Test Adapter OpenDTU
@thomas-braun sagte in Test Adapter OpenDTU:
Danke, hat gepasst. Das Zugangspasswort muss das sein, das in der DTU eingetragen ist, oder?
@thomas-braun Gut. Es gibt aber leider Websocket Errors: Unexpeced Server Response 302
@axel sagte in Test Adapter OpenDTU:
Es gibt aber leider Websocket Errors: Unexpeced Server Response 302
Bei mir nicht.
@thomas-braun Der Port ist 80, oder?
@djmarc75 Danke. Dann werde ich morgen mein System mal komplett neu starten. Mal sehen was dann passiert.
@thomas-braun Also Neustar hat nix geholfen. Hast Du noch ne Idee?
Dann poste mal was aus dem LogFile dazu. Am besten mit Debug-Log-Level.
Hier der relevante Teil:
2023-06-29 14:22:00.614 - info: host.smarthome instance system.adapter.opendtu.0 started with pid 1809
2023-06-29 14:22:01.118 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection:
2023-06-29 14:22:01.145 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Objects client ready ... initialize now
2023-06-29 14:22:01.146 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Objects create System PubSub Client
2023-06-29 14:22:01.146 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Objects create User PubSub Client
2023-06-29 14:22:01.186 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Objects client initialize lua scripts
2023-06-29 14:22:01.188 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Objects connected to redis:
2023-06-29 14:22:01.208 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Redis States: Use Redis connection:
2023-06-29 14:22:01.220 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) States create System PubSub Client
2023-06-29 14:22:01.221 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) States create User PubSub Client
2023-06-29 14:22:01.243 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) States connected to redis:
2023-06-29 14:22:01.385 - info: opendtu.0 (1809) starting. Version 0.1.5 (non-npm: o0shojo0o/ioBroker.opendtu#27a02ed048bc0cc2c48692ce0eeac280ecf891c1) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.opendtu, node: v18.16.0, js-controller: 4.0.24
2023-06-29 14:22:01.649 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:01.654 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:02.747 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:02.747 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:03.873 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:03.873 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:04.999 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:05.000 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:06.130 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:06.130 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:07.266 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:07.267 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:08.379 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:08.379 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:09.504 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:09.504 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:10.636 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:10.636 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:11.759 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:11.759 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:12.888 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:12.888 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:14.010 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:14.011 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:15.140 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:15.141 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:16.269 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:16.270 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:17.412 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:17.412 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:18.514 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:18.515 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:19.642 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:19.642 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:20.665 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:20.666 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:21.791 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:21.792 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:22.924 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:22.924 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:24.050 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:24.050 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:25.201 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:25.202 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:26.298 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:26.298 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:27.425 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:27.425 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:28.549 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:28.550 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:29.679 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:29.679 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:30.700 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Websocket error: Error: Unexpected server response: 302
2023-06-29 14:22:30.700 - debug: opendtu.0 (1809) Start try again in 1 seconds...
2023-06-29 14:22:31.623 - info: host.smarthome "system.adapter.opendtu.0" disabled
2023-06-29 14:22:31.624 - info: host.smarthome stopInstance system.adapter.opendtu.0 (force=false, process=true)
2023-06-29 14:22:31.626 - info: host.smarthome stopInstance system.adapter.opendtu.0 send kill signal
2023-06-29 14:22:31.626 - info: opendtu.0 (1809) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF
2023-06-29 14:22:31.627 - info: opendtu.0 (1809) terminating
2023-06-29 14:22:31.628 - info: opendtu.0 (1809) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2023-06-29 14:22:32.159 - info: host.smarthome instance system.adapter.opendtu.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) -
Setz das bitte in CodeTags.
Und die openDTU ist wie aufgesetzt?302 ist ja ein redirect. Warum auch immer der da geschmissen wird.
@axel deaktiviere die original DTU
@r1schleicher Ja, ich hatte eine original DTU testweise im Einzatz. War aber Mist. Wie deaktiviere ich das?
@thomas-braun Also, es ist ein ESP32S Dev Kit C V4 NodeMCU mit einem NRF24L01 + PA + LNA Funk-Transceiver-Modul 2.4G. Geflasht habe ich das Ganze mit Hilfe von
openDTU und AhoyDTU sind aber zwei Paar Schuhe.
@thomas-braun ... dann habe ich da wohl eine falsche SW geflasht...
Das sieht so aus...
@thomas-braun gibt es ein HowTo für die richtige Firmware?