Kannst du mir vielleicht helfen ich bekomme es nicht am laufen was hast du bei dir in der .ini alles drin???
Habe ne fritzbox 6490
So läuft aber bekomme keine daten..
(.venv) pi@raspberrypi:/opt/fritzinfluxdb $ python3 ./fritzinfluxdb.py
2022-09-02 23:07:51,955 - INFO: Starting fritzinfluxdb v1.0.1 (2022-08-22)
2022-09-02 23:07:51,957 - INFO: Done reading config files
2022-09-02 23:07:52,011 - INFO: Successfully parsed config
2022-09-02 23:07:52,024 - INFO: Connection to InfluxDB 1.8.10 established and database present
2022-09-02 23:07:53,656 - INFO: Successfully established FritzBox TR-069 session
2022-09-02 23:07:54,735 - INFO: Successfully established FritzBox Lua session
2022-09-02 23:07:54,735 - INFO: Successfully connected to FritzBox '' (fritzbox) Model: FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable - FW: 7.29
2022-09-02 23:07:54,741 - INFO: Starting main loop
2022-09-02 23:07:55,460 - INFO: Requested invalid action 'GetInfo' for service: WANDSLInterfaceConfig
2022-09-02 23:07:55,460 - INFO: Querying action 'GetInfo' will be disabled
2022-09-02 23:07:55,474 - INFO: Requested invalid action 'GetStatisticsTotal' for service: WANDSLInterfaceConfig
2022-09-02 23:07:55,475 - INFO: Querying action 'GetStatisticsTotal' will be disabled
2022-09-02 23:07:55,488 - INFO: Requested invalid action 'X_AVM-DE_GetDSLInfo' for service: WANDSLInterfaceConfig
2022-09-02 23:07:55,488 - INFO: Querying action 'X_AVM-DE_GetDSLInfo' will be disabled
2022-09-02 23:07:55,488 - INFO: All actions for service 'WANDSLInterfaceConfig' are unavailable. Disabling service.
2022-09-02 23:07:55,544 - INFO: Requested invalid action 'GetInfo' for service: WANPPPConnection:1
2022-09-02 23:07:55,544 - INFO: Querying action 'GetInfo' will be disabled
2022-09-02 23:07:55,545 - INFO: All actions for service 'WANPPPConnection:1' are unavailable. Disabling service.
2022-09-02 23:08:19,603 - INFO: Unable to request FritzBox Lua service 'DSL Info'
2022-09-02 23:08:19,603 - INFO: FritzBox Lua service 'DSL Info' will be disabled.