Test Adapter Alexa2 3.0.x
@padrino Jupp, die Infos kommen nicht in den History-Daten. Das Regen Ding hab ich jetzt bei mir hinbekommen. Kommt ins nächste update regulär.
Generell Wetterbericht nicht - Da gibts die "Rohdaten" ... aber nicht den finalen ausgesprochenen text. Ich könnte höchstens diese ganzen vollständigen Rohdaten als JSON zur Verfügung stellen.
Wäre für wenner sowas:
{ "disambiguated": false, "nBestList": [ { "entryType": "Weather", "hourlyEndIndex": 7, "empty": false, "weatherDataProvider": "ACW", "alertAttributes": [], "startIndex": 0, "hourlyForecastAttributes": [ { "precipitationProbability": 56, "weatherIcon": 18, "dayLight": false, "forcastEpochDateTime": "1577030400", "temperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 8 }, "link": "", "iconPhrase": "Regen", "realFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 1 }, "mobileLink": "", "forecastDate": "2019-12-22T17:00:00+01:00", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 226, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 24.1, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" } }, { "precipitationProbability": 49, "weatherIcon": 7, "dayLight": false, "forcastEpochDateTime": "1577034000", "temperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 8 }, "link": "", "iconPhrase": "Wolkig", "realFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 3 }, "mobileLink": "", "forecastDate": "2019-12-22T18:00:00+01:00", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 231, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 24.1, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" } }, { "precipitationProbability": 34, "weatherIcon": 7, "dayLight": false, "forcastEpochDateTime": "1577037600", "temperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 8 }, "link": "", "iconPhrase": "Wolkig", "realFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 3 }, "mobileLink": "", "forecastDate": "2019-12-22T19:00:00+01:00", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 236, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 22.2, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" } }, { "precipitationProbability": 34, "weatherIcon": 7, "dayLight": false, "forcastEpochDateTime": "1577041200", "temperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 8 }, "link": "", "iconPhrase": "Wolkig", "realFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 3 }, "mobileLink": "", "forecastDate": "2019-12-22T20:00:00+01:00", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 243, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 22.2, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" } }, { "precipitationProbability": 40, "weatherIcon": 7, "dayLight": false, "forcastEpochDateTime": "1577044800", "temperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 7 }, "link": "", "iconPhrase": "Wolkig", "realFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 3 }, "mobileLink": "", "forecastDate": "2019-12-22T21:00:00+01:00", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 247, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 22.2, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" } }, { "precipitationProbability": 51, "weatherIcon": 18, "dayLight": false, "forcastEpochDateTime": "1577048400", "temperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 7 }, "link": "", "iconPhrase": "Regen", "realFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 1 }, "mobileLink": "", "forecastDate": "2019-12-22T22:00:00+01:00", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 248, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 22.2, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" } }, { "precipitationProbability": 47, "weatherIcon": 7, "dayLight": false, "forcastEpochDateTime": "1577052000", "temperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 7 }, "link": "", "iconPhrase": "Wolkig", "realFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 2 }, "mobileLink": "", "forecastDate": "2019-12-22T23:00:00+01:00", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 248, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 22.2, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" } }, { "precipitationProbability": 40, "weatherIcon": 7, "dayLight": false, "forcastEpochDateTime": "1577055600", "temperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 7 }, "link": "", "iconPhrase": "Wolkig", "realFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 3 }, "mobileLink": "", "forecastDate": "2019-12-23T00:00:00+01:00", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 248, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 20.4, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" } } ], "endIndex": 1, "conditionsAttributes": { "precipitation": { "scale": "mm", "value": 0 }, "uvText": "Niedrig", "weatherIcon": 3, "weatherSummary": "Teils sonnig", "link": "", "relativeHumidity": 84, "temperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 8 }, "uvIndex": 0, "realFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 1 }, "mobileLink": "", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 225, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 31.5, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" } }, "forecastAttributes": [ { "maxTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 9 }, "minTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 7 }, "minRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 1 }, "night": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Abends zeitweise Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 1.5 }, "precipitationProbability": 60, "weatherLongPhrase": "Abends Nieselregen; windig; nachts einige Schauer", "weatherIcon": 12, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Schauer", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 246, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 20.4, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" }, "rainProbability": 60 }, "link": "", "mobileLink": "", "day": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Wolkig, Nieselregen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 3.8 }, "precipitationProbability": 61, "weatherLongPhrase": "Wolkig, Nieselregen", "weatherIcon": 12, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Schauer", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 186, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 13, "windSpeedDirection": "S" }, "rainProbability": 61 }, "maxRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 8 }, "forecastDate": "2019-12-22T07:00:00+01:00" }, { "maxTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 9 }, "minTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 6 }, "minRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 1 }, "night": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Nachts zeitweise Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 4.8 }, "precipitationProbability": 67, "weatherLongPhrase": "Viele Wolken; abends kurze Schauer; nachts Nieselregen", "weatherIcon": 12, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Schauer", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 232, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 14.8, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" }, "rainProbability": 67 }, "link": "", "mobileLink": "", "day": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Zeitweise Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 1.3 }, "precipitationProbability": 56, "weatherLongPhrase": "Überwiegend bewölkt, Nieselregen", "weatherIcon": 12, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Schauer", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 250, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 16.7, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" }, "rainProbability": 56 }, "maxRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 6 }, "forecastDate": "2019-12-23T07:00:00+01:00" }, { "maxTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 11 }, "minTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 6 }, "minRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 0 }, "night": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 6.4 }, "precipitationProbability": 68, "weatherLongPhrase": "Regen und Nieselregen mit Unterbrechungen", "weatherIcon": 18, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Regen", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 247, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 24.1, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" }, "rainProbability": 68 }, "link": "", "mobileLink": "", "day": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Am Morgen Regen; wolkig, mild", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 3 }, "precipitationProbability": 65, "weatherLongPhrase": "Am Morgen regnerische Abschnitte; wolkig und mild", "weatherIcon": 12, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Schauer", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 224, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 16.7, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" }, "rainProbability": 65 }, "maxRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 7 }, "forecastDate": "2019-12-24T07:00:00+01:00" }, { "maxTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 9 }, "minTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 0 }, "minRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 0 }, "night": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 1 }, "precipitationProbability": 54, "weatherLongPhrase": "Erhebliche Bewölkung; abends gelegentlich Regen und Nieselregen; nachts möglicher Schauer", "weatherIcon": 12, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 22, "weatherText": "Schauer", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 191, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 7.4, "windSpeedDirection": "S" }, "rainProbability": 54 }, "link": "", "mobileLink": "", "day": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Gelegentlich Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 7.6 }, "precipitationProbability": 66, "weatherLongPhrase": "Gelegentlich Regen", "weatherIcon": 18, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Regen", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 258, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 16.7, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" }, "rainProbability": 66 }, "maxRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 6 }, "forecastDate": "2019-12-25T07:00:00+01:00" }, { "maxTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 6 }, "minTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 3 }, "minRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": -1 }, "night": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Regen und Nieselregen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 5.5 }, "precipitationProbability": 68, "weatherLongPhrase": "Regen und Nieselregen", "weatherIcon": 18, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Regen", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 214, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 9.3, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" }, "rainProbability": 68 }, "link": "", "mobileLink": "", "day": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Leichter Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 1 }, "precipitationProbability": 55, "weatherLongPhrase": "Überwiegend bewölkt, leichter Regen", "weatherIcon": 12, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 14, "weatherText": "Schauer", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 101, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 9.3, "windSpeedDirection": "O" }, "rainProbability": 55 }, "maxRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 5 }, "forecastDate": "2019-12-26T07:00:00+01:00" }, { "maxTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 8 }, "minTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 5 }, "minRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 0 }, "night": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Am Abend leichter Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 2.3 }, "precipitationProbability": 63, "weatherLongPhrase": "Abends zeitweise leichter Regen; meist wolkig", "weatherIcon": 12, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Schauer", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 247, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 16.7, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" }, "rainProbability": 63 }, "link": "", "mobileLink": "", "day": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Zeitweise Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 6 }, "precipitationProbability": 65, "weatherLongPhrase": "Zeitweise Regen", "weatherIcon": 18, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Regen", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 226, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 18.5, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" }, "rainProbability": 65 }, "maxRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 4 }, "forecastDate": "2019-12-27T07:00:00+01:00" }, { "maxTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 9 }, "minTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 5 }, "minRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 3 }, "night": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Wolkig; nachts Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 3.5 }, "precipitationProbability": 66, "weatherLongPhrase": "Wolkig; nachts regnerische Abschnitte", "weatherIcon": 12, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Schauer", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 228, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 5.6, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" }, "rainProbability": 66 }, "link": "", "mobileLink": "", "day": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Früh morgens leichter Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 1 }, "precipitationProbability": 57, "weatherLongPhrase": "Am Morgen leichter Regen; überwiegend bewölkt", "weatherIcon": 12, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Schauer", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 253, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 11.1, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" }, "rainProbability": 57 }, "maxRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 8 }, "forecastDate": "2019-12-28T07:00:00+01:00" }, { "maxTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 5 }, "minTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 0 }, "minRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": -2 }, "night": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Meist wolkig", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 0.2 }, "precipitationProbability": 40, "weatherLongPhrase": "Abends möglicherweise kurze Schauer, sonst überwiegend bewölkt", "weatherIcon": 38, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 16, "weatherText": "Stark bewölkt", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 230, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 11.1, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" }, "rainProbability": 40 }, "link": "", "mobileLink": "", "day": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Leichter Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 7.1 }, "precipitationProbability": 68, "weatherLongPhrase": "Leichter Regen", "weatherIcon": 12, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 1, "weatherText": "Schauer", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 227, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 11.1, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" }, "rainProbability": 68 }, "maxRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 5 }, "forecastDate": "2019-12-29T07:00:00+01:00" }, { "maxTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 6 }, "minTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 1 }, "minRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": -1 }, "night": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Überwiegend bewölkt", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 0 }, "precipitationProbability": 22, "weatherLongPhrase": "Überwiegend bewölkt", "weatherIcon": 38, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Stark bewölkt", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 233, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 14.8, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" }, "rainProbability": 22 }, "link": "", "mobileLink": "", "day": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Teilweise sonnig", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 0 }, "precipitationProbability": 6, "weatherLongPhrase": "Teilweise sonnig", "weatherIcon": 3, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Teils sonnig", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 236, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 14.8, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" }, "rainProbability": 5 }, "maxRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 2 }, "forecastDate": "2019-12-30T07:00:00+01:00" }, { "maxTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 7 }, "minTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 2 }, "minRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": -5 }, "night": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Regen", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 7.6 }, "precipitationProbability": 74, "weatherLongPhrase": "Regen", "weatherIcon": 18, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 6, "weatherText": "Regen", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 245, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 20.4, "windSpeedDirection": "WSW" }, "rainProbability": 74 }, "link": "", "mobileLink": "", "day": { "weatherShortPhrase": "Niedrige Wolken", "rain": { "scale": "mm", "value": 0 }, "precipitationProbability": 25, "weatherLongPhrase": "Niedrige Wolken", "weatherIcon": 8, "snow": { "scale": "cm", "value": 0 }, "snowProbability": 0, "weatherText": "Bedeckt", "wind": { "windSpeedDegrees": 222, "windSpeedScale": "km/h", "windSpeedValue": 13, "windSpeedDirection": "SW" }, "rainProbability": 25 }, "maxRealFeelTemperature": { "scale": "C", "value": 4 }, "forecastDate": "2019-12-31T07:00:00+01:00" } ], "location": "Knielingen, Deutschland", "hourlyStartIndex": 0, "weatherReportType": "CURRENT_CONDITIONS_REPORT" }
Macht das Sinn?
ALternativ könnte ich mal schauen ob man die Cards mit den "Aktivitäten" mappen kann ... ich schaue mal
@apollon77 sagte in Test Adapter Alexa2 3.0.x:
Auf GitHub gibt es die 3.0.1.
Der Fehler von @padrino sollte gefixt sein
Instanz Alexa2.1 läuft.
wenn ich von github installiere steht bei mir immer noch V2.6.4
@Matten-Matten sagte in Test Adapter Alexa2 3.0.x:
wenn ich von github installiere steht bei mir immer noch V2.6.4
Oben direkt mit dem Link vom Git installieren
@Matten-Matten ggf mal upload manuell ausführen (vor allem bei Controller 1.5 oder so).
Ein "delete" (über Datenpunkt) löscht das Objekt zwar aus der Shoppingliste, aber es kommt zu einer Menge Fehler im Log:
host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.580 error instance system.adapter.alexa2.0 terminated with code 0 (OK) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.580 error Caught by controller[1]: at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:218:9) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.580 error Caught by controller[1]: at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.580 error Caught by controller[1]: at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1064:12) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.579 error Caught by controller[1]: at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:208:7) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.579 error Caught by controller[1]: at emitNone (events.js:111:20) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.579 error Caught by controller[1]: at IncomingMessage.res.on (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/node_modules/alexa-remote2/alexa-remote.js:778:28) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.579 error Caught by controller[1]: at alexa.getList (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/main.js:2587:13) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.579 error Caught by controller[1]: TypeError: adapter.getObjectList is not a function host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.579 error Caught by controller[0]: at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:218:9) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.579 error Caught by controller[0]: at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.579 error Caught by controller[0]: at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1064:12) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.579 error Caught by controller[0]: at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:208:7) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.579 error Caught by controller[0]: at emitNone (events.js:111:20) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.579 error Caught by controller[0]: at IncomingMessage.res.on (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/node_modules/alexa-remote2/alexa-remote.js:778:28) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.578 error Caught by controller[0]: at alexa.getList (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/main.js:2587:13) host.raspberrypi 2019-12-22 18:51:02.578 error Caught by controller[0]: TypeError: adapter.getObjectList is not a function
Das mit den Listen ist spitze!
Spinne grad ein wenig damit rum, da lässt sich sicher was Schickes machen...
("Füge Einkaufsstätte Produkt zu meiner Einkaufsliste hinzu")
Dank an @Zefau & @apollon77 -
V1 - hab mich an des V2 Update noch nicht getraut, ist mir zu komplex... -
@padrino solltest du. Ist sehr simpel. Was ist da komplex? Die listenfunktion braucht das beim löschen wie du jetzt weißt.
Ich füge das nachher zum Changelog und als Abhängigkeit hinzu.
@padrino lach bin ich ja nicht alleine ich zöger auch. Trau mich einfach nicht.
@ostseereiter Dann sagen wir es doch mal so ... Schaut Euch mal den 2.0er Thread an und was so an Problemen gemeldet wurde nach der 2.1.1 und jetzt sage ich Euch das Stand vorhin fast 12.000 User die 2.1.1 installiert haben ... ... ...
Auf GitHub gibt es die 3.0.2 ... Es könnten/sollten jetzt vllt ein paar mehr Antworten von Madam Alexa im "answerText" landen als vorher. Ansonsten hat die io-package jetzt offiziell die Info zur js-controller 2.0 Abhängigkeit.
Hm, sollte es dann nicht auch die Installation verhindern?
Was es nicht tut und jetzt ist der Adapter hin, weil er nicht mehr startet.
(downgrade auf 2.6.4 läuft ) -
Argh, ich kann nicht mehr zurück?
2.6.4 ist installiert, startet aber nicht, da es nun auch JS controller V2 verlangt? -
@padrino Musst Du mal versuchen. Admin blendet es in jedem Fall aus.
Aber naja es ist am Ende nur beim löschen von Listen-Einträgen relevant ... also hättest die 3.0.1 drauf lassen können
@padrino upload nochmal machen nach 2.6.4 downgrade? Ggf iobroker js.controller neu starten
Ja, upload gemacht.
iobroker komplett neu gestartet.
Geht nicht. -
@padrino Dann schau mal auf der Platte in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/io-package.json ob es da drin ist. Wenn nicht schau bitte in Objekten system.adapter.alexa2.0 ... und lösch es da raus
Die 3.01 ist prima gelaufen. Ich hatte einen Computerabsturz und nun ist er gelb.
Was könnte die Fehlermeldung bedeuten?2019-12-22 22:56:57.952 - info: host.IOBroker(SmartHome) stopInstance system.adapter.iot.0 (force=false, process=true) 2019-12-22 22:56:57.953 - info: host.IOBroker(SmartHome) stopInstance system.adapter.iot.0 send kill signal 2019-12-22 22:56:58.007 - info: iot.0 (9076) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2019-12-22 22:56:58.010 - info: iot.0 (9076) terminating 2019-12-22 22:56:58.012 - info: iot.0 (9076) Terminated (START_IMMEDIATELY_AFTER_STOP): Without reason 2019-12-22 22:56:58.550 - info: host.IOBroker(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.iot.0 terminated with code 4294967196 (START_IMMEDIATELY_AFTER_STOP_HEX) 2019-12-22 22:57:00.495 - info: host.IOBroker(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.iot.0 started with pid 10904 2019-12-22 22:57:04.866 - info: iot.0 (10904) starting. Version 1.1.9 in C:/Iobroker/SmartHome/node_modules/iobroker.iot, node: v10.16.3 2019-12-22 22:57:04.903 - info: iot.0 (10904) Connecting with 2019-12-22 22:57:06.180 - error: iot.0 (10904) Cannot read keys: "error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line" / Error: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line