dyson Air purifier Adapter - Tester gesucht
Hallo Mike
@mike2712 sagte in dyson Air purifier Adapter - Tester gesucht:
ich bekomme allerdings bei dem "Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link" nicht die Target Temperature gesteuert.
Es ist durchaus möglich, dass diese Funktion noch ungetestet oder einfach ungenutzt ist. Ich selber habe kein Dyson Gerät das heizt - will sagen: ich selbst kann diese Funktion nicht testen. Insofern kann es durchaus sein das das fehlerhaft implementiert ist. Im Moment kann ich da allerdings nicht viel helfen - aber in ca zwei Wochen wieder gerne. Dann können wir das gemeinsam angehen und debuggen.
Bis dahin möchte ich dich bitten einen issue auf GitHub zu öffnen und ein debug Log anzuhängen das den Schaltvorgang zeigt. Ach ja - in dem Zusammenhang: wenn du möchtest das ein ioBroker Adapter etwas schaltet darfst du den Haken bei "Bestätigt" NICHT setzen - denn genau diese unbestätigte Änderung ist es an der der Adapter erkennt daß er etwas tun soll. Den Status "Bestätigt" setzt der Adapter wenn er die Änderung erfolgreich durchgeführt hat.
Viele Grüße - ich melde mich wieder sobald ich mich um den Bug kümmern kann.
danke für die Information, okay deswegen passiert dann auch nichts, ausser das der Datenpunkt nicht zum Gerät gesendet wird, von daher nach ein paar Sekunden wieder der alte Wert, ,ohne bestätigt empfängt das Gerät, egal was ich sende 0.45 °C, der datenpunkt ist original als string, habe string gesendet, number, alles mögliche.
Im Log vom Debug steht leider nichts, das hatte ich schon vermutet, wenn ich am Gerät die Temperatur ändere, ändert sich auch der Datenpunkt im ioBroker, denke ich mache irgendetwas beim senden falsch, vielleicht muss man den Wert anderes interpretieren, für 30°C eine 3000 als string oder so was senden, ich spiele mal etwas weiter rum, vielen Dank schon mal für die Info. -
@mike2712 sagte in dyson Air purifier Adapter - Tester gesucht:
vielleicht muss man den Wert anderes interpretieren,
Das Problem dürfte sein, das die Dyson Geräte intern alle Temperaturen in Kelvin verarbeiten. Das rechne ich im Adapter jeweils um. Ich vermute dass dabei etwas schief geht.
Das Problem mit der Temperatur stellt sich wie folgt da, die Anzeige des Datenpunktes ist korrekt, stimmt mit Gerät / App überein.
Es sieht so aus als ob ein fester Offset irgendwie verwendet wird,
sende ich einen Wert (string)- 250 - Gerät geht auf 4,15°C
- 260 - Gerät geht auf 14,15°C
- 270 - Gerät geht auf 24,15°C
Allerdings scheint der Adapter jetzt doch etwas Stress zu machen, das ist mehr erst aufgefallen seit dem ich das 2. Gerät welches auch heizen kann mit eingebunden habe, hier mal ein LOG, ich kann da leider nicht schlau raus werden:
nairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.066 debug C4H-EU-NHB8749A - MQTT message received: {"msg":"CURRENT-FAULTS","time":"2023-07-15T07:51:28.000Z","product-errors":{"amf1":"OK","amf2":"OK","amf3":"OK","amf4":"OK","amf5":"OK","amf6":"OK","amf7":"OK","amf8":"OK","amf9":"OK","com4":"OK","com1":"OK","iuh0":"OK","iup0":"OK","iuw0":"OK","iuh1":"OK","iuu1":"OK","iuc1":"OK","iuw1":"OK","iua1":"OK","iuh2":"OK","iuu2":"OK","iuc2":"OK","iuw2":"OK","iua2":"OK","iuh4":"OK","iuu4":"OK","iuc4":"OK","iuw4":"OK","iua4":"OK","ui01":"OK","ui02":"FAIL","ui03":"OK","uid1":"OK","uid2":"OK","fs01":"OK","fs02":"OK","fs03":"OK","fs04":"OK","fs05":"OK","fs06":"OK","fs07":"OK","fs08":"OK","fs09":"OK","fs0a":"OK","fs0b":"OK","fs0c":"OK","psu1":"OK","psu2":"OK","sen1":"OK","sen2":"OK","sen3":"OK","sen4":"OK","com5":"OK","com2":"OK","com9":"OK","coma":"OK","bosl":"OK","bosr":"OK","etws":"OK","wpmp":"OK","prot":"OK","uled":"OK"},"product-warnings":{"fltr":"OK","tnke":"OK","tnkp":"OK","cldu":"OK","etwd":"OK"},"module-errors":{"szme":"OK","szmw":"OK","szps":"OK","szpe":"OK","szpw":"OK","szed":"OK","lspd":"OK","szpi":"OK","szpp":"OK","szhv":"OK","szbv":"OK","szav":"OK"},"module-warnings":{"srnk":"OK","stac":"OK","strs":"OK","srmi":"OK","srmu":"OK","nwcs":"OK","nwts":"OK","nwps":"OK","nwss":"OK"}} dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.066 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [module-warnings] Value:[{"srnk":"OK","stac":"OK","strs":"OK","srmi":"OK","srmu":"OK","nwcs":"OK","nwts":"OK","nwps":"OK","nwss":"OK"}] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.065 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [nwss] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.065 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [nwps] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.065 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [nwts] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.065 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [nwcs] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.065 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [srmu] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.064 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [srmi] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.064 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [strs] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.064 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [stac] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.064 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [srnk] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.063 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [module-errors] Value:[{"szme":"OK","szmw":"OK","szps":"OK","szpe":"OK","szpw":"OK","szed":"OK","lspd":"OK","szpi":"OK","szpp":"OK","szhv":"OK","szbv":"OK","szav":"OK"}] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.063 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szav] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.063 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szbv] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.062 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szhv] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.062 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szpp] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.062 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szpi] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.062 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [lspd] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.062 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szed] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.061 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szpw] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.061 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szpe] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.061 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szps] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.061 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szmw] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.061 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szme] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.060 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [product-warnings] Value:[{"fltr":"OK","tnke":"OK","tnkp":"OK","cldu":"OK","etwd":"OK"}] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.060 debug EVAPORATION_TRAY_OVERFLOW_DETECTED is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.059 debug CLEAN_CYCLE_OVERDUE is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.057 debug TANK_UNDETECTED is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.057 debug TANK_EMPTY is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.057 debug FILTER_REPLACEMENT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.056 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [product-errors] Value:[{"amf1":"OK","amf2":"OK","amf3":"OK","amf4":"OK","amf5":"OK","amf6":"OK","amf7":"OK","amf8":"OK","amf9":"OK","com4":"OK","com1":"OK","iuh0":"OK","iup0":"OK","iuw0":"OK","iuh1":"OK","iuu1":"OK","iuc1":"OK","iuw1":"OK","iua1":"OK","iuh2":"OK","iuu2":"OK","iuc2":"OK","iuw2":"OK","iua2":"OK","iuh4":"OK","iuu4":"OK","iuc4":"OK","iuw4":"OK","iua4":"OK","ui01":"OK","ui02":"FAIL","ui03":"OK","uid1":"OK","uid2":"OK","fs01":"OK","fs02":"OK","fs03":"OK","fs04":"OK","fs05":"OK","fs06":"OK","fs07":"OK","fs08":"OK","fs09":"OK","fs0a":"OK","fs0b":"OK","fs0c":"OK","psu1":"OK","psu2":"OK","sen1":"OK","sen2":"OK","sen3":"OK","sen4":"OK","com5":"OK","com2":"OK","com9":"OK","coma":"OK","bosl":"OK","bosr":"OK","etws":"OK","wpmp":"OK","prot":"OK","uled":"OK"}] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.056 debug UVC_LED is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.056 debug PUMP_ROTOR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.056 debug WATER_PUMP_FAILURE is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.055 debug EVAPORATION_TRAY_OVERFLOW_EXTENDED is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.055 debug BARREL_OSCILLATION_RIGHT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.055 debug BARREL_OSCILLATION_LEFT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.055 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [coma] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.055 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [com9] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.055 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [com2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.054 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [com5] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.054 debug HUMIDITY_SENSOR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.054 debug TEMPERATURE_SENSOR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.054 debug GAS_SENSOR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.054 debug DUST_SENSOR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.054 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [psu2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.053 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [psu1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.053 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs0c] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.053 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs0b] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.053 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs0a] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.053 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs09] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.053 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs08] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.052 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs07] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.052 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs06] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.052 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs05] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.052 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs04] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.052 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs03] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.051 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs02] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.051 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs01] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.051 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [uid2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.051 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [uid1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.051 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [ui03] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.050 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [ui02] Value:[FAIL] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.050 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [ui01] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.050 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iua4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.050 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuw4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.050 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuc4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.050 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuu4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.049 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuh4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.049 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iua2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.049 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuw2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.049 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuc2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.048 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuu2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.048 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuh2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.048 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iua1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.048 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuw1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.048 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuc1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.047 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuu1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.047 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuh1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.047 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuw0] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.047 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iup0] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.047 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuh0] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.047 debug COMMS_AFM is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.046 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [com4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.046 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [amf9] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.046 debug AFM_SW_ERROR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.046 debug AFM_OVER_CURRENT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.046 debug AFM_SPEED_FDBK is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.046 debug AFM_START_UP is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.045 debug AFM_OVER_TEMP is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.045 debug AFM_UNDER_VOLT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.045 debug AFM_OVER_VOLT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.045 debug AFM_FOC_DURATION is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.045 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [time] Value:[2023-07-15T07:51:28.000Z] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.044 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [msg] Value:[CURRENT-FAULTS] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:28.044 debug MessageType: CURRENT-FAULTS dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:27.992 debug C4H-EU-NHB8749A - MQTT message received: {"msg":"ENVIRONMENTAL-CURRENT-SENSOR-DATA","time":"2023-07-15T07:51:28.000Z","data":{"tact":"2984","hact":"0053","pm25":"0006","pm10":"0004","va10":"0007","noxl":"0024","p25r":"0007","p10r":"0007","sltm":"OFF"}} dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:27.991 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [time] Value:[2023-07-15T07:51:28.000Z] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:27.991 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [msg] Value:[ENVIRONMENTAL-CURRENT-SENSOR-DATA] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:27.991 debug MessageType: ENVIRONMENTAL-CURRENT-SENSOR-DATA dysonairpurifier.0 2023-07-15 09:51:27.949 debug C4H-EU-NHB8749A - MQTT message received: {"msg":"CURRENT-STATE","time":"2023-07-15T07:51:28.000Z","mode-reason":"NONE","state-reason":"MODE","rssi":"-65","channel":"11","fqhp":"61048","fghp":"48600","product-state":{"fpwr":"ON","auto":"OFF","oscs":"OFF","oson":"OFF","nmod":"OFF","rhtm":"ON","fnst":"FAN","ercd":"31U2","wacd":"NONE","nmdv":"0004","fnsp":"0002","bril":"0002","corf":"ON","cflr":"INV","hflr":"0055","cflt":"NONE","hflt":"GCOM","sltm":"OFF","osal":"0180","osau":"0180","ancp":"0090","hume":"HUMD","haut":"ON","humt":"0030","rect":"0035","msta":"OFF","clcr":"CLNO","cdrr":"0060","cltr":"0395","wath":"0675","psta":"OFF","fdir":"ON"},"scheduler":{"srsc":"0000000061771266","dstv":"0001","tzid":"0001"}}
Okay. Habe mir das Log gerade einmal angeschaut.
Da macht eigentlich nichts Stress. Das sind normale Debug-Log-Ausgaben - wenn auch zugegebenermaßen ziemlich viele. Das ist nur etwas unübersichtlich aber nicht problematisch.
Ich habe die beiden schlimmsten "Spammer" mal für die nächste Version auf "Silly" gesetzt - dann wird das wieder besser.Aber wie auch immer.
Ich brauche bitte nach wie vor ein Log in dem ich eine Änderung der Temperatur sehen kann.
Also bitte einmal: Adapter starten, Temperatur ändern, Adapter stoppen - Log posten. -
@grizzelbee Hier der Log wie beschrieben, normal ist das aber sicherlich nicht, der Adapter startet und stoppt ständig, ich muss ihn leider wieder deaktivieren, in ~ 5 Minuten
deutlich über 1000 Einträge, war zuviel um es hier dem Post komplett einzusetzen.ysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:06.913 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:06.912 debug Plugin sentry destroyed dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:06.911 info terminating dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:06.910 info Cleaned up everything... dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:06.910 info Cleaned up timeout for PT4-EU-PAA2268B. dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:06.909 info Cleaned up timeout for C4H-EU-NHB8749A. dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:06.908 info Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.338 debug C4H-EU-NHB8749A - MQTT message received: {"msg":"CURRENT-FAULTS","time":"2023-08-02T05:52:02.000Z","product-errors":{"amf1":"OK","amf2":"OK","amf3":"OK","amf4":"OK","amf5":"OK","amf6":"OK","amf7":"OK","amf8":"OK","amf9":"OK","com4":"OK","com1":"OK","iuh0":"OK","iup0":"OK","iuw0":"OK","iuh1":"OK","iuu1":"OK","iuc1":"OK","iuw1":"OK","iua1":"OK","iuh2":"OK","iuu2":"OK","iuc2":"OK","iuw2":"OK","iua2":"OK","iuh4":"OK","iuu4":"OK","iuc4":"OK","iuw4":"OK","iua4":"OK","ui01":"OK","ui02":"FAIL","ui03":"OK","uid1":"OK","uid2":"OK","fs01":"OK","fs02":"OK","fs03":"OK","fs04":"OK","fs05":"OK","fs06":"OK","fs07":"OK","fs08":"OK","fs09":"OK","fs0a":"OK","fs0b":"OK","fs0c":"OK","psu1":"OK","psu2":"OK","sen1":"OK","sen2":"OK","sen3":"OK","sen4":"OK","com5":"OK","com2":"OK","com9":"OK","coma":"OK","bosl":"OK","bosr":"OK","etws":"OK","wpmp":"OK","prot":"OK","uled":"OK"},"product-warnings":{"fltr":"OK","tnke":"OK","tnkp":"OK","cldu":"OK","etwd":"OK"},"module-errors":{"szme":"OK","szmw":"OK","szps":"OK","szpe":"OK","szpw":"OK","szed":"OK","lspd":"OK","szpi":"OK","szpp":"OK","szhv":"OK","szbv":"OK","szav":"OK"},"module-warnings":{"srnk":"OK","stac":"OK","strs":"OK","srmi":"OK","srmu":"OK","nwcs":"OK","nwts":"OK","nwps":"OK","nwss":"OK"}} dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.337 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [module-warnings] Value:[{"srnk":"OK","stac":"OK","strs":"OK","srmi":"OK","srmu":"OK","nwcs":"OK","nwts":"OK","nwps":"OK","nwss":"OK"}] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.337 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [nwss] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.337 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [nwps] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.336 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [nwts] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.336 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [nwcs] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.335 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [srmu] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.333 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [srmi] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.333 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [strs] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.333 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [stac] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.332 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [srnk] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.332 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [module-errors] Value:[{"szme":"OK","szmw":"OK","szps":"OK","szpe":"OK","szpw":"OK","szed":"OK","lspd":"OK","szpi":"OK","szpp":"OK","szhv":"OK","szbv":"OK","szav":"OK"}] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.331 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szav] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.331 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szbv] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.331 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szhv] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.331 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szpp] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.330 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szpi] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.330 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [lspd] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.330 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szed] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.330 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szpw] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.329 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szpe] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.329 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szps] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.329 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szmw] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.329 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [szme] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.329 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [product-warnings] Value:[{"fltr":"OK","tnke":"OK","tnkp":"OK","cldu":"OK","etwd":"OK"}] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.328 debug EVAPORATION_TRAY_OVERFLOW_DETECTED is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.328 debug CLEAN_CYCLE_OVERDUE is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.327 debug TANK_UNDETECTED is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.327 debug TANK_EMPTY is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.327 debug FILTER_REPLACEMENT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.326 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [product-errors] Value:[{"amf1":"OK","amf2":"OK","amf3":"OK","amf4":"OK","amf5":"OK","amf6":"OK","amf7":"OK","amf8":"OK","amf9":"OK","com4":"OK","com1":"OK","iuh0":"OK","iup0":"OK","iuw0":"OK","iuh1":"OK","iuu1":"OK","iuc1":"OK","iuw1":"OK","iua1":"OK","iuh2":"OK","iuu2":"OK","iuc2":"OK","iuw2":"OK","iua2":"OK","iuh4":"OK","iuu4":"OK","iuc4":"OK","iuw4":"OK","iua4":"OK","ui01":"OK","ui02":"FAIL","ui03":"OK","uid1":"OK","uid2":"OK","fs01":"OK","fs02":"OK","fs03":"OK","fs04":"OK","fs05":"OK","fs06":"OK","fs07":"OK","fs08":"OK","fs09":"OK","fs0a":"OK","fs0b":"OK","fs0c":"OK","psu1":"OK","psu2":"OK","sen1":"OK","sen2":"OK","sen3":"OK","sen4":"OK","com5":"OK","com2":"OK","com9":"OK","coma":"OK","bosl":"OK","bosr":"OK","etws":"OK","wpmp":"OK","prot":"OK","uled":"OK"}] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.326 debug UVC_LED is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.325 debug PUMP_ROTOR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.325 debug WATER_PUMP_FAILURE is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.324 debug EVAPORATION_TRAY_OVERFLOW_EXTENDED is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.324 debug BARREL_OSCILLATION_RIGHT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.324 debug BARREL_OSCILLATION_LEFT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.324 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [coma] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.324 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [com9] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.323 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [com2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.323 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [com5] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.322 debug HUMIDITY_SENSOR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.322 debug TEMPERATURE_SENSOR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.322 debug GAS_SENSOR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.321 debug DUST_SENSOR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.321 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [psu2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.321 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [psu1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.321 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs0c] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.321 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs0b] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.320 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs0a] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.320 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs09] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.319 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs08] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.319 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs07] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.319 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs06] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.319 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs05] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.319 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs04] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.318 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs03] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.318 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs02] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.318 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fs01] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.318 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [uid2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.317 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [uid1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.317 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [ui03] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.316 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [ui02] Value:[FAIL] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.316 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [ui01] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.316 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iua4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.316 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuw4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.315 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuc4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.315 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuu4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.315 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuh4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.315 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iua2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.314 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuw2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.314 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuc2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.313 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuu2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.311 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuh2] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.311 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iua1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.310 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuw1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.310 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuc1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.310 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuu1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.310 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuh1] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.309 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuw0] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.309 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iup0] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.309 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [iuh0] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.308 debug COMMS_AFM is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.308 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [com4] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.308 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [amf9] Value:[OK] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.307 debug AFM_SW_ERROR is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.307 debug AFM_OVER_CURRENT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.307 debug AFM_SPEED_FDBK is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.307 debug AFM_START_UP is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.306 debug AFM_OVER_TEMP is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.306 debug AFM_UNDER_VOLT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.305 debug AFM_OVER_VOLT is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.305 debug AFM_FOC_DURATION is a bool switch. Current state: [OK] --> returnvalue for further processing: false dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.305 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [time] Value:[2023-08-02T05:52:02.000Z] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.305 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [msg] Value:[CURRENT-FAULTS] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.304 debug MessageType: CURRENT-FAULTS dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.253 debug C4H-EU-NHB8749A - MQTT message received: {"msg":"ENVIRONMENTAL-CURRENT-SENSOR-DATA","time":"2023-08-02T05:52:02.000Z","data":{"tact":"2945","hact":"0064","pm25":"0024","pm10":"0017","va10":"0011","noxl":"0019","p25r":"0023","p10r":"0025","sltm":"OFF"}} dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.252 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [time] Value:[2023-08-02T05:52:02.000Z] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.252 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [msg] Value:[ENVIRONMENTAL-CURRENT-SENSOR-DATA] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.251 debug MessageType: ENVIRONMENTAL-CURRENT-SENSOR-DATA dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.211 debug C4H-EU-NHB8749A - MQTT message received: {"msg":"CURRENT-STATE","time":"2023-08-02T05:52:02.000Z","mode-reason":"LSCH","state-reason":"MODE","rssi":"-62","channel":"11","fqhp":"89936","fghp":"81872","product-state":{"fpwr":"ON","auto":"ON","oscs":"OFF","oson":"OFF","nmod":"OFF","rhtm":"ON","fnst":"FAN","ercd":"31U2","wacd":"NONE","nmdv":"0004","fnsp":"AUTO","bril":"0002","corf":"ON","cflr":"INV","hflr":"0046","cflt":"NONE","hflt":"GCOM","sltm":"OFF","osal":"0180","osau":"0180","ancp":"0090","hume":"HUMD","haut":"ON","humt":"0030","rect":"0045","msta":"OFF","clcr":"CLNO","cdrr":"0060","cltr":"0395","wath":"0675","psta":"CLNG","fdir":"ON"},"scheduler":{"srsc":"0000000061771266","dstv":"0001","tzid":"0001"}} dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.211 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [psta] Value:[CLNG] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.209 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [bril] Value:[0002] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.207 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fghp] Value:[81872] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.207 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [fqhp] Value:[89936] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.207 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [state-reason] Value:[MODE] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.206 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [mode-reason] Value:[LSCH] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.206 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [time] Value:[2023-08-02T05:52:02.000Z] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.205 debug Skipped creating unknown data field for Device:[C4H-EU-NHB8749A], Field: [msg] Value:[CURRENT-STATE] dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.205 debug MessageType: CURRENT-STATE dysonairpurifier.0 2023-08-02 07:52:01.097 debug Updating device [C4H-EU-NHB8749A] (polling API scheduled).
@mike2712 sagte in dyson Air purifier Adapter - Tester gesucht:
Hier der Log wie beschrieben, normal ist das aber sicherlich nicht,
Das liegt im Auge des Betrachters. Das sind ja keine "normalen" Info Meldungen, sondern Debug Ausgaben. Da entscheidet der Entwickler was er braucht und was nicht. Aber wie dem auch sei - ab der nächsten Version wird es ja wieder weniger.
der Adapter startet und stoppt ständig, ich muss ihn leider wieder deaktivieren
Wenn er ständig startet und stoppt liegt ein größeres Problem vor - das sollte als Error Meldung im Log auftauchen. Guck da bitte mal nach.
in ~ 5 Minuten> deutlich über 1000 Einträge, war zuviel um es hier dem Post komplett einzusetzen.
Soweit ich weiß kann man hier auch Dateien hochladen. Das Problem ist nämlich, das ich auch hier wieder nichts sehe, was mit dem Schalten der Temperatur zusammen hängt.
Neue Idee: Wenn Du den Poll-Intervall auf 5 Minuten stellst, kommt logischerweise nicht so viel Spam. Dann sollte das übersichtlicher werden. Ansonsten schau mal nach dem Dateiupload. Dann kannst Du alles in eine Textdatei packen und die hier posten. -
@grizzelbee die maximale Dateigröße ist 5120 kb, das log file von heute hat 6460 kb.
Das komische ist das keine Fehlermeldungen gekommen sind, ich versuche das noch mal mit dem Intervall auf 5 Minuten.
Der Adapter ist ständig neu gestart,der Status war wechselnd grün/rot. -
so log komplett gelöscht, Adapter auf 5 Minuten gestellt, den Wert für Temperatur auf 400 geändert - > Ergebnis was angekommen ist waren 37.05 °C.
Trotz der 5 Minuten kommen Meldungen ohne Ende reingeflogen.2023-08-02 16:24:57.406 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) MANUAL CHANGE: device [PT4-EU-PAA2268B] -> [TemperatureTarget] -> [400
Das sind offensichtlich die Meldungen wenn der Adapter kurz stoppt, der Adapter war kurz rot oder gelb?
2023-08-02 16:36:50.762 info Starting Polltimer with a 300 seconds interval.
2023-08-02 16:36:50.761 info PT4-EU-PAA2268B - MQTT connection established.
2023-08-02 16:36:49.705 info PT4-EU-PAA2268B - MQTT offline.Nach nur wenigen Minuten ist die Log Datei erneut auf 2235 kb angestiegen, gefühlt 95 % vom Dyson Adapter.
Ich bekomme die LOGS leider nicht nach Excel, weiß nicht wie man damit anderweitig vernünftig weiterarbeiten kann. -
Das html Log ist schon soweit okay. Kein Ding.
Ein Tipp vielleicht noch dazu: Das Log kann man über die Header auch Filtern:
Bei "Nachricht" kann sogar Text frei eingegeben werden.
Zum eigentlichen Thema:
2023-08-02 16:24:57.403 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) onStateChange: Using dysonAction: [hmax] 2023-08-02 16:24:57.406 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) MANUAL CHANGE: device [PT4-EU-PAA2268B] -> [TemperatureTarget] -> [400 ], id: [dysonairpurifier.0.PT4-EU-PAA2268B.TemperatureTarget] 2023-08-02 16:24:57.406 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) SENDING this data to device (PT4-EU-PAA2268B): {"msg":"STATE-SET","time":"2023-08-02T14:24:57.405Z","mode-reason":"LAPP","state-reason":"MODE","data":{"hmax":"4273"}} 2023-08-02 16:24:57.508 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) requesting new state of device (PT4-EU-PAA2268B). 2023-08-02 16:24:57.838 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) MessageType: CURRENT-STATE 2023-08-02 16:24:57.845 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) PT4-EU-PAA2268B - MQTT message received: {"msg":"CURRENT-STATE","time":"2023-08-02T14:24:58.000Z","mode-reason":"LAPP","state-reason":"MODE","dial":"OFF","rssi":"-58","product-state":{"fmod":"FAN","fnst":"OFF","fnsp":"0004","qtar":"0003","oson":"OFF","rhtm":"ON","filf":"4272","ercd":"NONE","nmod":"OFF","wacd":"NONE","hmod":"HEAT","hmax":"3102","hsta":"OFF","ffoc":"ON","tilt":"OK"},"scheduler":{"srsc":"6f74","dstv":"0001","tzid":"0001"}} 2023-08-02 16:24:57.936 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) MessageType: CURRENT-STATE 2023-08-02 16:24:57.946 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) PT4-EU-PAA2268B - MQTT message received: {"msg":"CURRENT-STATE","time":"2023-08-02T14:24:58.001Z","mode-reason":"LAPP","state-reason":"MODE","dial":"OFF","rssi":"-58","product-state":{"fmod":"FAN","fnst":"OFF","fnsp":"0004","qtar":"0003","oson":"OFF","rhtm":"ON","filf":"4272","ercd":"NONE","nmod":"OFF","wacd":"NONE","hmod":"HEAT","hmax":"3102","hsta":"OFF","ffoc":"ON","tilt":"OK"},"scheduler":{"srsc":"6f74","dstv":"0001","tzid":"0001"}} 2023-08-02 16:24:58.044 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) MessageType: ENVIRONMENTAL-CURRENT-SENSOR-DATA 2023-08-02 16:24:58.053 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) PT4-EU-PAA2268B - MQTT message received: {"msg":"ENVIRONMENTAL-CURRENT-SENSOR-DATA","time":"2023-08-02T14:24:58.002Z","data":{"tact":"2978","hact":"0056","pact":"0002","vact":"INIT","sltm":"OFF"}} 2023-08-02 16:24:58.239 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) MessageType: STATE-CHANGE 2023-08-02 16:24:58.241 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) Values for [FanMode] are equal. No update required. Skipping. 2023-08-02 16:24:58.241 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) Value is an object. Converting to value: ["FAN"] --> [FAN] 2023-08-02 16:24:58.242 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) Values for [AirQualityTarget] are equal. No update required. Skipping. 2023-08-02 16:24:58.243 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) Values for [LastErrorCode] are equal. No update required. Skipping. 2023-08-02 16:24:58.244 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) Values for [LastWarningCode] are equal. No update required. Skipping. 2023-08-02 16:24:58.245 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) Value is an object. Converting to value: ["HEAT"] --> [HEAT] 2023-08-02 16:24:58.249 - debug: dysonairpurifier.0 (1029) PT4-EU-PAA2268B - MQTT message received: {"msg":"STATE-CHANGE","time":"2023-08-02T14:24:58.003Z","mode-reason":"LAPP","state-reason":"MODE","product-state":{"fmod":["FAN","FAN"],"fnst":["OFF","FAN"],"fnsp":["0004","0004"],"qtar":["0003","0003"],"oson":["OFF","OFF"],"rhtm":["ON","ON"],"filf":["4272","4272"],"ercd":["NONE","NONE"],"nmod":["OFF","OFF"],"wacd":["NONE","NONE"],"hmod":["HEAT","HEAT"],"hmax":["3102","3102"],"hsta":["OFF","HEAT"],"ffoc":["ON","ON"],"tilt":["OK","OK"]},"scheduler":{"srsc":"6f74","dstv":"0001","tzid":"0001"}}
Das ist im Grunde der Teil, um den es gerade wirklich geht.
Manual Change ist, wie Du richtige erkannt hast, deine manuelle Änderung des Datenpunktes.
Und "SENDING this data to device (PT4-EU-PAA2268B): {"msg":"STATE-SET","time":"2023-08-02T14:24:57.405Z","mode-reason":"LAPP","state-reason":"MODE","data":{"hmax":"4273"}}" zeigt das was genau an das Gerät gesendet wird.
Hier wird hmax (400°C) in Kelvin umgerechnet - und da liegt offensichtlich schon ein Fehler vor. Den fixe ich mal als erstes und dann testen wir am besten mit der nächsten Version weiter.
Aber eine Frage dazu: Warum versuchst Du den Lüfter auf 400°C zu stellen? Ich gehe mal davon aus, das der gar nicht so heiß werden kann und die Firmware des dyson aus Sicherheitsgründen massiv runterregelt - das würde das beobachtete Verhalten erklären.
Gib doch bitte mal einen sinnvollen Wert (am besten etwas was Du auch über die App oder die Fernbedienung einstellen kannst) ein - und dann sehen wir was dann passiert.
Die 400 sind totaler quatsch, aber den Test hatte ich ja zuvor schon mal gemacht:
Werte die ich gesendet habe, schicke ich relaistische Temperaturwerte von 20-30, dann kommt immer 0.45°C.250 - Gerät geht auf 4,15°C
260 - Gerät geht auf 14,15°C
270 - Gerät geht auf 24,15°CDas ist aber meines erachtens keine Umrechnung auf Kelvin, da würde ja der Wert 273,15 als Offset vorliegen.
Es liegt ein fester Offset von 245,85 vor, warum auch immer.
Zu Deinem Tipp
danke, das mit dem Filtern kenne ich, aber wenn ich den Log aufmache habe ich doch nie den ganzen Log im Fenster, das ist irgendwie immer nur ein sehr kleiner Teil, kann ich dort direkt auch Logs laden? -
Da waren tatsächlich Bugs in der Berechnung. Habe gerade die V2.5.8 im Beta Repo hochgeladen. Bitte teste die mal, ob die jetzt richtig funktioniert. Richtig rechnen tut sie zumindest jetzt.
Ach ja: Der dyson erwartet immer vierstellige Werte; deshalb multipliziere ich das Ergebnis der Umrechnung mit 10 um die erste Nachkommastelle mitzunehmen.Mal sehen was jetzt passiert.
@grizzelbee werde es versuchen zeitnah zu testen, aktuell ziemlich im Stress und größtenteils ausserhalb, melde mich. Danke
@grizzelbee Top, das sieht nach dem ersten testen jetzt gut aus, vielen Dank
@grizzelbee ich danke dir herzlich für die neue Version 2.5.9
Hey! Sehr gerne
Leider? ist der Adapter ziemlich aus-entwickelt, sodass sich da nicht mehr soviel tut.
Leider bekomme ich die fehlenden Sachen wie z.B. Filter-Reset und so einfach nicht hin. Keine Ahnung, wie die Nachrichten aussehen müssen, damit das funktioniert. Das würde ich eigentlich gerne noch einbauen. Aber ich fürchte das wir uns damit abfinden müssen.liebe Grüße
grizzelbee -
@grizzelbee alles gut, der Adapter ist für mich super und für meine Anwendungen, das könnte man nicht besser machen.
Liebe Grüße Fabio -
Hat eigentlich schon wer mit den beiden OscillationAngles gespielt?
Ich würde gerne zwei Bereiche situativ mit jeweils 45 Grad abdecken, komm damit aber nicht zurecht...
Liebe Grüße
Tom -
Ja. Ich.Bei mir sieht das z.B: so aus:
Wenn mein Rechner an ist, soll der dyson mir nicht in den Rücken pusten. Dann drehe ich den zur Seite und lasse ihn nicht drehen. Wenn ich nicht am Schreibtisch sitze, darf er in einem bestimmten Bereich um 90° drehen.
Ist ein einfacher Dyson Pure Cool Tower, 2018 model (TP04, ProductType 438)
@grizzelbee OK, danke - das heißt es funktioniert also...
...muss ich mir dann in Ruhe genauer anschauen, ich hab einen Purifyer Humidity & Cooling und der hat zwei Winkel Opjects...Danke auf jeden Fall!!
Liebe Grüé