.0.20220903"],"e2driverdate":["20201218"],"e2webifversion":["OWIF 1.5.2"],"e2fpversion":["0"],"e2model":["UHD TRIO 4K"],"e2lanmac":["d0:27:29:0f:87:39"],"e2landhcp":["False"],"e2lanip":[""],"e2lanmask":[""],"e2langw":[""],"e2hddinfo":[{"model":["Generic(STORAGE DEVICE)"],"capacity":["59.6 GB"],"free":["-1 MB"],"mount":[""]}],"e2tunerinfo":[{"e2nim":[{"name":["Tuner A"],"type":["Si2166D (DVB-S2X)"],"live":[""],"rec":[""]},{"name":["Tuner B"],"type":["ATBM7821 DVB-T2/C (DVB-T2)"],"live":[""],"rec":[""]}]}],"e2servicename":[""],"e2servicenamespace":[""],"e2serviceaspect":["0"],"e2serviceprovider":[""],"e2videowidth":["0"],"e2videoheight":["0"],"e2servicevideosize":["0x0"],"e2apid":["0"],"e2vpid":["0"],"e2pcrpid":["0"],"e2pmtpid":["0"],"e2txtpid":["N/A"],"e2tsid":["0"],"e2onid":["0"],"e2sid":["0"]}]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.314 debug message answer: Keine rechtzeitige Antwort enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.313 debug evaluating response for command 'MESSAGEANSWER': {"e2simplexmlresult":{"e2state":["False"],"e2statetext":["Keine rechtzeitige Antwort"]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.301 debug Box Standby: true enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.300 debug evaluating response for command 'GETSTANDBY': {"e2powerstate":{"e2instandby":["\ntrue\t"]}} enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.280 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.280 debug creating request for command 'DEVICEINFO' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/deviceinfo') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.279 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.278 debug creating request for command 'GETMOVIELIST' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/getlocations') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.277 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.277 debug creating request for command 'TIMERLIST' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/timerlist') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.275 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.275 debug creating request for command 'ISRECORD' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/timerlist') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.274 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.273 debug creating request for command 'GETCURRENT' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/getcurrent') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.272 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.271 debug creating request for command 'GETVOLUME' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/vol') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.270 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.270 debug creating request for command 'GETINFO' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/about') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.268 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.267 debug creating request for command 'MESSAGEANSWER' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/messageanswer?getanswer=now') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.266 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.265 debug creating request for command 'GETSTANDBY' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/powerstate') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.264 info enigma2 Verbunden! enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.158 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.156 debug creating request for command 'TIMERLIST' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/timerlist') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.153 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.152 debug creating request for command 'ISRECORD' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/timerlist') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.149 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.147 debug creating request for command 'GETCURRENT' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/getcurrent') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.145 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.144 debug creating request for command 'GETVOLUME' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/vol') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.142 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.141 debug creating request for command 'GETINFO' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/about') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.138 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.136 debug creating request for command 'MESSAGEANSWER' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/messageanswer?getanswer=now') enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.118 debug using authorization with user 'root' enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:41.105 debug creating request for command 'GETSTANDBY' (deviceId: 1, host:, port: 80, path: '/web/powerstate') javascript.0 2022-09-03 21:21:36.709 info script.js.Meine_Geräte.Anycubic_I3_Mega: 06. Anycubic i3 Mega Zähler zurücksetzen enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:36.102 info starting Polling every 5000 ms enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:36.096 debug config enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:36.095 debug config Username: root enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:36.094 debug config Port: 80 enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:36.093 debug config IPAddress: enigma2.0 2022-09-03 21:21:36.047 info starting. Version 1.3.4 (non-npm: Matten-Matten/ioBroker.enigma2#4198fa2049f66bb5eb274a24ae64f4fa3149065f) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.enigma2, node: v16.17.0, js-controller: 4.0.23
@flugschüler Damit kann man was anfangen. Es kommen keine Daten vom Receiver. Du benutzt root...Ändere mal deine Einstellungen im Receiver auf ohne Passwort-
Den Fehler kann ich abfangen und einen Pullrequest einstellen (mache ich morgen).
Sieht nach einem Softwarefehler aus...Edit:
@lucky_esa Wo finde ich die Einstellung ohne Passwort ?
Im WEBIF aber das bringt wohl nichts. Hier müsst ihr im openatv Forum fragen warum ihr bei keine Daten bekommt.
Ich kann leider nicht testen das ich mit allen 4 Boxen noch auf openatv 6.0 bin.
@lucky_esa Kann man beim Adapter was ändern oder liegt es nur am Openatv?
@flugschüler Nach so einer Meldung würde ich sagen JA.
2022-09-03 21:21:41.502 debug evaluating response for command 'GETCURRENT': {"html":{"head":[{"title":["Processing Failed"]}],"body":[{"b":["Processing Failed"]}]}}
@lucky_esa Es lag an der OWIF 1.5.2. Die OWIF wurde bearbeitet. Receiver aktualisieren und alles müsste wieder funktionieren.
@flugschüler said in Test Adapter enigma2 v1.2.x:
@lucky_esa Es lag an der OWIF 1.5.2. Die OWIF wurde bearbeitet. Receiver aktualisieren und alles müsste wieder funktionieren.
Super es funktioniert wieder vielen Dank
Funktioniert der Adapter noch ?
@flopsi sagte in Test Adapter enigma2 v1.2.x:
Funktioniert der Adapter noch ?
Mehr hast du nicht an Infos ... als Frage .. oder ein Problem !?
@glasfaser Nö aktuell nicht ich gucke mir den Adapter erstmal an
Hallo Zusammen,
ich hab mir nun fast den ganzen Threat angesehen, bekomme aber keine Lösung.
Ich will aus dem Datenpunk enigma2.0.enigma2.CHANNEL_PICON das Picon in der Vis anzeigen lassen.
Aber egal ob ich es mit dem Widget "image", "String img src" oder "html" mache, es bleibt weiß, wird nichts angezeigt.
Wenn ich die url direkt in den Browser gebe, wird das richtige Logo angezeigt.Was mach ich falsch?
auch nicht so ... bzw. weiter unter steht auch noch etwas:
das hab ich auch schon gesehen, nur was ist das für ein Widget?
Der Wald hat zu viele Bäume. -