[gelöst]hqWidgets Dimmer läuft Amok
Ich habe mit rolladen gespielt (und github version) und kann nicht reproduzieren.
Wie kann ich das reproduzieren? Kann es sein, dass es doch nicht die neueste Version von git ist?
Was sieht ihr in:
Zeile 4:
version: "0.1.1"
Hallo Bluefox,
unten der Code der Datei. Keine Spur von Verion in Zeile 4. Mache ich was falsch ?
hier der genutzte Pfad: /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/vis/widgets
es gibt übrigens zwei Files: hqwidgets.html vom 14.08. und hqWidgets.html vom 10.07.
vG L…
! ```
[/orange] -
Das ist definitiv alte Version.
Mach bitte folgendes (nur auf nicht Produktiv-System):
cd /opt/iobroker iobroker stop npm install npm install npm install npm install iobroker.admin iobroker start
ok, mache ich dann.
allerdings habe ich zwischenzeitlich viel Arbeit in die Installation gesteckt. Ich bin nahe am produktiven Einsatz damit.
Ich kann ja den Folder mit Subfolder iobroker komplett kopieren als BackUp.
Muss ich dann nach Ausführung der Installationen auf jeden Fall zurück oder nur, wenn es nicht klappt ?
vG L..
ok, mache ich dann.
allerdings habe ich zwischenzeitlich viel Arbeit in die Installation gesteckt. Ich bin nahe am produktiven Einsatz damit.
Ich kann ja den Folder mit Supfolder iobroker komplett kopieren als BackUp.
vG L.. `
Ich empfehle ioBroker zu stoppen, kopieren und dann starten.> Muss ich dann nach Ausführung der Installationen auf jeden Fall zurück oder nur, wenn es nicht klappt ?
Nur wenn es nicht klappt. Das was du installierst, wird dann "produktiv", falls du OK sagst. :lol: -
Hi Bluefox,
so, die Installation ist durchgegangen.
Das Symptom ist allerdings noch da.
Anbei mal das Widget. Vielleicht ist da was zu erkennen
EDIT: irgendwie habe ich jetzt auch einige Fehler im Log. siehe unten
ioBroker.admin Adapter Instanzen Objekte Zustände Ereignisse Gruppen Benutzer Aufzählungen Hosts Log Scripte node-red.0 Admin Log Log-Größe: 9.53 MB Zeit Nachricht host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:39:27 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:39:21 error 15 Aug 17:39:21 - [error] Error: port in use node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:39:21 error 15 Aug 17:39:21 - [error] Unable to listen on host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:39:20 error instance system.adapter.web.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:39:20 error instance system.adapter.admin.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:39:19 error instance system.adapter.node-red.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:39:17 error instance system.adapter.fritzbox.0 terminated with code 6 (uncaught exception) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:39:09 error instance system.adapter.hue.0 terminated with code 1 () hue-0 2015-08-15 17:39:09 error {"message":"unauthorized user","type":1,"address":"/"} host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:39:09 error instance system.adapter.history.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:39:05 error instance system.adapter.sonos.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:39:02 error 15 Aug 17:39:02 - [error] Error: port in use node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:39:02 error 15 Aug 17:39:02 - [error] Unable to listen on host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:39:01 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:39:00 error instance system.adapter.b-control-em.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:54 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:45 error instance system.adapter.node-red.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:44 error instance system.adapter.web.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:43 error instance system.adapter.fritzbox.0 terminated with code 6 (uncaught exception) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:41 error instance system.adapter.admin.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:38:41 error 15 Aug 17:38:41 - [error] Error: port in use node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:38:41 error 15 Aug 17:38:41 - [error] Unable to listen on host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:36 error instance system.adapter.history.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:35 error instance system.adapter.hue.0 terminated with code 1 () hue-0 2015-08-15 17:38:35 error {"message":"unauthorized user","type":1,"address":"/"} host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:32 error instance system.adapter.sonos.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:28 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:25 error instance system.adapter.b-control-em.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:38:21 error 15 Aug 17:38:21 - [error] Error: port in use node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:38:21 error 15 Aug 17:38:21 - [error] Unable to listen on host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:21 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:12 error instance system.adapter.node-red.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:11 error instance system.adapter.web.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:09 error instance system.adapter.fritzbox.0 terminated with code 6 (uncaught exception) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:05 error instance system.adapter.admin.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:38:03 error 15 Aug 17:38:03 - [error] Error: port in use node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:38:03 error 15 Aug 17:38:03 - [error] Unable to listen on host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:38:03 error instance system.adapter.history.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:59 error instance system.adapter.hue.0 terminated with code 1 () hue-0 2015-08-15 17:37:59 error {"message":"unauthorized user","type":1,"address":"/"} host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:58 error instance system.adapter.sonos.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:55 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:51 error instance system.adapter.b-control-em.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:48 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:37:39 error 15 Aug 17:37:39 - [error] Error: port in use node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:37:39 error 15 Aug 17:37:39 - [error] Unable to listen on host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:39 error instance system.adapter.node-red.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:37 error instance system.adapter.web.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:36 error instance system.adapter.fritzbox.0 terminated with code 6 (uncaught exception) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:29 error instance system.adapter.history.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:25 error instance system.adapter.admin.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:21 error instance system.adapter.sonos.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:21 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:37:21 error 15 Aug 17:37:21 - [error] Error: port in use node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:37:21 error 15 Aug 17:37:21 - [error] Unable to listen on host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:20 error instance system.adapter.hue.0 terminated with code 1 () hue-0 2015-08-15 17:37:20 error {"message":"unauthorized user","type":1,"address":"/"} host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:16 error instance system.adapter.b-control-em.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:15 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:07 error instance system.adapter.node-red.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:04 error instance system.adapter.web.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:37:02 error instance system.adapter.fritzbox.0 terminated with code 6 (uncaught exception) node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:37:01 error 15 Aug 17:37:01 - [error] Error: port in use node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:37:01 error 15 Aug 17:37:01 - [error] Unable to listen on node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:36:00 error 15 Aug 17:36:00 - [error] Unable to listen on host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:57 error instance system.adapter.history.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:45 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:44 error instance system.adapter.sonos.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:43 error instance system.adapter.admin.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:41 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:41 error instance system.adapter.hue.0 terminated with code 1 () hue-0 2015-08-15 17:36:41 error {"message":"unauthorized user","type":1,"address":"/"} host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:41 error instance system.adapter.b-control-em.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:36:40 error 15 Aug 17:36:40 - [error] Error: port in use node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:36:40 error 15 Aug 17:36:40 - [error] Unable to listen on host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:34 error instance system.adapter.node-red.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:30 error instance system.adapter.web.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:28 error instance system.adapter.fritzbox.0 terminated with code 6 (uncaught exception) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:23 error instance system.adapter.history.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:36:19 error 15 Aug 17:36:19 - [error] Error: port in use node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:36:19 error 15 Aug 17:36:19 - [error] Unable to listen on host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:13 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:08 error instance system.adapter.sonos.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:07 error instance terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:05 error instance system.adapter.admin.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:05 error instance system.adapter.b-control-em.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:04 error instance system.adapter.hue.0 terminated with code 1 () hue-0 2015-08-15 17:36:04 error {"message":"unauthorized user","type":1,"address":"/"} host-raspberrypi 2015-08-15 17:36:02 error instance system.adapter.node-red.0 terminated with code 7 (Adapter already running) node-red-0 2015-08-15 17:36:00 error 15 Aug 17:36:00 - [error] Error: port in use
[{"tpl":"tplHqDimmer","data":{"visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":1,"oid":"hm-rpc.0.JEQ0199306.1.LEVEL","unit":"%","min":"0","max":"100","digits":"0","is_comma":"true","iconName":"img/bulb_off.png","btIconWidth":"32","offsetAuto":true,"leftOffset":"27","topOffset":"55","circleWidth":"25","showValue":true,"timeAsInterval":true,"infoLeftFontSize":"12","infoFontRightSize":"12","alwaysShow":false,"oid-working":"","name":"Licht WZ Esstisch Dimmer","filterkey":"Licht"},"style":{"left":"679px","top":"135px","width":"35px","height":"33px","z-index":"8","border-radius":"16px"},"widgetSet":"hqwidgets"}]
dann der Code von hqwidget.html (scheint noch der alte zu sein?)
Starte deine Kiste neu. Du hast 2 Instanzen von ioBroker am laufen.
ups - jap. habe jetzt neu gestartet und das Log ist sauber.
Aber das Problem mit dem Widget ist noch da.
Kann ich noch was machen ? Ich würde nur sehr ungern iobroker neu installieren.
Welche Version zeigt bei dir vis-hqwidgets?
Admin zeigt 0.1.1
Wenn du tatsächlich neueste js-controller hast, dann sollte bei dir 100% das funktionieren:
iobroker upload vis-hqwidgets
Danach versuche cache zu löschen.
nicht ganz. Ich sehe 0.77 installiert und eigentlich sollte 0.78 verfügbar sein ?
allerdings gibt es keinen update button bei mir. nach ./iobroker upgrade auch nicht
> nicht ganz. Ich sehe 0.77 installiert und eigentlich sollte 0.78 verfügbar sein ?
Ist doch 0.7.8 installiert.0.7.8 ist noch nicht freigegeben. Man kann die nicht über admin installieren.
…oooh mann, hast natürlich recht. habe ich irgendwie andersherum gelesen.
aber leider....
gleiches Symptom; der Dimmer flackert irgendwie zufällig zwischen 1% und 100%
Ich habe es jetzt auch nochmal mit einem anderen Dimmer (Steckdosendimmer) versucht.
Gleicher Effekt.
und so sieht es dann im log aus:
2015-08-16 11:30:11.413 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:12.274 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.01}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:12.644 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:13.586 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.21}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:13.949 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:14.909 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.4}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:15.282 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:16.244 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.52}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:16.666 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:17.609 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.6}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:18.008 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:18.990 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.7}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:19.341 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:20.360 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.76}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:20.692 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:21.676 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.81}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:21.996 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:22.987 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.85}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:23.297 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:24.286 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.88}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:24.628 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:25.675 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.91}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:26.157 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.99}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:27.158 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.92}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:27.245 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.95}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:28.245 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.78}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:28.568 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.95}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:29.560 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.82}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:30.168 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.91}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:31.008 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.7}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:31.454 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.91}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:32.407 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.72}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:32.764 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.91}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:33.746 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.76}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:34.086 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.91}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:35.086 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.79}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:35.458 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.91}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:36.451 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.8}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:36.813 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.91}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:37.792 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.89}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:38.124 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.01}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:39.188 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.71}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:39.730 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.02}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:40.719 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.71}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:41.280 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.03}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:42.269 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.71}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:42.603 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.04}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:43.569 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.57}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:43.947 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.07}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:44.901 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.49}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:45.271 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.08}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:46.203 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.41}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:46.874 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.09}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:47.856 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.39}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:48.273 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.1}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:49.239 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.33}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:49.627 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.11}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:50.631 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.28}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:51.117 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.12}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:52.088 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.19}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:52.493 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.86}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:53.457 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.33}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:53.897 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.86}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:54.870 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.38}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:55.273 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.86}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:56.231 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.82}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:56.648 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.14}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:57.633 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.68}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:58.043 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.14}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:58.948 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.57}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:30:59.431 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.14}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:00.392 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.55}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:00.790 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.14}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:01.755 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.47}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:02.091 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.14}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:03.114 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.4}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:03.481 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.14}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:04.446 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.34}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:04.794 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.14}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:05.819 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.3}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:06.180 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.14}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:07.115 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.27}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:07.522 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.14}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:08.511 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.25}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:08.934 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.14}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:09.906 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.23}] FLOAT 2015-08-16 11:31:10.414 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0199306:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.01}] FLOAT
mitterweile tritt es jetzt auch mit DashUI auf. Das war noch nie der Fall.
Ausschalten geht auch nur noch mit dem Dimmer selber, mit langem Tastendruck.
und dann habe ich noch gesehen, dass wir nicht die einzigen sind: … f807#p9154
aber das Thema scheint dort nicht gelöst worden zu sein.
So, nach ein wenig Funkstille bin ich jetzt nochmal dazu gekommen zu testen: Ergebnis vorweg: Kein Amoklauf mehr, aber immer noch kein korrektes Verhalten
root@heimatpi:/opt/iobroker# iobroker list adapters system.adapter.admin : admin - 0.5.9 system.adapter.history : history - 0.1.3 system.adapter.web : web - 0.4.3 system.adapter.rickshaw : rickshaw - 0.2.2 system.adapter.onkyo : onkyo - 0.1.9 : hm-rpc - 0.5.2 system.adapter.vis : vis - 0.6.13 system.adapter.vis-hqwidgets : vis-hqwidgets - 0.1.1 system.adapter.vis-bars : vis-bars - 0.1.0 : hm-rega - 0.2.2
Wie ich die Version von js-controller herausbekomme ist mir nicht ganz klar. Ich habe aber direkt vor diesem Test auf den jeweils neuesten master von github geupdatet (vis/hqwidgets/js-controller)
Verhalten bei Switch:
1. Switch aus (in diesem Fall Steckdose)
2. Switch über vis hqwidget anschalten
3. Logfile zeigt zwei Log Einträge
2015-09-13 11:10:12.459 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0463281:1","STATE",true] BOOL 2015-09-13 11:10:12.469 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0463281:1","STATE",true] BOOL
Verhalten bei Schalter UP Dose identisch
2015-09-13 11:19:50.740 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0033148:1","STATE",true] BOOL 2015-09-13 11:19:50.744 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0033148:1","STATE",true] BOOL
Verhalten bei Steckdosendimmer
1. Dimmer ist aus
2. Mit der Maus 75% einstellen
Logfile zeigt folgendes
2015-09-13 11:20:56.333 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:20:56.340 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:12.630 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.75}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:12.636 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.75}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:13.732 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.4}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:13.736 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.4}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:14.345 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.75}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:14.357 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.75}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:15.598 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.62}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:15.607 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.62}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:16.488 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.75}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:16.497 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.75}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:17.437 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.7}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:17.441 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.7}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:17.774 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.74}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:17.782 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.74}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:18.745 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.73}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:18.753 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.73}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:19.031 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.74}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:19.035 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.74}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:19.999 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.74}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:21:20.008 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.74}] FLOAT
Auch hier kommt jedes Event zweimal. Erstens überrascht mich, dass der Dimmer zuerst auf 0 gesetzt wird. Dann wird im zweiten Schritt die tatsächlich erwünschten 75% gesendet. Und dann fängt er sich langsam "einzuschwingen" bzw. asymptotisch zu nähern.
Alternativlogeinträge bei einfachem Klick auf den Dimmer:
2015-09-13 11:23:46.440 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:46.458 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:48.523 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:48.535 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:49.532 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.55}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:49.542 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.55}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:50.142 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:50.149 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":1}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:51.148 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.83}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:51.155 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.83}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:51.399 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.97}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:51.406 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.97}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:52.407 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.93}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:52.421 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.93}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:52.658 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.97}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:52.665 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.97}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:53.663 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.97}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 11:23:53.675 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.97}] FLOAT
Bei UP Dimmer identisches Verhalten.
Getestet mit jeweils aktuellem Internet Explorer/Firefox/Chrome auf Windows 8.1 mit aktuellem Patch Level. Sowie Safari unter aktuellem iOS.
Kurioserweise sind die ersten drei Logwerte immer identisch 1, 0,57, 1 und dann geht es in Richtung 0,8x und schwingt sich in Richtung 0,9x ein
Zweites beobachtetes Kuriosum: Wenn zwei Browserfenster geöffnet sind, dann läuft wieder alles Amok. Auch wenn ein Browser auf iOS und der andere auf Windows läuft.
Der Vollständigkeit halber sollte ich vielleicht noch erwähnen, dass es sich um einen Laptop mit Touchscreen handelt. Die Touch Funktionalität ist jedoch in der Registry abgeklemmt.
Nach weiterem probieren komme ich zu dem Schluss, dass das Problem grundsätzlich im ioBroker zu suchen ist. Es hat nichts mit den hqwidgets zu tun.
1. Beobachtung: Das Verhalten mit den jqui Widget dimmer ctrl ist absolut identisch
2. Beobachtung: Es wird total seltsam, wenn man ein lichtsteuerndes Programm auf der CCU aufruft
1. In Vis einen Button einfügen
2. Object ID auf das ProgramExecute setzen
3. "value" auf "true"
4. Den Button in der vis anklicken
5. Jetzt laufen alle Lampen, die über das Programm angesteuert werden Amok
Logfile zeigt folgendes (kurzer Ausschnitt)
2015-09-13 17:23:37.572 - error: hm-rpc.0 Error: You are sending too fast 2015-09-13 17:23:37.611 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0193658:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.08}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:38.188 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0193658:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.09}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:38.226 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0193658:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.09}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:38.463 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0200241:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.12}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:38.471 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0200241:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.12}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:38.474 - error: hm-rpc.0 binrpc -> setValue ["1","LEVEL",0.12] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:38.475 - error: hm-rpc.0 Error: You are sending too fast 2015-09-13 17:23:39.196 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0193658:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.09}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:39.282 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0193658:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.09}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:39.392 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0200292:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.02}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:39.392 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["JEQ0200292:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.02}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:39.395 - error: hm-rpc.0 binrpc -> setValue ["1","LEVEL",0.02] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:39.397 - error: hm-rpc.0 Error: You are sending too fast 2015-09-13 17:23:39.956 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0544749:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.03}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:39.971 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0544749:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.03}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:40.063 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.02}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:40.113 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0092302:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.02}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:40.115 - error: hm-rpc.0 binrpc -> setValue ["1","LEVEL",0.02] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:40.117 - error: hm-rpc.0 Error: You are sending too fast 2015-09-13 17:23:40.921 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0544749:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.3}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:40.926 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0544749:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.3}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:41.058 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0544749:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.1}] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:41.061 - error: hm-rpc.0 binrpc -> setValue ["1","LEVEL",0.1] FLOAT 2015-09-13 17:23:41.062 - error: hm-rpc.0 Error: You are sending too fast 2015-09-13 17:23:41.065 - info: hm-rpc.0 setValue ["IEQ0544749:1","LEVEL",{"explicitDouble":0.1}] FLOAT
Was mich total irritiert. Das Programm läuft ja auf der CCU … aber trotzdem wird im Logfile "setValue" geloggt. Wenn ich das Programm auf der CCU ausführe, dann werden die Werte in vis korrekt dargestellt. Das Logfile bleibt aber komplett leer.
Ich weiß nicht wann genau, aber eben ist eine neue vis version gekommen.
Ich hatte eine neue Installation gemacht, unmittelbar danach war ein update da. jetzt 0.6.14.
Wie ich die Version von js-controller herausbekomme ist mir nicht ganz klar. `
steht im Reiter "hosts"Gruß
Jo, die ist bei mir auch neu … Installation läuft
Derweil js-controller: 0.7.11
Update fertig ...
Update von vis auf 0.6.14 bringt allerdings keine Änderung im beschriebenen Verhalten