@apollon77 In beiden Fällen negativ. Hab das script laufen lassen, dann den PH-803w aus und gewartet, aber die Pause war wohl zu lange. Dann hab ich ihn wieder eingeschaltet, bin reingelaufen und hab das script gestartet, aber es konnte sich nicht verbinden.
Update hab ich gerade eben vorher gemacht.
ph803w:device received pong +9ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device Ping response overdue, reconnect +8s ph803w:device Destroy socket +1ms ph803w:device Socket error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH +29s Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH (node:9875) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/pi/node_modules/node-ph803w/lib/device.js:78:28) at Socket.emit (events.js:314:20) at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:92:8) at emitErrorAndCloseNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:60:3) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:84:21) (node:9875) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 1) (node:9875) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
pi@iobroker:~/node_modules/node-ph803w/example $ DEBUG=ph803w* node data.js ph803w:device Socket error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH +0ms Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH (node:15611) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/pi/node_modules/node-ph803w/lib/device.js:78:28) at Socket.emit (events.js:314:20) at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:92:8) at emitErrorAndCloseNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:60:3) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:84:21) (node:15611) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 1) (node:15611) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
@apollon77 Ich hab's hier eingerichtet und kann auf Zuruf testen, aber ihr kommt ja momentan so aus. Nur, falls Du noch jemanden brauchst, melde Dich. Ach, und danke für die ganze Arbeit! Ich freue mich so darauf, hoffentlich irgendwann die Daten im iobroker zu haben
Grüße, Claudio -
Log wenn Gerät eingeschaltet, dann ausgeschaltet. Nach ca. 30s bricht er dann komplett ab.
root@debian:/home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/example# DEBUG=ph803w* node data.js ph803w:device Connected to TCP +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 7: 0000000303000006 +2ms ph803w:device Passcode received: IIXODDIHLL +7ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 7: IIXODDIHLL +1ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 9: 000000030f000008000a4949 584f444449484c4c +0ms ph803w:device login success +16ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 9: true +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 145: 000000030400009002 +1m s ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.35,"re dox":96,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +48ms Data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.35,"redox":96,"phSwitch":false," redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Resolve for message type 145: [object Object] +2ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.35,"r edox":94,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +3s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.35,"redox":94,"phSwitch":false, "redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: { "binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.35,"redox":94,"phSwitch":false,"redoxS witch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +1s ph803w:device received pong +3ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +16ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.36,"redox":93,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +707ms Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.36,"redox":93,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.36,"redox":93,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +3s ph803w:device received pong +3ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.36,"redox":92,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +3s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.36,"redox":92,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.36,"redox":92,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +1s ph803w:device received pong +2ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +43ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device Ping response overdue, reconnect +8s ph803w:device Destroy socket +0ms ph803w:device Socket error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH +28s Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH (node:13947) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/lib/device.js:78:28) at Socket.emit (events.js:314:20) at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:92:8) at emitErrorAndCloseNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:60:3) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:84:21) (node:13947) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 1) (node:13947) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
Zweites Log, Gerät nach ca. 10-15s wieder eingesteckt.
root@debian:/home/coyote/ph803w/node_modules/node-ph803w/example# DEBUG=ph803w* node data.js ph803w:device Connected to TCP +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 7: 0000000303000006 +12ms ph803w:device Passcode received: IIXODDIHLL +7ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 7: IIXODDIHLL +1ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 9: 000000030f000008000a4949584f444449484c4c +1ms ph803w:device login success +7ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 9: true +1ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 145: 000000030400009002 +1ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.42,"redox":-59,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +47ms Data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.42,"redox":-59,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Resolve for message type 145: [object Object] +2ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.38,"redox":-56,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +3s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.38,"redox":-56,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.38,"redox":-56,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +1s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +2ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.38,"redox":-57,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +3s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.38,"redox":-57,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.38,"redox":-57,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +764ms ph803w:device received pong +2ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +2ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.39,"redox":-56,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +1s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.39,"redox":-56,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.39,"redox":-56,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +3s ph803w:device Ping response overdue, reconnect +8s ph803w:device Destroy socket +0ms ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s
Reconnect geht bei mir jetzt gar nicht mehr. Zumindest kommen keine Werte mehr. Er bricht aber auch nicht ab
ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":6.95,"redox":690,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +1s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":6.95,"redox":690,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":6.95,"redox":690,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms ph803w:device Send ping +3s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device Ping response overdue, reconnect +8s ph803w:device Destroy socket +1ms ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s
Grrmpf ... war wohl doch zu spät gestern Abend ... Hab die Änderungen nicht zu GitHub gepusht
Also bitte "Nochmal" das ganze
Alles unter Vorbehalt, weil es gestern bei mir auch schon nicht lief und bei Coyote gings. Kanns an diesen Meldungen liegen, das es nicht funktioniert? Mal sehn was die anderen sagen.
pi@iobroker:~ $ npm install Apollon77/node-ph803w npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/pi/package.json' npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/pi/package.json' npm WARN pi No description npm WARN pi No repository field. npm WARN pi No README data npm WARN pi No license field. npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.3.2 (node_modules/fsevents): npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.3.2: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"arm"})
Hier hab ich das Gerät angemacht, script laufen lassen, Gerät aus, gewartet und wieder an.
pi@iobroker:~/node_modules/node-ph803w/example $ DEBUG=ph803w* node data.js ph803w:device Connected to TCP +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 7: 0000000303000006 +4ms ph803w:device Passcode received: IVEXBRFPMQ +8ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 7: IVEXBRFPMQ +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 9: 000000030f000008000a49564558425246504d51 +1ms ph803w:device login success +7ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 9: true +0ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 145: 000000030400009002 +1ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.09,"redox":729,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +56ms Data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.09,"redox":729,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Resolve for message type 145: [object Object] +2ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +73ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +4ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +9ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +4ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +10ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +8ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +8ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +4ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +4ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +7ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device Ping response overdue, reconnect +8s ph803w:device Destroy socket +1ms ph803w:device Connected to TCP +13s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s
Dann aus, script anund Gerät an:
pi@iobroker:~/node_modules/node-ph803w/example $ DEBUG=ph803w* node data.js ph803w:device Socket error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH +0ms Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH
Hab dann vermutlich erst heute Mittag wieder Zeit zu testen.
@skinni nein, das passt schon. Die Fehlermeldungen kommen bei mir auch beim Installieren.
Eigentlich sieht es ja so aus wie bei mir, nur das beim zweiten mal das Script das Gerät nicht findet.
Ich habe zwar jetzt die neue Version installiert, kann aber erst heute Mittag/Abend testen mit Gerät aus/ein schalten -
Also jetzt gerade nochmal getestet.
Wenn ich das Script starte und dann das Gerät einstecke, verbindet er sich. Man darf aber auch da nicht so lange warten.
Ansonsten gleiches wie gestern, stecke ich das Teil aus und warte über 30s bricht er ab, warte ich etwas kürzer kommt wieder:ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s ph803w:device Connected to TCP +10s ph803w:device Socket end, Reconnect: true +10s
@skinni sagte in PH-Messung:
ooooookkkk ... ich glaube ich hab jetzt meinen Denkfehler gefunden. Bitte nochmal Reconnect versuchen
Funktioniert, gute Arbeit so ohne eigenes Gerät
Gerät eingesteckt, Script start -> läuft
Gerät ausgesteckt, 15s später eingesteckt ->läuft
Gerät ausgesteckt, 1min später eingesteckt -> läuftProbiere jetzt noch Script start und Gerät ausgesteckt, denke das geht aber auch.
Noch was testen?
Ansonsten kannst nen Adapter draus machen -
Jetzt war ich gerade draußen und hab getestet da kommst du mir zuvor
Hat bei mir auch alles geklappt, sowohl der Start mit ausgestecktem Gerät, als auch sämtliche Unterbrechungen.
Cool, danke.
Dann baue ich als Nächstes mal noch die Auto Discovery. Melde mich. Danach ist Adapter fix gemacht.
Jemand noch irgendwelche korrelationen im binFlag1zum Display oder so gefunden?!
nee sorry, ich weiß du hättest da gerne was
Ist bei mir immer 100 bis auf das erste Paket mit 11.
Mir ist gerade aufgefallen, dass es manchmal selten Daten gibt. Gefühlt ist es so, wenn sich die Werte stabilisiert haben, aber das ist nur eine Vermutung. Evtl. wenn keine Änderung war, gibts kein Update.
Wenn ich das script neu starte verbindet es sich, aber bekommt weiterhin nichts. Scheint also am Gerät selbst zu liegen. Die Abstände bis Daten kommen können also variieren.ph803w:device Resolve for message type 7: {"type":"Buffer","data":[73,86,69,88,66,82,70,80,77,81]} +1ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 9: 000000030f000008000a49564558425246504d51 +1ms ph803w:device login success +9ms ph803w:device Resolve for message type 9: true +1ms ph803w:device Write and register for response type 145: 000000030400009002 +2ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.14,"redox":690,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +48ms Data: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.14,"redox":690,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Resolve for message type 145: {"binFlags1":"11","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.14,"redox":690,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +3ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +8ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +7ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +9ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +7ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +7ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +7ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +4ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +9ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +4ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.14,"redox":689,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +1s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.14,"redox":689,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.14,"redox":689,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +1ms ph803w:device Send ping +3s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +6ms ph803w:device Send ping +4s ph803w:device received pong +5ms ph803w:device Retrieved data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.14,"redox":690,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +1s Data: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.14,"redox":690,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} ph803w:device Ignore resolve for message type 145 because no promise stored: {"binFlags1":"100","binFlags2":"10","ph":7.14,"redox":690,"phSwitch":false,"redoxSwitch":true} +0ms
@skinni das kann gut sein. Konnte ich leider noch nicht testen, da mein Gerät noch auf dem Tisch liegt und sich die Werte eben ständig ändern.
@skinni also das nur Updates kommen bei Änderungen war auch mein Gefühl. Was ja ok ist. Aber alles klar. Dann haben wir halt nur 4 Werte pro gerät bisher. Alles ok
So habs endlich auch geschafft das Ding auf einem alten Raspi zu installieren! Cool vielen lieben Dank für all die Arbeit!
Wahnsinn, was ihr hier auf die Beine gestellt habt.
Bis wann kann man mit einem Adapter für ioBroker rechnen? -
ist es schon möglich den Adapter zu testen?
Muss man für die Installation anders vorgehen als mit normalen Adapter, die man von github installiert? -
@sven-n gibt noch kein Adapter, Apollon hat ein node Script gebastelt. Weiter oben im Thread hat er geschrieben, wie man es installiert
@coyote auf seinem github gibt es doch schon was oder sehe ich das falsch?