Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10
bei mir funktioniert die neueste Version immer noch nicht, d.H. ich kann keine Geräte steuern. Was auffälig ist, das ich ohne weiters zur Version 1.10.3 zurückwechseln kann, was eigenlich nicht mehr gehen sollte. Vielleicht wird beim update irgendetwas nicht umgewandelt? -
Mein Tip:
Adapter stoppen, Update machen, Upload des Adapters nochmal hinterher, Version checken und Adapter starten.Klappt das nicht, mal das ganze System rebooten..
Alles schon probiert auch iob fix.
@ritter sagte in Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10:
Alles schon probiert auch iob fix.
Und wie bist du da insgesamt unterwegs?
iob diag
anschauen. Aber besser in einem separaten Thread.
@thomas-braun ```
======================= SUMMARY ======================= v.2024-10-19 Static hostname: NUC Icon name: computer-desktop Chassis: desktop 🖥️ Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) Kernel: Linux 6.1.0-22-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 Hardware Vendor: Intel corporation Hardware Model: NUC6i3SYB Firmware Version: SYSKLi35.86A.0070.2019.0401.1729 Installation: native Kernel: x86_64 Userland: 64 bit Timezone: Europe/Berlin (CET, +0100) User-ID: 1000 Display-Server: false Boot Target: Pending OS-Updates: 6 Pending iob updates: 2 Nodejs-Installation: /usr/bin/nodejs v20.17.0 /usr/bin/node v20.17.0 /usr/bin/npm 10.8.2 /usr/bin/npx 10.8.2 /usr/bin/corepack 0.29.3 Recommended versions are nodejs 20.18.0 and npm 10.8.2 nodeJS installation is correct MEMORY: total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 33G 5.0G 2.0G 933K 27G 28G Swap: 1.0G 1.0M 1.0G Total: 34G 5.0G 3.0G Active iob-Instances: 66 Upgrade policy: none ioBroker Core: js-controller 7.0.2 admin 7.2.6 ioBroker Status: iobroker is running on this host. Objects type: jsonl States type: jsonl Status admin and web instance: + system.adapter.admin.0 : admin : NUC - enabled, port: 8081, bind:, run as: admin + system.adapter.web.0 : web : NUC - enabled, port: 8082, bind:, run as: admin Objects: 45806 States: 34790 Size of iob-Database: 65M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/objects.jsonl 112M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/states.jsonl Operating System is the current Debian stable version codenamed 'bookworm'! =================== END OF SUMMARY ====================
=== Mark text until here for copying ===
Lange Version:
iob diag.txt -
Dann installier zigbee 'ordentlich' aus einem Repo und nicht per github.
@thomas-braun Dann gings auch nicht, hatte schon spezial Version von Asgothian wegen debug aber zu einem richtigen Ergebnis kahmen wir dann auch nicht.
Also bei mir läuft die V1.10.12 nicht, bin wieder auf 1.10.3 zurück... Ich hatte die 1.10.12 "ordentlich" installiert, also über admin Oberfläche
iob auf Debian12 unter proxmox, Beta repository, alle Adapter auf neuestem Stand
node.js 20.18.0
npm 10.8.2
js-controller 7.0.2) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:34:37.597 warn Terminated (NO_ADAPTER_CONFIG_FOUND): Without reason zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:34:37.436 error adapter disabled host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:34:29.612 info "system.adapter.zigbee.2" disabled host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 info Restart adapter system.adapter.zigbee.2 because enabled host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error instance system.adapter.zigbee.2 terminated with code 1 (JS_CONTROLLER_STOPPED) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[4]: at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:485:21) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[4]: at Immediate.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee/lib/groups.js:293:47) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[4]: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[4]: at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:485:21) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[4]: at Immediate.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee/lib/groups.js:293:47) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[4]: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[3]: at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:485:21) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[3]: at Immediate.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee/lib/groups.js:293:47) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[3]: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[2]: at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[2]: at Axios.request (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/axios/lib/core/Axios.js:45:41) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[2]: at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient [as onIncoming] (node:_http_client:702:27) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[2]: at ClientRequest.emit (node:domain:488:12) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[2]: at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:531:35) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[2]: at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:634:26) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.993 error Caught by controller[2]: at ClientRequest.RedirectableRequest._onNativeResponse (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:91:12) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.992 error Caught by controller[2]: at RedirectableRequest._processResponse (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:398:10) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.992 error Caught by controller[2]: at RedirectableRequest.emit (node:domain:488:12) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.992 error Caught by controller[2]: at RedirectableRequest.emit (node:events:519:28) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.992 error Caught by controller[2]: at RedirectableRequest.handleResponse (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:547:9) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.992 error Caught by controller[2]: at settle (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:19:12) host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.992 error Caught by controller[2]: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 404 host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.992 error Caught by controller[2]: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason: host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.992 error Caught by controller[1]: TICMeter: Exposes: No endpoint host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.992 error Caught by controller[0]: zhc:lixee: Not able to detect the current tarif. Not filtering any expose... host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.992 error Caught by controller[0]: zhc:lixee: Was not able to detect the Linky energy_phase. Default to single_phase host.iobroker 2024-11-06 13:33:59.992 error Caught by controller[0]: zhc:lixee: Was not able to detect the Linky linky_mode. Default to historique zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.761 error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.761 error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') at Immediate.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee/lib/groups.js:293:47) at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:485:21) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.761 error uncaught exception: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.760 error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.760 error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') at Immediate.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee/lib/groups.js:293:47) at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:485:21) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.760 error uncaught exception: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.737 error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.737 error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') at Immediate.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee/lib/groups.js:293:47) at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:485:21) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.736 error uncaught exception: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateState') zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.612 info Zigbee: disabling joining new devices. zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.609 info cleaned everything up... zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.594 error Exception-Code: ERR_BAD_REQUEST: Request failed with status code 404 zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.594 error AxiosError: Request failed with status code 404 at settle (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:19:12) at RedirectableRequest.handleResponse (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:547:9) at RedirectableRequest.emit (node:events:519:28) at RedirectableRequest.emit (node:domain:488:12) at RedirectableRequest._processResponse (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:398:10) at ClientRequest.RedirectableRequest._onNativeResponse (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:91:12) at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:634:26) at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:531:35) at ClientRequest.emit (node:domain:488:12) at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient [as onIncoming] (node:_http_client:702:27) at Axios.request (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/axios/lib/core/Axios.js:45:41) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.593 error unhandled promise rejection: Request failed with status code 404 zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.593 error Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.453 info debug devices set to [] zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.342 warn download icon from saved into /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee/admin/img/L1(ZW).png zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.298 info Zigbee started zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.297 info 0xa4c13857375d7b75 (addr 44818): TS0502B - Tuya Light controller (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.297 info 0x804b50fffe20319a (addr 29559): E1746 - IKEA TRADFRI signal repeater (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.296 info 0x00158d000232cbea (addr 22263): MCCGQ11LM - Aqara Door and window sensor (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.296 info 0xa4c138ff5d8ed635 (addr 14773): TS011F_plug_1 - Tuya Smart plug (with power monitoring) (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.295 info 0x842e14fffe163f01 (addr 21016): E1524/E1810 - IKEA TRADFRI remote control (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.294 info 0xa4c138fb6312d1ea (addr 49596): L1(ZW) - Tuya Light dimmer 0-10V (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.293 info 0x00158d0006d50943 (addr 15532): MCCGQ11LM - Aqara Door and window sensor (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.288 info 0x00158d0006e49411 (addr 24941): MCCGQ11LM - Aqara Door and window sensor (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.288 info 0x00158d0006d667b4 (addr 37207): MCCGQ11LM - Aqara Door and window sensor (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.287 info 0x00158d0006e3bb69 (addr 60535): MCCGQ11LM - Aqara Door and window sensor (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.286 info 0x00124b00234cdf26 (addr 54690): ZB-RGBCW - Lonsonho Zigbee 3.0 LED-bulb, RGBW LED (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.286 info 0x84fd27fffecf6567 (addr 53920): HG06338 - Lidl Silvercrest 3 gang switch, with 4 USB (EU, FR, CZ, BS) (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.284 info 0x00158d00024905e0 (addr 31049): MCCGQ11LM - Aqara Door and window sensor (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.284 info 0xa4c13896f124a5e3 (addr 45147): TS011F_plug_1 - Tuya Smart plug (with power monitoring) (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.282 info 0xbc33acfffe8663a9 (addr 4579): E1524/E1810 - IKEA TRADFRI remote control (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.282 info 0x54ef44100025ce21 (addr 5858): MCCGQ14LM - Aqara Door and window sensor E1 (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.280 info 0x84fd27fffe9b5e43 (addr 13249): E1746 - IKEA TRADFRI signal repeater (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.276 info 0xa4c138442eb7c935 (addr 6635): TS011F_plug_1 - Tuya Smart plug (with power monitoring) (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.273 info 0x00158d00024375aa (addr 74): MCCGQ11LM - Aqara Door and window sensor (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.273 info 0x00158d000232979b (addr 4151): MCCGQ11LM - Aqara Door and window sensor (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.272 info 0x04cf8cdf3c7d7c69 (addr 20132): WXCJKG13LM - Aqara Opple wireless switch (triple band) (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.271 info 0x04cf8cdf3c7dcc26 (addr 29290): WXCJKG13LM - Aqara Opple wireless switch (triple band) (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.270 info 0x5c0272fffe96fa2a (addr 7999): E1603/E1702/E1708 - IKEA TRADFRI control outlet (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.268 info 0x00124b00234c6ba9 (addr 60438): ZB-RGBCW - Lonsonho Zigbee 3.0 LED-bulb, RGBW LED (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.267 info 0x00124b00235279d6 (addr 3321): ZB-RGBCW - Lonsonho Zigbee 3.0 LED-bulb, RGBW LED (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.267 info 0x00124b0023528715 (addr 35049): ZB-RGBCW - Lonsonho Zigbee 3.0 LED-bulb, RGBW LED (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.265 info 0x54ef44100017a66e (addr 57020): WXCJKG13LM - Aqara Opple wireless switch (triple band) (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.264 info 0x842e14fffe602b98 (addr 14854): E1524/E1810 - IKEA TRADFRI remote control (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.262 info 0xa4c1388e4fb7d6d8 (addr 59225): TS011F_plug_3 - Tuya Smart plug (with power monitoring by polling) (Router) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.257 info 0x54ef4410001c5ee0 (addr 4247): WXCJKG13LM - Aqara Opple wireless switch (triple band) (EndDevice) zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:59.190 info Currently 30 devices are joined: zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:58.871 info --> transmitPower : high+ zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:58.853 info Unable to disable LED, unsupported function. zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:58.851 info Coordinator firmware version: {"type":"zStack3x0","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":1,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":7,"maintrel":1,"revision":20230507}} zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:57.289 info Installed Version: iobroker.zigbee@1.10.6 zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:57.033 info Starting Zigbee npm ... zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:57.031 info delete old Backup files. keep only last 10 zigbee.2 2024-11-06 13:33:56.928 info starting. Version 1.10.12 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee, node: v20.18.0, js-controller: 7.0.2
@amg_666 sagte in Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10:
js-controller 7.0.2
Könnte ja auch an der beta Version liegen
@meister-mopper ich wollts nur gesagt haben, klar kann es am Beta liegen, aber wenn irgendwann mal Beta zu stable wird, sollte man vorher die Problemchen benennen
@amg_666 sagte in Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10:
aber wenn irgendwann mal Beta zu stable wird, sollte man vorher die Problemchen benennen
...dann aber auch im Beta Tester Thread des controllers
@homoran sagte in Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10:
h im Beta Tester Thread des c
Wo finde ich den?
@amg_666 sagte in Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10:
@homoran sagte in Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10:
h im Beta Tester Thread des c
Wo finde ich den?
@homoran sagte in Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10:
@amg_666 sagte in Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10:
aber wenn irgendwann mal Beta zu stable wird, sollte man vorher die Problemchen benennen
...dann aber auch im Beta Tester Thread des controllers
Oder direkt bei github. Btw, warum gibt es eigentlich die Beta Tester Threads neben github?
Die Entwickelnden werden nach meiner Meinung doch eher auf issues bei github reagieren und nicht auf Einträge hier im Forum.
@meister-mopper sagte in Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10:
Die Entwickelnden werden
aber die User haben häufig Berührungsängste mit github
hier im Forum sind wesentlich mehr aktiv. -
@homoran Danke. Ich muss jetzt nochmal blöd nachfragen: Ich bin im Beta-Repository, aber müsste ich ein Problem mit dem Zigbee Adapter nicht eher dort melden oder soll das beim js-controller gemeldet werden?
@amg_666 sagte in Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10:
@homoran Danke. Ich muss jetzt nochmal blöd nachfragen: Ich bin im Beta-Repository, aber müsste ich ein Problem mit dem Zigbee Adapter nicht eher dort melden oder soll das beim js-controller gemeldet werden?
Wie ich es verstanden habe, folgen die Adapter dem js-controller.
@amg_666 sagte in Test Adapter iobroker.Zigbee 1.10.10:
@homoran Danke. Ich muss jetzt nochmal blöd nachfragen: Ich bin im Beta-Repository, aber müsste ich ein Problem mit dem Zigbee Adapter nicht eher dort melden oder soll das beim js-controller gemeldet werden?
Das ist die Frage!
hat zigbee Probleme weil im controller ein Problem vorliegt, oder kommt zigbee nur nicht mit dem korrekt arbeitenden controller v7 klar?