Ich habe dann Anfang der Woche auch mal den Wechsel von meiner selbst angepassten "main.js" des Adapters auf die Version 2.2.8 gemacht. Ich habe also die 2.2.7 übersprungen.
Nach der Installation von 2.2.8 funktionierte die Abfrage des Autos leider bei mir auch nicht mehr so schön wie sie zuvor bei meiner selbst gemachten Anpassung lief. Ich hatte auch sehr schnell den Verdacht, dass sich in der 2.2.8 ein Fehler befindet oder zumindest etwas anders lief als bei meiner eigenen Version. Daraufhin habe ich mal die neue "main.js" durchgeackert und tatsächlich ein paar Dinge gefunden die meiner Meinung nach nicht korrekt sind bzw. aus meiner Sicht besser gelöst werden könnten. (Das soll keine Kritik an der tollen Arbeit von @arteck und @Newan sein, ich hatte einfach nur gemerkt, dass sich da was anders verhält als zuvor.)
Ich habe daraufhin noch mal ein paar Anpassungen an der "main.js" der Version 2.2.8 vorgenommen. Jetzt läuft sie wieder zu meiner vollsten Zufriedenheit. Gerne kann ich das mit euch teilen:
'use strict';
const utils = require('@iobroker/adapter-core');
const bluelinky = require('bluelinky');
const Json2iob = require('./lib/json2iob');
let force_update = {};
force_update.val = true;
const adapterIntervals = {}; //halten von allen Intervallen
let request_count = 48; // halbstündig sollte als Standardeinstellung reichen (zu häufige Abfragen entleeren die Batterie spürbar)
let client;
let slow_charging;
let fast_charging;
const POSSIBLE_CHARGE_LIMIT_VALUES = [50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100];
class Bluelink extends utils.Adapter {
* @param {Partial<utils.AdapterOptions>} [options={}]
constructor(options) {
name: 'bluelink',
this.on('ready', this.onReady.bind(this));
this.on('stateChange', this.onStateChange.bind(this));
// this.on('objectChange', this.onObjectChange.bind(this));
// this.on('message', this.onMessage.bind(this));
this.on('unload', this.onUnload.bind(this));
this.vehiclesDict = {};
this.batteryState12V = {};
this.vehicles = [];
this.json2iob = new Json2iob(this);
adapterIntervals.evHistoryInterval = null;
this.countError = 0;
//Start Adapter
async onReady() {
//first check account settings
if (this.config.request < 1) {
this.log.warn('Request is under 1 -> got to default 100');
} else {
request_count = this.config.request;
if (this.config.username == '') {
this.log.error('No Username set');
} else {
//Start logic with login
* Is called when adapter shuts down - callback has to be called under any circumstances!
* @param {() => void} callback
onUnload(callback) {
try {
this.log.info('Adapter bluelink cleaned up everything...');
} catch (e) {
async onStateChange(id, state) {
if (state) {
if (id.indexOf('.control.') === -1) {
this.log.debug('New Event for state: ' + JSON.stringify(state));
this.log.debug('ID: ' + JSON.stringify(id));
const vin = id.split('.')[2];
const vehicle = this.vehiclesDict[vin];
const tmpControl = id.split('.')[4];
let response;
switch (tmpControl) {
case 'lock':
this.log.info('Starting lock for vehicle');
response = await vehicle.lock();
case 'unlock':
this.log.info('Starting unlock for vehicle');
response = await vehicle.unlock();
case 'start':
this.log.info('Starting clima for vehicle');
let airCtrl = await this.getStateAsync(`${vin}.control.set.airCtrl`);
let airTempC = await this.getStateAsync(`${vin}.control.set.airTemp`);
let airTempF = (airTempC.val * 9/5) + 32;
let defrost = await this.getStateAsync(`${vin}.control.set.defrost`);
let heating = await this.getStateAsync(`${vin}.control.set.heating`);
try {
response = await vehicle.start({
airCtrl: airCtrl.val,
igniOnDuration: 10,
airTempvalue: airTempF,
defrost: defrost.val,
heating1: heating.val,
} catch (err) {
case 'stop':
this.log.info('Stop clima for vehicle');
response = await vehicle.stop();
case 'force_refresh':
this.log.info('Forcing refresh');
//Force refresh for new states
case 'force_update':
force_update = await this.getStateAsync(`${vin}.control.force_update`);
if(force_update.val) {
this.log.info('Update method for ' + vin + ' changed to "directly from the car"');
} else {
this.log.info('Update method for ' + vin + ' changed to "from the server"');
case 'charge':
this.log.info('Start charging');
response = await vehicle.startCharge();
case 'charge_stop':
this.log.info('Stop charging');
response = await vehicle.stopCharge();
case 'battery':
if (!state.ack) {
if (!POSSIBLE_CHARGE_LIMIT_VALUES.includes(state.val)) {
this.log.error(`Charge target values are limited to ${POSSIBLE_CHARGE_LIMIT_VALUES.join(', ')}`);
} else {
this.log.info('Set new charging options');
const charge_option = { fast: fast_charging, slow: slow_charging };
if (tmpControl[4] == 'charge_limit_fast') {
//set fast charging
this.log.debug('Set fast charging');
charge_option.fast = state.val;
} else {
//set slow charging
this.log.debug('Set slow charging');
charge_option.slow = state.val;
response = await vehicle.setChargeTargets(charge_option);
this.log.error('No command for Control found for: ' + id);
* Funktion to login in bluelink / UVO
login() {
try {
this.log.info('Login to api');
const tmpConfig = {
username: this.config.username,
password: this.config.client_secret,
pin: this.config.client_secret_pin,
brand: this.config.brand,
region: 'EU', //set over GUI next time
language: this.config.language,
// @ts-ignore
client = new bluelinky(tmpConfig);
client.on('ready', async (vehicles) => {
// wir haben eine Verbindung und haben Autos
this.log.info(vehicles.length + ' Vehicles found');
this.log.debug(JSON.stringify(vehicles, this.getCircularReplacer()));
this.vehicles = vehicles;
for (const vehicle of vehicles) {
const vin = vehicle.vehicleConfig.vin;
this.vehiclesDict[vin] = vehicle;
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin, {
type: 'device',
common: {
name: vehicle.vehicleConfig.nickname,
native: {},
await this.setControlObjects(vin);
await this.setStatusObjects(vin);
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.general', {
type: 'channel',
common: {
name: 'General Information',
native: {},
await this.json2iob.parse(vin + '.general', vehicle.vehicleConfig);
if (this.config.evHistory) {
await this.receiveEVInformation(vehicle, vin);
adapterIntervals.evHistoryInterval = setInterval(() => {
this.receiveEVInformation(vehicle, vin);
}, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); //24h
//start time cycle
await this.readStatus();
//clean legacy states
client.on('error', async (err) => {
// something went wrong with login
this.log.debug('Error on Api login');
this.log.error('Please logout in the app and relogin in the app');
} catch (error) {
this.log.error('Error in login/on function');
if (typeof error === 'string') {
} else if (error instanceof Error) {
//read new sates from vehicle
async readStatus(force = false) {
//read new verhicle status
for (const vehicle of this.vehicles) {
const vin = vehicle.vehicleConfig.vin;
this.log.debug('Read new status from api for ' + vin);
if (this.batteryState12V[vin] && this.batteryState12V[vin] < 60) {
this.log.warn('12V Battery state is low: ' + this.batteryState12V[vin] + '%. Recharge to prevent damage!');
if (this.config.protectAgainstDeepDischarge && !force) {
this.log.warn('Auto Refresh is disabled, only use force refresh to reenable refresh if you are willing to risk your battery');
try {
let newStatus;
if(force_update.val) {
this.log.info('Read new update for ' + vin + ' directly from the car');
} else {
this.log.info('Read new update for ' + vin + ' from the server');
try {
newStatus = await vehicle.fullStatus({
refresh: force_update.val,
parsed: true,
//set all values
this.log.debug('Set new full status for ' + vin);
this.log.debug('RAW ' + JSON.stringify(newStatus));
// raw data
await this.json2iob.parse(vin + '.vehicleStatusRaw', newStatus);
await this.setNewFullStatus(newStatus, vin);
if (newStatus.vehicleStatus && newStatus.vehicleStatus.battery && newStatus.vehicleStatus.battery.batSoc) {
this.log.debug('Set ' + newStatus.vehicleStatus.battery.batSoc + ' battery state for ' + vin);
this.batteryState12V[vin] = newStatus.vehicleStatus.battery.batSoc;
} catch (error) {
if (typeof error === 'string') {
this.log.error('Error on API-Request GetFullStatus');
//TODO option abfragen
} else {
//if(error.source.statusCode == 503) {
this.log.info('Error on API-Full-Status - Fallback GetNormalStatus');
//Abfrage Full hat nicht gekalppt. Haben wir einen Fallback?
newStatus = await vehicle.status({
refresh: force_update.val,
parsed: true,
this.log.debug('Set new GetNormalStatus for ' + vin);
await this.setNewStatus(newStatus, vin);
if (newStatus.engine && newStatus.engine.batteryCharge12v) {
this.log.debug('Set ' + newStatus.engine.batteryCharge12v + ' battery state for ' + vin);
this.batteryState12V[vin] = newStatus.engine.batteryCharge12v;
//Abfrage war erfolgreich, lösche ErrorCounter
this.countError = 0;
force_update = await this.getStateAsync(`${vin}.control.force_update`);
this.log.info('Update for ' + vin + ' successfull');
// last update
await this.setStateAsync(`${vin}.lastInfoUpdate`, Number(Date.now()), true);
} catch (error) {
this.countError += 1; // add 1
this.log.error('Error on API-Request Status, ErrorCount:' + this.countError);
if (typeof error === 'string') {
} else if (error instanceof Error) {
await this.setStateAsync(`${vin}.error_counter`, this.countError, true);
if (this.countError > this.config.errorCounter) {
//Error counter over x erros, restart Adapter to fix te API Token
//set ne cycle
if (force) {
adapterIntervals.readAllStates = setTimeout(this.readStatus.bind(this), ((24 * 60) / request_count) * 60000);
async receiveEVInformation(vehicle, vin) {
try {
const driveHistory = await vehicle.driveHistory();
this.log.debug('driveHistory-Data: ' + JSON.stringify(driveHistory));
if (driveHistory != undefined) {
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.driveHistory', {
type: 'channel',
common: {
name: 'drive history',
native: {},
await this.json2iob.parse(vin + '.driveHistory', driveHistory, { preferedArrayName: 'rawDate' });
const monthlyReport = await vehicle.monthlyReport();
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.monthlyReport', {
type: 'channel',
common: {
name: 'monthly report',
native: {},
await this.json2iob.parse(vin + '.monthlyReport', monthlyReport);
const tripInfo = await vehicle.tripInfo({ year: new Date().getFullYear(), month: new Date().getMonth() + 1 });
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.tripInfo', {
type: 'channel',
common: {
name: 'trip information',
native: {},
await this.json2iob.parse(vin + '.tripInfo', tripInfo);
} catch (error) {
this.log.error('EV History fetching failed');
if (typeof error === 'string') {
} else if (error instanceof Error) {
//Set new values to ioBroker for normal Status
async setNewStatus(newStatus, vin) {
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.doorLock', { val: newStatus.chassis.locked, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.trunkOpen', { val: newStatus.chassis.trunkOpen, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.hoodOpen', { val: newStatus.chassis.hoodOpen, ack: true });
this.checkDoor(vin, newStatus.chassis.openDoors);
// if (newStatus.chassis.tirePressureWarningLamp != undefined) {
// }
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.airCtrlOn', { val: newStatus.climate.active, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.airTemp', { val: newStatus.climate.temperatureSetpoint, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.steerWheelHeat', { val: newStatus.climate.steeringwheelHeat, ack: true });
//await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.sideBackWindowHeat', { val: newStatus.climate.sideBackWindowHeat, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.soc', { val: newStatus.engine.batteryChargeHV, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.charge', { val: newStatus.engine.charging, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.soc-12V', { val: newStatus.engine.batteryCharge12v, ack: true });
//Set new values to ioBroker
async setNewFullStatus(newStatus, vin) {
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.airCtrlOn', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.airCtrlOn, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.airTemp', {
val: this.getCelsiusFromTempcode(newStatus.vehicleStatus.airTemp.value),
ack: true,
//Bei Kia sind die Werte in einer targetSOClist
if (newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus != undefined) {
if (newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.reservChargeInfos.targetSOClist != undefined) {
if (newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.reservChargeInfos.targetSOClist[0].plugType == 1) {
//Slow = 1 -> Index 0 ist slow
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.charge_limit_slow', {
val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.reservChargeInfos.targetSOClist[0].targetSOClevel,
ack: true,
slow_charging = newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.reservChargeInfos.targetSOClist[0].targetSOClevel;
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.charge_limit_fast', {
val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.reservChargeInfos.targetSOClist[1].targetSOClevel,
ack: true,
fast_charging = newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.reservChargeInfos.targetSOClist[1].targetSOClevel;
} else {
//fast = 0 -> Index 0 ist fast
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.charge_limit_slow', {
val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.reservChargeInfos.targetSOClist[1].targetSOClevel,
ack: true,
slow_charging = newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.reservChargeInfos.targetSOClist[1].targetSOClevel;
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.charge_limit_fast', {
val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.reservChargeInfos.targetSOClist[0].targetSOClevel,
ack: true,
fast_charging = newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.reservChargeInfos.targetSOClist[0].targetSOClevel;
} else {
//Bei Hyundai sieht es anders aus:
//Nur für Elektro Fahrzeuge - Battery
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.dte', {
val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.drvDistance[0].rangeByFuel.totalAvailableRange.value,
ack: true,
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.evModeRange', {
val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.drvDistance[0].rangeByFuel.evModeRange.value,
ack: true,
if (newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.drvDistance[0].rangeByFuel.gasModeRange != undefined) {
//Only for PHEV
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.gasModeRange', {
val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.drvDistance[0].rangeByFuel.gasModeRange.value,
ack: true,
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.soc', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.batteryStatus, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.charge', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.batteryCharge, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.plugin', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.batteryPlugin, ack: true });
//Ladezeit anzeigen, da noch nicht klar welche Werte
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.minutes_to_charged', {
val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.evStatus.remainTime2.atc.value,
ack: true,
this.log.debug('Folgende Ladezeiten Moeglichkeiten wurden gefunden:');
} else {
//Kein Elektromodell, Diesel etc
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.dte', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.dte.value, ack: true });
// nur für Kia
if (newStatus.vehicleStatus.battery != undefined) {
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.soc-12V', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.battery.batSoc, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.state-12V', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.battery.batState, ack: true });
if (newStatus.vehicleLocation != undefined) {
//#47 KIA Seed have no vehicleLocation
if (newStatus.vehicleLocation.coord != undefined) {
const latitude = newStatus.vehicleLocation.coord.lat;
const longitude = newStatus.vehicleLocation.coord.lon;
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleLocation.lat', { val: latitude, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleLocation.lon', { val: longitude, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleLocation.speed', { val: newStatus.vehicleLocation.speed.value, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.odometer.value', { val: newStatus.odometer.value, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.odometer.unit', { val: newStatus.odometer.unit, ack: true });
//open / door
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.doorLock', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.doorLock, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.trunkOpen', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.trunkOpen, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.hoodOpen', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.hoodOpen, ack: true });
this.checkDoor(vin, newStatus.vehicleStatus.doorOpen);
//status parameter
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.airCtrlOn', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.airCtrlOn, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.smartKeyBatteryWarning', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.smartKeyBatteryWarning, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.washerFluidStatus', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.washerFluidStatus, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.breakOilStatus', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.breakOilStatus, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.steerWheelHeat', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.steerWheelHeat, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.sideBackWindowHeat', { val: newStatus.vehicleStatus.sideBackWindowHeat, ack: true });
async checkDoor(vin, doors) {
if (doors != undefined) {
let frontLeft = doors.frontLeft;
let frontRight = doors.frontRight;
let backLeft = doors.backLeft;
let backRight = doors.backRight;
// HEV hyundai send 0 but we need boolean
if (typeof frontLeft == 'number') {
frontLeft = frontLeft == 0 ? false : true;
if (typeof frontRight == 'number') {
frontRight = frontRight == 0 ? false : true;
if (typeof backLeft == 'number') {
backLeft = backLeft == 0 ? false : true;
if (typeof backRight == 'number') {
backRight = backRight == 0 ? false : true;
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.doorOpen.frontLeft', { val: frontLeft, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.doorOpen.frontRight', { val: frontRight, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.doorOpen.backLeft', { val: backLeft, ack: true });
await this.setStateAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.doorOpen.backRight', { val: backRight, ack: true });
* Functions to create the ioBroker objects
async setControlObjects(vin) {
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.charge', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Start charging',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'button',
read: true,
write: true,
native: {},
this.subscribeStates(vin + '.control.charge');
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.charge_stop', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Stop charging',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'button',
read: true,
write: true,
native: {},
this.subscribeStates(vin + '.control.charge_stop');
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.lock', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Lock the vehicle',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'button',
read: true,
write: true,
native: {},
this.subscribeStates(vin + '.control.lock');
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.unlock', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Unlock the vehicle',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'button',
read: true,
write: true,
native: {},
this.subscribeStates(vin + '.control.unlock');
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.start', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Start clima for the vehicle',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'button',
read: true,
write: true,
native: {},
this.subscribeStates(vin + '.control.start');
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.set.airTemp', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'set air temperature for clima',
type: 'number',
role: 'value.temperature',
read: true,
write: true,
def: 20,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.set.defrost', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'set defrost function for clima',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'state',
read: true,
write: true,
def: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.set.heating', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'set heating function for clima',
type: 'number',
role: 'state',
read: true,
write: true,
def: 0,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.set.airCtrl', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'set airCtrl function for clima',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'state',
read: true,
write: true,
def: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.stop', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Stop clima for the vehicle',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'button',
read: true,
write: true,
native: {},
this.subscribeStates(vin + '.control.stop');
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.force_refresh', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Force refresh vehicle status',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'button',
read: true,
write: true,
native: {},
this.subscribeStates(vin + '.control.force_refresh');
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.control.force_update', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Force update state for force refresh',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'button',
read: true,
write: true,
def: true,
native: {},
this.subscribeStates(vin + '.control.force_update');
async setStatusObjects(vin) {
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(`${vin}.lastInfoUpdate`, {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Date/Time of last information update',
type: 'number',
role: 'value.time',
read: true,
write: false
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(`${vin}.error_counter`, {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'error_counter',
type: 'number',
role: 'state',
read: true,
write: false,
def: 0,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatusRaw', {
type: 'channel',
common: {
name: 'Unformatted vehicle status',
native: {},
//Bereicht vehicleStatus
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.doorLock', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle doors locked',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.trunkOpen', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Trunk open',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.hoodOpen', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Hood open',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
//Doors open
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.doorOpen.frontLeft', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Door open front left open',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.doorOpen.frontRight', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Door open front right open',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.doorOpen.backLeft', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Door open back left open',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.doorOpen.backRight', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Door open back right left open',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.airCtrlOn', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle air control',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.airTemp', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle air tempereature',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.smartKeyBatteryWarning', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Smart key battery Warning',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.washerFluidStatus', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Washer fluid status',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.breakOilStatus', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Breal oil status',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.steerWheelHeat', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Steer wheel heat',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.sideBackWindowHeat', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Side back window heat',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.dte', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle total available range',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.evModeRange', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle total available range for ev',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.gasModeRange', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle total available range for gas',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.charge_limit_slow', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle charge limit for slow charging',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: true,
native: {},
this.subscribeStates(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.charge_limit_slow');
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.charge_limit_fast', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle charge limit for fast charging',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: true,
native: {},
this.subscribeStates(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.charge_limit_fast');
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.minutes_to_charged', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle minutes to charged',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: true,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.soc', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle battery state of charge',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.charge', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle charging',
type: 'boolean',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.plugin', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Charger connected (UNPLUGED = 0, FAST = 1, PORTABLE = 2, STATION = 3)',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.soc-12V', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle 12v battery state of charge',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleStatus.battery.state-12V', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle 12v battery State',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
//Bereich vehicleLocation
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleLocation.lat', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle position latitude',
type: 'string',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleLocation.lon', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle position longitude',
type: 'string',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.vehicleLocation.speed', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Vehicle speed',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
//Bereich Odometer
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.odometer.value', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Odometer value',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
await this.setObjectNotExistsAsync(vin + '.odometer.unit', {
type: 'state',
common: {
name: 'Odometer unit',
type: 'number',
role: 'indicator',
read: true,
write: false,
native: {},
async cleanObjects() {
const controlState = await this.getObjectAsync('control.charge');
if (controlState) {
await this.delObjectAsync('control', { recursive: true });
await this.delObjectAsync('odometer', { recursive: true });
await this.delObjectAsync('vehicleLocation', { recursive: true });
await this.delObjectAsync('vehicleStatus', { recursive: true });
getCircularReplacer() {
const seen = new WeakSet();
return (key, value) => {
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
if (seen.has(value)) {
return value;
getCelsiusFromTempcode(tempCode) {
// create a range
const tempRange = [];
//Range for EU
for (let i = 14; i <= 30; i += 0.5) {
// get the index
const tempIndex = parseInt(tempCode, 16);
// return the relevant celsius temp
return tempRange[tempIndex];
if (require.main !== module) {
// Export the constructor in compact mode
* @param {Partial<utils.AdapterOptions>} [options={}]
module.exports = (options) => new Bluelink(options);
} else {
// otherwise start the instance directly
new Bluelink();
Diese Punkte haben sich zum original geändert:
- es hatte sich ein kleiner Fehler eingeschlichen der den Wert des neuen States "force_update" das @arteck mit der Version 2.2.7 eingeführt hat nicht richtig an "Bluelinky" übergeben hat (hier fehlte ein .val)
- sowohl die "Full Status" Abrage als auch die "Fallback" Abfrage kann nun mittels des neuen States "force_update" geschaltet werden, so dass man stets wählen kann ob die Daten nur vom Hyundai-Server kommen (false) oder direkt vom Auto (true) geholt werden.
- Beim Start des Adapters wird die Einstellung des States "force_update" übergangen und die Daten auf jeden Fall vom PKW geholt, so dass die Daten auf jeden Fall top aktuell sind. Danach muss dann jeder über den State "force_update" entscheiden was er will.
- Der Zeitstempel "lastInfoUpdate" wird nun erst nach einem erfolgreichen Update gesetzt, so dass man hieran sehen kann ob und wann das letzte erfolgreiche Update erfolgt ist.
- @Michaelnorge den hard-gecodeten Wert für die Batterieüberwachung habe ich von 88 auf 60 geändert. Vielleicht könnte man das ja mal in die Adaptereinstellungen integrieren, so dass man diesen Wert individuell anpassen kann.
(Ich hatte das hier schon mal geschrieben: Ich kann eigentlich kein Java programmieren. Ich kann zwar ein Script lesen und verstehe auch zum großen Teil was es macht das war's dann aber auch schon. D.h. die Änderungen in meiner "main.js" sind durch probieren, copy-paste und ein weinig nachlesen entstanden. Will heißen, das Script läuft zwar prima, ist aber nicht unbedingt programmiertechnisch perfekt.)
Ich selbst nutze die Einstellung FALSE beim State "force_update" mit 360 Abfragen pro Tag (also alle 4 min. eine Abfrage). Mehr Abfragen (alle 3 min. oder mehr) führten bei mir zu einer Fehlermeldung des Hyundai-Servers, dass ich zu viele Abfragen pro Tag an den Server stellen würde. Dann ging sogar die App nicht mehr...
Sobald ich irgendwie registriere, dass mein Auto geladen wird (Ioniq 5) z.B. Rückmeldung bei der Server Abfrage oder Meldung durch meine Wall-Box, schalte ich per Blockly Script den State "force_update" um auf true, so dass die Daten direkt vom PKW geholt werden. Nach Beendigung des Ladevorgangs schalte ich dann wieder zurück auf false. Das funktioniert super und belastet halt die 12V Batterie so gut wie gar nicht mehr.