Test Dreame Home Adapter
@tombox general habe ich nicht, nur remote und status. Darin habe ich auch kein modell entdeckt. In der app finde ich auch keine modellbezeichnung
@tombox Super! Danke es funktioniert. Dann brauch ich nicht mehr den Umweg über HomeAssistant gehen. Danke nochmals!
Super das sich wer gefunden hat um einen Adapter zu entwickeln.
Ist geplant oder möglich NUR spezielle Räume reinigen zu lassen?
Vielen Dank -
@hahne habe ich mal in Beitrag 1 und readme eingefügt
Super, toll das das auch klappt.
Ist geplant das der Adapter noch ein wenig "Eleganter" wird?
Sprich das man States mit true/false oder mit Sring Werten schalten kann, ohne diese JSON werte? Wäre glaube für viele (inklusive mir) einfacher zu handhaben.
Oder gibt es eine Übersicht was z.B. piid, value zu bedeuten hat bzw. wo diese Werte herkommen?
Danke nochmal für den Adapter -
@hahne Ist von meiner Seite nicht geplant aber kann von jedem hinzugefügt werden
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit zwischen den einzelnen Reinigungsmodi zu wechseln also Saugen, Wischen und Saugen + wischen?
Grüße -
Hallo. Danke für den tollen Adapter. Funktioniert soweit via Shortcuts auch perfekt. Habe nur eine Frage: Wie kann man denn die verschiedenen Karten/Stockwerke via Remote Befehl wechseln, weil die Shortcuts anscheinend (schlauerweise) dieselben Nummern haben und in jedem Stockwerk wieder neu bei 32 beginnen. Dankeschön
Kann jemand kurz erklären, wie es gemacht wird? Der Adapter läuft und auch die ganzen Objekte für meine beiden Sauger sind vorhanden.
Ich stehe aber total auf dem Schlauch, was ich jetzt machen muss, damit der Sauger über IOBroker gestartet wird.
Bislang habe ich alles mit Blockly gemacht, aber ich vermute, dass wird hier ja nicht ausreichen.Danke schonmal für die Hilfe.
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe mich intensiv mit dem Adapter beschäftigt, da mich der "" Objekt interessiert hat. Dabei konnte ich den Adapter so anpassen, dass ich neue Baum-Objekte hinzufügen konnte ( . Dies ermöglichte es mir, eine Fülle von Daten über die Position des Saugroboters (L20) zu sammeln. Es scheint, als ob noch viele weitere Daten vorhanden sind. Unter "Clean Set" sind alle Räume mit den entsprechenden Einstellungen vorhanden.Um das Ziel zu erreichen, den Saugroboter in Echtzeit zu verfolgen, benötige ich nun Unterstützung von weiteren Personen. Unten finden Sie den modifizierten Code für eine detaillierte Ansicht.
'use strict'; /* * Created with @iobroker/create-adapter v2.6.3 */ // The adapter-core module gives you access to the core ioBroker functions // you need to create an adapter const utils = require('@iobroker/adapter-core'); const axios = require('axios').default; const Json2iob = require('json2iob'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const mqtt = require('mqtt'); const zlib = require("node:zlib"); class Dreame extends utils.Adapter { /** * @param {Partial<utils.AdapterOptions>} [options={}] */ constructor(options) { super({ ...options, name: 'dreame', }); this.on('ready', this.onReady.bind(this)); this.on('stateChange', this.onStateChange.bind(this)); this.on('unload', this.onUnload.bind(this)); this.deviceArray = []; this.states = {}; this.json2iob = new Json2iob(this); this.requestClient = axios.create({ withCredentials: true, timeout: 3 * 60 * 1000, //3min client timeout }); this.remoteCommands = {}; this.specStatusDict = {}; this.specPropsToIdDict = {}; this.specActiosnToIdDict = {}; } /** * Is called when databases are connected and adapter received configuration. */ async onReady() { this.setState('info.connection', false, true); if (this.config.interval < 0.5) {'Set interval to minimum 0.5'); this.config.interval = 0.5; } if (this.config.interval > 2147483647) {'Set interval to maximum 2147483647'); this.config.interval = 2147483647; } if (!this.config.username || !this.config.password) { this.log.error('Please set username and password in the instance settings'); return; } this.updateInterval = null; this.reLoginTimeout = null; this.refreshTokenTimeout = null; this.session = {}; this.subscribeStates('*.remote.*');'Login to Dreame Cloud...'); await this.login(); if (this.session.access_token) { await this.getDeviceList(); await this.fetchSpecs(); await this.createRemotes(); await this.updateDevicesViaSpec(); await this.connectMqtt(); this.updateInterval = setInterval( async () => { await this.updateDevicesViaSpec(); }, this.config.interval * 60 * 1000, ); this.refreshTokenInterval = setInterval( async () => { await this.refreshToken(); }, (this.session.expires_in - 100 || 3500) * 1000, ); } } async login() { await this.requestClient({ method: 'post', url: '', headers: { 'user-agent': 'Dart/3.2 (dart:io)', 'dreame-meta': 'cv=i_829', 'dreame-rlc': '1a9bb36e6b22617cf465363ba7c232fb131899d593e8d1a1-1', 'tenant-id': '000000', host: '', authorization: 'Basic ZHJlYW1lX2FwcHYxOkFQXmR2QHpAU1FZVnhOODg=', 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'dreame-auth': 'bearer', }, data: { grant_type: 'password', scope: 'all', platform: 'IOS', type: 'account', username: this.config.username, password: crypto .createHash('md5') .update(this.config.password + 'RAylYC%fmSKp7%Tq') .digest('hex'), country: 'DE', lang: 'de', }, }) .then((response) => { this.log.debug('Login response: ' + JSON.stringify(; this.session =; this.setState('info.connection', true, true); }) .catch((error) => { this.log.error('Login error: ' + error); error.response && this.log.error('Login error response: ' + JSON.stringify(; this.setState('info.connection', false, true); }); } async getDeviceList() { await this.requestClient({ method: 'post', maxBodyLength: Infinity, url: '', headers: { 'user-agent': 'Dart/3.2 (dart:io)', 'dreame-meta': 'cv=i_829', 'dreame-rlc': '1a9bb36e6b22617cf465363ba7c232fb131899d593e8d1a1-1', 'tenant-id': '000000', host: '', authorization: 'Basic ZHJlYW1lX2FwcHYxOkFQXmR2QHpAU1FZVnhOODg=', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'dreame-auth': 'bearer ' + this.session.access_token, }, data: { sharedStatus: 1, current: 1, size: 100, lang: 'de', timestamp:, }, }) .then(async (response) => { /* example response: { "code": 0, "success": true, "data": { "page": { "records": [ { "id": "xxx", "did": "xxxx", "model": "dreame.vacuum.r2449k", "ver": "4.3.9_1252", "customName": "", "property": "{\"iotId\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"lwt\":1,\"mac\":\"\"}", "mac": "7", "vendor": "ali", "master": true, "masterUid": "", "masterUid2UUID": null, "masterName": null, "permissions": "", "bindDomain": "", "sharedTimes": 0, "sharedStatus": 1, "calltag": null, "updateTime": "2024-06-07 12:03:09", "lang": null, "deviceInfo": { "productId": "10279", "categoryPath": "/lifeapps/vacuum", "model": "dreame.vacuum.r2449k", "remark": "", "feature": "video_ali,fastCommand", "videoDynamicVendor": true, "defaultVendors": [ "ali" ], "scType": "WIFI", "extendScType": [ "QR_CODE" ], "status": "Live", "mainImage": { "as": "1", "caption": "1", "height": 0, "width": 0, "imageUrl": "", "smallImageUrl": "" }, "popup": { "as": "1", "caption": "1", "height": 0, "width": 0, "imageUrl": "", "smallImageUrl": "" }, "icon": { "as": "1", "caption": "1", "height": 0, "width": 0, "imageUrl": "", "smallImageUrl": "" }, "overlook": { "as": "1", "caption": "1", "height": 0, "width": 0, "imageUrl": "", "smallImageUrl": "" }, "images": [], "extensionId": "1228", "updatedAt": "1711721850712", "createdAt": "1705565151025", "releaseAt": "1710848634605", "quickConnectStatus": -1, "quickConnects": {}, "permit": "video", "firmwareDevelopType": "SINGLE_PLATFORM", "bindType": "", "displayName": "X40 Ultra Complete", "liveKeyDefine": {}, "qaKeyDefine": {} }, "online": true, "latestStatus": 21, "battery": 100, "videoStatus": "{\"operType\":\"end\",\"operation\":\"monitor\",\"result\":0,\"status\":0}", "region": null, "featureCode": -1, "featureCode2": 31, "keyDefine": { "ver": 1, "url": "" } } ], "total": "1", "size": "100", "current": "1", "orders": [], "optimizeCountSql": true, "hitCount": false, "searchCount": true, "pages": "1" } }, "msg": "æ“作æˆåŠŸ" } */ this.log.debug('Device list response: ' + JSON.stringify(; if ( == '0' && && && && ) { this.deviceArray =; for (const device of this.deviceArray) { await this.extendObject(device.did, { type: 'device', common: { name: device.customName || device.deviceInfo.displayName || device.model, }, native: {}, }); if (device.keyDefine) { const iotKeyValue = await this.requestClient({ method: 'get', url: device.keyDefine.url, }) .then((response) => { this.log.debug('iotKeyValue response: ' + JSON.stringify(; return; }) .catch((error) => { this.log.error('iotKeyValue error: ' + error); error.response && this.log.error('iotKeyValue error response: ' + JSON.stringify(; }); /*{ "keyDefine": { "2.1": { "de": { "1": "Reinigung"}}, "ver": 1, "model": "dreame.vacuum.r2449k", "hash": "54587b0364cdd763deba93a974ef5aa05cbe7dcc" }*/ if (iotKeyValue && iotKeyValue.keyDefine) { //replace dot in id with - and select en language for (const key in iotKeyValue.keyDefine) { if (, key)) { const element = iotKeyValue.keyDefine[key]; if (element['en'] && element['en'] !== 'null') { this.states[device.did][key.replace(/\./g, '-')] = element['en']; } } } } } this.json2iob.parse(device.did + '.general', device, { states: { latestStatus: this.states[device.did] }, channelName: 'General Updated at Start', }); } } else { this.log.error('No Devices found: ' + JSON.stringify(; } }) .catch((error) => { this.log.error('Device list error: ' + error); error.response && this.log.error('Device list error response: ' + JSON.stringify(; }); } async fetchSpecs() {'Fetching Specs'); const allDevices = await this.requestClient({ url: '', }).catch((error) => { this.log.error('failing to get all devices'); this.log.error(error); error.response && this.log.error(JSON.stringify(; }); const specs = []; for (const device of this.deviceArray) { const type = .filter((obj) => { return obj.model === device.model && obj.status === 'released'; }) .map((obj) => { return obj.type; }); if (type.length === 0) {`No spec found for ${device.model} set to default spec type`); type[0] = 'urn:miot-spec-v2:device:vacuum:0000A006:dreame-r2320:1'; } device.spec_type = type[0]; specs.push(type[0]); } await this.requestClient({ method: 'post', url: '', data: { urns: specs, }, }) .then(async (res) => { this.specs =; }) .catch((error) => { this.log.error(error); error.response && this.log.error(JSON.stringify(; }); } async createRemotes() { for (const device of this.deviceArray) { if (this.specs[device.spec_type]) { this.log.debug(JSON.stringify(this.specs[device.spec_type])); await this.extractRemotesFromSpec(device); } const remoteArray = this.remoteCommands[device.model] || []; for (const remote of remoteArray) { await this.extendObject(device.did + '.remotePlugins', { type: 'channel', common: { name: 'Remote Controls extracted from Plugin definition', desc: 'Not so reliable alternative remotes', }, native: {}, }); this.setObjectNotExists(device.did + '.remotePlugins.customCommand', { type: 'state', common: { name: 'Send Custom command via Plugin', type: 'mixed', role: 'state', def: 'set_level_favorite,16', write: true, read: true, }, native: {}, }); let name = remote; let params = ''; if (typeof remote === 'object') { name = remote.type; params = remote.params; } try { this.setObjectNotExists(device.did + '.remotePlugins.' + name, { type: 'state', common: { name: name + ' ' + params || '', type: 'mixed', role: 'state', def: false, write: true, read: true, }, native: {}, }); } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); } } } } async extractRemotesFromSpec(device) { const spec = this.specs[device.spec_type];`Extracting remotes from spec for ${device.model} ${spec.description}`); 'You can detailed information about status and remotes here:' + device.model, ); let siid = 0; this.specStatusDict[device.did] = []; this.specActiosnToIdDict[device.did] = {}; this.specPropsToIdDict[device.did] = {}; for (const service of { if (service.iid) { siid = service.iid; } else { siid++; } const typeArray = service.type.split(':'); if (typeArray[3] === 'device-information') { continue; } if (! { this.log.warn(`No properties for ${device.model} ${service.description} cannot extract information`); continue; } try { let piid = 0; for (const property of { if (property.iid) { piid = property.iid; } else { piid++; } const remote = { siid: siid, piid: piid, did: device.did, model: device.model, name: service.description + ' ' + property.description + ' ' + service.iid + '-' + property.iid, type: property.type, access: property.access, }; const typeName = property.type.split(':')[3]; let path = 'status'; let write = false; if (property.access.includes('write')) { path = 'remote'; write = true; } const [type, role] = this.getRole(property.format, write, property['value-range']); this.log.debug(`Found remote for ${device.model} ${service.description} ${property.description}`); await this.extendObject(device.did + '.' + path, { type: 'channel', common: { name: path + ' extracted from Spec definition', }, native: {}, }); if (path === 'remote') { await this.extendObject(device.did + '.' + path + '.customCommand', { type: 'state', common: { name: 'Send Custom command via Spec', type: 'string', role: 'json', def: `{ "aiid": 9, "in": [ { "order": 4, "region": [ 1 ], "type": "order" } ], "siid": 5 }`, write: true, read: true, }, native: {}, }); } const states = {}; if (property['value-list']) { for (const value of property['value-list']) { states[value.value] = value.description; } } let unit; if (property.unit && property.unit !== 'none') { unit = property.unit; } await this.extendObject(device.did + '.' + path + '.' + typeName, { type: 'state', common: { name: || '', type: type, role: role, unit: unit, min: property['value-range'] ? property['value-range'][0] : undefined, max: property['value-range'] ? property['value-range'][1] : undefined, states: property['value-list'] ? states : undefined, write: write, read: true, }, native: { siid: siid, piid: piid, did: device.did, model: device.model, name: service.description + ' ' + property.description, type: property.type, access: property.access, }, }); if (property.access.includes('notify')) { this.specStatusDict[device.did].push({ did: device.did, siid: remote.siid, code: 0, piid: remote.piid, updateTime: 0, }); } this.specPropsToIdDict[device.did][remote.siid + '-' + remote.piid] = device.did + '.' + path + '.' + typeName; } //extract actions let aiid = 0; if (service.actions) { for (const action of service.actions) { if (action.iid) { aiid = action.iid; } else { aiid++; } const remote = { siid: siid, aiid: aiid, did: device.did, model: device.model, name: service.description + ' ' + action.description + ' ' + service.iid + '-' + action.iid, type: action.type, access: action.access, }; const typeName = action.type.split(':')[3]; const path = 'remote'; const write = true; let [type, role] = this.getRole(action.format, write, action['value-range']); this.log.debug(`Found actions for ${device.model} ${service.description} ${action.description}`); await this.extendObject(device.did + '.' + path, { type: 'channel', common: { name: 'Remote Controls extracted from Spec definition', }, native: {}, }); const states = {}; if (action['value-list']) { for (const value of action['value-list']) { states[value.value] = value.description; } } let def = '[]'; if ( { = + ' in['; for (const inParam of { type = 'string'; role = 'text'; def = JSON.stringify(; const prop = => { return obj.iid === inParam; }); if (prop.length > 0) { = + prop[0].description + ''; } if ( !== - 1) { = + ','; } } = + ']'; } if (action.out.length) { = + ' out['; for (const outParam of action.out) { const prop = => { return obj.iid === outParam; }); if (prop.length > 0) { = + prop[0].description; } if (action.out.indexOf(outParam) !== action.out.length - 1) { = + ','; } } = + ']'; } let unit; if (action.unit && action.unit !== 'none') { unit = action.unit; } await this.extendObject(device.did + '.' + path + '.' + typeName, { type: 'state', common: { name: || '', type: type, role: role, unit: unit, min: action['value-range'] ? action['value-range'][0] : undefined, max: action['value-range'] ? action['value-range'][1] : undefined, states: action['value-list'] ? states : undefined, write: write, read: true, def: def != null ? def : undefined, }, native: { siid: siid, aiid: aiid, did: device.did, model: device.model, in:, out: action.out, name: service.description + ' ' + action.description, type: action.type, access: action.access, }, }); this.specActiosnToIdDict[device.did][service.iid + '-' + action.iid] = device.did + '.' + path + '.' + typeName; } } } catch (error) { this.log.error('Error while extracting spec for ' + device.model); this.log.error(error); this.log.error(error.stack);; } } } async updateDevicesViaSpec() { for (const device of this.deviceArray) { if (this.specStatusDict[device.did]) { //split array in chunks of 50 const chunkSize = 50; for (let i = 0; i < this.specStatusDict[device.did].length; i += chunkSize) { const chunk = this.specStatusDict[device.did].slice(i, i + chunkSize); const requestId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9000) + 1000; const data = { did: device.did, id: requestId, data: { did: device.did, id: requestId, method: 'get_properties', params: chunk, from: 'XXXXXX', }, }; await this.requestClient({ method: 'post', url: '', headers: { 'user-agent': 'Dart/3.2 (dart:io)', 'dreame-meta': 'cv=i_829', 'dreame-rlc': '1a9bb36e6b22617cf465363ba7c232fb131899d593e8d1a1-1', 'tenant-id': '000000', host: '', authorization: 'Basic ZHJlYW1lX2FwcHYxOkFQXmR2QHpAU1FZVnhOODg=', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'dreame-auth': 'bearer ' + this.session.access_token, }, data: data, }) .then(async (res) => { if ( !== 0) { if ( === -8) { this.log.debug( `Error getting spec update for ${} (${device.did}) with ${JSON.stringify(data)}`, ); this.log.debug(JSON.stringify(; return; } `Error getting spec update for ${} (${device.did}) with ${JSON.stringify(data)}`, ); this.log.debug(JSON.stringify(; return; } this.log.debug(JSON.stringify(; for (const element of { const path = this.specPropsToIdDict[device.did][element.siid + '-' + element.piid];' Update: ' + path); if (path) { this.log.debug(`Set ${path} to ${element.value}`); if (element.value != null) { this.setState(path, element.value, true); } } } }) .catch((error) => { if (error.response) { if (error.response.status === 401) { error.response && this.log.debug(JSON.stringify(;' receive 401 error. Refresh Token in 60 seconds'); this.refreshTokenTimeout && clearTimeout(this.refreshTokenTimeout); this.refreshTokenTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.refreshToken(); }, 1000 * 60); return; } this.log.error(error); error.stack && this.log.error(error.stack); error.response && this.log.error(JSON.stringify(; return; } this.log.debug(error); this.log.debug(JSON.stringify(error)); }); } } } } getRole(element, write, valueRange) { if (!element) { return ['string', 'json']; } if (element === 'bool' && !write) { return ['boolean', 'indicator']; } if (element === 'bool' && write) { return ['boolean', 'switch']; } if ((element.indexOf('int') !== -1 || valueRange) && !write) { return ['number', 'value']; } if ((element.indexOf('int') !== -1 || valueRange) && write) { return ['number', 'level']; } return ['string', 'text']; } async connectMqtt() { if (this.mqttClient) { this.mqttClient.end(); } const url = this.deviceArray[0].bindDomain || ''; this.mqttClient = mqtt.connect('mqtts://' + url, { clientId: 'p_' + crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex'), username: this.session.uid, password: this.session.access_token, rejectUnauthorized: false, reconnectPeriod: 10000, }); this.mqttClient.on('connect', () => {'Connected to MQTT'); for (const device of this.deviceArray) { this.mqttClient.subscribe(`/status/${device.did}/${this.session.uid}/${device.model}/eu/`); } }); this.mqttClient.on('message', async (topic, message) => { // message is Buffer this.log.debug(topic.toString()); this.log.debug(message.toString()); /* {"id":92,"did":XXXXXX,"data":{"id":92,"method":"properties_changed","params":[{"did":"XXXXX","siid":2,"piid":6,"value":1},{"did":"XXXXX","siid":4,"piid":23,"value":5121}]}} */ try { message = JSON.parse(message.toString()); //' Get Message:' + JSON.stringify(message)); } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); return; } if ( && === 'properties_changed') { for (const element of { if (!this.specPropsToIdDict[element.did]) { this.log.debug(`No spec found for ${element.did}`); continue; } if (JSON.stringify(element.siid) === '6' && JSON.stringify(element.piid) === '1') {' Map data:' + JSON.stringify(element.value)); let encode = JSON.stringify(element.value); let mappath = `${element.did}` + '.map.'; this.uncompress(encode, mappath); } //' Map data:' + JSON.stringify(element.siid) + ' => ' + JSON.stringify(element.piid)); let path = this.specPropsToIdDict[element.did][element.siid + '-' + element.piid]; if (!path) { this.log.debug(`No path found for ${element.did} ${element.siid}-${element.piid}`); path = `${element.did}.status.${element.siid}-${element.piid}`; await this.extendObject(path, { type: 'state', common: { name: path, type: 'mixed', role: 'state', write: false, read: true, }, native: {}, }); this.setState(path, JSON.stringify(element.value), true); path = `${element.did}.remote.${element.siid}-${element.piid}`;' Update: SIID:' + element.siid + ' PIID: ' + element.piid); await this.extendObject(path, { type: 'state', common: { name: path, type: 'mixed', role: 'state', write: true, read: true, }, native: {}, }); } if (path) { this.log.debug(`Set ${path} to ${element.value}`); if (element.value != null) { // this.setState(path, JSON.stringify(element.value), true); this.json2iob.parse(path, JSON.stringify(element)); } } } } }); this.mqttClient.on('error', async (error) => { this.log.error(error); if (error.message && error.message.includes('Not authorized')) { this.log.error('Not authorized to connect to MQTT'); this.setState('info.connection', false, true); await this.refreshToken(); } }); this.mqttClient.on('close', () => {'MQTT Connection closed'); }); } async uncompress(In_Compressed, In_path){ var input_Raw = In_Compressed.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/'); var encodedData = Buffer.from(input_Raw, 'base64'); var decode = zlib.inflateSync(encodedData); /*csvar mapHeader = decode.toString().split("{"); let GetHeader = mapHeader[0];' decode Header 1: ' + GetHeader); try { var encodedDataH = Buffer.from(GetHeader, 'base64');' Base64 decode Header : ' + encodedDataH); var decodeHeader = zlib.inflateSync(encodedDataH); } catch (e) {' Error decode Header 2: ' + e); } finally {' decode Header 2: ' + decodeHeader); } */ var jsondecode = decode.toString().match(/[{[]{1}([,:{}[]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]|".*?")+[}]]{1}/gis); const jsonread = JSON.parse(jsondecode); for (var [key, value] of Object.entries(jsonread)) {' decode Map JSON:' + `${key}: ${value}`); if( !== '[object Object]'){ if (value != null) { let pathMap = In_path + key; await this.extendObject(pathMap, { type: 'state', common: { name: pathMap, type: 'mixed', role: 'state', write: false, read: true, }, native: {}, }); this.setState(pathMap, value, true); } } if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null){ if( === '[object Object]'){ for (var [Subkey, Subvalue] of Object.entries(value)) {' decode subkey ' + key + ' ==> ' + `${Subkey}: ${Subvalue}`); if (value != null) { let pathMap = In_path + key + '.' + Subkey; await this.extendObject(pathMap, { type: 'state', common: { name: pathMap, type: 'mixed', role: 'state', write: false, read: true, }, native: {}, }); this.setState(pathMap, Subvalue, true); } } } } } } async refreshToken() { await this.requestClient({ method: 'post', url: '', headers: { 'user-agent': 'Dart/3.2 (dart:io)', 'dreame-meta': 'cv=i_829', 'dreame-rlc': '1a9bb36e6b22617cf465363ba7c232fb131899d593e8d1a1-1', 'tenant-id': '000000', host: '', authorization: 'Basic ZHJlYW1lX2FwcHYxOkFQXmR2QHpAU1FZVnhOODg=', 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, data: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: this.session.refresh_token, }, }) .then((response) => { this.log.debug('Login response: ' + JSON.stringify(; this.session =; this.setState('info.connection', true, true); //reconnect mqtt this.connectMqtt(); }) .catch((error) => { this.log.error('Refresh Token error: ' + error); error.response && this.log.error('Refresh Token error response: ' + JSON.stringify(; this.setState('info.connection', false, true); }); } /** * Is called when adapter shuts down - callback has to be called under any circumstances! * @param {() => void} callback */ onUnload(callback) { try { callback(); } catch (e) { callback(); } } /** * Is called if a subscribed state changes * @param {string} id * @param {ioBroker.State | null | undefined} state */ async onStateChange(id, state) { if (state) { if (!state.ack) { const deviceId = id.split('.')[2]; const folder = id.split('.')[3]; let command = id.split('.')[4]; this.log.debug(`Receive command ${command} for ${deviceId} in folder ${folder} with value ${state.val} `); // let type; if (command) { // type = command.split("-")[1]; command = command.split('-')[0]; } if (id.split('.')[4] === 'Refresh') { this.updateDevicesViaSpec(); return; } //{"id":0,"method":"app_start","params":[{"clean_mop":0}]} const stateObject = await this.getObjectAsync(id); const requestId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9000) + 1000; const data = { did: deviceId, id: requestId, data: { did: deviceId, id: requestId, method: 'action', params: {}, from: 'XXXXXX', }, }; if (stateObject && stateObject.native.piid) { = { did: deviceId, siid: stateObject.native.siid, piid: stateObject.native.piid, value: state.val, }; } if (stateObject && stateObject.native.aiid) { = { did: deviceId, siid: stateObject.native.siid, aiid: stateObject.native.aiid }; if (typeof state.val !== 'boolean') { try {['in'] = JSON.parse(state.val); } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); return; } } const device = this.deviceArray.filter((obj) => { return obj.did === deviceId; })[0]; if (device && device.model.includes('mower')) { += 3; } // = []; } if (command === 'customCommand') { try { = JSON.parse(state.val); = deviceId; } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); return; } }`Send: ${JSON.stringify(data)} to ${deviceId}`); await this.requestClient({ method: 'post', url: '', headers: { 'user-agent': 'Dart/3.2 (dart:io)', 'dreame-meta': 'cv=i_829', 'dreame-rlc': '1a9bb36e6b22617cf465363ba7c232fb131899d593e8d1a1-1', 'tenant-id': '000000', host: '', authorization: 'Basic ZHJlYW1lX2FwcHYxOkFQXmR2QHpAU1FZVnhOODg=', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'dreame-auth': 'bearer ' + this.session.access_token, }, data: data, }) .then(async (res) => { if ( !== 0) { this.log.error('Error setting device state'); this.log.error(JSON.stringify(; return; } if ( && > 0) { =[0]; }; if (! { return; } const result =; if (result.out) { const path = this.specActiosnToIdDict[result.did][result.siid + '-' + result.aiid]; this.log.debug(path); const stateObject = await this.getObjectAsync(path); if (stateObject && stateObject.native.out) { const out = stateObject.native.out; for (const outItem of out) { const index = out.indexOf(outItem); const outPath = this.specPropsToIdDict[result.did][result.siid + '-' + outItem]; // await this.setState(outPath, result.out[index], true); this.json2iob.parse(outPath, result.out[index]);'Set ' + outPath + ' to ' + result.out[index]); } } else {; } } }) .catch(async (error) => { this.log.error(error); error.response && this.log.error(JSON.stringify(; }); this.refreshTimeout = setTimeout(async () => {'Update devices'); await this.updateDevicesViaSpec(); }, 10 * 1000); } } } } if (require.main !== module) { // Export the constructor in compact mode /** * @param {Partial<utils.AdapterOptions>} [options={}] */ module.exports = (options) => new Dreame(options); } else { // otherwise start the instance directly new Dreame(); }
Mit dem folgenden Code kann ich dem Saugroboter über Alexa Befehle geben, um bestimmte Räume zu säubern. Beachten Sie, dass die Räume und das „Dreame“-Objekt zuvor angepasst werden mussten.
on({ id: 'alexa2.0.History.summary' /* summary */, change: 'any' }, async (obj) => { let value = obj.state.val; let oldValue = obj.oldState.val; AlexaHistorysummary = getState('alexa2.0.History.summary').val; SearchClean = AlexaHistorysummary.lastIndexOf('sauber machen') + 1; SerachMoreClean = AlexaHistorysummary.lastIndexOf('sehr dreckig') + 1; ArrayRoom = ['schlafzimmer', 'toilette', 'abstellraum', 'kinderzimmer', 'esszimmer', 'arbeitszimmer','eingang', 'wohnzimmer', 'flur', 'küche', ']; SerachRoomName = ''; Room1 = false; Room2 = false; Room3 = false; Room4 = false; Room5 = false; Room6 = false; Room7 = false; Room8 = false; Room9 = false; Room10 = false; ResetRoomNumber = 0; FoundRoomState = false; StringToSend = ''; CollectName = ''; for (var i_index in ArrayRoom) { i = ArrayRoom[i_index]; ResetRoomNumber = (typeof ResetRoomNumber === 'number' ? ResetRoomNumber : 0) + 1; SerachRoom = AlexaHistorysummary.lastIndexOf(i) + 1; if (parseFloat(SerachRoom) > 0) { if (parseFloat(SerachMoreClean) > 0) { SearchClean = 1; CleanSettings = ',3,3,3,1],'; } else { CleanSettings = ',1,3,2,1],'; } FoundRoomState = true; CollectName = [i,' und ',CollectName].join(''); StringToSend = ['[',ResetRoomNumber,CleanSettings,StringToSend].join(''); } } if (parseFloat(SearchClean) > 0) { CleanRoomCode = String(StringToSend) + String(StringToSend.slice(0, StripString - 1)); CleanRoomCode = CleanRoomCode.slice(0, (CleanRoomCode.lastIndexOf(' und ') + 1) - 1); StringToSend = [' [{"piid": 1,"value": 18},{"piid": 10,"value": "{\\"selects\\": [',CleanRoomCode,']}"}]'].join(''); console.log(('Now: ' + String(StringToSend))); CollectName = CollectName.slice(0, (CollectName.lastIndexOf(' und ') + 1) - 1); LastAlexa = getState('alexa2.0.History.serialNumber').val; if (FoundRoomState == true) { setStateDelayed((['alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.',LastAlexa,'.Commands.deviceStop'].join('')), true, false, parseInt(((0) || '').toString(), 10), true); setStateDelayed((['alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.',LastAlexa,'.Commands.deviceStop'].join('')), false, false, parseInt(((100) || '').toString(), 10), true); setStateDelayed((['alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.',LastAlexa,'.Commands.speak'].join('')), (['OK! ',CollectName,' sauber machen.'].join('')), false, parseInt(((0) || '').toString(), 10), true); setState('dreame.0.*********.remote.stop-clean' /* vacuum-extend stop-clean 4-2 */, '[ 1 ]'); setStateDelayed('dreame.0.********.remote.start-clean' /* vacuum-extend start-clean 4-1 in[clean-extend-data,work-mode] */, StringToSend, 300, false); } } });
Bitte entschuldigen Sie, falls ich nicht sofort antworte – das echte Leben hat manchmal Vorrang
@wawyo Hallo
Ich teste auch gerade den Dreame Adapter und er sendet auch Daten aber ich würde gerne deine Version mit den Map daten und Räumen testen wenn das möglich istLG
Hier ist die vollständige Anleitung, inklusive der Befehle zur Aktualisierung und Neustart der Instanz:Die modifizierte Version der
kann derzeit nur manuell aktualisiert werden und ist nicht über GitHub verfügbar. Um die Änderungen vorzunehmen, folgen Sie bitte diesen Schritten:-
Kopieren Sie den bereitgestellten Code und speichern Sie ihn unter dem Namen
. -
Stellen Sie über SSH eine Verbindung zu Ihrem Server her und führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus, um die Berechtigungen für die Datei zu ändern:
sudo chmod 644 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.dreame/main.js
Öffnen Sie FileZilla und navigieren Sie zu folgendem Verzeichnis:
. -
Sichern Sie die originale
-Datei an einem sicheren Ort. -
Ersetzen Sie die originale
-Datei durch die heruntergeladene und modifizierte Version, die Sie in Schritt 1 erstellt haben. -
Führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus, um die Änderungen hochzuladen:
sudo iobroker upload dreame
Starten Sie die
-Instanz neu, um die Änderungen zu übernehmen:sudo iobroker restart dreame
Durch diese Schritte wird die modifizierte
erfolgreich implementiert und die Änderungen werden aktiv -
@wawyo Hallo
Danke für die tolle Anleitung
Habe ich umgesetzt aber leider tauchen bei mir weder der Ordner maps noch cleanset auf
einige Sachen haben sich geändert und es wurden aus vielen datenpunkten die vorher aus zahlen bestand ist jetzt ein text in der bezeichnung -
Die Daten werden erst geschrieben, wenn der Saugroboter in Betrieb ist, da die Informationen über die Funktion „mqttClient“ des Adapters abgerufen werden. -
war schon im betrieb aber es kamen trotzdem keine neuen Daten dazu
es kommen diese meldungen in der log und dann startet der adapter neu
Um sicherzustellen, dass die Dekompressionsfunktion einwandfrei läuft und um das Problem einzugrenzen, füge bitte den folgenden Code direkt nach der Zeilevar decode = zlib.inflateSync(encodedData);
in der Datei ein. Dies hilft uns, zu überprüfen, ob die Dekompression korrekt durchgeführt wird und die erwarteten Daten liefert:var decode = zlib.inflateSync(encodedData);' Zlib inflate : ' + decode);
Diese Änderung wird dazu führen, dass die Daten, die nach der Dekompression erhalten wurden, in den Logdateien ausgegeben werden. Dadurch können wir sicherstellen, dass die
-Funktion korrekt arbeitet und die Ausgaben entsprechend unseren Erwartungen sind.Beispiel für die geänderte Codezeile (Zeile 902):
var decode = zlib.inflateSync(encodedData);' Zlib inflate : ' + decode);
Bitte integriere diese Änderung in den Code und teste, ob die Dekompression jetzt ordnungsgemäß funktioniert. Diese Protokollierung hilft uns, potenzielle Probleme bei der Dekompression zu identifizieren und einzugrenzen.