Bisher hat Philips die Push API nicht offiziell released und sie wird noch nicht vom Hue-Adapter unterstützt. Dieses Skript baut eine Verbindung zur Bridge auf und aktualisiert entsprechende States "live", ich empfehle das polling im Adapter zu deaktivieren. Welche Datenpunkte aktualisiert werden kann man in der UPDATEMAP nachlesen.
Weitere Hinweise siehe Skript.
1.1.0 hue-extended support
1.1.1 ZGPSwitch support
1.1.2 bekannte push calls ignorieren um weniger log zu erzeugen
1.1.3 Zone support (only on)
* Version: 1.1.3 (HUE + HUE-EXTENDED)
* Anleitung:
* - npm-Modul im Javascript-Adapter hinzufügen (Adaptereinstellung): hue-push-client
* - IP: IP der Bridge eintragen
* - TOKEN: gültigen User für die Bridge eintragen (z.B. aus der Hue Adapter Konfiguration)
* - INSTANCE: korrekte Instanz eingeben, meist hue.0 oder hue-extended.0
const IP = '<bridge ip>';
const INSTANCE = 'hue.0';
'lights.status.status': {stateName: 'reachable', convert: (val) => {return val === 'connected' ? true : false;}, validTypes: ['Extended color light', 'Color temperature light', 'Dimmable light', 'On/Off plug-in unit'], after: (stateId, value) => {updateHueState(stateId.substring(0, stateId.lastIndexOf('.')) + '.on', value)}},
'lights.on.on': {stateName: 'on', validTypes: ['Extended color light', 'Color temperature light', 'Dimmable light', 'On/Off plug-in unit']},
'lights.dimming.brightness': {stateName: 'level', convert: (val) => {return Math.ceil(val)}, validTypes: ['Extended color light', 'Color temperature light', 'Dimmable light'], after: (stateId, value) => {updateRGBHue(stateId.substring(0, stateId.lastIndexOf('.')))}},
'lights.color_temperature.mirek': {stateName: 'ct', convert: (val) => {return Math.round(1000000/val)}, validTypes: ['Extended color light', 'Color temperature light']},
'lights.color.xy': {stateName: 'xy', convert: (val) => {return val.x + ',' + val.y}, validTypes: ['Extended color light'], after: (stateId, value) => {updateRGBHue(stateId.substring(0, stateId.lastIndexOf('.')))}},
'groups.on.on': {stateName: 'on', validTypes: ['Room', 'LightGroup', 'Zone']},
'sensors.motion.motion': {stateName: 'presence', validTypes: ['ZLLPresence']},
'sensors.light.light_level': {stateName: 'lightlevel', convert: (val) => {return Math.round(val)}, validTypes: ['ZLLLightLevel']},
'sensors.temperature.temperature': {stateName: 'temperature', convert: (val) => {return Number.parseFloat(val.toPrecision(4))}, validTypes: ['ZLLTemperature']},
'sensors.power_state.battery_level': {stateName: 'battery', convert: (val) => {return Math.round(val)}, validTypes: ['ZLLPresence', 'ZLLLightLevel', 'ZLLTemperature', 'ZLLSwitch']},
'sensors.button.last_event': {stateName: 'buttonevent', convert: (val) => {return ((UUIDs[this.idv2] && UUIDs[this.idv2].metadata) ? UUIDs[this.idv2].metadata.control_id : 0) * 1000 + (val === 'repeat' ? 1 : 0) + (val === 'short_release' ? 2 : 0) + (val === 'long_release' ? 3 : 0)}, validTypes: ['ZLLSwitch', 'ZGPSwitch']},
'sensors.power_state.battery_state': {},
'lights.status.status': {stateName: 'state.reachable', convert: (val) => {return val === 'connected' ? true : false;}, validTypes: ['Extended color light', 'Color temperature light', 'Dimmable light', 'On/Off plug-in unit']},
'lights.on.on': {stateName: 'action.on', validTypes: ['Extended color light', 'Color temperature light', 'Dimmable light', 'On/Off plug-in unit']},
'lights.dimming.brightness': {stateName: 'action.level', convert: (val) => {return Math.ceil(val)}, validTypes: ['Extended color light', 'Color temperature light', 'Dimmable light'], after: (stateId, value) => {updateRGBHueExtended(stateId.substring(0, stateId.lastIndexOf('.')))}},
'lights.color_temperature.mirek': {stateName: 'action.colorTemperature', convert: (val) => {return Math.round(1000000/val)}, validTypes: ['Extended color light', 'Color temperature light']},
'lights.color.xy': {stateName: 'action.xy', convert: (val) => {return val.x + ',' + val.y}, validTypes: ['Extended color light'], after: (stateId, value) => {updateRGBHueExtended(stateId.substring(0, stateId.lastIndexOf('.')))}},
'groups.on.on': {stateName: 'state.any_on', validTypes: ['Room', 'LightGroup', 'Zone']},
'sensors.motion.motion': {stateName: 'state.presence', convert: (val) => {return val.toString()}, validTypes: ['ZLLPresence']},
'sensors.light.light_level': {stateName: 'state.lightlevel', convert: (val) => {return Math.round(val).toString()}, validTypes: ['ZLLLightLevel']},
'sensors.temperature.temperature': {stateName: 'state.temperature', convert: (val) => {return Number.parseFloat(val.toPrecision(4))}, validTypes: ['ZLLTemperature']},
'sensors.power_state.battery_level': {stateName: 'config.battery', convert: (val) => {return Math.round(val)}, validTypes: ['ZLLPresence', 'ZLLLightLevel', 'ZLLTemperature', 'ZLLSwitch']},
'sensors.button.last_event': {stateName: 'state.buttonevent', convert: (val) => {return ((UUIDs[this.idv2] && UUIDs[this.idv2].metadata) ? UUIDs[this.idv2].metadata.control_id : 0) * 1000 + (val === 'short_release' ? 2 : 0) + (val === 'long_release' ? 3 : 0)}, validTypes: ['ZLLSwitch', 'ZGPSwitch']},
'sensors.power_state.battery_state': {},
//select UPDATEMAP for hue or hue-extended
const UPDATEMAP = INSTANCE.toLowerCase().includes('extended') ? UPDATEMAP_HUE_EXTENDED : UPDATEMAP_HUE;
const findState = INSTANCE.toLowerCase().includes('extended') ? findStateHueExtended : findStateHue;
//connect to event stream
const HuePushClient = require('hue-push-client');
const client = new HuePushClient({ip: IP, user: TOKEN});
client.addEventListener('open', function () {
client.addEventListener('close', function () {
log('disconnected', 'warn');
client.addEventListener('error', function (e) {
log('connection error: ' + e.message, 'warn');
client.addEventListener('message', function (packet) {
//get resouce ids (required to identify buttons)
let UUIDs = {};
async function getUUIDs() {
try {
UUIDs = await client.uuids();
} catch (e) {
log(e, 'warn');
// close connection if script is stopped
onStop(function (callback) {
}, 2000);
function parsePacket (packet) {
log('RECEIVED PACKET: ' + "\n" + JSON.stringify(packet), 'debug');
try {
if (! {
log('packet has no data: ' + JSON.stringify(packet), 'warn');
for (let message of JSON.parse( {
if (message.type !== 'update') {
log ('unknown message type: ' + JSON.stringify(message), 'warn');
if (typeof !== 'object') {
log ('message contains no data: ' + JSON.stringify(message), 'warn');
for (let update of {
} catch (e) {
log('could not read packet: ' + JSON.stringify(packet), 'warn');
log(e.message, 'warn');
function parseUpdate(update) {
log('PARSING UPDATE: ' + "\n" + JSON.stringify(update), 'debug');
if (!update.id_v1) return;
const [resource, idv1] = update.id_v1.split('/').filter(Boolean);
const idv2 =;
//remove id, id_v1, type
delete update.id_v1;
delete update.type;
//status to object as other updates are objects
if (update.status) {
update.status = {status: update.status};
processUpdate(resource, idv1, idv2, update);
let IdCache = [];
function processUpdate(resource, resourceId, idv2, data) {
this.resource = resource;
this.resourceId = resourceId;
this.idv2 = idv2; = data;
log('PROCESSING UPDATE: ' + 'resource ' + resource + "\n" + JSON.stringify(data), 'debug');
//check for values to data
for (let action in data) {
if (typeof data[action] !== 'object') {continue;}
//check if update invalid and delete _valid entries
for (let endpoint in data[action]) {
if (endpoint.substr(-6) === '_valid') {
if (!data[action][endpoint]) {
log('skipping invalid value' + resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint, 'debug');
} else {
delete data[action][endpoint];
//find hue adapter states to update and set new values
for (let endpoint in data[action]) {
if (UPDATEMAP[resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint]) {
log('found UPDATEMAP for ' + resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint, 'debug');
let updateValue = data[action][endpoint];
//convert value?
if (typeof UPDATEMAP[resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint].convert === 'function') {
let updateValueOld = updateValue;
updateValue = UPDATEMAP[resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint], updateValue);
log('converted ' + resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint + ' from ' + updateValueOld + ' to ' + updateValue, 'debug');
let stateName = UPDATEMAP[resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint].stateName;
//check if state id is cached
if (!IdCache[resource + '.' + resourceId + '.' + stateName]) {
findState(resource, resourceId, stateName, action, endpoint, () => {
updateHueState(IdCache[resource + '.' + resourceId + '.' + stateName], updateValue, UPDATEMAP[resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint].after);
} else {
log('found cache entry for ' + resource + '.' + resourceId + '.' + stateName + ': ' + IdCache[resource + '.' + resourceId + '.' + stateName], 'debug');
updateHueState(IdCache[resource + '.' + resourceId + '.' + stateName], updateValue, UPDATEMAP[resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint].after);
} else {
log('missing update instructions for ' + resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint);
async function findStateHue(resource, resourceId, stateName, action, endpoint, callback) {
log('searching for object with id ' + resourceId + ' and stateName ' + stateName, 'debug');
$(INSTANCE + '.*' + '.' + stateName).each(function (stateId, i) { //better way to find matching objects?
getObject(stateId, (err, obj) => {
if (!err) {
if (obj.native && && == resourceId) {
log('found ' + stateId + ', checking parent for matching type...', 'debug');
//get parent object and check type
let parentId = stateId.substring(0, stateId.lastIndexOf('.'));
getObject(parentId, (err2, obj2) => {
if (!err2) {
if (obj2.native && obj2.native.type && UPDATEMAP[resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint].validTypes.indexOf(obj2.native.type) !== -1 && !IdCache[resource + '.' + resourceId + '.' + stateName]) {
log('found matching type for ' + parentId + ': ' + obj2.native.type, 'debug');
log('save cache entry "' + resource + '.' + resourceId + '.' + stateName + '":' + stateId, 'debug');
IdCache[resource + '.' + resourceId + '.' + stateName] = stateId;
} else {
log('could not find obj: ' + stateId, 'warn');
} else {
log('could not find obj: ' + stateId, 'warn');
async function findStateHueExtended(resource, resourceId, stateName, action, endpoint, callback) {
log('searching for object with id ' + resourceId + ' and stateName ' + stateName, 'debug');
$(INSTANCE + '.' + resource + '.*' + '.uid').each(async (stateId, i) => { //better way to find matching objects?
const deviceId = await getStateAsync(stateId);
//check if device id matches
if (deviceId.val !== resourceId) {
const device = stateId.substr(0,stateId.length-4);
//make sure final object exists
const stateExists = await existsObjectAsync(device + '.' + stateName);
if (!stateExists) {
//check if type is valid and save cache entry
const deviceType = await getStateAsync(device + '.type');
if (UPDATEMAP[resource + '.' + action + '.' + endpoint].validTypes.indexOf(deviceType.val) !== -1 && !IdCache[resource + '.' + resourceId + '.' + stateName]) {
log('found matching type for ' + resourceId + ': ' + deviceType.val, 'debug');
log('save cache entry "' + resource + '.' + resourceId + '.' + stateName + '":' + device + '.' + stateName, 'debug');
IdCache[resource + '.' + resourceId + '.' + stateName] = device + '.' + stateName;
function updateHueState(stateId, value, after) {
log('set ' + stateId + ' to ' + value + ' (' + typeof value + ')', 'debug');
setStateDelayed(stateId, value, true, 50, true, () => {
if (typeof after === 'function') {
log ('running function after change of ' + stateId, 'debug');
after(stateId, value);
async function updateRGBHue(stateId) {
let xyState = await getStateAsync(stateId + '.xy');
if (!xyState) return;
let xy = xyState.val.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',');
let levelState = await getStateAsync(stateId + '.level');
let level = levelState.val / 100;
//let onState = await getStateAsync(stateId + '.on');
//if (onState.val === false) level = 0;
let rgb = HelperXYBtoRGB(xy[0], xy[1], level);
updateHueState(stateId + '.r', Math.round(rgb.Red * 255));
updateHueState(stateId + '.g', Math.round(rgb.Green * 255));
updateHueState(stateId + '.b', Math.round(rgb.Blue * 255));
async function updateRGBHueExtended(stateId) {
let xyState = await getStateAsync(stateId + '.xy');
if (!xyState) return;
let xy = xyState.val.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',');
let levelState = await getStateAsync(stateId + '.level');
let level = levelState.val / 100;
let rgb = HelperXYBtoRGB(xy[0], xy[1], level);
updateHueState(stateId + '.rgb', Math.round(rgb.Red * 255) + ',' + Math.round(rgb.Green * 255) + ',' + Math.round(rgb.Blue * 255));
function HelperXYBtoRGB (x, y, Brightness) { // Source:
if (Brightness <= 0) {
return {Red: 0, Green: 0, Blue: 0};
Brightness = Brightness || 1.0; // Default full brightness
const z = 1.0 - x - y;
const Y = Brightness;
const X = (Y / y) * x;
const Z = (Y / y) * z;
// XYZ to RGB [M]-1 for Wide RGB D65,
let Red = X * 1.656492 - Y * 0.354851 - Z * 0.255038;
let Green = -X * 0.707196 + Y * 1.655397 + Z * 0.036152;
let Blue = X * 0.051713 - Y * 0.121364 + Z * 1.011530;
// Limit RGB on [0..1]
if (Red > Blue && Red > Green && Red > 1.0) { // Red is too big
Green = Green / Red;
Blue = Blue / Red;
Red = 1.0;
if (Red < 0) {
Red = 0;
if (Green > Blue && Green > Red && Green > 1.0) { // Green is too big
Red = Red / Green;
Blue = Blue / Green;
Green = 1.0;
if (Green < 0) {
Green = 0;
if (Blue > Red && Blue > Green && Blue > 1.0) { // Blue is too big
Red = Red / Blue;
Green = Green / Blue;
Blue = 1.0;
if (Blue < 0) {
Blue = 0;
// Apply reverse gamma correction
if (Red <= 0.0031308) {
Red = Red * 12.92;
} else {
Red = 1.055 * Math.pow(Red, (1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055;
if (Green <= 0.0031308) {
Green = Green * 12.92;
} else {
Green = 1.055 * Math.pow(Green, (1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055;
if (Blue <= 0.0031308) {
Blue = Blue * 12.92;
} else {
Blue = 1.055 * Math.pow(Blue, (1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055;
// Limit RGB on [0..1]
if (Red > Blue && Red > Green && Red > 1.0) { // Red is too big
Green = Green / Red;
Blue = Blue / Red;
Red = 1.0;
if (Red < 0) {
Red = 0;
if (Green > Blue && Green > Red && Green > 1.0) { // Green is too big
Red = Red / Green;
Blue = Blue / Green;
Green = 1.0;
if (Green < 0) {
Green = 0;
if (Blue > Red && Blue > Green && Blue > 1.0) { // Blue is too big
Red = Red / Blue;
Green = Green / Blue;
Blue = 1.0;
if (Blue < 0) {
Blue = 0;
return {Red: Red, Green: Green, Blue: Blue};