Test Adapter Gira-IoT
@mhuber Ich habe mich jetzt mal im Gira Entwicklerforum registiert. Die technische Hotline konnte mir (Überraschung) nicht helfen. Ansonsten würde mir auch ein Debug-Log von Dir helfen. Da sollte der der Remote-Access Typ enthalten sein. Einfach die Instanz auf Debug Loglevel stellen.
@haus-automatisierung sagte in Test Adapter Gira-IoT:
@mhuber Ich habe mich jetzt mal im Gira Entwicklerforum registiert. Die technische Hotline konnte mir (Überraschung) nicht helfen. Ansonsten würde mir auch ein Debug-Log von Dir helfen. Da sollte der der Remote-Access Typ enthalten sein. Einfach die Instanz auf Debug Loglevel stellen.
log ist anbei, ist halt ein bisschen mehr von anderen adaptern auch drinnen, denke aber du findest alles was du brauchst. iobroker.2023-04-30.log
Und dieser Fehler kommt auch immer wieder, ist aber was anders als "RA" oder?2023-04-27 07:03:01.199 error unable to get current value for "functions.a0j1.Float" / UID "a0ii" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500
@mhuber Schwer zu sagen - was ist denn
? EDIT: Das ist einde.gira.schema.functions.NumericFloatStatus
. Schwer zu sagen warum er dafür den Wert nicht holen kann -
@haus-automatisierung sagte in Test Adapter Gira-IoT:
Eine Statusanzeige (Ein/Aus) wie ich viele habe, nur bei dem Objekt gehts nicht....komisch
Super Adapter! Allerdings habe ich das Problem das die Werte mit der Bedienung aus der X1 App sich nicht aktualisieren.
Steuere ich diese aus den IoBroker an werden diese in der X1 App aktualisiert. Einstellungen sind wie im Video beschrieben. Habt ihr eine Idee wo ich ansetzen kann?Fehler im Log: Request to /v2/ failed with code undefined (ECONNABORTED): timeout of 1000ms exceeded
@pekus sagte in Test Adapter Gira-IoT:
Habt ihr eine Idee wo ich ansetzen kann?
Dann klappt der Rückweg über den Web-Adapter nicht.
Für mehr Details hilft eigentlich nur ein Debug-Log. -
Danke für deine Rückmeldung.
Ich habe leider Probleme den Log herunterzuladen..
Hab ihn mal in eine Datei kopiert. Kannst du damit was anfangen?
gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:59:16.434 debug refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout: id 3042 gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:59:16.433 debug uiConfigIdResponse 200: {"uid":"a01b"} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:59:16.405 debug deviceInfoResponse 200: {"deviceName":"Gira X1","deviceType":"GIGSRVKX02","deviceVersion":"2.7.585.0","info":"GDS-REST-API","version":"2"} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:58:16.388 debug refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout: id 2735 gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:58:16.388 debug uiConfigIdResponse 200: {"uid":"a01b"} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:58:16.364 debug deviceInfoResponse 200: {"deviceName":"Gira X1","deviceType":"GIGSRVKX02","deviceVersion":"2.7.585.0","info":"GDS-REST-API","version":"2"} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:57:16.343 debug refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout: id 2422 gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:57:16.343 debug uiConfigIdResponse 200: {"uid":"a01b"} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:57:16.308 debug deviceInfoResponse 200: {"deviceName":"Gira X1","deviceType":"GIGSRVKX02","deviceVersion":"2.7.585.0","info":"GDS-REST-API","version":"2"} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:56:16.291 debug refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout: id 2132 gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:56:16.290 debug uiConfigIdResponse 200: {"uid":"a01b"} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:56:16.265 debug deviceInfoResponse 200: {"deviceName":"Gira X1","deviceType":"GIGSRVKX02","deviceVersion":"2.7.585.0","info":"GDS-REST-API","version":"2"} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:56:10.646 debug putValueResponse 200: "" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:56:10.619 debug Sending new value for state "functions.a013.OnOff" / UID "a01a": true (boolean) was converted to 1 (string) gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:56:06.378 debug putValueResponse 200: "" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:56:06.351 debug Sending new value for state "functions.a013.OnOff" / UID "a01a": false (boolean) was converted to 0 (string) gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:56:01.255 debug putValueResponse 200: "" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:56:01.197 debug Sending new value for state "functions.a013.OnOff" / UID "a01a": true (boolean) was converted to 1 (string) gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.246 debug refreshStateTimeout: re-created refresh timeout: id 1656 gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.242 debug Creating function "IP-Verbindungen" with enum id "enum.functions.links" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.237 debug Creating function "Statusanzeigen" with enum id "enum.functions.monitor" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.232 debug Creating function "Szenen" with enum id "enum.functions.scenes" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.229 debug Creating function "Beschattung" with enum id "enum.functions.covering" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.217 debug Creating function "Licht" with enum id "" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.213 info Updated (or created) 9 functions with 10 states gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.205 debug Creating state "functions.a00t.Up-Down" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.196 debug Creating state "functions.a00t.Step-Up-Down" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.187 debug Found device with UID a00t and name "Rollladen / Jalousie" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.185 debug getValueResponse 200: {"values":[{"uid":"a00q","value":""}]} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.151 debug Creating state "functions.a00p.OnOff" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.143 debug Found device with UID a00p and name "Schalter (2)" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.133 debug Creating state "functions.a00l.Teach" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.125 debug Creating state "functions.a00l.Execute" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.114 debug Found device with UID a00l and name "Szenenset" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.112 debug getValueResponse 200: {"values":[{"uid":"a00h","value":""}]} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.077 debug Creating state "functions.a00j.OnOff" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.069 debug Found device with UID a00j and name "Schalter" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.065 debug getValueResponse 200: {"values":[{"uid":"a00h","value":""}]} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.031 debug Creating state "functions.a00g.Binary" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.023 debug Found device with UID a00g and name "Statusanzeige Binär" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:16.018 debug getValueResponse 200: {"values":[{"uid":"a00d","value":""}]} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.984 debug Creating state "functions.a009.Binary" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.976 debug Found device with UID a009 and name "Rück Tank" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.929 debug getValueResponse 200: {"values":[{"uid":"a01a","value":""}]} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.898 debug Creating state "functions.a013.OnOff" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.890 debug Found device with UID a013 and name "Test Iobroker" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.887 debug getValueResponse 200: {"values":[{"uid":"a00c","value":""}]} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.850 debug Creating state "functions.a007.OnOff" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.836 debug Found device with UID a007 and name "Tank" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.822 debug Found device with UID a003 and name "IoBroker" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.807 debug uiConfigResponse 200: {"functions":[{"channelType":"de.gira.schema.channels.Link","dataPoints":[],"displayName":"IoBroker","functionType":"de.gira.schema.functions.Link","uid":"a003"},{"channelType":"de.gira.schema.channels.Switch","dataPoints":[{"name":"OnOff","uid":"a00c"}],"displayName":"Tank","functionType":"de.gira.schema.functions.Switch","uid":"a007"},{"channelType":"de.gira.schema.channels.Switch","dataPoints":[{"name":"OnOff","uid":"a01a"}],"displayName":"Test Iobroker","functionType":"de.gira.schema.functions.Switch","uid":"a013"},{"channelType":"de.gira.schema.channels.Binary","dataPoints":[{"name":"Binary","uid":"a00d"}],"displayName":"Rück Tank","functionType":"de.gira.schema.functions.BinaryStatus","uid":"a009"},{"channelType":"de.gira.schema.channels.Binary","dataPoints":[{"name":"Binary","uid":"a00h"}],"displayName":"Statusanzeige Binär","functionType":"de.gira.schema.functions.BinaryStatus","uid":"a00g"},{"channelType":"de.gira.schema.channels.Switch","dataPoints":[{"name":"OnOff","uid":"a00h"}],"displayName":"Schalter","functionType":"de.gira.schema.functions.Switch","uid":"a00j"},{"channelType":"de.gira.schema.channels.SceneSet","dataPoints":[{"name":"Execute","uid":"a00m"},{"name":"Teach","uid":"a00n"}],"displayName":"Szenenset","functionType":"de.gira.schema.functions.Scene","uid":"a00l"},{"channelType":"de.gira.schema.channels.Switch","dataPoints":[{"name":"OnOff","uid":"a00q"}],"displayName":"Schalter (2)","functionType":"de.gira.schema.functions.Switch","uid":"a00p"},{"channelType":"de.gira.schema.channels.BlindWithPos","dataPoints":[{"name":"Step-Up-Down","uid":"a00u"},{"name":"Up-Down","uid":"a00v"}],"displayName":"Rollladen / Jalousie","functionType":"de.gira.schema.functions.Covering","uid":"a00t"}],"locations":[{"displayName":"Gebäude","functions":["a003","a007","a013","a009","a00g","a00j","a00l","a00p","a00t"],"locationType":"Building","locations":[{"displayName":"Schaltschrank","locationType":"ControlCabinet"}]}],"trades":[{"displayName":"Licht","functions":["a007","a013","a00j","a00p"],"tradeType":"Lighting"},{"displayName":"Schalten","tradeType":"Switching"},{"displayName":"Beschattung","functions":["a00t"],"tradeType":"Covering"},{"displayName":"Temperatur","tradeType":"HVAC"},{"displayName":"Szenen","functions":["a00l"],"tradeType":"Scenes"},{"displayName":"Zeitschaltuhr","tradeType":"Timer"},{"displayName":"Sicherheit","tradeType":"Security"},{"displayName":"Statusanzeigen","functions":["a009","a00g"],"tradeType":"Monitor"},{"displayName":"Wertgeber","tradeType":"Control"},{"displayName":"Sequenzen","tradeType":"Sequences"},{"displayName":"Logik","tradeType":"Logic"},{"displayName":"Kameras","tradeType":"Cameras"},{"displayName":"Multimedia","tradeType":"Multimedia"},{"displayName":"IP-Verbindungen","functions":["a003"],"tradeType":"Links"}],"uid":"a01b"} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.755 info Registered callback urls to and (web extension) gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.754 debug registerCallbacksReponse 200: "" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.748 debug uiConfigIdResponse 200: {"uid":"a01b"} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.713 debug Registering callback urls to and gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.712 debug Unable to unregister callbacks - webHooksRegistered: false, webHooksBaseUrl: null gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.712 debug [onMessage] Received new webHooksBaseUrl: - register callbacks now gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.711 debug [onMessage] Received message: {"baseUrl":""} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.693 debug deviceInfoResponse 200: {"deviceName":"Gira X1","deviceType":"GIGSRVKX02","deviceVersion":"2.7.585.0","info":"GDS-REST-API","version":"2"} gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.552 info Configured server: "" - Connecting with user: "IoBroker" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.516 info starting. Version 0.2.1 (non-npm: klein0r/ioBroker.gira-iot#efe5e89495088a4ba4c12eb68c646d89811daa9a) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.gira-iot, node: v16.20.0, js-controller: 4.0.24 gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.154 debug States connected to redis: gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.094 debug States create User PubSub Client gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.092 debug States create System PubSub Client gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.078 debug Redis States: Use Redis connection: gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.049 debug Objects connected to redis: gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.042 debug Objects client initialize lua scripts gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.004 debug Objects create User PubSub Client gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.003 debug Objects create System PubSub Client gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:15.000 debug Objects client ready ... initialize now gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:14.953 debug Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:10.077 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:10.075 info terminating gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:10.072 info Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:55:00.075 error Request to /v2/ failed with code undefined (ECONNABORTED): timeout of 1000ms exceeded gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:54:58.927 info Configured server: "" - Connecting with user: "IoBroker" gira-iot.0 2023-05-10 21:54:58.886 info starting. Version 0.2.1 (non-npm: klein0r/ioBroker.gira-iot#efe5e89495088a4ba4c12eb68c646d89811daa9a) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.gira-iot, node: v16.20.0, js-controller: 4.0.24
web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:45.181 debug Setting (new) callback url to web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:45.180 debug gira-iot.0 already running - sending callback url on startup web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:45.178 info https server listening on port 8082 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:45.167 info Connect extension "gira-iot/lib/web.js" web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:45.164 info gira-iot.0 server listening on port 8082 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:45.161 debug Activating extensions web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:45.160 info Secure server listening on port 8082 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:45.007 debug Activating IOSocket web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.980 warn Falling back to self-signed certificates or to custom certificates web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.979 warn Could not find any certificate collections - check ACME installation or consider installing web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.975 debug Loading all certificate collections... web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.974 debug Loaded custom certificates: {"key":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\r\nnRAsJ7tyrj+ZtpnbUnbxLxt1Qaz4VOcD3zKu+WXB/kkVsSk/r+oE\r\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n","cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nWnM2rw==\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\r\n"} web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.963 debug Activating states & socket info web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.830 info starting. Version 6.0.1 (non-npm: ioBroker/ioBroker.web#4528910d397fa79be7f48f44d718dd061e7ffa0e) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.web, node: v16.20.0, js-controller: 4.0.24 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.453 debug Plugin sentry Initialize Plugin (enabled=true) web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.346 debug States connected to redis: web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.282 debug States create User PubSub Client web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.280 debug States create System PubSub Client web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.266 debug Redis States: Use Redis connection: web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.239 debug Objects connected to redis: web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.231 debug Objects client initialize lua scripts web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.189 debug Objects create User PubSub Client web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.188 debug Objects create System PubSub Client web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.186 debug Objects client ready ... initialize now web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:44.147 debug Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:39.454 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:39.453 info terminating web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:39.452 info terminated https server on port 8082 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:39.399 info Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:38.074 info https server listening on port 8082 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:38.056 info Connect extension "gira-iot/lib/web.js" web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:38.054 info gira-iot.0 server listening on port 8082 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:38.050 info Secure server listening on port 8082 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:37.844 warn Falling back to self-signed certificates or to custom certificates web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:37.843 warn Could not find any certificate collections - check ACME installation or consider installing web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:37.666 info starting. Version 6.0.1 (non-npm: ioBroker/ioBroker.web#4528910d397fa79be7f48f44d718dd061e7ffa0e) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.web, node: v16.20.0, js-controller: 4.0.24 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:33.669 info Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:33.665 info terminating web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:33.566 info terminated https server on port 8082 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:33.519 info Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:33.495 info Adapter is disabled => stop web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:32.176 info https server listening on port 8082 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:32.170 info Connect extension "gira-iot/lib/web.js" web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:32.167 info gira-iot.0 server listening on port 8082 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:32.163 info Secure server listening on port 8082 web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:32.000 warn Falling back to self-signed certificates or to custom certificates web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:32.000 warn Could not find any certificate collections - check ACME installation or consider installing web.1 2023-05-10 22:23:31.844 info starting. Version 6.0.1 (non-npm: ioBroker/ioBroker.web#4528910d397fa79be7f48f44d718dd061e7ffa0e) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.web, node: v16.20.0, js-controller: 4.0.24
Hi. Ja ich hab auch das gleiche Problem. Z.B. werden die Temperaturwerte und Leistungsverbrauchwerte angezeigt. Jedoch werden diese nicht aktualisiert. Erst wenn ich die Gira-iot instanz neu starten sind sie wieder aktuell.Hast du schon eine Lösung?
@pekus sagte in Test Adapter Gira-IoT:
Hab ihn mal in eine Datei kopiert. Kannst du damit was anfangen?
Danke. Aktuell warte ich auf Gira. Die schalte nichtmal meinen Account frei. Was für ein Laden...
Unterstützt dieser Adapter das Gira eNet Mobile Gate Wireless IP gateway wie der ? Das wäre klasse!
@bravestarr Ne, das ist ja was komplett anderes.
Hallo, ich habe das selbe Problem, dass die Objekte nur vom IO-Broker zum X1 aktualisiert werden, aber nicht anders herum (bzw. nur beim Start des Adapters).
Gibt's hier schon was neues? Und was auch noch interessant wäre: Hast du das Problem bei dir auch?P.S.: Ansonsten richtig guter Adapter
Vielen Dank dafür
@jo-0 Ohne ein Debug-Log könnte man (wie immer) nur raten…
@haus-automatisierung Ich häng mal ein Log an, aber weiß noch nicht genau wo ich das Problem ansetzen soll.
Nochmal der Zustand:
Beim Start werden alle Daten vom X1 -> IOBroker gesendet, danach aber keine Änderungen mehr. Anders herum funktioniert alles: IOBroker -> X1.
Mein recht stupider Workaround ist im Moment den Gira IOT Adapter alle 10 Minuten neu zu starten, da ich die Temperatur der Räume loggen will (und beim Neustart wird ja der aktuelle Wert übertragen).Wenn man allerdings immer Änderungen im eigenstellten Intervall bekäme, wäre das schon super, dann könnte man auch über Buttons im X1 Aktionen im IOBroker auslösen. Funktioniert das den bei dir?
2023-09-29 21:40:00.020 - info: gira-iot.0 (151030) Scheduled restart. 2023-09-29 21:40:00.028 - info: gira-iot.0 (151030) terminating 2023-09-29 21:40:00.029 - info: gira-iot.0 (151030) Terminated (START_IMMEDIATELY_AFTER_STOP): Without reason 2023-09-29 21:40:00.526 - info: gira-iot.0 (151030) terminating 2023-09-29 21:40:00.582 - info: host.517867d7824c instance system.adapter.gira-iot.0 scheduled normal terminated and will be restarted on schedule. 2023-09-29 21:40:00.587 - info: host.517867d7824c Restart adapter system.adapter.gira-iot.0 because enabled 2023-09-29 21:40:01.654 - info: host.517867d7824c instance system.adapter.gira-iot.0 started with pid 151536 2023-09-29 21:40:03.336 - info: gira-iot.0 (151536) starting. Version 0.3.0 (non-npm: klein0r/ioBroker.gira-iot#87110817e59f2c5be0ae986a690f8a7382d930f9) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.gira-iot, node: v20.6.1, js-controller: 5.0.12 2023-09-29 21:40:03.463 - info: gira-iot.0 (151536) Configured server: "" - Connecting with user: "iobrokeradmin" 2023-09-29 21:40:03.817 - info: gira-iot.0 (151536) Registered callback urls to and (web extension) 2023-09-29 21:40:08.298 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a009.Status" / UID "a05p" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:08.966 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a00b.OnOff" / UID "a05r" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:11.846 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a016.Red" / UID "a04t" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:12.408 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a016.Green" / UID "a04u" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:12.974 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a016.Blue" / UID "a04v" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:13.546 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a016.White" / UID "a04w" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:17.119 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a01a.OnOff" / UID "a01b" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:17.370 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a01d.OnOff" / UID "a01e" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:23.384 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a0g6.OnOff" / UID "a0g7" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:28.842 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a0dz.OnOff" / UID "a0e0" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:36.245 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a0cq.OnOff" / UID "a0e8" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:36.931 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a0cu.OnOff" / UID "a0cv" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:43.323 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a0hh.String" / UID "a0hi" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:43.882 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a0hj.String" / UID "a0hk" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:49.050 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a0gz.OnOff" / UID "a0gu" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:49.690 - error: gira-iot.0 (151536) unable to get current value for "functions.a0gy.OnOff" / UID "a0gs" - failed with AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500 2023-09-29 21:40:50.807 - info: gira-iot.0 (151536) Updated (or created) 155 functions with 284 states
@jo-0 sagte in Test Adapter Gira-IoT:
node: v20.6.1
Empfohlen ist 18 ,
weiß natürlich nicht ob schon der Adapter für 20 freigegeben ist .Aktuell 20 ist :
Ist ioBroker im Docker ?
@glasfaser Ja IOBroker läuft im Docker.
Mich würde immer noch brennend interessieren: Haben alle das Problem, oder ist es nur bei mir, pekus und CZ71 so?
@glasfaser sagte in Test Adapter Gira-IoT:
weiß natürlich nicht ob schon der Adapter für 20 freigegeben ist .
Nie getestet, wüsste aber nicht was dagegen sprechen sollte.
Bei mir läuft der IOBroker im Docker Container (Netzwerk im Bridge-Mode). D.h. der IP-Address-Range im Container ( ist ein anderer als der des externen/physischen Netzes also des Docker-Servers und GIRA-Servers ( Damit ist dann auch die an den GIRA X1/Homeserver übermittelte URL falsch, da sie aus der web.0 IP-Adresse gebildet wird. Kann man die URL ändern/übersteuern?
@yippie Aktuell nicht vorgesehen. Wäre ja auch eher ein Thema für den Web Adapter