iob diag - Skript
Passt also.
Was ich aber immer noch nicht verstanden habe: Wenn es einen user mit der uid=1000 gibt (wird der 'iobroker' sein), warum kann es keinen user 'glasfaser' mit uid=1001 im docker geben? -
@thomas-braun sagte in iob diag - Skript:
Wenn es einen user mit der uid=1000 gibt
ist doch schon ein non-root-user
Ja mir wird immer erzählt das ginge nicht mit einem standard user und man müsse da immer als root herumgeistern.
@thomas-braun sagte in iob diag - Skript:
Ja mir wird immer erzählt das ginge nicht mit einem standard user
Das Docker Image ist im Default auf 1000 SETGID und SETUID
siehe auch hier :
Und einen weiteren user gibt der host nicht her? -
@thomas-braun sagte in iob diag - Skript:
Und einen weiteren user gibt der host nicht her?
Soweit habe ich mich nicht damit befaßt ...
SETGID (default: 1000) In some cases it might be useful to specify the gid of the containers iobroker user to match an existing group on the docker host SETUID (default: 1000) In some cases it might be useful to specify the uid of the containers iobroker user to match an existing user on the docker host
Der Docker ist jetzt beim Onkel Do(c)ktor gewesen, wie schaut es denn bei Proxmox/LXC aus? Läuft da das skript durch?
@mrjeschke sagte in iob diag - Skript:
Danke. Aber wie erwartet gibt es beim LXC weniger Huddel als beim Docker.
Aber deinem raspi4 geht es nicht gut. Ist der etwa krank?
@thomas-braun sagte in iob diag - Skript:
wie schaut es denn bei Proxmox/LXC aus? Läuft da das skript durch?
@negalein sagte in iob diag - Skript:
Ist zwar nicht Thema des Threads, aber da solltest du ran:Pending OS-Updates: 50
Das läuft dir wieder weg und nachher wird es bei so einem großen Berg an Updates nur schwieriger die einzuspielen. Davon ganz abgesehen, das die mit Sicherheit aus Gründen released worden sind.
@thomas-braun sagte in iob diag - Skript:
Pending OS-Updates: 50
I know.
Ist für morgen geplant. War etwas Stress in letzter Zeit.
Machs normal wöchentlich. -
Nochmal die Bitte um Testergebnisse:
Werden Multiusersysteme mit
iobroker status all | grep MULTIHOSTSERVICE/enabled
Auf einem Single-Host sieht es jedenfalls so aus:echad@chet:~ $ iobroker status all | grep MULTIHOSTSERVICE/enabled MULTIHOSTSERVICE/enabled: false
Ändert sich der Eintrag auf true beim Master und beim Slave?
@thomas-braun habe zwei Slaves, in der Ausgabe kommt aber nichts davon
mirko@iobroker:~$ iobroker status all | grep MULTIHOSTSERVICE/enabled mirko@iobroker:~$
@wendy2702 Hm, okay.
Und der Master sagt? -
@thomas-braun das ist die Ausgabe vom master.
Oder was genau willst du sehen?
Komisch. Ich hätte da jetzt sowas wie
iobroker status all
spuckt auch nix aus?
@thomas-braun kommt das mit „Fehlern“ !?
iob status all iobroker is running on this host. Instance "admin.0" is running Instance "admin.1" is running Instance "admin.2" is not running Instance "daswetter.0" is not running Instance "dwd.0" is not running Instance "email.0" is running Instance "enigma2.0" is running Instance "feiertage.0" is not running Instance "flot.0" is not running Instance "fritzbox.0" is running Instance "harmony.0" is running Instance "history.0" is running Instance "hm-rega.0" is running Instance "hm-rpc.0" is running Instance "hm-rpc.1" is running Instance "hm-rpc.2" is running Instance "hue.0" is running Instance "ical.0" is not running Instance "ical.1" is not running Instance "ical.2" is not running Instance "icons-addictive-flavour-png.0" is not running Instance "icons-fatcow-hosting.0" is not running Instance "icons-icons8.0" is not running Instance "icons-material-png.0" is not running Instance "icons-material-svg.0" is not running Instance "icons-mfd-png.0" is not running Instance "icons-mfd-svg.0" is not running Instance "icons-open-icon-library-png.0" is not running Instance "icons-ultimate-png.0" is not running Instance "javascript.0" is running Instance "javascript.1" is running Instance "javascript.2" is running Instance "js2fs.0" is not running Instance "modbus.0" is running Instance "modbus.2" is running Instance "modbus.3" is running Instance "modbus.4" is not running Instance "musiccast.0" is not running Instance "nut.0" is not running Instance "ping.0" is running Instance "rpi2.0" is not running Instance "rpi2.1" is not running Instance "sayit.0" is running Instance "simple-api.0" is running Instance "smartmeter.0" is running Instance "tankerkoenig.0" is running Instance "telegram.0" is running Instance "tr-064.0" is not running Instance "vis-bars.0" is not running Instance "vis-canvas-gauges.0" is not running Instance "vis-colorpicker.0" is not running Instance "vis-fancyswitch.0" is not running Instance "vis-google-fonts.0" is not running Instance "vis-hqwidgets.0" is not running Instance "vis-jqui-mfd.0" is not running Instance "vis-justgage.0" is not running Instance "vis-keyboard.0" is not running Instance "vis-metro.0" is not running Instance "vis-plumb.0" is not running Instance "vis-rgraph.0" is not running Instance "vis-timeandweather.0" is not running Instance "vis.0" is not running Instance "weatherunderground.0" is not running Instance "web.0" is running Instance "yahka.0" is running Instance "yahka.1" is running Instance "yamaha.0" is running Instance "yr.0" is not running Instance "yahka.2" is running Instance "trashschedule.0" is running Instance "vis-material-webfont.0" is not running Instance "vis-materialdesign.0" is not running Instance "vis-material.0" is not running Instance "influxdb.0" is running Instance "vis-inventwo.0" is running Instance "vis-icontwo.0" is not running Instance "yahka.3" is not running Instance "homeconnect.0" is not running Instance "hue-extended.0" is not running Instance "linux-control.0" is running Instance "yahka.4" is running Instance "socketio.0" is running Instance "birthdays.0" is not running Instance "birthdays.1" is not running Instance "pushover.0" is not running Instance "alias-manager.0" is not running Instance "discovery.0" is not running Instance "net-tools.0" is not running Instance "sayit.1" is not running Instance "modbus.5" is running Instance "enocean.0" is running Instance "modbus.1" is running Instance "shuttercontrol.0" is running Instance "energiefluss.0" is running Instance "ws.0" is running Instance "web.1" is running Instance "backitup.0" is not running Instance "modbus.6" is not running Instance "shelly.0" is running Instance "sourceanalytix.0" is running Instance "roborock.0" is not running Instance "vis-2-beta.0" is running Instance "vis-2-widgets-material.0" is not running Instance "vis-2-widgets-energy.0" is not running Instance "vis-2-widgets-gauges.0" is not running Instance "smartstate.0" is running Instance "smartmeter.1" is not running Instance "energiefluss.1" is not running NETWORK/IPv4: true NETWORK/IPv6: true NETWORK/useSystemNpm: true OBJECTS/type: jsonl OBJECTS/host: OBJECTS/port: 9001 OBJECTS/user: OBJECTS/pass: OBJECTS/noFileCache: true OBJECTS/connectTimeout: 5000 OBJECTS/OPTIONS/retryStrategy: reconnectCount => { if (!ready && initError && ignoreErrors) { return new Error('No more tries'); } if (this.stop) { return new Error('Client has stopped ... no retries anymore'); } if (ready && reconnectCount >= retry_max_count) { return new Error('Stop trying to reconnect'); } // A function that receives an options object as parameter including the retry attempt, // the total_retry_time indicating how much time passed since the last time connected, // the error why the connection was lost and the number of times_connected in total. // If you return a number from this function, the retry will happen exactly after that // time in milliseconds. If you return a non-number, no further retry will happen and // all offline commands are flushed with errors. Return an error to return that // specific error to all offline commands. if (!ready) { return 300; } else { return retry_max_delay; } /*if (options.error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { // End reconnecting on a specific error and flush all commands with a individual error return new Error('The server refused the connection'); } if (options.total_retry_time > 1000 * 60 * 60) { // End reconnecting after a specific timeout and flush all commands with a individual error return new Error('Retry time exhausted'); } if (options.times_connected > 10) { // End reconnecting with built in error return undefined; } // reconnect after return Math.max(options.attempt * 100, 3000);*/ } OBJECTS/OPTIONS/enableReadyCheck: true OBJECTS/OPTIONS/host: OBJECTS/OPTIONS/port: 9001 OBJECTS/OPTIONS/db: 0 OBJECTS/OPTIONS/family: 0 OBJECTS/OPTIONS/autoResubscribe: false OBJECTS/OPTIONS/connectionName: OBJECTS/dataDir: ../../iobroker-data/ OBJECTS/maxQueue: 1000 STATES/type: jsonl STATES/host: STATES/port: 9000 STATES/OPTIONS/retryStrategy: reconnectCount => { if (!ready && initError) { return new Error('No more tries'); } if (this.stop) { return new Error('Client has stopped ... no retries anymore'); } if (ready && reconnectCount >= retry_max_count) { return new Error('Stop trying to reconnect'); } // A function that receives an options object as parameter including the retry attempt, // the total_retry_time indicating how much time passed since the last time connected, // the error why the connection was lost and the number of times_connected in total. // If you return a number from this function, the retry will happen exactly after that // time in milliseconds. If you return a non-number, no further retry will happen and // all offline commands are flushed with errors. Return an error to return that // specific error to all offline commands. if (!ready) { return 300; } return retry_max_delay; /*if (options.error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { // End reconnecting on a specific error and flush all commands with a individual error return new Error('The server refused the connection'); } if (options.total_retry_time > 1000 * 60 * 60) { // End reconnecting after a specific timeout and flush all commands with a individual error return new Error('Retry time exhausted'); } if (options.times_connected > 10) { // End reconnecting with built in error return undefined; } // reconnect after return Math.max(options.attempt * 100, 3000);*/ } STATES/OPTIONS/enableReadyCheck: true STATES/OPTIONS/host: STATES/OPTIONS/port: 9000 STATES/OPTIONS/db: 0 STATES/OPTIONS/family: 0 STATES/OPTIONS/autoResubscribe: false STATES/OPTIONS/connectionName: STATES/dataDir: ../../iobroker-data/ STATES/connectTimeout: 5000 STATES/maxQueue: 1000 LOG/level: info LOG/maxDays: 7 LOG/TRANSPORT/FILE1/type: file LOG/TRANSPORT/FILE1/enabled: true LOG/TRANSPORT/FILE1/filename: log/iobroker LOG/TRANSPORT/FILE1/fileext: .log dataDir: ../../iobroker-data/ SYSTEM/hostname:
Welche Fehler?
Bei mir ist das wesentlich gesprächiger.
Unter anderem steht da sowas drin:MULTIHOSTSERVICE/enabled: false MULTIHOSTSERVICE/secure: true MULTIHOSTSERVICE/password: $/aes-192-cbc:d506ffc0c4fdc9aa32ed3b79478cd755:1814842aadb4f78d501b978cbcd0ef56 MULTIHOSTSERVICE/persist: false NETWORK/IPv4: true NETWORK/IPv6: true
Welcher js-controller und admin läuft da bei dir?