[Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox
@sneak-l8 Hab heute wieder den Fehler gehabt, dass die Wallbox nicht abschaltet obwohl die Wallbox von aussen pausiert wurde. Ich hatte noch erinnerung, dass dies genau mit dem von Dir genannten Punkt in Verbindung stand. Dazu sollten wir uns nochmals eine Abfrage einfallen lassen, der das verhindert. Ohne die oben referenziert Änderung hat er noch erkannt, dass er ungewollt weitergeladen hat durch das schalten des X2 Switches ...
@christian-kohlöffel hast Du die neuste Version von github im Einsatz?
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Der momentan_verbrauch ist positiv, wenn Du Strom aus dem Netz ziehst und negativ, wenn Du Strom einspeist. Richtig?
Ja genau richtig,
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Wenn Du eine nsurplus von 2.683W im Adapter stehen has,t dann sieht das doch ganz gut aus. Die PV liefert 3.500W und der Rest im Haus braucht dan gerade so ca. 900W. Alles plausibel.
Aber sollte die Wallbox dann nicht abschalten, da ja mehr als 1500 Watt aus dem Netz gezogen wird? Oder verssteh ich das falsch?
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Welchen Wallbox-Typ hast Du denn? Und was steht in den Logs?
Keba P90 x-series
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Was ist das für ein Auto?
Auto is ein VW ID4
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Beschreibe doch mal, was Du konkret tust. Stoppst Du das Laden über einen State im Adapter, über eine Fahrzeug-App?
Ich schließe das Kabel der Wallbox ans Auto, geh am PC und setzte im iobroker im state kecontact.0.start meinen RFID Tag, das Laden startet.
Jetzt dachte ich wenn ich kecontact.0.automatic.pauseWallbox von false auf true setze, dann stoppt das Laden, hat aber in diesem Fall nicht funktioniert. Dann habe ich in kecontact.0.stop meinen RFID Tag eingegeben um zu stoppen, auch das ging nicht. Wenn ich über das WebUI der Wallbox gehe und da auf Ladung stoppen klicke unter Aktionen, dann klappt das. kecontact.0.state setzt sich dann auch von 3 was anscheinend laden ist auf 5 was für pausiert steht? Aber ich kann nun das Laden via ioBroker noch direkt in der Ui der Wallbox starten, ich muss bei Aktionen in der WebUI erst auf neu starten klicken, dann setzt sich in iobroker der State kecontact.0.state wie auf 1, erst danach kann ich wieder eine Ladung startenLogs kann ich nachher mal schicken, dann geh ich die Schritte alle nochmal durch
2023-10-06 12:20:25.024 - debug: kecontact.0 (392611) UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:no need for start kecontact.0 2023-10-06 13:52:29.333 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:nothing to stop
Das passiert, wenn ich starten bzw stoppen will
So ich habe jetzt das Auto an die Wallbox geschlossen
Noch lädt nichts
Dann habe ich unter kecontact.0.start meine RFID Nummer eingetragen, laden startet kecontact.0.automatic.pauseWallbox steht auf false, kecontact.0.state auf 3.kecontact.0 2023-10-06 11:00:26.458 info vehicle (re)starts to charge
Jetzt habe ich kecontact.0.automatic.pauseWallbox auf true gesetzt:
kecontact.0 2023-10-06 11:01:54.829 info change pause status of wallbox from false to true
Es wird jedoch weiter geladen, kecontact.0.state steht weiterhin auf 3
Auch wenn ich kecontact.0.automatic.pauseWallbox wieder auf false setze steht im Log folgendes aber auch dann wird weiter geladenkecontact.0 2023-10-06 11:03:59.127 info change pause status of wallbox from true to false
Dann habe ich in kecontact.0.stop meinen RFID Tag eingetragen, kecontact.0.state wechselt auf 5, das Laden stoppt, das war um 11:06
Um 11:10:52 habe ich dann nochmal versucht kecontact.0.automatic.pauseWallbox auf true zu setzen, aber auch jetzt startet keine Ladung
kecontact.0.state bleibt auf 5 stehenJetzt habe ich kecontact.0.stop wieder gelöscht
2023-10-06 11:13:17.554 - error: kecontact.0 (371943) Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:: wrong parameter count
Danach nochmal kecontact.0.start gespeichert, laden startet wieder
2023-10-06 11:14:07.601 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'start [d7703ef000000000] [d029847f000000000000]' to 2023-10-06 11:14:07.602 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-06 11:14:07.602 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Received TCH-OK :done 2023-10-06 11:14:08.051 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' 2023-10-06 11:14:09.034 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 16000}' 2023-10-06 11:14:12.506 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"State": 2}'
kecontact.0.state steht dann wieder auf 3
2023-10-06 10:59:26.052 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 10:59:26.054 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 1, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155476 } ' 2023-10-06 10:59:26.352 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 10:59:26.354 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 107271, "E total": 41137346, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155476 } ' 2023-10-06 10:59:26.405 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5544 2023-10-06 10:59:26.652 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 10:59:26.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 107, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41030075, "E pres": 107271, "started[s]": 1696507229, "ended[s]": 1696516717, "started": "2023-10-05 12:00:29.000", "ended": "2023-10-05 14:38:37.000", "reason": 1, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "62f7b57f000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155477 } ' 2023-10-06 10:59:26.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 10:59:51.187 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'start [d7703ef000000000] [d029847f000000000000]' to 2023-10-06 10:59:51.189 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-06 10:59:51.189 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Received TCH-OK :done 2023-10-06 10:59:51.633 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' 2023-10-06 10:59:52.980 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 16000}' 2023-10-06 10:59:56.052 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 10:59:56.054 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 1, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155506 } ' 2023-10-06 10:59:56.307 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"State": 2}' 2023-10-06 10:59:56.352 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 10:59:56.353 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 231, "U2": 231, "U3": 232, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 41137346, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155506 } ' 2023-10-06 10:59:56.452 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5345 2023-10-06 10:59:56.507 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 6000}' 2023-10-06 10:59:56.652 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 10:59:56.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155507 } ' 2023-10-06 10:59:56.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 10:59:58.816 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"State": 3}' 2023-10-06 11:00:00.012 - info: javascript.0 (1762973) script.js.common.speedtest: Speedtest mit Server 29320 gestartet! Der Test dauert zwischen 10 - 20 Sekunden! 2023-10-06 11:00:00.032 - info: javascript.0 (1762973) script.js.strom.zirkulation_on_off: Steckdose ist bereits an - Zirkulation an 2023-10-06 11:00:04.651 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 16000}' 2023-10-06 11:00:05.278 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 56}' 2023-10-06 11:00:11.961 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 156}' 2023-10-06 11:00:16.448 - info: javascript.0 (1762973) script.js.common.speedtest: Speedtest durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Download: 246.52 MBit/s | Upload: 42.7 MBit/s | Ping: 11.755ms 2023-10-06 11:00:18.437 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 254}' 2023-10-06 11:00:25.121 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 356}' 2023-10-06 11:00:26.052 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:00:26.053 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155536 } ' 2023-10-06 11:00:26.352 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:00:26.353 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 235, "U2": 234, "U3": 234, "I1": 7907, "I2": 8019, "I3": 7948, "P": 5578540, "PF": 994, "E pres": 373, "E total": 41137719, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155536 } ' 2023-10-06 11:00:26.458 - info: kecontact.0 (371943) vehicle (re)starts to charge 2023-10-06 11:00:26.458 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5551.54 2023-10-06 11:00:26.652 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:00:26.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 379, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155537 } ' 2023-10-06 11:00:26.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:00:31.385 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 454}' 2023-10-06 11:00:37.861 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 554}' 2023-10-06 11:00:44.335 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 654}' 2023-10-06 11:00:50.808 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 754}' 2023-10-06 11:00:56.052 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:00:56.054 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155566 } ' 2023-10-06 11:00:56.352 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:00:56.354 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 235, "U2": 234, "U3": 234, "I1": 7900, "I2": 8015, "I3": 7960, "P": 5577512, "PF": 994, "E pres": 838, "E total": 41138184, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155566 } ' 2023-10-06 11:00:56.402 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5691.512 2023-10-06 11:00:56.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:00:56.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 845, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155567 } ' 2023-10-06 11:00:56.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:00:57.282 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 855}' 2023-10-06 11:01:03.757 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 955}' 2023-10-06 11:01:10.232 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1055}' 2023-10-06 11:01:16.707 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1155}' 2023-10-06 11:01:23.182 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1256}' 2023-10-06 11:01:26.052 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:01:26.054 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155596 } ' 2023-10-06 11:01:26.353 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:01:26.354 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 235, "U2": 233, "U3": 235, "I1": 7889, "I2": 8012, "I3": 7934, "P": 5568697, "PF": 994, "E pres": 1304, "E total": 41138650, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155596 } ' 2023-10-06 11:01:26.416 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5506.697 2023-10-06 11:01:26.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:01:26.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 1307, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155597 } ' 2023-10-06 11:01:26.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:01:29.659 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1356}' 2023-10-06 11:01:36.136 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1456}' 2023-10-06 11:01:42.613 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1557}' 2023-10-06 11:01:48.879 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1654}' 2023-10-06 11:01:54.829 - info: kecontact.0 (371943) change pause status of wallbox from false to true 2023-10-06 11:01:54.829 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:01:54.831 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155625 } ' 2023-10-06 11:01:55.129 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:01:55.130 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 234, "U2": 233, "U3": 235, "I1": 7929, "I2": 8020, "I3": 7936, "P": 5569891, "PF": 994, "E pres": 1748, "E total": 41139094, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155625 } ' 2023-10-06 11:01:55.177 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5776.891 2023-10-06 11:01:55.356 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1754}' 2023-10-06 11:01:55.430 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:01:55.431 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 1754, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155625 } ' 2023-10-06 11:01:55.431 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:01:56.052 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:01:56.054 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155626 } ' 2023-10-06 11:01:56.352 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:01:56.354 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 234, "U2": 233, "U3": 235, "I1": 7942, "I2": 8025, "I3": 7955, "P": 5579952, "PF": 994, "E pres": 1767, "E total": 41139113, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155626 } ' 2023-10-06 11:01:56.396 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5591.952 2023-10-06 11:01:56.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:01:56.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 1773, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155627 } ' 2023-10-06 11:01:56.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:02:01.829 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1854}' 2023-10-06 11:02:08.304 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1954}' 2023-10-06 11:02:14.777 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 2055}' 2023-10-06 11:02:21.252 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 2155}' 2023-10-06 11:02:26.026 - info: javascript.0 (1762973) script.js.strom.zirkulation_on_off: changeStateSteckdoseZirkulation 2023-10-06 11:02:26.026 - info: javascript.0 (1762973) script.js.strom.zirkulation_on_off: Steckdose aus - Zirkulation aus 2023-10-06 11:02:26.052 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:02:26.053 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155656 } ' 2023-10-06 11:02:26.353 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:02:26.354 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 234, "U2": 234, "U3": 234, "I1": 7916, "I2": 8004, "I3": 7951, "P": 5568183, "PF": 994, "E pres": 2233, "E total": 41139579, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155656 } ' 2023-10-06 11:02:26.400 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5480.183 2023-10-06 11:02:26.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:02:26.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 2236, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155657 } ' 2023-10-06 11:02:26.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:02:27.726 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 2255}' 2023-10-06 11:02:34.205 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 2356}' 2023-10-06 11:02:40.681 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 2456}' 2023-10-06 11:02:47.157 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 2556}' 2023-10-06 11:02:53.634 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 2656}' 2023-10-06 11:02:56.052 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:02:56.054 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155686 } ' 2023-10-06 11:02:56.352 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:02:56.354 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 234, "U2": 234, "U3": 234, "I1": 7831, "I2": 8031, "I3": 7978, "P": 5567567, "PF": 995, "E pres": 2698, "E total": 41140044, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155686 } ' 2023-10-06 11:02:56.414 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5384.567 2023-10-06 11:02:56.652 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:02:56.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 2701, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155687 } ' 2023-10-06 11:02:56.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:03:00.108 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 2756}' 2023-10-06 11:03:06.581 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 2856}' 2023-10-06 11:03:13.054 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 2955}' 2023-10-06 11:03:19.533 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 3054}' 2023-10-06 11:03:26.012 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 3154}' 2023-10-06 11:03:26.052 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:03:26.054 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155716 } ' 2023-10-06 11:03:26.352 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:03:26.354 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 234, "U2": 232, "U3": 234, "I1": 7931, "I2": 7905, "I3": 7967, "P": 5535944, "PF": 994, "E pres": 3157, "E total": 41140503, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155716 } ' 2023-10-06 11:03:26.451 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5476.944 2023-10-06 11:03:26.652 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:03:26.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 3164, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155717 } ' 2023-10-06 11:03:26.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:03:32.489 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 3254}' 2023-10-06 11:03:39.174 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 3356}' 2023-10-06 11:03:45.650 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 3456}' 2023-10-06 11:03:52.128 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 3555}' 2023-10-06 11:03:56.053 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:03:56.054 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155746 } ' 2023-10-06 11:03:56.353 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:03:56.355 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 235, "U2": 232, "U3": 234, "I1": 7784, "I2": 8021, "I3": 7981, "P": 5523880, "PF": 995, "E pres": 3619, "E total": 41140965, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155746 } ' 2023-10-06 11:03:56.402 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5385.88 2023-10-06 11:03:56.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:03:56.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 3622, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155747 } ' 2023-10-06 11:03:56.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:03:58.605 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 3654}' 2023-10-06 11:03:59.127 - info: kecontact.0 (371943) change pause status of wallbox from true to false 2023-10-06 11:03:59.127 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:03:59.129 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155749 } ' 2023-10-06 11:03:59.427 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:03:59.429 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 235, "U2": 233, "U3": 234, "I1": 7774, "I2": 8025, "I3": 7981, "P": 5570238, "PF": 994, "E pres": 3664, "E total": 41141010, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155749 } ' 2023-10-06 11:03:59.520 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5538.238 2023-10-06 11:03:59.727 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:03:59.728 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 3671, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155750 } ' 2023-10-06 11:03:59.729 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:04:05.084 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 3754}' 2023-10-06 11:04:11.563 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 3854}' 2023-10-06 11:04:18.041 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 3954}' 2023-10-06 11:04:24.729 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 4057}' 2023-10-06 11:04:26.053 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:04:26.055 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155776 } ' 2023-10-06 11:04:26.354 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:04:26.355 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 235, "U2": 233, "U3": 234, "I1": 7755, "I2": 7920, "I3": 7954, "P": 5503744, "PF": 994, "E pres": 4079, "E total": 41141425, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155776 } ' 2023-10-06 11:04:26.398 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5301.744 2023-10-06 11:04:26.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:04:26.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 4086, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155777 } ' 2023-10-06 11:04:26.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:04:31.208 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 4156}' 2023-10-06 11:04:37.686 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 4256}' 2023-10-06 11:04:44.164 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 4356}' 2023-10-06 11:04:50.642 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 4455}' 2023-10-06 11:04:56.053 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:04:56.055 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155806 } ' 2023-10-06 11:04:56.353 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:04:56.355 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 235, "U2": 233, "U3": 233, "I1": 7747, "I2": 8010, "I3": 8001, "P": 5537171, "PF": 994, "E pres": 4542, "E total": 41141888, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155806 } ' 2023-10-06 11:04:56.410 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5029.171 2023-10-06 11:04:56.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:04:56.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 4545, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155807 } ' 2023-10-06 11:04:56.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:04:57.121 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 4554}' 2023-10-06 11:05:03.597 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 4654}' 2023-10-06 11:05:10.285 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 4757}' 2023-10-06 11:05:16.763 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 4856}' 2023-10-06 11:05:23.241 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 4956}' 2023-10-06 11:05:26.053 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:05:26.055 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155836 } ' 2023-10-06 11:05:26.353 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:05:26.354 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 236, "U2": 233, "U3": 234, "I1": 7779, "I2": 8033, "I3": 7969, "P": 5568973, "PF": 994, "E pres": 5001, "E total": 41142347, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155836 } ' 2023-10-06 11:05:26.415 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5403.973 2023-10-06 11:05:26.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:05:26.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 5008, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155837 } ' 2023-10-06 11:05:26.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:05:29.720 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 5056}' 2023-10-06 11:05:36.199 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 5156}' 2023-10-06 11:05:42.677 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 5256}' 2023-10-06 11:05:49.156 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 5356}' 2023-10-06 11:05:55.634 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 5456}' 2023-10-06 11:05:56.053 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:05:56.054 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155866 } ' 2023-10-06 11:05:56.353 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:05:56.354 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 236, "U2": 233, "U3": 234, "I1": 7885, "I2": 8045, "I3": 7983, "P": 5581795, "PF": 995, "E pres": 5465, "E total": 41142811, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155866 } ' 2023-10-06 11:05:56.416 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5454.795 2023-10-06 11:05:56.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:05:56.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 5469, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155867 } ' 2023-10-06 11:05:56.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:06:02.113 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 5556}' 2023-10-06 11:06:08.591 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 5655}' 2023-10-06 11:06:15.070 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 5755}' 2023-10-06 11:06:21.547 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 5855}' 2023-10-06 11:06:26.053 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:06:26.056 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155896 } ' 2023-10-06 11:06:26.353 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:06:26.355 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 236, "U2": 232, "U3": 234, "I1": 7882, "I2": 7911, "I3": 7976, "P": 5539495, "PF": 994, "E pres": 5929, "E total": 41143275, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155896 } ' 2023-10-06 11:06:26.396 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 4843.495 2023-10-06 11:06:26.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:06:26.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 5932, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155897 } ' 2023-10-06 11:06:26.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:06:28.025 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 5954}' 2023-10-06 11:06:34.504 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 6054}' 2023-10-06 11:06:40.981 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 6154}' 2023-10-06 11:06:44.167 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'stop [d7703ef000000000] [d029847f000000000000]' to 2023-10-06 11:06:44.168 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-06 11:06:44.168 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Received TCH-OK :done 2023-10-06 11:06:44.494 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 0}' 2023-10-06 11:06:44.496 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"State": 5}' 2023-10-06 11:06:44.537 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 0}' 2023-10-06 11:06:56.053 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:06:56.055 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155926 } ' 2023-10-06 11:06:56.353 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:06:56.355 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155926 } ' 2023-10-06 11:06:56.404 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 4655 2023-10-06 11:06:56.653 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:06:56.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155927 } ' 2023-10-06 11:06:56.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:07:26.053 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:07:26.055 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155956 } ' 2023-10-06 11:07:26.353 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:07:26.355 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155956 } ' 2023-10-06 11:07:26.398 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5004 2023-10-06 11:07:26.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:07:26.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155957 } ' 2023-10-06 11:07:26.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:07:56.054 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:07:56.056 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155986 } ' 2023-10-06 11:07:56.354 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:07:56.355 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155986 } ' 2023-10-06 11:07:56.395 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5024 2023-10-06 11:07:56.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:07:56.657 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 155987 } ' 2023-10-06 11:07:56.657 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:08:26.055 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:08:26.057 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156016 } ' 2023-10-06 11:08:26.355 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:08:26.357 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156016 } ' 2023-10-06 11:08:26.421 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 4376 2023-10-06 11:08:26.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:08:26.657 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156017 } ' 2023-10-06 11:08:26.657 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:08:56.055 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:08:56.056 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156046 } ' 2023-10-06 11:08:56.355 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:08:56.357 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156046 } ' 2023-10-06 11:08:56.402 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 3674 2023-10-06 11:08:56.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:08:56.657 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156047 } ' 2023-10-06 11:08:56.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:09:26.055 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:09:26.057 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156076 } ' 2023-10-06 11:09:26.355 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:09:26.356 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156076 } ' 2023-10-06 11:09:26.414 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 4203 2023-10-06 11:09:26.655 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:09:26.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156077 } ' 2023-10-06 11:09:26.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:09:56.055 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:09:56.057 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156106 } ' 2023-10-06 11:09:56.355 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:09:56.357 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156106 } ' 2023-10-06 11:09:56.406 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5204 2023-10-06 11:09:56.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:09:56.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156107 } ' 2023-10-06 11:09:56.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:10:00.034 - info: javascript.0 (1762973) script.js.strom.zirkulation_on_off: changeStateSteckdoseZirkulation 2023-10-06 11:10:00.034 - info: javascript.0 (1762973) script.js.strom.zirkulation_on_off: Steckdose ist bereits aus - Zirkulation aus 2023-10-06 11:10:26.056 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:10:26.057 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156136 } ' 2023-10-06 11:10:26.356 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:10:26.358 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156136 } ' 2023-10-06 11:10:26.454 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5275 2023-10-06 11:10:26.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:10:26.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156137 } ' 2023-10-06 11:10:26.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:10:52.396 - info: kecontact.0 (371943) change pause status of wallbox from false to true 2023-10-06 11:10:52.397 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:10:52.398 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156162 } ' 2023-10-06 11:10:52.697 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:10:52.699 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156163 } ' 2023-10-06 11:10:52.748 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 4437 2023-10-06 11:10:52.998 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:10:53.000 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156163 } ' 2023-10-06 11:10:53.001 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:10:56.056 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:10:56.057 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156166 } ' 2023-10-06 11:10:56.356 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:10:56.357 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156166 } ' 2023-10-06 11:10:56.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:10:56.659 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156167 } ' 2023-10-06 11:10:56.659 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:10:57.486 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 4285 2023-10-06 11:11:26.056 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:11:26.058 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156196 } ' 2023-10-06 11:11:26.356 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:11:26.357 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156196 } ' 2023-10-06 11:11:26.409 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 4063 2023-10-06 11:11:26.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:11:26.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156197 } ' 2023-10-06 11:11:26.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:11:56.056 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:11:56.058 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156226 } ' 2023-10-06 11:11:56.356 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:11:56.358 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156226 } ' 2023-10-06 11:11:56.411 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5068 2023-10-06 11:11:56.657 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:11:56.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156227 } ' 2023-10-06 11:11:56.659 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:12:26.056 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:12:26.058 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156256 } ' 2023-10-06 11:12:26.357 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:12:26.358 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156256 } ' 2023-10-06 11:12:26.433 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5056 2023-10-06 11:12:26.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:12:26.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156257 } ' 2023-10-06 11:12:26.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:12:56.056 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:12:56.058 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156286 } ' 2023-10-06 11:12:56.356 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:12:56.357 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156286 } ' 2023-10-06 11:12:56.413 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5316 2023-10-06 11:12:56.656 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:12:56.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156287 } ' 2023-10-06 11:12:56.658 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:12:58.191 - info: kecontact.0 (371943) change pause status of wallbox from true to false 2023-10-06 11:12:58.192 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:12:58.194 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156288 } ' 2023-10-06 11:12:58.492 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:12:58.494 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156288 } ' 2023-10-06 11:12:58.544 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 5366 2023-10-06 11:12:58.792 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:12:58.794 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156289 } ' 2023-10-06 11:12:58.794 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:13:17.552 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'stop ' to 2023-10-06 11:13:17.553 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:: wrong parameter count ' 2023-10-06 11:13:17.554 - error: kecontact.0 (371943) Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:: wrong parameter count 2023-10-06 11:13:26.057 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:13:26.059 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156316 } ' 2023-10-06 11:13:26.358 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:13:26.359 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156316 } ' 2023-10-06 11:13:26.408 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 4769 2023-10-06 11:13:26.657 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:13:26.659 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156317 } ' 2023-10-06 11:13:26.659 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:13:56.057 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-06 11:13:56.059 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156346 } ' 2023-10-06 11:13:56.357 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-06 11:13:56.359 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 6221, "E total": 41143567, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156346 } ' 2023-10-06 11:13:56.405 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Available surplus: 4873 2023-10-06 11:13:56.657 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-06 11:13:56.659 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 108, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41137346, "E pres": 6221, "started[s]": 1696582765, "ended[s]": 1696583179, "started": "2023-10-06 08:59:25.000", "ended": "2023-10-06 09:06:19.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "328c3604000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 156347 } ' 2023-10-06 11:13:56.660 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) History ID received: 00 2023-10-06 11:14:07.601 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Sent 'start [d7703ef000000000] [d029847f000000000000]' to 2023-10-06 11:14:07.602 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-06 11:14:07.602 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) Received TCH-OK :done 2023-10-06 11:14:08.051 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' 2023-10-06 11:14:09.034 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 16000}' 2023-10-06 11:14:12.506 - debug: kecontact.0 (371943) UDP datagram from '{"State": 2}'
@sneak-l8 Klar, ich hab nochmals ein Update im Code gemacht. Nun sollte wahrscheinlich beides funktionieren. Siehe Github ...
@christian-kohlöffel Hab den Merge gerade durchgeführt. D.h. die Wallbox war im beschrieben Fall (einer X-Sereis mit X2-Switch) nicht auf enabled, aber im State = 3? Das ist interessant. Denn eigentlich sagt der ena 0/ena 1 ja, ob geladen wird oder nicht. Und selbst wenn nicht geladen werdne soll (ena 0) ist currUser auf dem zuletzt eingestelten Wert.
Deshalb hatte ich auf den enabled-State abgefragt. Sonst wäre currUser immer 6 und er würde bei jeder Berechnung (alle 30 Sekunden) das Laden beenden wollen. Bei ena 0 ist die Stromstärke aber schon null und es ist kein stop-Kommando zu senden.
Es geht im Grund nur darum den "falschen" currUser-Wert auf 0 zu korrigieren, damit der Adapter nicht meint, die Ladung immer wieder stoppen zu müssen.
Oder liegt es an der Freigabe mit RFID und gar nicht an der X-Serie bzw. X2-Switch? Ist das ein weiterer Wert, der zu prüfen ist und aussagt, dass trotz currUser > 0 nicht geladen wird und die Ladung beim Aufruf mit regulateWallbox(0) nicht gestoppt werden muss? -
@malz1902 Danke für Deine Infos.
Aber sollte die Wallbox dann nicht abschalten, da ja mehr als 1500 Watt aus dem Netz gezogen wird? Oder verssteh ich das falsch?
Korrekt. Da wäre dann das Debug-Log interessant.
Keba P90 x-series
Danke, das hilft die Box zu verstehen. Die DE-Edition hat z.B. kein EnergyMeter und ich muss die Leistung "raten". Dann können die Ursache für Fehlerverhalten ganz andere sein...
Auto is ein VW ID4
Danke, beim ID.3 gab es beim Update auf 3.2 das Problem, dass manche Fahrzeuge das PV-Laden nicht mehr mitmachten. Da musste erst ne Sicherung gezogen werden, damit das wieder funktioniert. Die hatten nach dem 1. Ladestopp einfachn icht mehr weitergeladen. Das hätte vielleicht auch beim ID.4 sein können. Aber vermutlich hat es andere Gründe (siehe weiter unten).
kecontact.0.state setzt sich dann auch von 3 was anscheinend laden ist auf 5 was für pausiert steht?
Ganz genau. 3 = Laden, 5 = Ladepause
setzte im iobroker im state kecontact.0.start meinen RFID Tag, das Laden startet.
Das war nochmal wichtig zu wissen. Nicht jeder schaltet seine Wallbox mit RFID frei (ich z.B.
). Das ist dann nochmal etwas, was gesondert zu beachten ist.
Warum das Laden bei pauseWallbox nicht stoppt, verstehe ich erst mal nicht. Da wäre es mir lieber, ich hätte alle Log-Einträge (am besten mit Debug) um den Zeitpunkt herum. Den Log-eintrag, den Du gepostet hat, zeigt nur, dass der Schalter gesetzt wurde. Mich würden aber auch die Logs davor und danach interessiert um zu sehen, was der Adapter gemacht hat oder zuminest versucht hat, zu machen.
Jetzt habe ich kecontact.0.stop wieder gelöscht
Das macht keinen Sinn, dann wird das Stop-Kommando ohne Parameter gesendet und führt zu der von Dir aufgeführtne Fehlermeldung. Das Kommando wird nur einmalig beim Schreiben des State gesendet und hat danach keine Bedeutung mehr. Du musst es nicht löschen.
Danach nochmal kecontact.0.start gespeichert, laden startet wieder
Genau, mit dem Beschreiben des State start wird der Ladevorgang (wieder) gestartet, der State stop darf ruhig gefüllt bleiben, es interessiert nur ein neues Schreiben des States (du kannst immer durch Schreiben Deines RFID in stop den Ladevorgang stoppen, auch wenn der Wert schon im State drinsteht).
Fazit: es ist nur komisch, warum der Ladevorgang mit pauseWallbox nicht unterbrochen wird.
Aber @Christian-Kohlöffel hat evtl. auch genau dazu schon den Fehler gefunden. Die neue Version steht bei github bereit. Bitte lade diese Mal und schaue, ob es damit funktioniert.
Es könnte genau das Problem sein. Interessant wäre, was bei Dir der state "enableUser" ist, wenn Du lädst oder ohne Freigabe mit "start" das Auto angestöpselt ist. Vermutlich stand im Log nach dem setzen von pauseWallbox kein weiterer Eintrag, der besagt, dass ein Kommando gesendet wurde.Ich bin gespannt, was Du berichtest. Am liebsten erst nochmal mit der bestehenden Version anstecken und schauen, was "enableUser" macht und erst danach das Update machen und schauen, ob es damit geht.
@keksn puh, da bin ich gerade überfragt. Die Steuerung für die Batterie muss ich mir noch mal in Ruhe ansehen und dann die Modi implementieren, die weiter oben schon beschrieben und für gut befunden wurden.
@sneak-l8 Danke für deine Antworten, ich bin Montag/Dienstag unterwegs und komme erst Mittwoch dazu, melde mich dann.
Das Log wax ich gepostet hatte beinhaltete alles was im Log tand. Instanz stand auf Info für as Log, wie Du schreibst wenn ich pauseWallbox setze steht im Log das der Wert geändert wurde, mehr aber auch nicht.
Alle weiteren Infos folgen Mittwoch -
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Danke, beim ID.3 gab es beim Update auf 3.2 das Problem, dass manche Fahrzeuge das PV-Laden nicht mehr mitmachten. Da musste erst ne Sicherung gezogen werden, damit das wieder funktioniert. Die hatten nach dem 1. Ladestopp einfachn icht mehr weitergeladen. Das hätte vielleicht auch beim ID.4 sein können. Aber vermutlich hat es andere Gründe (siehe weiter unten).
Mein Id4 hat übrigens noch Software Version 2.4
Kam heute schon dazu, Version hab ich nicht aktualisiert.
Auto nicht angeschlossen:
kecontact.0.enableSys false
kecontact.0.enableUser true
kecontact.0.state 1
kecontact.0.start RFID Tag und Class
kecontact.0.plug 3
kecontact.0.stop RDID Tag
kecontact.0.automatic.pauseWallbox falseAuto angeschlossen - keine Ladung
kecontact.0.enableSys false
kecontact.0.enableUser true
kecontact.0.state 1
kecontact.0.start RFID Tag und Class
kecontact.0.plug 7
kecontact.0.stop RDID Tag
kecontact.0.automatic.pauseWallbox falseAuto angeschlossen - Ladung 11:08:27
kecontact.0.enableSys true
kecontact.0.enableUser true
kecontact.0.state 3
kecontact.0.start RFID Tag und Class
kecontact.0.plug 7
kecontact.0.stop RDID Tag
kecontact.0.automatic.pauseWallbox false2023-10-10 11:08:10.259 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Sent 'start [d7703ef000000000] [d029847f000000000000]' to 2023-10-10 11:08:10.260 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-10 11:08:10.260 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Received TCH-OK :done
Hier habe ich dann versucht pauseWallbox auf true zu setzen, Ladfung lief weiter
2023-10-10 11:10:21.464 - info: kecontact.0 (962275) change pause status of wallbox from false to true 2023-10-10 11:10:21.464 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 11:10:21.467 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 332028 } ' 2023-10-10 11:10:21.764 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 11:10:21.765 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 234, "U2": 233, "U3": 231, "I1": 7833, "I2": 7965, "I3": 7994, "P": 5523591, "PF": 994, "E pres": 1876, "E total": 41336244, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 332028 } ' 2023-10-10 11:10:21.843 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Available surplus: 3401.5910000000003 2023-10-10 11:10:22.064 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 11:10:22.066 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 123, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41334368, "E pres": 1883, "started[s]": 1696928887, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-10 09:08:07.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "48f3d718000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 332028 } ' 2023-10-10 11:10:22.066 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 11:10:25.394 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1934}' 2023-10-10 11:10:27.129 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 11:10:27.130 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 332033 } ' 2023-10-10 11:10:27.428 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 11:10:27.430 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 234, "U2": 233, "U3": 231, "I1": 7879, "I2": 7983, "I3": 7996, "P": 5535206, "PF": 994, "E pres": 1963, "E total": 41336331, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 332034 } ' 2023-10-10 11:10:27.476 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Available surplus: 3376.206 2023-10-10 11:10:27.728 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 11:10:27.730 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 123, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41334368, "E pres": 1969, "started[s]": 1696928887, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-10 09:08:07.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "48f3d718000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 332034 } ' 2023-10-10 11:10:27.730 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 11:10:31.868 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 2034}'
Habe dann manuell gestoppt indem ich den RFID Tag unter stop gespeichert habe
2023-10-10 11:12:35.904 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Sent 'stop [d7703ef000000000]' to 2023-10-10 11:12:35.905 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-10 11:12:35.905 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Received TCH-OK :done 2023-10-10 11:12:36.489 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 0}' 2023-10-10 11:12:36.491 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from '{"State": 5}' 2023-10-10 11:12:36.596 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 0}'
kecontact.0.state 5
Habe dann wieder gestartet indem ich start erneut gespeichert habe2023-10-10 11:13:51.415 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Sent 'start [d7703ef000000000] [d029847f000000000000]' to 2023-10-10 11:13:51.417 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-10 11:13:51.418 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-10-10 11:14:27.483 info vehicle (re)starts to charge
kecontact.0.state 3
Dann wieder gestoppt:
2023-10-10 11:15:07.264 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Sent 'stop [d7703ef000000000]' to 2023-10-10 11:15:07.266 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-10 11:15:07.266 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Received TCH-OK :done
kecontact.0.state 5
Jetzt wollte ich wieder starten, jedoch geht ein start nicht mehr2023-10-10 11:15:46.809 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) Sent 'start [d7703ef000000000] [d029847f000000000000]' to 2023-10-10 11:15:46.810 - debug: kecontact.0 (962275) UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:no need for start ' 2023-10-10 11:15:46.811 - error: kecontact.0 (962275) Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:no need for start
kecontact.0.enableUser stand immer auf true
Hier hilft dann nur eijnmal manuell Kabel aus dem Auto und wieder rein
40 Log-Größe: 444.1 KB Zeit Nachricht kecontact.0 2023-10-10 11:28:25.178 info vehicle plugged to wallbox kecontact.0 2023-10-10 11:28:21.809 info vehicle unplugged from wallbox
Adapter einmal von GitHub aktualsiert
2023-10-10 11:31:34.896 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'start [d7703ef000000000] [d029847f000000000000]' to 2023-10-10 11:31:34.897 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-10 11:31:34.897 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Received TCH-OK :done 2023-10-10 11:31:35.257 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' 2023-10-10 11:31:36.623 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 16000}' 2023-10-10 11:31:39.952 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"State": 2}' 2023-10-10 11:31:41.204 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"State": 3}' 2023-10-10 11:31:46.419 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 60}' 2023-10-10 11:31:52.896 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 160}' 2023-10-10 11:31:59.370 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 260}' 2023-10-10 11:32:03.996 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 11:32:03.998 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333330 } ' 2023-10-10 11:32:04.296 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 11:32:04.297 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 235, "U2": 234, "U3": 233, "I1": 7855, "I2": 7944, "I3": 7925, "P": 5546558, "PF": 994, "E pres": 334, "E total": 41339675, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333331 } ' 2023-10-10 11:32:04.343 - info: kecontact.0 (973352) vehicle (re)starts to charge 2023-10-10 11:32:04.343 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Available surplus: 3782.558 2023-10-10 11:32:04.596 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 11:32:04.598 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 125, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41339341, "E pres": 340, "started[s]": 1696930291, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-10 09:31:31.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "fd61ed18000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333331 } ' 2023-10-10 11:32:04.598 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 11:32:05.842 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 359}' 2023-10-10 11:32:12.318 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 459}' 2023-10-10 11:32:18.794 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 559}'
2023-10-10 11:33:20.435 - info: kecontact.0 (973352) change pause status of wallbox from false to true 2023-10-10 11:33:20.435 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 11:33:20.437 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333407 } ' 2023-10-10 11:33:20.735 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 11:33:20.737 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 233, "U2": 232, "U3": 233, "I1": 7905, "I2": 8000, "I3": 7947, "P": 5534025, "PF": 995, "E pres": 1512, "E total": 41340853, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333407 } ' 2023-10-10 11:33:20.883 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Available surplus: 3562.0249999999996 2023-10-10 11:33:21.035 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 11:33:21.037 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 125, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41339341, "E pres": 1518, "started[s]": 1696930291, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-10 09:31:31.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "fd61ed18000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333407 } ' 2023-10-10 11:33:21.038 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 11:33:23.753 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1560}' 2023-10-10 11:33:30.227 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1660}' 2023-10-10 11:33:33.996 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 11:33:33.997 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333420 } ' 2023-10-10 11:33:34.297 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 11:33:34.298 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 233, "U3": 234, "I1": 8008, "I2": 7972, "I3": 7926, "P": 5512907, "PF": 994, "E pres": 1721, "E total": 41341062, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333421 } ' 2023-10-10 11:33:34.346 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Available surplus: 3476.907 2023-10-10 11:33:34.597 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 11:33:34.599 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 125, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41339341, "E pres": 1724, "started[s]": 1696930291, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-10 09:31:31.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "fd61ed18000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333421 } ' 2023-10-10 11:33:34.599 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 11:33:36.702 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 1759}'
Auch jetzt wird noch weiter geladen, alo pauseWallbox hat immer noch keine Auswirkung
Dann habe ich wieder stop gespeichert, dann wieder start, dann wieder stop, bis hier gib wieder alles und ein 3. start geht dann nicht mehr
2023-10-10 11:35:04.599 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 11:35:07.361 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'stop [d7703ef000000000]' to 2023-10-10 11:35:07.362 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-10 11:35:07.362 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Received TCH-OK :done 2023-10-10 11:35:07.709 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 0}' 2023-10-10 11:35:07.711 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"State": 5}' 2023-10-10 11:35:07.787 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 0}' 2023-10-10 11:35:07.787 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 3160}' 2023-10-10 11:35:25.205 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'start [d7703ef000000000] [d029847f000000000000]' to 2023-10-10 11:35:25.206 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-10 11:35:25.207 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Received TCH-OK :done 2023-10-10 11:35:25.536 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' 2023-10-10 11:35:26.505 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 16000}' 2023-10-10 11:35:29.977 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"State": 2}' 2023-10-10 11:35:31.086 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"State": 3}' 2023-10-10 11:35:33.997 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 11:35:33.999 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333540 } ' 2023-10-10 11:35:34.297 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 11:35:34.299 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 233, "U2": 234, "U3": 234, "I1": 6751, "I2": 6221, "I3": 7628, "P": 5369865, "PF": 988, "E pres": 7, "E total": 41342520, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333541 } ' 2023-10-10 11:35:34.350 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Available surplus: 5600.865 2023-10-10 11:35:34.597 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 11:35:34.599 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 126, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41342513, "E pres": 13, "started[s]": 1696930522, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-10 09:35:22.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "53e5f018000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333541 } ' 2023-10-10 11:35:34.599 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 11:35:39.365 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 87}' 2023-10-10 11:35:45.840 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 187}' 2023-10-10 11:35:50.270 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'stop [d7703ef000000000]' to 2023-10-10 11:35:50.271 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' 2023-10-10 11:35:50.271 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Received TCH-OK :done 2023-10-10 11:35:50.590 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 0}' 2023-10-10 11:35:50.592 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"State": 5}' 2023-10-10 11:35:50.646 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 0}' 2023-10-10 11:36:03.996 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 11:36:03.998 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333570 } ' 2023-10-10 11:36:04.296 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 11:36:04.298 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 272, "E total": 41342785, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333571 } ' 2023-10-10 11:36:04.349 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Available surplus: 3535 2023-10-10 11:36:04.596 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 11:36:04.598 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 126, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41342513, "E pres": 272, "started[s]": 1696930522, "ended[s]": 1696930548, "started": "2023-10-10 09:35:22.000", "ended": "2023-10-10 09:35:48.000", "reason": 4, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "53e5f018000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 333571 } ' 2023-10-10 11:36:04.598 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 11:36:10.544 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) Sent 'start [d7703ef000000000] [d029847f000000000000]' to 2023-10-10 11:36:10.545 - debug: kecontact.0 (973352) UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:no need for start ' 2023-10-10 11:36:10.546 - error: kecontact.0 (973352) Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:no need for start
Sample: To charge your vehicle with a constant amperage of 6A regardless of surplus, set photovoltaics to false and limitCurrent to 6000.
slebst das hat wohl keine auswirkungen
2023-10-10 13:54:53.529 - info: kecontact.0 (984794) change of photovoltaics automatic from true to false 2023-10-10 13:54:53.529 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 13:54:53.531 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341900 } ' 2023-10-10 13:54:53.830 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 13:54:53.831 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 236, "U2": 234, "U3": 233, "I1": 15473, "I2": 15518, "I3": 15495, "P": 10897861, "PF": 998, "E pres": 126260, "E total": 41469045, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341900 } ' 2023-10-10 13:54:53.880 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Available surplus: 4533.861000000001 2023-10-10 13:54:54.130 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 13:54:54.132 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 127, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41342785, "E pres": 126273, "started[s]": 1696930870, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-10 09:41:10.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "f337f618000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341900 } ' 2023-10-10 13:54:54.132 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 13:54:55.590 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 126317}' 2023-10-10 13:54:58.934 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 126419}' 2023-10-10 13:54:59.645 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 13:54:59.647 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341906 } ' 2023-10-10 13:54:59.946 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 13:54:59.948 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 236, "U2": 234, "U3": 233, "I1": 15466, "I2": 15518, "I3": 15470, "P": 10893777, "PF": 998, "E pres": 126444, "E total": 41469229, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341906 } ' 2023-10-10 13:54:59.989 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Available surplus: 4532.777 2023-10-10 13:55:00.247 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 13:55:00.249 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 127, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41342785, "E pres": 126457, "started[s]": 1696930870, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-10 09:41:10.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "f337f618000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341906 } ' 2023-10-10 13:55:00.249 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 13:55:02.277 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 126520}' 2023-10-10 13:55:05.411 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 126615}' 2023-10-10 13:55:08.755 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 126716}' 2023-10-10 13:55:12.096 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 126817}' 2023-10-10 13:55:15.439 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 126919}' 2023-10-10 13:55:18.781 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 127020}' 2023-10-10 13:55:21.917 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 127115}' 2023-10-10 13:55:25.260 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 127216}' 2023-10-10 13:55:28.603 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 127318}' 2023-10-10 13:55:29.645 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 13:55:29.647 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341936 } ' 2023-10-10 13:55:29.945 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 13:55:29.947 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 236, "U2": 234, "U3": 233, "I1": 15448, "I2": 15522, "I3": 15493, "P": 10908070, "PF": 998, "E pres": 127356, "E total": 41470141, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341936 } ' 2023-10-10 13:55:30.041 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Available surplus: 4575.07 2023-10-10 13:55:30.245 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 13:55:30.247 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 127, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41342785, "E pres": 127362, "started[s]": 1696930870, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-10 09:41:10.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "f337f618000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341936 } ' 2023-10-10 13:55:30.247 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 13:55:31.946 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 127419}' 2023-10-10 13:55:35.291 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 127520}' 2023-10-10 13:55:38.426 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 127615}' 2023-10-10 13:55:41.770 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 127716}' 2023-10-10 13:55:45.114 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 127818}' 2023-10-10 13:55:48.457 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 127919}' 2023-10-10 13:55:51.800 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 128020}' 2023-10-10 13:55:54.935 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 128115}' 2023-10-10 13:55:58.278 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 128216}' 2023-10-10 13:55:59.645 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 13:55:59.647 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341966 } ' 2023-10-10 13:55:59.945 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 13:55:59.946 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 236, "U2": 234, "U3": 232, "I1": 15465, "I2": 15521, "I3": 15492, "P": 10884692, "PF": 999, "E pres": 128267, "E total": 41471052, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341966 } ' 2023-10-10 13:55:59.997 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Available surplus: 4572.691999999999 2023-10-10 13:56:00.245 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 13:56:00.247 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 127, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41342785, "E pres": 128273, "started[s]": 1696930870, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-10 09:41:10.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "f337f618000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341966 } ' 2023-10-10 13:56:00.247 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 13:56:01.622 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 128317}' 2023-10-10 13:56:04.966 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 128418}' 2023-10-10 13:56:08.310 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 128520}' 2023-10-10 13:56:11.654 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 128621}' 2023-10-10 13:56:14.788 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 128716}' 2023-10-10 13:56:18.132 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 128817}' 2023-10-10 13:56:21.476 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 128918}' 2023-10-10 13:56:24.820 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 129020}' 2023-10-10 13:56:27.955 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 129115}' 2023-10-10 13:56:29.645 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 2' to 2023-10-10 13:56:29.647 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 63000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341996 } ' 2023-10-10 13:56:29.945 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 3' to 2023-10-10 13:56:29.947 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 236, "U2": 234, "U3": 233, "I1": 15457, "I2": 15531, "I3": 15493, "P": 10908904, "PF": 999, "E pres": 129171, "E total": 41471956, "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341996 } ' 2023-10-10 13:56:29.992 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Available surplus: 4555.904 2023-10-10 13:56:30.245 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) Sent 'report 100' to 2023-10-10 13:56:30.247 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 127, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 41342785, "E pres": 129184, "started[s]": 1696930870, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-10-10 09:41:10.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0d7703ef00000000", "RFID class": "f337f618000000000000", "Serial": "22195027", "Sec": 341996 } ' 2023-10-10 13:56:30.247 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) History ID received: 00 2023-10-10 13:56:31.298 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 129216}' 2023-10-10 13:56:34.642 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 129317}' 2023-10-10 13:56:37.985 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 129418}' 2023-10-10 13:56:41.329 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 129520}' 2023-10-10 13:56:44.463 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 129615}' 2023-10-10 13:56:47.808 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 129716}' 2023-10-10 13:56:51.150 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 129817}' 2023-10-10 13:56:54.495 - debug: kecontact.0 (984794) UDP datagram from '{"E pres": 129919}'
ich bin einfach nur DUMM!!!!
Checkbox passiv raus und schon klappt alles
Ich habe nun ne PV Erzeugung von 3658 Watt.
Aus dem Netz ziehe ich 1748 Watt
Die Wallbox zieht 4192 WattJetzt möchte ich, dass wenn aus dem Netz mehr als 2500 Watt gezogen werden die Ladung pausiert.
Ist das so richtig?
@malz1902 wie gut, wenn die Lösungen manchmal zu einfach sind (ich beziehe mich auf den 2. Satz!
Das ist mir lieber als eine ewige Fehlersuche. So war es doch danneinfach zu lösen.... -
Ist das so richtig
Nicht ganz. Der Wert bei dauerhaft zulässiger Netzbezug sagt, dass Du munter lädst und dazu immer auch bis zu 2.500W aus Netz ziehen darfst. Dabei wird immer nur mit der minimalen Stromstärke geladen, aber bis zu 2.500W aus dem Netz geholt.
Bei der Ladeunterschreitung wird die Ladung beendet, wenn Du mehr als diese Leistung aus dem Netz ziehst. Dieser Wert wird dem vorangegangen noch zugeschlagen.
D.h. bei Deinen Werten lädst Du mit 3x 6A (ca. 4.140W) sobald Du 1.640W PV-Überschuss hast. Bei mehr Überschuss wird erstmal die Ladeleistung nicht erhöht und nur der Netzbezug verringert. Sobald dann der PV-Überschuss über 4.140W liegt, wird auchdie Ladeleistung erhöht.
Wenn Du jetzt noch 2.500W Ladeuntershcreitung angibst, dann stopppt der Ladevorgang erst, wenn der dauerhaft zulässige Netzbezug von 2.500W um 2.500W überschritten wird. Wenn du keinen größeren Verbraucher außer der Wallbox hättest, dann erst, wenn das Auto voll ist.
Wenn Du jetzt die Ladeunterschreitung auf 0W setzt, dann solltest Du zumindest bei "Laden auch bei zu geringem Überschuss" setzen. Sonst schaltet die Wallbox sofrt ab, wenn Du zu wenig Überscuhss hast, auch wenn nur für 10 Sekunden eine Wolke durchzieht. Da empfehle ich grundsätzlich mal 3-5 Minuten zu setzen.War das verständlich?
Edit: ich habe jetzt mal in der aktuellen Version für Neuinstalltionen 180 Sekunden als default für kurzfristigen Netzbezug hinterlegt und eine offizielle 2.0.2 gebaut. Die wird dann nächste Woche oder so als stable deklariert.
@sneak-l8 alles klar. Danke, wenn ich das richtig verstasnden habe müsste es dann eher so aussehen?
start bei 1640 W PV Überschuss und stop bei 3000 W aus dem Netz wenn länger als 180 Sekunden
@malz1902 Korrekt
eine doofe frage hab ich noch, was nutzt ihr für den phasen switch? der s10 vojn keba mit 250 € ist ja recht teuer
@malz1902 Ich habe einen Eigenbau. Mein Elektriker hatte mir für PV und Wallbox einen neuen Unterverteiler in die Garage gesetzt. Da ist richtig viel Platz drin. Da hab ich nun einen Shelly1Pro zum Schalten und einen 2Ö2S-Installationsschütz drin. Es gäbe auch einen "2 Schließer", aber mir war Öffner lieber, weil der dann weniger oft aktiv sein muss. Gibt nur leider keine 2Ö, nur 3Ö oder 2S2Ö. Aufgrund Verfügbarkeit und Flexibilität (wenn ich doch einen Schließer will) hab ich mich dann für letzteren entschieden.
Damit kommst du zum halben bis drittel Preis hin.