Fritzbox DECT Adapter
Einfach weil der Threadtitel passt
Seit dem Update auf 2.5.2 (beta) bekomme ich permanent wahllos diese (nervenden) Log Einträge:
fritzdect.0 2023-10-17 14:30:12.895 info glob state ["XXX00004718"] fritzdect.0 2023-10-17 14:27:12.743 info glob state ["XXX00004718"]
Noch jemand betroffen?
Bei mir sieht es so ausfritzdect.0 2023-10-17 19:30:09.926 warn [Polling] <== TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'count') fritzdect.0 2023-10-17 19:30:08.461 info glob state ["XXXX00053174","grpXXXA7D-XXX175E9E"]
Mal schaun, ob der Entwickler hier mitliest und sich eventuell meldet.
Im Forum lese ich nur sporadisch mit, wenn ein Issue auf github erstellt wird, dann bekomme ich das eher glob state -> habe ich auf debug gelegt, kommt also nicht mehr
Der Fehler mit 'count' kommt von der ausgesteckten Steckdose, da antwortet die FB anders und das wird in 2.5.3 behoben sein.
Ich versuche heute noch die 2.5.3 auf github zu veröffentlichen.Mit der Version 2.5 habe ich die Statistiken die die FB macht nun in IOB verfügbar, plus noch das Aufaddieren der Werte.
Klaus -
habe die version 2.5.3 auf github erstellt, bitte installieren und testen
Das kommt nach dem Update
fritzdect.0 2023-10-20 16:14:14.358 error login not possible, check user and permissions fritzdect.0 2023-10-20 16:14:14.358 error API err => [object Object] fritzdect.0 2023-10-20 16:14:14.358 error no response part in returned error message fritzdect.0 2023-10-20 16:14:14.358 error API funct => login_SID fritzdect.0 2023-10-20 16:14:14.357 error API msg => error calling executeCommand fritzdect.0 2023-10-20 16:14:14.356 error --------------- error calling the fritzbox -----------
Und wieso wird die VIS neu gestartet?
host. 2023-10-20 16:14:14.676 info stopInstance system.adapter.vis.0 (force=false, process=true) host. 2023-10-20 16:14:14.676 info "system.adapter.vis.0" enabled host. 2023-10-20 16:14:14.621 info stopInstance system.adapter.vis.0 (force=false, process=true) host 2023-10-20 16:14:14.620 info "system.adapter.vis.0" disabled
am login habe ich nichts geändert, der sollte bei unveränderten Berechtigungen weiterhin gehen.
Kommt diese Meldung gleich am Anfong oder irgendwann?
Ein log ab Start des Adapters wäre dann aussagekräftiger.
Bei mir (dev-server und production) ist nichts mit login-Problemen aufgetreten, auch nicht bei denen, die in github das issue aufgemacht haben.Der Adapter hat auch widgets mit dabei, deswegen kann ich mir vorstellen, daß da was neu gestartet wird.
Ob das normal ist, kann ich nicht einschätzen. Auf jeden Fall werden beim Installieren die widgets mit hochgeladen.Gruß
Klaus -
Bin erstmal zurück auf die 2.5.2
Die Fehlermeldungen oben kamen gleich nach Adapterstart.
Beim Downgrade lief alles wunderbar durch....Start, Anmeldung an der FB, DP erstellen.... -
Neuen Versuch gestartet
fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:46.090 info finished creating templates (if any) fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:45.769 info start creating templates fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:45.768 info finished creating devices/groups (if any) fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:45.408 info create Main object DECT_ 116116116116 Waschmaschine switch fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:45.408 info ____________________________________________ fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:45.405 info CREATE Devices 1 fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:45.090 info start creating devices/groups fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:45.088 info finished creating global values fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:45.030 info create Main object global channel list fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:45.029 info ____________________________________________ fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:45.028 info start creating global values fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:45.028 info the rights are : {"Rights":{"Name":["Dial","App","HomeAuto","BoxAdmin","Phone","NAS"],"Access":["x","x","x","x","x","x"]}} fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:44.790 info checking user permissions fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:42.329 info fritzdect uses USER: XXXX fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:42.294 info fritzdect entered ready fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:42.270 info starting. Version 2.5.3 (non-npm: foxthefox/ioBroker.fritzdect) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fritzdect, node: v18.18.2, js-controller: 4.0.24
Passt soweit oder?
Muss man jetzt mal schauen, ob die "global" Log Einträge verschwinden.
fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:46.739 info going over to cyclic polling, messages to poll activity only in debug-mode fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:46.738 info finished initial updating devices/groups fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:46.394 info start initial updating devices/groups fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:46.393 info finished creating routines (if any) fritzdect.0 2023-10-26 22:08:46.091 info start creating routines
aus meiner Sicht ist der Adapter korrekt gestartet -
Wenn ich das im Log so überblicken kann, dann werden die Global Meldungen "unterdrückt" bzw. sind nicht mehr vorhanden.
Danke für den Fix.
@foxthefox nach dem Update auf 2.5.5 hatte ich auch Probleme mit dem Login. Einmal das Passwort neu eingegen und es funktioniert wieder.
fritzdect.0 2023-11-03 19:08:59.456 error login not possible, check user and permissions fritzdect.0 2023-11-03 19:08:59.456 error API err => [object Object] fritzdect.0 2023-11-03 19:08:59.456 error no response part in returned error message fritzdect.0 2023-11-03 19:08:59.456 error API funct => login_SID fritzdect.0 2023-11-03 19:08:59.456 error API msg => error calling executeCommand fritzdect.0 2023-11-03 19:08:59.455 error --------------- error calling the fritzbox -----------
Adapter war trotz dieser Meldung grün.
@shadowhunter23 sagte in Fritzbox DECT Adapter:
Hätte ich nochmal erwähnen können, daß beim update auf jsonUI der Algorithmus für die Verschlüsselung anders ist und deswegen braucht es die Neueingabe des Passworts.
Der Adapter hat keine Überwachung für die Kommunikation, nur die Verbindung zu Host und Lebenszeichen.
Kam nach dem Update auf 2.5.5
fritzdect.0 2023-11-04 17:39:04.598 error login not possible, check user and permissions fritzdect.0 2023-11-04 17:39:04.598 error API err => [object Object] fritzdect.0 2023-11-04 17:39:04.598 error no response part in returned error message fritzdect.0 2023-11-04 17:39:04.597 error API funct => login_SID fritzdect.0 2023-11-04 17:39:04.597 error API msg => error calling executeCommand fritzdect.0 2023-11-04 17:39:04.596 error --------------- error calling the fritzbox -----------
Wenn man nochmal das PW eingeben soll nach einem oder dem Update, PUH, dann wirds haarig.
Ich bin in der glücklichen Lage, dass ich mir das aufschreibe, andere User haben da evtl. mehr Probleme. -
@haselchen sagte in Fritzbox DECT Adapter:
Wenn man nochmal das PW eingeben soll nach einem oder dem Update, PUH, dann wirds haarig.
Ich bin in der glücklichen Lage, dass ich mir das aufschreibe, andere User haben da evtl. mehr Probleme.Das Passwort der Fritzbox sollte man aber schon wissen.
@haselchen said in Fritzbox DECT Adapter:
Wenn man nochmal das PW eingeben soll nach einem oder dem Update, PUH, dann wirds haarig.
Ich bin in der glücklichen Lage, dass ich mir das aufschreibe, andere User haben da evtl. mehr Probleme.Einen neuen User in der Fritzbox anlegen ist doch keine Sache ... wenn man denn meint, es solle nicht der "normale" User sein, den man auch für Konfiguration usw. nutzt...
Solange man DESSEN Password und Namen weiß ist das doch kein Beinbruch ...
ich habe im log einige fehler mit der 2.5.5
iobroker ist frisch aufgesetzt (buanet/docker), an der FB hängen "nur" ein paar Comet DECT u. Fritz 200
hat jemand eine idee? ( @foxthefox )iobroker log
fritzdect.0 warn [Polling] <== TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'val')
(alle 60 sek, cron)
fritzdect has an invalid jsonConfig: [{"instancePath":"","schemaPath":"#/additionalProperties","keyword":"additionalProperties","params":{"additionalProperty":"label"},"message":"must NOT have additional properties"}]
(meldung kommt von der admin instance)
docker log
(kommt reproduzierbar wenn ich in die instance config gehe)iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.510495546Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/sendToProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.510733927Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.512189050Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/sendToProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.512329178Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/sendToProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.512351846Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.526563102Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.526759649Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.528148269Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.528275981Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.528301732Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.553407071Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.553549408Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.554871611Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.555010031Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.556060642Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.556195896Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.568826526Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/checkboxProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.568974989Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.569914514Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/checkboxProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.570048893Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/checkboxProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.570601407Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.576077179Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/numberProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.576219850Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.577583428Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/numberProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.577749474Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/numberProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.577776975Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.585074754Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.585216007Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.586238785Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.586377330Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.586481916Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.599794690Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/cronProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.599934944Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.601227937Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/cronProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.601415858Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/cronProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.602414802Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.603222699Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/cronProps/oneOf/0" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.603287284Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.604917119Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/cronProps/oneOf/1" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.605045039Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.619608471Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.619762767Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.620601123Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.620734126Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.620757002Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.664302836Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.664458965Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.666574439Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.666735443Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.669250510Z strict mode: use allowUnionTypes to allow union type keyword at "#/properties/width" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.669383181Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.792269684Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.792409646Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.793482591Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.793642262Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.793682138Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.820872909Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.821022413Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.822308489Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.822682832Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.822737959Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.901380567Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.901523029Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.903524500Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.903703879Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.903732463Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.909603579Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.909755375Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.912134147Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.912275359Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:19.912297651Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.071910264Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.072045809Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.072915708Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.073052253Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.073084670Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.972391864Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/sendToProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.972538743Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.973913905Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/sendToProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.974031575Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/sendToProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.974052159Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.985329878Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.985484882Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.987399808Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.987535062Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:20.987563312Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.001801486Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/checkboxProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.001932698Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.004588186Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/checkboxProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.004716231Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/checkboxProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.004830650Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.008104280Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/numberProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.008243367Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.009543068Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/numberProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.009684239Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/numberProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.009708198Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.015776444Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.015916531Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.016856764Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.016995893Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.017021394Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.028114066Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/cronProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.028292946Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.029966241Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/cronProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.030190289Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/cronProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.030244540Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.030922058Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/cronProps/oneOf/0" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.031324402Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.032814776Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/cronProps/oneOf/1" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.032946196Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.131524380Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.131669718Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.133202925Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.133333971Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/passwordProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.133356471Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.158346266Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.158505270Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.160088479Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.160232858Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/aliveProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.160257192Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.254062957Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.254288088Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.255105402Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.255226947Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.255249447Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.457317115Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "required" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.457469827Z iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.461112467Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "additionalProperties" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes) iobroker | 2023-11-05T14:07:21.461303722Z strict mode: missing type "object" for keyword "properties" at "#/definitions/certificatesProps" (strictTypes)
Zu dem "fritzdect has an invalid jsonConfig" gibt es schon ein Issue auf github, da schon berichtet. Ist mir nicht ganz klar woher das kommt.
Die anderen Dinge kann ich mir erstmal nicht erklären.
Welche FB?
Welche admin Version?Wie oftund wann kommt "fritzdect.0 warn [Polling] <== TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'val') "?
habe mal etwas im jsonUI versucht, evtl hilft das schon
Bitte die Version 2.5.6 probieren
vielen dank!sorry, muss mal blöd fragen - wie updated man instanzen? O_o
npm u ~, version ist auf der neuen 2.5.6, adapter ebenso.
aber die instanz bleibt auf 2.5.5iob update/upgrade bewirkt nichts weiter, docker neustart auch nicht.
muss man die adapter immer neu erstellen...?(sorry, neu bei iobroker)