[Vorlage] Script für Sonos-Adapter
Hi zusammen,
vielen Dank für euer Feedback!
Kurze Zwischeninfo: Ich werde demnächst eine entsprechend verbesserte Version hier veröffentlichen (kann noch mehrere Tage dauern, aber wohl noch vor der Schneeschmelze
). Hoffentlich dann per "copy/paste" als Beispiel-Projekt in VIS einfach zu integrieren.
Weitere Probleme / Wünsche / Vorschläge / usw. sind sehr gerne willkommen -
Hallo, danke für das Script.
Leider habe ich noch ein kleines Problem bei dem ich nicht weiter weiß, vielleicht kann mir einer helfen. Irgendwie stehe ich auf dem Schlauch.
Ich kann nur einen Favoriten anwählen und der wird dann wie auf dem Bild dargestellt. Danach stopt das Script.
Danke und schöne Grüße
Tim -
Hey Tim,
poste am besten mal dein komplettes Script, sieht auf den ersten Blick nach Sonderzeichen-Problem aus.
Außerdem: welche Sonderzeichen hast du denn in deinen Sonos-Favoriten (Sonos-App)?Ergänzung: und kompletter Error-Log wäre gut als Textdatei hier in Code-Tags (im ioBroker Admin > Log)
@Mic sagte in [Vorlage] Script für Sonos-Adapter:
Hi zusammen,
vielen Dank für euer Feedback!
Kurze Zwischeninfo: Ich werde demnächst eine entsprechend verbesserte Version hier veröffentlichen (kann noch mehrere Tage dauern, aber wohl noch vor der Schneeschmelze
). Hoffentlich dann per "copy/paste" als Beispiel-Projekt in VIS einfach zu integrieren.
Weitere Probleme / Wünsche / Vorschläge / usw. sind sehr gerne willkommenVielen Dank für Deine Mühe! Wollte mich gerade dran machen, mal alles bei mir zu installieren, nach diesem Post sollte ich aber warten, oder?
@Termina sagte in [Vorlage] Script für Sonos-Adapter:
Vielen Dank für Deine Mühe! Wollte mich gerade dran machen, mal alles bei mir zu installieren, nach diesem Post sollte ich aber warten, oder?
Nicht warten, kann noch dauern aus Zeitgründen bei mir
Hallo, danke schon mal für die Antwort. So nun das Script und Error-Log. Hoffe ich habe das richtig eingefügt.
/******************************************************************************* * --------------------------- * SONOS-Script: Bietet diverse Zusatz-Funktionen zur Steuerung von SONOS-Geräten * mit dem SONOS-Adapter ( * --------------------------- * Quelle: * Autor: Mic (ioBroker) | Mic-M (github) * Support: * Change log: * 1.2 + Use new Sonos adapter state (since 2.0.0, pull request 55) 'favorites_list_array' to allow comma * in favorite name, see * + Replaced state 'customFavoriteList' with 'customFavoriteListArray', to allow semicolon in fav name * 1.1 + On script start, push all Sonos favorites into custom favorites initially * 1.0 + Major release, added several additional functions and improvements * 0.3 + Create states for each Sonos device automatically * + New state 'allStop' to stop all Sonos devices * 0.2 - Fix: added missing function isLikeEmpty() * 0.1 - initial version ******************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: Allgemein ****************************************************************************************/ // Datenpunkt-Pfad, unter dem die entsprechenden Script-Datenpunkte angelegt werden. const SCRIPT_STATE_PATH = 'javascript.' + 0 + '.' + 'Sonos'; // Instanz des SONOS-Adapters. Standard ist 0. const SONOS_ADAPTER_INSTANCE = 0; /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: Favoriten-Liste für VIS ****************************************************************************************/ // Favoriten-Liste: alphabetisch sortieren? true = ja, false = nein const SORT_LIST = true; // Favoriten-Liste: Den Favoriten eine fortlaufende Nummer voranstellen (1, 2, 3, ...)? const LIST_NO_ADD = true; // auf false setzen, wenn nicht gewünscht. const LIST_NO_SEP = '. ' // Trennzeichen nach der Nummer. Gilt nur, wenn LIST_NO_ADD = true gesetzt. // Favoriten-Liste: CSS-Bezeichnungen. Kann man einfach so stehen lassen. const CSS_CURRENT_SEL = 'currentsonosFavorite'; // CSS-ID für die aktuelle Auswahl const CSS_FAVORITE_ELEM = 'favoritesonosTitle' // CSS-Klasse für jeden Eintrag der Liste /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: 'favoritesPlayPrevious' und 'favoritesPlayNext' ****************************************************************************************/ // Normalerweise wird bei Klicken auf Datenpunkt favoritesPlayNext/favoritesPlayPrevious // der nächste/vorherige Favorit lt. SONOS-App abgespielt. Wir können dies aber hiermit // alphabetisch sortieren, so dass der nächste/vorherige lt. Alphabet gespielt wird. // true = alphabetisch sortieren, false = nicht alphabetisch sortieren const FAVORITES_PLAY_PREV_NEXT_SORT = true; /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: Buttons volumeUp/volumeDown zum erhöhen/verringern der Lautstärke ****************************************************************************************/ // um wie viel % wird erhöht/verringert beim klicken auf volumeUp/volumeDown? const VOL_VALUE = 3; // Maximale Lautstärke in %, mehr wird nicht erhöht. const MAX_VOLUME = 95; /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: Beim Abspielen immer Sonos-Geräte als Gruppe hinzufügen ****************************************************************************************/ // Hiermit kann man Sonos-Geräte definieren, zu denen immer beim Abspielen weitere Geräte // als Gruppe hinzugefügt werden. // Zum Einschalten: auf true setzen. const GROUP_ON_PLAY = false; // Falls GROUP_ON_PLAY = false, fann kann man folgendes ignorieren. // Es können beliebig viele Zeilen hinzugefügt werden. // channelMain: Hier den Channel des 1. Gerätes eintragen, also die IP, aber "_" statt Punkt, also z.B. '192_168_10_12' // channelsToAdd: Hier Geräte eintragen, welche zum ersten Gerät als Gruppe hinzugefügt werden sollen // Außerdem unter volumeAdjust das Volumen gegenüber dem channelMain nach oben oder unten anpassen. const GROUP_ON_PLAY_DEVICES = [ { channelMain: '192_168_178_53', channelsToAdd: [{ channel: '192_168_10_7', volumeAdjust: -3 }] }, { channelMain: '192_168_10_10', channelsToAdd: [{ channel: '192_168_10_25', volumeAdjust: -2 }, { channel: '192_168_10_26', volumeAdjust: 0 }] }, ]; /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: Sonstige ****************************************************************************************/ // Standard-Lautstärke beim Starten mit customFavoritesPlay / .customFavoritesPlayG const PRESET_VOLUME = 15; // Ein paar Infos im Log anzeigen? const LOG_INFO = true; /************************************************************************************************************************* * Das war es auch schon. Ab hier nichts mehr ändern! *************************************************************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************** * Global variables and constants ****************************************************************************************/ // Alle Sonos-States (Geräte) in Array, also z.B. ['sonos.0.root.192_168_0_12', 'sonos.0.root.192_168_0_13'] const SONOS_CHANNELS = getAllSonosChannels(SONOS_ADAPTER_INSTANCE); /**************************************************************************************** * Initialize ****************************************************************************************/ init(); function init() { createStates(); setTimeout(function () { // Subscribe to states subscribeToStates(); for (let lpChannel of SONOS_CHANNELS) { let sonosFavsArray = sonosFavoritesArray(lpChannel); let customFavsArray = getState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteListArray').val; // If custom favorites list is empty, we push all Sonos Favorites into it in the beginning. if (isLikeEmpty(customFavsArray)) { let customFavsArray = [...sonosFavsArray]; // copy array if (SORT_LIST) customFavsArray = arraySortCaseInsensitive(customFavsArray); setState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteListArray', customFavsArray, true); } // Refresh global HTML playlist initially refreshFavoritesHtmlList(lpChannel, sonosFavsArray, scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.sonosFavoriteListHtml'); // Refresh custom HTML playlist initially refreshFavoritesHtmlList(lpChannel, customFavsArray, scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteListHtml'); // Refresh Configuration HTML refreshConfigurationHtml(lpChannel); setTimeout(function () { // Clean Custom Favorites List, if Sonos Favorite was deleted. // We perfom this also in the beginning. cleanCustomFavoritesList(lpChannel); }, 2000); } }, 2000); } function createStates() { for (let lpChannel of SONOS_CHANNELS) { createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.sonosFavoriteListHtml', { 'name': 'Sonos Favorites HTML List', 'type': 'string', 'read': true, 'write': true, 'role': 'media.list', 'def': '' }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.sonosFavoritesPlayNext', { 'name': 'Favorites: play next', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': false, 'write': true, 'role': 'button', 'def': false }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.sonosFavoritesPlayPrevious', { 'name': 'Favorites: play previous', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': false, 'write': true, 'role': 'button', 'def': false }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteAdd', { 'name': 'Custom Favorites: Add a favorite', 'type': 'string', 'read': true, 'write': true, 'role': 'state', 'def': '' }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteRemove', { 'name': 'Custom Favorites: Remove a favorite', 'type': 'string', 'read': true, 'write': true, 'role': 'state', 'def': '' }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteListArray', { 'name': 'Custom Favorites List Array', 'type': 'array', 'read': true, 'write': true, 'role': 'state', 'def': '' }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteListHtml', { 'name': 'Custom Favorites HTML List', 'type': 'string', 'read': true, 'write': true, 'role': 'media.list', 'def': '' }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteConfigHtml', { 'name': 'Custom Favorites HTML Configuration', 'type': 'string', 'read': true, 'write': true, 'role': 'state', 'def': '' }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteToggleConfigVis', { 'name': 'Custom Favorites: For Vis to toggle config', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': true, 'write': true, 'role': 'state', 'def': false }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoritesPlay', { 'name': 'Custom Favorites: Start playing and set default volume for device', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': false, 'write': true, 'role': 'button', 'def': false }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoritesPlayG', { 'name': 'Custom Favorites: Start playing and set default volume for GROUP', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': false, 'write': true, 'role': 'button', 'def': false }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoritesPlayNext', { 'name': 'Custom Favorites: play next', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': false, 'write': true, 'role': 'button', 'def': false }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoritesPlayPrevious', { 'name': 'Custom Favorites: play previous', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': false, 'write': true, 'role': 'button', 'def': false }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoritesPlayByNumber', { 'name': 'Custom Favorites: Play a favorite by number (1-x)', 'type': 'number', 'min': 1, 'max': 999, 'read': true, 'write': true, 'role': 'state' }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.volumeUp', { 'name': 'Increase volume', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': false, 'write': true, 'role': 'button', 'def': false }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.volumeDown', { 'name': 'Decrease volume', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': false, 'write': true, 'role': 'button', 'def': false }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.volumeGroupUp', { 'name': 'Increase volume of group', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': false, 'write': true, 'role': 'button', 'def': false }); createState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.volumeGroupDown', { 'name': 'Decrease volume of group', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': false, 'write': true, 'role': 'button', 'def': false }); } createState(SCRIPT_STATE_PATH + '.' + 'allStop', { 'name': 'Stop all Sonos devices', 'type': 'boolean', 'read': false, 'write': true, 'role': 'button', 'def': false }); } function subscribeToStates() { for (let lpChannel of SONOS_CHANNELS) { /******************************************* * Global Favorites *******************************************/ /** * Refresh if the Sonos Favorites list changes */ on({ id: sonosPath(lpChannel) + '.favorites_list', change: 'ne' }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel(; // Refresh HTML refreshFavoritesHtmlList(channel, sonosFavoritesArray(channel), scriptPath(channel) + '.sonosFavoriteListHtml'); // Nun können wir refreshen // Refresh Configuration HTML refreshConfigurationHtml(channel); // Clean Custom Favorites List, if Sonos Favorite was deleted cleanCustomFavoritesList(channel); }); /** * Refresh if the current favorite changes */ on({ id: sonosPath(lpChannel) + '.favorites_set', change: 'ne' }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel( refreshFavoritesHtmlList(channel, sonosFavoritesArray(channel), scriptPath(channel) + '.sonosFavoriteListHtml'); // Nun können wir refreshen }); /** * Play next Sonos favorite */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.sonosFavoritesPlayNext', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let favsArray = sonosFavoritesArray(lpChannel); if (FAVORITES_PLAY_PREV_NEXT_SORT) favsArray = arraySortCaseInsensitive(favsArray); favoritesPlayNext(lpChannel, favsArray, true); }); /** * Play previous Sonos favorite */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.sonosFavoritesPlayPrevious', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let favsArray = sonosFavoritesArray(lpChannel); if (FAVORITES_PLAY_PREV_NEXT_SORT) favsArray = arraySortCaseInsensitive(favsArray); favoritesPlayNext(lpChannel, favsArray, false); }); /******************************************* * Custom Favorites *******************************************/ /** * Refresh if the Custom Favorites list changes */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteListArray', change: 'ne' }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel(; // Refresh Custom Favorites HTML List refreshFavoritesHtmlList(channel, getState(scriptPath(channel) + '.customFavoriteListArray').val, scriptPath(channel) + '.customFavoriteListHtml'); // Nun können wir refreshen // Refresh Configuration HTML refreshConfigurationHtml(channel); }); /** * Refresh if the current Sonos favorite changes */ on({ id: sonosPath(lpChannel) + '.favorites_set', change: 'ne' }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel(; refreshFavoritesHtmlList(channel, getState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteListArray').val, scriptPath(channel) + '.customFavoriteListHtml'); // Nun können wir refreshen }); /** * Add a Favorite to Custom Favorite List */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteAdd', change: 'any' }, function (obj) { if (!isLikeEmpty(obj.state.val)) { customFavoritesAddRemove(lpChannel, obj.state.val, true); if (LOG_INFO) log('[' + obj.state.val + '] added to custom favorite list.'); setStateDelayed(, '', true, 500); } }); /** * Remove a Favorite from Custom Favorite List */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteRemove', change: 'any' }, function (obj) { if (!isLikeEmpty(obj.state.val)) { customFavoritesAddRemove(lpChannel, obj.state.val, false); if (LOG_INFO) log('[' + obj.state.val + '] removed from custom favorite list.'); setStateDelayed(, '', true, 500); } }); /** * Play next custom favorite */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoritesPlayNext', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let favsArray = getState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteListArray').val; favoritesPlayNext(lpChannel, favsArray, true); }); /** * Play previous custom favorite */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoritesPlayPrevious', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let favsArray = getState(scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoriteListArray').val; favoritesPlayNext(lpChannel, favsArray, false); }); /******************************************* * Volume *******************************************/ /** * Volume Up: Device */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.volumeUp', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel(; volumeUp(channel, 'volume', true, VOL_VALUE); }); /** * Volume Down: Device */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.volumeDown', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel(; volumeUp(channel, 'volume', false, VOL_VALUE); }); /** * Volume Up: Group */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.volumeGroupUp', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel(; volumeUp(channel, 'group_volume', true, VOL_VALUE); }); /** * Volume Down: Group */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.volumeGroupDown', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel(; volumeUp(channel, 'group_volume', false, VOL_VALUE); }); /******************************************* * Others *******************************************/ /** * Custom Favorites: Play favorite by number. */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoritesPlayByNumber', change: 'any' }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel(; playCustomFavoriteByNumber(channel, obj.state.val); }); /** * Custom Favorites: Start playing and set standard volume level to device */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoritesPlay', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel(; sonosStart(channel, 'volume', PRESET_VOLUME); }); /** * Custom Favorites: Start playing and set standard volume level to GROUP */ on({ id: scriptPath(lpChannel) + '.customFavoritesPlayG', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel(; sonosStart(channel, 'group_volume', PRESET_VOLUME); }); } /** * Group Sonos devices once status is play */ if (GROUP_ON_PLAY) { for (let lpItem of GROUP_ON_PLAY_DEVICES) { let channelMain = lpItem['channelMain']; on({ id: sonosPath(channelMain) + '.state_simple', change: 'any', val: true }, function (obj) { let channel = getChannel(; groupSonos(channel); }); } } /** * Stop playing at all Sonos devices */ on({ id: SCRIPT_STATE_PATH + '.' + 'allStop', change: "any", val: true }, function (obj) { for (let lpChannel of SONOS_CHANNELS) { setState(sonosPath(lpChannel) + '.stop', true); } setState(, false, true); // jetzt Datenpunkt wieder auf false setzen. }); } /*********** * Clean custom favorites list, if a Sonos Favorite was removed. * @param {string} channel The channel xx_xx_xx_xx */ function cleanCustomFavoritesList(channel) { // Sonos Favorites in Array let sonosFavsArray = sonosFavoritesArray(channel); // Custom Favorites in Array let customFavsArray = getState(scriptPath(channel) + '.customFavoriteListArray').val; // Now remove all items from Custom Favs Array, if not existing in Sonos Favorites let resultArray = []; for (let lpCustomItem of customFavsArray) { if (sonosFavsArray.indexOf(lpCustomItem) != -1) { resultArray.push(lpCustomItem); } } setState(scriptPath(channel) + '.customFavoriteListArray', resultArray, true); } /*********** * Adds or removes a favorite to/from custom favorite list * @param {string} channel The channel xx_xx_xx_xx * @param {string} favorite The favorite to add or remove * @param {boolean} add add if true, or remove, if false */ function customFavoritesAddRemove(channel, favorite, add) { // favorite = favorite.replace (/,/g, ''); // Remove any comma from string. // 12-Sep-2019: removed as Sonos adapter now allows with state favorites_list_array commas as well let statePth = scriptPath(channel) + '.customFavoriteListArray'; let customFavorites = getState(statePth).val; if (!isLikeEmpty(favorite)) { if (add) { if (customFavorites.indexOf(favorite) == -1) { // Check if given favorite is member of Sonos favorites. let sonosFavs = sonosFavoritesArray(channel); if (sonosFavs.indexOf(favorite) != -1) { customFavorites.push(favorite); customFavorites = cleanArray(customFavorites); // just in case if (SORT_LIST) customFavorites = arraySortCaseInsensitive(customFavorites); setState(statePth, customFavorites, true); } } } else { // remove if (customFavorites.indexOf(favorite) != -1) { customFavorites = arrayRemoveElementsByValue(customFavorites, favorite, true); customFavorites = cleanArray(customFavorites); // just in case setState(statePth, customFavorites, true); // wegen {"val:..."} siehe } } } } /*********** * Returnes the Sonos path for a given channel. * @param {string} channel The channel xx_xx_xx_xx * @return {string} the Sonos path, e.g. 'sonos.0.root.192_168_0_15' */ function sonosPath(channel) { return 'sonos.' + SONOS_ADAPTER_INSTANCE + '.root.' + channel; } /*********** * Returnes the Script path for a given channel. * @param {string} channel The channel xx_xx_xx_xx * @return {string} the Script path, e.g. 'javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_0_15' */ function scriptPath(channel) { return SCRIPT_STATE_PATH + '.' + channel; } /*********** * Refreshes the current Favorites HTML List. * @param {string} channel The channel xx_xx_xx_xx * @param {string} favArray Array of the Favorites * @param {string} state The state to update */ function refreshFavoritesHtmlList(channel, favArray, state) { let current = getState(sonosPath(channel) + '.favorites_set').val; let favArrayDisplay; let htmlResult; /***** * Sort Array case insensitive ****/ if (SORT_LIST) favArray = arraySortCaseInsensitive(favArray); /***** * After sorting, we do some stuff to the displayed value ****/ favArrayDisplay = [...favArray]; // copy for (let i = 0; i < favArrayDisplay.length; i++) { let strResult = favArrayDisplay[i]; // Strip HTML: strResult = strResult.replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, ''); // Add number to each element if (LIST_NO_ADD) strResult = (i + 1) + LIST_NO_SEP + strResult; // Finally, set to element favArrayDisplay[i] = strResult; } if (SORT_LIST) favArray = arraySortCaseInsensitive(favArray); /***** * Build Playlist ****/ htmlResult = '<table>' + '\n'; for (let i = 0; i < favArray.length; i++) { htmlResult += '\t' + '<tr onclick="vis.setValue(\'' + sonosPath(channel) + '.favorites_set' + '\', \'' + favArray[i] + '\')">' + '\n'; htmlResult += '\t\t' + '<td>'; let strCSSCurrPlaylist = ''; if (isLikeEmpty(current) === false) { if (current == favArray[i]) { strCSSCurrPlaylist = ' id="' + CSS_CURRENT_SEL + '"'; } } htmlResult += '<div class="' + CSS_FAVORITE_ELEM + '"' + strCSSCurrPlaylist + '>'; htmlResult += favArrayDisplay[i]; htmlResult += '</div>'; htmlResult += '</td>' + '\n'; htmlResult += '\t' + '</tr>' + '\n'; } htmlResult += '</table>' + '\n'; /*************************** * Automatisches Scrollen der aktuellen Playlist * Abgeschaut von: * 28-Aug-2018: Noch ergänzt: "if (element != undefined)". Sonst wird die Liste unsauber dargestellt. ***************************/ htmlResult += '<script>'; htmlResult += 'let element = document.getElementById("' + CSS_CURRENT_SEL + '");'; // ID von dem aktuellen DIV in der TABLE oben htmlResult += "if (element != undefined) element.scrollIntoView(true);"; //true = Position oben / false = Position unten htmlResult += '</script>'; /****************************/ // Finally: set state setState(state, htmlResult, true); } function refreshConfigurationHtml(channel) { let sonosFavsArray = sonosFavoritesArray(channel); if (SORT_LIST) sonosFavsArray = arraySortCaseInsensitive(sonosFavsArray); let customFavsArray = getState(scriptPath(channel) + '.customFavoriteListArray').val; let favArrayDisplay; let htmlResult; /***** * After sorting, we do some stuff to the displayed value ****/ favArrayDisplay = [...sonosFavsArray]; // copy for (let i = 0; i < favArrayDisplay.length; i++) { let strResult = favArrayDisplay[i]; // Strip HTML: strResult = strResult.replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, ''); // Add number to each element if (LIST_NO_ADD) strResult = (i + 1) + LIST_NO_SEP + strResult; // Finally, set to element favArrayDisplay[i] = strResult; } /***** * Build Playlist ****/ htmlResult = '<table>' + '\n'; for (let i = 0; i < sonosFavsArray.length; i++) { // Indicates if current loop item is element of custom favorites list let isActive = (customFavsArray.indexOf(sonosFavsArray[i]) != -1) ? true : false; let stateAddRemove = (isActive) ? '.customFavoriteRemove' : '.customFavoriteAdd'; let classAddRemove = (isActive) ? 'removeFav' : 'addFav'; htmlResult += '\t' + '<tr onclick="vis.setValue(\'' + scriptPath(channel) + stateAddRemove + '\', \'' + sonosFavsArray[i] + '\')">' + '\n'; htmlResult += '\t\t' + '<td>'; htmlResult += '<div class="' + CSS_FAVORITE_ELEM + ' ' + classAddRemove + '"' + '>'; htmlResult += favArrayDisplay[i]; htmlResult += '</div>'; htmlResult += '</td>' + '\n'; htmlResult += '\t' + '</tr>' + '\n'; } htmlResult += '</table>' + '\n'; // Finally: set state setState(scriptPath(channel) + '.customFavoriteConfigHtml', htmlResult, true); } /** * Damit bekommen wir alle existierenden Sonos-Channels, wie 'xx_xx_xx_xx' von 'sonos.0.root.xx_xx_xx_xx' als Array * @param {number} instance Die Instanz des Sonos-Adapters. * @return {object} Array mit Channel aller Sonos-Geräte wie z.B. ['xx_xx_xx_xx', 'yy_yy_yy_yy'). * Falls nicht gefunden: leeres Array. */ function getAllSonosChannels(instance) { let resultArray = []; let mSelector = $('[id=^sonos.' + instance + '.root.*.pause]'); mSelector.each(function (id, i) { // Nun haben wir mit "id" die State-ID, z.B. sonos.0.root.xx_xx_xx_xx.pause // Wir trennen dieses String nun in ein Array auf. let lpArr = id.split("."); // Element Nr. 3 enthält xx_xx_xx_xx let loopChannel = lpArr[3]; // Ins Array setzen resultArray.push(loopChannel); }); return resultArray; } /** * Play next or previous favorite * @param {string} channel The channel xx_xx_xx_xx * @param {object} favArray Array with the favorites * @param {boolean} [playNext=true] Optional: If true: play next, if false: play previous. Default: true */ function favoritesPlayNext(channel, favArray, playNext) { if (playNext === undefined) playNext = true; // Current favorite from Sonos Adapter let currentFavSonosAdapter = getState(sonosPath(channel) + '.favorites_set').val; // Check if it is in our favorites list. // If not, we just set the first element of our custom list as current favorite. if ((currentFavSonosAdapter == '') || (favArray.indexOf(currentFavSonosAdapter) == -1)) { // indexOf() return the index of an element in the array, or -1 if it's not in the array. currentFavSonosAdapter = favArray[0]; } // Get next or previous favorite let nextFav = arrayGetNextOrPreviousValue(favArray, currentFavSonosAdapter, playNext); // set it to state setState(sonosPath(channel) + '.favorites_set', nextFav); if (LOG_INFO) log('Sonos umgeschaltet auf: ' + nextFav); } /** * Play favorite by number * @param {string} channel The channel xx_xx_xx_xx * @param {number} favNo Number of favorites. Start with 1 for first favorite (not 0). */ function playCustomFavoriteByNumber(channel, favNo) { if (favNo == 0) favNo = 1; let customFavorites = getState(scriptPath(channel) + '.customFavoriteListArray').val; if (customFavorites[favNo - 1] != undefined) { setState(sonosPath(channel) + '.favorites_set', customFavorites[favNo - 1]); if (LOG_INFO) log('Sonos umgeschaltet Favorit ' + favNo + ': ' + customFavorites[favNo - 1]); } else { log('Sonos Favorit Nummer ' + favNo + ' wurde nicht gefunden.'); } } /** * Return the Sonos favorites as array * As of Sonos adapter version 2.0.0 / Pull request 55, there is a new state 'favorites_list_array' * If this state is existing, we use it, instead of favorites_list * @param {string} channel The channel xx_xx_xx_xx * @return {object} The favorites as array */ function sonosFavoritesArray(channel) { if (isState('favorites_list_array', true)) { return getState(sonosPath(channel) + '.favorites_list_array').val; } else { return getState(sonosPath(channel) + '.favorites_list').val.split(', '); } } /** * Custom Favorites: Start Playing * @param {string} channel The channel xx_xx_xx_xx * @param {string} volType 'volume': volume of device; 'group_volume': the group volume * @param {number} [volume=15] Optional: Volume * @param {number} [position] Optional: Position in Favorites (starts with 1, not 0). If not provided, we use current set favorite */ function sonosStart(channel, volType, volume, position) { if (volume === undefined) volume = 15; if (position === undefined) position = -1; // No position provided, so we set to -1, to use current pos later if (position === 0) position = 1; let customFavorites = getState(scriptPath(channel) + '.customFavoriteListArray').val; // get current favorite from Sonos Adapter let currentFavorite = getState(sonosPath(channel) + '.favorites_set').val; // Check if it is in our custom favorites list. // If not, we just set the first element of our custom list as current favorite. if ((currentFavorite == '') || (customFavorites.indexOf(currentFavorite) == -1)) { // indexOf() return the index of an element in the array, or -1 if it's not in the array. currentFavorite = customFavorites[0]; } // If position was provided, we set accordingly. if (position != -1) { if (customFavorites[position - 1] != undefined) { currentFavorite = customFavorites[position - 1] } } setState(sonosPath(channel) + '.favorites_set', currentFavorite); // play favorite setState(sonosPath(channel) + '.' + volType, volume) // Set volume log('Sonos gestartet (Lautstärke ' + volume + '): ' + currentFavorite); } /** * Increase or decrease volume * @param {string} channel The channel xx_xx_xx_xx * @param {string} volType 'volume': volume of device; 'group_volume': the group volume * @param {boolean} increase if true: increase, if false: decrease * @param {number} [value=3] Optional: increase by how much. Default: 3 */ function volumeUp(channel, volType, increase, value) { if (value === undefined) value = 3; let currentVolume = getState(sonosPath(channel) + '.' + volType).val; log(currentVolume); let newVolume; let logTxt; if (increase) { newVolume = currentVolume + value; if (newVolume > MAX_VOLUME) newVolume = MAX_VOLUME; logTxt = 'erhöht'; } else { newVolume = currentVolume - Math.abs(value); // We accept also positive numbers, so remove minus if (newVolume <= 1) newVolume = 1; // Mindestens auf Lautstärke 1 belassen logTxt = 'verringert'; } setState(sonosPath(channel) + '.' + volType, newVolume); if (LOG_INFO) log('Sonos-Lautstärke um ' + value + ' auf ' + newVolume + ' ' + logTxt + '.'); } /**************** * Groups Sonos devices, per GROUP_ON_PLAY_DEVICES * @param {string} channelMain The Main Channel, xx_xx_xx_xx ****************/ function groupSonos(channelMain) { let channelsToAdd = getConfigValuePerKey(GROUP_ON_PLAY_DEVICES, 'channelMain', channelMain, 'channelsToAdd'); let currentMemberChannels = getState(sonosPath(channelMain) + '.membersChannels').val.split(','); for (let lpChannelAddItem of channelsToAdd) { let lpChannelToAdd = lpChannelAddItem['channel']; let lpChannelToAddVolumeAdjust = lpChannelAddItem['volumeAdjust']; if (currentMemberChannels.indexOf(lpChannelToAdd) === -1) { // channel is not in the current member channels list, so we add it setState(sonosPath(channelMain) + '.add_to_group', lpChannelToAdd); // Next, we adjust the volume let currVolumeMain = getState(sonosPath(channelMain) + '.volume').val; let volForNewChannel = currVolumeMain + lpChannelToAddVolumeAdjust; setState(sonosPath(lpChannelToAdd) + '.volume', volForNewChannel); // Log if (LOG_INFO) log('Sonos device ' + lpChannelToAdd + ' added to ' + channelMain + '. Adjusted volume by [' + lpChannelToAddVolumeAdjust + '].') } } } /** * Get channel from Sonos or Script state. * @param {string} state Sonos State, e.g. sonos.0.root.xx_xx_xx_xx.favorites_set * Or Scrript state, e.g. javascript.0.Sonos.xx_xx_xx_xx.customFavoriteListArray * @return {string} The channel xx_xx_xx_xx */ function getChannel(state) { let lpArr = state.split("."); // Nun haben wir mit "" die State-ID, z.B. sonos.0.root.xx_xx_xx_xx.favorites_set. Wir trennen dieses String nun in ein Array auf. let channel = lpArr[lpArr.length - 2]; // Channel auslesen, also xx_xx_xx_xx return channel; } /** * Sort array case-insensitive * @param {object} arrayInput Array to be sorted * @return {object} case-insensitive sorted array */ function arraySortCaseInsensitive(arrayInput) { let arrayResult = [...arrayInput]; // We use array spreads '...' to copy array. If not, array is changed by reference and not value. arrayResult.sort(function (a, b) { return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase()); }); return arrayResult; } /** * Checks if Array or String is not undefined, null or empty. * 08-Sep-2019: added check for [ and ] to also catch arrays with empty strings. * @param inputVar - Input Array or String, Number, etc. * @return true if it is undefined/null/empty, false if it contains value(s) * Array or String containing just whitespaces or >'< or >"< or >[< or >]< is considered empty */ function isLikeEmpty(inputVar) { if (typeof inputVar !== 'undefined' && inputVar !== null) { let strTemp = JSON.stringify(inputVar); strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\s+/g, ''); // remove all whitespaces strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\"+/g, ""); // remove all >"< strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\'+/g, ""); // remove all >'< strTemp = strTemp.replace(/[+/g, ""); // remove all >[< strTemp = strTemp.replace(/]+/g, ""); // remove all >]< if (strTemp !== '') { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return true; } } /** * Returns the next or previous element of an array for a given element. * Use case is to easily switch through an array of elements... * If it is the last element of the array, it will return the first one, if bNext is true. * If it is the first element of the array, it will return the last one, if bNext is false. * If not found, it will ALWAYS return the first element. * * @param {array} inputArray Array * @param {string} strElement for this String we want to get the next/previous array element * @param {boolean} bNext next element if true, previous element if false * @return {string} The next or previous element from the array */ function arrayGetNextOrPreviousValue(inputArray, strElement, bNext) { let iLength = inputArray.length; // Number of elements in the Array let iPosition = inputArray.indexOf(strElement) + 1; // Current position. We add 1 since first element is in position 0 let iPositionNext = iPosition + 1; let iPositionPrevious = iPosition - 1; if (bNext) { // if not found, it will return the first element... if (iPositionNext > iLength) iPositionNext = 1; return inputArray[iPositionNext - 1]; } else { if (iPosition === 0) { // will be zero if not found return inputArray[0]; // return the first element, if not found } else { if (iPositionPrevious < 1) iPositionPrevious = iLength; return inputArray[iPositionPrevious - 1]; } } } /** * Removing Array element(s) by input value. * @param {array} arr the input array * @param {string} valRemove the value to be removed * @param {boolean} [exact=true] OPTIONAL: default is true. if true, it must fully match. if false, it matches also if valRemove is part of element string * @return {array} the array without the element(s) */ function arrayRemoveElementsByValue(arr, valRemove, exact) { if (exact === undefined) exact = true; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (exact) { if (arr[i] === valRemove) { arr.splice(i, 1); i--; // required, see } } else { if (arr[i].indexOf(valRemove) != -1) { arr.splice(i, 1); i--; // see above } } } return arr; } /** * Clean Array: Removes all falsy values: undefined, null, 0, false, NaN and "" (empty string) * Source: * @param {array} inputArray Array to process * @return {array} Cleaned array */ function cleanArray(inputArray) { var newArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) { if (inputArray[i]) { newArray.push(inputArray[i]); } } return newArray; } /** * Removes all elements from an array contained in a second array. * It will ignore values of the second array, if not found in sourceArray. * Source: * @param {object} sourceArray The array from which to remove the elements * @param {object} arrayToRemove The array which elements we remove from sourceArray * @return {object} array without elements of arrayToRemove */ function arrayRemoveOtherArray(sourceArray, arrayToRemove) { let arrayResult = [...sourceArray]; // Copy given array, we use array spreads '...' arrayResult = arrayResult.filter(function (element) { return !arrayToRemove.includes(element); }); return arrayResult; } /** * Retrieve values from a CONFIG variable, example: * const CONF = [{car: 'bmw', color: 'black', hp: '250'}, {car: 'audi', color: 'blue', hp: '190'}] * To get the color of the Audi, use: getConfigValuePerKey(CONF, 'car', 'audi', 'color') * To find out which car has 190 hp, use: getConfigValuePerKey(CONF, 'hp', '190', 'car') * @param {object} config The configuration variable/constant * @param {string} key1 Key to look for. * @param {string} key1Value The value the key should have * @param {string} key2 The key which value we return * @returns {any} Returns the element's value, or number -1 of nothing found. */ function getConfigValuePerKey(config, key1, key1Value, key2) { for (let lpConfDevice of config) { if (lpConfDevice[key1] === key1Value) { if (lpConfDevice[key2] === undefined) { return -1; } else { return lpConfDevice[key2]; } } } return -1; } /** * Checks if a a given state or part of state is existing. * This is a workaround, as getObject() or getState() throw warnings in the log. * Set strict to true if the state shall match exactly. If it is false, it will add a wildcard * to the end. * See: * @param {string} strStatePath Input string of state, like 'javas-cript.0.switches.Osram.Bedroom' * @param {boolean} [strict=false] Optional: if true, it will work strict, if false, it will add a wildcard * to the end of the string * @return {boolean} true if state exists, false if not */ function isState(strStatePath, strict) { let mSelector; if (strict) { mSelector = $('state[id=' + strStatePath + '$]'); } else { mSelector = $('state[id=' + strStatePath + ']'); } if (mSelector.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
22.1.2020, 17:45:16.953 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) Stop script script.js.sonos-script 22.1.2020, 17:45:19.644 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) Start javascript script.js.sonos-script 22.1.2020, 17:45:19.864 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: setTimeout(ms=2000) 22.1.2020, 17:45:19.866 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: registered 0 subscriptions and 0 schedules 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.871 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_list","change":"ne","q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.873 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set","change":"ne","q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.875 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.sonosFavoritesPlayNext","change":"any","val":true,"q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.877 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.sonosFavoritesPlayPrevious","change":"any","val":true,"q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.878 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteListArray","change":"ne","q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.880 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set","change":"ne","q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.882 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteAdd","change":"any","q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.883 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteRemove","change":"any","q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.897 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoritesPlayNext","change":"any","val":true,"q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.898 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoritesPlayPrevious","change":"any","val":true,"q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.899 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.volumeUp","change":"any","val":true,"q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.900 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.volumeDown","change":"any","val":true,"q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.901 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.volumeGroupUp","change":"any","val":true,"q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.903 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.volumeGroupDown","change":"any","val":true,"q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.904 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoritesPlayByNumber","change":"any","q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.906 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoritesPlay","change":"any","val":true,"q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.907 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoritesPlayG","change":"any","val":true,"q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.908 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: subscribe: {"pattern":{"id":"javascript.0.Sonos.allStop","change":"any","val":true,"q":0},"name":"script.js.sonos-script"} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.924 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: getState(id=sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_list_array, timerId=undefined) => {"val":["1LIVE","ffn","N-JOY","Radio Sauerland","WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet"],"ack":true,"ts":1579710340775,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonos.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1579249377671} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.927 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: getState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteListArray, timerId=undefined) => {"val":"[\"1LIVE\"]","ack":true,"ts":1579545075420,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mqtt.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1579545075420} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.935 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: getState(id=sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set, timerId=undefined) => {"val":"]","ack":true,"ts":1579710214605,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mqtt.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1579552969877} 22.1.2020, 17:45:21.998 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: setForeignState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.sonosFavoriteListHtml, state={"val":"<table>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', '1LIVE')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">1. 1LIVE</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'ffn')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">2. ffn</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'N-JOY')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">3. N-JOY</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'Radio Sauerland')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">4. Radio Sauerland</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">5. WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n<script>let element = document.getElementById(\"currentsonosFavorite\");if (element != undefined) element.scrollIntoView(true);</script>","ack":true}) 22.1.2020, 17:45:22.001 [warn ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: setForeignState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.sonosFavoriteListHtml, state={"val":"<table>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', '1LIVE')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">1. 1LIVE</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'ffn')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">2. ffn</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'N-JOY')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">3. N-JOY</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'Radio Sauerland')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">4. Radio Sauerland</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">5. WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n<script>let element = document.getElementById(\"currentsonosFavorite\");if (element != undefined) element.scrollIntoView(true);</script>","ack":true}) - wurde nicht ausgeführt, während der Debug-Modus aktiv ist 22.1.2020, 17:45:22.002 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: getState(id=sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set, timerId=undefined) => {"val":"]","ack":true,"ts":1579710214605,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mqtt.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1579552969877} 22.1.2020, 17:45:22.006 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: setForeignState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteListHtml, state={"val":"<table>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', '\"')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">1. \"</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', '\"')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">2. \"</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', '[')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">3. [</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', ']')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">4. ]</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', '1')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">5. 1</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'E')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">6. E</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'I')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">7. I</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'L')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">8. L</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'V')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">9. V</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n<script>let element = document.getElementById(\"currentsonosFavorite\");if (element != undefined) element.scrollIntoView(true);</script>","ack":true}) 22.1.2020, 17:45:22.007 [warn ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: setForeignState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteListHtml, state={"val":"<table>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', '\"')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">1. \"</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', '\"')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">2. \"</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', '[')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">3. [</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', ']')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">4. ]</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', '1')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">5. 1</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'E')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">6. E</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'I')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">7. I</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'L')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">8. L</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_set', 'V')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle\">9. V</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n<script>let element = document.getElementById(\"currentsonosFavorite\");if (element != undefined) element.scrollIntoView(true);</script>","ack":true}) - wurde nicht ausgeführt, während der Debug-Modus aktiv ist 22.1.2020, 17:45:22.022 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: getState(id=sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_list_array, timerId=undefined) => {"val":["1LIVE","ffn","N-JOY","Radio Sauerland","WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet"],"ack":true,"ts":1579710340775,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonos.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1579249377671} 22.1.2020, 17:45:22.023 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: getState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteListArray, timerId=undefined) => {"val":"[\"1LIVE\"]","ack":true,"ts":1579545075420,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mqtt.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1579545075420} 22.1.2020, 17:45:22.024 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: setForeignState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteConfigHtml, state={"val":"<table>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteRemove', '1LIVE')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle removeFav\">1. 1LIVE</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteAdd', 'ffn')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle addFav\">2. ffn</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteAdd', 'N-JOY')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle addFav\">3. N-JOY</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteAdd', 'Radio Sauerland')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle addFav\">4. Radio Sauerland</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteAdd', 'WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle addFav\">5. WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n","ack":true}) 22.1.2020, 17:45:22.025 [warn ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: setForeignState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteConfigHtml, state={"val":"<table>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteRemove', '1LIVE')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle removeFav\">1. 1LIVE</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteAdd', 'ffn')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle addFav\">2. ffn</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteAdd', 'N-JOY')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle addFav\">3. N-JOY</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteAdd', 'Radio Sauerland')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle addFav\">4. Radio Sauerland</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr onclick=\"vis.setValue('javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteAdd', 'WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet')\">\n\t\t<td><div class=\"favoritesonosTitle addFav\">5. WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet</div></td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n","ack":true}) - wurde nicht ausgeführt, während der Debug-Modus aktiv ist 22.1.2020, 17:45:22.026 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: setTimeout(ms=2000) 22.1.2020, 17:45:24.038 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: getState(id=sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_list_array, timerId=undefined) => {"val":["1LIVE","ffn","N-JOY","Radio Sauerland","WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet"],"ack":true,"ts":1579710340775,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonos.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1579249377671} 22.1.2020, 17:45:24.040 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: getState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteListArray, timerId=undefined) => {"val":"[\"1LIVE\"]","ack":true,"ts":1579545075420,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mqtt.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1579545075420} 22.1.2020, 17:45:24.042 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: setForeignState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteListArray, state={"val":[],"ack":true}) 22.1.2020, 17:45:24.043 [warn ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: setForeignState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteListArray, state={"val":[],"ack":true}) - wurde nicht ausgeführt, während der Debug-Modus aktiv ist 22.1.2020, 17:47:12.876 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: getState(id=javascript.0.Sonos.192_168_178_53.customFavoriteListArray, timerId=undefined) => {"val":"[\"1LIVE\"]","ack":true,"ts":1579545075420,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mqtt.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1579545075420} 22.1.2020, 17:47:12.889 [info ]: javascript.0 (1239) script.js.sonos-script: getState(id=sonos.0.root.192_168_178_53.favorites_list_array, timerId=undefined) => {"val":["1LIVE","ffn","N-JOY","Radio Sauerland","WDR 2 - Ruhrgebiet"],"ack":true,"ts":1579710340775,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonos.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1579249377671} 22.1.2020, 17:47:12.895 [error]: javascript.0 (1239) at customFavoritesAddRemove (script.js.sonos-script:434:37) 22.1.2020, 17:47:12.896 [error]: javascript.0 (1239) at Object.<anonymous> (script.js.sonos-script:268:17)
Hey @tim210 das hast du noch nicht beantwortet
@Mic sagte in [Vorlage] Script für Sonos-Adapter:
Außerdem: welche Sonderzeichen hast du denn in deinen Sonos-Favoriten (Sonos-App)?
Hey wie meinst du das mit den Sonderzeichen? Sonos-Favoriten (Sonos-App)?
Da hab ich nur die 5 Radio Sender. -
@tim210 sagte in [Vorlage] Script für Sonos-Adapter:
Hey wie meinst du das mit den Sonderzeichen? Sonos-Favoriten (Sonos-App)?Ja, genau: Sonderzeichen wären:
usw. -
Hallo, bei mir wir auf dem Tablet leider kein Bild vom aktuellen Radiosender angezeigt. (Nur ein zerbrochenes Bild)
Benutze die vis-App. Woran kann es liegen?Gruß Fritzo
ich bin relativ neu in dem Thema und bekomme es mit Sonos nicht zum laufen.
Ich habe das Script installiert und gestartet. Das hat alles funktioniert und die Datenpunkte sind angelegt.
Das Projekt kann ich auch importieren. dann bekomme ich aber die Meldung
und dann
Vis öffnet dann zwar aber Sonos view wird nicht angezeigt.
Hat jemand eine Idee was ich da falsch mache?
Das View selber kann ich auch nicht importieren. Da bekomme ich folgende FehlermeldungHoffe es kann mir jemand von euch helfen!
Die Fehlermeldungen sagen mir leider nichts. Am besten schreibst du mal genauer, wie du vorgegangen bist, und auch die Versionen (VIS, ioBroker etc.) die du einsetzt. Dann kann man das ggf. besser nachvollziehen. -
ich brauch auch unterstützung. Habe das Script importiert und das läuft auch nachdem ich den Sonos Adapter gestopt und die Datenpunkte neu erstellen lies. Nachdem ich das Projekt importiert habe sieht es bei mir allerdings relativ leer aus.
Kennt das wer und kann mir weiterhelfen?
Danke -
noch was gefunden im Log
sonos.0 2020-03-27 10:19:29.302 warn (21884) SONOS "" not found
sonos.0 2020-03-27 10:19:29.301 info (21884) try to control id sonos.0.root.192_168_1_111.stop with {"val":true,"ack":false,"ts":1585300769299,"q":0,"from":"system.ada -
Poste hier mal deine Script-Einstellungen. -
@Mic klar. das wären sie...
/******************************************************************************* * --------------------------- * SONOS-Script: Bietet diverse Zusatz-Funktionen zur Steuerung von SONOS-Geräten * mit dem SONOS-Adapter ( * --------------------------- * Quelle: * Autor: Mic (ioBroker) | Mic-M (github) * Support: * Change log: * 1.2 + Use new Sonos adapter state (since 2.0.0, pull request 55) 'favorites_list_array' to allow comma * in favorite name, see * + Replaced state 'customFavoriteList' with 'customFavoriteListArray', to allow semicolon in fav name * 1.1 + On script start, push all Sonos favorites into custom favorites initially * 1.0 + Major release, added several additional functions and improvements * 0.3 + Create states for each Sonos device automatically * + New state 'allStop' to stop all Sonos devices * 0.2 - Fix: added missing function isLikeEmpty() * 0.1 - initial version ******************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: Allgemein ****************************************************************************************/ // Datenpunkt-Pfad, unter dem die entsprechenden Script-Datenpunkte angelegt werden. const SCRIPT_STATE_PATH = 'javascript.'+ instance + '.' + 'Sonos'; // Instanz des SONOS-Adapters. Standard ist 0. const SONOS_ADAPTER_INSTANCE = 0; /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: Favoriten-Liste für VIS ****************************************************************************************/ // Favoriten-Liste: alphabetisch sortieren? true = ja, false = nein const SORT_LIST = true; // Favoriten-Liste: Den Favoriten eine fortlaufende Nummer voranstellen (1, 2, 3, ...)? const LIST_NO_ADD = true; // auf false setzen, wenn nicht gewünscht. const LIST_NO_SEP = '. ' // Trennzeichen nach der Nummer. Gilt nur, wenn LIST_NO_ADD = true gesetzt. // Favoriten-Liste: CSS-Bezeichnungen. Kann man einfach so stehen lassen. const CSS_CURRENT_SEL = 'currentSonosFavorite'; // CSS-ID für die aktuelle Auswahl const CSS_FAVORITE_ELEM = 'favoriteSonosTitle' // CSS-Klasse für jeden Eintrag der Liste /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: 'favoritesPlayPrevious' und 'favoritesPlayNext' ****************************************************************************************/ // Normalerweise wird bei Klicken auf Datenpunkt favoritesPlayNext/favoritesPlayPrevious // der nächste/vorherige Favorit lt. SONOS-App abgespielt. Wir können dies aber hiermit // alphabetisch sortieren, so dass der nächste/vorherige lt. Alphabet gespielt wird. // true = alphabetisch sortieren, false = nicht alphabetisch sortieren const FAVORITES_PLAY_PREV_NEXT_SORT = true; /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: Buttons volumeUp/volumeDown zum erhöhen/verringern der Lautstärke ****************************************************************************************/ // um wie viel % wird erhöht/verringert beim klicken auf volumeUp/volumeDown? const VOL_VALUE = 3; // Maximale Lautstärke in %, mehr wird nicht erhöht. const MAX_VOLUME = 80; /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: Beim Abspielen immer Sonos-Geräte als Gruppe hinzufügen ****************************************************************************************/ // Hiermit kann man Sonos-Geräte definieren, zu denen immer beim Abspielen weitere Geräte // als Gruppe hinzugefügt werden. // Zum Einschalten: auf true setzen. const GROUP_ON_PLAY = false; // Falls GROUP_ON_PLAY = false, fann kann man folgendes ignorieren. // Es können beliebig viele Zeilen hinzugefügt werden. // channelMain: Hier den Channel des 1. Gerätes eintragen, also die IP, aber "_" statt Punkt, also z.B. '192_168_10_12' // channelsToAdd: Hier Geräte eintragen, welche zum ersten Gerät als Gruppe hinzugefügt werden sollen // Außerdem unter volumeAdjust das Volumen gegenüber dem channelMain nach oben oder unten anpassen. const GROUP_ON_PLAY_DEVICES = [ {channelMain: '192_168_1_111', channelsToAdd: [{channel:'192_168_1_110', volumeAdjust:-3}]}, {channelMain: '192_168_1_111', channelsToAdd: [{channel:'192_168_10_25', volumeAdjust:-2}, {channel:'192_168_10_26', volumeAdjust:0}]}, ]; /**************************************************************************************** * Einstellungen: Sonstige ****************************************************************************************/ // Standard-Lautstärke beim Starten mit customFavoritesPlay / .customFavoritesPlayG const PRESET_VOLUME = 15; // Ein paar Infos im Log anzeigen? const LOG_INFO = true; /************************************************************************************************************************* * Das war es auch schon. Ab hier nichts mehr ändern! *************************************************************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************** * Global variables and constants ****************************************************************************************/ // Alle Sonos-States (Geräte) in Array, also z.B. ['sonos.0.root.192_168_0_12', 'sonos.0.root.192_168_0_13'] const SONOS_CHANNELS = getAllSonosChannels(SONOS_ADAPTER_INSTANCE); /**************************************************************************************** * Initialize ************************************************************
Habe es in der Zwischzeit anders gelöst.
Vielen Dank trotzdem! -
@Mic hast Du schon eine Ahnung weshalb es bei mir nicht klappt?
Teste bitte mal, ob das tatsächlich von diesem Script kommt. Schau auch mal in den Github-Issues des Sonos-Adapters.
Siehe z.B. in den Issues SONOS "" not found #60 -
Erstmal vielen Dank für diese Vorlage.
Ich bin noch nicht all zu lange bei iobroker und meine JS-kenntnisse reichen um das grobe drumrum etwas zu blicken. Trotzdem versuche viel selber zu machen oder halt vorlagen nach meinem Geschmack und in meinem Rahmen anzupassen.
Nachdem ich das Script gesehen habe musste ich feststellen das ich das so wohl nie alleine hinbekommen hätte.Hat alles wunderbar geklappt und ich bastele schon um es in meine View zu bekommen.
Nun habe ich aber eine Anfrage/Wunsch/Verbesserungsvorschlag:
Und zwar mag der rest meines Haushalts es gerne Klickibunti.
Von meiner vorherigen Version waren meine Leute Senderpiktogramme bzw. Albumcover gewohnt die sie nur antippen mussten, so wie hier die eintrage in der Favoritenliste.
Die Schaltflächen funktionieren jetzt natürlich auch noch
Besteht die möglichkeit die Liste mit Covers oder Senderlogos zu versehen, oder gar wie im angefügten Bild nebeneinander darstellen zu lassen, evtl. auch so einfach austauschbar wie bei der Liste?Würde mich freuen wenn mein Anliegen interessen finden, und umgesetzt werden könnte.
MFG Wobbix