Die Variante von @liv-in-sky funktioniert nun einige Tage stabil. Danke fürs Helfen! Auch an dich @TT-Tom .
Best posts made by Basti Liciouz
RE: Zeitsteuerung bei Blockly Script unzuverlässig
Latest posts made by Basti Liciouz
RE: Test Adapter Daikin-Cloud 0.4.0
@bakerman23 Steht doch praktisch in der Readme. Etwas, das MQTT-fähig ist. Also auch iobroker mit mqtt-Adapter
RE: Test Adapter Daikin-Cloud 0.4.0
@bakerman23 Tut i.d.R. auch nicht not, schließlich optimiert man nicht täglich und kann das an der Kiste dann selbst einstellen. Aber zum Verständnis hilft es ungemein.
RE: Sonoff Zigbee Bridge Pairing devices
Mittlerweile habe ich TCP aktiviert und den Port freigegeben, das fehlte noch.
In Tasmota sehe ich, dass die Verbindung erlaubt zu sein scheint:
06:36:20.429 TCP: Allowed through filter 06:38:38.732 TCP: Got connection from 06:38:38.734 TCP: Allowed through filter 06:39:28.889 TCP: Got connection from 06:39:28.890 TCP: Allowed through filter 06:40:19.492 TCP: Got connection from 06:40:19.493 TCP: Allowed through filter
Allerdings wirft iobroker weiter Errors, womit ich nach aktuellem Stand nichts anfangen kann und auf Tips hoffe:
zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:38.866 info starting. Version 1.10.3 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee, node: v18.17.1, js-controller: 6.0.11 zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:39.021 info Starting Zigbee npm ... zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:39.541 info Installed Version: iobroker.zigbee@1.10.3 zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:49.983 error Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:49.984 error unhandled promise rejection: Failure to connect zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:50.080 error Error: Failure to connect at SerialDriver.resetForReconnect (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/ezsp/driver/ezsp.ts:347:19) at SerialDriver.emit (node:events:514:28) at SerialDriver.emit (node:domain:489:12) at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/ezsp/driver/uart.ts:348:22 at Queue.execute (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/utils/queue.ts:35:20) at Socket.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/ezsp/driver/uart.ts:154:17) zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:50.081 error Failure to connect zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:50.120 info cleaned everything up... zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:50.123 info Zigbee: disabling joining new devices. zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:50.168 warn Failed to stop zigbee during startup zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:50.169 info terminating zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:50.171 warn Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason zigbee.0 2024-10-03 07:38:50.622 info terminating
RE: Test Adapter Daikin-Cloud 0.4.0
Hi zusammen,
bin bisweilen stiller Mitleser mit der Hoffnung, dass es eine Lösung der revoked Token geben wird.
Aber als Hinweis für alle, die ihre Daikin WP so wie ich etwas besser verstehen möchten:
Die Bastelei hat mir den A*** gerettet, was die Optimierung der WP angeht. Das ewige Takten, was ich eigentlich nur durch "neben der WP stehen" mitbekommen hatte, konnte ich visualisieren und dann entsprechend mit Änderungen von Parametern reagieren. Am Gerät versteht sich. -
RE: Sonoff Zigbee Bridge Pairing devices
Hi zusammen,
altes Topic, aber ich hoffe es liest noch wer meinen Request und kann helfen.
Was wurde erledigt:
- Sonoff Zigbee Bridge Pro mit Tasmota geflasht und eingerichtet
- Zigbee Adapter installiert und entsprechend der "alten" Anleitung konfiguriert, siehe Screenshot
Frage meinerseits: Port 8888 - Ich sehe über AngryIP keine Freigabe des Ports (Dort steht n/a). Habe ich was in Tasmota noch nicht konfiguriert? MQTT sowie HTTP API sind enabled (letzteres dürfte auf Port 80 laufen, ging aber probehalber total schief...)
Logfile vom Adapter, habe kurz auf Debug gestellt auch wenn dort keine aus meiner Sicht weiteren relevanten Infos drin sind:
zigbee.0 2024-10-02 19:48:06.383 debug Plugin sentry Initialize Plugin (enabled=true) zigbee.0 2024-10-02 19:48:07.127 info starting. Version 1.10.3 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee, node: v18.17.1, js-controller: 6.0.11 zigbee.0 2024-10-02 19:48:07.184 debug Using zigbee-herdsman with settings: {"network":{"panID":9876,"channelList":[11],"networkKey":[1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,0,2,4,6,8,10,12,13],"extenedPanID":[239,205,171,137,103,69,35,1]},"databasePath":"/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/zigbee_0/shepherd.db","backupPath":"/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/zigbee_0/nvbackup.json","serialPort":{"baudRate":115200,"rtscts":false,"path":"tcp://","adapter":"ezsp"},"adapter":{"forceStartWithInconsistentAdapterConfiguration":false},"legacy":false} zigbee.0 2024-10-02 19:48:07.299 info delete old Backup files. keep only last 10 zigbee.0 2024-10-02 19:48:07.303 info Starting Zigbee npm ... zigbee.0 2024-10-02 19:48:07.353 debug Backup /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/zigbee_0/backup_2024_10_02-19_48_07.tar.gz success zigbee.0 2024-10-02 19:48:07.361 debug Starting zigbee-herdsman... zigbee.0 2024-10-02 19:48:07.788 info Installed Version: iobroker.zigbee@1.10.3 zigbee.0 2024-10-02 19:48:39.025 error Starting zigbee-herdsman problem : "Failure to connect" zigbee.0 2024-10-02 19:48:39.026 error Failed to start Zigbee zigbee.0 2024-10-02 19:48:39.027 error Error herdsman start ''' Danke im Voraus fürs Feedback, worauf ich noch achten sollte um die Bridge koppeln zu können!
RE: Der "ultimative" ioBroker Lovelace Leitfaden/Dokumentation
@garfonso sagte in Der "ultimative" ioBroker Lovelace Leitfaden/Dokumentation:
das steht im Leitfaden?Wenn du die Karten von github lädst, dann am besten rechts in der Spalte nach "releases" gucken, da das letzte nehmen. Da sollte eine gebaute .js Datei verlinkt sein. -> das ist die richtige. Und dann hast du auch eine Version (die schreibe ich immer einfach in den Dateinamen beim runterladen) und kannst gucken, ob die Karte noch aktuell ist.
Wenn das so nicht geht:
Gucken, ob es eine einzelne js-Datei gibt, dann die nehmen.Es gibt ein paar wenige Karten, die die card-tools (oder so) brauchen. Die kannst du noch selber installieren.
Eine Karte hatte mal ganz viele Bilder gebraucht, die kann man mittlerweile auch in Ordner schieben. Würde ich aber nicht empfehlen...Grundsätzlich git: Wenn da python-Dateien gebraucht werden, wird es vermutlich nicht (oder zumindest ein Teil nicht) gehen.
Und eine Karte mit typescript usw. würde ich an deiner Stelle nicht bauen, außer du kennst dich gut damit aus.
Ja, steht dort tatsächlich drin. Ist aber vmtl. eher ein Wink an den entsprechenden Entwickler, die js zu kompilieren. So interpretiere ich es jetzt nach deinem Feedback.
Danke für den Hinweis mit den Releases! -
RE: Der "ultimative" ioBroker Lovelace Leitfaden/Dokumentation
Hi zusammen,
ich habe eine grundlegende Frage zu dem "ultimativen" Leitfaden:
Hier steht für die Custom Cards geschrieben, dass die Quelldateien zuerst in eine .js kompiliert werden müssen.
Nun bestehen die wenigsten Custom Cards anscheinend aus nur der einen .js, sondern vielmehr um einem Sammelsorium an Dateien. Wie kann man damit umgehen? Wie bekommt man das in iobroker rein? Es scheint einen Weg zu geben, aber ich finde hier in der Suche und beim googeln beim besten Willen keine Hinweise.Danke im Voraus!
RE: Test Adapter EnOcean v0.8.x
@jey-cee sagte in Test Adapter EnOcean v0.8.x:
@basti-liciouz sagte in Test Adapter EnOcean v0.8.x:
@Jey-Cee Hat das geholfen? Oder fehlt dir noch was zur Analyse?
Hab jetzt fast ne Stunde alles Analysiert, nur um fest zu stellen das es ein einfacher Konfigurationsfehler bzw. ein Verständnisproblem ist.
All deine 14er Geräte in ioBroker haben eine falsche ID, deswegen klappt das nicht.
Du vergibst solche IDs 00010024, aber in Wirklichkeit sollte die ID so aussehen 00000024.
Das Missverständnis besteht darin das die 00010000 die ID ist mit der das FGW14 in den Bus sendet, die Geräte im Bus aber bei 00000001 Anfangen und mit dieser ID Senden.Danke für die Analyse.
In der Schritt für Schritt Anleitung (https://www.all-smart.net/verwendung-von-einem-fgw14-usb-mit-iobroker/) wurde es genau so beschrieben. Basis-ID + Geräte-ID addieren = ID. Deshalb hatte ich es so eingetragen.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, die Konfig in iobroker anzupassen / die IDs umzuschreiben? Von mir aus über die Shell. Nur all die Geräte neu anzulegen wird sonst ziemlich aufwendig.Danke und VG
Edit: Habe es direkt prpbehalber ausprobiert und es scheint zu funktionieren. Nun bekomme ich die Zustände der Aktoren.
RE: Test Adapter EnOcean v0.8.x
@basti-liciouz sagte in Test Adapter EnOcean v0.8.x:
@jey-cee Anbei ein paar Minuten Debug Mitschnitt und die vollständige Konfig
{ "nodeVersion": "v18.16.0", "serialDevices": [ "/dev/ttyAMA0", "/dev/ttyUSB0", "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0" ], "instance": { "native": { "serialport": "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0", "ser2net": false, "ser2net-ip": "", "ser2net-port": "", "esp2Switch": false, "gateway": "fgw14-usb", "device-id": "", "device-name": "" }, "version": "0.9.3", "installedFrom": "iobroker.enocean@latest" }, "devices": [ { "_id": "enocean.0.gateway", "native": { "BaseID": "00010000", "Frequency": "868.3 Mhz", "Protocol": "ESP2", "AppVersion": "", "ApiVersion": "", "ChipID": "00000001", "ChipVersion": "00000001", "AppDescription": "Eltako RS485 Bus Gateway", "senderIDs": { "00010001": "0001001d", "00010002": "0001001e", "00010003": "0001001f", "00010004": "00010020", "00010005": "00010021", "00010006": "00010022", "00010007": "00010023", "00010008": "00010024", "00010009": "00010025", "0001000a": "00010026", "0001000b": "00010027", "0001000c": "00010028", "0001000d": "00010029", "0001000e": "0001002a", "0001000f": "0001002b", "00010010": "0001002c", "00010011": "0001002d", "00010012": "0001002e", "00010013": "00010046", "00010014": "00010047", "00010015": "00010048", "00010016": "00010049", "00010017": "0001004a", "00010018": "0001004b", "00010019": "00010009", "0001001a": "0001000a", "0001001b": "0001000b", "0001001c": "0001000c", "0001001d": "0001000d", "0001001e": "0001000e", "0001001f": "0001000f", "00010020": "00010010", "00010021": "00010011", "00010022": "00010012", "00010023": "00010013", "00010024": "00010014", "00010025": "00010015", "00010026": "00010016", "00010027": "00010017", "00010028": "00010018", "00010029": "00010019", "0001002a": "0001001a", "0001002b": "0001001b", "0001002c": "0001001c", "0001002d": "", "0001002e": "", "0001002f": "", "00010030": "", "00010031": "", "00010032": "", "00010033": "", "00010034": "", "00010035": "", "00010036": "", "00010037": "", "00010038": "", "00010039": "", 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"00010078": "", "00010079": "", "0001007a": "", "0001007b": "", "0001007c": "", "0001007d": "", "0001007e": "" }, "BaseID_offset": 64 } }, { "native": { "id": "0001001e", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010002", "baseIDoffset": 4 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001001e" }, { "native": { "id": "059c05d0", "eep": [ "TF-13-01" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FWS61" }, "_id": "enocean.0.059c05d0" }, { "native": { "id": "0001001f", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010003", "baseIDoffset": 6 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001001f" }, { "native": { "id": "00010020", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010004", "baseIDoffset": 10 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010020" }, { "native": { "id": "00010021", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010005", "baseIDoffset": 11 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010021" }, { "native": { "id": "00010022", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010006", "baseIDoffset": 12 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010022" }, { "native": { "id": "00010023", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010007", "baseIDoffset": 13 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010023" }, { "native": { "id": "00010024", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010008", "baseIDoffset": 14 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010024" }, { "native": { "id": "00010025", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010009", "baseIDoffset": 15 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010025" }, { "native": { "id": "0001001d", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010001", "baseIDoffset": 25 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001001d" }, { "native": { "id": "00010046", "eep": [ "TF-13-07", "TF-13-06" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FUD14", "Sender_ID": "00010013", "baseIDoffset": 29 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010046" }, { "native": { "id": "00010047", "eep": [ "TF-13-07", "TF-13-06" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FUD14", "Sender_ID": "00010014", "baseIDoffset": 30 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010047" }, { "native": { "id": "00010048", "eep": [ "TF-13-07", "TF-13-06" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FUD14", "Sender_ID": "00010015", "baseIDoffset": 31 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010048" }, { "native": { "id": "00010049", "eep": [ "TF-13-07", "TF-13-06" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FUD14", "Sender_ID": "00010016", "baseIDoffset": 32 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010049" }, { "native": { "id": "0001004a", "eep": [ "TF-13-07", "TF-13-06" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FUD14", "Sender_ID": "00010017", "baseIDoffset": 33 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001004a" }, { "native": { "id": "0001004b", "eep": [ "TF-13-07", "TF-13-06" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FUD14", "Sender_ID": "00010018", "baseIDoffset": 34 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001004b" }, { "native": { "id": "00010026", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "0001000a", "baseIDoffset": 35 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010026" }, { "native": { "id": "00010027", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "0001000b", "baseIDoffset": 37 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010027" }, { "native": { "id": "00010028", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "0001000c", "baseIDoffset": 38 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010028" }, { "native": { "id": "00010029", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "0001000d", "baseIDoffset": 39 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010029" }, { "native": { "id": "0001002a", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "0001000e", "baseIDoffset": 40 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001002a" }, { "native": { "id": "0001002b", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "0001000f", "baseIDoffset": 41 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001002b" }, { "native": { "id": "0001002c", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010010", "baseIDoffset": 42 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001002c" }, { "native": { "id": "0001002d", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010011", "baseIDoffset": 43 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001002d" }, { "native": { "id": "0001002e", "eep": [ "TF-14-04", "TF-13-04" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FSB14", "Sender_ID": "00010012", "baseIDoffset": 44 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001002e" }, { "native": { "id": "00010009", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "00010019", "baseIDoffset": 45 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010009" }, { "native": { "id": "0001000a", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001001a", "baseIDoffset": 46 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001000a" }, { "native": { "id": "0001000b", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001001b", "baseIDoffset": 47 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001000b" }, { "native": { "id": "0001000c", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001001c", "baseIDoffset": 48 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001000c" }, { "native": { "id": "0001000d", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001001d", "baseIDoffset": 49 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001000d" }, { "native": { "id": "0001000e", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001001e", "baseIDoffset": 50 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001000e" }, { "native": { "id": "0001000f", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001001f", "baseIDoffset": 51 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001000f" }, { "native": { "id": "00010010", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "00010020", "baseIDoffset": 52 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010010" }, { "native": { "id": "00010011", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "00010021", "baseIDoffset": 53 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010011" }, { "native": { "id": "00010012", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "00010022", "baseIDoffset": 54 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010012" }, { "native": { "id": "00010013", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "00010023", "baseIDoffset": 55 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010013" }, { "native": { "id": "00010014", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "00010024", "baseIDoffset": 56 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010014" }, { "native": { "id": "00010015", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "00010025", "baseIDoffset": 57 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010015" }, { "native": { "id": "00010016", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "00010026", "baseIDoffset": 58 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010016" }, { "native": { "id": "00010017", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "00010027", "baseIDoffset": 59 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010017" }, { "native": { "id": "00010018", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "00010028", "baseIDoffset": 60 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010018" }, { "native": { "id": "00010019", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "00010029", "baseIDoffset": 61 }, "_id": "enocean.0.00010019" }, { "native": { "id": "0001001a", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001002a", "baseIDoffset": 62 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001001a" }, { "native": { "id": "0001001b", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001002b", "baseIDoffset": 63 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001001b" }, { "native": { "id": "0001001c", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001002c", "baseIDoffset": 64 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001001c" }, { "native": { "id": "059d0b5a", "eep": [ "TF-13-26" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FRWB" }, "_id": "enocean.0.059d0b5a" }, { "native": { "id": "059d0b69", "eep": [ "TF-13-26" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FRWB" }, "_id": "enocean.0.059d0b69" }, { "native": { "id": "059d0cf3", "eep": [ "TF-13-26" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FRWB" }, "_id": "enocean.0.059d0cf3" }, { "native": { "id": "059d0b55", "eep": [ "TF-13-26" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FRWB" }, "_id": "enocean.0.059d0b55" }, { "native": { "id": "059d0ba6", "eep": [ "TF-13-26" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FRWB" }, "_id": "enocean.0.059d0ba6" }, { "native": { "id": "059d0b16", "eep": [ "TF-13-26" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FRWB" }, "_id": "enocean.0.059d0b16" }, { "native": { "id": "051df6f7", "eep": [ "TF-13-26" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "FRWB" }, "_id": "enocean.0.051df6f7" }, { "native": { "id": "fee41668", "eep": [ "F6-02-02" ], "manufacturer": "eltako", "name": "f4pt" }, "_id": "enocean.0.fee41668" } ] }
![0_1701798543071_0dd53590-446f-46fd-b554-c5db059c31ce-image.png](Lade 100% hoch) enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:44.910 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:44.861 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000a301a00010086 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:39.306 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:39.247 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000023303300010020 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.058 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.006 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000024303400010023 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:14.392 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:14.338 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002930eb000100a5 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:13.054 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.995 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.717 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.659 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166a30f2000100be enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.217 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.163 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.057 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.003 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002a30ec0001000d enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:11.994 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:11.939 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166a30b20001003f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:07.031 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:06.979 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000002230320001004c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:06.919 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:06.868 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000020303000010094 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:06.855 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:06.804 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000001f302f0001006f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.819 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.765 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41741206a00010045 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.647 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.592 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.589 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000018304800010068 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.541 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000017304700010002 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.531 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.477 debug 55000b020abf0570000000fee4174130ea0001006c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:47.754 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:47.703 debug 55008b020a3605700000000000001130410001006d enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:46.947 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:46.887 debug 55000b020abf078f00000d052020b600a900010062 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.659 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.607 debug 55008b020a360550000000000000153025000100de enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.499 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.447 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4178720b0000100bd enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.310 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.255 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4178730d00001005f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:18.382 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:18.332 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:15.199 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:15.148 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166e30f600010009 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:09.870 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:09.821 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:09.490 debug Message for ID 059d0b69 has been received. It was repeated 0 times. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:09.448 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:09.437 debug 55000b020abf0700661f08059d0b698035000100b0 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:06.146 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:06.046 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:03.234 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:03.182 debug 55008b020a3607020000080000003c00d800010073 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:01.549 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:01.455 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:01.298 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:01.247 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:00.894 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:00.799 debug 55008b020a3607026400090000003c003d000100ed enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:57.538 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:57.487 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:57.282 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:57.231 debug 55000b020abf0530000000fee4166e30d60001008c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:44.023 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:43.970 debug 55008b020a36070049020a000000212028000100dd enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:42.442 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:42.386 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4164820700001002f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:42.271 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:42.210 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4164830d0000100c5 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.183 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.097 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.091 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002230e400010064 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.033 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.027 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002130e3000100cc enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:36.979 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002030e2000100a0 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:36.967 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:36.915 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001f30e10001000f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:36.855 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:36.803 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001d30df00010063 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.967 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.915 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41658208000010053 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.887 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.835 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002430e600010017 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.823 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.771 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002330e500010008 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.758 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.707 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4165830e0000100f7 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:04.545 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:04.488 debug 55000b020abf0797000009052906c200a8000100c6 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:47.702 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:47.644 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000c301c000100e9 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:46.020 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:45.964 debug 55000b020abf078e00000f05203f8b009e000100f3 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:38.146 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:38.093 debug 55000b020abf079000000f05203f7d00920001006a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:23.370 info Loglevel changed from "info" to "debug" enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:17.547 info ["/dev/ttyAMA0","/dev/ttyUSB0","/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0"] ``` 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000a301a00010086 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000023303300010020 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.058 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.006 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000024303400010023 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002930eb000100a5 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:13.054 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166a30f2000100be enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.057 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.003 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002a30ec0001000d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166a30b20001003f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:07.031 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000002230320001004c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000020303000010094 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000001f302f0001006f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41741206a00010045 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000018304800010068 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000017304700010002 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0570000000fee4174130ea0001006c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3605700000000000001130410001006d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf078f00000d052020b600a900010062 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a360550000000000000153025000100de enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4178720b0000100bd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4178730d00001005f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166e30f600010009 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug Message for ID 059d0b69 has been received. It was repeated 0 times. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0700661f08059d0b698035000100b0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:06.046 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607020000080000003c00d800010073 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607026400090000003c003d000100ed enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0530000000fee4166e30d60001008c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:44.023 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a36070049020a000000212028000100dd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4164820700001002f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4164830d0000100c5 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.097 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.091 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002230e400010064 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.033 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.027 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002130e3000100cc enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002030e2000100a0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001f30e10001000f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001d30df00010063 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41658208000010053 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002430e600010017 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002330e500010008 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4165830e0000100f7 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0797000009052906c200a8000100c6 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000c301c000100e9 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:46.020 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55000b020abf078e00000f05203f8b009e000100f3 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:38.093 debug 55000b020abf079000000f05203f7d00920001006a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info Loglevel changed from "info" to "debug" enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info ["/dev/ttyAMA0","/dev/ttyUSB0","/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0"] enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000a301a00010086 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000023303300010020 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.058 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.006 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000024303400010023 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002930eb000100a5 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:13.054 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166a30f2000100be enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.057 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.003 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002a30ec0001000d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166a30b20001003f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:07.031 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000002230320001004c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000020303000010094 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000001f302f0001006f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41741206a00010045 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000018304800010068 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000017304700010002 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0570000000fee4174130ea0001006c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3605700000000000001130410001006d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf078f00000d052020b600a900010062 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a360550000000000000153025000100de enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4178720b0000100bd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4178730d00001005f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166e30f600010009 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug Message for ID 059d0b69 has been received. It was repeated 0 times. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0700661f08059d0b698035000100b0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:06.046 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607020000080000003c00d800010073 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607026400090000003c003d000100ed enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0530000000fee4166e30d60001008c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:44.023 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a36070049020a000000212028000100dd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4164820700001002f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4164830d0000100c5 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.097 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.091 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002230e400010064 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.033 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.027 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002130e3000100cc enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002030e2000100a0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001f30e10001000f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001d30df00010063 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41658208000010053 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002430e600010017 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002330e500010008 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4165830e0000100f7 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0797000009052906c200a8000100c6 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000c301c000100e9 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:46.020 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55000b020abf078e00000f05203f8b009e000100f3 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:38.093 debug 55000b020abf079000000f05203f7d00920001006a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info Loglevel changed from "info" to "debug" enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info ["/dev/ttyAMA0","/dev/ttyUSB0","/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0"] enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000a301a00010086 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000023303300010020 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.058 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.006 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000024303400010023 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002930eb000100a5 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:13.054 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166a30f2000100be enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.057 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.003 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002a30ec0001000d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166a30b20001003f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:07.031 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000002230320001004c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000020303000010094 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000001f302f0001006f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41741206a00010045 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000018304800010068 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000017304700010002 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0570000000fee4174130ea0001006c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3605700000000000001130410001006d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf078f00000d052020b600a900010062 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a360550000000000000153025000100de enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4178720b0000100bd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4178730d00001005f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166e30f600010009 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug Message for ID 059d0b69 has been received. It was repeated 0 times. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0700661f08059d0b698035000100b0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:06.046 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607020000080000003c00d800010073 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607026400090000003c003d000100ed enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0530000000fee4166e30d60001008c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:44.023 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a36070049020a000000212028000100dd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4164820700001002f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4164830d0000100c5 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.097 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.091 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002230e400010064 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.033 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.027 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002130e3000100cc enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002030e2000100a0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001f30e10001000f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001d30df00010063 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41658208000010053 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002430e600010017 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002330e500010008 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4165830e0000100f7 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0797000009052906c200a8000100c6 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000c301c000100e9 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:46.020 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55000b020abf078e00000f05203f8b009e000100f3 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:38.093 debug 55000b020abf079000000f05203f7d00920001006a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info Loglevel changed from "info" to "debug" enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info ["/dev/ttyAMA0","/dev/ttyUSB0","/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0"] enocean.0
@Jey-Cee Hat das geholfen? Oder fehlt dir noch was zur Analyse?
RE: Test Adapter EnOcean v0.8.x
@jey-cee Anbei ein paar Minuten Debug Mitschnitt und die vollständige Konfig
{ "nodeVersion": "v18.16.0", "serialDevices": [ "/dev/ttyAMA0", "/dev/ttyUSB0", "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0" ], "instance": { "native": { "serialport": "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0", "ser2net": false, "ser2net-ip": "", "ser2net-port": "", "esp2Switch": false, "gateway": "fgw14-usb", "device-id": "", "device-name": "" }, "version": "0.9.3", "installedFrom": "iobroker.enocean@latest" }, "devices": [ { "_id": "enocean.0.gateway", "native": { "BaseID": "00010000", "Frequency": "868.3 Mhz", "Protocol": "ESP2", "AppVersion": "", "ApiVersion": "", "ChipID": "00000001", "ChipVersion": "00000001", "AppDescription": "Eltako RS485 Bus Gateway", "senderIDs": { "00010001": "0001001d", "00010002": "0001001e", "00010003": "0001001f", "00010004": "00010020", "00010005": "00010021", "00010006": "00010022", "00010007": "00010023", "00010008": "00010024", "00010009": "00010025", "0001000a": "00010026", "0001000b": "00010027", "0001000c": "00010028", "0001000d": "00010029", "0001000e": "0001002a", "0001000f": "0001002b", "00010010": "0001002c", "00010011": "0001002d", "00010012": "0001002e", "00010013": "00010046", "00010014": "00010047", "00010015": "00010048", "00010016": "00010049", "00010017": "0001004a", "00010018": "0001004b", "00010019": "00010009", "0001001a": "0001000a", "0001001b": "0001000b", "0001001c": "0001000c", "0001001d": "0001000d", "0001001e": "0001000e", "0001001f": "0001000f", "00010020": "00010010", "00010021": "00010011", "00010022": "00010012", "00010023": "00010013", "00010024": "00010014", "00010025": "00010015", "00010026": "00010016", "00010027": "00010017", "00010028": "00010018", "00010029": "00010019", "0001002a": "0001001a", "0001002b": "0001001b", "0001002c": "0001001c", "0001002d": "", "0001002e": "", "0001002f": "", "00010030": "", "00010031": "", "00010032": "", "00010033": "", "00010034": "", "00010035": "", "00010036": "", "00010037": "", "00010038": "", "00010039": "", 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"0001000a", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001001a", "baseIDoffset": 46 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001000a" }, { "native": { "id": "0001000b", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001001b", "baseIDoffset": 47 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001000b" }, { "native": { "id": "0001000c", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001001c", "baseIDoffset": 48 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001000c" }, { "native": { "id": "0001000d", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001001d", "baseIDoffset": 49 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001000d" }, { "native": { "id": "0001000e", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", "TF-14-02" ], "manufacturer": "ELTAKO", "name": "F4SR14-LED", "Sender_ID": "0001001e", "baseIDoffset": 50 }, "_id": "enocean.0.0001000e" }, { "native": { "id": "0001000f", "eep": [ "TF-14-01", 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![0_1701798543071_0dd53590-446f-46fd-b554-c5db059c31ce-image.png](Lade 100% hoch) enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:44.910 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:44.861 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000a301a00010086 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:39.306 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:39.247 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000023303300010020 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.058 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.006 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000024303400010023 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:14.392 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:14.338 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002930eb000100a5 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:13.054 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.995 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.717 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.659 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166a30f2000100be enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.217 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.163 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.057 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.003 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002a30ec0001000d enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:11.994 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:11.939 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166a30b20001003f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:07.031 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:06.979 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000002230320001004c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:06.919 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:06.868 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000020303000010094 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:06.855 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:06.804 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000001f302f0001006f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.819 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.765 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41741206a00010045 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.647 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.592 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.589 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000018304800010068 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.541 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000017304700010002 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.531 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:59.477 debug 55000b020abf0570000000fee4174130ea0001006c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:47.754 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:47.703 debug 55008b020a3605700000000000001130410001006d enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:46.947 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:46.887 debug 55000b020abf078f00000d052020b600a900010062 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.659 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.607 debug 55008b020a360550000000000000153025000100de enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.499 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.447 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4178720b0000100bd enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.310 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:45.255 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4178730d00001005f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:18.382 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:18.332 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:15.199 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:15.148 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166e30f600010009 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:09.870 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:09.821 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:09.490 debug Message for ID 059d0b69 has been received. It was repeated 0 times. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:09.448 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:09.437 debug 55000b020abf0700661f08059d0b698035000100b0 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:06.146 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:06.046 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:03.234 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:03.182 debug 55008b020a3607020000080000003c00d800010073 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:01.549 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:01.455 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:01.298 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:01.247 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:00.894 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:00.799 debug 55008b020a3607026400090000003c003d000100ed enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:57.538 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:57.487 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:57.282 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:57.231 debug 55000b020abf0530000000fee4166e30d60001008c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:44.023 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:43.970 debug 55008b020a36070049020a000000212028000100dd enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:42.442 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:42.386 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4164820700001002f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:42.271 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:42.210 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4164830d0000100c5 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.183 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.097 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.091 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002230e400010064 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.033 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.027 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002130e3000100cc enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:36.979 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002030e2000100a0 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:36.967 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:36.915 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001f30e10001000f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:36.855 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:36.803 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001d30df00010063 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.967 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.915 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41658208000010053 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.887 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.835 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002430e600010017 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.823 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.771 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002330e500010008 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.758 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:34.707 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4165830e0000100f7 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:04.545 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:04.488 debug 55000b020abf0797000009052906c200a8000100c6 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:47.702 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:47.644 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000c301c000100e9 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:46.020 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:45.964 debug 55000b020abf078e00000f05203f8b009e000100f3 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:38.146 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:38.093 debug 55000b020abf079000000f05203f7d00920001006a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:23.370 info Loglevel changed from "info" to "debug" enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:17.547 info ["/dev/ttyAMA0","/dev/ttyUSB0","/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0"] ``` 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000a301a00010086 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000023303300010020 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.058 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.006 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000024303400010023 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002930eb000100a5 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:13.054 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166a30f2000100be enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.057 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.003 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002a30ec0001000d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166a30b20001003f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:07.031 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000002230320001004c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000020303000010094 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000001f302f0001006f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41741206a00010045 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000018304800010068 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000017304700010002 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0570000000fee4174130ea0001006c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3605700000000000001130410001006d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf078f00000d052020b600a900010062 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a360550000000000000153025000100de enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4178720b0000100bd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4178730d00001005f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166e30f600010009 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug Message for ID 059d0b69 has been received. It was repeated 0 times. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0700661f08059d0b698035000100b0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:06.046 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607020000080000003c00d800010073 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607026400090000003c003d000100ed enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0530000000fee4166e30d60001008c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:44.023 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a36070049020a000000212028000100dd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4164820700001002f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4164830d0000100c5 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.097 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.091 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002230e400010064 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.033 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.027 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002130e3000100cc enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002030e2000100a0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001f30e10001000f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001d30df00010063 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41658208000010053 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002430e600010017 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002330e500010008 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4165830e0000100f7 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0797000009052906c200a8000100c6 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000c301c000100e9 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:46.020 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55000b020abf078e00000f05203f8b009e000100f3 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:38.093 debug 55000b020abf079000000f05203f7d00920001006a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info Loglevel changed from "info" to "debug" enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info ["/dev/ttyAMA0","/dev/ttyUSB0","/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0"] enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000a301a00010086 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000023303300010020 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.058 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.006 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000024303400010023 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002930eb000100a5 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:13.054 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166a30f2000100be enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.057 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.003 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002a30ec0001000d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166a30b20001003f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:07.031 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000002230320001004c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000020303000010094 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000001f302f0001006f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41741206a00010045 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000018304800010068 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000017304700010002 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0570000000fee4174130ea0001006c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3605700000000000001130410001006d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf078f00000d052020b600a900010062 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a360550000000000000153025000100de enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4178720b0000100bd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4178730d00001005f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166e30f600010009 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug Message for ID 059d0b69 has been received. It was repeated 0 times. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0700661f08059d0b698035000100b0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:06.046 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607020000080000003c00d800010073 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607026400090000003c003d000100ed enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0530000000fee4166e30d60001008c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:44.023 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a36070049020a000000212028000100dd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4164820700001002f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4164830d0000100c5 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.097 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.091 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002230e400010064 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.033 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.027 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002130e3000100cc enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002030e2000100a0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001f30e10001000f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001d30df00010063 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41658208000010053 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002430e600010017 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002330e500010008 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4165830e0000100f7 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0797000009052906c200a8000100c6 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000c301c000100e9 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:46.020 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55000b020abf078e00000f05203f8b009e000100f3 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:38.093 debug 55000b020abf079000000f05203f7d00920001006a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info Loglevel changed from "info" to "debug" enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info ["/dev/ttyAMA0","/dev/ttyUSB0","/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0"] enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000a301a00010086 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000023303300010020 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.058 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:37.006 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000024303400010023 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002930eb000100a5 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:13.054 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166a30f2000100be enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166a20920001001a enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.057 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:12.003 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002a30ec0001000d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166a30b20001003f enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:45:07.031 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000002230320001004c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a36055000000000000020303000010094 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:45 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000001f302f0001006f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41741206a00010045 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000018304800010068 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a36057000000000000017304700010002 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0570000000fee4174130ea0001006c enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3605700000000000001130410001006d enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf078f00000d052020b600a900010062 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a360550000000000000153025000100de enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4178720b0000100bd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4178730d00001005f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4166e30f600010009 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug Message for ID 059d0b69 has been received. It was repeated 0 times. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0700661f08059d0b698035000100b0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:44:06.046 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607020000080000003c00d800010073 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55000b020abf0510000000fee4166e30b600010088 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:44 debug 55008b020a3607026400090000003c003d000100ed enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4166e2096000100ad enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0530000000fee4166e30d60001008c enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:44.023 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a36070049020a000000212028000100dd enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee4164820700001002f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4164830d0000100c5 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.097 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.091 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002230e400010064 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.033 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:43:37.027 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002130e3000100cc enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002030e2000100a0 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001f30e10001000f enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000001d30df00010063 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0500000000fee41658208000010053 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002430e600010017 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55008b020a3605020000000000002330e500010008 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0550000000fee4165830e0000100f7 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:43 debug 55000b020abf0797000009052906c200a8000100c6 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55008b020a3605500000000000000c301c000100e9 enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:46.020 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug 55000b020abf078e00000f05203f8b009e000100f3 enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 debug ERP2 protocol radio telegram received. enocean.0 2023-12-05 18:42:38.093 debug 55000b020abf079000000f05203f7d00920001006a enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info Loglevel changed from "info" to "debug" enocean.0 05.12.2023 18:42 info ["/dev/ttyAMA0","/dev/ttyUSB0","/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ01GH79-if00-port0"] enocean.0